DIY floor stand. DIY floor clothes hanger, photo. Video: original DIY wooden hanger

Can be easily done with your own hands. It is often used not only in residential apartments both at home and in offices. Of course, such an item can be purchased at a relevant store, but quite often the cost of a hanger is high and not all models are suitable in color and size. This item is perfect solution for the hallway that doesn't have enough free space. Such designs, which can be purchased in a store, most often have two sides for easy access (out of four). The coat hanger-hook does not have such shortcomings; purchasing and fixing it is as easy as shelling pears. Often, in its manufacture, accessible hooks are used, which are located as close as possible, this subsequently makes it difficult to access the other sides. Ultimately, the floor hanger ends up loaded on one side, which quite often causes it to fall. This is due to the fact that the structure has a too high center of gravity. You may have noticed that not all hangers have hooks for hats and bags. That is why you can come up with your own design, taking into account all the shortcomings of factory products.

Preparation of materials and tools

The floor hanger can be made by any novice craftsman. However, initially it is necessary to prepare a set of tools and materials, among them: self-tapping screws, laminated chipboard, a rotating mechanism, confirmations, a jigsaw, and an edge.

Design features

So, your choice is a floor clothes hanger. By making it yourself, you can save money, because the models presented in stores are quite expensive. However, before starting production, you need to develop a design design, and you should take into account the problems that were described above. This will allow you to get a hanger that will be distinguished by functionality and ease of use. The base of the product will be hollow parallelepipeds, which must be installed on a rotary type base. It has two planes. The rotating mechanism must be located between the supporting bases, which are located below. You can purchase accessories in a specialized store. The mechanism must have bearings that will ensure rotation under a load weighing up to 110 kilograms. The supporting base in the upper plane can be rounded; a jigsaw is used for this.

Preparing parts

If you are making a floor, you will need to initially prepare the parts. The structure is assembled using laminated chipboard, the thickness of the material should be 16 millimeters. The color is selected depending on the features of the interior and other pieces of furniture that are in the hallway. When preparing parts, it is important to maintain right angles, so experts advise ordering the cutting of elements from professionals, but you can do the gluing of the edges yourself.


Before you make a clothes hanger, you should learn about how edge gluing is done. It has an adhesive base and can be melamine. Its thickness is 0.5 mm or less. The edge is applied to the end of the element, with the adhesive base facing down. Then it is ironed with an iron, which should not be heated. Until the edge has cooled down, it is smoothed using a dry rag. On next stage The ribs are being processed; excess edges will need to be removed using sandpaper and a sharp knife.

Workpiece dimensions

In order to get a clothes hanger on wheels, you will need to prepare a square bottom base with a side of 560 millimeters. The top base should have a side equivalent to 380 millimeters. The side elements of the lower part are made in quantities of 2 pieces, the dimensions of each should be 600x300 millimeters. All other parts are made in the amount of 2 pieces, this applies to the internal side elements that will make up the lower part. The dimensions of each given workpiece must be 600x267 millimeters. The upper and lower parts will have a square shape with a side of 267 mm. Similar parts are made with a square side of 167 millimeters.

The side elements should have dimensions equal to 1200x200 millimeters. The side inner parts of the top have dimensions that are 1200x167 millimeters.

Carrying out the assembly

You can purchase a metal clothes hanger in a store - this is easier to do than making it yourself. But if you decide to make your own floor structure from wood, then for assembly you need to use confirmations with dimensions of 50x70 millimeters. For them, holes located at the ends are pre-prepared. To do this, use a 5 mm drill. The depth of the holes should be 60 millimeters. Holes in the plane must have a depth equivalent to 8 millimeters. They need to be done through and through. There is no need to be afraid that the fastener heads will be visible - later they can be hidden using plugs. You can also make a wall-mounted clothes hanger with your own hands. To do this, you need to prepare a laminated chipboard strip, several hooks and fasteners. All these components are connected to each other, and then the structure is hung on the wall. In the case of a floor structure, everything is different. The hanger will rotate due to the presence rotary mechanism, it is fixed with 4x16 mm screws.

The rotating mechanism has a one-piece design, and it is attached to the base by creating technological holes 10 millimeters deep. Initially, markings have to be made. After the hanger is assembled, the fasteners will be hidden by the top plane. The hanger can be equipped with different hooks. Thus, the top ones may be longer, allowing them to be used for hats. The middle ones are intended for children's clothing, but as for the lower ones, bags can be placed on them. The structure is stable due to the fact that the center of gravity moves closer to the floor surface.

Alternative option

A wall-mounted clothes hanger in the hallway can also be made by you. To do this, you need to prepare a board, timber, and hooks. The board must have the following sections: 25x150, 50x100, and 25x80 millimeters. As for the timber, it must have a square cross-section with a side of 100 millimeters. The base will be a beam, which is marked taking into account the required length and cut off. If the hanger is not wall-mounted, but floor-mounted, then legs should be attached to it. The structure must be processed with sandpaper. If legs are provided, they must have a length of 350 millimeters. The legs on one side are cut at an angle of 45 degrees, which will add aesthetics. There should be supports at their edges that are fixed. These additional blanks are cut from a board whose cross-section is 25x80 millimeters.

The legs can be strengthened with elements 330 millimeters long. These blanks are made from 50x100 mm boards. There should be four of them. When making a wall-mounted clothes hanger for the hallway, the upper part can be made more elegant by decorating it with decor, which is made from a 5-centimeter board. The lumber is used to cut a square, which is screwed to the top of the base using two screws. The workpiece is strengthened using fittings, but if decorative element If you want to make it yourself, then it should be deprived of fasteners for screwing. In this case, the workpiece is glued using carpentry compound.

Final works

When making clothes hangers for a closet, it is important to ensure high-quality fasteners. Quite often, not only mechanical, but also glue method. In the latter case, both surfaces should be lubricated. After this, the structure is left until completely dry composition and only then can it be treated with varnish or stain. The mixture is applied in several layers, between each of which the product should be left until completely dry. Afterwards the surface is treated with sandpaper. Before applying the next layer, the surface must be wiped with a damp cloth. In the process of making clothes hangers for a closet, the above technology can be used. However, no matter what design you choose, if it is based on wood, all corners must be cleaned, and the same applies to the ends of the structure. This can be done between applying layers, then the surface will acquire the effect of antiquity.

A hanger is an integral element of any hallway. This is what we see when we enter any home. Today there is a huge variety of models of such furniture, but floor-mounted clothing racks are considered the most popular.

Existing varieties

Depending on the design features and purpose, there are three types:

  • costume;
  • wardrobe;
  • floor hanger-rack for clothes (will fit perfectly into the hallway).

Suit options are separate devices designed to store a business wardrobe. Such models usually consist of a bar or crossbar for trousers, hangers for jackets and shirts, and a separate tier on which ties are hung. More modern racks for clothes, floor units are equipped with additional shelves and movable or stationary mirrors.

Wardrobe models are impressive in size. The main purpose of this furniture is to store dresses and other clothes on hangers. As a rule, such models are equipped with a high-mounted bar for placing wardrobe items. A standard wardrobe has two supporting legs with a crossbar in the middle. Multifunctional models have additional movable rods and crossbars.

The options used for hallways are made in the form of a high rack, in the upper part of which there are special hooks. The stability of this design is ensured by the presence of a small round base with several legs.

Materials from which such furniture is made

Modern floor clothes racks are made of wood or metal. In some models, manufacturers manage to successfully combine parts of different origins and textures. For their finishing they use natural materials(animal horns or different breeds wood), plastic, painted or chromed metal.

Required tools and materials

If desired, you can make such furniture yourself. To do this, you need to stock up in advance with a hacksaw, drills, drill, sandpaper, chisel, varnish and stain. We will need the following materials:

  • bars;
  • wood glue;
  • boards;
  • self-tapping screws

floor: we make furniture with our own hands

Boards and beams should be as dry as possible. Floor clothing racks made from low-quality raw materials will quickly fail. Insufficiently dried wood will begin to release moisture, and the glue holding the individual structural elements together will simply come off. The best material Pine is considered to be used for making hanger racks. This wood does not require complex processing and is relatively light in weight.

The higher the finished product, the wider its legs should be. It is desirable that the product has at least three supports. Having decided on the model of the future hanger, you need to draw its diagram, make preliminary calculations, measure the height and width of the structure. Having completed the description of the dimensions of all parts, you can begin to work.

The manufacturing process of a floor hanger for men's suits consists of several stages:

  • cutting blanks according to a pre-developed project;
  • careful processing and polishing of wooden elements;
  • drilling mounting holes in pre-designated locations;
  • assembly of the structure.
  • finishing work;
  • screwing roller wheels or gluing rubber gaskets.

The final stage of work should be giving finished product aesthetic appearance. To do this, it is treated with stain and varnished. To prevent drops of stain from accidentally staining the floor, this should be done on a special substrate. The varnish is applied only after the stain has completely dried. It is recommended to work with it on outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.

Floor-mounted clothing racks for shops

Such hangers are considered universal trade equipment, allowing compact placement and sorting of the offered goods. They are easy to disassemble, do not take up much space and can be moved around without any problems. trading floor. The use of floor structures greatly facilitates the process of familiarizing potential buyers with the assortment presented in the store. Trade racks-hangers can be one-, two- and three-tiered. Especially for placing fur and leather products, reinforced models are produced that can withstand the weight of such clothing.

Most manufacturers produce two types of such equipment - stationary and mobile. Stationary structures are installed directly on retail space and do not move around the hall. Mobile stands are equipped with special wheels, so they can be easily moved from place to place. Almost all models have the ability to adjust the height of the structure, which greatly simplifies the procedure for changing the assortment.

Agree, hooks and hangers are an irreplaceable thing in everyday life. Without them, one could only dream of order in the house. If you are now wondering how to drive a nail into the wall so that things are not scattered everywhere, for you, our review of what people came up with when inventing... a hanger.

As they say, everything comes in handy on the farm. What could be simpler than a hanger of already unnecessary things? For example, original hooks can be made from old forks. Of course, antique silver ones with a pattern are preferable, as they look more impressive than the aluminum ones from Soviet canteens.

You can make a kitchen towel rack from knives that have broken blades but still have a wooden handle.

Or from old scissors. Although, probably, such an idea is not harmless if there are children in the house.

Old (or new) door handles– also an option for a stylish wall hanger.

Someone made a creative kitchen hanger from wooden rolling pins. Wouldn't you like to try again?

Even old skis can be given a second life by “making” them “keep” clothes and bags in the hallway.

A snowboard nailed to the wall and decorated with golden hooks - here you go original hanger. Who would have thought that such a simple invention would fit perfectly into the interior of a modern apartment?

And here the designer’s imagination was based on a clothespin. It turned out multifunctional item interior - tuck hook.

Coat hooks in the shape of a cardiogram will certainly appeal not only to doctors.

It is possible that some plumber or housing office employee will be inspired to create water pipes and valves. Pipe hanger in the hallway large in diameter can also serve as a temporary container for small items - glasses, scarves, gloves, keys, phones.

It’s hard to imagine how this happened, but a hand-held plumbing tool for cleaning pipes, a plunger, also inspired someone to create a holder for a clothes hanger.

And in an electrician's house, a key holder might look like this.

It will be more interesting for children to hang their clothes not on a boring hook, but on the ears of cats, dogs and donkeys.

Another interesting option a children's hanger can come from a board on which they write with chalk. Just to the bottom wooden slats you need to nail the hooks.

It is better, of course, to hide outerwear in the closet. However, there is not always a place for it in the hallway. If your home is small, we suggest making your own ceiling clothes hanger from an ordinary pipe.

An interesting addition to the design of a corridor or hallway is another hanger, simple in design, but unusual in shape.

An even simpler, but original little thing for storing chains, bracelets and other hanging jewelry would be appropriate in the bedroom near the bed.

Shoe storage traditional ways As a rule, you need to find a lot of space in the apartment. Try making a practical and ergonomic shoe hanger from wire yourself.

An original hanger-shelf for can be made from wooden pallets(pallets) intended for transporting goods.

IN country house a hanger from an old ladder will be quite appropriate and organic.

Such a device is simply a godsend if there is not enough space in your home. For a ladder hanger, both twigs and scraps of small-diameter plastic pipe are suitable.

Retro style in country houses Europe and USA in Lately is becoming very popular. In the interiors, authentic items from the 50s and 60s of the last century or stylized items of that time are used.

For example, practical option for the hallway there can be a hanger with a shelf for wicker baskets, which was common among Americans in the last century in coastal holiday houses. By the way, it’s not difficult to make such a thing yourself, and you can buy baskets in a store or make them yourself. We assure you that the effect of putting your house in order will be significant.

In the skillful hands of a master, a metal rod twisted into a spiral can also become a hanger.

Another option for men who can handle tools. A functional hanger consisting of a wooden board with holes and dowels that can be interchanged at your discretion.

A hanger made of hangers. To some, these figures may seem like hunting trophies. This is not so important, the main thing is that it is convenient to hang and hang on them not only clothes.

For those who never want to give up their childhood habit of hanging clothes on the back of a chair, the designers have come up with such a compromise.

Collars can also be turned into hooks. It is convenient to leave hats or outerwear on such a hanger.

The intricate design of this hanger is made from natural wood It will appeal to lovers of everything original.

Read about other interesting ideas for this in our review. There are many different ones - in the corresponding section of FORUMHOUSE. And home craftsmen will useful video on the arrangement of a room for work and storage of tools -

You can't do without a hanger in the hallway. Of course, outerwear can be hung directly in the closet, but this takes longer and is not so practical. The wall hanger is very convenient for narrow and small hallways; it is quite roomy and does not take up much space.

We offer you 5 master classes on making wall hangers with your own hands from available materials: wood, leather, branches or pipes, as well as inspiring photo ideas.

This hanger will display the phrase “I can also cross-stitch” in every sense, show your creativity and become good decoration Houses.


In order to create it, you will need the following materials:

  • plastic or metal panel with perforation,
  • multi-colored floss threads (in principle, knitting threads are also suitable),
  • scissors,
  • hooks (in this case 4 pieces with a ball at the end).

ADVICE: where can I get such a perforated sheet? In any hardware store or a furniture store - ask for perforated sheet. And they will cut you the size you need.

Work order:

  1. We buy perforated sheet the right size.
  2. You do regular cross stitch with threads, only the fabric is larger.
  3. You can choose any word you like, or a simple picture (a heart, for example), the main thing is to make sure that everything fits and the spaces between the letters are the same.
  4. When the inscription is ready, attach the hooks through the holes in the panel and hang the hanger on the wall (you don’t even need to drill holes for the fasteners, they are already there).

Wooden hanger

If you have a pallet lying around at your dacha, then this master class will help you find one for it. useful application. If there is none, then the hanger can be made from an ordinary wooden board.

Necessary materials:

  • Pallet or wooden board
  • Hooks
  • Paint and paint container
  • Brush or roller
  • Protective gloves
  • Drill
  • Jigsaw
  • Sander or sandpaper
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Wood cleaning cloth

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Preparing the Wood

  1. Separate one board from the pallet (or take a regular wooden board), clean it of dirt. Trim to size if it is too big.
  2. By using grinder make the surface even and smooth; if you don’t have a machine, you can use sandpaper by hand, it will take more time, but the desired result can be achieved.

Step 2: Mark where the hooks will be

Use a measuring tape to mark the points where you will attach the hooks. They can be located along the same line at equal intervals, or above and below at intervals, as you prefer.

Step 3: Drill Holes for Hooks

  • Make holes for the hooks with a drill (check first that the width corresponds to the desired size).
  • Once completed, clean the board from dust.

Step 4: Paint the Boards

  • Choose the color and type of paint depending on your preferences and interior. Used here acrylic paint on water based bright blue color.
  • The paint can be applied with a roller or brush, along and across the board, evenly filling the entire space, the last ball should run lengthwise.

If you wish, you can use a wood preservative before painting to ensure its longevity.

Step 5: Insert Fasteners

  1. On the back of the board, insert the fasteners that will be used to hang the board from the wall. They should be located symmetrically to each other, relative to the middle of the board.
  2. Here we used hooks that are screwed into previously drilled holes. They are easy to attach, the main thing is that they have the appropriate diameter.

Create your own design - choose the color, paint with patterns, choose the location of the hooks, as well as their color and size. All is ready!

From copper pipe

This hanger is especially suitable for hat lovers. It is difficult to find a place for them where they can be stored and not wrinkled; it takes up too much space in the closet. This is an excellent option for direct use – for clothing and for decorating a room. Of course, in addition to hats, a clothes hanger will also fit here.

Necessary materials:

  • Copper pipe
  • Scissors
  • Clothespins
  • Rope

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Prepare the base

Cut the rope to a size large enough to hang the hanger. Pass the rope through the copper pipe.

Step 2: Attach Hat Hanging Strings

Cut a few more pieces of rope and tie them onto the pipe, leaving enough space between them so that the hats do not interfere with each other later.

Step 3: Hang the hanger

Attach the ends of the rope with copper pipe to the wall or ceiling (for this there must be hooks or a pipe). Attach clothespins to the ropes hanging from the pipe; now you can hang hats on them. You can also hang a clothes hanger on the pipe.

ADVICE: Choose the length of the pipe depending on the amount of free space on the wall, hats and clothing.

As you can see, it is done very quickly, even in half an hour you can do it, and it looks very original.

Leather belt hanger

This wall hanger is suitable for the hallway, kitchen, and bathroom. The type is similar to the hanger described in the previous master class, but its use is more universal. It will beautifully complement the interior of your apartment, while requiring very little effort and time to make.

Necessary materials:

  • Leather belts (2 pieces of fairly soft leather)
  • Two small pieces of leather (harder)
  • Wooden stick (from a tree branch)
  • S-hooks
  • Scissors
  • Thread and needle (suitable for leather)
  • Leather punch

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Preparing the belts

  1. Trim to required length two leather belts, they must be the same. Wrap the strap around the stick and mark how much you need to wrap around it.
  2. In the place where the belt meets after the girth, it needs to be sewn to fix the stick so that it does not fall out. Do the same with the second belt.
  3. To prevent the seam from being visible, make decorative leather straps: use a narrow strap to wrap the strap attached to the stick, at the seam, and sew it, connecting the ends (the same with the second strap).

Step 2: Attach the hanger

Using a leather punch, make holes on top of the belts (in the center of the width), using which you can hang this structure on the wall or ceiling (on previously attached hooks).

Step 3: Hanging Hooks

Hang on a wooden stick required quantity S-shaped hooks and hanger are ready for use.

From branches and cuts

Branches and cuttings are excellent material for wall hangers. First of all, it’s very affordable! And secondly, wood will never go out of style and will perfectly complement the style of any apartment!

You can make many crafts for your home from branches - more on that in the article .

From pallets

If you are going to make a wall hanger and choose a cheap and quick option, then a hanger from wooden planks or pallets - this is exactly what you need. If you think that it will look ordinary and unoriginal, look at the selection of photos below and make sure that from these materials you can create a truly unique thing that will decorate the interior of your apartment.

Select paint (or simply treat the wood with an antiseptic, preserving the natural color), hooks, and give the board the required form, come up with your own own way decorate the boards.

More complex hangers can be made from wood. More precisely, it’s not even a matter of complexity, they are labor-intensive, you need to spend more time on them.

Technology for making hangers from improvised means

Having summed up all the master classes, I would like to derive a single formula for making and being creative with hangers. It can be roughly divided:

  • The basis- can be any item from a finished board to old items.
  • Hooks for hangers- you don’t have to buy them, you can remove them from coat hangers.

Basics from improvised means

You can also use things for making that, at first glance, are not at all suitable for this: skis, oars, rulers, etc. how much imagination is enough? A wonderful way to find a use for things lying around in the pantry.

Hooks for hangers

Hooks also do not have to be standard (although their range of choice is quite wide). Start looking at things with the thought “where else can you be used?” I'm sure that with a little training, interesting ideas they will start to come more and more often, and this applies not only to hangers, of course.

Attach individual hooks to the wall; their design should look like a decorative element, even if there is nothing on them.

Wall Hangers Ideas

Designers are increasingly coming up with ideas for creative and functional clothes hangers. Sometimes their designs are quite elementary and not difficult to do at home.

Metal, of course, is more difficult to work with, but if you want to create such a hanger, it will not be difficult. Make branches in the shape of a tree or hang hangers on a pipe - the result will be durable and functional.

All these photos are a piece of what you can create with your own hands. Take the elements you like, combine them, and most importantly, have fun with it all!

Everyone knows the saying that “theater begins with a coat rack.” It is worth saying that not only in public institutions the hanger plays an important role, but also in apartments and houses. After all, the absence of this important piece of furniture can cause chaos in the hallway. Today there are many different types of hangers on sale. different shapes and design, but it will not be difficult to make and on our own from scrap materials. We'll tell you how to do this further.

Wood is usually used to make clothes hangers. But not everyone the material is suitable for this. You should choose the most dried and durable wood. If the material is not properly dried, then after a while it may lose its shape. Of all types of wood for hangers, it is recommended to give preference to pine. This material is good because it is easy to process and is lightweight. If you decide to use solid oak, you should take into account that it is more difficult to process and is heavier. The parts of a wooden hanger are usually joined together using glue. Some important requirements are similarly imposed on it. By the way, glue in the presence of undried wood may lose its adhesion due to the release of moisture from the material.

The choice of hanger shape plays a very important role. It should be taken into account that this piece of furniture requires at least three supports, the length of which directly depends on the height of the product. Thus, it turns out that the higher the hanger, the more massive and more supports it should have. Often this product is intended not only for outerwear, but also for trouser suits, in order to store all clothes in one place. For this purpose, the width of the hanger is usually made larger than usual. Thus, many different clothes can fit here.

When you have decided on the hanger model, you should draw a diagram that will indicate exact dimensions future product. Moreover, it is advisable to describe the dimensions of even the smallest details. This will come in handy during the manufacture of the product. When the diagram is ready, you can begin installing a wooden floor hanger for clothes.

DIY floor clothes hanger

To make the product you need:

  • saw,
  • drill,
  • sandpaper,
  • chisel.

Necessary materials:

  • bars of the required sizes,
  • boards,
  • wood glue,
  • screws,
  • stain for processing the product,

When you have all this, you can start working. It is advisable to decide in advance on the shade of the future product. In general, light wood can be painted in almost any tone. To do this, it is enough to apply stain until the surface of the hanger is the desired shade. When covering with stain or varnish, some kind of substrate should be placed under the product. Otherwise, drops may accidentally fall on the floor. Varnish should be used only after the stain has completely dried. In general, with varnish because strong odor It is best to work in a well-ventilated room or, in general, in the open air. After opening the varnish, the product should be wiped with a rag soaked in a weak solution of vinegar.

Let's take a closer look at the order of work:

  1. First you need to prepare the wood. In particular, the tree trunk is cleared of bark and rough knots. Under no circumstances should the bark be left, no matter how much you would like to give the product more natural look. After all, if you leave it, it will gradually crumble, thereby creating an additional reason for cleaning the room. In addition, the bark is often a habitat for small insects.
  2. The bark can be removed with an ax or knife. After this, you should go over the wood several times, first with coarse and then with fine sandpaper. The surface should eventually become smooth, at least to prevent clothes from clinging to the knots.
  3. After this, the base of the product should be made. It is worth saying that it is advisable to make all the elements of the hanger (legs and tripod) one whole. You shouldn't start with the cross. Otherwise, if you then attach the hanger itself to it, the structure may become loose over time. Must be adhered to next rule– the lower edge of the tripod must be made on the same plane as the sole of the legs.
  4. After this, you can proceed to measuring the diameter of the barrel. Measurements taken will be needed to select a bar of suitable width. If the block is wider than necessary, then you can saw it lengthwise with a hacksaw to the required size.
  5. Typically, the height of a hanger is about 1.7 m. For a product of this height, the cross should have overhangs of about 30-32 cm. Therefore, a pair of bars 65 cm long will be needed. They will need to be cut in half to make four pieces about 30-32 cm long.
  6. The hardest part is attaching the legs to the round trunk. If you simply attach the bars, the structure will turn out to be unstable, and after the first fall, it will most likely fall apart. It is better to place the tripod on the floor and attach the leg blanks to it. To connect them, you will need to make triangular wooden inserts. Then they are attached to the bars using self-tapping screws.
  7. To strengthen the product in the places where the triangular elements are attached to the legs and barrel, you need to drill a hole with a diameter several millimeters smaller than the diameter of the fastener. It will need to be filled with glue later. Only after this can you screw in the screws. Sometimes, to make the structure more stable, the holes, in addition to glue, are also filled with pieces of rubber.
  8. To give the finished hanger functionality, you should add hooks for outerwear. They can be made at some distance from the trunk. One thing to keep in mind here important rule. To prevent the structure from falling, the center of gravity of the clothes hung on the hanger should not be outside the crosspiece.
  9. Hooks can be used both homemade and decorative. In any case, they cannot be attached directly to a tripod, because the floor clothes hanger will quickly wear out and become unusable. You can do this: take the bars and cut out a square with a side slightly larger than the diameter of the trunk. Initially, the hooks are attached to this square of wood, and then to the product itself. Thus, they will be securely fastened, and at the same time they will not come into contact with the “body” of the product, which, thanks to such a device, will last longer. This is especially useful for wardrobe racks that are used quite frequently.

You can decide for yourself which hooks to use - decorative or homemade. However, if you make them yourself from wire, they will not have a very attractive appearance. Therefore, it is better to give preference to decorative hooks purchased in the store. They are usually attached to wood with a pair of self-tapping screws. If you have the necessary skills, you can use a chisel to cut out square-shaped holes, where you should then “hide” the hooks. It will look better than simply mounting it on self-tapping screws. When the hooks are in place, you need to connect the square wooden insert with top part products using several screws.

As for the hanger itself, it can be painted or varnished. Choose a shade to suit your taste, but it is better to match the decorative style of the room where it will stand. wooden hanger floor for the hallway. A layer of paint or varnish is applied at least twice.

The base for a wooden floor hanger must be sufficiently heavy and stable. You can use it as the bottom of a floor lamp, the frame of a floor fan, or buy a stand for a Christmas tree.

Wooden floor-mounted suit hanger

The hanger described above is not suitable for men's suits. Therefore, products of a slightly different design are made for them. Wood is similarly used as the main material. To assemble such a hanger, you must first measure and cut the blanks according to the specified dimensions. They are then carefully processed and polished. After that, mounting holes are made in the required places.

Next, according to the diagram, the product itself is assembled and completed finishing. All that remains is to attach pieces of rubber or wheels to the base. A little more detail about assembling such a hanger: first, the vertical posts are screwed to the base using 4 large screws. Then a strip is inserted between these supports and screwed using small screws. Next, a trouser holder is inserted into the holes of the vertical posts. To securely fix it, you will need a mallet. After this, the structure is screwed to vertical posts using four screws. Then the hangers are screwed on. The suit hanger is ready for use.

How to make a wall hanger

The basis of such a hanger is a shield on which hooks are placed. It can be made either solid or lattice. For the last option you will need less material, and besides, it is lighter. To assemble such a shield, take a pair of bars and attach them parallel to each other using dowels. After this, vertical planks about 8 cm wide are nailed to them, and hooks are attached to the boards.

The dimensions of such a hanger can be different and mainly depend on the dimensions of the wall and the entire room. If you wish, you can decorate it beautifully: varnish, paint or cover it with self-adhesive film. In any case, do not forget to properly process the ends and edges so that there are no rough spots left. If you wish, you can make it at the top of the hanger using metal corners a board-shaped shelf about 25 cm wide where hats will be stored. If the hanger is made to the full height of the wall, then a shelf for shoes is usually installed in the lower part. For reliability, it is advisable to install 5x5 bars from below that will support this shelf.

Wooden floor hangers: photo