Dwarf forms. Dwarf conifers: all the charm of miniature forms. Miniature conifers for a shady garden

For conifer lovers, we suggest taking a closer look at the miniature varieties tested by our experts. Having them in the garden is not only trendy, but also practical.

Criterias of choice

  • frost resistance
  • unpretentiousness
  • prevalence
  • slow growth

Place in the garden

A compact coniferous plant will save space, will not shade half the plot and will look good in a rock garden, in flower beds with ordinary perennials, in a shady forest corner. When choosing a variety, pay attention to the annual growth - this is the length of the internodes on the branches. When planting, consider how many centimeters the plant will grow each year and what size it will reach in 10-20 years.

Photo gallery of miniature conifers

Most miniature conifers come from mutations - “witches' brooms”, so untested varieties may not last long or over time change the appearance promised by the originator.

Thuja occidentalis(Thuja occidentalis) Malonyana Holub . Has the wrong narrow shape crowns with several peaks. Winter-hardy. Shade-tolerant. Prefers moist fertile loams. Annual growth is 5 cm.

Igor Uspensky:"A real decoration of a rock garden - it leaves no one indifferent. The crown can twist slightly in a spiral, have a more pronounced columnar or pyramidal shape."

Most Popular

Mountain pine(Pinus mugo) "Picobello" . It is difficult to choose from hundreds of varieties of mountain pine, but "Picobello" good for its availability on sale. The variety is frost-resistant and hardy, resistant to diseases. The needles are short, slightly curved. The crown is dense, spherical. Over time, the pine will become a dense “pillow”. Prefers sun, good drainage. Annual growth is 5-6 cm.

Alexander Vereshchak:“And it grows slowly, and is quite accessible, and is stable in the middle zone.”

Norway spruce(Picea abies) "Little Gem" . Unpretentious, super-compact, this “little jewel” will be at home in the rock garden, in the front garden, and in the flower garden among low perennials. Drought- and frost-resistant; additional watering is needed only in very dry conditions. The crown shape is hemispherical or spherical, approximately 60-70 cm in diameter at the age of ten. Growth is 2-3, rarely 4 cm per year.

Olga Bondareva:“This is a popular favorite. The case when its availability in all garden centers is one hundred percent justified.”

Menzies's Pseudo-tsuga(Pseudotsuga menziesii) "Fletcheri" . At first glance one might confuse this unpretentious plant with prickly spruce, but pseudo-hemlock needles are softer and have a bluish tint due to a waxy coating. Grows well in garden loams in good light and tolerates shade. Annual growth is 4-6 cm.

Olga Bondareva:“Chaotically located branches give the variety a unique “shaggy” appearance. Over the years, a certain zonality of the crown appears - there is no clear conductor. To prevent fungal diseases, treat the crown.”

Cedar elfin wood(Pinus pumila) "Glauca" . A real handsome man! Light-loving, does not tolerate stagnant moisture and prolonged drought. The crown is rounded and asymmetrical. The needles are silvery, twisted. The creeping lateral branches are wide, arched and raised. Annual growth is 3 cm in height, 7 cm in width.

Alexander Sapelin:“The beauty of the variety is visible immediately; there is no need to wait until the plant reaches the required age. It grows well on freezing retaining walls, where not all conifers of such a spectacular appearance can exist. The large “catalog” sizes that frighten some people rather concern European specimens. We even have old ones plants reach only about 1 m, and they have been gaining these parameters for decades.”

Korean fir ( Abies korean) "Icebreaker". This variety became a real sensation several years ago, and now it is quite accessible. A fairly easy plant to care for if planted in light partial shade. Requires attention to soil moisture (should not get wet in winter, dry out in summer). The conductor periodically tries to give out a powerful escape. Such shoots should be removed, and in the first season after planting, the crown should be sprayed with fungicides. Annual growth is 4-6 cm.

Olga Bondareva:"A very recognizable appearance that attracts the eye. This plant should be planted near a patio or path, so that every time you pass by, you can admire the intricately curved needles, showing a luminous silvery underside."

The smallest

Norway spruce(Picea abies) "Typner" . This "microvariety" is quite common in European collections. Today it is already available in Russia. Prefers partial shade rather than sun, annual growth is 1-2 cm.

Alexander Vereshchak:“If we move a little away from the modest parameters of annual growth, the choice of miniature varieties will be much wider.”

Mountain pine (Pinus mugo) "Sherwood Compacta 5" (synonyms "Michelle", "Isely"). Mountain pine is the leader in the number of available compact varieties. Does not freeze, does not burn, and is less susceptible to fungal diseases than others. This "microvariety" of mountain pine - perfect solution for a rocky hill placed in full sun. Relatively shade-tolerant. By the age of 10 it reaches 15 cm in height and 20 cm in diameter. Annual growth is 2.5-7.5 cm.

Prickly spruce (Picea pungens) "Mseno". Varieties with increments of 5 mm per year are so difficult to propagate that cultivars with more than 20 years of history are still on the list of rarities, available only to a select few lucky ones. This variety is a reasonable compromise. The needles are silver-blue, hard. Globular shape of the crown. Reaches maximum decorative value in full sun. Winter-hardy, drought-resistant. Annual growth is 2-3 cm.

Coniferous trees and shrubs for the garden are very popular in landscape design. Such crops are highly decorative regardless of the time of year, grow well in any soil and do not require special care.

To choose the right variety, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the types of coniferous plants for the garden with photos and names that you will find in this article. In addition, you will be able to familiarize yourself with recommendations for planting, growing and caring for these crops, and you will be able to select shade-loving and shade-tolerant varieties to decorate your garden.

Features of planting and growing coniferous plants for the garden

To create a beautiful flower arrangement in the garden, you need to know the basic rules for planting coniferous trees. Like deciduous crops, they are easier to transplant into at a young age, but, thanks to its unpretentiousness, even seedlings aged 5-6 years can easily tolerate a change in location.

The basic rules for planting trees and shrubs are:(picture 1):

  • The seedling must be planted together with an earthen clod in which the roots of the crop are located;
  • It is best to land in early spring or autumn, but in regions with mild winters it can be planted in winter. However, in this case the temperature should not be below 15 degrees.
  • The soil for planting must correspond to the characteristics of the species. Despite the fact that pines, spruces and others similar species They grow well on any soil; for optimal survival, you need to place a mixture of soil, sand and peat in a hole or trench, or cover the bottom with pine needles collected from the forest.

Figure 1. Procedure for planting coniferous trees

After planting, the seedling must be watered, even if the soil is sufficiently moist. This will ensure that the soil adheres tightly to the roots and will speed up the acclimatization process.

Note: Further care includes periodic watering, inspection and preventive spraying against fungal diseases. Tree trunk circle It is advisable to cover with mulch to prevent moisture loss. Trees practically do not need fertilizing, but young seedlings need to be protected from sunburn in summer and frostbite in winter. To do this, use shading or shelter for the winter.

Most of these crops grow slowly, so young seedlings require almost no pruning. Only dry or damaged branches are removed, and the formation of a decorative crown begins only after the tree reaches the height characteristic of its age.

From the video you will learn how to plant coniferous plants correctly.

Dwarf coniferous plants for the garden

Dwarf coniferous crops for the garden can become a real decoration of the site. Outwardly, they are completely consistent with their large forest relatives, but were specially bred for growing in small areas (Figure 2).

Dwarf trees and shrubs not only fit harmoniously into the landscape, but also have many beneficial properties. Their needles contain phytoncides, which fill the air with a rich healing aroma. In addition, such crops do not require special care and, like large trees of this species, grow well in the shade and on soils with low fertility.

The author of the video talks about the features and advantages of using coniferous plants in the garden.

Landing Features

Despite the relative unpretentiousness, dwarf trees you need to carefully choose a landing site.

Areas that are protected from drafts but still sunny enough are well suited for this purpose. A lack of natural light will cause the needles on the lower branches to fall off, and the plant will lose its decorative value.

In addition, dwarf forms are very sensitive to sunburn and lack of moisture. Therefore, in the spring they must be shaded, and they are also watered regularly, while avoiding waterlogging of the soil.

Figure 2. Types of dwarf trees

It is better to plant such crops together with a clod of earth so that the crop takes root faster in a new place. After planting, the branches need to be regularly inspected and periodically sprayed, since such plants are more likely than others to be susceptible to fungal diseases.


It is dwarf trees of this type that open up wide scope for imagination and experimentation with landscape design.

Here are several options for designing a personal plot using dwarf trees(Figure 3):

  • Because they grow well in sandy and rocky soils, they can be used as a rock garden addition. Trees will beneficially dilute the severity and restraint of stones and add sophistication to the garden.
  • Dwarf trees can be used to decorate alleys or paths leading to the house.
  • Plants can be planted in small pots or other containers, and then randomly rearranged to decorate recreation areas or the entrance to the house.

Figure 3. Using dwarf plants to create garden compositions

In addition, such crops can be used for vertical flower beds. For example, for this purpose you can use an old trough with holes in the bottom to drain excess water. It can be placed on a hill of stones and thus create an original composition.

Shade-loving coniferous plants for the garden

Most coniferous trees tolerate light shading, but there are also species that are specially planted in poorly lit areas.

Shade-loving plants for the garden include(Figure 4):

  1. Canadian yew and berry It is considered the most shade-loving and is used to decorate even those areas that rarely receive sunlight.
  2. Microbiota- a shrub with branching shoots. It grows well in the shade and also tolerates frost and lack of moisture.
  3. Fir, especially Korean and balsam, have a fairly high ability to grow and develop normally in the shade, but when growing them, you should not allow water to stagnate at the roots.

Figure 4. Types of shade-loving crops: 1 - yew, 2 - microbiota, 3 - fir

All shade-loving plants have their own characteristics, but there are also general rules their planting and cultivation.


It is important to plant such varieties correctly, even if they grow in the shade. First, the soil must be well-drained so that moisture does not accumulate at the roots, which can cause rotting of the root system.

Before planting, it is advisable to fertilize the soil with special fertilizers for coniferous crops. In addition, after planting, it is advisable to regularly inspect the seedlings for the presence of fungal diseases, and for the winter, protect them from frost and drafts.


Shade-loving trees and shrubs are an excellent choice for decorating areas near dense forest plantings or near the walls of buildings. Sunlight rarely reaches such areas, so not all crops can grow here.

For example, low-growing shrubs can be used to create alpine slides and flower arrangements, and trees are planted in rows to create avenues and paths.

Shade-tolerant coniferous plants for the garden

Most unpretentious garden crops are shade-tolerant. In other words, they develop absolutely normally in the absence of natural light. And dwarf forms require planting in places protected from direct sunlight, since their branches are very sensitive to burns.

The most popular shade-tolerant coniferous species for the garden (with photos and names) are(Figure 5):

  1. Any type of spruce, which tolerate not only a lack of light, but also drought. In addition, they are frost-resistant and do not require special care.
  2. Most types of pine trees, both tall and dwarf, also feel absolutely normal in the shade, and short forms in some cases require additional shading in spring and summer.
  3. Arborvitae and firs are widely used in landscape design precisely because they can be planted in any area without fear that the plant will develop poorly due to lack of light.

Figure 5. Types of shade-tolerant coniferous trees: 1 - spruce, 2 - pine, 3 - thuja, 4 - fir

For decorating areas with poor lighting You can also use juniper and cypress. These low and spreading shrubs will be an excellent decoration for the garden, either alone or in combination with other plants.

Landing Features

To drop off shade-tolerant plants on the site, first of all you need to prepare the hole. To do this, dig a hole that will be 2-3 times larger than the size of the root system of the seedling.

Note: If you plan to develop an alley, dig a long trench, the width of which should be sufficient to freely accommodate the roots.

It is advisable to place a nutrient mixture of deciduous soil, sand and peat at the bottom of the hole. You can also use a special substrate for conifers, but if it is not possible to buy such a mixture, it can be replaced with ordinary forest needles.

After planting, the seedling must be watered abundantly so that the earthen ball fits more tightly to the roots and the sprout takes root faster. In the future, watering is carried out moderately, and if the site is located in a lowland, additional drainage is provided.


Shade-tolerant varieties have many advantages over other crops that can be used to decorate areas with poor light.

The main advantages of such varieties of trees and shrubs include:

  • High decorative value, which is ensured by the fact that the plants remain green all year round;
  • Developed root system provides culture sufficient quantity nutrients even on soils with low fertility;
  • The crown of mature trees and bushes retains its shape for a long time after pruning, so shortening is rarely carried out.

Figure 6. Ways to design a garden using coniferous trees and shrubs

A wide variety of sizes, shapes and shades of the crown determines a fairly wide scope of application of crops in the design of a site. For example, to create a hedge, several types of thuja or spruce with different shades of needles are used.

The Alpine slide is also considered a good decoration for the garden. To create it, creeping and dwarf forms are chosen, which are complemented by stones and flower plants. Also, with the help of fir, spruce and pine trees, you can create original compositions by combining plants different sizes and forms. Examples of design using coniferous plants are shown in Figure 6.

Evergreen coniferous plants decorate the garden plot and improve the health of the surrounding air. However, planting huge pines, cedars and cypresses on compact dacha areas not possible. Low-growing conifers, species and varieties, will come to the rescue; their photos are presented in gardening magazines and on specialized websites.

Dendrologists classify low-growing conifers as evergreen woody plants that, in adulthood, have a height no greater than human height, and a crown diameter no wider than arm span. Today they are at the peak of demand, and not in last resort- because of the merits. Coniferous shrubs vertically challenged:

  • compact and therefore do not take up much space on the site;
  • make it possible to create original dendrological compositions;
  • decorative throughout the year;
  • often used in a container as a New Year's tree;
  • They winter well and often don’t even require additional insulation- the snow covers them from top to bottom.

These plants have some characteristics that can be attributed to their disadvantages. They are more deciduous plants and are susceptible to fungal attack and therefore require mandatory cleaning of dry needles before wintering, as well as regular treatment with fungicides. Many of them have a vulnerable crown shape, there is a high risk of branches breaking off, some varieties are short-lived, while others do not take cuttings well.

But, despite this, dwarf coniferous plants have many fans.

The best varieties and types of dwarf coniferous trees with descriptions and photos

A lot of miniature conifers have been bred. They are classified according to varietal direction:

  • spruce;
  • cypress;
  • fir;
  • pine;
  • yew

Spruce dwarfs are the most common in parks and gardens; they are not tall, and there is enough dacha plot for them. Most often, a miniature form of Norway spruce (Little Gem variety) with a flat-rounded crown is grown. The plant grows by 2-3 cm annually and at 10 years of age has a height of about 0.5 m. The shoots of miniature spruce are tightly compressed, thin, and the needles are thick and completely cover the branch.

The dwarf format of Canadian spruce is also common - varieties Laurin, Echiniformis and Alberta Globe. The first is distinguished by a narrow conical, the second by a spherical, and the third by a hemispherical crown structure. Their annual growth is only 1.5-2 cm, and their height is 0.3-0.4 m at the age of ten.

The nest-like dwarf spruce is a miniature variety of prickly spruce (variety Nidiformis), its crown imitates a nest with its depressed, flattened top. The tree has an annual growth of 3-4 cm, but increases mainly in width rather than in height, and therefore rarely grows above 1 m. And the smallest variation of prickly spruce is the Maxwellii variety. These low conifers for a summer cottage do not grow more than 0.6 m and therefore are actively cultivated in containers as New Year's trees.

Cypress varieties of conifers are heat-loving, but there are also frost-resistant options among them. Most dwarf cypress trees are miniature trees, but several shrubs also belong to this group. They are spectacular and will perfectly decorate your garden plot. There are two types of these plants - with yellow needles and green. The former are grown in sunny areas, and green-coniferous ones - in shaded areas.

The dwarf cypress tree most beloved by gardeners is the thuja. Its variety Amber Glow is distinguished by the presence of golden needles; the height of this plant is no more than 1 m. Thuja orientalis is represented among the low coniferous variety Aurea Nana has a dense, branched, oval-shaped crown with a pointed crown and needles that are golden-green in the warm season and bronze in winter. And the western thuja has several dwarf forms, and its most common varieties are Caespitosa, Danica and Hoseri.

Fir trees are fast-growing coniferous crops that need to be placed in shaded areas protected from the wind. They require well-drained, well-saturated, fertile soil. Caring for them is as simple as possible: dwarf firs require only periodic loosening of the soil and sanitary spring pruning.

The culture is frost-resistant and does not require special insulation for the winter, except for the first year after planting - during the first wintering the plant is carefully covered with spruce branches. The most common dwarf fir trees are miniatures of balsam fir (Nana variety) and Korean fir (Tundra variety).

Pine dwarfs include several varieties of plants with a wide spreading crown, with needles collected in small bunches. Moreover, the number of needles in a bunch varies significantly among different trees and shrubs. The needles live for several years, after which the plant sheds them and acquires new young needles. Pine trees are the most unpretentious coniferous plants; caring for them is not labor-intensive. Main - correct fit and maintenance of the plant in the first year of life.

All dwarf pines can withstand heat and severe frosts well, but are also photophilous. Miniatures of mountain pine are in demand - varieties Gnom, Mops and Ophir. They are distinguished by a spherical crown and long needles, but the first variety grows up to 1 m, the other two - only up to 0.5 m.

Yew varieties include full-growing and shrubby plants. The main representative of the group is the yew, characterized by strong branching and the presence of an extensive root system. It prefers fertile, drained soils, does not tolerate high acidity and waterlogging, and is quite demanding on air humidity. At the same time, yew is shade-loving and will survive even in a heavily shaded area of ​​the site.

The most common variety of dwarf yew is Adpressa Aurea, also referred to as Adpressa Variegata. At 10 years old, this plant is about 60 cm in height and no more than 70 cm in width. Its crown is dense, almost round, the leaves are short, only 0.6-1.2 cm in length. The yew of the Amersfoort variety grows no higher than 2 m, the crown of which is irregular, closer to oval, shaped, loose, and the shoots branch in different directions.

Rules for planting and care

Most dwarf conifers for the garden require special conditions planting and care, but there are some general rules for any type.

Planting of such plants is carried out in late April - early May. The easiest way to grow these crops is from seedlings, and the quality of the purchased plant is a must. The earthen lump on its roots should be intact and make up approximately 1/3 of the entire length of the seedling. It is advisable that the seller pack the conifer root system in burlap. The shade of the needles of the “correct” seedling is rich, and the needles are elastic.

Planting is done in the following order:

  • dig a hole of such depth and width that an earthen ball of seedling can easily fit into it;
  • in the hole (its central part) a hill is made of soil 2/3 of the depth of the hole;
  • a seedling is placed on a hill, the roots of the plant are carefully distributed along its slopes;
  • bury the roots, periodically lightly trampling the soil;
  • water the plant;
  • pour dry soil around the seedling;
  • mulch the soil under the conifer and sprinkle peat around it.

General care of plants consists of regular watering, sanitary (for the health of the conifer) or decorative (so that it looks as harmonious as possible in the landscape design) pruning. In winter, coniferous plants for the garden should be cleared of excess snow - otherwise it will break the branches and even the trunks of a miniature tree or shrub. If the branches do break, the small ones should be removed, and the large ones should be carefully secured for regrowth.

Now is the time of development landscape design It has become fashionable to plant dwarf coniferous plants in your garden plot. Superstitions that coniferous plants in the yard are dangerous, that they should only be planted in cemeteries, have gone to the side.

And this is correct, because coniferous plants are very useful - they purify the air, fill it essential oils, which are so useful for our lungs, and aesthetic appearance Properly cared for coniferous plants cannot be compared to other plants.

Yes, other beautiful - flowering and decorative - deciduous plants naturally contribute to the overall landscape, but coniferous plants, and especially dwarf coniferous plants, complete the overall picture.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine a good garden plot without coniferous plants. And the dwarf forms of conifers are especially beautiful. They are comfortable, beautiful, have different colors of needles, and are easy to care for. And if you want to decorate your garden with dwarf conifers, then this article will help you navigate, choose a place for planting dwarf conifers, and we will also tell you which dwarf compact forms of conifers are best to plant in the garden.

So, different coniferous plants have different crown shapes, and this allows us to make a composition from several species or buy a compact conifer of the shape that you like best. And you can from our partners.

Common, natural types of coniferous plants are mainly tall trees; in the forest, for example, pine trees can reach up to 50 m in height. But it is rare where the area of ​​the plot allows for planting such tall trees. Thanks to breeders, stunning forms and varieties of dwarf conifers have been developed that, even for many years, can maintain almost the same shape and height.

The tallest of the dwarf ones reach 1 – 2 meters. Except that conifers that grow in width can also reach up to 2 m in length, but they remain on average low in height. But there are varieties of creeping conifers that are limited in growth, so they are also considered dwarf.

And there are also miniature, compact varieties that do not exceed 0.5 meters; such plants are good to plant in tubs and containers.

These, according to most landscape designers, are the most effective plants in terms of ease of cultivation, care and aesthetic beauty. Why go far into the forest if you can sit on a bench under your green pets and enjoy the illuminating aroma of pine ether?…

How do dwarf conifers differ from the rest of their relatives? Dwarf conifers, like all other plants, grow. But it is very imperceptible, approximately the annual growth is 2 - 3 cm. They have short branches, which are also located at a short distance from each other, which makes the shape of the bush compact. And you won’t find cute varieties of spherical bushes in the wild!

Where did these coniferous “gnomes” come from? The persistence of breeders has given us a variety of varieties in vegetation, but at home it will not be possible to grow a dwarf conifer from an ordinary breed of conifer.

Dwarf coniferous plants cannot be propagated by seeds, because the variety is not preserved and the plant grows ordinary, tall, and wild. But gardeners are happy to propagate such plants by cuttings and layering.

You can buy dwarf coniferous plants at many landscape design stores. Just be sure to take an interest in the characteristics of the plant - what is the shape of the crown, what is the height of an adult plant, how to walk. Also make sure that the root system is well developed and not damaged.

Because sometimes it happens that a plant first has a spherical shape and can grow like this for several years, and then literally in 2 years it will stretch out and take on a cone-shaped crown. This is not the fault of the plant, it is correct, you just need to carefully find out the nature of the plant before buying conifers.

Dwarf conifers for the garden have a price that, roughly speaking, is not cheap compared to other species and forms, but keep in mind that before they go on sale, they are grown in nurseries for several years. 10 cm plants can be grown for 3 years!

Caring for dwarf conifers is easy, because they are a mutation different types conifers. Therefore, they require the same care as other wild relatives.

What compositions can be created from compact, dwarf coniferous plants in the garden?

You can drop them off in the rocky garden. They have clear boundaries, so they highlight the structure of a rocky garden well.

These plants can be used to decorate courtyard or especially entrance to the house V winter period. Add to this composition for variety a couple of ornamental grasses that retain their dry stems in winter.

They can be grown in garden pots, tubs, small containers. And this will allow you to place conifers along the paths, near the entrance to the building, near the resting place, on the veranda, right on the lawn, or even on the roof, if there is a resting space there!

Raised arrangements or plants in a trough! A great option to slightly raise the level of plants in the space, which will focus attention on them. If someone has an old trough lying around, then its bottom needs to be holed in several places so that there is drainage excess water, thawed or after watering. We install it on a well laid layer of stones, and also decorate the sides with stones. Maybe someone will be able to do this without cement mortar, but if the structure is shaky, then the mortar will help.

Next, you need to put drainage on the bottom, you can also use broken bricks, cut branches from trees, which will add looseness. And fill the trough with soil that is suitable for coniferous plants. Remember, it's supposed to be sour? Great! We plant dwarf coniferous plants in the ground, and in the spaces between them you can plant some beautiful flowering or decorative foliage plants. For example, you can plant young rosettes along the very edge. Don't forget that other plants should not be taller than conifers!

Such conifers can also be planted in containers and garden pots. Before purchasing, be sure to ask the seller about the future sizes of the crown and root system, so that later you can choose the plant specifically for your tub or container, the sizes may be different!

And now we invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular forms of dwarf conifers.

Dwarf forms of spruce trees, especially the popular form of Norway spruce ‘Little Gem’- This is a small flat-rounded coniferous “ball” with a small depression in the center. It grows very slowly, usually growing by 2-3 cm per year. And at the age of 10 years the spruce 'Little Gem' reaches only 0.5° cm. The branches are thin, grow densely, and light green small needles are also densely located on it. The young growth is light green, which makes it seem like the coniferous plant is speckled.
Photo of the common spruce Little Jam:

Mountain pine form ‘Gnom’- at the age of 10 years it grows only up to 1 meter. And the forms of mountain pine 'Mops' and 'Ophir' at the age of ten they reach only 0.50 cm.
Dwarf pines are quite frost-resistant, less likely than others to be affected by sunburn and fungal diseases. They attract gardeners with their spherical shape and long needles.
Photo of mountain pine Gnome:

Balsam fir variety ‘Nana’— imagine, in 10 years it grows only 30 cm! Super-dwarf!) The shape can be narrow pyramidal or cone-shaped. Nana fir is very fragrant, and the beautiful reddish cones are a wonderful decoration dwarf plant for garden. Not demanding, frost-resistant.
Photo of balsam fir Nana:

Fir Korean variety'Tundra'- a little larger, can grow at 10 years of age up to 0.40 cm, and in diameter - 0.6 cm. The needles are short, soft, young growth is light green. In winter, the needles remain just as bright. Unpretentious.
Photo of Korean fir Tundra:

Thuja western variety'Amber Glow' is a mutation of the Danika variety. At 10 years of age it reaches 80-90 cm in diameter and height. Thuja Ameber Glow spherical. Very interesting branches and their colors. They, like most thujas, are flat, but are most often located in parallel rows. And the color is yellow-green and almost orange in the fall! What a variety for other green conifers!
In the photo Thuja occidentalis Amber Glow:

Thuja occidentalis variety "Mr. Bowling Ball" is a spherical dwarf conifer, the crown is very thick and beautiful. Over the years it expands a little. The needles look like a fringe, fit tightly to the branches, dark green, and in winter with a bronze tint. At the age of 10 it usually reaches 60-70 cm and a width of up to 1 meter. The plant is unpretentious, but it is better to plant it in moist, well-lit soil.
Photo of Thuja occidentalis Mr. Bowling Ball:

Cypress blunt-leaved variety “Nana Gracilis”- a very interesting coniferous plant of dwarf form. Cypress Nana Gracilis has a rounded bush that looks like a twisted shell - wider at the bottom and tapering towards the top. Even the branches themselves are a little twisted. At 10 years of age it reaches 80 cm in height. The needles are dark green, shiny, dense. Not fussy, but prefers partial shade.
Photo of the blunt-leaved cypress Nana Gracilis:

Gray spruce variety- a miniature Christmas tree with thick and small needles, densely located on the branches. At 10 years of age it reaches 40 cm in height. The crown is narrow-coconical.

Photo of Laurin spruce:

Serbian spruce variety- This is a dwarf form, selected through selection from the Nana form. By the age of 10 years - 20-25 cm, width - about 50 cm. Annual growth is 3-4 cm. The shoots are short, the needles are also short, densely sitting on the shoots. Does not like dense and waterlogged soils.
In the photo is the Serbian spruce Minima:

Yew berry variety ‘Stricta’ is a female clone of the ‘Rustique’ variety. The crown is columnar, loose. The needles are dark green. Perfectly complements spherical varieties of conifers.
Photo of yew berry ‘Stricta’:

Juniper vertical variety “Blue Arrow”- an adult plant reaches a height of 2-3 meters. But it is much narrower in width, because the crown is narrow-conical. The needles are not prickly at all, they are gray-blue in color. Frost-resistant, loves sunny places.
Photo of vertical juniper Blue Arrow:

Arbor vitae variety « Aurea Nana"- very decorative, because it has golden-yellow needles! At the age of 10 it reaches a height of 80 cm or 1 meter. And in a year it grows only 8-10 cm. The crown is ovoid or cone-shaped. Loves sunny places, requires shelter for the winter.
Photo of the eastern thuja Aurea Nana:

Cypress pea variety "Filifera Sungold"- has golden needles and rounded crown. The height of an adult plant is up to 2 m, width - 3 m. But it grows very slowly, and by the age of 10 it grows only up to 0.50 cm - 1 m. It is interesting because it has long and thin branches, they hang down. Not demanding, but if planted in the shade, the needles turn green.
Photo of pea-bearing cypress Philifera Sangold:

Juniper horizontal variety ‘Alpina’ - a beautiful dwarf conifer for the garden. It reaches a height of 0.80 cm, grows up to 2 m in width. The branches rise slightly. The needles are bluish-green in summer, and bluish-violet in winter. Frost-resistant, unpretentious.
Photo of horizontal juniper Alpina:

Juniper Chinese variety Expansa Variegata- a wonderful and very attractive dwarf conifer. An adult plant reaches a height of up to 0.50 cm and a width of 1.2 m. The unusual needles are bluish-green, have light cream inclusions, as if anointed with light paint. Very decorative. Frost-resistant and undemanding.

Since time immemorial, people have used coniferous plants to decorate the area around their home. And no wonder: coniferous trees and shrubs are very useful; they release special substances into the atmosphere - phytoncides, which can kill pathogenic bacteria. Thus, coniferous plants make the surrounding air cleaner and fresher. In addition, this class of flora in itself and individually is very beautiful, and correctly selected and planted conifers can decorate even the most ugly and shapeless area. Therefore, be sure to plant conifers in your dacha, and which ones to choose coniferous plants for the garden , we will talk further.

So, let's start with Christmas trees. These beauties look wonderful both in winter and in summer, varieties of Christmas trees for garden plot so much that your eyes run wild. There are even they do not grow higher than 1.5 m, which is naturally a huge plus. I wouldn’t really like to have a huge spruce tree on the plot, which takes up a lot of space, and even casts a shadow over the entire plot. It is for small gardens that special small-type Christmas trees have been bred.

This is Prickly Spruce Glauca Globosa - a fluffy, prickly ball of blue or gray color. Excellent grown on personal plots, is not picky in care, and besides, its very slow growth makes it possible to grow this Christmas tree in the garden.

Another view dwarf spruce— Norway spruce Frohburg. This plant has a drooping crown of dark green color. Caring for it, like the previous spruce, is simple; it can be planted nearby alpine slide or gazebos. The unusual appearance of this spruce will undoubtedly enliven the landscape of your site.

Very beautiful low-growing variety creeping herringbone - Norway spruce Lombartsii. Such a dark green Christmas tree can decorate the slopes of an uneven area, enliven a rock garden, and become the main accent in decorating the shore of a country pond.

Cypress trees also fit perfectly into the garden landscape, especially in Japanese gardens. Of the low-growing cypress trees, I can recommend the following variety: Filifera Aurea. Very unusual plant The light green, even slightly yellow color of the needles will become a bright spot against the background of the monotonous greenery of the garden.

The low-growing Pendula Larch is beautiful in its drooping slenderness. This beauty must be planted near a garden pond so that the branches lightly touch water. The harmony of the ground part of the plant and the water surface is fascinating and thought-provoking.

We can talk endlessly about juniper; there are so many varietals of them that it is sometimes difficult to figure out which one is which. Therefore, I can say the following about junipers: low-growing junipers include Horizontal Juniper, Cossack Juniper, Coastal Juniper, Medium Juniper, and Scaly Juniper. They differ in color and in the structure of the needles, but in any case, all these junipers can serve as a green hedge along the border of a plot or to decorate a certain place in the garden. Unpretentious in care, junipers will not cause you any problems in growing. Here, as they say, I planted it and forgot about it.

I think the low-growing coniferous plant, Balsam Fir Nana, is very beautiful. This prickly, but at the same time fluffy coniferous “ball” does not grow higher than 1.5 m in height, which makes Nana fir another option for a hedge. Beautiful needles with an unusual structure will definitely attract the attention of guests of your garden, and correct pruning This fir can give the overall picture a complete and original look.

Also, low-growing coniferous plants for planting in the garden include: Mountain Pine Allgau, Mountain Pine Fruhlingsgold, Mountain Pine Gnom, Mountain Pine Humpy, as well as Thuja occidentalis Danica Aurea, Thuja occidentalis Golden Tuffet, Thuja occidentalis Rheingold, Thuja occidentalis Tiny Tim .

Low growing coniferous plants will add charm to your garden or summer cottage, and relaxing in the shade of a coniferous tree will not only be pleasant, but also beneficial for health.