Fire dragon and metal monkey compatibility. Dragon Monkey Chinese horoscope compatibility, perfect practicality. Compatibility: he is a Monkey, she is a Dragon

People born in certain years have their own set of characteristics and may, according to specific criteria, fit each other, or, on the contrary, not fit. What compatibility do Dragon and Monkey have?

Dragon and Monkey general compatibility

In general, the compatibility of the Monkey and the Dragon can be called ideal. This is especially true of the spiritual sphere and outlook on life. Both people are distinguished by extraordinary abilities and are endowed with great talents. Ambition, which is characteristic of both the Dragon and the Monkey, will help them reach unprecedented heights.

The monkey likes that the Dragon takes control of the pair into his own hands and wants to take a leadership position. The dragon is literally fascinated by the magnetism and natural attraction of the Monkey. The family union concluded between two persons promises to be long and happy. No one will feel humiliated and deprived, mutual respect is guaranteed.

It is easy for people born in the Monkey and Dragon years to get to know each other, because both do not like to stay at home, but prefer to attend parties or other events on weekends. Most likely, they will meet each other at one of these events.

Initially, the Monkey will not take the Dragon seriously, she will start playing with him, as she always did with other partners. However, she soon realizes that jokes with the Dragon are bad, and she should not get carried away. Then her intentions will become serious.

It will not be easy for the monkey to enter into a serious relationship, but the fear of losing a Dragon partner will spur her on. The dragon will be attracted to the Monkey by his outstanding intellectual abilities and the ability to present himself correctly in public.

If problems arise, the cunning Monkey will help the Dragon find the best solution to get out of the situation with dignity and without loss. Such an influence for the Dragon is very important, since his straightforwardness can lead to the manifestation of new difficulties.

Passions will burn in relationships, because both signs are very emotional and prefer not to hide their feelings inside themselves. This will help the marriage to last as long as possible. They will never be bored. The development of relations between the signs also depends on the distribution of roles, that is, which of the partners will be born under the sign of the Dragon, and who is the Monkey.

Influence compatibility and zodiac signs in astrology. If the Dragon is Scorpio in the horoscope, he has discernment and loves mysticism. The monkey is unlikely to be able to get along with him, because he will expose all her tricks and intrigues.

This couple can only form an alliance if the Monkey is born under the sign of Pisces. Dragon and Monkey born under the signs of Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will also be able to get along and find a common language. Earth signs will calm down the Monkey and save the Dragon from irascibility, so the marriage will become calmer.

The sign of Aries will greatly enhance the ambitions and ambition of the Dragon, and the Monkey, born under this sign, will become purposeful. The signs of Gemini and Libra will make the relationship easier, but they will be more suitable for the Dragon.

Character features

People whose date of birth includes the Year of the Dragon has high self-esteem and self-confidence that no one can shake. They have a subtle sense of humor, which allows them to join any company. Inquisitive Dragons have many hobbies, as they like to learn everything new and interesting.

Attractiveness and charisma help to find a common language with others. Getting what you want from other people is not difficult, you just have to turn on the charm.

Dragons are sincere people who never weave intrigues behind their backs and are not hypocritical, but they themselves are sometimes overly trusting, which leads to deceptions from others. Straightness often interferes with communication, because the Dragon can say whatever it thinks to a person right in the face.

Career is of great importance for Dragons, they are happy to take positions with great responsibility, where you need to manage other people. The Dragon has great authority among his subordinates, so things go smoothly under his leadership.

In the love sphere, the Dragon is characterized by inconstancy. He often changes partners, playing with them like a cat with a mouse. As soon as any flaws are discovered, the Dragon prefers to break off the relationship and again plunge headlong into the search.

People born in the year of the Monkey are extraordinary and fantastic. Playful and perky, they seem to be constantly in a festive mood. A large number of fresh ideas are born in the head of the Monkey every second. The ability to masterfully manage people leads to accusations that Monkeys love to order others and try to make decisions instead of them.

Outwardly, they seem to be merry and liberated people who are distinguished by their sociability and love of chatter. People around him think that the Monkey is really interested in how the life of others is going. However, in fact, they are real selfish from the marrow of the bones, so they only care about themselves.

Being arrogant enough, they are able to adapt to their surroundings in order to benefit from themselves. The monkey is a real gambler. She masterfully changes masks, so it is almost impossible for people to recognize her real one.

Despite the outward indolence, the Monkeys cannot be called frivolous people. They think about a lot, trying to comprehend the world order, they are educated and well-read, they are always aware of what is happening on the planet.

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman Compatibility

The compatibility of partners is at a high level, since in character they suit each other well, complementing the soul mate.

In love

Both the Dragon man and the Monkey woman will never be left without the attention of the opposite sex, they always have fans.

The monkey will easily be able to charm the Dragon, using all his wit and childish spontaneity. A man will definitely fall for the bait, and a passionate romance will begin between them. He will treat a woman as a divine and sublime muse or a crystal vase.

At first, the relationship will be filled with romance and emotions, since no one will restrain them. The open and smart Monkey is perfect for the Dragon. Of course, she has flaws, but more often than not a man turns a blind eye to them.

When the Dragon and the Monkey tie the knot, it becomes clear how much they complement each other. They can be safely called second halves.

The Monkey Woman, who has an imbalance in character and is often capricious, needs a strong man. He will become a real support for her and help her get rid of fears about the future that constantly haunt her. The partner himself will receive moral support and inspiration from the Monkey.

In a family, a man becomes the leader, who can sometimes behave in an authoritarian and strict manner. He believes that all decisions should be carried out by the spouse without controversy. On this basis, conflicts could arise, but not with the Monkey. A sly woman will not enter into open confrontation, but when she needs to, she will promote her own ideas.

The marriage of a Dragon man and a Monkey woman is usually very happy and long, because the partners are well suited to each other.

In sex

In the intimate sphere, compatibility is excellent. The Dragon and the Monkey are sensitive and know how to give pleasure to each other. All the emotions that overwhelm them in everyday life will certainly be transferred to bed, where they will be united with a gentle and affectionate attitude and complete mutual understanding.

The Dragon brings novelty to the relationship, which is looking for ways to diversify them. The woman obediently obeys, realizing how important it is for the Dragon to feel himself in charge, and accepts all the ideas invented by the partner. Intimacy often helps spouses resolve all possible conflicts and problems. However, it is not a decisive measure for resolving differences, but only an additional way to reconciliation.

In friendship

A friendly relationship can very well be long, since the Dragon and the Monkey have many points of contact and common interests. They will not betray each other and will be able to carry on friendship through many years. If the Monkey allows the Dragon to take a leadership position, then the relationship will be very strong. A man will gladly help his girlfriend and at any time will give up everything to help solve problems.

If quarrels and conflicts break out in a friendly alliance, the Monkey will try to smooth out the severity, using natural cunning and ingenuity.

A monkey should not enter into a struggle for a place of a leader in a friendship. A woman can ruin a relationship by starting to play her game against a friend and keeping secret from him what concerns him personally. If the Dragon notices such a tendency, he will close himself off from the Monkey and begin to deal only with his own life.

In work

The Dragon and the Monkey will make excellent colleagues. Both have many ideas in their heads that they want to quickly bring to life. Basically, the Dragon generates ideas, but the Monkey always supports him in any risks and tries to minimize them.

The monkey works well with finances and is able to prevent monetary losses, for which the Dragon especially appreciates her. If there is no struggle for leadership in tandem, then things will go well. However, the Monkey should not give the Dragon full control over money if they are in a joint business, because the man himself can spend it on himself, and not put it into a common cause.

In percents

  • in love - 90;
  • married - 95.

Monkey man and Dragon woman compatibility

The Monkey man and the Dragon woman will be able to find a common language if the man gives up the palm to the woman.

In love

The novel will begin swiftly and brightly. At first, the relationship will seem frivolous, since the Monkey man will behave with his usual frivolity and frivolity. He will constantly change masks, so the woman will take a long time to figure out the real nature of her partner. Over time, the essence of a man will open to her, and she will understand that he is perfect for the role of a spouse.

The union of the Dragon and the Monkey is based on mutual trust. They talk frankly on any topic and rush to come to each other's aid in critical situations. The man finds in the face of the Monkey a reliable friend who can always be relied on, and the woman receives the admiration and respect she needs.

A woman will never be bored with a Monkey, since a man will turn gray everyday life into a holiday with his ideas and activity.

For the Dragon, this quality is of particular importance, because he himself can hardly endure the gray everyday life and everyday life. The woman will help her partner to cope with the inner fears that torment all the Monkeys. She will strive for leadership in the family. If a man does not agree to give the palm to his lady, then, most likely, the union will fall apart.

In sex

Intimate life will never be boring, because the Monkey man will come up with all new things, trying to involve his spouse in them, who will not mind. The romance, full of passion and romance, will continue in bed. The Dragon always striving for leadership in this field will completely entrust the palm in the hands of the Monkey, who will gladly accept the "power" and diligently begin to decorate intimate life.

In friendship

Whether a friendly alliance between the Dragon and the Monkey will work out depends primarily on the man. If he comes to terms with the fact that his girlfriend wants to become a leader in the relationship, then everything will go like clockwork. They have many common interests and points of contact.

Both love to spend time interestingly at parties and in companies where they can go together. However, if the man does not come to terms with the leadership of the woman, the friendship will eventually crumble, since the Dragon will under no circumstances agree to obey.

In work

A dragon woman and a Monkey man can make a good tandem if the woman is the generator of ideas, and the Monkey is in charge of finances. The dragon cannot be trusted with monetary affairs, since it can completely mislead finances. They can do business together if they clearly assign roles. The woman here will strive for leadership, so the Monkey will have to give in.

In percents

Percentage compatibility will be:

  • in love - 75;
  • married - 80.

How can you improve your relationship?

The relationship between the Dragon and the Monkey is so harmonious, but if you try, you can make them almost perfect. The Monkey needs to take it for granted that the Dragon needs a leadership position.

You should not start a fight, otherwise everything may end badly. Everyone needs to listen to their partner to avoid conflicts. This is especially important when you consider that the Monkey is quite selfish in nature and rarely thinks about others.

At first glance, people born under the auspices of the Dragon and Monkey have very few contact points. The first is a purely mythical character who in Eastern culture is the personification of a good beginning. The second is an energetic, impulsive, charming and cunning inhabitant of the wild. But according to the Chinese horoscope, the compatibility of the Dragon and the Monkey is almost perfect.

Character features

The Dragon-Monkey couple is able to create a strong family and live life in harmony with each other. Periodically arising conflict situations can be easily resolved, thanks to the natural wisdom of signs. Of course, for this they must truly love their partner. Without sincere, genuine feelings, even the most ideal couple in terms of compatibility will break up. The peculiarity of the union between the Dragon and the Monkey is their characters, which complement each other, like elements in a puzzle.

The dragon stands out for its bright individual originality. He easily attracts the attention of others with his rich imagination and non-standard worldview. The presence of ambition allows you to rise high on the career ladder and at the same time in an absolutely honest way: the Dragon is not an intriguer, he is sincere and straightforward. Vitality, ebullient energy, combined with curiosity and courage, push the Dragon to constant self-improvement and learning new sciences. And at the same time, he is constant and prefers long, stable relationships to casual relationships.

The monkey also cannot be called an ordinary person. She is quite selfish, prefers to play the game on her own territory and according to her own rules. In this she is helped by observation and cunning, the ability to manipulate people and a tendency to intrigue. But her behavior does not cause a negative response in others, because the Monkey does everything wisely enough not to cause self-hatred. Representatives of this sign do not tolerate loneliness, therefore they are constantly among people who are ready to communicate with them. It is better for them to realize themselves in the creative sphere, since the creative potential is enormous and, by developing it, the Monkey can reach great heights.

General compatibility

The Monkey and the Dragon will be very interesting together. They are united by ebullient energy, an inquisitive mind and a thirst for action. This can push them off the ground and go on a journey in search of new knowledge and experiences. The community of interests will allow them to become interested in each other already at the first meeting. And if this does not result in a love affair, then friendship will be born for sure. The dragon, due to its openness, will immediately show its feelings, but the Monkey will be secretive for some time, looking closely at the "fire-breathing beast".

Note! The dragon needs to remember all the time that the Monkey will never fully open up, even in front of a loved one. And the partner must accept this and not try to get into the soul “without asking”.

Nominally, the Dragon will be the leader in the pair. He makes decisions, is responsible for the well-being and material stability of the family, and makes strategic plans for many years to come. The monkey is not strong in strategy, but having excellent intuition and remarkable intelligence, it is able to correctly assess the momentary situation and correct the general course. And if the Dragon neglects the advice of the Monkey, then he will make a huge mistake.

But, as a rule, this does not happen, because they know how to listen to each other. Of great importance in the development of harmonious relationships is the ability of these signs to appreciate the dignity of their partner and sincerely respect him. Of course, you can't do without problems, but coherence in an alliance is quite achievable, you just need to work on yourself a little. And nature will help in this, because in a Dragon-Monkey pair, positive character traits are enhanced, and negative ones are leveled.

Compatibility: he is a dragon, she is a monkey

The Dragon Man is an intellectual, with a philosophical outlook on life. He is not particularly worried about the material component of family well-being, because his mental and business abilities allow him to provide for his loved ones practically without straining. Next to him, the Dragon does not see an ordinary woman, he needs an ideal. In his search, a whole life can pass, so he is ready to see only good in his chosen one, closing his eyes to the rest. But this situation will persist only at the initial stage, and if the woman does not change and does not meet the requirements of the dragon, then the gap is inevitable.

The Monkey Woman often shows incontinence. She is an excellent housewife, loves to take care of her home, is not indifferent to money and beautiful things. Developed intuition allows her to find the right people. Sociability and sociability allow horoscopic female primates to be the center of any society. However, they do not stoop to vulgarity and banal flirting. But this is only if her feelings for her partner are real. It is for this that the Dragon is ready to forgive his lady shortcomings and allow a lot.

Union advantages:

In a pair he is a Dragon / she is a Monkey, the characters of the partners are dissimilar, but harmoniously complement each other. Such a relationship is simply doomed to long-term, because:

  • they do not have serious quarrels, and even if misunderstandings arise, they are resolved rather quickly without prejudice to feelings;
  • a dreaming romantic man, a woman will be able to unobtrusively return to earth and remind about male duties;
  • The dragon is a reliable and loyal companion, so the Monkey feels protected;
  • a man with such a woman will never be bored;
  • they have an interesting sex life - they love to experiment and fantasize, which makes sex fun.

But this alliance has a dark side. It will manifest itself if the woman is too pragmatic. Then the man's enthusiasm will be incomprehensible to her, which can lead to the development of disagreements.

Compatibility: he is a Monkey, she is a Dragon

Such couples who have lived together for a long time are much less common. This is due not so much to the dissimilarity of characters, but to the condition that the dragon should be the leader of the union. Not every man will go for it, but if he manages to concede the palm to a woman, then a happy family will last for many years.

Union advantages:

Despite the dragon's somewhat arrogant behavior and the frivolous, at first glance, monkeys, this alliance has many positive aspects:

  • partners can be absolutely frank with each other, and this will allow a more secretive Monkey to open up;
  • the Monkey man is directly beaming with charm, so there are always a lot of women next to him. And, probably, only the Dragon woman is able to charm him so much that he will stop thinking about others. This is another factor contributing to the creation of a strong alliance;
  • in all aspects of life (including sex) partners will not get bored. The developed fantasy of the Monkey, combined with the innate pragmatism of the Dragon, is capable of generating harmony in everything.

Note! So that over time the partners do not lose interest in their soul mate, they periodically need to be reminded why they created their union. And this postulate applies to most horoscopic signs and pairs.

Dragon and Monkey: Interaction in Love

The Dragon / Monkey relationship is shrouded in unusual energy. But it does not appear immediately. At first, the connection between these horoscopic signs does not look serious. And only when the partners consider all the positive aspects in their counterpart and appreciate them at their true worth, the relationship moves to a qualitatively new level, developing into something more and more durable. Sharp angles inherent in each character are smoothed out or joined with the "hollows" in the partner's disposition. The commonality of the worldview and temperaments serves as an additional guarantee in the creation of harmonious and balanced relationships. They, like any couple, will go through trials at difficult times, but they will brilliantly cope with troubles and adversities, leaving them with the knowledge that the person next to him was sent to him by higher powers.

Dragon and Monkey: Interaction in Marriage

The main enemy of a strong family union is routine. But this is precisely what the Dragon and the Monkey are not threatened with. And this does not mean that in this alliance there will be a constant heat of passions with loud quarrels and smashing of dishes. The energy and characters of the signs will allow them to organize their life together in such a way that they will be constantly busy with interesting things. There will be complete harmony in the intimate sphere. And when the first passion subsides, sex does not turn into a duty. Each intimacy will be filled with emotions and complete satisfaction.

These signs equally value external comfort and cleanliness, therefore they will be happy to equip and maintain their home at the proper level. Good luck in business will become the constant companion of the Dragon / Monkey union, if they listen to the opinion of the life partner, they will act according to a jointly agreed plan. The rapprochement of the spouses will be facilitated not only by joint travel, to which they are both great hunters, but also joint quiet home evenings.

Note! Astrologers claim that it is the family union that will allow the Dragon and the Monkey to fully reveal their talents and discern the true goals of life.

But this marriage also awaits pitfalls. The more impulsive Monkey sometimes forces events, which can annoy the Dragon. He, in turn, most of all appreciates sincere love. And if the feelings are fake, then the union will not take place.

Dragon and Monkey: Friendship

A long-term relationship between the Dragon and the Monkey is possible not only in love, but also in friendship. The representatives of these signs have great intuition, which allows them to find common ground, which is important for building a friendly union for many years. They are united by a commonality of interests, attitudes and views. They can spend hours discussing new ideas and everyday activities. The Dragon's desire to be a leader can be a problem, but more often than not, the Monkey allows him to do so. By virtue of her character, she is able to prevent disagreements, quarrels and ruptures. But in turn, some secrecy of the horoscopic primacy, the emergence of secrets from a friend can lead to a chill in the relationship. The dragon is an open, sincere person who expects the same behavior from others.

Dragon and Monkey: relationship in business

A harmonious tandem can be organized by the Monkey and the Dragon in the business sphere. But there are two conditions for this. First, the undisputed leader is the Dragon. Monkey conducts monetary affairs (accounting). In all other respects, they are absolutely equal. Ingenuity and the presence of many practical concepts will help to create a competitive business, distinguished by originality of ideas, which is very important for the current market.

Both will generate ideas. But these signs will have a different approach to implementation. The dragon will be able to develop a long-term plan for bringing the idea to life. He will not be intimidated by grandiose projects or alienated by insignificant ones. The main thing is that the idea is carried away by the fire-breathing sign. It is better for the monkey to focus on the financial component, calculate the risks and find the right partners. She will be able to give the right advice in time and keep you from taking a rash step. The struggle for primacy can be destructive for such an alliance. Therefore, success is ensured only for such a tandem in which the Monkey either unconditionally obeyed the Dragon, or learned to control it imperceptibly.

Instead of a conclusion:

Astrologers promise good Dragon and Monkey compatibility. But the Horoscope is not able to predict all possible problems that arise between partners. Indeed, in any case, each person is individual. The symbol, the patron of the year, only endows the personality with special features, which, depending on upbringing, will manifest themselves more or less. Therefore, it will take a little work to create and maintain balanced relationships, creating a happy family.

This couple is incredibly lucky, because the compatibility of the Monkey and the Dragon is regarded as one of the highest among all other options. Dynamic, quick, interested, restless and charismatic partners easily establish contact, even if their points of view are diametrically opposed.

In such a tandem, lovers direct all their positive qualities to spiritual development and the creation of a strong marriage. A forward-looking and calculating man born in the year of the Monkey, and a purposeful Dragon woman come to a common opinion concerning all spheres of life. Each of them has developed vanity and ambition. They know how to properly use their abilities in the family, in their careers and in solving financial issues.

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is reinforced by the ability to adapt to each other and to be faithfully realized in a relationship without harming oneself. The defining qualities of spouses are the ability to listen to the partner, respect his point of view and provide support when difficulties arise.

Monkey man and Dragon woman: general compatibility

The Monkey Man will always support his partner.

Monkey and Dragon form a strikingly harmonious pair. They both easily understand their partner. Their happiness will not be prevented by differences in points of view. They always listen to the advice of a loved one. If necessary, they will show themselves as kind and passionate natures.

Leadership in this alliance is for the Dragon woman. The Monkey Man will inspire his beloved and support in all endeavors. In a relationship, both find satisfaction, since it is precisely such a partner that they have always dreamed of. The energy of each of them is a connecting link. Of course, conflicts occur in this union, but the spouses understand each other so well that they can easily resolve all controversial situations.

The Monkey man is distinguished by charisma. He is able to cheer up any company. He cheers everyone up. His irrepressible energy is instantly transmitted to those around him. A man with joy and pleasure will support any conversation. One gets the impression that he does not know what fatigue is.

A man born in the year of the Monkey loves to joke, fool around and have fun. He knows how to live in a way that makes him happy. When dealing with the opposite sex, he shows tact and charm. His compliments are sophisticated and unique. He knows a lot about them. It is difficult to be surprised that such a man is loved by women. He has a lot of novels, but most of them are fleeting. He knows how to masterfully manipulate people. To win over a woman is an easy task for him. He easily falls in love himself. However, his feelings pass quickly.

The Monkey man has an extremely inquisitive mind.

A man born in the year of the Monkey has an urgent need to come up with dodgy plans, which are mainly aimed at making money. He is intellectually developed and quick-witted. So that he does not get bored in his work, new tasks must constantly arise.

Already during the first meeting, the Dragon woman charms the Monkey man. He is impressed by her expressiveness, style and attractiveness. She attracts men like a magnet. The opposite sex does not leave her unattended.

She has her own views of the world. Her personality is always vividly manifested. She is a strong person who is always at the center of events. A woman born in the Year of the Dragon is successful in everything. Luck favors her in her career, so she will never devote herself exclusively to home. She loves her home, easily equips it with taste. Her strength and energy is enough to cope with all matters.

In relationships, she manifests herself as a demanding partner. She has a great sense of humor. If the opportunity arises, she will definitely tell a joke or a funny story. The Dragon Woman is very lucky in life. For this reason, she is often envied and intrigues are woven behind her back. Her honesty and kindness prevent her from seeing the negative intentions and actions of others. Although this does not create obstacles for her in achieving goals in her career and in love.

The Dragon Woman has one weakness: she must be constantly supported morally. If others do not pay attention to her, then she will not be able to fully express herself. Without strong support from relatives and friends, she loses her energy and initiative.

Monkey man and Dragon woman: compatibility in marriage

Monkey man is a very windy nature

Tender feelings are born between the Monkey and the Dragon rapidly. Everyone is revealed in a relationship to the fullest. At first, the novel resembles a light affair that does not commit to anything. This is due to the fact that it is extremely difficult to take the Monkey man seriously. He shows himself as a windy and unreliable person. But very soon the woman realizes that her lover is a great party.

Their union is built on absolute trust. They often have sincere conversations and show concern for each other. Both get exactly what they need in this relationship. The Dragon Woman gets praise and adoration. The Monkey man, in turn, is the patronage and devoted comrade.

The will and influence of a woman helps her husband to realize all his plans. The energy of the companion feeds the Monkey man and contributes to the choice of the right direction. He also motivates the chosen one to think more carefully about her actions before she embarks on the implementation of the next untrustworthy project. With the help of her husband, the Dragon woman learns to objectively assess her capabilities. The lover's wisdom will often keep an impulsive partner from taking unsafe steps. And this will contribute to success in family affairs and in work.

A woman born in the year of the Dragon will never be bored with a Monkey man. He is characterized by activity. It is impossible to predict his behavior. He turns any day into a holiday, and professionally. His companion cannot stand routine, therefore such an important ability of her husband will be appreciated.

Both man and woman are extremely lucky throughout their lives. All difficulties are solved quickly and easily. This is not surprising, because both partners are active individuals. They are lucky in everything.

Power characterizes the Dragon woman. She claims to be unconditional leadership in relationships. Most likely, the spouse will provide her with such an opportunity, because otherwise their union is threatened by a break.

In a spouse, the Monkey man likes her boundless strength. She is confident and firmly on her feet. This helps her chosen one to overcome his inherent nervousness and fear. Paired with a Dragon woman, he will not have the opportunity to become a leader. However, no one suffers from this. Partners are completely satisfied with this alignment. The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman increases as the relationship develops. This is due to the fact that each of them takes time to understand the value and importance of their connection.

Even such a strong and exceptional tandem is not immune from difficulties. Spouses are independent. Both are able to act without assistance, and at the same time swiftly and successfully. But for a lasting relationship, you must learn to give in to your loved one. It is difficult for a woman to come to a compromise. She wants to live exactly the way she wants to. In this regard, a man who is next to her should show his strength and authority, but in this situation, the likelihood of a happy marriage is catastrophically small, or try to come to an agreement that suits both.

In general, the strong personalities of the spouses imply active relationships and regular arguments. It would not hurt both man and woman to regulate their desire to do as each of them pleases. If the partners are able to learn how to negotiate, then the compatibility of the Monkey and the Dragon in marriage and love will increase significantly. Spouses should develop common plans for their joint implementation. The sooner they come to this, the less conflicts will arise.

Monkey man and Dragon woman: compatibility in love

In the intimate life of the Monkey and the Dragon, there is always an excess of ardor and passion. Each of the partners is temperamental. They are able to give each other exceptional emotions and unforgettable impressions. However, in this area, spouses can begin to compete. Each of them wants to be in charge. It will be difficult for them to come to a compromise, since both are pronounced egoists. We'll have to try to reach agreement. If the lovers succeed in this, then their fantasies and wishes will be realized and will give exceptional pleasure to both.

If the Monkey and the Dragon manage to get out of domestic disputes without "losers", then their family life will be long and happy

Despite the fact that the partners are perfect for each other, there are weaknesses in this tandem. Disputes are unavoidable. One way or another, they will arise. Spouses will have to work hard to stabilize the relationship. Perhaps the Dragon woman will not understand the value of their union as quickly as her shrewd husband.

The main thing is that the partners learn to listen and hear each other. Of course, in a dispute, truth is born, but responsibilities should be distributed by an appropriate agreement. The best option is to develop some kind of system that will determine who should do what and what. The Monkey man is characterized by wisdom, so it is he who should deal with this issue. If spouses learn to regulate emotions and come to mutual understanding, then their family life will be ideal. As spouses age, they become more loyal, which contributes to their happiness.

In addition, if partners feel an imminent conflict, they should go on a journey. On the trip, the spouses will be able to find a compromise. In addition, the Dragon woman just needs regular rest. She wants to show her companion the beauty of the world around her. If he goes to meet her, then the partner will love him even more. Of course, for the Monkey man, this will be an excellent motivation for development.

This tandem is strong also due to the fact that the spouses are complementary to each other. Everyone finds in their chosen one what they have been looking for for so long and unsuccessfully. This connection must be appreciated. In this pair, both partners have the opportunity to improve themselves, which is very important for both.

Are you making enough money?

Check if this applies to you:

  • there is enough money from paycheck to paycheck;
  • the salary is only enough for rent and food;
  • debts and loans take away everything that comes with great difficulty;
  • all promotions go to someone else;
  • you are sure that you are paid too little at work.

You may have been corrupted by money. This amulet will help to remove the lack of money.

The compatibility of the Monkey man and the Dragon woman is based on the ability to tune in to a partner in order to adequately realize oneself in marriage and love, while remaining oneself. And the Monkey man will have to try, since he must show the Dragon woman that creating a family with him is worth certain restrictions, which she otherwise will not tolerate.


The Dragon woman is not inclined to compromise and lives as she wants, because a man who wants to be around will be forced to correspond to her: either to show his strength of character, then the chances of a long-term relationship are less, or to offer a system of concessions on both sides, due to which many problems will be solved. The fiery temperaments of both partners suggest a dynamic family life and periodic showdowns.

The Monkey man and the Dragon woman are very restless comrades, interested in everything in the world and leading an active lifestyle. But at the same time she goes forward, not thinking too much about what awaits her on the way, he is used to hiding his interests and calculations behind ease and fun. Thus, the Dragon girl will be the main driving force capable of implementing large-scale projects and solving issues, while the Monkey man will be a creative ally, inspirer and serious intellectual support.


By and large, these partners are able to pacify their desire to do everything their own way, and when they want, they will learn to negotiate, make plans together and implement them by common efforts. The sooner they start doing this, the less problems there will be in their pair. The most difficult thing is to understand that the main thing is to discard all unnecessary, then the effectiveness of interaction in a pair will increase. Of course, both the Monkey man and the Dragon woman are bright individuals, because if they go hand in hand together in life, this will help them in the development of their personalities.

Most likely, they will immediately be attracted to each other and jump headlong into this new relationship. Strong passions and unforgettable love experiences will fill their lives. They manage to curb their emotions and stop in time, both are quick and independent in their actions, but in a couple, each will have to give in and agree with a partner from time to time, otherwise their dream of a wonderful relationship will be shattered.

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The compatibility of the Dragon and the Monkey promises partners a good future. Astrologers believe that they can make a great couple, with very calm and harmonious relationships. Love, trust and understanding are not empty words for both.

Both personalities are quite calm. They are able to listen, understand a partner, always heed his advice. At the same time, they show their feelings and emotions openly, so there are no misunderstandings and mysteries between them.

These relationships tend to develop slowly and gradually. This course of things suits both, because they are used to relying not only on quickly flashing feelings, but also on the arguments of reason.

If they can sincerely love each other, then marriage and the birth of children will not be the case. A stamp in a passport usually seals such a relationship for a very long time, they can happily live together until their death.

Despite the fact that they are quite different in nature, they still know how to find compromises and solve problems that inevitably arise in any relationship. Therefore, comfort, balance and tranquility in the union will always be.

Such a couple in the eyes of others looks almost perfect, so they are often envied. But this does not in the least interfere with being happy together.

Monkey Man and Dragon Woman

Despite the almost perfect compatibility, such pairs rarely happen in real life. It is this version of the union that carries many difficulties for partners.

What is typical for this type of union:

  1. The man seems very frivolous to the chosen one. He is always in the spotlight, bathed in the attention of the opposite sex. Has a great sense of humor. Only after getting to know him better, a woman can change her mind and begin to consider him as a partner for a serious relationship.
  2. The girl, however, seems to her companion at first very arrogant. She constantly emphasizes her status, does not hide high demands and constantly points out her superiority in comparison with other people. For her, there are no competitors in anything. Therefore, she usually reaches heights in her career.
  3. The Dragon Woman is unlikely to want to become the keeper of the hearth and do the housework. Status matters more to her. The house will have an abundance of expensive things, designer renovations and servants.
  4. Men often avoid her because they don't want to break through the wall of arrogance she has surrounded herself with. But it is the Monkey man who has great chances to achieve the location of such an unapproachable darling.
  5. At first, their couple seems to be a frivolous "resort romance", and both relate to the outbreak of passion. But gradually they begin to discover all new facets in the character of a partner, they fall in love seriously and for a long time. The wall of alienation collapses, real feelings arise.
  6. They can chat for hours on different topics, they are always interested in each other. Respect the opinion of a partner, willingly follow his advice. A man sees in the chosen one inspiration, support, a high assessment of his merits. For this, he worships her and remains faithful, no matter what. She respects him in return and does not see other men at all.
  7. However, the man is unlikely to be the leader and main in the relationship. If he is satisfied with the role of an equal partner, the relationship will develop happily and grow stronger every year.

They complement each other perfectly. Therefore, despite the difference in characters and temperaments, they are able to stay together for a long time.

Dragon Man and Monkey Woman

The man in this pair is a true intellectual who doesn't really care about material things. The chosen one puts up with this state of affairs, because she is in admiration for the mind and interests of the chosen one.

What is typical for such a union:

  1. The financial situation of the family will always be only satisfactory. A man does not want to pursue material achievements, preferring to develop intelligence. Therefore, the burden of responsibility for filling the family budget often lies with the woman. The relationship will last as long as it suits her.
  2. A Dragon man generally rarely starts a serious relationship in principle, because he enjoys great success with the opposite sex, and changes women like gloves. Falling in love for a long time and really is very difficult for him.
  3. As a creative nature, he is constantly in search of his bright ideal, which simply does not exist. Only after reaching maturity does he become ready to put up with some of the shortcomings of a potential chosen one and reconsider his views on serious relationships.
  4. A girl in such a relationship can behave intemperate. She is an emotional and sensual nature, which attracts the chosen one, quickly winning his favor.
  5. At the same time, she enjoys caring for a man, a house, maintaining useful contacts. She can become an ideal wife, wise, faithful, sincere and just mother to her children.
  6. Having formed a pair, the partners complement each other very successfully. They are open in the manifestation of feelings, they do not hide anything, therefore there are no silent quarrels and omissions between them, all offenses are spoken out loud and in the correct form.
  7. The woman manages to periodically lower her creative chosen one from heaven to earth. Thanks to her, he develops and even begins to learn how to make money, he can become a rather successful person.

She will show him how pleasant it is to be a support, protection, strong man. Receiving constantly her admiration and gratitude, he begins to want to do something for the family, and not just engage in self-development.

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