Cleaning with raw egg and water. Remove damage and the evil eye with an egg yourself. How to cleanse your aura with an egg

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already talked about how to remove the evil eye at home using an egg, in relation to yourself or another person. Independent ways there is enough in witchcraft. There are also white rituals, which are most often used at home by beginners trying to cast magic on their own. Well, okay, so be it, as long as it makes sense.

Magical rituals in the white and black traditions are, in principle, similar, or rather, their ritual part. As for the witchcraft conspiracy, the warlock does not read prayers; white magicians who work for the Christian egregor are prone to this. There are, of course, universal spells for a raw egg against the evil eye. Such rituals of self-removal of negativity using a chicken egg work on the personal power of the magician - the performer. It's good if there is strength.

Independent ritual of removing the evil eye with a chicken egg and water

This ritual is simple and universal. Do it on the waning moon. If the case is urgent, they practice magic way cleansing at any time. What is needed for a ritual that makes it possible to independently remove the evil eye from a person using an egg:

  1. glass of spring water
  2. fresh egg from domestic chicken

The water should be silent, taken from the spring before dawn. Those who work with Christian Forces usually take holy water. Sometimes white magicians add a little holy water to spring water. It happens that they work only with water blessed by a church minister. At the same time, of course, white magicians read christian prayers. A magician who practices reads a spell on an egg to remove negativity from another person, or from himself, breaking the egg and pouring it into water. The sorcerer chooses the conspiracy himself, the one that the best way suitable for the task at hand.
The glass is placed at night at the head of the bed of the person from whom the energetic negative is removed. You can use this cleaning yourself often, if necessary. remove negativity from yourself with an egg at night. In the morning, after considering the changes that occurred overnight with the egg, it must be taken out of the house and disposed of in the usual way– bury in the ground or pour at the base of a dead tree.

In this case, a ransom is not needed. The purge is not a cemetery purge, not a demonic purge, unless, of course, the magician called the Dark Ones before the ritual. With the call of the Forces, ordinary cleaning becomes demonic, for self withdrawal negativity with the help of a chicken egg is no longer done only by the intention, word and deed of the sorcerer, but also by demonic power. And here there must be a payment to the spirits.

How to find out about the results of removing negativity with an egg in a glass

To find out whether you managed to remove the evil eye yourself with an egg and water, they do a diagnosis. Tarot card layouts are very informative. The Runes also clearly show whether the negative has been removed. Evil eyes are removed quite easily. In fact, one cleaning session should be enough, in this case, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, are talking about removing the evil eye with an egg in a glass of water.

If we're talking about not about the induced evil eye, but about serious and, God forbid, professionally done damage, then this cleaning alone will not be enough. We will have to involve other types of rituals and work in combination. Only the right approach to work can provide a positive result of removing negativity with an egg in a glass, together with other effective rituals, of course.

How to remove the evil eye using a raw egg using a photo yourself

In general, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you that it is very convenient to photograph someone’s work in absentia. Just like that, without even leaving home. Here's a DIY ritual on how to roll out the evil eye on yourself using an egg using a photo. Damage, by the way, can also be removed using this method. But you will have to do it 3 times, or even more. For those who practice white magic, this ritual cannot be used, because the ritual is demonic.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will immediately say that this is an effective, working ritual. I have tested it several times. Using this method, I remove everything that may have stuck to me during work. The result is not bad. Very noticeable, perhaps even better than classic egg cleansing. Yes, and pay attention to this detail: this ritual of rolling out the negative raw egg according to the photo, also with return. If the cleansing is carried out correctly, the conjuring enemy will feel the full power of your “hello” on his own skin.

To remove the evil eye yourself with raw eggs, you will need:

  • 3 fresh chicken eggs
  • photo of the cleaning object

Any moon. You can do it any day except Saturday and Sunday. Place the photo on the table. Take the first egg and move it across the photo in an equilateral cross. Read the words of the conspiracy three times to independently remove the evil eye from a person using an egg:

“What started out as a black thing, moved, creaked like a witcher, began to destroy (name)’s body, gnawed the bones, the blood festered, cut the veins, blinded the eyes. So it happened, but the black hen laid an egg, and the demon himself served time, warmed it, and gave it a wise word. I eat with an egg, with a damn cross, I remove everything from (name), what is sealed on two, then finished with an egg. Amen".

Take the second egg. In the same order, guide them through the photo to remove the evil eye at home using an egg, and read the text of the witchcraft plot:

“Speaking white, in an old woman’s voice, evil fell on my darling (name), but it took her away from her mind, she threw her off the road into a cliff, she drove her on a dashing path, I rolled him off, I rolled him away with a devil’s egg. The egg absorbs everything damaged and does not let (name) know death. The witcher’s teeth, a message to the sender, knock them down against a devil’s egg, beat them off, I take everything off my darling (name). The department is solid. Amen".

Take the third egg. Move it counterclockwise in a circle and read the spell for a raw egg against the evil eye:

“A haze came over (name)’s body, circled, broke the indomitable scarapea, shaking the swamp tormented (name), with a body like a painful separation, the egg rolled around the world, the egg rolled onto (name)’s body. Everything is rolled away with this egg and given to the one who spoiled the body. Amen".

At the end of the ritual, take all the eggs used during the ritual of rolling out the evil eye on yourself with an egg and dispose of them outside the home. One egg is left under a tree. The second egg is thrown at a pedestrian intersection. The third egg must be buried in the ground. All these actions are carried out far from the home of the cleaning object by rolling out the negative with a raw egg. A ransom is needed, because the purge is demonic. You can throw the egg in the places where you leave it odd number coins

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

A method that allows you to roll out the evil eye yourself with a chicken egg

This ritual removes the evil eye from a person well. At correct implementation The ritual of getting rid of the evil eye with the help of a raw egg will not be difficult. You can also free yourself from the destructive influence of corruption. But, you will have to take into account some nuances: the power of the negative, the magical power of the performer, and the high probability that the curse will not be lifted in one go.

Removing negativity with a raw egg has long been widely used by sorcerers working in various magical traditions. This is a universal ritual. In fact, this method can be used to remove any negativity. It is clear that a truly strong negative cannot be removed only through an egg. It is necessary to connect to the technique of removing negatives with a raw egg. But, in general, everything depends on the magician. There are practicing sorcerers who use eggs to remove even death spells. But this is more an exception to the rule than a rule.

So, let's get down to it ritual of removing the evil eye using a chicken egg. It is very convenient to remove negativity by rolling it out from another person. But you can also use this method for yourself. Unlike the previous ritual, where the negative is removed by 3 eggs, here everything is done through one egg.

The damned must sit on a chair. Using circular movements counterclockwise, move along the top of the client's head, reading the text of the egg spell to remove the evil eye and energy negativity.

1. Diagnostics

Take a fresh egg and break it into a jar (or glass) filled with cold water.

In this case, the yolk should remain intact. The vessel is brought in turn to energy centers(chakram) - the area of ​​the crown, forehead, throat, chest, abdomen, pubis and tailbone. The person should be in a comfortable position and relaxed. A vessel with water and an egg is passed over all areas clockwise, then rolled from top to bottom, then wrapped around the entire body and around the head. The vessel is placed at the head of the bed at night.
Diagnostics are carried out up to 4-7 times. The treatment procedure is carried out more. After rolling out, the water is poured out in a place where other people could not come into contact with it. At the same time, the phrase is pronounced: “Raw Earth, Mother, take away the disease from the servant of God (name), give him (her) health. Amen.”
Interpretation of egg white:
An egg that “opens” in water in the usual way has no negative changes. The formation of pronounced clots, strands, figures, etc., coagulation and destruction of the yolk, the appearance of a rotten smell (hydrogen sulfide) - these are negative structures.
Next, we will consider examples of the forms of an egg broken into water as a diagnostic tool for identifying disease or spoilage.
Example 1. The water is cloudy, the yolk is not whole and seems to be split into two. Part of the yolk is convex, resembling the shape of a ball. Part of the protein floated upward, connecting to the rest with a thin flagellum.
Analysis: Malfunction of paired organs round shape V human body, for example the ovaries.
Example 2. Water is clear. The white and yolk lie at the bottom of the jar and resemble a jellyfish. On top the white is more crowded, and at the edges it is transparent. On the surface of the “jellyfish” there are two appendages resembling antennae.
Analysis: The symbol contains some encoded information about emotional experiences, the radiation of strong negativity (resentment, anger), which has a detrimental effect on the entire biofield.
Example 3. The water is clear, the yolk is at the bottom, protein strands covered with air bubbles extend from it and rise to the surface of the water. The color of the strands is cloudy, yellowish.
Analysis: Impaired functioning of the liver and biliary tract.
Example 4. The yolk is at the bottom in a very cloudy protein cloud. The walls of the vessel are covered with many bubbles.
Analysis: possible diseases respiratory system.
Example 5. Grayish yolk, similar to boiled, long threads create a web on the surface of the water (loops, crosses, sticks).
Analysis: damage, negative.

Example 6. The bangs turned gray or black.

Analysis: damage to death.

Example 7. Water - transparent, like a tear, white and yolk - are something airy and enchanting.
Analysis: Clean and healthy biofield.

If, during the intervals between sleep, a person feels a slight pulling of energy through the ears or feet, then the next morning he feels noticeable relief, and thanks to the rolling out procedures, his biofield gradually becomes cleaner and healthier.

2. Diagnosis and disposal of damage

Take a regular glass glass, pour cold tap water into it, and place the glass on your head. Here you need a little outside help - someone takes an ordinary egg (it must be fresh), carefully breaks it over a glass of water, and the egg is lowered into the water. The most important thing is not to cut the egg in half with a knife, but only to make a crack and, breaking it, pour it into the water.
Hold the glass with the egg on your head for half a minute, or better yet 2 minutes, and look at the glass and at the light. Damage or the evil eye is immediately visible. If they are not there, then the water is completely transparent, and the yolk lies at the bottom, enveloped in white. If from the white (the yolk lies on its own) threads go to the surface, similar to the tentacles of a jellyfish and they have a milky appearance, as if the white was boiled, something is wrong with you. It all depends on what the thread pattern is. There can be several types, some end in bubbles, which means the damage is serious. If the threads are thin or just one, then this is the evil eye. Sometimes it happens that after some time the threads sink to the bottom of the glass - this means that your enemy does not want you to know about him, that is, he is afraid of exposure.

You found out that you have damage. No need to panic, no need to cry. What was in the first, defining glass must be poured into the toilet and said: “Let it go back to the one who does this...” Next, buy 8 fresh eggs. Every evening before going to bed for eight days in a row, pour water into a glass, but do not place it on your head, but carefully break an egg into the glass. Then place this glass with the egg at the head of the bed, so that the egg is opposite your head. The back of the bed or sofa should not be between your head and the egg in the glass. If this doesn’t work out, then it’s better to sleep on the floor or across the bed.

All 8 days the egg will clean you out. There may be nausea, vomiting, fever, dizziness - don’t be afraid, it will pass. Pills and doctors won't help you, so don't take anything. Every morning the picture in the glass will change. Pour the contents into the toilet with the words: “Let it go back to the person who did it...”.

Depending on how strong the impact was on you, the result will be visible. This operation must be performed all 8 nights.

If after 8 at night the threads are still visible in the glass, then the damage to you is severe. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist.

However, before you go to anyone, make yourself some special water, it also helps in removing damage.

Pour water into a glass and add a pinch of salt. Light a match and cross the water three times. While saying this three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The burnt match must be broken into three parts and thrown into the water. If at least one of three parts drowned, then this is very bad. Then you need to read over this water 9 times. The glass should be held in the left hand and read so that the breath touches the water (there are ripples in the water while reading).

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save and preserve the servant of God from every evil eye, from a bad hour, from a woman’s, from a man’s, from a child’s, from a joyful one, from a hateful one, from a slanderous one, from a negotiated one!”

Then spray the person you are helping or yourself with this water. The remaining water should be drunk over the next three days. You should drink on an empty stomach and in the morning.

This is one of the ways to determine the evil eye and damage on your own, as well as one of the ways to help yourself in this situation if you cannot immediately find someone who can help you.

First folk remedy Today, rolling out an egg acts against any human misfortunes caused by an evil eye, damage or a black conspiracy. It is relevant and safe for the little ones (rolling out treats fear, childhood fears, bad dreams, stuttering, etc.), for teenagers (with problems of a psychological and emotional nature), for older people (with complex and even fatal diseases, family conflicts, personal problems). The main advantage of the method is that it can be carried out either independently or with the assistance of specialists or simply close people.

What do you need to remember in the process of removing egg damage (rolling out)?

The procedure for working with an egg is itself sacred and in its symbolism goes back to the rituals of ancient tribes and peoples. The location of the chicken embryo - the egg - has at all times been associated with both a single planetary organism and a specific person. It is not without reason that many researchers of this symbol note the similarity of its structure with the human aura or with the shells of our Globe. The egg is the personification of vital forces, the prototype of a creature that has already been born, but has not manifested itself. It is not surprising that such a set of characteristics was a priori attractive to magicians of all kinds and stripes. And considering that eggs are usually placed on a par with substances such as wax, salt, tin and, in fact, are materials that easily absorb concentrated energy flows, then on the market magic items they simply have no price.

There are many direct methods of working with this miraculous panacea for all diseases and troubles. But the main ones boil down to one thing - throughout the human body (and in particular - along his problem areas) roll an ordinary chicken egg, accompanying the action with incantations, prayers, and whispers. After the procedure, this object with the evil contained in it, removed from the person, is broken and interpretation begins. Depending on the consistency, structure, color and smell of the elements included in the egg, the current state of health of the individual is assessed. Since this operation involves repetition with intensity once a day for two weeks, thanks to the breaking of the egg, it is possible to assess the presence of positive or negative dynamics of such a course of treatment. You can use the method either independently or with the help of experienced craftsman. The main guidelines and reminders for participants in the rolling out procedure can be presented as follows:

  • The egg must be of the most natural origin: not bought in a supermarket, not fertilized and essentially “not alive,” but fertilized, of high quality and fresh, chosen from laying hens or purchased from villagers.
  • A person must roll out strong character and will. The entire outcome of the event depends on his focus on success and desire to benefit the “patient”, because in the hands of the weak or evil man, the egg is not always able to activate and take on the function of pulling out negativity.
  • The prayers or incantations used must be learned by heart. Moreover, they should be chosen depending on the specific problem - if there is fear, then we read texts to protect against it, if the illness has overcome us, then we pray for health, etc. During the event, they are required to be repeated several times, so rolling an egg and reading the text from paper will not be comme il faut at all.
  • It is extremely undesirable to tear off the egg from the body of the subject of rolling out during events, since this action can interrupt the structure of the healing spiral and nullify all the efforts of both acting parties.
  • Before each new stage, you need to thoroughly wash your hands with cold water, and the higher the hand is washed, the better. This way, the unnecessary energy trace is washed away.
  • The ideal option for carrying out the procedure is to roll out the damage with an egg by a healer or magician into his work room or dwelling, in front of holy icons. The complex of these elements gives an unsurpassed result, since the favorable emanations of each component are summed up with the others and the sick subject of the rolling out begins to experience an improvement in his condition right during the ritual.

Sequence of actions when rolling out

So, when the decision to carry out this procedure has been chosen, you should prepare all the necessary accessories for its successful implementation: buy good-quality eggs, collect holy water, place especially sacred and auspicious icons in the room for the ceremony (preferably consecrated in the church), learn the appropriate prayers . Then you need to start the ritual itself.

Rolling out the disease with an egg

  1. A sick individual needs to be seated on a stool face to face with a mini-iconostasis, so that the saints will help him get rid of the illness and evil that accidentally came into the life of this person. It is important to add a church candle to the icons for greater help from above.
  2. The egg that will hatch the spoilage must first be washed with cold water and then given into the hands of the person on whom the ritual will be performed.
  3. Then the one who performs the ritual stands behind the patient’s right shoulder and begins to pass the raw egg over the person’s head, back, right arm, chest, stomach, left arm and both legs strictly in the given sequence.
  4. Then the egg is broken and the diagnosis of the person’s condition begins.

There are no strict restrictions in this technique on the slander that can be read. The main thing is to observe the principle itself and adhere to the central outline of events. In addition to standard prayers, we can also recommend reading the following texts:

  • “I roll an egg over my body and drive away all kinds of illness and misfortune. Where it passes, all the pain will be taken away from there. Just as the Lord protects the servant of God (name), so the egg will eliminate all his sorrows, grant new life, and blow away illnesses. Amen".
  • “An unkind person called out evil, caused illness, brought misfortune, but the egg is not afraid to fight it, drives out all the evil spirits, cleans everything white, brings health. As if I pass an egg over the slave (name), it will remove everything, return joy, and clean out the damage.”
  • “Everything that the enemy brings into the house, he will hang on a nail, put under the table - he will roll out the whole egg, eliminate everything, sweep everything, clear everything that is gnawing at the heart. The disease takes over itself and spreads light around itself. Let it be so. Forever and ever".

For certain diseases and abnormalities, unique prayers are used. For example, if a child is being scared by an egg, then you can read a prayer to his protector saint, as well as St. Paraskeva, St. George the Victorious, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon the Healer and others.

Total repetitions of rolling out at a time - three. The total number of readings of one prayer is nine.

How to decipher the contents of an egg after rolling out?

One of the most difficult moments of rolling out (especially for neophytes) remains the correct recognition and analysis of the constituent elements of the working egg with which the procedure was performed. The main difficulty is understanding what the picture obtained inside the testicle may mean. Here are examples:

  • The structure of the egg is examined. If the consistency of the protein is standard, it looks transparent, clean and has no impurities, and the yolk looks completely organic and beautiful in it, even though it is pale or not very perfect color, which means the patient’s problem is practically cured. But if the protein is lumpy, viscous, opaque, or even with foreign inclusions and an unpleasant color and odor, then there is a lot of damage.
  • The film containing the yolk is examined. Ideally, it should be solid, dense and beautiful, protecting the yolk located inside. In people with health problems, it may be torn, deformed, asymmetrical, or completely absent.
  • The insides of the egg are examined, looking for images in them. When inside the white egg substance there are many “drawings” - crosses, sticks, drips, stains, specifically identified pictures, then this does not bode well and, moreover, the decoding of such signs is the most straightforward: cross - grave, drips - troubles, problems, sticks - obstacles, etc. The color of the inclusions is also very important. A person without corruption should have all these things completely absent.
  • The yolk part of the egg composition is examined. The denser, richer, brighter and more stable it is, the more vitality and energy a person has. If the yolk is sluggish, deflated, shriveled or darkened badly, then the damage is already on the threshold and is stretching out its hands to the victim, trying to deprive her of strength.
  • The entire content complex is examined to look for “extra” elements. The egg may contain two yolks, pieces of twigs, metal particles, bloody spots and other inappropriate things. They will indicate the source and cause of the damage and help you find more relevant means to eliminate it as quickly as possible.

How to deal with rolling out on your own?

Of course, you can treat yourself from damage in any way: you can ask others, pore over your photo, and try to carry out the ritual with the assistance of third parties. However, the most radical way implementation of this procedure - independently. Agree, it’s not always easy, even with the help of two, it’s debatable acting hands, move the egg from the top of your head to your toes in a spiral, and without lifting it from the body, while chanting sacred mantras. Fortunately, in case a person experiencing the manifestation of damage has to fight it himself and has absolutely no one to call for help in this matter, then he can resort to a lightweight, light version, consisting of a number of simple steps.

  • Before going to bed, you should first read standard prayers (any that you know is better - the most effective, like “Our Father”).
  • Then take half a glass of clean drinking water and add half a tablespoon of holy water there.
  • Beat a chicken egg into a container of water (carefully so that the yolk does not spread).
  • Now you can put the glass at the head of your sleeping place and go to bed for the night.
  • During the night, the universal absorber - the egg - will absorb all the negativity and in the morning all that remains is to dispose of it out of sight (by pouring it into the toilet or burying it in the ground), having previously learned the meaning of the metamorphoses that will occur with this food product.

Do you know what the hidden power of one chicken egg is? Of course, you are more used to seeing eggs in a frying pan or in a salad, but not in the arsenal of a magician or sorcerer. And completely in vain. It was the egg that became the world's first painkiller. This ritual was called egg rolling. Cleaning with an egg is simple and accessible to everyone.

Place the egg on the sore spot and wait. Where it hurts, pulsation begins. Roll the egg clockwise over the sore spot. If you have a headache, then roll the egg over it against the arrow. You need to make nine circles while reading “Our Father.”

This ritual is called rolling out because during it the healer rolls the egg over the entire human body. The egg, like a magnet, collects all diseases to itself. All you have to do is get rid of it later along with all the ailments.

But don't think that this is such a simple matter. Before rolling out the egg, you need to prepare the dimple. When the ritual is completed, you need to throw the egg into the bag, hit it with a stone and pour the contents into this hole. You need to pick up the package and then throw it in the trash. And bury the contents in this hole and leave without looking back.

It is not difficult to guess that rolling out an egg also serves as a means of removing damage on your own, in other words, “magical cleansing.” Removing damage, evil eyes, induced diseases and psychological problems is done by rolling out a spoiled person with fresh eggs from under a chicken. After cleaning from spoilage, the egg is broken and the contents are poured into a glass; the type of contents is diagnostic and can be very different from what you expect to see when breaking the egg - blood, blackness, foam and other horrors.

They also use the egg to remove negativity from themselves when performing magical rites having a destructive nature.

Destructive rituals with eggs

But not only good deeds can be done with the help of eggs - the ability of a “living”, fertilized egg to draw in energy comes in handy when it is necessary to remove protections and weaken a person’s will. Then, under the spell, the egg is rolled over the person’s photo, as if removing the aura from him, and the egg is then disposed of.

For the same reason, you should never pick up eggs that you find near your home and, especially, inside it. Some people who wish you harm may use the magical power of the egg to harm you. This is called "lining". Some beauties, especially in villages, find many such linings near them during their lives, not only in the house or in the yard, but sometimes even in their purse. And you can’t just throw away such an egg, otherwise the whole life will go awry.

It is recommended to burn the lining in a safe place. And be careful not to inhale this smoke. When you have burned everything, dig a hole and use a broom to sweep the ash there. It is also recommended to throw there all things that had contact with the lining.

Egg as a ritual offering

Eggs are a traditional offering at the graveyard, at those burials where it is planned to do magical rituals. Never touch anything on graves.

How to remove damage - Folk magic with an egg

And now some simple magical tips on how to bring order to your life and relationships with loved ones using ordinary chicken eggs.
Let's say you want to wean your husband off alcohol. Feed him hard-boiled eggs often. But take only those laid by the black hen. Finding them, of course, will not be easy, but sometimes you can try for a good purpose.

To return the love of a groom who has ceased to be interested in you, you need eggs from a snow-white hen. Moreover, they need to be boiled in a bag and served to him at least three times a day.

Exists effective way remove negativity from a person, as well as diagnose what kind of negativity it is.

Egg rolling, there are two types, one might say active and passive. Active is when you roll out, passive is when the egg is at the head of a person, it is also allowed under the bed, under the sleeping place.

If you buy an egg at the market, it’s considered “from the chicken,” but they also sell it in store-bought eggs, but it may take longer to clean. You can work from a photo, even if it’s your own. If you work in the tradition of HE, they usually put icons of Jesus, the Mother of God and Panteleimon / Nicholas the Wonderworker / of their saint (here you can choose from), with three candles in front of them. You read a prayer to everyone (Our Father, Hail Mary and your saint, for example, depending on whose icon) or light one candle without icons and work on your personal power.

Be sure to put a photo of yourself or a person in full height and you begin to roll the egg over it clockwise because a powerful flow is formed, the egg, like a vacuum cleaner, begins to suck in the negativity. Of course, there are a lot of conspiracies, but the words are quite enough: I roll, roll out, collect everything that has been done, done, said. Be sure to visualize how something viscous and black is absorbed and collected into an egg. You do it according to the time you feel it’s enough - usually at least half an hour. This was part of our active rollout.

Next, take a disposable plastic glass and pour 1/4 of it with holy water - use a knife to break the egg into the glass without damaging the yolk. Who does not have the opportunity to use disposable glasses, you can use an ordinary glass one, but after use, you must wash it with a spell: I don’t wash the glass, but R.B. (name of the one who was treated) from his illnesses, troubles, from fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. Just as this glass is clean, so is R.B. (name) is clean from illness, trouble, fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. "In this case, it can be used every time.

Place this glass under the bed or at the head of the person you cleaned at night. In the morning, look at what's with the egg. Once we have determined what is wrong with you or those who were cleaned, we pour the entire contents of the glass into a latrine (toilet) with the words: from whom it came, to whom it went! Whoever did it got it back!.

We throw away the glass (if it is disposable) or go to the neighbor's trash. This was passive cleaning. That is, while you were sleeping, the egg absorbed your negativity.

Thus, it turned out to be double cleaning with an egg from spoilage on its own. You do it until you see that everything has been removed. You can do lunar cycles 12 times at a time, and so on several cycles, if something serious happens.

Yes, this is such a difficult thing, chicken eggs. And they are capable of much more than just being our favorite breakfast. As you now know, a skilled person can roll out a disease, remove damage from an egg on his own, create a harmful lining, protect, and destroy. The first forum about love spells has unique materials on rolling out an egg and diagnosing it based on the type of its contents, as well as various rituals and methods of magical work using eggs.

For most negative programs induced on a person using black magic, rolling out damage with an egg is suitable. It can be carried out by either a professional or a common person at home.

Homemade eggs will help prevent spoilage

In what cases will an egg help?

This ritual helps very well with neuroses, melancholy, fears, depression and apathy. By learning how to perform this ritual correctly, you can help yourself and your loved ones. It doesn’t matter whether a person is baptized or not, or what religion he is. Rolling him out will still help get rid of the disease.

When rolling out, a disease or negativity is transferred to the egg from the one to whom the damage was directed. And it gives back its positive energy.

Ritual rules

Rolling out refers to the rituals of ancient tribes and peoples. The egg represents vitality, the birth of a being. Its structure is associated with the human aura and the shell of the Earth. It easily absorbs energy flows.

In order to independently remove egg damage, you must fulfill certain conditions:

The person conducting the ritual must have a strong character

  1. You cannot buy a store-bought egg, you must take a homemade one, fresh and rinse it well.
  2. Before the ceremony, you need to read the “Our Father” several times and put on amulets against damage and evil spirits.
  3. The person who will roll out must have willpower and strong character.
  4. The performer must have a focus on success and faith in the effectiveness of the ritual.
  5. Learn all the spell texts by heart.

A powerful ritual for removing damage

The ritual, which involves rolling out damage with an egg, is carried out at home, in a well-lit room, but not at night. It's better to choose time before lunch. It is good if the person performing the ritual has experience in magical manipulations.

It is necessary to seat a victim of damage or the evil eye in front of you and place all the icons that are in the house around. If a woman is being treated, the egg is held with the sharp part back, for a man - with the sharp part forward. The patient must remove all jewelry, including watches.

If a person is sick, the egg must be rolled out from top to bottom.

If a person has health problems and is overcome by illness, rolling out must begin from the top down. If the patient has mental or mental disorder- down up. In the first case, they start rolling from the back of the head. This should be done clockwise, slowly, going down. The egg cannot be removed from the body. Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the spine, since the damage sent accumulates there. The head needs to be rolled longer than other parts of the body.

The patient must sit with his eyes closed and read “Our Father” all this time. They turn to the saints depicted on the icons and ask for health for the person at whom the ritual is directed. Under no circumstances should the ritual be stopped, even if a person experiences nausea and dizziness.

When the whole body is “broken in” right down to the ankles, you need to break the shell and pour the yolk and white into a transparent glass with holy water, saying the following words:

“Lord, make sure that I have nothing in my possession except the integrity of Thy truth and power, Lord! Amen".

A pattern should appear on the surface. If it is not there, then the ceremony was unsuccessful. Now you need to decipher the meaning of the picture.

Examples of images and their meaning

The yolk is inner world human, and the protein symbolizes the physical shell. Ideally, the yolk should be on top, the white down. Below is an interpretation of the drawing examples:

  1. White veins running from the bottom throughout the container indicate the strong influence of a witch or sorcerer.
  2. Bubble protein indicates powerful damage for illness.
  3. Absolutely pure yolk and white - no spoilage. It was removed or did not exist at all.
  4. Foam on the surface means the evil eye.
  5. Sharp growths indicate damage to poverty.
  6. Damage to death is manifested by the presence of worms in the yolk.
  7. If the yolk looks like it’s boiled, this means that a person you know is trying to do a lot of harm and you need to carry out the ritual for several more days in a row.
  8. Black dots on the yolk indicate that the damage was done through the cemetery.
  9. A cloudy film on the yolk indicates that part of the negative remains. We'll have to repeat the ritual.

Cemetery damage can only be removed by a specialist

You won’t be able to remove cemetery damage on your own. You will need to contact a specialist.

After deciphering the drawing, you should pour out the contents. When the egg and water are poured out, say:

“In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, Satan! Get away with your demons and spirits from the servant of God (the name with which you were baptized)! Amen!".

Wash the container and hands well to remove any remaining negative impact. When washing dishes with water, they say:

“I wash not a vessel, but (the name of the victim) from his illnesses, adversity, from fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. Just as this vessel is clean, so (name) is clean from illness, trouble, fear, commotion, ghost, and evil conversation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Ritual with a photo

Sometimes a person does not have the opportunity to personally attend the ritual. Then you can roll out the damage with an egg from a distance using a photograph. This ritual is suitable for those who do not believe in their curse, damage or evil eye and refuse to contact. The performer will only need recent photo patient to carry out the procedure independently at home.

The ritual can be performed at night. It is necessary to light a candle in front of the icon, place a photograph of a person next to it and cover it with your right hand. Then in right hand take an egg and a candle on the left. They begin to roll him around the picture from the center, repeating the words of the Lord’s Prayer seven times. Afterwards the shell is broken and the contents are poured out, and the photograph is sprinkled with holy water. The candle should burn out completely on its own.

Removing the evil eye and damage with an egg

You can get rid of damage and the evil eye yourself in another way. This ritual is especially suitable if a person refuses to understand that he has been damaged. It is carried out at night, when the patient falls asleep. It is necessary to place a plate with liquid next to the sleeping person. A fresh chicken egg is broken into it in advance. They say these words:

“Take from the servant of God (name of the victim) everything bad and evil.”

If in the morning bubbles and stripes appear on the yolk or white, this means that a curse has been placed on the person. The steps must be repeated until the yolk and white are clean.

If the ritual is performed correctly and all conditions are met, after a few days you will see positive results, and the damage will not return. Illness or failure can befall a person again when the damage is re-imposed, but not always.

A simple ritual

To help yourself, you can take basic steps at home.

At night before going to bed you need to read a prayer

At night, before going to bed, read the Lord’s Prayer, then take half a glass of water, adding 1 tsp. holy water. Then a chicken egg is carefully driven into it and placed at the head of the bed. It should absorb all the negativity overnight, and in the morning it will have to be poured out.

Conspiracy with an egg

You can remove damage and the evil eye yourself with the help of a conspiracy. The ritual can be easily performed at home. You need to cover the table with a clean tablecloth, put an ordinary egg and the key to the new lock in the center. Then they say:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord bless, true Christ. I, servant of God (name), will get up, blessing myself, I will go, crossing myself, to the rising of the red sun, to the sunset of the bright month, to the quiet dawn of morning and evening. Both the spoiler and the sorcerer should not take the red sun into their hands, not push the bright month out of the sky, not remove the pure stars from the sky, and I, the servant of God (name), should not spoil the eternal eyelids and not send damage to either a violent head or in the clear eyes, not in the white face, not in the zealous heart, not in the lung, not in the liver, not in the lower back, not in the porch, not in the hands, not in the secret member, not in the popliteal veins, not in all my blood. I, servant of God (name), will lock myself with an iron key, a strong lock, and I, servant of God (name), will take that key out of the lock and put it to the red sun, to the bright moon, to the frequent stars; And I, the servant of God (name), give that key into the hands of the True Christ: carry that key, True Christ, and keep it from the spoiler, from the sorcerer, from the spoiler and from the sorceress. If a tailor or a sorcerer, or a tailor, or a sorceress takes the red sun into his hands, the bright moon rushes from the sky, the frequent chalk of the stars collects everything, then no damage will be done to me, the servant of God (name), forever and ever. Amen".

Then the shell is broken and burned, the white and yolk are poured out. The lock is closed and kept secret from other people, the key is kept as a talisman.

In the energy field of every person there remains negativity from other people's envy, anger, and bad thoughts. Because of this, he is haunted by various misfortunes and hardships. Therefore, you need to go to church as often as possible and be in nature.

Corruption can destroy a person from the inside. To prevent this from happening, it is important to carry out the necessary ritual in time and transfer the negative impact from yourself.

Even those who completely deny the existence of magic know what corruption is. It is quite easy for a person with weak energy to catch this infection. Sometimes an angry word thrown after an unkind person is enough, and here you go, problems begin to pour in on your head, as if from an expired cornucopia.

In this topic:

There are many techniques, conspiracies and rituals that allow you to cleanse yourself of negative energy. However, removing spoilage using an egg is considered the simplest and most effective method.

How to identify the presence of negative impacts

First, you need to accurately determine whether there is damage, the evil eye, or other negativity. For a simple ritual you will need an exceptionally fresh, preferably homemade chicken egg, a simple faceted glass and clean, ideally spring water. And also the “victim” herself, or at least her photo.

The identification ritual, as well as the removal of egg damage, can be carried out independently in normal home conditions at any time. The only condition is that you must feel at least a little magical powers and have fairly strong energy protection.

The person who will probably have to remove the damage with an egg must be seated on a stool. Take the egg and warm it a little in your hands, then, trying not to break the integrity of the yolk, carefully break it on the edge of the glass and pour it into the water as carefully as possible. Then place the glass on the “victim’s” head. In a few minutes you can look at the results and draw conclusions. If the presence of damage can be accurately determined from the photo, then the egg should be rolled a little on the surface of the photo, and then the described procedure should be performed.

Decoding signs and symbols indicating negativity

To do this, you will need a special decoding of the symbols given below. If you have at least one of the symptoms, you definitely need to remove the spoilage with an egg.

  • If the color and structure of the yolk and white have not changed, then there is no damage or evil eye on the person, and all problems are the result of his own behavior.
  • A thin thread of protein appears - there is an evil eye.
  • There are many such threads and they form a web directed towards the surface of the water, where foam has appeared - there is slight damage caused by a person who has no experience in magic. Usually such negativity disappears on its own within a year. But for personal peace of mind, you can quickly remove the damage with an egg.
  • Protein resembles a jellyfish - there is damage to sadness and lack of luck.
  • There is a cap type figure: at the top – blocking creativity, below - financial energy (the victim cannot find a job, and the available money evaporates instantly) or a sign of infertility, frigidity/impotence.
  • The worst thing is if the protein turns black - this is evidence of a serious death ritual. To remove egg damage in this situation, it is preferable to hire a professional.
  • There are cloudy, vague pillars in the glass called karmic pillars. They say that a person’s karma is affected by the sins of his ancestors.
  • Quite dense and thick columns float in the water, forming bubbles on the surface - the negative ritual was carried out by a professional. In this case, it will be quite difficult to remove the damage from the egg yourself, but it’s worth a try.

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Remove damage and the evil eye with a chicken egg

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Interpretation of the yolk

  • The yolk seems to float in a foggy veil - conspiracies sent by the “teapot” in magic were used against the person. To remove egg damage, 1-3 procedures are enough.
  • There are red spots near the yolk - the ritual was performed on animal/human blood.
  • The edge of the yolk resembles boiled, but clean inside - the enemy wishes the victim torture, but not death.
  • Greenish, grayish or brown spots on the yolk also indicate a ritual that poisons life.
  • There are no white columns, but the yolk looks like it’s boiled - it lies on the victim special kind damage that limits her internal freedom.
  • The yolk forms a thread stretching to the top - a sign of the presence of a deceased soul and possible oncology. The thread may end in a bubble in which an image of the affected organ is captured.

In general, you can see anything in a glass, even real worms. Any change indicates the presence of a negative impact.

How to properly remove spoilage from an egg: preparation

The procedure for removing egg damage is quite simple. To do this you need to buy church candles to light them during the procedure, and chicken eggs. As for eggs, it is advisable to purchase homemade ones. Products that have been in the refrigerator for a week are definitely not suitable. They are considered dead, and therefore will not be able to take on negative energy.

If you are really focused on results, and have not decided to just play quite dangerous game, then take the trouble to find a fresh, country-made chicken product. It is also desirable that in the room where the removal of damage with the help of an egg will be carried out, there should be icons and images.

Rolling out process

The victim must be seated on a stool facing the iconostasis. Read the Lord's Prayer, take the egg in your hands, place it on the top of your head and begin the process of rolling out. To remove damage with an egg, you need to roll it over your entire body, without missing a single centimeter, including your arms and legs. At some point the egg will become heavy, which means that it has absorbed negativity and needs to be replaced with a fresh one. Therefore, you should not be surprised that in especially abandoned cases you will need a lot of products. Moreover, it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove serious damage with an egg in one go. Traditionally, the ritual is repeated for 7 days.

At the end of the next procedure, it is necessary to check the effectiveness of the cleansing ritual. To do this, the last egg is broken into a glass of water, and the symbols that appear are checked against the decoding. The spoilage is considered removed if the white and yolk do not change their structure and color.

What to do with used eggs

Used eggs should never be given to anyone. Yolks and whites should be flushed down the toilet and the shells should be burned. Ideally, the eggs should be taken to a cemetery and buried there. When destroying eggs you should say:

“In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, I command you, Satan! Get away with your demons and spirits from the servant of God (the name with which you were baptized)! Amen!"

Wash the glass used in the ritual thoroughly and say:

“I’m not washing the glass, but (the name of the one who was treated) from his illnesses, troubles, from fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. Just as this ladle (glass, vase) is clean, so (name) is clean from illness, trouble, fear, commotion, ghost, evil conversation. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

Passive method

There is also a passive method of removing egg damage. Why pour fresh water into a glass and add a tablespoon of blessed water, homemade egg break it there and place it at the victim’s head all night. In the morning, check for changes and destroy in the same way as described above.