Dismantling of road slabs regulating documents. Advertisements for the request “dismantling of road slabs. Laying of road and airfield slabs PAG

public corporation
Design, Engineering and Technological Institute of Industrial Construction

OJSC PKTIpromstroy


113-05 TK


1.1 The technological map has been drawn up for the construction of temporary on-site, access and intra-quarter work highways from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs.

1.2 The scope of work covered by the map includes:

Device roadbed;

Construction of an underlying layer of sand;

Laying slabs;

Welding of staples and plates;

Sealing joints and seams.

1.3 When linking the technological map to a specific object and construction conditions, the following is specified: the direction of installation of slabs and the movement of the crane depending on the general direction of work on the route, breakdown into sections and sections in accordance with the work project. When linking, the scope of work, calculation of labor costs, and means of mechanization are also specified, taking into account the maximum use of the existing fleet of installation mechanisms.

1.4 The form of use of the technological map provides for its circulation in the field of information technology with inclusion in the database on technology and organization construction production automated workstation for construction technologist (AWS TSP), contractor and customer.


2.1 Before starting work on constructing a temporary road, the following work must be completed:

The road route is illuminated and paved;

Temporary buildings and structures have been installed to the extent necessary for the work;

Machinery and tools were delivered to the site;

Lighting was provided for work areas and household premises;

The necessary materials have been delivered.

2.2 When carrying out work on the construction of roads, as well as when accepting them for operation, the requirements of SNiP 3.06.03-85 “Highways”, SNiP 3.02.01-87 “ Earthworks, foundations and foundations", SNiP 3.03.01-87 "Load-bearing and enclosing structures".

2.3 Work on the construction of temporary roads is carried out using the in-line method, ensuring uniform and continuous production of work by mechanisms and workers. Technology system prefabricated road installations reinforced concrete slabs is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Technological diagram of the construction of a road made of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs

2.4 For small volumes of work and on short sections where the use of the continuous method is impractical, the work is carried out in a cyclic manner, alternately along the entire length of the road.

2.5 By the start of road work, fencing of the work sites must be erected and signs and information boards must be placed indicating the types of work and the timing of their completion.


2.6 Construction of the subgrade (trough) begins after cutting off the vegetation layer and performing geodetic survey work.

2.7 The cutting of the plant layer is carried out using longitudinal passes of a DZ-101 bulldozer. The cut soil is transported off site if it cannot be used.

2.8 The width of the trough in the excavation should be 0.5 m greater than the width of the covering.

2.9 The technology for constructing a mortise trough includes the following operations: cutting soil and moving it into a cone, loading soil into dump trucks and removing it on dump trucks, leveling the bottom surface.

2.10 The bulldozer cuts and moves the soil along the trough, forming a cone of appropriate height. Then the PUM-500 loader loads the soil onto dump trucks and transports it to designated locations.

2.11 To ensure the scope of work on the installation of a sandy underlying layer, work on the installation of a trough must be carried out ahead of at least one shift.


2.12 Construction of the underlying layer begins after acceptance of the subgrade. Sand for the underlying layer must have a filtration coefficient in a compacted state of at least 3 m/day.

2.13 The technological process of constructing a sand layer includes: unloading, distribution and compaction of sand.

2.14 Sand for the construction of the underlying layer is delivered in dump trucks and leveled with a DZ-101 (DZ-101A) bulldozer. The final leveling of the surface of the underlying layer for compaction is done manually, if necessary. The thickness of the layer in a loose state must exceed the design, taking into account the loosening coefficient of 1.1.

2.15 At the same time, determine the moisture content of the sand. If necessary, the sand is moistened until optimal value, counting required amount water according to the formula (t/m 3),

Q = h(W O - W e) d ´ 10, (1)

Where h- thickness of the poured sand layer, m;

W oAnd W e- respectively optimal and natural humidity V %;

d - volumetric mass sand.

2.16 Compaction is carried out by a trailed pneumatic roller DSK-1 in conjunction with the S-100 tractor or area vibrators.

2.17 Compaction begins from the side of the road to the axis of the road, and each trace from the previous pass of the roller must overlap by at least 1/3 during the next pass.

2.18 For effective compaction with a pneumatic roller, 8 times the number of passes along one track is required. The final number of passes is determined by trial rolling. The results of the test compaction must be recorded in the general work log.

2.19 Vehicle traffic is not allowed on the completed underlying layers in order to avoid disturbing the profile of the layers and contamination of the material.

2.20 All subsequent road construction work is carried out after the installation of the underlying layer without a significant gap in time.


2.21 Before installing the prefabricated covering, all work related to the installation of the subgrade and sandy underlying layer must be completed.

2.22 Prefabricated iron concrete plates transported from factories by specially equipped flatbed vehicles or slab trucks.

For the construction of temporary roads, slabs produced by industry and corresponding to GOST 21924.0-84* “Reinforced concrete slabs for covering city roads can be used. Technical specifications” given in table 1.

Table 1 - Reinforced concrete slabs for temporary roads


Element brands

Dimensions, mm

Weight, t



6000 ´ 3500 ´ 140




6000 ´ 3000 ´ 140




6000 ´ 1750 ´ 140




3500 ´ 2750 ´ 170




3000 ´ 1750 ´ 170




1750 ´ 1750 ´ 160




1750 ´ 1500 ´ 160




5500 ´ 2000/1500 ´ 140




3500 ´ 2000/1500 ´ 170



2.23 The card provides for the laying of slabs “from wheels”, without overloading the slabs into stacks.

2.24 Installation of covering slabs should begin with a beacon row, located along the axis of the covering with a gable transverse profile of the covering and along the edge - with a single-slope transverse profile.

The slabs are to be laid using self-propelled cranes in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the coating. The installation of the slabs is carried out in the following sequence: the slab is removed from the vehicle by crane and placed at the installation site in such a way that the base of the slab is 3-5 cm below the surface of the adjacent slabs that have already been laid. The movement of the boom reduces to a minimum the gap in the transverse seam between the laid and laid slabs. Finally, the slab is lowered to sand layer in such a way that she touches him with the entire sole at the same time.

Longitudinal and transverse seams must match, the width of the seams between adjacent slabs should not exceed 20 mm, and the ledge between the slabs should not exceed 5 mm.

In order to ensure the required evenness of the coating, the slabs should be laid on a leveled sand layer.

2.25 The final landing of the slabs on the base should be carried out by rolling the coating with loaded vehicles or rollers on pneumatic tires until visible settlement of the slabs disappears.

2.26 After rolling, a slab with a smooth supporting surface must have contact with the base (underlying layer) along the entire supporting surface. The contact area is checked visually by the imprint on the sandy base after lifting the slab. When there is positive contact between the base and the slab, the latter is finally laid.

2.27 The final processes of constructing a prefabricated covering are welding of butt brackets and sealing of seams. For welding, a welding unit of type SAK-2G-IC, electrodes of type E-42A with a diameter of 4-5 mm are used. Welding is carried out with a continuous seam 8-9 cm long with a leg of at least 7 mm (width 0.5 of the diameter of the staple, height of 0.25 of the diameter with a welding depth of at least 5 mm).

If the gaps between the brackets are more than 4 mm, a steel rod with a diameter 2-3 mm larger than the gap is placed on them and welded on both sides.

To form expansion joints every four slabs (24 m), the brackets must not be welded.

Sealing of seams is carried out in the following ways. With the exception of expansion joints, transverse joints are filled to 2/3 of the groove depth cement-sand mortar, 1/3 - bitumen-polymer mastic. Expansion joints are filled to their full depth with mastic.

When welding mounting brackets, longitudinal seams are filled with cement-sand mortar to the entire depth of the seam. Filling the joints is carried out with mastic in two stages: after the mastic settles during the first filling of the joints, it is topped up again and the excess is cut off flush with the surface of the coating with a pointed cutter.

Schemes for organizing workplaces for constructing a temporary road are shown in Figures 2-4.

1 - bulldozer DZ-101; 2 - dump truck ZIL-MMZ-555; 3 - PUM-500 loader.
Figure 2 - Organization of the workplace when constructing a trough

1 - bulldozer DZ-101; 2, 3 - road workers; 4 - area vibrator; ¬ - direction of work.
Figure 3 - Scheme of workplace organization when installing a sandy underlying layer

1, 2, 3 - installers; 4 - truck crane; 5 - slab carrier ¬ - direction of laying road slabs.
Figure 4 - Organization of the workplace when laying road slabs


Labor techniques when performing work are shown in the figures:

1. Trough construction

The bulldozer makes longitudinal passes along the axis of the road to excavate the soil of the plant layer and move it into a cone

2. Loading soil into dump trucks

A tractor loader picks up soil moved by a bulldozer and loads it into dump trucks.

3. Leveling the sand

The bulldozer, using longitudinal passes along the axis of the road, levels the sand brought by dump trucks into the trough.

4. Layout of sand base

Road workers P1 and P2 level the sand with shovels and check the profile of the planned base surface using a template.

5. Compacting the sandy underlying layer with a vibrator

Road worker P3 turns on the engine of the platform vibrator and uses the halyards to move it along the leveled surface of the sandy underlying layer.

6. Construction of a covering made of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs

A truck crane installed on previously mounted slabs installs road slabs “from the wheels”. Installer M1 performs slinging and gives signals to the crane operator. Installers M2 and M3 lay the slab and check its level for correct position. The crane operator lifts the pre-laid slab and moves it to the side. Installers M2 and M3 eliminate uneven spots on the sand bed and, with the help of a crane operator, complete the final laying of the slab. The crane operator moves the boom to sling the next slab. The laid slabs are rolled in with a self-propelled roller. Electric welder C1 performs welding of embedded elements of plates and brackets. Road workers P1, P2, P3 fill the seams with cement-sand mortar, and expansion joints- bitumen mastic.


3.1 During road construction, quality control of work is carried out at all stages of construction.

3.2 During incoming inspection, materials and products for the construction of temporary roads should be accepted according to passports (certificates) and their quality checked in accordance with the requirements of standards or technical specifications for these materials and products, as well as the instructions given in the road pavement drawings.

3.3 Technical characteristics of sand underlying layers of road pavements must comply with the requirements of GOST 8736-93*.

3.4 Technical characteristics of the slabs must comply with the requirements of GOST 21924.0-84*.

Road slabs must have a rough front surface that provides a coefficient of adhesion of at least 0.5.

Permissible deviations from the dimensions of the slabs are given in Table 2.

Table 2 - Permissible deviations for temporary road slabs



Permissible deviations, mm

Deviation from linear size

slab length and width:

up to 2.5 m inclusive

over 4.0 m


slab thickness

dimensions of recesses (assembly and joint elements)

Deviation from straightness

Straightness of the profile of the upper surface of the slab in any section over the entire length or width:

up to 2.5 m inclusive

over 2.5 to 4.0 m inclusive

over 4.0 m

Deviation from flatness

Flatness of the front surface of the slab (when measured from a conventional plane passing through the three extreme points) with the length of the slab:

up to 2.5 m inclusive

over 2.5 to 4.0 m inclusive

over 4.0 m

Deviation from perpendicularity

Perpendicularity of adjacent end faces of slabs in a section length:

400 mm

1000 mm

Deviation from equality of diagonals

The difference in the lengths of the diagonals of the front surfaces of the slabs when they are largest size(length and width):

up to 4.0 m inclusive

over 4.0 m

3.5 The values ​​and number of permissible defects in the appearance of road slabs are given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Allowable defects


Defect rate


No more than 3 per 1 m2


6 mm


3 mm

Fractures of concrete and ribs


3 mm


Local surges

Not. more than 3 per 1 m2

5 mm


Not allowed

Protective layer thickness

Not less than 30 mm

Rebar exposures

Not allowed

3.6 When constructing the subgrade and sandy underlying layer, the degree of soil compaction, compliance of profile elevations with design levels, and evenness of the bases are monitored.

3.7 Size of solid inclusions, incl. frozen lumps, in embankments and backfills should not exceed 2/3 of the thickness of the compacted layer, but not more than 15 cm for soil cushions and 30 cm for other embankments and backfills.

3.8 Deviations of geometric dimensions of embankments:

Positions of the axis of embankments of highways - no more ± 20 cm;

The width of the embankments at the top and bottom is no more than ± 15 cm;

Markings of embankment surfaces - ± 5 cm;

Steepness of embankment slopes - increase is not allowed.

3.9 The density of the soil of the natural foundation should be controlled by taking samples along the axis of the road and 1.5-2 m from the axis of the edge of the roadbed, as well as one sample at intervals between them along the width of the backfill layer of more than 20 m. Soil density control should be carried out at depth of 8-10 cm from the surface of the compacted layer. Deviations from the required value of the density indicator towards a decrease are allowed in no more than 10% of samples and should not exceed 4%. The number of points with maximum deviation should not exceed 10% of the total number of measurements.

3.10 Control of the width of the section with transverse and longitudinal slopes, the steepness of the slopes of the subgrade, the placement and dimensions of drainage and drainage devices should be done using surveying tools and templates during the work process.

Permissible deviations from the design dimensions should not exceed those established in Table 4.

Table 4 - Permissible deviations from design dimensions when constructing roads when using sets of machines without an automatic system for setting vertical marks


Permissible deviations

1. Subgrade

Elevations of the longitudinal profile, mm

Distance between the axis and the edge of the roadbed, cm

Cross slopes


Difference between the density of the top layer on one cross member (for roads with improved surfaces), %

Slope steepness, %

Transverse dimensions of ditches in upland and other ditches (along the bottom), cm

Depth of cuvettes provided drainage is ensured, cm

Longitudinal slopes of drainages, %

Width of bulk berms, cm

Thickness vegetable soil on slopes, %

2. Reinforced concrete covering

Coating width, cm

Height marks along the axis, mm

Cross slope


Excess of edges of adjacent slabs of prefabricated cement-concrete pavements, mm

3.11 The density of the sandy underlying layer is controlled using standard samplers. To measure filtration coefficients and optimal compaction, at least three samples are taken every 50 m (along the axis and at a distance of 1.5-2 m from the edges of the roadway). Deviations from the optimal compaction coefficient should not exceed in absolute value ± 0.02 with the number of samples up to 10%.

3.12 After determining the optimal compaction coefficient, sand from every six samplers is tested for filtration.

3.13 Quality control of road surfaces made of prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs consists of checking the full support of the slabs on the sand underlying layer, the evenness of the coating, the straightness of the longitudinal and transverse rows of slabs, the width of the joints between the slabs, the correct filling of the joints and the rubber-bitumen mastic composition used.

3.14 During operational quality control of road construction work, the following should be monitored at least every 100 m:

Elevation marks along the axis of the road;

The thickness of the layer of uncompacted material along its axis;

Cross slope;

Evenness (clearance under a 3 m long batten at a distance of 0.75-1 m from each edge of the coating (base) at five control points located at a distance of 0.5 m from the ends of the batten and from each other);

Constantly visually - integrity of slabs and joint elements, quality of welding of joints and filling of seams, compliance with construction technology;

At least once per shift - contact of the slabs with the base (underlying layer) by lifting one of the 100 laid slabs;

The excess of the faces of adjacent slabs in longitudinal joints in three diameters is 1 km, and in transverse joints in 10 joints per 1 km.

3.15 A control check of the contact of the precast covering slabs with the base should be carried out before welding the butt brackets by lifting one of the hundred laid slabs, but at least once per shift. The excess of the edges of adjacent precast pavement slabs should be checked at three diameters per 1 km. If the height of the ledges between the slabs is more than 3 mm, the slabs are lifted and the sand mixture is removed (or added).

3.16 Controlled parameters, composition and methods of quality control of work are given in Table 5.

Table 5 - Composition operational control quality of work

Name of operations subject to control

Quality control of operations






Involved service

Cutting plant soil. Excavation of a trough or embankment. Soil quality. Compaction methods. Geometric dimensions. Compliance with geodetic marks. Sealing quality

Theodolite, level, tape measure, cutting ring, visually

During and after completion of work

Construction laboratory. Geodetic

Distribution, leveling and compaction of sub-base and base

Soil (sand) quality. Sealing quality. Geodetic and geometric dimensions

Level, steel meter and tape measure, measuring template


Construction laboratory

Technological layer distribution

Sand quality. Uniformity of distribution, consistency of layer thickness



Construction laboratory

Road surface installation

Compliance of assembly cranes. Checking the availability of passports for slabs. External inspection of slabs. Preservation of design slopes. The tightness of the base of the slabs. Seam dimensions

Level, steel meter, visually


OGM, geodetic

Vibration landing

Serviceability of the mechanism. The quality of the slabs. Preservation of design dimensions and slope



OGM, geodetic

Seam filling

Suitability of components and their quality for filling joints. Quality of work



Construction laboratory


4.1 The construction of road surfaces made of precast reinforced concrete must be carried out in strict compliance with the requirements of SNiP 12-03-2001 “Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements”, SNiP 12-04-2002 “Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production", PB-10-382-00 "Rules for construction and safe operation lifting cranes", fire safety rules provided for in GOST 12.1.004-91* and PPB 01-03. Responsibility for the state of labor safety and industrial sanitation rests with the heads and chief engineers of specialized construction organizations.

4.2 Workers who are at least 18 years old, who have passed a medical examination and have a certificate for the right to drive machines and a driver’s license are allowed to drive road machines.

4.3 When unloading and distributing road materials, it is prohibited to be in the back of a dump truck.

4.4 Drivers of dump trucks delivering sand mixture to the laying areas, reversing is allowed only at the signal of a road worker.

4.5 It is prohibited to stand on the body of a dump truck while cleaning the body.

4.6 It is prohibited to be near a moving roller, as well as to ignite and adjust the asphalt nozzles while moving.

4.7 When a number of machines operate together, the distance between them must be at least 10 m, and between motor rollers - at least 5 m.

4.8 To prevent fire, fire extinguishers must be installed on vehicles with gasoline engines and injectors, and additionally boxes with sand must be installed on bitumen trucks and asphalt distributors.

4.9 It is prohibited to refuel vehicles with imported fuels and lubricants at road production sites. construction work.

4.10 The work area must be fenced. At nightfall, red warning lights must be installed in the work area. Lighting lamps with a power of up to 200 W are suspended at a height of 2.5-3 m, and more than 200 W - at a height of 3.5-10 m. The electric lighting project is carried out by the customer or, at his request, by a specialized design organization.

4.11 Workers must be provided with special clothing and proper tool in accordance with current standards (GOST 12.4.011-89).

4.12 Production earthworks in the area where underground communications are located (electric cables, gas pipelines, etc.) is permitted only with the written permission of the organization responsible for the operation of these communications. The permit must be accompanied by a plan (diagram) indicating the location and depth of communications, drawn up on the basis of as-built drawings. Before starting work, it is necessary to install signs indicating the location of underground utilities.

4.13 When delivering materials to construction sites by vehicles, the following rules must be observed:

Persons supervising unloading should not approach dump trucks, stand on the wings and wheels, or climb into the body until the dump trucks come to a complete stop;

When unloading on-board vehicles, you can open the sides after taking appropriate precautions against bruises in the event of possible falling cargo and the opening sides themselves.

4.14 When installing prefabricated pavements, reinforced concrete slabs delivered to the work site are unloaded by truck cranes directly onto the road surface.

4.15 Persons who have certificates for the right to perform installation work are allowed to install slabs.

4.16 When installing construction machines and using vehicles with liftable bodies in the security zone overhead line power transmission, it is necessary to remove the voltage from the overhead power line.

If it is justifiably impossible to relieve voltage from an overhead power line, the work of construction machines in the security zone of the power line is permitted to be carried out under a work permit provided that the following requirements are met:

a) distance from the lifting or sliding part construction machine in any position, the distance to the energized overhead power line must be no less than that specified in Table 2 of SNiP 12-03-2001;

b) machine bodies, with the exception of tracked vehicles, when installed directly on the ground, must be grounded using the inventory portable grounding.

4.17 When carrying out installation and dismantling of prefabricated coverings, workers must be outside the danger zone. Moving the crane boom with the plate above the vehicle cabin is prohibited.

4.18 When installing the slab in place, you can only approach it when the slab is at a height of no more than 50 cm from the surface of the base.

4.19 Leveling the sandy base under a raised slab is permitted only with the help of a trowel mounted on a long handle.

4.20 Workers are prohibited from standing on the slab while it is being laid on the base.

4.22 All persons on the construction site are required to wear safety helmets. Workers without safety helmets and other necessary funds defenses are not allowed to perform work.


5.1 The need for machines, equipment, mechanisms and tools is determined

taking into account the work performed and technical characteristics according to Table 6.

Table 6 - List of requirements for machines, mechanisms, equipment, fixtures and tools



Type, brand

Technical specifications





(DZ-101 A)

Power 96 hp

Dimensions 5029 ´ 2860 ´ 2565 Weight 9900 kg

Construction of the subgrade



Power 18-25 hp Bucket capacity 0.38 m 3 Bucket load capacity 500 kg

Loading soil

Truck crane


Load capacity 6.3 tons. Boom radius 9.8 m. Dimensions 8000´ 2650 ´ 3100 Weight 9500 kg

Laying reinforced concrete road slabs

Pneumatic roller


Sand compaction

Dump truck


Delivery of sand

Slab truck

Delivery of slabs

Welding unit


Electrodes E-42A Æ 4-5 mm

Welding staples

Area vibrator


Compaction of the sand layer

Wheelbarrow rickshaw


Load capacity 200 kg, length 1250, height 950

For transporting tools and materials


Dimensions 220 ´ 150 ´ 175 Weight 1.8 kg

Making marks

Leveling staff

Dimensions 3000 ´ 900 ´ 30

Making marks

Wooden slats

Length 3 m

Checking flatness, bases and coatings


Length 20 m Weight 0.35 kg




Length 10 m Weight 0.23 kg


Marking cord in the housing


Length 100 m


Template for profile verification

Layout of sand base


Dimensions 2000 ´ 30 Red and white

To trace the road


Dimensions 250 ´ 30 ´ 30

Route markings

Metal meter

Dimensions 100 ´ 10 ´ 14

For linear measurements

Bayonet shovel

For excavation work

Mortar shovel


Dimensions 1150 ´ 240 Weight 2.1 kg

For laying and leveling sand

Metal brush

TU 494-01-104-76

Cleaning embedded parts in reinforced concrete. slabs

Emulsion scoop

For pouring emulsion

Galvanized buckets

Capacity 10-15 l

For storing and carrying bitumen emulsion, mastic

Longitudinal sharp-nosed blacksmith sledgehammer

GOST 11402-75*

Dimensions 500 ´ 57 ´ 167 Weight 3 kg

Driving the pins


Load-bearing 4 t


Cleaning the surface of slabs from debris

Fabric mittens

Personal protective equipment

to each

Construction helmet

Facilities personal protection

to each

Standard sampler

To determine the density of the underlying layer

5.2 The need for materials per 100 m2 of road area is presented in Table 7.

Table 7 - List of requirements for materials, products and structures


Name of materials

Brand, GOST

Unit change


Bitumen-rubber mastic



6.1 100 m2 of road area is taken as a unit of measurement for calculating labor costs and machine time and constructing a work schedule.

6.2 The costs of labor and machine time for the construction of road surfaces from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs are calculated according to the “Unified Standards and Prices for Construction, Installation and Repair Work”, introduced in 1987, and are presented in Table 8.

6.3 The duration of work on the construction of road surfaces is determined by the work schedule presented in the table.

Technical and economic indicators are:

Labor costs, man-hour.................................................... .........20.58

Cost of machine time, machine-hours.................................6.54

Duration of work, hour...................................10.8

Table 8 - Calculation of labor costs and machine time for the construction of temporary roads from prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs

(Final product meter - 100 m2)


Justification (ENiR and other standards)

Name technological processes

Unit change

Scope of work

Time standards

Labor costs

workers, person-hours

driver, person-hours 5 (operation of machines, machine-hours)

workers, person-hours

driver, man-hours, (machine operation, machine-hours)


Development and movement of non-rocky soil with a bulldozer DZ-101 (0.62+0.49´ 4=2,58)

100 m 3

2,58 (2,58)

0,258 (0,258)

E2-1-36 No. 3a

Layout of the trough area with a bulldozer

1000 m 2

1,12 (1,12)

0,112 (0,112)

E1-1 No. 1a

Loading soil into dump trucks using a PUM-500 loader

100 m 3

2,7 (2,7)

0,47 (0,47)

E17-1t.2 No.5

Leveling sand with a bulldozer

100 m 2

0,11 (0,11)

0,11 (0,11)

E17-31 No. 1a

Final leveling of the sand surface for compaction (manually)

100 m2

E2-1-29 Table. 3 No. 1a

Compacting the sandy underlying layer with a pneumatic roller

1000 m 2

1,2 (1,2)

0,146 (0,146)

E4-1-1 Table. 2 No. 3

Laying 2P30.18 slabs using a truck crane and welding slabs

1 element


0,26 (0,26)


5,2 (5,"2)

E17-3 No. 20 will apply.

Rolling slabs with a DSK-1 roller

100 m 2

0,17 (0,17)

0,17 (0,17)

E4-1-26 Note.

Filling joints with cement-sand mortar

100 m seam


E17-39 No. 3

Filling seams with mastic

100 m seam




Occupational safety in construction. Part 2. construction production. 857-PP dated December 7, 2004

17 SanPiN Hygienic requirements to the organization of construction production and construction work.

Laying of road and airfield slabs PAG.

Our company offers full complex work on laying road and airfield slabs on a turnkey basis at balanced prices - from the device sand and gravel cushions and preparation of the top layer of soil using a bulldozer - before the actual laying, using a truck crane of the required lifting capacity. All the special equipment necessary to organize the installation process is present on the company’s balance sheet. It is possible to supply a wide range of road slabs of the dimensions and weight you need.
At a preliminary consultation, after familiarizing yourself with the scope of work, our company’s employees will help you choose the right method for laying the road slab and calculate the exact price. Total price per 1 sq. m of laid or dismantled road slabs is cheaper than the average market cost.
To the number main differences Our company includes:
Highly qualified employees.
Possibility of laying roads from both new and used slabs.
Availability of our own fleet of necessary road equipment.
Direct contact with manufacturers of building materials.
Affordable prices for laying road slabs.
By contacting us, you can be completely confident that the laying of slabs will be done quickly and efficiently.

Stages of laying road and airfield slabs by our company’s specialists:

Stage 1 - preparatory work: cut first upper layer soil, and we eliminate all the unevenness of the soil, we get a kind of “earthen trough”. The bottom of the “trough” is covered with a special material - geotextile for water exchange, soil leaching and protection from plants;

Stage 2 - foundation installation: we make a “cushion” from layers of crushed stone with sand (or broken bricks) and sand, which will make the future road resistant to soil influences with a thickness of at least 10-20 cm, while carefully pouring the sand with water and then compacting it.

Stage 3 – installation of slab covering: This is the laying of the slabs itself, namely the sequential placement of the slabs using special equipment in a joint or with a gap, then we weld the trailed metal hinges, which are located on the end sides of the slab. (if these loops are on the slabs). This is necessary to prevent the spread of road slabs upon completion of laying and during subsequent operation of the road. Next, we fill the resulting seam between the slabs with sand or concrete mortar. As a matter of fact, you can do without this, but then the road will not turn out so even and smooth, and also the connecting points will be visible, which definitely will not add beauty to the appearance.

At this point, the road made of road (airfield) slabs is completed.
These roads differ from concrete ones, firstly, in that you can drive on them immediately after laying them. Secondly, road slabs can be removed and reused for laying. And at the same time, their performance qualities will not decrease at all.

Cost of laying road slabs:

Name of worksUnitprice, rub.
Specialist visit, consultation and measurementFor free
Stage 1: Preparatory work
Development of an earthen “road trough” with grading and compactioncubic metersfrom 600
Manual soil development with loading and removal of soil by dump trucks.cubic meters 900-1100
Development of soil by mechanisms with loading and removal of soilcubic meters700-800
Dismantling of asphalt concrete pavementsq.m.from 170
Dismantling of road slabs from the used crane with loading and removal of garbagesq.m.from 360
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Laying slabs- one of the most effective ways arrangement of temporary roads. It does not require large financial investments and helps to quickly install coverage where it is needed.


The construction of roads by laying large reinforced concrete slabs has a number of significant advantages:

  • High speed. There is no need to wait several weeks until road construction will be completed.
  • There is no need to use heavy asphalt paving equipment.
  • The coating can be used immediately after the completion of road construction.
  • Once the coating is no longer needed, it can be easily dismantled. Reinforced concrete slabs can be subsequently reused.

Road construction by laying reinforced concrete slabs is carried out everywhere. Such roads can be seen at access points to construction sites, in areas with soft, subsiding soil, near parking lots or rural airfields.

Versatility- this is the main difference between this method of road construction. The slabs can be laid on almost any soil, which cannot be said about classic asphalt paving. There is no need to prepare the foundation, and the cost of renting special equipment will be much lower.

The possibility of reuse is another plus in favor of the slabs. To be fair, it should be noted that used slabs differ from new ones only appearance and minor chips at the joints. At the same time, they cost an order of magnitude less (on average 40-45%).

Road pavement made from slabs is not afraid of harsh climatic conditions, no sudden temperature changes. It behaves well in the temperature range from -45 to +55 °C. Moreover, adding special admixtures to concrete can further expand this temperature Range.

Material requirements

There are a number of requirements for road slabs when organizing temporary access roads to construction sites and industrial facilities. So, in particular, the thickness of these plates should not be less than 14 cm. Reinforcement must be built inside, and the density finished product should be in the range from 2.2 to 2.5 t/m. As for the shape, it can be arbitrary. Some road equipment is better at laying long rectangular reinforced concrete slabs, while others are better at laying square ones.

Depending on the operating conditions, the surface of the plates can be smooth or corrugated. Corrugated slabs are more protected from ice formation. On the other hand, if mainly tracked vehicles will ply along the access roads, then there is no point in creating a corrugated surface.

During road construction of access roads, considerable demands are placed on the quality of concrete. It is this material that directly determines what loads the future coating can withstand and how well it will resist atmospheric conditions. It is believed that concrete with a high frost resistance class (F150) is optimal for Russia. If in the future it is planned to dismantle the slabs and re-construct roads using them, then it is desirable that mounting loops be built into the concrete. They must be located in special recesses so as not to interfere with the movement of vehicles after installation.

Types of road slabs

Road slabs vary in shape and size. The size is indicated by the manufacturer in meters, and to determine the shape there is convenient system names. So, for example, rectangular slabs are designated by the letter “P”, hexagonal slabs by “W”. There are also more complex names. For example, “PPB” means: a rectangular slab with two combined sides.

When carrying out road construction of temporary access roads, it is necessary to remember that their strength and performance properties directly depend on compliance with the slab laying technology. As with asphalt paving, soil preparation is far from of secondary importance.

Soil preparation is carried out in the following order:

  • The top soil layer is removed and its surface is leveled using road equipment.
  • Using the services of special equipment, a trench with a depth of 30 to 50 cm is torn (depending on the type of soil and the target load on the road surface).
  • To insure the access road from erosion and weed germination, geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the dug trench.
  • A ten-centimeter layer of crushed stone is poured on top of the geotextile, and about 20 cm of sand is poured on top of the crushed stone.
  • The sand cushion is watered.
  • The soil is thoroughly compacted.

To compact the soil, you can use the services of special equipment with a vibrating plate.. If you need to cover with slabs large area, it is better to use a roller. Do not forget to control the soil level during the compaction process (use a level and a rope beacon for these purposes).

After the surface is compacted, you can begin laying reinforced concrete slabs. If their size does not allow using the services of existing special equipment, you can resort to renting a crane on wheels. To avoid distortions, the first row of road slabs is always laid along the stretched cord.

When constructing access roads, reinforced concrete slabs can be laid with a gap or close to one another. Sand is poured into the remaining cracks. In order to prevent cracks from appearing on the road surface, the seams are pre-expanded with a wet solution, and the slabs themselves are covered with film.

If heavy equipment is expected to travel on access roads, they must be reinforced. There are several ways to do this. The simplest one is to add at the organization stage sand cushion cement. Often to increase strength characteristics road surface The mounting loops of the concrete slabs are welded together.

Ceilings help separate floors from each other and separate the living area from the attic and basement.

Dismantling slabs flooring is a responsible and dangerous job. If it is carried out with some violations, it can lead to disastrous consequences, such as partial or complete collapse of the building. That is why this event is carried out by specially trained people.

Technological features of slab dismantling in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Dismantling of slabs in Moscow includes several stages and can be partial or complete. Partial dismantling may need to be replaced flight of stairs in a multi-storey building, and complete means the complete elimination of the entire structure.

Before starting dismantling, a routing, which indicates the sequence of work and takes into account design feature object. This plan improves work cycle efficiency.

The main purpose of dismantling is to disassemble the slabs into parts, destroying their integral structure of concrete and reinforcement. Other special tools are also used for this.

After finishing dismantling works are being cleaned load-bearing beams. First of all, the auxiliary ones are sorted out, and then the main ones. Some elements from the demolished facility will be recycled, and some can be reused in construction.

Dismantling of road slabs in Moscow and the Moscow region

In the territory settlements where large-scale construction is taking place, temporary roads are laid for the movement of heavy construction equipment. The material used is reinforced concrete slabs. They are able to withstand significant loads. Upon completion of construction work and commissioning of objects, road slabs are dismantled. For these purposes, specialists are involved who have modern compressors with jackhammers at their disposal.

Ordering a service is the right and cost-effective decision

If you need to dismantle floor slabs or road slabs, please contact our company. Our specialists will be able to complete all tasks assigned to them efficiently and within strictly defined deadlines. The availability of modern equipment and tools allows us to perform work with maximum accuracy and in compliance with safety standards.

Everything that is assembled from individual elements can be disassembled. Therefore, the dismantling of road slabs is not so uncommon, although their service life can reach several decades. This type of work is one of the stages of constructing temporary access roads at construction sites. And the second case when dismantling of the road surface is needed is its repair.

Depending on the purpose for which the work is being performed, there are features of dismantling road slabs and the choice of equipment used. The first case is a violation of the integrity of individual road surface slabs. In most cases, the damage is insignificant and the slab can be used under more gentle operating conditions. But sometimes it's required complete destruction design, as it is unsafe to use.

When constructing temporary entrances, the slabs are used repeatedly. Therefore, they are usually not welded at the seams and, if necessary, a truck crane is sufficient to lift them.

Features of dismantling road slabs on permanent roads

The main task when dismantling road surfaces is to remove only one element and maintain the integrity of the rest. Therefore, the use of the shock-dynamic method is not advisable. The vibration from a jackhammer causes imperceptible, but later, damage to the entire surrounding canvas. Therefore, individual road concrete slabs are removed today using new and advanced equipment.

The first stage from which dismantling begins is cutting the seams. They are filled with a sand and gravel mixture and filled with mastic that needs to be removed. The task is quickly completed by equipment such as seam cutters and hydraulic shears, which can even cope with durable granite stone and welded reinforcement.

If it was necessary to completely remove the road surface, the impact-dynamic method was previously used. But this creates strong vibration, tons of dust and high level noise. Therefore, today the dismantling of road slabs is carried out in a more gentle way using non-impact destruction technology. It is based on action hydraulic system. Pressure is injected into the holes drilled in the slab, gradually destroying the structure. In this case, the pressure is so high that not only the concrete crumbles, but even the reinforcing mesh is destroyed. After this, the debris is easily removed and the freed area is ready for laying a new slab.