Do-it-yourself small window curtains - step-by-step instructions. Decorating small windows with curtains and curtains in a wooden house Roller blinds for a small window

Correctly selected curtains for a small window visually enlarge it, create a feeling of spaciousness even in a small room, and add zest to the design of the entire interior.

Among the variety of types of curtains, it is extremely important to choose best option. This article will help you understand such a difficult issue. So, what do you need to consider when choosing the right curtains?

For the living room, you can choose light tulle and side curtains, as well as curtains, which are a sheet of fabric gathered into horizontal or vertical folds (festoons). The cornice is equipped with a lifting mechanism, therefore, you can adjust the lighting of the room. Such curtains look elegant both when lowered and when assembled.

Roman blinds will also look harmonious here. They do not weigh down the window opening, and when raised, the folds look elegant. They can be used together with side curtains or complemented with a canopy.

A laconic option is roller blinds or blinds. But this the design is suitable only to modern interior styles (high-tech, minimalism, etc.)

Lambrequin can be complemented with any curtains (classic, Roman, roller, pleated). For a small window, it is better to make a lambrequin of a simple cut, without unnecessary decorations or draperies. There is no need to use thick and heavy fabric or create voluminous folds. For such window will do narrow lambrequin with a carved pattern. It will perfectly complement the curtains and will not take away sunlight.

Curtains for a private home can be decorated with fringe, tassels, ruffles, embroidery, lace, bows, ribbons, and tiebacks.

You should not overload the canvas with decorations; you need to know when to stop.

Curtains for the kitchen

For kitchen window will fit classic curtains, Roman, roller, French, English, pleated curtains, “cafe”, “ hourglass", blinds.

"Cafe". Ideal for village house. They are small, neat curtains in a rustic style. At the top there is a narrow lambrequin with a drawstring, loops or ties. The second part of the curtain is hung in the middle of the window opening.

"Hourglass". Looks good on a small window. A tubular cornice or string is fixed at the top and bottom. The fabric is put on it using a drawstring and pulled in the middle with a grab.

Pleated curtains. They consist of a sheet of fabric that is attached to the window frame. There is a lifting mechanism that makes it easy to gather the fabric into beautiful folds. This type fits any window shape. Curtains can be complemented with a lambrequin or side curtains.

For kitchen curtains, it is better to choose a simple, durable fabric that is resistant to fading. Now there are materials that have dirt-repellent impregnation. For the kitchen, short or middle length curtains, which makes them easier to care for. For the kitchen it is better to choose a simple cornice made of metal or plastic.

Curtains for bedroom

Not only suitable for the bedroom classic options. The window opening can be decorated with Roman blinds; they go well with the side curtains.

London curtains– an elegant option for small windows. They are a rectangular sheet equipped with a lifting mechanism. Rings with cord are sewn onto the canvas on both sides vertically. When lifted, the cord tightens, creating beautiful folds. Such curtains are usually decorated with fringe or ruffles.

You can also hang it in the bedroom french curtains, roll or pleated.

Helpful Tips:

  1. the cornice should be simple, light, 20 cm wider than the window opening on each side;
  2. cut - strict, without lush decorations;
  3. curtains should hang from edge to edge of the cornice;
  4. Multi-layer design is suitable for such a window. Tulle and strict curtains with tiebacks will help hide the imperfect shape of the window;
  5. curtains should not be very long. The ideal length is to the windowsill or slightly below.

Curtains for the bathhouse

Bathhouse – traditional wooden building. The design of the rest room should be simple, without fancy elements. Usually they use the Russian hut style and the rustic style. Curtains for a private home are an important functional design element. They protect the room from excessive sun and drafts. You can make curtains for small windows for a bathhouse yourself.

How to choose curtains for small windows in a wooden house: tips

  1. For sewing, use only natural fabrics (chintz, linen, cotton, bamboo fiber) or mixed ones.
  2. Choose light, light, semi transparent fabrics, plain or with a small pattern, so that there is enough sunlight in the room.
  3. The cornices should be simple and light, so as not to burden the small window opening.
  4. Choose a curtain design that matches your interior style. Do not use heavy, dense materials.
  5. The design should be discreet and simple. Curtains that match the walls will make the window less noticeable.
  6. Curtains for a narrow window are best sewn to order.
  7. Curtains are hung with hooks, loops, ties, eyelets, Velcro or drawstrings. The type of fastening must be selected depending on the type of curtains.
  8. It is better to fix classic curtains with tiebacks so that light can enter the room.
  9. For curtains narrow windows it is necessary to design a narrow lambrequin from light fabrics, with a minimum number of folds, decorations and draperies.

Curtains are important element decoration of a window opening, which has both aesthetic and practical functions. This textile is designed to hide the owners from prying eyes, as well as to regulate the lighting of the room. Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the aesthetic component: curtains should not only be functional, but also matched to the interior, and also emphasize the window opening. Choosing the right curtains becomes more difficult if they are going to be installed on a small window, since there are a large number of restrictions.


Basic selection rules

When selecting curtains and additional textiles, designers advise taking into account the features of the interior that the curtains will highlight, but at the same time they ask you to follow the basic general rules:

  • Choose plain products. They do not draw the eye to a small window and visually enlarge the opening.
  • Give up decor. Additional elements on the curtains make them more voluminous, and it seems to the owner as if the window is entirely hidden behind aggressively decorated textiles. Only in exceptional cases is a small and simple pattern allowed: checkered patterns, dull polka dots, plant motifs.
  • Avoid floor-length curtains. A narrow or low window will look awkward against the backdrop of massive long curtains. If the window opening is small, then the curtains should not be large.

  • Install the cornice correctly. It should be wider than the window opening, as this will visually increase the size of the window. At the ends of the cornice you can install decorative attachments that are dim but interesting in shape. They will distract the attention of guests from the opening itself.
  • Use additional elements on top. Since the curtains themselves are rarely decorated only in the upper part, it is recommended to purchase other types of curtains. The best way to elegantly disguise the small size of a window opening is to use a lambrequin. This element is a short but wide textile strip, similar to a heavily cut curtain.

The lambrequin occupies no more than a quarter of the window in the upper part, so it does not “eat up” daylight. At the same time, it creates the illusion of an impressive window opening.

  • Use drawstrings or curtain holders. If you have chosen classic curtains, which consist of two strips of textiles, it is recommended to gather the curtains closer to the bottom and move them to the side from the windows. Thus, the line of curtains will gradually expand. It is better to place the holders 10-15 cm from the window opening, so that from below it is not blocked at all, but only softly framed.
  • If style allows, use simple Roman blinds. When folded, they perform the function of lambrequins, drawing attention to the upper part of the window, and when opened, they do not put pressure, but seem light. Such curtains are practical, are one of the modern trends, and also practically do not collect dust.
  • Select curtains exactly to match the style of the room. If the curtains turn out to be too original and stand out from the overall scheme and atmosphere, they will invariably attract the eye and focus attention on the lack of a window.

When designing a small window, it is advisable to use the services of a designer to avoid basic mistakes. However, an amateur who has familiarized himself with the above rules can cope with the task.

Maintaining unity of style and color scheme is very important, but, in addition, you should also choose curtains based on the principle of practicality, as well as based on their purpose.

For kitchen

The kitchen space is one of the most used spaces in the house. This is where textiles get dirty most quickly, as they are exposed to various fumes, and sometimes stains from food or drinks appear on them. When choosing curtains, it is important to consider the level of practicality.

Long curtains from thick fabric not suitable for the kitchen. They will not only “eat up” the visual space, but will also quickly get dirty, and will take a long time to wash and dry. If the owner wants to visually expand the window and at the same time choose curtains without sacrificing practicality, you should pay attention to modern models Roman or roller blinds from artificial materials. Synthetic fiber dries faster and gets dirty less. It is often treated with a special compound that repels dust and dirt.

Optimal choice There will be light Roman blinds with horizontal soft stripes. This type pattern visually expands the window.

If the window is very small or faces the north side, where there is always not enough sun, it is recommended to use light translucent tulle instead of Roman blinds. It may be white or light pastel shade. High-quality tulle allows you to partially hide the owners from prying eyes and at the same time transmits sunlight rather than absorbing it. Tulle is easy to wash and dries quickly. But due to the light texture and monochromatic coloring, tulle textiles do not completely hide the defect of the window.

In order for guests and household members to notice the small dimensions of the window less, you should use a lambrequin that is restrained in style. In the kitchen, this should not be a draped and fringed piece of velvet, but a light, light material, cut to look like a simple geometric shape. An abundance of tassels will make the lambrequin too massive and pressing on the entire kitchen space.

Decoration in the living room

The living room is the place where it should be greatest number natural light, since this is where the owners receive guests, spend leisure time and often engage in work activities. Light is necessary to keep household members active. If the window in the room is small, the problem is natural light gets even more acute.

Curtains in this type of room should be quite large, since all the furniture in the living room is usually large in size. Light translucent tulle against the background of a large sofa or modular system storage will look ridiculous. In addition, the living room requires more privacy than the kitchen, which means thicker curtains.

Designers believe that the optimal solution in this case is to sew curtains with your own hands from light, but dense materials. WITH outside(facing the street) the fabric must be high-quality dyed so that the dye does not fade under the influence of the sun. On the inside, which is accessible to the eyes of household members, there should not be any catchy patterns. The principle of minimalism continues here. You should pay attention to products in the following shades:

  • lilac;
  • light blue;
  • grey;
  • lavender;
  • pistachio;
  • light pink;
  • soft orange;
  • beige.

The most versatile option is gray curtains. They shade black and white interior, emphasize red-gray, and also look good against the backdrop of rooms decorated in Scandinavian style. But when choosing a shade, you should first of all focus on the color scheme of the entire interior. Perhaps a consultant will help you select the color of the fabric. Large home textile stores employ designers who are even ready to create a quick three-dimensional floor plan with color arrangements. The curtains will already be selected for it. This service is not free, but it will cost much less than hiring a designer separately.

If you need to hide the living room from outside views, but still leave it sunny enough, you should use light Roman blinds or thicker curtains with small translucent areas. For example, curtains with a geometric pattern made of translucent material are sold. Let us remind you that simple patterns, especially horizontal ones, are not a disadvantage, but only an advantage for a small window opening. But complex compositions in the hall are strictly prohibited.

In the living room, as in other rooms, the basic rule should be followed: curtains are short and wide. If you want to frame the window opening all the way to the floor, you can use light tulle in a shade that does not attract attention.

For the bedroom

In the bedroom it is necessary to create the most intimate atmosphere, so the material is always selected dense and light-proof. It is recommended to make a set of different curtains: thick curtains designed to protect from the light of lanterns at night, translucent Roman blinds to hide from prying eyes during the day, as well as tulle, which acts as a frame at any time. It is important to remember that what more types curtains are used simultaneously, the more difficult it is to create a harmonious composition.

Reading time: 7 minutes

Most often, small windows can be seen in small rooms– this could be a kitchen, a nursery, a storage room or a small hall. Unfortunately, the small size of the window leads to a visual reduction in the size of the room in which it is located. But regardless of its size, the window requires decoration. Curtains for a small window will help compensate for the lack of light in the room without preventing a large amount of natural light from entering inside.

You can add zest to the interior of the room with the help of a well-chosen drapery, curtain or curtain.

  • In the case of small window openings, when choosing material for sewing, you should avoid large drawings, dark or gloomy colors.
  • Try to match the color to the overall tone of the room.

Below we will look at the types of curtains for small windows that you should pay attention to when creating your own style and design, and which curtains are suitable when the window is small.

Classic curtains

Despite its centuries-old origins, the classic style of interior design remains relevant and in demand. With their charm they can transform any room beyond recognition, giving it rigor and elegance. A significant plus in favor of choosing classic style there is the possibility of using it under almost any wallpaper and furniture, while maintaining clear and strict proportionality.

If you decide to turn to classic curtains, then you should pay attention to light, soft, discreet colors. These include beige, white, light yellow, soft brown and even honey. It is these colors that will allow your curtains not to stand out from the overall interior, but only to emphasize it, while letting a huge amount of light into the room. daylight.

You should not choose satin or silk fabric - they are quite difficult to process. The best solution for a classic style there will be velvet, linen or cotton.

Roman curtains

Even in Ancient Rome, they were used as decoration and addition to the interior of the imperial halls and chambers of wealthy Romans. The wide range of applications and versatility of fasteners make them widely popular in modern world.

Technical design Roman blinds provide simplicity and versatility of use. They are a rectangular sheet of fabric through which a rope is stretched lengthwise. Using manual force or an automatic drive, it is possible to adjust their height. At the same time, they are folded into rectangles of the same size.

Despite the simplicity of their design, they help to stylishly decorate a small window that often needs to be opened or closed with a curtain - in the kitchen, bathroom or living room. Versatility of use is ensured various ways fixation - they can be attached to the ceiling, to the cornice or to the top of the window frame.

Curtains with hinges

Hinges are one of the main ways of attaching drapes and curtains to the cornice. Most often, the material chosen for the loops is the same as that which was used to sew the curtains. This style is usually used in bedrooms or children's rooms, creating a calm, cozy and relaxed environment. Recommendations for the selection of material are similar to the classic ones.

Japanese curtains

This style is perfect solution for lovers of minimalism. It has absorbed centuries-old Japanese traditions, combining simplicity, elegance and lightness.

The design of the curtains consists of lightweight fabric panels that let in a lot of light - that’s why they are ideal option when decorating small windows. The fabric can be used plain or with patterns, but the overall background should still be light.

Used for installation special fastenings, that allow manually or using electric traction to move the curtains left, right or up, which ensures ease of installation and use.

Scandinavian style

This type of curtain is characterized by restraint, composure, conciseness and calmness. When sewing, natural, light and translucent fabrics with natural light colors. Dominates here White color, on which colored ornaments are applied. These curtains are used in bright rooms, and, letting in a huge amount of daylight, visually expand the room. Their use on small windows is highly recommended due to their compactness.

Curtains for a small window in Chinese style

They are smooth sheets of fabric that are cut according to required size. Adjustable only manually using two vertical bands. A special feature is the weighting material, which is attached to the bottom of the curtain and stretches the fabric.

When choosing Chinese curtains First of all, attention should be paid to products made of transparent fabric. They are easily complemented with colored ribbons and form a single and unique style, which fits well under small windows and emphasizes the bright and lush interior of the room.

Country style

True rustic style involves using only natural colors and materials - in this case, curtains were no exception. Designers use three main fabrics - cotton, linen and chintz. Their simplicity and conciseness are ideal for this style.

Country is used in cases other than minimalism. They are hung on windows to complement the overall interior, filled with living vegetation, bright and juicy flowers, perfectly highlight furniture and accessories made of natural wood.

Drawings on a white background can be very diverse - berries, fruits and flowers. Despite the length of the curtains, the lightness of the fabric used allows them to be used even on the smallest windows.

Italian curtains

If you only need a few touches to complement your interior, pay attention to the Italian style. Simplicity and conciseness can compete with the magnificent classic style. In the hands of a skilled designer, these curtains will highlight any interior with any color scheme.

The Italian style is dominated by minimalism, dominated dark colors, but most often light and transparent fabrics are used. Due to such combinations of the weight and shade of the fabric, moderate transmission of daylight is achieved. This is suitable for lovers of mystery and mystery.

Grandma's curtains

The style is very similar to country, but more subdued tones are used here. Most often, all that remains of the country style is white or beige background, which is diluted with fabric inserts of a different light, for example, red or burgundy. In this way, both the simplicity of the products and the emphasis on home warmth and comfort are achieved.

This style is one of the most ideal for decorating rooms with small windows - because they cover only the lower half of the window, filling the room with a huge amount of natural light.


Most often, this solution is used for narrow windows. For sewing, a single piece of light but durable fabric (or tulle) is used, which is attached to small cornices or strings at the top and bottom. The material, as a rule, is chosen in light colors - beige, white, the color of baked milk, light brown or gray. All kinds of bows, braid, and longitudinal lines look great.

In the middle, the canvas is intercepted with a ribbon, which may have the color that was used to sew the curtain itself, or another shade that can emphasize general interior rooms, color window frame or furniture. Thanks to this element, this style resembles a huge hourglass, hence the name.

This is an ideal solution for small windows, since thanks to the interception of the canvas in the middle, space is created on the sides for the passage of daylight.

Roller curtains

If you want to achieve maximum ergonomics, it is recommended to use curtains. They are practically weightless, since either very thin plastic or lightweight fabric. Using manual force, they are rolled up onto a special roller, which allows you to control the length of the web at any time. Thanks to this, the choice of material shade is limitless - even if the fabric is dark brown or black, you can adjust the length of the curtain at any time to pass required quantity Sveta. They are attached to top part window frames, which saves you from searching for a suitable cornice.


  • When choosing material for sewing, you must not forget about the fire hazard of light and transparent fabrics. The most dangerous decisions in this regard will be long curtains made from weightless fabrics, they should not be used in the kitchen or nursery.
  • You should also pay attention to solutions that use plastic - if it catches fire, it tends to instantly fill the room with acrid smoke. It should be used in well-ventilated areas.
  • Should not be used long canvases on windows that small children can approach - there is a possibility that the child will pull it off, damaging the canvas, cornice, or be injured as a result of their fall.

It is difficult to imagine a house, an apartment without windows. Some people have a spacious home with high ceilings, large window openings, which are called floor-to-ceiling, while others have everything small, including this one architectural element- window. This is a kind of exit into the world - anyone will want to see what is happening outside the window now - is it raining or the gentle sun is shining.

But you won’t be constantly contemplating what’s happening, you want some kind of privacy so that passers-by won’t be able to see what’s happening in the house. It is partly for this reason that people are accustomed to framing window spaces with woven and nonwoven materials, drape, assemble them into beautiful compositions that would look nice not only from the home, but also from the street.

Types of small curtains

Small means not at all the space under the window opening, that is, not up to the floor, but only covering only one important part of it - the glass. There may be the most various options decoration, design, different textures and design, it all depends on the imagination of the housewife and her taste. There are classic and innovative options:

  1. In Italian style. Their peculiarity is that the window does not open completely, that is, part of it is always protected by the material. Structurally, cords are stretched on both sides, which are attached diagonally to the cornice - the result is a crossing of the panels, and this gives original look throughout the room. Connecting part masked with rosettes, tassels or bows - this variation is perfect for bedrooms;
  2. Austrian version- this drapery, which can freely rise and fall on strong cords. Austrian-style curtains cannot be made from heavy fabric; they are all made from light organza, original tulle or taffeta. This option can perfectly complement the living room or dining room, giving them romance and originality;
  3. French touch in framed openings- are made according to the cascade principle, they can be compared to some extent with the previous version, but they are assembled only from the bottom. Usually this is a multi-sectional semicircular fabric that can be draped at different levels. Light textured fabrics are suitable for this type, for example pastel color tulle. They are good for framing openings in places where you need to add romance and elegance, for example, in a bedroom or a common living room;
  4. Roman variety– are also based on the drapery of the material, but not in height, but in the length of the fabric. Thanks to the unique design of cords, rings, fasteners - tails are obtained in the most intricate form; decorative elements in the form of ruffles, tassels, etc. are sewn on their ends. Not a lot of base material is used to make them, but as a result of the unusual drapery, their appearance is sometimes classic, and sometimes it is avant-garde and cannot leave anyone indifferent. They are very good for decorating a balcony space, kitchen or living room; they can fit into any interior design;
  5. Pleated fabric– this type is suitable for those rooms where the opening has non-standard shape, for example, in the form of an arched or vaulted opening, polygonal in appearance. Such curtains can be made only in conditions clothing production– you can, of course, make the pleats yourself, but it is very troublesome and expensive. What is characteristic is that even after washing the folds do not disappear - such persistent composition applied to fabric. Usually they decorate classical-style interiors, adding a little romance to the positional solution;
  6. London traditions- in the Russian interior. This type has a completely cascading design; when the curtains are raised, many soft folds are formed, they can be fixed decorative elements- ribbons, bows, which ultimately form an unusual garland. Their difference is in the design; it is completely executed in traditional London manners - stripes, or checks, and different in size and color. But the British also really adore patterns of small wildflowers or bouquets gorgeous roses. These decorative elements are always light, calm shades, and can be perfect for decorating a children's room or dining area;
  7. Oriental motifs in Japanese style - these are fully constructed ready-made frames with stretched fabric, and the design is necessarily associated with eastern traditions - these are cranes or lotuses throughout the texture of the fabric. If you take not one, but several similar frames at once, you can equip a whole Japanese corner, capturing parts of nearby walls. Their purpose is to minimize space with a small pattern and a unique texture.


  • Classic – familiar palace curtains;
  • Modernity is a forgotten modernity. Something that was fashionable just a few years ago;
  • English – conciseness coupled with simple elegance;
  • Country - rustic motifs in an urban interior;
  • French - reminiscent of the decoration of a royal boudoir;
  • Austrian - all interior details are associated with mountains, alpine meadows;
  • Roman - clarity and conciseness in design art, a kind of reminder of the fighting formation of a square;
  • Japanese - it should always contain numerous screens, large and small panels - frames on which fabric with a peculiar Japanese motif is stretched;
  • Cafe - removable panels, they cover the entire window at night, and during the day they are removed, leaving the opening unprotected from sunlight;
  • Provence - can be made only from the lightest colored fabric of various pastel shades;
  • Eclecticism - the difference is in double material for using night and day curtains on one cornice. Heavy drapery fabric with light fabric decorated with beads, all kinds of feathers, small fittings;
  • Avant-garde is a combination of incompatible things. This principle is inherent in this style.

How to decorate a small window

  1. Classic version– a cornice is attached horizontally above the opening, and combinations of curtains are placed on it. Some people like mandatory availability coupled with lightweight materials and night curtains, and some simply ignore them.
  2. For visual increase space you can install cornices at different levels in two or three options. Place curtains of different texture, density, and color on each of them - originality and uniqueness will be the difference in the design of the entire interior.

If the window opening has an arched appearance, then it should be equipped with special cornices, which can be purchased to order or in specialized stores. But they will also require original curtains. To reduce costs, instead of the usual cornice, you can simply drive hooks into the wall in the shape of an arched arc.

Sloping attic openings can be decorated using a cornice placed directly on the ceiling - beautiful folds will hide the slope of the wall, and the space will be a single whole.

Design techniques

To visually enlarge small space rooms, simple techniques are used - a ban on the use of multi-color textures and selection of a pattern to match the wallpaper. In this case, striped fabric is best, which will create the illusion of a high ceiling.

When decorating a house in Provence style, curtains are selected with a wicker texture; checkered or striped fabrics can be used.

Country style you need to select the appropriate furniture so that it is in harmony with the selected type of curtains.

When registering a house in Empire style, and the curtains should carry the same theme - luxury and well-being.

How to choose the right small curtains

Need to be guided simple rules, which are the same for all designs:

  • Combination of color, style, texture with general design rooms;
  • The woven material must have antistatic properties so that dust particles cannot linger on it;
  • It would be a shame if, immediately after the first wash, the curtains significantly change their original size and simply shrink - the fabric should have the property of not shrinking in size due to hot processing.

For the bedroom

The main principle for selecting window decoration in the bedroom is the light-proofness of the curtains. It is also important to make the atmosphere peaceful, conducive to relaxation, so the color should be in pastel colors. You can pay tribute to fashion and choose decor with a unique print. General rules must be followed here - it should not stand out from the general background with colors or a special texture - everything should be in the same color scheme.

For kitchen

Not in all modern apartments you can combine the cooking area with the living room - this is the lot of luxury housing with its own chic interior, selection of furniture and decor. Most kitchens are small, or even very small size, and window design in them has its own characteristics:

  • Curtains should let in as much sunlight as possible, so heavy drapery fabrics will not work;
  • Cooking is always accompanied by steam from pots or pans, which moves freely around the kitchen and deposits on the curtains. Therefore, the fabric should wash well, not shrink or fade. Synthetic materials, which can be found in abundance on sale, have such properties;
  • Harmony is an important condition for creating a cozy home atmosphere, so the fabric should match the overall decor of the kitchen, for example, if the furniture is gray, then the curtains can be in light blue tones.

How to sew small curtains

If the housewife did not miss home economics lessons, which were probably still available in many educational institutions, then sewing a simple everyday curtain on her own will not be difficult for her.

You need to choose a beautiful color of the fabric, find a pattern, and sew everything on a machine, using all the recommendations.

Step-by-step instruction

If located near a window dinner table As this usually happens in small kitchens, there is no point in sewing long curtains. You can even cover half the window - just block the view from the street, and attach an ordinary gathered plain or colored fabric along the top on the cornice - it will be original and stylish.

The width of the canvas must match or be greater than the horizontal size. Laying it out on the table, baste the top and bottom hems. Please note that if you make the top hem larger, you can then thread twine into it, gather it together, and the window will look beautiful. Sew the basting on the machine - the curtain is ready. Attach a lambrequin along the cornice with clothespins - the kitchen has become cozier and more beautiful.

How to combine two small windows with curtains

This happens in corner apartments– two window openings at once fill the room with light, and there are much more drafts. What can you do to avoid this? The cornices above them should be different - each above its own window, but the fabric should be one, then you get the illusion of a common space.

For the second window, you can choose a fabric with a unique motif, for example, a wide field or a seashore - it’s nice to feel at home on the seashore or a chamomile field.

Curtains are a special element of the interior. For some it’s just a small detail, but for others it’s a way of placing accents. Moreover, not only floor-length curtains, but also small curtains can be bright. Textiles are held in special esteem today, different variants curtains can be seen in photo catalogs from famous brands. Often, bright, interesting textiles stand out against the background of furniture of calm colors and shapes - the same curtains.

This is a real fashion statement - stylish DIY curtains. These could be cafe curtains, a cornice or a plank to support them, starting just below the middle of the window. It turns out that they do not completely cover the window opening. The cafe curtains are cozy, miniature, neat.

It’s easier to decorate a small window, and there are a lot of decor options:

  • Calico curtains. Country style has already become a classic. Such curtains decorated not only the window opening; they were sewn with their own hands and decorated with their own hands. For a small window, such homemade curtains are an excellent option.
  • Japanese curtains. They will decorate a small window opening; this decor is done in a minimalist style, and is suitable for those who do not accept anything superfluous in design.
  • Roller blinds . A popular option nowadays. These curtains don’t even reach the window sill, but they serve good decoration in a small window opening. They come in a continuous linen that is easy to adjust.
  • Roman curtains. They are assembled into an accordion and look fresh and elegant. You can sew them yourself by choosing a fabric that will fit into the interior of the room.
  • Blinds. Different types blinds continue to be one of the most popular. You can find your own modern version for both narrow and small-sized windows.

You can, of course, decorate a small window with floor-length tulle. Choose transparent, airy material with an interesting pattern.

Options for curtains for windows (video)

DIY curtain for a small window

If you have never sewn curtains before, your first venture might be curtains for a small window. The main thing you must do is take the measurements correctly. You shouldn’t make the first thing too complicated, for example, use three layers, or sew curtains to the floor. Classic curtains for a standard window opening will be enough.

And if there are ready-made patterns, a sketch can also be found on the Internet, then what about the decor, which can benefit even the most modest curtains.

DIY decor for curtains:

  • Holders. This is just an accessory, not at all mandatory, but it adds cuteness to any curtain. The cutest holders look like little animals - a fabric cat with long arms or a funny snowman who holds a curtain with its paw branches.
  • The decor can be themed. For example, during the holidays you can decorate the curtain with beautiful garlands that literally touch the floor. These are louvered garlands of snowballs, Christmas trees, deer, flowers, stars, hearts.
  • Inside the window, in the opening itself, you can hang a module. On a rigid hoop decorated with lace, they can “sit” on the threads paper butterflies. Instead of butterflies there can be the same snowflakes, hearts, snowballs.

It is best to have replaceable sets of holders; this process is fascinating, and craftswomen usually do not stop at one accessory.

Ideas for decorating a small window (video)

Curtains for two windows

What if there are two windows inside one room? Should the curtains be the same in this case? The logical answer is yes. But lately, designers have been avoiding such banal decisions. Let the curtains be made of the same fabric, the same style, but with some visible differences that will be played out in an interesting way.

There are three options for such accents:

  • Oblique decorative tapes. Diagonal thin ribbons with pendants can go from one corner of the window to another. For example, we fix one end of the tape in the upper right corner, it goes to the other side, and is fixed 20 cm below the upper left corner. Bias tapes are a highlight for floor-length curtains. It turns out that on one window the tape comes from the left edge, and on the other - from the right.
  • Various holders. For example, one opening is decorated with a white textile cat with claws, and the other with a black cat. Together we get a gorgeous composition made with our own hands.
  • Butterflies have arrived. Place a butterfly on each curtain, the same design, but in different colors. Usually such butterflies are attached to a pin. And for short curtains, and for floor-length curtains this is a good decor.

These are just three tips, there are probably more. For example, this could be a mirror design of two curtains.

Stylish floral tiebacks: how to decorate curtains (video)

DIY window curtains: Provence style

Curtains in the Provence style are the very tenderness and naturalness. Both large and miniature windows can be decorated with such curtains. In the Provencal style, curtains for attic windows are chic.

What do you need to sew such curtains?:

  • Fabric in natural natural colors, ideally with a small floral print;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Roulette;
  • Braid or lace ribbon.

The “handwriting” of Provence can be traced in the textile design of any modification: these can be both strict Roman blinds and country curtains

You can find ready-made patterns; inside old cutting and sewing magazines you can find curtain models that are coming back into fashion today. Style provencal curtains very simple and the decor is not complicated.

Features of curtains in Provence style:

  • All kinds of frills, but in small quantities;
  • Lambrequin, which decorates the opening from above;
  • Floor-length curtains are usually made from light, lightweight fabrics;
  • Curtains with loops and ties are popular;
  • Coincidence with other textiles in the room (tablecloth, bedspread, napkins) is of great importance.

Curtains for windows: textile interior design (video)

Curtains are what makes a home cozy. Therefore, it is believed that it is not worth saving on the choice of curtains; textiles today help a modest interior look more interesting, as well as visually update old renovations a little.

Design of curtains for windows (photo)