“Ethnic style in the interior: a touch of exoticism. Ethnic style in the interior of an apartment Ethnic style in interior design

In one of his interviews, Gianni Versace said that you should not get carried away with trends and give fashion power over you. You need to decide for yourself what to express with your clothes and lifestyle. Fashion and style are different concepts, but nevertheless they always go hand in hand.

This phrase by Versace very accurately describes the concept of such a controversial style as boho-chic, which has become a kind of example of the cyclical nature of fashion and has collected multicultural ethnic motifs.

Fashion trends in boho style

The basic principle of ethnic style is the reflection in clothing of the character and traditions of a particular people. This is a primordial folk costume, which evolves under the yoke of fashion trends, is reshaped, deformed, but at the same time retains its characteristics.

Boho is a trend that is a style mix. These are grunge, ethnic, and gypsy motifs with a slight bohemian touch. When talking about boho style, you shouldn’t single out ethnics specifically, since this is just one of the branches of the main trend. Ethnics can exist both in a set of style trends, united in boho-chic (bohemian classics), and as an independent style.

National motive

Ethical style is difficult to name fashion trend, and yet he holds his position year after year and does not leave the podium. Every year, fashion shows show the world new images with pronounced folk motifs. But it is important to note that ethnic style is more of a state of mind, expressed in clothing, accessories and lifestyle. It is all these components together that make up the principle of ethnicity.

The fashion trends of the coming season also did not ignore the original ethnic style of clothing. Designers paid special attention to the features of national costumes and transferred the most striking details to their models of clothing, shoes and accessories. Embroidery, various prints, contrasting combinations of fabrics and patchwork-style clothing are often found in the fashion collections of famous designers, as well as on mass market shelves.

Fashion from the people

Over time, when clothing ceased to be simply protection from the cold and prying eyes, it became a sign of belonging to any class, a reflection of a way of life and a bright element of the nationality. The purpose of the primordial ethnic costume was to determine belonging to a particular nation. The national costume was one of the main values cultural heritage. Today it is one of the most ancient and at the same time young, being revived from year to year, taking on new forms.

Hippie movement

In the mid-20th century, the most popular among fashionistas was classic style clothes. Discreet feminine dresses, formal suits, aristocratic chic. Strict lines and pedantry are what distinguished the ladies of the last century, until the era of rebellion arrived.

In the early 60s of the last century, the ethnic style of clothing loudly declared its relevance; history connects its popularization with the hippie movement. While fashion trends actively promoted miniskirts, short shorts and tops, the rebellious hippie youth movement said “no” to them. Flower children preferred long robed tunics, Aladdin trousers and floor-length skirts. Hippies had no restrictions in their own fashion, so the clothing style of this subculture adopted motifs from many countries and nationalities. Modern ethnic style has preserved this cultural symbiosis. But today every girl can afford ethnic motifs in her wardrobe without being a hippie.

Ethnic clothing style among women is gaining unprecedented popularity in the current fashion season. And the Russian national costume is being revived in a new look, preserving common Slavic details. Traditional Slavic ethnic style - pictured below.

Multi-layering is one of the main features of the Russian national costume. The ethnic style inherent in the Slavic group is characterized by bright accents, loose fit and national ornaments. Green, red and blue are the main trend colors of this season. Embroidery is still popular. This fashion season it is typical not only for clothing, but also relevant in shoe collections.

Particular attention should be paid to Greek motifs. Famous and beloved by many brides wedding dresses in greek style- this is a vivid example of borrowing a classic Greek folk costume. This is perhaps one of the few ethnic clothing motifs that have retained their original appearance.

The dress, made of light flowing fabric, has a characteristic asymmetry in the cut and certainly exposes the shoulder. Casual dresses in the Greek style are characterized by unobtrusive botanical prints. The main purpose of a dress in the Greek style is to emphasize the dignity and beauty of the body. Practicality and versatility also characterize the Greek ethnic style of clothing. 2018 trends place emphasis on the length of the Greek dress. Floor-length dresses with a high waist will hide figure flaws and emphasize visible advantages. The look will be harmoniously complemented by sandals with thin soles, decorated with numerous straps. No less popular are Indian, African and Native American motifs.

There will be accessories!

When talking about ethnic style, one cannot help but focus on accessories and jewelry. Massive jewelry, which is characterized by a lack of stiffness, is coming back into fashion again. In the new fashion season, you don’t have to be afraid of going overboard with details. Numerous intricate rings, bracelets and chains are stylish.

The main highlight of ethnic style jewelry is its individual design and character. Each decoration should have meaning and attract attention. “What does this mean?” - those around you must ask. The materials used for jewelry in ethnic style are leather, beads, metal, bone and stones. The most popular are handmade ethnic jewelry.

Hygge, or Cozy Happiness in Danish

Not long ago, society was blown up by the cozy Danish trend of hygge, the principle of which is the search for happiness in the little things. Warm sweaters with cute prints and patterns, warm knitted socks with images of deer - all this is nothing more than the same ethnic style of clothing. A photo of a woman and a man in cozy funny sweatshirts with hot cocoa was a must-have for any profile on social networks.

This cute winter trend has literally captured the hearts of millions. The cozy Scandinavian philosophy of finding simple happiness extends to all areas of life, and clothing also plays an important role in this whole conceptual mosaic. Three pillars of Scandinavian ethnic costume in hygge style:

  • Loose fit.
  • Natural materials.
  • Warm and cozy.

A style that suits everyone

If the ethnic style itself is not suitable for everyone, then Scandinavian motifs will appeal to everyone. There is no one who wouldn't like a warm and soft sweater, whether it has a simple pattern or a fun print. When winter persistently holds its position, and the frost continues to draw patterns on the windows, there is nothing more desirable than a warm coarse knit jumper, warm woolen socks and a cozy long scarf.

Features of the type

There is a very true remark that ethnicity is suitable for everyone, but it is different for everyone individual style, corresponding to the appearance and color type. Slavic motifs suit some people, hot Spanish contrasts will look harmonious on others, and mysterious Japan will appeal to others. Ethnic style is not limited to geometric South American Indian prints, African beads and gypsy layered skirts. Ethnics are a variety of forms and textures.

How to choose the right image?

Each type has its own specific style, which will unconditionally benefit the image as a whole. When choosing an outfit, you should take into account your appearance and your color type. It’s hard to imagine that a white-skinned girl with a discreet Slavic appearance will look harmonious in an outfit made in a classic African ethnic style. But Slavic motifs, on the contrary, suit almost everyone - both fair-haired young ladies of the East Slavic color type, and girls with a temperamental appearance.

Colorful Latin American patterns are ideal for brunettes with a bright and contrasting appearance.

Blonde girls cannot withstand the competition of explosive motives. But what should blondes and fair-haired women do? Blonde girls with a cold color type should pay attention to Slavic or Scandinavian motifs. Cool shades and a loose fit will harmoniously combine with such external data.

If you don't remember what a woman was wearing, she was dressed perfectly.

This is the famous phrase of Coco Chanel, which should become the main principle in choosing the right dress.

Due to its characteristics, Asian ethnic style stands apart. The photos below demonstrate the refined lines and graceful patterns characteristic of this trend.

There are no special contraindications to choosing an outfit with pronounced Japanese motifs. Both brunettes and blondes will find a suitable style. But the Asian ethnic style of clothing is most acceptable for women with delicate aristocratic features.

But chubby ladies with large features should avoid Asian motifs and pay attention to East style.

Fashionable looks this season

Should you pay attention to ethnic clothes this fashion season? Definitely yes. This year, adherents of ethnic motifs can safely say that they are in trend like no one else.

In the cold season, a short sheepskin coat will warm you up. Scandinavian motifs in subdued colors and with an abundance of fur details will appeal to discerning fashionistas.

In spring, you should pay attention to bright ponchos, leather and suede products. Shoes with embroidery will harmoniously complement the look. Boots in this fashion season will be popular American style. The cowboys are back in town.

In the summer, you shouldn’t pass by linen dresses and sundresses. Bright colors and geometric prints will be especially popular this season. Peasant motifs will make the image romantic and light. Wide shirts with embroidery and ornaments in the Slavic style will also be popular this summer.

African motifs are no less popular this fashion season. Many fashion houses have focused specifically on geometric prints and animalistic fabrics, which are characteristic of the African ethnic style.

You need to carefully approach the combination of African motifs in clothing so that the image does not seem overloaded.

How to combine print and African ethnic style in clothing: photo

Ethnic print is a rather capricious element of any outfit, which is not easy to combine with other elements of clothing in such a way as to create a discreet and stylish look. A classic color scheme will help balance out any flashy colors. It is black and White color and are ideally combined with bright prints and animalistic splashes.

For example, when choosing a bright top with a pattern or a contrasting print, you should balance it with a more restrained plain skirt or trousers. The clothes themselves should also not be overloaded with details. Pockets, lapels, frills - all this will make the look more ridiculous than stylish. The ethnic print should be the center of the entire look without additional details. The number of decorations should also be minimized.

Following these simple rules, you can create perfect image in an ethical style.

Ethnic style in the interior is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to create unusual design in your home. The online magazine “House Design” will tell you about its options and their features.

Ethnic style in the interior: Origins

Ethnic style in the interior is a relatively new invention. However, already at the time of the Great Geographical Discoveries, Europeans began to decorate their homes with exotic objects brought from distant countries. In addition, upon returning home, travelers told their compatriots about the way of life of the inhabitants of the Arab East, China, Japan, Persia and Turkey.

For example, with their light hand In Europe, poufs and sofas became popular, which were an indispensable part of the furniture of the Sultan's and Shah's palaces. They were modified and in each era they were given features of the style that was in trend.

Options for Ethnic style in the interior

Today, under the general name “Ethnic style in the interior” we understand:

  • authentic ethnicity;
  • mix;
  • interspersing ethnic motifs into one of the modern styles.

The main requirements are to ensure maximum comfort and organically fit modern equipment into the interior, for example, a television panel.

Ethnic style in the interior: authentic option

Creating such an interior involves studying the features traditional design dwellings in one country or another. You can turn your bedroom into the quarters of an Indian maharaja or decorate your living room like an African bungalow.

Authentic ethnic style is used extremely rarely in the interior.

It is quite difficult for a modern city dweller to give up the usual chairs, which were not familiar to the inhabitants of this continent before the colonization of Africa, or to sleep on Japanese futon mattresses laid directly on the floor.

Mix in your Home

Using an eclectic ethnic style in the interior of an apartment or office is no less difficult than using an authentic one. There is a great danger that your home will turn into a Kunstkamera or a store of exotic goods.

First of all, you should try to ensure that the room is not full of colors. different colors. Try to have no more than three colors in the interior.

However, if you are confident in your abilities as a decorator, then you can ignore this advice.
Good decision use a thematic mix ethno style in the interior. For example, you can choose a hunting theme. Then an African bow and arrow will go well with a mural or painting depicting a tiger hunting scene in India.

Minimalism with ethnic accents

Most often, designers propose using ethnic style in the interior in the form of small inclusions of ethnic motifs in a trendy minimalist design. Thus, two problems are solved at once. In particular, the design ceases to be boring and monotonous and, at the same time, it does not look overloaded with details.

Again, when creating such an interior, the advice is to use the most simple finishing. Simply paint the walls and ceiling a light color and choose light-colored laminate or tile flooring.

This way, the room itself will become a blank canvas on which you can “paint” a design using decor from different nations.

Ethnic style in the interior of a minimalist living room

If your goal is modern design living room, then adding ethnic accents will help make it attractive and unusual. You can, for example, decorate a wall with shields or weapons of African hunters. A Navajo Indian blanket would also be suitable and would decorate a minimalist snow-white sofa.

The main thing is not to overdo it. It is enough to limit yourself to using 1-3 exotic items.

Please note! Don't try to combine incompatible things. Stick to a consistent theme and avoid a cacophony of color.

Minimalist ethnic bedroom in Japanese style: Color and decoration

It is believed that the most successful minimalist ethnic style in a bedroom interior is achieved by using Japanese motifs.

The fact is that at one time the creators of Minimalism relied, among other things, on the traditions of home decoration characteristic of the Land of the Rising Sun.

To create a Japanese ethnic style in the bedroom interior, you will need to use natural materials. The color scheme is based on white, black, beige and cream colors and shades. As bright accent It is acceptable to use red. However, it can only be used for decoration.

Furniture and decor for Japanese interiors

Ideally, you will decorate at least one wall with a traditional Japanese shoji partition. It is made of wood and paper. Therefore, plain colors are suitable to imitate it. paper wallpaper and wooden planks painted in dark color.

The ceiling will also look authentic, in the form of squares or rectangles from wooden beams. Light-colored matte fabrics should be stretched over them.

As for furniture, those who use Japanese ethnic style in the interior will have to limit themselves to a minimum set of furniture items. If this is not possible, then a sliding wardrobe is also suitable, which should be well disguised under the same paper partitions.

Kitchen in ethno style

Most often you can see ethnic style in the interior of the kitchen. At the same time, it is often mixed with style. In particular, you can choose a French ethnic rustic design known as Provence. It’s a great idea to arrange a kitchen in the style of a Russian hut.

It's better to give kitchen set features that emphasize the ethnic style in the interior that you have chosen. For example, for French Provence, you can artificially age pre-painted wooden surfaces. Then they are decorated with images of flower bouquets and Gali cockerels. In addition, you can disguise storage systems sliding doors. They can be printed with images of suitable content using photo printing.

Ethnic style in bathroom design

Ethnic style in the bathroom interior is most often chosen by people with means who want to turn this room into some semblance of an oriental hammam.

Of course, setting up a hammam with a steam room in a private house will require a lot of money. However, the result is always amazing. After all, oriental flavor can turn any room into a fabulous one.

Please note that in a city apartment, ethnic style in the bathroom interior can be used only if it is spacious enough.

You can add the features of a hammam using natural stone or tiles that imitate it. Required element are arches and/or imitation columns.

In addition, a special a massage table in the form of a podium in the shape of a regular polygon.

Ethnic style in the interior Photo Gallery

Ethnic style in the interior is an orientation towards national color, customs and traditions. With its help, you can not only create a unique and original atmosphere in your home, but also tell about your roots with the help of characteristic elements of furniture, decor, and textiles. From this article you will learn about the features of the ethnic style, and we will also tell you how to independently recreate the ethnic flavor in your interior using.

Ethnics combine quite a lot of trends and look different in each design, be it a room in a Japanese or Indian theme. The ethnic direction has been and remains relevant in the interior due to its uniqueness, originality and fairly simple implementation. It is also one of the most eco-friendly styles in terms of materials used.

History of ethnic style

Ethno, ethnic, folklore, folk-ethno - all these are alternative names for the ethnic style, which has been formed over many centuries. This is one of the few trends in the interior that was not invented due to socio-economic trends in society. Its essence lies in the maximum imitation of life, the internal arrangement of the homes of a certain people. At the same time, the basis is not modern design, but from distant antiquity, when furniture was made exclusively from natural materials, and instead of floor carpets, animal skins were used. Similarly, you can easily decorate a room in Chinese style with your own hands.

Bedroom in ethnic style

The first creators of the style can be considered sailors and travelers of the Middle Ages, who brought various memorable items (figurines, boxes, vases, curtains, etc.) to their country and placed them in their homes, conveying the spirit of distant lands. Transferring the culture, traditions and way of life of other peoples into the interior of your home is a manifestation of ethnic style.

Ethnic style with Scandinavian motifs

Under the influence of various tourist destinations, varieties of ethnic style in the interior have been formed. The main ones are:

  • ✔ Arabic (Eastern);
  • ✔ Japanese;
  • ✔ African;
  • ✔ Indian;
  • ✔ Moroccan;
  • ✔ Scandinavian;
  • ✔ Chinese;
  • ✔ Mexican, etc.

Now tourism is more developed than ever, so ethnicity takes on new features and makes it possible to realistically recreate the archaic way of life of entire peoples.

Design features in ethnic style

Ethnicity in the design of an apartment or house is a mixed concept, since it unites different styles that have retained their originality through the centuries. Despite this, the ethnic style has unifying features:

  • ✔ characteristic textiles, furniture, household items;
  • ✔ national flavor;
  • ✔ typical colors, shades and decorative elements;
  • ✔ use of ornaments and patterns.

An abundance of colorful textiles - characteristic ethnics

If you visited, for example, Africa or America and brought some decorative items (African mask or Indian panel), they can be successfully used to create ethnic decor in the Moroccan or country style.

Special attention is paid to finishing materials. Since in ancient times people did not yet know what plastic, wallpaper or centralized lighting were, modern minimalism in the interior involves the use of artificial materials and light sources. Preference is given natural wood and textiles, stone, iron, animal skins, etc. These materials are used in decoration, furniture and various accessories. Doors should also not stand out from the general concept. They should be decorated to match the furniture or walls.

Wood is a favorite material in ethnic design

Finish options

Ethnic style decoration is determined mainly by the characteristics of the era and country that your interior will imitate. For example, the interior of a Scandinavian-style home may include massive beams on the ceiling, stone or wooden floors. In a Japanese setting, on the contrary, you need to observe minimalism. Perfect solution- floor mats and white painted ceiling.

Laconic but original finishing option in ethno style

To create a successful imitation of a wooden floor in an African style, you can use parquet board or laminate. When you need to decorate walls, a suitable texture and relief can be obtained using Venetian and textured plaster. Often the walls act only as a background, and the decorative elements placed on them (weapons, animal skins, African masks, Japanese open fans, etc.) are of greatest value.

Furniture in ethnic style

Furniture in ethno-style is one of the most characteristic elements indicating that the interior belongs to a particular culture. Most products must be made of wood (bamboo, oak, beech, walnut, alder, pine, cedar). Upholstered furniture can have metal carcass and upholstery made from coarse natural fabrics.

Iron is one of the first minerals discovered by man. Iron artistic forging can be found in many European styles(English, Scandinavian) - legs of tables, chairs, backs of chairs, mirror frames, etc.

Furniture in ethnic style has a certain style, character and expressiveness. For example, wicker furniture is associated with the East and Africa. These are armchairs, chairs, ottomans, coffee and coffee tables. Several centuries ago, of course, there was no coffee tables, but they have become one of the necessary pieces of furniture of our time. If such a table is made in ethno style, then it will fit well into the interior of the living room. Such items will look appropriate in a room in the Art Nouveau style.

Light wooden furniture - good decision for ethnic style

Decor in ethnic style

If you want an apartment in an ethnic style to be made in compliance with all the features, you must definitely use decor - main tool, which sets the tone for the entire interior. The amount of decor is determined mainly by the type of ethnicity:

  • ✔ authentic ethnicity;
  • ✔ ethno-mix;
  • ✔ ethnic decor in the interior.

Authentic ethnicity presupposes complete imitation of culture, especially with the help decorative elements. They are used in the Moroccan style kitchen (utensils, dishes), bedroom (paintings, figurines), bathroom (wide wooden frames mirrors, wall lamps, boxes) and in other rooms.

Ethno-mix is ​​an opportunity to combine decor from cultures of different countries. For example, embroidery and hand-painted pottery were widespread in Asia, Europe and Africa. These elements can be combined well within the space.

Rich ethnic style decor

When choosing ethnic decor in the interior of an apartment, focus on folk motifs. This design is easier to organize, because you don’t need to do it major renovation. Use decorative items(Arabic carpet, skin, African masks, Japanese vases, themed photo frames) is easier and cheaper than creating an interior with a deep imitation of ancient housing from scratch.

What colors to use

The color scheme is unique for each direction in the ethno style. For example, the Chinese interior is traditionally decorated in red and gold, in the Egyptian one one can observe the dominance of warm shades - sand, yellow, brown, and in the Scandinavian one - cooler, restrained colors. In addition, there is a certain connection between color and the purpose of the room.

Light children's room in ethnic style

Most peoples of the world associate the bathroom with joy and relaxation. This was facilitated by the use of natural materials and colors. But if you don't want to limit yourself to just one aspect of the ethnicity, choose finishes in ocher, umber, terracotta and blue shades.

To successfully choose a color palette for decorating a bathroom in an ethno-style, first study in detail what color the walls, bathroom accessories and decor should be.

Ethnic style cuisine is the choice of travelers, collectors and just creative people with unconventional views. It usually contains many shades of wood color, from beige to dark brown. Work zone and dining rooms often have different shades, such as sand and dark brown, pale yellow and burgundy.


To create believable lighting in an ethnic style, you need to hide the wires and light bulbs as much as possible. Lighting around the perimeter of the room does not look very appropriate. If there is enough space, you can install several original wall lamps (preferably not glass) in the room. Also, in spacious rooms, a massive chandelier of an unusual shape in the hand-made style, for example, wicker or textile, will look good. For small rooms, you can choose lighting that imitates candles and candlesticks.

A wicker chandelier will perfectly complement an ethnic interior.

Ethnic style can be classified as an average price category: if you use only decor in the interior, then such renovation of the house will cost less than a complete imitation of an ancient building and its foundations or choosing a colonial style in the interior. Ethnic style will suit:

  • ✔ creative individuals;
  • ✔ for beginners and experienced travelers;
  • ✔ ethnographers;
  • ✔ lovers of certain cultures;
  • ✔ for photographers.

There are no strict requirements for ethnic design; the main thing is to choose natural materials and maintain harmony between large and small decor - this is the only way you can create an atmospheric room for relaxation or work.

To better prepare for renovations, you can look at photos of ethnic style in the interior and study relevant literature, but using a special program will be more effective. It allows you to carry out redevelopment or create a design project for an apartment with your own hands. At your service - more than 450 types of finishes, standard and custom layouts, large lists various furniture and interior items, a convenient Russian-language interface and the ability to calculate all costs associated with repairs.

Ethnic design in the program "Interior Design 3D"

With the help of "Interior Design 3D" you can implement any non-standard ideas and print them in the required format. Also this a great opportunity see what your ethnic interior will look like and, if necessary, make timely changes and take into account all the little details.

Ethnic stylein the interior is an inexpensive but very effective way to give your apartment unusualness and originality. This design style interiors has several names - ethnic style, exotic, folk ethno style , or simply ethnicity . Ethnic style involves the maximum use of a variety of decorative elements that reflect the cultural and historical characteristics of a nation or state. Thanks to the combination of all kinds of folklore motifs in interior design, ethnic style manages to create a unique atmosphere of immersion in the traditions and culture of another people.

Design tradition interiors in ethnic style dates back hundreds of years of existence and at the same time does not lose its relevance.

Travel lovers, fans of exploring other cultures, as well as simply fans of the exotic enthusiastically take advantage of the opportunities ethnics to create original decor for your homes, rich in the national flavor of a particular country.

The widespread spread of tourism, international contacts, the exchange of information around the world - all this has led to the fact that when entering someone's apartment, you do not immediately understand what country you are in.

People go to other countries to study or work, absorb foreign culture - this is how ethno styles in the interior of the house.

Anyone can find your ethno style, which suits his tastes and preferences.

Ethnic style combines certain decor, furniture, materials, colors characteristic of the interior of a home in a particular country or region.

Ethno style- is a return to Indian, Indian, Bushman, Arab, African and similar traditionally national elements in interior design. Style ethnicity brightly eclectic.

Mats, sculptures, carpets, skins, stuffed animals, religious objects that have lost their functionality become decorative decorations and interior details.

Braids, glass and beads, fringe, glitter and metal threads in fabrics, chameleon fabrics, leather, fur are trendy.

Colors, patterns, furniture, fabrics and decorations seen in different countries or flashed in books and magazines, generate wealth design ideas.

Ethnic style- not the reproduction of a specific image, but the interpretation and adaptation of attractive or evocative elements of another culture.

One or two well-chosen items - simple unglazed jugs or an African village stool can start an attractive and original design- project.

Use a rich palette of exotic colors - from the hot salsa shades of Mexico to the spicy burnt umber, cinnamon and terracotta tones of North Africa.

Often the concept ethnic style associated with exoticism. Many people mistakenly believe that only African figurines, Japanese screens or Uzbek suzani (large embroidered wall panels) can be included here, but such an opinion is erroneous.

Ethnic style in the interior implies the creation of an environment using national color, characteristic of the traditions of a particular people, a particular culture. Therefore, say, Mediterranean design with its rich colors, abundance of smalt and ceramics, shiny gilded accessories and woven draperies can equally be called ethnic , like Japanese minimalism or Scandinavian naturalness, German pragmatism or Indian “fairy tale”.

One of the great features interior in ethnic style is that to transfer the appropriate energy it is enough to choose the right materials, forms, color scheme, furniture and other decorative elements.

Ethnic style does not require mandatory structural changes, redevelopment, or complete refurbishment of the premises.

Materials for arrangement interiors V ethno style as diverse as the national characteristics of a particular country.

For finishing, either natural materials or their imitation are usually used. Moreover, the imitation should be textured, sometimes even deliberately rough, giving the impression of a “raw” surface.

Painting, plaster, or stone cladding can be used for walls. Wood is used for finishing floors, ceramic tile, and on top the floor is decorated with mats and carpets in the selected national interior style.

For ethnic style characterized by the absence of standard interior walls, their role is usually performed by movable partitions and screens.

The division of space into different zones can be done using lighting elements and floor zoning.

Color spectrum ethnic interior can vary significantly depending on the specific national culture chosen as the basis for the design. For example, in an Indian interior, a combination of orange, turquoise and crimson tones will look harmonious.

The atmosphere of Latin America can be conveyed using original color combinations- dark blue is adjacent to yellow, and brown is adjacent to rich pink.

Japanese minimalism suggests something completely different color solutions- soft, light, “natural” colors - sand, pearl gray, milky color, with small splashes of gilding and red.

However, it should still be recognized that most interiors in ethnic style designed in fairly bright, saturated colors.

As for the design, a variety of national ornaments dominate here, which decorate textiles, Decoration Materials, accessories.

Each nation has its own folklore motifs. Japan or China - images of dragons, nature or hieroglyphic writing, Africa - schematic scenes of hunting, images of animals, spots and stripes, Morocco and Moroccan style - mosaic panels and multi-colored stained glass windows.

By the way, these two directions ethnic style interior- Eastern and African are currently the most popular both in the world and in Russia.

Comply with the chosen direction ethno style furniture should too. Preference in ethnic interior is given to natural materials, and imitation leather or animal skin is often used as upholstery. Wicker furniture made of rattan, palm or bamboo produces a wonderful effect.

General lighting in ethnic interiors It should not be too bright; local light sources will help illuminate individual corners of the room and create stylish accents.

This way you can emphasize the original ethno accessories - various handmade souvenirs or elements of applied art.

Choosing options ethnic style interior, focus not on fashion, but on your taste - what ethnic style It’s closer to you, use it in your interior design.

Interior styles designed in accordance with the characteristics of the living space are called ethnic. any country.

As a rule, such styles are formed under the influence of cultural traditions, features of the way of life that have developed on the basis of climatic conditions and the geographical location of the country.

If we turn to the climatic features of various regions, we can already trace a certain natural color trend, which are reflected in the shades of the interior. Also play an important role social conditions , in which people of a particular country live.

Today we present to your attention several distinct ethnic styles characteristic of European and African regions.

European styles

English style

The characteristic features of a cozy and elegant English style are combining old and new elements. Comfort is the focus cushioned furniture, fabric (waxed chintz), a large number of accessories in the form of books, flowers, lamps, candles and antique interior items.

As for more modern incarnation English style, Shabby Chic, then it can be described as more neutral.

The most characteristic details of this style are the finished walnut or oak panels. work rooms with the addition of green cloth. Mandatory attributes of such an office are a large library And massive expensive desktop.

As for the main type of ornament in interior design, most often it is vertical stripes. They can be seen both on walls and on furniture upholstery.

It is worth saying a few words about the classic English furniture, which is made from solid massif With minimal surface treatment. Usually this is a simple coating with varnish or wax.

Lovers of the English style have the opportunity to choose either a direct interpretation victorian style or Sheraton style, as well as a more modern eclectic solution with elements from different eras.

Victorian style

This style is variety of English and American architectural and design trends, the formation of which began closer to late 19th century when Queen Victoria reigned in England. The main feature of the style is mixing old styles, but in other combinations.

In architecture, the Victorian style is also called neo-gothic, universities, churches and most government agencies. The main characteristics of the Victorian style include: heaviness, presentability, large decorations, as well as careful attention to detail. This is also the furniture characteristic of this style: heavy, dark colors, with a lot of carved patterns. Overall, the Victorian interior looks like semi-dark romance with an abundance of accessories from other stylistic directions.

African interior styles

Traditional African style

Traditional African art has long been source of inspiration for many designers. Pablo Picasso was the first to show interest in this direction. at the beginning of the 20th century, and other artists followed him. The main color scheme taken from African pottery, came from nature. Of the most active flowers it is worth noting bright red and indigo, however, in interior design they are most often used complex earthy colors.

It is also worth noting the shade of red ocher, yellow tones, orange and chocolate and white shades. For an African-style interior, the texture of fabrics is very important.

Often used in interior design in African style:

  • floor skins of wild African animals;
  • animal prints in colors;
  • various painted dishes;
  • wall masks;
  • shamanic attributes;
  • African musical instruments;
  • wooden furniture and dishes with animal-themed paintings.

Also serve as decoration for floors and walls woven carpets and mats with a characteristic pattern. The highlight of this interior is homemade masks, wooden dishes with characteristic geometric paintings, sculptures and other. Most of the patterns decorating African-style dishes are symbols, reflecting a religious theme, human activity, landscapes, animals, etc.

As a rule, all items are made from natural materials such as red and ebony wood, wenge, clay, bamboo and rattan, crocodile and snake skin, Ivory, feathers of exotic birds. Among the characteristic interior items it is also worth noting traditional wicker baskets rounded shapes with engraving or carving, as well as unpainted wooden furniture in very dark shades.

Egyptian style

Egyptian style in the interior is the most ancient. Until now, many designers turn to him in search of new ideas. As a result, a unique system was formed, which is based on combination of figured elements, geometric precision and painting in the form of scenes from life or plant elements.

Most of the images were painted on the walls. Despite the abundance of paintings, Egyptian interiors did not create a feeling of overload. It is worth noting that almost everything was decorated free space walls, floors and ceilings, applying figures in a certain sequence. Thus, a harmonious pattern was created. Various vases, lamps, bowls, inlaid with stones or made of white alabaster.

Considerable attention was paid to doorpost paintings, where a horizontal multi-colored ornament was applied in strictly geometric proportions. Also used stone inlay or carved a design directly onto the wall.

To place interior items, special niches were made in the walls, decorated with words of prayer to the gods.

A characteristic feature of the Egyptian interior is the furniture arranged in a certain order.

Furniture that seems simple at first glance is put to the test perfectly executed in accordance with the shape of the human body, while the corners were always smoothed. Every detail in the furniture was made with jewelry precision, often in the form of some animal figure. As storage for household utensils richly decorated caskets and chests of drawers were used.

The modern Egyptian interior is characterized by various braids and mats, palm leaves and reeds, as well as the presence small figurines of divine animals, for example, cats.