How to make a village church in Minecraft. What does a church look like in Minecraft in a village. Early history of creation

If you build a village in Minecraft, you will get a good trading platform, as well as the opportunity to search houses in search of various useful items. But, of course, there is a chance that you will find an already created village. However, this is more difficult to do. The process will not become easier if the player knows where and how best to look for the village.
The process of creating a village is much easier if you have already built a house.

In this case, all that remains is to fill the already half-finished village with residents. They can become both monsters and the most ordinary eggs.
However, your village will be most effective if you create it from scratch. The fact is that in the village there is a whole system functional buildings. In addition, it is in your interests to create a larger village. What is it for? It's simple: in a large village there is a chance to get a larger variety of loot.

Village structure.

Before you can build a village, you need to understand its structure, which turned out to be surprisingly complex. The first thing worth noting here is the purpose of the buildings in the game. There are only seven types of buildings that can be built in a village, and they all have their own individual characteristics.

Small hut– a residential building, which is created from 5x5 blocks. The materials used are wood, cobblestones, glass panels, and fencing. A small hut is built as follows: boards are used for the walls, cobblestones for the floor, and wood for the ceiling. All that remains is to build a roof and surround it with a fence around the edges. One village can have up to seven huts.

Big house – differs from the hut only in size. Apparently due to its size and the fact that more resources are required to create it, the Big House may not be present in the village at all. It is created in exactly the same way as a small hut.

Tanner's shop- the house where the tanner lives. This house differs from subsequent ones in that the furnishings in it are much more elaborate. There's a table, two chairs, and even a garden in the backyard. There can be a maximum of three tanner shops.

The library is the abode of the librarian. Among other things, there are books here that you can take without any obstacles. There is also a lot of furniture here, as well as a workbench. One village can have a maximum of three libraries.

Farm- the place where all the harvest accumulates. There is a garden bed nearby, so the player will never be short of resources such as carrots and potatoes. There are farms large and small. They differ from each other in that a small farm is a system of beds, divided into groups of six rows, with arable land. In one village you can find from two to ten farms.

Kuznets- a place where metal is mined. Forges are usually made from stone slabs. They are equipped with a pool, as well as a block containing lava. There is some furniture here, and even a treasure chest. Most often in villages there is one forge.

Church- a two-level building, which ends with a platform, has only a staircase inside. Built from stone, it preserves the peace of the priest. In villages you can find a maximum of two churches.

How to trade in the village?

To trade, you will need to establish relationships with traders. To do this, you need to build a reputation. And here the situation for the player is complicated by the fact that each village has its own rules by which the loyalty of merchants is calculated. There is one more obstacle - if you suddenly decide to find a village, and not create it yourself, you will have to kill the golem - these guards are in any village. And this automatically reduces your reputation in the game.
To deal with the golem, you must do it not yourself, but using available means. Of course, to kill such a giant, you need to spend a lot of effort and, at the very least, cause Armageddon. But such opportunities are not provided in the game, however, you can resort to cunning and destroy the golem, and pour it on the golem.

How to make a village in Minecraft?

To create a village, you need at least one built structure, or already ready system buildings, as already described above, and a block system, rails, a fence, a zombie spawner, and a potion of weakness. From these items you need to make a trap for your opponents. The monsters in the game will need to be made into residents of your village.

To do this on empty space you need to install a zombie respawner and activate it immediately. Then surround it with a system of blocks. You should end up with a two-level slab, and the distance between the slabs should be exactly two blocks. Immediately in front of the erected structure, you need to build a rail system. In the beginning it must be a ring, which then must continue. The rails must rest against the system of steps, which must also have rails on them. Place the trolley on the railway.

You must lure the enemy under the platform and, when he becomes motionless, put him on the trolley. It will take some time for the zombie respawner to take effect.

We are finally back to the normal world. Before you go on the most important journey, you need to gain experience and the necessary resources. One of these is the Eye of the End, which, in turn, requires Ender pearls. In order not to chase after endermen, it is easier to buy them from the villagers. We'll start talking about the latter.

The village is a rather vulnerable structure. Residents are often killed or infected by zombies, leaving it empty. There is only one way to repopulate the village, but it requires making potions, which is only possible after finding the efreet spawner in the infernal fortress.

Actually, all village structures can be divided into several types:

The beds are the main source of food in the village, and also, with luck, the source of our income. Most often wheat and potatoes grow there, but there are villages with beds of carrots or beets.

The well is essentially simple decorative element. Until version 1.14 it only causes harm. If you play on versions up to 1.13 inclusive, it is better to surround the hole with water with a fence. There is a suspicion that the desertion of the village is partly his fault.

Mobs - most often these are neutral bred mobs: sheep, cows, chickens. In large villages, an iron golem may spawn.

A small structure usually made of planks and wood blocks. Has one door and dirt floor. Sometimes you can find a table and a fence and pressure plate. An ordinary settler lives in such a house.

A large house with two exits, a sitting area enclosed by a fence, and a regular table and a butcher's table made of two stone slabs inside. A butcher, a tanner and a settler usually live here.

A small house with a canopy, under which there is a lava vat, two stoves and stone table. In the room itself there is regular table and a chest that may contain something useful.

A tall cobblestone building with two floors. Both floors and the roof are connected by a staircase. There is an altar near the far wall. As a rule, a priest, a farmer and a settler live here.

A tall building made of wood or cobblestones. Somewhat higher an ordinary house and even its big brother. Inside there is a bench made of steps, a workbench and a row bookshelves. A librarian, a cartographer, a farmer and a settler live here.

A large building taller than an ordinary house. Consists mainly of stone and wood. It has no interior. A settler and a farmer live here.

A village can spawn on a plain, desert or savannah. In 1.14 they will add villages in snowy biomes, jungles, and swamps.

Find a suitable place for a house and start mining resources, gradually clearing the area. Over time, you will be able to build your own village from the blocks obtained during the mining of the mine.

Nps Village is a natural structure that is mainly generated in Plains, Deserts, etc. Village Nps - Is a small settlement inhabited by Villagers. This population consists of small houses, huts and other buildings. Finding this settlement is not so difficult. But sometimes this settlement is generated Quite far from you. To find it faster, when creating a world, you need to enter a special world generation key, which will allow the player to appear, right next to the settlement. This key looks like this: kedengkeden (does not work in all versions of Minecraft).

Buildings in villages:

Made from wood, boards, cobblestones, wooden fence and glass panels for windows. There are four types of such buildings. One has a flat roof, along the edges of which there is a fence, which can be climbed using a ladder from inside the house. There are no doors in the opening for them in this house. The second is characterized by a lower roof, an earthen floor, and a wooden pressure plate on the fence post, creating the appearance of a table. The third type has a more raised roof, the floor also consists of earth, but there is no table in the house. And finally, the fourth type, almost the same as the first, but without stairs and a fence on the roof. These houses may not be inhabited by residents. Although if a resident does settle in it, then he will only live there alone.

It is made of the same materials as the small huts, however it is much larger in size, and is shaped like the letter "T" on top. Farmers, as a rule, spawn in such houses.

A building containing two chairs created from wooden steps around a table in the corner. Also in the house there is a table two blocks long made of stone slabs, which is probably used for cutting meat. Attached to this house backyard, surrounded by a fence, which can be accessed through a door from inside the store. This yard is most likely intended for breeding animals. A resident butcher, wearing a white work apron, and a farmer, most likely a buyer, always spawn in such houses.

Is a long and narrow house, inside which there is a row of chairs and tables under a row bookcases on one side, and a workbench in the corner opposite the entrance, on the other side of the house. One librarian in a white coat always spawns in such a house.

Available in two sizes (large and small). The small farm consists of four rows of tilled beds, divided by a water channel into two groups of two rows. A large farm is two small ones together. The farm is bordered at the edges by timber. There is also a trail made of timber in the middle of the large farm. Farms often appear on flat surfaces near small huts. From this it can be assumed that the poorer inhabitants living in these huts must work on the farms. Wheat seeds, carrots and potatoes are planted in the farm beds.

It is a hole, 2x2 blocks in size, filled with water, and surrounded on top by a certain structure. This structure consists of a side made of cobblestones and a roof made of the same material, which is supported by a fence. By default, the depth of the wells is 10 blocks, but in superflat mode, when the bottom layer is reached, the bottom will consist of it. Typically, there is only one well in a village, but there is a small chance of generating two. Also, wells are most often located in the very center of the village at a crossroads. The well is an endless source of water, but due to a known bug, scooping up the top layer of water will not restore the source. In a superflat, the bottom of the well will be made of bedrock.

Made mainly from cobblestones, wood and planks. The door is missing. In front of the house there is small porch, at the corners of which there are fence columns supporting the roof. The porch can be reached using steps from the street. It contains a small pool of lava, surrounded on one side by an iron grate, two stoves and an anvil created from two stone steps. The house has a sitting room with chairs and a table in front of them, as well as a chest. You can find some in the chest useful items(see table below). There are stone slabs on the edges of the roof. This house is inhabited by one blacksmith, dressed in a black work apron, but he rarely enters it, since the house has no door. In rare cases, lava in the pool can cause nearby homes to catch fire, but developers have said they will fix the problem. After version 12w21b, there is a chance that an Ender chest will appear instead of the usual one. There is also a small chance of two forges appearing in the village. As of the preview version 12w41a, an anvil will be generated instead of two stone slabs.

It is a small tall building made of cobblestones and cobblestone steps. The church consists of two floors, as well as an observation deck at the top, between which you can move using a long staircase running through the middle of the building. The windows are made from glass panels. Many players initially mistake the church for an observation tower or town hall. A priest in a scarlet robe always lives in this building.

Can be placed anywhere in the village and is designed to illuminate it. It is a block of black wool on a fence post, three blocks high. The wool has four torches on each vertical side. In version 1.4.4, due to a bug, it is generated incorrectly.

Made of gravel, three blocks wide and one deep. The roads approach almost every house and intersect near the well.

For Minecraft players, villages are ideal place for trading and searching for various valuable resources. Typically, such an area, consisting of a group of houses and other thematic structures, is inhabited by local NPCs (non-player characters).

general information

Villages can only be generated in desert and plain biomes (and since update 1.7 - also in savanna biomes). The main materials from which houses are built depend on the place of generation. A village located in the savannah or plain will have wooden and stone buildings, and one located in the desert will have sand buildings.

Similar areas appear in a wide variety of game updates, however, in order to avoid common bugs and regeneration errors, it is recommended to use the latest versions before

10. Minecraft villages appear in the cubic world through standard game settings or third-party modifications.

Early history of creation

Initially, the development of NPC villages was under the personal control of Notch, but then passed to Jeb. The first showing of the new material took place in version “Beta” 1.8. Based on the developers' early plans, it becomes clear that the villages were supposed to be populated by zombie pigmen, but in the next update they were replaced with ordinary villagers.

Mossy cobblestone was used as the main material for building houses at that time. The first villages in Minecraft were placed in deserts and plains, but due to the random generation of the landscape, local residents often found themselves trapped in textures. For this reason, early developments often featured a separate biome created specifically for such cases.

Thanks to update 12w07a, the local population has learned to renew itself. This ability turned out to be very useful, since NPCs suffered from constant attacks by zombie mobs, which, in turn, led to their complete extinction. At the same time, another special function was added to the game, which gave control over the expansion and improvement of villages to the users themselves.

Version 12w08a gave villagers personal golems, whose main purpose was to protect peaceful characters from hostile mobs (with the exception of creepers). Update 12w21a introduced the long-awaited feature of trading with locals. And the developers created emerald as a special currency.

How to find a village?

Searching for a village in the endless cubic world of Minecraft, without using any outside help, is comparable to finding a needle in a haystack. Fortunately, there are various tips and “tricks” that will help save the player both time and nerves.

First, you need to decide on the place to search. Let us remind you that villages appear only in three biomes: desert, plains and savannah. After this you can use useful method « a parallel world": press the F3 key and enter the code /seed. As a result, all the world will change its volumetric shape to a flat one. In such a landscape, it is much easier to notice the village, and its coordinates will be identical to those used in the three-dimensional world.

Players can also use special mods for villages in Minecraft. Modifications allow you to generate the necessary areas in biomes that are not typical for them: in mountains, slums, valleys, etc.

About reputation

Each player entering the village receives own scale reputation. Its starting value is always zero, while the minimum available level is -30 and the maximum is 10. Reputation changes depending on the actions that the player performs in the village. For example, trading is always accompanied by positive points, but negative actions (theft, murder, attacking golems) are only negative.

Villages are natural structures that are generated during the creation of the world and do not depend on the players. These are kind of NPC villages where villagers live - mobs specific to this location. Let's look at what a village is in Minecraft.

Firstly, these are villagers. They are not simple mobs here, but full-fledged NPCs with whom you can interact. For example, you can trade with them, which is what they are generally intended for. Trade takes place with a special currency - emeralds, which can be dug up in any mine, and residents sell a wide variety of utensils: from food - wheat, potatoes, carrots - and right up to items that cannot be obtained in any other way except by trade - a saddle or chain mail armor.

Villagers are divided into specializations - blacksmith, farmer, priest - and provide services depending on what specialization they have. They also live in special dwellings: a forge, a church, a residential building. Residents in a village in Minecraft are organized into families of 3-4 people: two adults and children. I would like to think that adults are a man and a woman, because outwardly they are not divided by gender (otherwise, you can sue the developers for promoting same-sex marriage. By the way, where do they get children from?).

In addition to the interesting NPC function, in the village you can find beautiful houses from useful materials, which can be disassembled into blocks and taken for yourself. Here you can find wooden and iron doors, buttons, levers, steps, fences. This is unless, of course, you are ashamed to deprive a family of villagers without a roof over their heads, but the father of the family worked for a long time to get a loan and buy a house for himself.
This is not all that is interesting in the village in minecraft. There are also farm fields that are useful for many beginning players. These are structures that are made for the productive cultivation of a wide variety of plant crops. Vegetable gardens, enclosed by fences, can become a real treasure trove for players collecting resources for their garden and their farming. After all, it is not always possible to find seeds for sowing potatoes, carrots, and pumpkins; here you can find these crops right in the residents’ gardens, and collect as many as you need to start your own farm.

In the game Minecraft, a village or NPC (non-player character) village is a group of buildings inhabited by these characters. They are generated in the Minecraft world on plains, savannahs or deserts. Villages in the plains and savanna biomes have structures made mostly of oak and cobblestone, while in deserts the houses are made of sandstone blocks.

Here are a couple of examples of villages in different biomes:

The purpose of villages in Minecraft is to provide housing for non-player characters with whom the player can trade common and rare items such as food, armor, weapons, etc.

How more houses An NPC is in a village, the more residents can be generated in it. The more residents, the richer the selection of items and the greater the likelihood of finding something valuable. NPCs use emeralds as currency, offering and accepting them in exchange for items.

Villagers: brief instructions

By finding or creating an NPC village, you can raise villagers and increase your population. It is limited by the number of houses in the village. Residents only breed as long as the number of adults is equal to or greater than 35% of the houses.

There are five main types of villagers: butchers, farmers, blacksmiths, librarians and priests.

Houses in an NPC village are counted by the number of doors in their respective structures. If you want to create your own village in Minecraft, you will need to take into account the number and placement of wooden doors.

NPC Village Structure

A typical NPC village has a number of buildings that generate, for the most part, randomly. Not all villages have the same number or type of buildings, although they are all designed the same. If you find a village, it usually consists of the following buildings:

A structure with an earthen floor, windows, a rounded roof and sometimes a table (pressed slab on pillars). There is one settler living here.

It is the same size as a hut, but has a cobblestone or sandstone floor and flat roof. Sometimes there is a fenced balcony with stairs. There is one settler living here.

Made from the same materials as a small house, but larger and L-shaped. Generated with doors. Two farmers live here.

It has small area for relaxation (table with wooden chairs), flagstone counter and fenced back yard. A butcher and a farmer live here.

Longer than other structures and includes a bench (wooden steps) under a row of bookshelves and a crafting table. A librarian and a farmer live here.

Appears with a small workshop with lava, a forge, a chest and a workbench in the form of a stone slab. Has no doors. A blacksmith lives here.

Tall building with three doors, stairs and glass panels. Includes a balcony on top and an altar inside. A priest and a farmer live here.

Villages are usually generated with wheat, carrot and potato farms, wells, lamp posts and roads to connect buildings. However, they do not necessarily appear with all of these attributes; huts and small houses appear most often, and libraries less often.

This randomly generated settlement has two butcher shops and two libraries.

Increasing the number of doors

When building your village, you don't have to be content with these randomly generated buildings. They are usually inefficient in relation to the size and number of blocks they are made of. To increase the size of buildings in a village to the maximum, you need simple structures with wooden doors, external, internal and roof units:

  • House: wooden door with “external” and “internal” space;
  • Interior space: has more space covered by roof blocks than exterior space;
  • External space: has less space covered by roof blocks than internal space;
  • Roof: An impenetrable block blocks direct sunlight.

Essentially, to get a "house" you need a wooden door with a block of material within five squares of the door on one side (inside) and no blocks within five squares on the other side (outside). Here's a simple example:

Wooden door with a block of earth on it inside. The game considers such a structure to be a full-fledged house!

The “inside” block makes up the “roof” of the house and can be of any height, including at ground level. Surround the block with four wooden doors, each of which opens outwards, and you have four houses.

This minimalistic design saves space, but it is not very beautiful or safe. On normal level difficulty and higher, zombies appear at night, they can attack and turn residents into zombie residents. If residents do not have protection when darkness falls, they are at risk of becoming zombies or being killed, including by skeletons, spiders and creepers. It doesn't matter how you build the houses as long as they meet the Minecraft "standard", but for the safety of the inhabitants it is worth using the "log house" structure:

  1. Collect 25 wooden blocks, 6 wooden doors and 3 wooden planks;
  2. Create a 3 x 5 base with a combination of wood blocks and wood doors;
  3. Place the second level of wooden blocks on the foundation;
  4. Build a roof out of wooden blocks with three wooden planks in the middle.

The log home has six doors, making it six homes in one!

This simple and efficient structure has six doors and a chance of generating 2.01 inhabitants, which is the same as having six separate houses. Build several of these buildings and you can provide shelter to many residents, increase the population limit and motivate residents to reproduce.

WITH Minecraft versions 1.8 settlers reproduce only when they have the “desire”. Settlers gain a wish when trading with them; regular trading gives 3-6 experience, and with “desire” 8-11 experience. Also, the desire appears if residents have at least 3 units of bread, 12 potatoes, 12 carrots or 12 beets in their inventory. You can throw food to settlers so they can pick it up. When a child is born, the parents lose their desire and trading must be started anew.

To create more beautiful villages you can use different materials for different buildings, experiment with different architectures. You don't have to have roads and farms, but don't forget to keep the villages well lit with torches! Why this needs to be done exactly “well”, see the video below, where, it would seem, hostile mobs begin to appear in the author’s closed and illuminated settlement.

Zombies in the village

Constructing buildings with many doors no longer helps to increase the number of villages, since the "desire" factor of the inhabitants comes into play. However, there are a number of options; You can find and cure a zombie villager or move villagers from an NPC village to your own. Each method requires some effort.

Only 5% of zombies generated at night are village residents. Like regular zombies, zombie villagers will attack the player and NPCs, and they also can't stand the sun. Regular zombies are capable of turning villagers into zombies; a group of unprotected villagers can quickly be turned into zombies or killed. On the Hard difficulty level, the chance of turning into a zombie is 100%, 50% on the Normal difficulty level, and 0% on the Easy and Peaceful levels.

We have already talked about. If this did not save you and the attack occurred, then the surviving residents can be cured.

To treat a zombie villager, you will need to weaken him with , and then feed him a golden apple. It is recommended to place zombie villagers in a prison cell with iron bars and a bed inside to increase the healing rate. Under normal conditions, a zombie villager will heal in about 3 minutes.

To create a potion of weakness you need:

  1. Mushroom;
  2. Sugar;
  3. Spider Eye;
  4. A bottle of water;
  5. Powder.

Combine Mushroom, Sugar and Spider Eye at the crafting table to create a cooked spider eye.

Craft spider eyes

Place the eye in a brewing stand over a vial of water to prepare a potion of weakness.

To make an Exploding Potion of Weakness from it, combine it with gunpowder at the brewing stand.

Exploding Potion of Weakness.

After weakening the zombie villager, feed it a golden apple. To create a golden apple, surround the apple with eight gold nuggets on a crafting table.

When the healing has taken effect, the zombies will try to damage the villager again.

Moving residents to another village

If you want to lure residents from an NPC village to your own, you can build a railway system and transport them in minecarts. This process takes a long time and consumes a lot of materials, especially if the NPC village is far away. Since a house in Minecraft can be as little as a wooden door with a block on one side, luring villagers from their villages to yours becomes easy and cheap:

  1. Gather residents in one house, destroying the doors in all the others;
  2. Place the wooden door with the block close behind it;
  3. Destroy the wooden door of the house with the inhabitants inside;
  4. Wait for the villagers to start gathering at the door of the newly created “house”;
  5. Place another wooden door and block a few squares away from it;
  6. Destroy the first door and block and wait for the villagers to start moving;
  7. Repeat the process until you reach own village Minecraft.

This method is much more economical than creating a system railways. Transporting residents at night can be dangerous, especially if there are many residents. However, this process must be carried out precisely at night, because all the residents hide in the “houses” only at night. Transportation can allow you to increase the population of your village.

There are no correct or wrong ways creating your own village if the houses have wooden doors and an opaque roof within five squares of internal space Houses. You can use any materials to create houses, decorate them and create as many structures as you like. You can create apartments and apartment buildings. Building a village in creative mode can speed up the process and give you access to more materials.