The flowers have a pleasant smell. Guess the name of the flower by smell. Chocolate cosmos flower scent

Every flower it smells different. And every person loves a certain scent. If it is not possible to find out a person’s preferences, you can turn to astrology.

Aries they love roses, and all flowers that exude a distinct aroma. These flowers add spice to their lives and improve their mood.

Taurus they love mimosas, they like flowers with a sweetish aroma, but not very pronounced.

Gemini You should give flowers with a fresh and invigorating scent. For example, freesia flower.

Cancer Romantics will like subtle and mysterious scents - it could be lily.

Lions prefer elegant and fresh scents that will give them confidence. They will definitely like daffodils.

Virgo will be delighted with flowers such as orchids or tulips. These flowers will allow them to immerse themselves in a romantic mood.

Scales They prefer strong and sensual scents - jasmine, gardenia, magnolia.

Scorpios - this is a passionate nature, they will like fragrant peonies. The aroma of this flower allows the unbridled Scorpio to relax and liberate.

Streltsov You can enjoy lavender. She will give them an atmosphere of lightness and happiness.

Capricorns They love light and fresh scents, such as lilies. They will lift their spirits and invigorate them throughout the day.

Aquarius Jasmine is suitable. He will take them to a world of bliss!

Inhaling the aroma of flowers, have we ever wondered why flowers smell? Let's try to answer this question. First of all, flowers, by spreading their scent, attract insects, which transport pollen from one flower to another during the process of reproduction. It is noticed that bright flowers, opening into daytime, do not always have a strong aroma, because their color already attracts many insects. At the same time, flowers that open only at night have more strong odor so that moths and other insects can find them by the oils they secrete. In addition, not all plants have a pleasant smell; some of them also have a pungent odor that repels insects, which feast not only on nectar, but also directly on the flowers and leaves. Man noticed this feature of plants and began to use it for his own purposes. For example, the aroma of wormwood and mint repels mosquitoes, and lavender flowers protect clothes in the closet from moths.

During their life, plants produce oils from roots, leaves, flowers and fruits that have a complex chemical structure. Under certain conditions vegetable oils decompose and transform into volatile compounds, giving the flowers their scent. Each plant has its own smell, due to the presence of different chemical elements and their combination. For example, there is a flower with the smell of decaying meat. This smell attracts flies, whose larvae feed on rotting foods, so they can lay their eggs on such a plant. Essential oils are regulators of transpiration (evaporation of water by plants). In addition, essential oils, evaporating, surround the plant with an invisible cloud, protecting it from hypothermia at night, and from overheating during the day, since the air mixed with essential oil vapor is less permeable to heat rays.

The scent of flowers

Even in ancient times, they noticed that odors have different effects on the human body, namely on the central nervous system And emotional background. It has been noticed that vanillin reduces the rapid heartbeat and normalizes the temperature of human skin; the bitter smell of wormwood increases the strength of muscle contraction; the smell of camphor or musk stimulates brain activity. The aroma of jasmine enhances a person’s performance and gives peace of mind, the aroma of roses lifts the mood, driving away sad thoughts and improves mood, the aroma of violets gives strength and optimism. Such properties of plant odors began to be used in special health-improving technique– aromatherapy.

People began to use a large number of essential oils in perfumery, obtaining them by extraction from living plants. Ancient Egypt considered the birthplace of perfume. The Egyptians began making incense for temples and later for cosmetic purposes. The beauty of the human body Ancient Greece was elevated to a cult, the Greeks believed that the smell of flowers was a complementary element in overall harmony.

The reasons why all varieties of flowers have certain odors have been studied for many decades. There are several versions explaining this effect. The most common opinion is the influence of aroma on attracting insects that take an active part in flower pollination. active participation in flower pollination

The main reason for the appearance of a particular aroma in a flower is the high content of essential oils in the petals. The set of elements differs depending on the plant variety, so the smell of different flowers differs from each other. Under the influence of air temperature or due to the moistening of the petals, essential oils begin the process of evaporation. Thanks to this process, a characteristic aroma appears

Particles of essential oils swirl around the plant for a long time. This is why people who are prone to allergic reactions, try to avoid close contact with flowers. Otherwise, tiny droplets of evaporating substances enter the respiratory tract and cause tears, runny nose or even suffocation.

Essential oils are found not only in petals, but also in leaves, shoots and even tree bark. As a result of the interaction of existing components, different

People divide the smells of flowers into several categories - pleasant and unpleasant, sweet and tart. Some plants are very popular as gifts precisely because of their aroma. The function of smell is completely different.

The main purpose of scent for a flower is to attract the attention of insects. According to statistics, the majority flowering plants pollinated precisely thanks to winged helpers. Only a small number of them are able to self-pollinate or transmit their pollen through the air.

Essential oils not only cause odors, but also play a role reliable protection flower. The fact is that their particles remain around the bud for a long time in the form of a thin veil, which prevents excessive overheating or hypothermia of the petals. Volatile oils are complex chemical compounds with different composition and properties

The smell of some flowers changes throughout the day. There are plants that, for example, have a particularly rich aroma only at night. This is due to the lifestyle of insects necessary for pollination.

Some flowers have a completely unattractive aroma. However, for a certain category of insects it is the most effective beacon, and bad smell they mistake for foods from their main diet.

Color and aroma

“Color must be thought out, inspired, dreamed out”

Gustave Moreau

Since childhood, we have become accustomed to “looking out” for a rainbow in the sky, enjoying the play of wide multi-colored stripes cutting through the dark gray post-storm sky like a decisive blade. But rarely have any sighted people wondered what a rainbow smells like? Rain? Thunder? Lightning? Maybe something light, or, conversely, something strong that remains in the memory for a long time? Do the colors of the rainbow merge into a single complex scent, or does each shade have its own unique aroma?

SOME time ago, scientists became seriously interested in the question of whether blind people can distinguish colors. And science has clearly answered this question: yes, they can! But how? The answer was amazing in its simplicity - the smell! Blind people describe “color aromas” with such ease that their sensations immediately began to be used not only in science, but also in perfumery.
The combination of color and smell can sometimes be called key - especially for human appearance. It happens: a woman is walking down the street. And she’s dressed beautifully, and her gait is light, and her handbag matches her shoes perfectly - but you walk by and involuntarily think: what bad taste!
And you wonder: what’s wrong with me, because the beauty is almost perfect, but up close there was something I didn’t like, “it was a minus”... Passing by and quietly amazed at ourselves, we don’t realize that it brings dissonance to this superbly “tailored” image a scent that doesn’t match the key colors of the outfit. Therefore, the image “scatters” upon close contact (when our nose already senses the aroma) and is not perceived as whole. Even the most exquisite perfume can have a negative impression on others if its aroma does not match the color of the suit.
Colors, like smells, are divided into warm and cold. Therefore, in the perfume industry around the world, a tendency has emerged to match the “smell” of the packaging with the aroma of the perfume itself. And in Lately Due to the increasing popularity of pure natural fragrances, the relationship between color and smell in the packaging design of perfumery products is most clearly manifested. It is believed that for flower bouquet different shades of the red-yellow spectrum are good, which, as fresh and transparent notes increase, becomes more pastel (added White color). Oriental and spicy aromas are most often associated with dark red, chocolate and even black. Perfume in green packaging speaks of its “juiciness,” “sourness,” “herbaceous” tones and matches a green suit, while a pale blue bottle “assures” that the aroma contained in it will ideally complement the romantic shades of blue.
Of course, we can completely rely on the experience of specialists in this field, but only if we agree to use mass products. But we prefer individuality, don’t we? Therefore, we are not looking for easy ways, but we want to figure out for ourselves which scent to “wear” with which outfit! And we don’t want to buy a fragrant bottle in beautiful packaging just because tomorrow is business meeting we definitely need to wear a green suit, the color of which is not found in any other item in our wardrobe (and the perfume should remain to “gather dust” on the shelf?)! No, we want to mix “Our Fragrances” - individual, unique, bright and inimitable! Well, if so, then it makes sense to take advantage of the achievements modern science, who deciphered what our rainbow smells like.

Red color

The red color is ideally complemented by the scents of rose, rosewood, bay leaves, black pepper, and nutmeg. For different shades - burgundy, scarlet - you can mix in the main scents, for example, tart sage, elegant verbena, bright geranium or sophisticated juniper. In general, the entire palette of red fits perfectly into the thesis that scarlet color should smell like Life.

Orange color

For an orange-inspired outfit, in addition to orange, bergamot, mandarin and bigardia, chamomile, palmarosa and jasmine are also suitable (in accordance with the depth and richness of the red shades). An excellent complement to the “red” shade is ylang-ylang, which adds depth to the color, slightly “weighting” it.


The main aroma of yellow, its first tone is... basil! The cool but persistent scent can be the base for many combinations, including citrus fruits. For example, for “acid yellow” a mixture of basil and lime is ideal, and for “chicken” grapefruit shades are added to the main aroma. The yellow palette also includes rosemary and myrtle.

Green color

Green smells... of apples and green tea! It is not for nothing that this color is considered a shade of fertility - in the world of fragrances it is perfectly characterized by everything “natural” and natural. Delicate green requires
more ethereal and lighter scents with a pronounced tannin note - petite grain, bergamot, grapefruit, sage, and rich emerald goes well with salivating aromas - limette, verbena, leuzea, citronella.


Satellites blue color- “watery” and coniferous aromas - lavender, marjoram, hyssop (combine perfectly with any shades of sky blue), and spruce, cedar, cypress, pine, fir bring more realism to the blue. The smell of wormwood is also not alien to blue (however, this essential oil has many health hazards side effects, so synthetic fragrances called “wormwood” are usually used instead.

Blue color

Blue is always associated with frost and cold (just like in the song: “Blue, blue frost...”), so its companions are “cold” smells. Any “summer” aromas conflict with the blue range, for which the base aroma is a silvery-crisp mint and menthol smell - the smell of the “Chill” candy. Blue also looks good when framed by our “bluish” pine needles, camphor aromas - eucalyptus, tea tree, najoli...


Violet - the last in the spectrum in order, but not the last in importance - is the most “ethereal” of the shades, and requires irrationality, strength and confidence from a person. Shades of violet always hide a certain secret, a taste of ozone - which means they are suitable for such aromas as myrtle, neroli, grapefruit, patchouli.

White color

So, we’ve covered the rainbow, now it makes sense to touch on the rest of the basic and most commonly found colors in clothing:
white smells of vanilla and... freshness, shea butter. This color does not tolerate heaviness, preferring “light” aromas - floral, woody (lavender, verbena, grapefruit, juniper, lavender, neroli). Avoid wearing “low” scents under white.

Grey colour

Gray color takes its “smells” mainly from the “green” spectrum. These are persistent, but rather light aromas - floral and fruity. However,
When putting on a gray suit, it is important not to overdo it with the concentration of perfume, otherwise the smell will “clog” the image of a person who, a few minutes after he leaves, in the memories of his interlocutors he will remain only a pleasantly smelling “stain”, not
with a special personality.

Pink color

Pink requires understanding - it is a shade that cannot be overdone. As in the case of white, you should never use complex scents with a long trail; it’s better to do something simpler: subtle ethereal scents of flowers, fruits or sweets...

Brown color

Brown tones suggest a rich, “low” and dense smell, complemented by essential oil aromas with earthy, leathery, balsamic notes and a sweetish aftertaste (like the smell of dark chocolate). This “solid” color scheme does not tolerate “lightweight” perfumes at all, demanding a strong, adventurous, memorable bouquet with a long aromatic “train”. In this context, cinnamon, cloves, thyme, fennel, jasmine, and ginger are ideal.

Black color

Perhaps the only remarkable exception to the colorful palette is black - absolutely any scent goes with it. Drawing ourselves into this solemn color scheme, we can experiment with scents as we please and to any extent (black even conceals the abuse of scent concentration). However, it should be remembered that the color of soot does not imply bad taste, so you should not falsely rattle fruity and citrus notes against its background - it is better to use more “solid” aromas.

But we should also not forget about individual associations associated with smell, color and events that are a thing of the past. Sometimes color has its own scent for us: for some, it seems that gray smells like the sea, and for others, it smells like the cologne of a beloved man. Therefore, it is still worth choosing colors that awaken positive emotions, having thought about what smell this color is associated with.
Let's go bright colors let's wake up our most better mood! Let's mix a raging palette with trembling aromas to feel the delight of the fullness of life. Let the variety of colors of our sunrises, days and evenings be complemented by the entire spectrum of harmony of aromas!

Rich and varied vegetable world of our planet. Flowers - amazing creatures. They are beautiful, gentle, perfect. And their amazing aroma captivates women and inspires perfumers all over the world. We present to you the favorites of the perfume industry.

Rose is the queen of perfumes. This flower with a warm, slightly spicy, sweetish odor was one of the first to be used by humans to produce essential oil. The aroma of a rose combines tenderness and regal splendor, beauty and inaccessibility. In perfumery they use Rosa Centifolia, which grows in Morocco and Grasse, and Rosa Damascene, which is grown in Turkey and Bulgaria.

It is impossible to imagine modern perfume production without lavender. Lavender exudes an attractive, pleasant scent that promotes calm - the aroma of serenity. Endowed with the aroma of misty freshness, lavender is much loved by perfumers in all countries.

The elegant, sophisticated scent of jasmine makes it the king of flowers in perfumery. Its aroma is floral, fresh, light, with a sweet fruity nuance.

The flower is native to the Philippine and Comoros Islands. Ylang-ylang, which Filipinos call the “flower of flowers,” is considered the flower of seduction and pleasure. The unique aroma of ylang-ylang is the top note of the well-known Chanel No. 5 perfume.

5. Orange tree flower or orange blossom

The refined aroma of orange blossom is somewhat similar to the scent of jasmine, but shimmers with more honeyed and tart shades. Fresh, delicate and clean aroma - the aroma of happiness and love. It is not for nothing that the orange tree flower is called the “Flower of Happiness”, “the Flower of Brides”, “the Flower of Innocence”.

Thanks to its intoxicating, intoxicating and captivating aroma, tuberose is a symbol of forbidden pleasures and passion. The scent is very intense, like sweet honey, with hints of jasmine and orange, heavy and sensual. Essential oil This magnificent flower is considered one of the most precious floral oils in modern perfumery.

Gardenia flowers emit a sweet, silky scent reminiscent of jasmine. Gardenia symbolizes love, harmony and grace. Its warm, voluminous, but at the same time light and airy aroma is often used as the “heart” of floral perfume compositions.

The delicate, very fresh, tart, cool aroma of lily of the valley awakens sensuality and creates an atmosphere of love. This is the most spring smell; a scent that lifts your spirits and gives you confidence.

9. Lily, whether Asian or Oriental

Lily flowers have a pleasant, mysterious, exciting aroma. The Greeks attribute divine origin to the lily; among the Spaniards and Italians, as well as in other Catholic lands, the lily is considered a flower Holy Virgin, among the French in the Capetian and Bourbon eras, the lily was a symbol of royal power. Thick, slightly balsamic, with a sweet floral note, the scent of lily is intended for real kings and queens.

Hyacinth is a flower of love, happiness, fidelity. Its aroma is honey-sweet, floral, bright, with a hint of lily and jasmine, it makes you dizzy and excites. Perfumers often use the scent of hyacinth as top or middle notes.

11. Plumeria or frangipani

Plumeria - tropical plant with amazingly beautiful flowers correct form. Warm, sweet, deep floral scent Plumeria exudes soft fruity notes, attracting perfumers all over the world.

12. Tiare or Gardenia Tahitian

It is the national flower of French Polynesia and the Cook Islands. Graceful creamy white tiare flowers are endowed with a strong, pleasant, captivating aroma. The sweet, exotic scent of this flower conjures up images of calm seas, a spice island, and the lush vegetation of a tropical paradise.

Mimosa flowers have an extraordinary aroma; you can’t confuse it with anything else. Sweet, floral, woody, green, with a bitter honey note - this is the smell of spring, a holiday.

Peony in China is one of the most revered plants; they say about it: “a hundred roses in one flower.” Its subtle, sweet, floral aroma is reminiscent of old roses. The romantic aroma of love of this flower has taken its rightful place in perfumery.

Narcissus flowers have a strong, sweetish, slightly bitter, intoxicating smell. Early spring permeated with this exciting aroma. Narcissus absolute is very rare and expensive, it is used only in high-end perfumes.

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