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Shaving is the most common and most convenient way to remove excess hair both men and women. You can shave in different places, you can shave with different razors and different ways. Here are some basic rules that everyone should follow when shaving.


Part 1

choose a razor

    Disposable razors are convenient and cheap. Of course, it is very difficult to cut yourself with disposable razors, but you still need to shave with them carefully. The only difference between disposable razors for men and women is the design of the handle.

    • These razors are cheap and... disposable. They are bought in bulk and thrown away after 3-5 uses, when the blades become completely unusable.
  1. Multi-blade razors - increased efficiency. Such razors usually come complete with replaceable blade cartridges, but sometimes such razors come entirely in the disposable segment. Different brands and models can differ significantly in ease of use, reliability and efficiency. The more blades, the better the razor shaves in less time.

    Double-edged razors - thoroughness and economy. These razors are experiencing a new peak in popularity among men. And while multi-blade razors are technically safety razors, double-edged razors are what we mean when it comes to safety razors. Such single-blade razors are extremely rare.

    • Buy the razor handle separately. You can find them in many places - and at very different prices. Often, by the way, it is the handle that requires the main cost of a razor, since the blades themselves are quite cheap.
    • Buy double blades for these razors in bulk, especially since they are quite cheap. The blades are inserted into the razor by hand.
    • Double-edged razors usually last about five times. They are cheap, so it is recommended to change them if you shave every day, once a week.
    • Double-edged razors are very sharp and can easily cut you, especially if you're not very good with them yet. It's better to start with safer razors.
  2. Electric razor for dry shaving. Most electric shavers are only suitable for shaving dry skin, and they do not shave as close as blade razors. But you can shave with them, say... while driving! Although this is not recommended, of course.

    • Inexpensive electric shavers are slow because, unlike razors, they do not remove all the hair in an area in one stroke.
    • They may not be as cheap as they seem at first glance - the shaving heads of electric shavers need to be changed from time to time.
    • Some electric shavers can be used on raw skin or with shaving cream. Such razors do not have power cords, have specific markings and... are expensive.
  3. Straight razor - elegance and precision. With the spread of disposable and electric razors, they went out of fashion, because shaving with them requires a lot of experience and skill.

    • Straight razors are probably the sharpest of all (and almost the heaviest). And, most likely, shaving with straight razors will leave maximum cuts on your skin. But in the hands of a true professional from the world of shaving, it is straight razors that will give the highest quality shave.
  4. Part 2

    before shaving

    Wash your face or the area you are going to shave. This will remove excess oil and dead epithelial cells from the skin, which can interfere with the razor or cause skin irritation or even infection. In addition, washing your face moisturizes the skin, softens it and makes shaving easier.

  • Wash your face before shaving warm water- it will soften the follicles and help the pores open, so you will have a better shave.
  • Try shaving after you shower. If you shave in the morning, shaving after showering will give your hair time to absorb moisture, making shaving easier.
  • Apply shaving cream to damp face. You should not shave without gel - there is a risk of making a lot of cuts. Remember, the razor should not touch your bare skin - only with the cream as an intermediary. Otherwise, the blade will scratch the skin rather than glide across it.

    • Shaving cream should be applied where you will shave, it will make the hair softer and moisturize the skin. If you are in a hurry, then you can shave with either conditioner or soap (but only if you are in a very hurry).
    • If you are using a shaving brush and whipping the cream until it becomes foamy, squeeze a small drop of cream (about the size of a coin) into a container. Whisk the gel in a circular motion; if necessary, add cold water. Bring the gel to a foam consistency, this will take 2-3 minutes. Using a brush, apply the foam to your face in a circular motion in several layers.
  • Let the cream remain on your face for 1-2 minutes. Give the shaving cream a couple of minutes and you will notice a difference when shaving. The cream will make your facial hair even softer and more moisturized.

    Part 3

    wet shaving

      Hold the razor correctly. If you're shaving with a multi-blade razor (and you probably are), hold the razor correctly, at about a 30-degree angle to your skin, with the razor head against your skin. Extend your index finger at the top of the razor.

      Shave in the right direction. The first movement is to shave according to the hair growth. Usually it's top to bottom, but not always. If you shave against the direction of hair growth, you will shave a longer hair length, but at the same time, this will be fraught with greater skin irritation. If you often break out, if you often get ingrown hairs, or you just think your face is too pretty to ruin it with skin irritation, shave according to the hair growth. And don't forget about:

      • If you have a lot of facial hair because you haven't shaved in a while, trim your beard before shaving. It is much easier to deal with one or two days of stubble with a razor than with a month-long beard.
      • Everyone has their own hair growth patterns. If you're not sure which direction your hair is growing in, don't shave for a few days and then look at the angles at which your hair grows. ''On different parts facial hair can grow under different angles''. So you will have to remember this carefully and move the razor accordingly to shave in the direction of hair growth.
      • It is normal to run the razor over the same area several times. By shaving in the direction of hair growth, you won't shave as much as if you shave against hair growth (however, there will also be less blood). It's completely normal to shave, lather again, and clean up the rest - it won't make you any less masculine or feminine.
      • For a shorter (and safer) shave, move the razor in a sideways motion the second time. If your hair grows downward, move the razor from left to right (or vice versa). This way you will shave shorter, and there will be less irritation than if you shaved against the hair growth.
    1. Rinse your razor from time to time to keep it clean. You want to keep your razor blades clean. So if you think it's time to rinse your razor, go for it.

    2. Let the skin stretch slightly. There is no need to stretch it with all your might, but if you don’t stretch the skin at all, the chance of cutting yourself increases.

      • If you are shaving in your armpits, raise your arms as high as possible to stretch the skin in your armpits. A razor with multiple blades and a rubber strip will help stretch the skin while shaving.
      • It starts right below the jaw line for many men. problem area In terms of shaving, there is a contour there. So when you shave there, lift the skin on your cheek upward so that the skin that was under your jaw is now higher. And shave in the direction of hair growth.
    3. Try to avoid the temptation to force shave. There is no need to put pressure on the razor unless it is dull. A sharp razor will provide a clean shave without unnecessary pressure.

      • Yes, under pressure the razor will shave a little shorter - but it will also irritate the skin more.
      • If you press on a razor where the blade is already dull, it will not shave, but rather tear the hair. Instead, try to keep the razor as close to the skin as possible so that the sharp end doesn't snag any more than necessary.

      Part 4

      dry shaving
      1. Use shaving lotion suitable for shaving with electric razors. Since electric shavers work on the principle of cutting rather than shaving, you want the hair to stand straight and not be too strong.

        • Alcohol-based lotions will help remove excess oil from your skin and straighten your hair, making it easier to shave.
      2. Shave your face, moving with or against the direction of hair growth. Unlike razors, when it is difficult to shave against the hair growth, with an electric razor this will not be a problem.

        • If you have a round head razor, move it in small circular motions.
        • Press lightly. There is no need to press the razor into your face unless you want to shave some skin as well. Don't drive it too fast, give the shaving head time to do all the work for you.
        • Shave sensitive areas of your face first. This is due to the fact that the razor will heat up during operation, and this can lead to skin irritation. It's better to shave the sensitive areas first, leaving the difficult ones for later.

    No matter how much “those who completed internships in Britain or other countries” tell us Western Europe» stylists about the quality of close shaving, about ritual trips to a prestigious barbershop and other delights of caring for facial hair using newfangled and expensive means and methods, most men remain faithful to the traditional razor. It is he who helps us out on vacation and on a business trip, it all starts with him as soon as the first stubble appears, and in the end we return to him when there is no time for barbers and the electricity is turned off. But, oddly enough, more than half of men do not know how to shave properly - although they do it every day throughout their adult lives.

    What can I say? This article will help those who have just encountered facial hair and a razor for the first time, and for those who already have experience, but something constantly goes wrong (cuts, irritation, ingrown hairs, etc. after every shave) ). You can also have a beautiful and high-quality shave at home, and today you will learn how to do it step by step.

    Shaving technique - step by step instructions

    Some self-confident individuals believe that if a machine is called “safe”, you do not need to have any operating skills. Of course, the technique of shaving with such a device is much simpler than with a straight razor, but you also need to know its basics and remember to put them into practice.

    Where to begin

    And it all starts with going to the store and choosing the right razor and everything that comes with it. We described in detail how to do this and what you need to know when buying a safe machine in another article. Now let’s just remind you of what you still need for a perfect home shave:

    • safety razor - with replaceable blades or disposable as an alternative on the road or on vacation;
    • shaving product - foam, gel or;
    • shaving brush if using shaving cream;
    • aftershave or aftershave with a soothing and refreshing effect;
    • hydrogen peroxide in case of cuts - although if you do everything carefully and slowly, according to our instructions, there will be no cuts.

    What else you will need is hot water, a mirror and good lighting. Very good, this is extremely important. If such lighting is not provided in the bathroom, it is better to go to the kitchen or even to the balcony.

    Reminder: under no circumstances should you shave with a razor with a dull, rusty blade. In practice, it has been established that both the blade and the disposable machine should be changed every three procedures. If you save and are lazy, you will get hellish sensations with each subsequent shave, irritation and ulcers.

    Skin preparation

    And now the first and probably the most main advice: Never try to dry shave. This does not save time at all, it does not save money, and especially nerves. This does not save anything at all, but only leads to abrasions, peeling, pain, psychosis and, as a result, much greater costs for the treatment of pimples after shaving and ingrown hairs.

    Therefore, remember once and for all: you can shave only well-moisturized, steamed skin, onto which a special shaving product is then applied - soap, foam, gel. Ideally, if time allows, shave after a shower or bath - then the skin is perfectly steamed, the shave will be fast, high-quality and comfortable.

    As an alternative: just wash with hot soap and water or apply a terry towel to your face, soaked in hot water and well pressed. By the way, this is exactly what professional barbers do - it is believed that warming up with a towel is more effective than regular washing. Apply the towel for about half a minute, this is enough to open the pores and make the hairs softer.

    • the hairs become softer and will be easier to shave;
    • A soap film forms on the skin, allowing the blade to glide smoothly and protecting against minor injuries.

    Regular soap cannot cope with such tasks; it contains too many alkalis. The hairs will remain coarse, and the skin will be dry and irritated after shaving. But as an option, you can use a special shaving soap - some manufacturers produce this today. If you like it, use it for your health. So, the skin is properly prepared, moisturized, covered with abundant soft foam - you can proceed directly to shaving.

    Advice: modern manufacturers offer a wide range of shaving products for various types skin. Take the time to read the label before purchasing and choose the appropriate one, then shaving will turn from an everyday torment into a pleasant and expected procedure.

    Direction of movement

    This is the second one, no less important aspect. Remember once and for all your life: the destruction of facial hair starts from the top and gradually moves down. The machine must move strictly according to hair growth - and nothing else. On certain areas The machine can move diagonally, but still from top to bottom, and not vice versa. If you neglect this simple rule, skin irritation and ingrown hairs cannot be avoided.

    In the most hard to reach places exceptions are possible, hairs here can be removed only by direction against their growth. Try to do this in one movement. If this does not work, it is better to remove the remaining vegetation with tweezers or cut it with scissors.

    Skin stretching

    There is no need to press hard on the machine, nor is there any need to process the same area five times in a row. If you prepare the skin well and keep the blades of the machine sharp, all the hairs will be shaved well in two, maximum three passes. If you want to make the process easier and faster, stretch the skin with your free hand.

    The most problematic area is the mustache growth area above the upper lip and chin. These places are difficult for a razor to reach; it will not be possible to tighten the skin. All you can do is close your lips tightly and press them to your teeth. Try to make as few passes as possible; the skin in this area is very sensitive.


    To shave your neck efficiently and safely, you will need maximum attention and very good lighting - we remind you again. Review is very important so you don't miss anything and get hurt. The direction of movement of the machine in this area changes: now you need to move from below towards the chin. The head should be tilted back if you need to slightly stretch the skin with your free hand.

    That's all! Do not make unnecessary movements so as not to injure or irritate the skin, and after every third pass, rinse the razor under running water to remove hairs stuck between the blades. If the bristles are soft, then you can get by cold water. If it is hard, rinse the machine in hot water.

    Features of shaving with a disposable razor

    A disposable shaving machine is used in essentially the same way as a regular one. What is the difference:

    • majority inexpensive models they do not have a floating head and a comfortable handle with a lock, therefore the risk of injury is higher, and the shaving process itself will take longer and require more care;
    • on cheap disposable machines, the blades are not of the highest quality; they can only cope with coarse hair in the 3-4th pass. This increases the likelihood of irritation and cuts.

    The problem can be solved simply: try using a little more shaving cream and rinsing the razor more often. Some require two disposable machines for one procedure. This is better than a red face covered in scratches and spots with islands of poorly shaved stubble. But ideally, think about purchasing a good one, functional machine. After all, for yourself, your beloved, after all!

    After shaving

    First, you should remove the remaining foam and carefully examine the results of your efforts. If unshaven hairs are noticed somewhere - usually this is the chin area, around the lips and nose - then you should re-apply shaving cream to the problem areas and correct the situation. Ingrown hairs are removed with thin tweezers.

    Also see:

    After shaving, the face must be soothed and the skin disinfected. What can be used for this:

    • soothing and moisturizing gels;
    • softening and disinfecting balms;
    • disinfecting and refreshing lotions.

    It is not recommended to use the cream immediately after shaving - first you need to soothe the skin and close the pores. To do this, you should first wash your face with water at room temperature - not ice! Then gently pat your face and neck dry with a soft towel or napkin or apply aftershave.

    How to shave if you have a beard

    Don't think that if you have a beard, you can now forget about the razor forever. You will still have to shave from time to time if you do not want to look like an Al Qaeda member in six months. They start with the cheeks, then move to the temples and sideburns, and finally treat the neck. At the end of the process, the beard itself is also combed and trimmed with scissors or a special machine.

    Summary: The safety shaving technique is considered the simplest of all possible. It’s not at all difficult to master, the main thing is to remember three basic rules: good hydration using special means, the direction of movement is strictly according to hair growth, a high-quality, sharp machine and good lighting. AND last instruction: do not rush! Haste has never done anyone any good. And in this case, you will gain no more than five minutes, which still will not save you if you are late.

    Shaving is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This is a real art that you will have to learn from your own experience, gradually achieving perfection. But if you want to look attractive and neat, sooner or later you will succeed.

    There are several tricks that will help you master shaving techniques much faster. A clean shave is every man's dream. But why does such a seemingly simple thing actually turn out to be so complex?

    Literally a century ago, shaving techniques were passed down as something secret - from father to son. And this was due to the fact that a straight razor was used back then; with one careless movement you could easily cut yourself with it.

    However, now no one has been using straight razors for a long time. They have been replaced by disposable razors, which may not shave as cleanly, but they are truly comfortable. In the morning, disposable razors greatly facilitate our lives; they can even be used to shave automatically.

    However, even a disposable machine needs to be learned to use. The main thing here is to take this matter as seriously as possible, since shaving will require a lot of attention from you, unless, of course, you want to get hurt.

    Which shaving machine to choose

    Currently, you can choose absolutely any razor: with replaceable blades, a disposable razor or an electric razor. It depends on your preferences, the sensitivity of your skin, as well as its type.

    Many people think that using an electric razor is the most rational way. You don't need any special skills to use it. However, it is unlikely to be suitable for young skin with increased sensitivity, and at the same time, not every electric razor is capable of shaving off hard and thick stubble.

    Shaving stages

    Step one

    Before you start shaving, you should wash your face thoroughly. hot water. Firstly, water will allow the skin to wake up properly and remove swelling after sleep, and secondly, relatively heat softens the stubble and prepares it for shaving. For shaving, you can use various gels and creams.

    Dampen a small towel with hot water and squeeze thoroughly. Then apply it to your face for a while. This will allow you to soften your stubble even more, even better than simply washing with hot water.

    Step two

    Now apply shaving foam or gel to the areas you plan to shave, that is, your face, chin and neck. The product should be applied using circular movements so that the foam penetrates properly between the hairs of the bristles. This way you can distribute it evenly over the entire surface. For greater convenience, try using a special shaving brush or shaving brush.

    You should make sure that the blade of the machine is sharp enough. It is not recommended to use a dull machine, as this will almost certainly cause you to cut yourself or cause skin irritation. Be sure to consider how sensitive your skin is. If you have chosen disposable machines for yourself, then you need to change them as often as possible. They do not shave more than two or three times with one machine.

    Step three

    The face begins to be shaved from the cheeks. Run the machine from top to bottom along your cheek. It doesn't seem that difficult, but if you miscalculate the pressure and push too hard, you'll cut yourself or get irritated. The hair on the cheeks is quite soft and does not require additional effort when shaving it.

    The main rule of shaving is that you must shave exclusively in the direction of hair growth; you cannot shave against the growth. Otherwise, irritation will appear on the skin and cuts will remain, which look extremely unattractive.

    However, to achieve as much as possible best result Many men use a little trick - they do not shave strictly according to the growth of the stubble, but hold the razor at an angle. You can try this method and see if it suits you.

    While shaving, you can use your free hand to stretch the skin on your cheek, making it easier to cut hair. Then shaving will be much more effective, and the skin will become elastic after shaving. In addition, this technique will allow you to quickly deal with problematic hair that grows at right angles to the skin.

    Do not press too hard on the machine. It will be quite enough if your movements are smooth and confident. Try to determine the amount of effort you will make to shave your facial hair yourself.

    When shaving under the chin, move the razor from the neck to the chin itself. It is in this area that many men face the problem of ingrown hair. Resolving this difficulty is not so difficult with the help of tweezers. They use it to pick up the hair and then carefully shave it off. However, the area of ​​skin where the ingrown hair was located should be given Special attention. It is best to rinse it with plenty of water and then apply some product, such as lotion or aftershave cream.

    The machine should be washed under running hot water as often as possible, since hair gets stuck between the blades very quickly. They will interfere with a close shave and can cause cuts on the skin.

    It is best to steam the stubble - this will make it much easier to shave. With soft bristles, the blades are moistened in cold water- it will glide over the skin much easier.

    If you have hard stubble, then you should not use cold water when shaving - it will make shaving uncomfortable and lead to irritation.

    Once your cheeks and neck are completely shaved, you can begin shaving your chin and mustache. These areas are where the stubble is the toughest, so you need to be especially careful - there is a high chance that you will cut yourself or get irritated when shaving these areas.

    The stubble on the chin and mustache should be softened as best as possible. The task is simplified by the fact that these areas are shaved last. While you are busy getting your cheeks and neck in proper shape, shaving foam will soften the stubble on these problem areas of your face.

    If the need arises, try washing off the foam and applying it again - this will make shaving much easier for you. To make the task as easy as possible, try shaving with your lips pressed as tightly as possible to your front teeth. The machine here must move under small angle. Remember what less movement the blade is done, the better it will be for your skin, since it will receive less irritation.

    Step four

    So, shaving is almost finished - all that remains is to get rid of hair in hard-to-reach places. But first you should check if there are any missing sections.

    First, wash your face to get rid of any remaining foam, and then carefully examine your face. If there are suddenly unshaven hairs left somewhere, then apply foam to this area and shave them off again. If your skin is not too sensitive, then you can, in principle, do without foam - it will be enough to moisten the blade with hot water and shave the missed area of ​​skin.

    Quite often, problems arise in places on the cheeks near the nose, as well as on the jawline. If there is stubble left in these areas that cannot be shaved correctly, that is, according to hair growth, then try to pick desired angle, under which unshaven hair can be removed.

    If even this does not help, then as a last resort you can use the forbidden technique, that is, try to shave it in the direction of hair growth. However, you should not resort to this technique too often, as the skin in areas shaved against hair growth will become irritated and red, which will be noticeable.

    Step five

    So, you're completely shaven. Now you need to wash your face with cool water. Avoid water that is too cold, as it will close all the pores of your skin and make them impossible to apply lotion on. The same will happen with small cuts.

    It is better not to use cologne, as it does not contain emollient oils that prevent irritation. It also contains a large number of alcohol, which can dry out the skin.

    After shaving, the skin can be treated either with one lotion, or after it dries, apply cream as well. In these cosmetics They usually contain large quantities of emollient oils that prevent irritation.

    Tip 1. It is most convenient to shave in the morning, since while you were sleeping, the skin was able to rest enough, and shaving will not become such an unpleasant process for it at this time. However, you shouldn’t immediately run to the bathroom after getting up and grab a razor. It is best to wait about twenty minutes for the slight swelling of the face to subside, since the skin also takes some time to fully wake up.

    Tip 2. Immediately after shaving, you should not lubricate your skin with lotion or cream. Otherwise, the pores will become clogged, and very noticeable and unpleasant pimples will begin to form. Of course, you can get rid of them, but it’s better to simply prevent them from appearing.

    After shaving, rinse your face with cool water, pat your skin dry with a towel and apply lotion. After it dries, you can already treat the skin with aftershave cream.

    Tip 3. The shaving water should be hot, but the temperature should not be too high. You should not allow the water to burn your skin, as this will cause irritation.

    Tip 4. It is quite acceptable if you don’t shave every day for now, since the more often you take to the machine, the harder and denser your stubble will be. It is best to shave once every three days, but not less often, otherwise you will look unkempt.

    Tip 5. Which razor to choose is up to you. The basic rule that must be followed strictly is to change the blades as often as possible, otherwise you will injure your skin while shaving. Cuts and irritation look untidy.

    Tip 6. Use a shaving gel that does not contain soap at all - it will prevent your skin from drying out. In addition, if the shaving product does not produce foam, this will allow you to shave all the hairs more thoroughly without skipping.

    Tip 7. Immediately after shaving, do not grab the towel. Give your skin a little rest. Also, do not wipe your skin with force. You just need to blot it so that the towel absorbs all the excess water.

    Tip 8. Sometimes the skin is too sensitive and does not want to get used to the razor blade. You can cope with this problem with the help of special cosmetics. Try to choose creams, oils and lotions for your skin that do not contain alcohol, which is what irritates the skin. Try enriching your diet with B vitamins.

    If you're a fan of quality, traditional shaving with minimal fuss, invest in a safety razor.

    Let's look at the basic rules of care to protect yourself from mechanical injuries and always look neat and aesthetically pleasing.

    First shave - new lesson in life. You may cut yourself or miss some areas of skin the first time. This is fine. As you learn to shave, you will make mistakes, it's part of the learning process. With practice, the process will become easier and more natural.

    When to start shaving

    One day you will notice darker hairs forming on your chin and around your upper lip. First, consult with the older men in your family to see if you have enough hair on your skin to move to the next “level” of self-care.

    Choose the best place

    No best place for shaving than in the bathroom and shower, where hot steam opens the pores of the skin and softens the hair follicles.

    Shave when you're relaxed

    Shaving is a difficult job for many guys, especially during the busy morning hours. Alternative option- shave in the evening, when you can do it at a relaxed pace.

    Which machine to choose?

    You need to consider each type, the cost of the razor, how it feels on your face and how low the hair can be cut without irritating your skin.

    • Disposable razors are purchased in sets and thrown away after five or fewer uses.
    • Other manufacturers sell razors with replaceable cartridges- high quality disposable double edge blades.

    Important! Change blades or purchase disposable blades about once a week.

    How often should you shave?

    Men shave their faces every one to three days, depending on how quickly their facial hair grows. Some guys think that if they grow a beard, they won't have to shave. But regular care for growing hair is still important.

    Reference! Touch your palm to your skin and feel the thickness of your hair to help you know when to shave.

    How to shave for beginners correctly in the video:

    What is better to use - a manual razor or an electric razor?

    You will find two popular types of razors: electric and regular manual.

    1. Electric razor hair is removed quickly and comfortably on dry skin. But with high hairiness, the procedure should be repeated three to four times a week. In addition, inexpensive electric shavers are slow and do not cover the entire section of hair in one pass.
    2. Safety razors They are economical, they come in T-shaped, disposable and reusable. There is also a big advantage of the machine: the hair is cut lower. However, here you will need water, shaving cream or gel.

    If your choice is a machine, buy double-edged blades in bulk and one blade separately. Typically a blade will be a more significant investment since the blades themselves are relatively cheap. The blade of the safety razor is unscrewed and the used blade cartridge is replaced manually.

    What is better to use - a razor or an electric razor is explained in the video:

    Shaving technique - step by step instructions

    You will need:

    • Towel.
    • Mirror.
    • Safety razor.
    • Shaving cream and brush.
    • Container with warm water.
    • Aftershave moisturizers or talcum powder.

    Shaving technique:

    1. Wash your face or area you want to shave with warm water. Warm water softens hair follicles and encourages skin pores to open. It is beneficial to carry out the procedure after taking a hot shower.
    2. Apply shaving foam (gel) to damp skin. Leave the foam on the skin for a couple of minutes. The blade should never come into contact with the skin without lubrication!
    3. Maintain the correct tilt! Hold the blade with your index finger extended over the top of the shaft. The razor blade should be raised at a 30-degree angle.
    4. Clean the blade constantly! Every time before removing hair from another area of ​​skin, dip the razor in warm water, clearing it of cut hairs stuck between the blades. A clean blade is the key to healthy skin!
    5. Gently stretch the skin. You don't need to stretch the skin too much, but a little tension will help create a flat surface for the razor to glide on easily. The most problematic area is the chin. While paying attention to him, lift the skin of your cheek.
    6. Do not press the machine. For a good, easy shave, always use a sharp razor. Applying pressure to a dull blade improves the shave slightly, but it tears the hair rather than cutting it. Do not apply pressure to the razor.

    Be careful!


    Manufacturers offer a wide range of shaving products: soaps, foams, creams, gels, lotions, antiseptics.

    • Foams and creams Provide a silky feel that allows the blade to glide smoothly across the surface of the skin. But some creams can be heavily scented, so the choice depends on your personal perception.
    • Gelsa good choice for sensitive skin as they contain nourishing ingredients to soothe the skin. But gels can clog the blades and may require you to clean your razor a little longer.
    • Soap has the best effect, but also dries out the skin greatly.

    The choice of product should be tailored to your skin.

    Hair direction

    You will find that your hair grows in different directions and at different angles (up, down, diagonal) in different places.

    The direction in which you style your hair is consistent with its growth, and the direction in which you lift and pull back is the opposite.

    Reference! Proper shaving technique is like a skier going down the slope with a marker flag.

    Shaving against the direction of growth may be the fastest, but it is also a shortcut for cuts, damaged hair follicles, and ingrown hairs.

    How to make sure you are following the direction of hair growth? Examine the stubble with a magnifying mirror. To avoid accidental cuts against changing growth directions, use testing movements with your fingertips and gentle razor glides.


    How to care for your skin after shaving:

    • Wash your face with warm water. Use a scrub to remove dead skin cells.
    • Rinse with cold water. Water will soothe freshly shaved skin, constrict blood vessels and reduce bleeding in case of cuts.
    • Dry your face with a clean, soft towel.
    • Use a generous amount of aftershave moisturizer that is free of perfumes and other potential irritants.
    • Clean and dry the blade. This will avoid contamination, mineralization and oxidation of the steel, and will extend the service life of the blades.

    Never use deodorants, antiperspirants, perfumes, or alcohol-containing products on freshly shaved skin!

    How to avoid irritation?

    You'll likely experience this itchy sensation many times when you first start shaving.

    Reference! The so-called “razor burn” appears on the skin after a few hours as a result of improper procedure. This is an irritating rash that in mild forms forms redness, and in severe cases leads to ulcers, lumps and nodules due to hairs grown into the skin.

    How to prevent irritation? Use our tips.

    1. Mitigation. Before the procedure, use steam and emollients.
    2. Exfoliation. Using a scrub, you can bring out potential ingrown hairs and remove dead skin cells.
    3. Use a natural soft bristle brush(for example, badger).
    4. Choose the right razor. Some men use razors with five blades. This is too much. If your skin feels irritated after every shave, consider replacing your razor. Choose a cartridge with one or two blades.
    5. Consider the direction of hair growth. Making several passes in the direction of hair growth is much better than one pass against it.
    6. Shave easily. Do not press on the machine.
    7. Use a sharp razor. If you cut a tomato with a dull knife blade, its skin will tear. This is roughly what happens to your face. Replace blades with new ones more often.
    8. Disinfect the blade. Bacteria on the blade is one of the causes of irritation. To prevent their formation and reproduction, use regular pharmaceutical alcohol.
    9. Clean the blade before each cut. Residues of hair and cream on the blade prevent you from making the next clean cut. Rinse the blade after each pass.
    10. After shaving, rinse your skin with cool water. Water will immediately close the pores.
    11. Use a moisturizer or balm. Apply aloe balm or pharmaceutical cortisone cream to eliminate inflammation. Both of these products help prevent the formation of ingrown hairs.

    How to avoid irritation after shaving is described in the video:

    Remember, everyone's preferences are different. Density, growth, hair structure - all these factors are determined at the genetic level. You may know guys who barely grow facial hair. There are also many teenagers who grow a beard during their school years.

    Choose methods, tools and products for removing unwanted hair that are right for you.

    Every second man starts his day with a procedure for removing excess facial hair, in simple language- from shaving. The modern industry of shaving tools offers many devices for this, be it disposable and reusable razors, razors and electric shavers, clippers and trimmers. But most often men use conventional machines.

    You need to learn how to properly shave with a machine from a young age, since improper shaving disrupts the growth of mustaches and beards, causes irritation and inflammation of the skin, and leads to injuries, abrasions and cuts. In this regard, experts recommend that all men follow the standard instructions on how to properly shave a beard with a machine at home.

    The shaving machine has been in use by men for a long time, much earlier than modern electrical appliances. Modern stores offer a wide range and selection of machines for depilating beards and mustaches, and stylists and barbers name the main advantages of using machines. For example:

    • High-quality and effective shaving. With the help of such a tool, a man will be able to shave his hair right to the root, resulting in smooth and clean facial skin. And the blades of the machine remove dead skin layers, cleansing the pores.
    • Availability. As mentioned above, you can find a razor in any store. household chemicals, cosmetics and other household products. In addition, the machines are sold at affordable prices.
    • Ease of use. Any man can shave using a standard machine; there are no special requirements for performing such a procedure.

    At the same time, you need to understand that you need to use the razor carefully, as there is every chance of injuring your facial skin with the blades. If it is a disposable machine, it can be used no more than 2-3 times, but for a reusable machine you need to periodically buy replacement cassettes.

    For reference! The disadvantage of using a razor compared to electrical appliances is the need for water, cosmetics for shaving and after.

    Preparatory stage

    For any man, shaving with a machine should begin with preparatory measures, since proper preparation- this is 50% success. It is the facial skin that needs to be prepared in order to facilitate contact of the epidermis, hairs with the machine, and also to avoid the risks of irritation, cuts and abrasions. To do this, you need to soften your facial skin using two methods:

    • wash your face in hot water for several minutes;
    • soak a towel in hot water and apply to your face for a few minutes.

    Next, you must apply shaving cream to your facial skin. Shaving gel is considered the most popular, as it is suitable for all skin types, moisturizes and nourishes the skin and hairs, and is more than economical in consumption. For oily face types, it is better to choose foam; in addition, it better fixes stubble hairs, allowing them to be easily shaved with the blades of the machine.

    What shaving products should I use?

    When shaving stubble with a disposable razor or a reusable razor, a man needs to take care in choosing cosmetics. The purpose of shaving cosmetics is to moisturize and soften the skin and hairs on the face, which will allow the blades to glide as much as possible and easily shave hairs of any thickness and stiffness. The purpose of aftershave cosmetics is to prevent irritation, dryness, and the entry of pathogenic flora into the skin.

    The following types of shaving products can be used:

    • foam - suitable for oily and normal skin, it perfectly fixes beard and mustache hairs, ensuring the razor glides and quick removal hair;
    • - thick consistency allows you to cover with a small amount of product large area face, the gel intensively moisturizes and softens both the skin and hairs, allowing them to be shaved safely;
    • - this product is more suitable for people with sensitive and dry skin, the soft and oily texture deeply moisturizes and covers protective layer skin.

    Experts advise not to skimp on shaving cosmetics, since the degree of trauma to the skin, the sliding of blades across the face and the removal of hairs depend on it. Under no circumstances should you shave your beard and mustache on dry skin or with plain soap.

    Shaving techniques

    The machine for shaving mustaches and beards can be disposable or reusable. In the first case we're talking about O plastic machines with several blades, with which you can shave 1-3 times, after which they are thrown away and a new machine is taken. A reusable razor is usually made of metal; it comes with replaceable blade cassettes, which are changed periodically. The principle of shaving with such devices is very similar.

    How to shave with a T-shaped razor?

    The T-shape razor is a reusable razor that requires regular replacement of blade cassettes. For shaving with such a machine, the same preparatory measures and list of tools are needed. Next, you need to insert the blades into the machine, grab the handle at the very end. Now the man needs to choose the optimal angle of direction of the blades in relation to the skin of the face (about 30 degrees).

    Ideally, the handle of the machine should point diagonally toward the floor so that the blades are in contact with the skin. Now you can shave the hairs on the skin of your face; to do this, you need to move the machine from top to bottom, first in the area of ​​the cheeks, then the neck, and at the very end, shave off the mustache. If hairs are difficult to remove, you can move the blades perpendicular to the hairline. Under no circumstances should you put pressure on the machine, as this will lead to skin cutting and irritation.

    After shaving the stubble and mustache, you need to wash your face. running water and inspect hard-to-reach places. If hairs remain, there is no need to reapply shaving cream. Simply wet the machine with water and remove any remaining hair. You can deviate from the rules and shave hairs against the line of their growth in places, for example, on the jawline and in the area of ​​the nose, where the relief of the face is observed.

    How to shave with a disposable razor?

    After applying shaving product to the skin, you need to begin the procedure itself; you need to shave off the hairs first from the cheek area. On a man's cheeks, the hairs are the softest and most manageable, so they are easier to remove with a razor. You need to work the machine along the hair growth line, usually from the beginning of the stubble to the chin line. If the hairs are poorly cut along the line of their growth, you can change the shaving angle a lot.

    In hard-to-reach places, you can stretch the skin with your second free hand while shaving. But you can’t press or drag the machine across your face with force, as this will cause severe skin irritation. Next, the hairs on the neck are shaved, moving the machine from the neck to the jawline in smooth, sedate movements. In this case, the machine should be rinsed in cold water as often as possible so as not to clog the blades with hairs.

    Important! If a man has stiff stubble, he should rinse the razor in hot water while shaving so that the hot blades cut the hairs more easily.

    After the neck, they begin to shave the mustache area; in this area, the hairs are the hardest and need intensive softening. Therefore, the mustache is shaved last so that the hairs stay under the foam or shaving gel as long as possible. To shave a mustache, the upper lip is pressed against the teeth, as if pulling it. The direction of the machine should also be at a slight angle, but not against the direction of hair growth.

    Skin and instrument care

    When shaving, disposable and reusable razors should be rinsed in water as often as possible to avoid clogging the space between the blades. Tools should be stored in a clean and dry condition in a ventilated, dry place. To care for your facial skin, you must use the following types of products:

    • - ideal for dry skin, as it contains nourishing components that intensively moisturize the skin;
    • - universal remedy for all skin types, but it is most ideal for sensitive skin;
    • - liquid consistency and alcohol content will ensure quality care oily facial skin;
    • - a universal product for all skin types that protects, moisturizes and soothes the skin after shaving.

    Cosmetics for shaving and after should not just be from the same manufacturer, but preferably from the same series of products from the brand. This will protect the skin and provide it with maximum comprehensive care.


    Shaving with a disposable razor (safety razor) is much easier, so it is more suitable for beginners and young men for a safe and effective shave. But shaving with a T-shaped razor requires the ability to use it, which is why it is more often used by experienced men. The shaving technique for both options is approximately the same, only to work with a reusable razor you need to get used to it and find the optimal shaving angle. In any case, removing stubble with a blade is the most effective method of all existing ones.