Restoration of an old bathtub with acrylic. Repairing a cast iron bathtub with acrylic. Restoration with glass acrylic or self-leveling bath

No matter how carefully you treat your plumbing fixtures, time will still leave its mark on once new products. Abrasive properties detergents and mechanical stress on the surfaces of bathtubs, negatively affect the factory enamel and make it visually unattractive. Two options come to mind - replacing or restoring the bathtub. Which method is better, reviews and the financial component of the issue are described in our article.

Restoration of a cast iron bathtub

The appearance of indelible rust stains on the bathroom indicates that the service life of the factory enamel has come to an end. Complete bath replacement? But this procedure is technically difficult and expensive. New materials and technologies will allow refresh the surface of plumbing fixtures in the shortest possible time, and this:

  • Saving finances. Modern plumbing will cost the new owner a lot of money. Let's add to this list: dismantling an old bathroom, transportation, installation new plumbing.
  • Minimum terms. A practicing master will complete the work in no more than 5 hours, and after 48 hours you can use the updated equipment.
  • Quality. The durability of the product, which depends on the material used and the restoration method, is 10-15 years.
  • Color variation. Often acrylic enamel released white. At the request of the client, by adding color paste, you can get a bathroom shade to suit every taste.

And of course it’s worth mentioning the most important feature cast iron bath- ability keep warm for a long time. All of the above reasons point to one thing - “ No" replacement, " Yes" restoration.

What methods of restoring cast iron bathtubs exist?

So we found out that complete replacement plumbing in the bathroom will cost us a considerable amount, and besides, it is a waste of personal time.

Let's consider three restoration options that, for an optimal fee, will give us excellent result:

  1. Acrylic coating. New way, with which a liquid acrylic solution is applied (pouring method) to the surface of the bathtub. Obtained layer characteristics:
  • Lifetime. Depending on the thickness of the layer, it lasts from 8 to 15 years.
  • Perfect coverage. The composition spreads well, filling all cracks and irregularities.
  • Odorless and hygienic. Both children and allergy sufferers can take the bath.
  1. New layer of enamel. Applying special enamel to the surface of the bathtub will remind many of the painting process. Cheapness and simplicity of the method, reduce physical properties updated product:
  • Durability. New enamel will last no more than 5 years.
  • Coating. The resulting hard coating is sensitive to impacts.
  • Appearance. With time , the enamel will definitely turn yellow.
  1. Acrylic liner. On old surface an acrylic liner is installed that completely follows its contours. Advantages:
  • Life time. The strength of acrylic gives the product a service life of up to 15 years.
  • Surface. The “bath in bath” design completely hides all defects.
  • Aesthetic appearance. Acrylic will never turn yellow, and the plasticity of the material allows you to add new design elements to the bathroom.

Restoration of bathtubs with liquid acrylic

When using liquid acrylic, even in the most advanced cases you can get excellent result, and the surface of the bath will become smooth and glossy. In addition to acrylic, the mixture includes: epoxy resin, hardener and chemical additives that increase the characteristics of the new surface.

Restoration stages:

  1. Surface preparation. Scratches are sanded with sandpaper, rust and chips are removed using a grinder. The debris is removed, the surface is treated with baking soda - degreasing.
  2. Enamelling. The bathtub container is washable hot water. A thin layer of the mixture is poured in a small layer onto the side of the structure. Acrylic flows freely along the walls of the bathtub and connects at the bottom. The resulting voids at the bottom are also filled with liquid until the circle closes.

You should not try to deal with drips and sagging - this can only cause damage. When dry (the hardening process lasts up to 24 hours), all errors will disappear.

In this video, restoration specialist Artem Babenko will tell and show how he restores a bathtub using liquid acrylic:

Restoration of bathtubs by applying a new layer of enamel

Ideally, enameling takes place in industrial conditions, but those that appeared in Lately special formulations allow you to do this at home. As a result, you can get a new one protective covering, without dismantling the bathtub.

  1. Preparatory work. Contaminants deposited on the surface of the bath must be removed. The container of the restored structure must be thoroughly washed and dried.
  2. Applying enamel. Tools for enameling are chosen according to your taste. This could be a roller, brush, etc. During operation, the solution should be thoroughly rubbed to prevent drips.

After at least two days, the enamel will completely harden and the bath will be ready for use.

Restoration of bathtubs using an acrylic liner

The two restoration methods described above are labor intensive. What to do if you need to get results in a short time? For this there is a “bath in bath” method - installation acrylic liner on the old surface will allow you to enjoy the updated plumbing in just two hours.

  1. Preparatory work. The dimensions of the old bathroom are carefully taken and the appropriate frame is selected. The enamel of the old coating is carefully protected with sandpaper - the roughness allows the liner to stick to the old bathtub as accurately as possible.
  2. Installation. A sealant is applied around the perimeter of the bathroom (protection from moisture), the rest of the part is filled with special foam. An acrylic tab is installed, along with a siphon and screws.

For thorough gluing, you should fill the bath with water - under the influence of the load, the foam will not be able to lift the liner up. Everything is ready, and after two hours you can take water procedures.

Do-it-yourself bathtub restoration at home

All the methods described in our article do not require installation of a bathroom, and the work is done at home. To do the restoration yourself, or to invite a specialist, is everyone’s business.

Let's consider important points Things to pay attention to when restoring bathtubs at home:

Foreign objects.

Whatever the work is in vain, you should completely protect any possibility of foreign objects getting onto the drying surface of the bath: washcloths, creams, soaps, shampoos should be hidden. Remember - even a hair falling on the enamel can ruin the work done.

Proper surface preparation.

An improperly prepared surface of an old bathroom can lead to swelling or chipping of the new layer. Only conscientious cleaning (grinder, drill, sandpaper) and degreasing (baking soda) will allow you to achieve an excellent result.

Preparation of liquid acrylic.

After adding the hardener to the main components, whisk the mixture for at least 7-9 minutes. Then give the acrylic about 4-5 minutes to polymerize, and mix the resulting solution by hand for another 5 minutes. If acrylic is not prepared correctly, the enamel may not harden in places or may turn yellow.

The best way to get rid of wasting personal time and considerable financial investments to replace unattractive enamel sanitary products- restoration of the bathtub. Which method is better, reviews and a great opportunity saving your old cast iron bathtub will allow you to make the right choice.

Video tutorial: restoring the coating in the bathtub

In this video, master Evgeny Pogrebnoy will tell you how to restore an old, rusty bathroom coating with self-leveling acrylic:

10/16/2017 1 9 190 views

Many people are interested in how to restore the enamel on a cast iron bathtub with their own hands, because after 5-10 years the initially snow-white container becomes different from when purchased. Almost everyone, after a long period of use, notices the appearance of rusty smudges, stains that cannot be washed off, yellowness and cracking enamel. But is it possible to restore the previous attractive appearance and make the bath smooth again on your own? Fix defects household chemicals will not succeed, therefore you should resort to the procedure of restoring or replacing the protective surface. The actions are performed at home and without special financial costs.

Properties of cast iron as a bathroom material

Cast iron bathtubs are popular among consumers today, as they combine a considerable amount useful qualities and excellent characteristics, and the price is appropriate. However, they also need proper care, but in most cases, restoration of the enamel will be the only way to return it to a presentable appearance.

The main features of cast iron baths

  1. Indisputable dignity is that the containers are able to withstand quite a long service life. For more than 50 years, the original strength and quality of the product has been maintained. The enamel coating is susceptible to frequent exposure to external negative factors, so it deteriorates much earlier. This can be avoided with timely repairs.
  2. The minimal noise level will definitely be an advantage. Due to the fact that the walls of the product reach 8 mm in width, sound is well insulated, and when the container is filled with water, no discomfort is created for the user.
  3. It is easy to restore the enamel of a bathtub yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists and the purchase of expensive products or repair equipment. Everyone can restore original appearance with your own hands, using different techniques, such as the enameling method, acrylic infusion, or installing an acrylic liner.
  4. Cast iron has a minimal level of thermal conductivity, and thanks to this, the water with which the enamel container is filled remains warm for a long time.

Causes of damage to enamel on a cast iron bathtub

Despite the fact that the enameled surface is considered the most durable and reliable for the consumer, over the years it loses its properties due to active use. Even with compliance necessary recommendations operation from the manufacturer it is difficult to leave the appearance of the container without defects.

Enameling the bathtub will the best option for complete restoration of surface cast iron coating, and the main advantage of the procedure is that you can perform all the actions yourself.

So what could be the reasons for the appearance of various irregularities and defects?

  • due to the fact that the container is in daily contact with water, which contains a large number of iron, a disgusting yellowness appears. This interaction is bad for appearance coverings;
  • frequent use of all kinds of chemicals and brushes made of hard bristles leads to the fact that the surface of the bathtub becomes scuffed, which looks unattractive and creates discomfort for the user;
  • even accidental falls of small objects into the container lead to some damage to the enamel, as a result of which the material gradually peels off from the cast iron;
  • Due to frequent temperature changes and mechanical loads, cracks appear.

Features of restoration of a cast iron bathtub

Most people think about restoring a bathtub under the following most common circumstances:

  1. Financial opportunities. The bathtub has been holding firmly for many years, but has lost its original snow-white appearance, and the purchase of new plumbing this moment it is too expensive.
  2. Rented or temporary place of residence. Naturally, in circumstances where a person lives in rented apartment for a short period of time, there is no point in spending money on purchasing a bathtub.
  3. Complex room layout. It also happens that dismantling old plumbing is simply impossible due to the special layout of the bathroom. Of course, the container can be crushed, but it is more profitable to carry out repair work.

How to properly prepare a bathtub for enamel restoration?

Before restoration, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface, since without preliminary preparation the desired result cannot be achieved.

Preparatory stages:

  • removing rust. It is better to carry out actions using gentle solutions of oxalic or acetic acid. Apply one of the liquids to the surface and then leave for half an hour. Make sure that after thorough washing there is no rust left, otherwise you will have to carry out mechanical cleaning;
  • grinding. Once the rust has been successfully removed, the surface must be sanded. This is done using a drill, grinder or sandpaper;
  • repairing cracks and deep chips. Damaged areas are rubbed with car putty, after which they are additionally sanded;
  • degreasing. For this process Baking soda or special substances are used, which must be washed off with high-temperature water after all actions.

Now you should wait for the bath to dry completely, after which:

  • remove the drain and overflow, then place a container under the drain where the paint will ooze;
  • remove remaining dust and sand with a vacuum cleaner;
  • tape the surfaces of the bathtub with tape;
  • apply primer.

Recovery process

There are several effective ways bath restorations that can be done at home. But it is worth remembering that the restoration itself using one of the methods can only be done after the repair is completed, in order to preserve the renewed layer. Each method requires a certain repair kit and patience.


This method is the most affordable and quite easy to use. For painting, either classic epoxy enamel or more expensive but effective paint is used.

How the process works:

  1. The substance is applied exclusively with a brush made of natural bristles or a terry roller.
  2. Uniform and thin layer distribute the paint from the sides to the deep part.
  3. When the process reaches the deep part, care should be taken to ensure that the layer is not too thick. If the paint does not apply completely evenly, you should carefully spread the substance.
  4. Epoxy enamel is applied in three layers. After 15 minutes, be sure to check for leaks and other irregularities.
  5. Complete drying Baths will usually occur after a few days, but it is recommended to wait five days.
  6. When the container is dry, polish the surface using a flannel flap with the addition of one drop of polishing paste.

This type of restoration requires little investment and effort. dismantling work. But there are also certain disadvantages:

  • the renewed enamel will become yellow again after some time;
  • the paint will not last more than 5 years;
  • You can use the bathtub after repair only after a week;
  • enamel will not hide the unevenness that was in the factory coating.

Restoration with liquid acrylic

  1. To avoid the reappearance of cracks and chips on the restored surface, they must be puttied immediately before priming.
  2. After opening the bucket of acrylic liquid, the component is thoroughly mixed with a drill with a special nozzle.
  3. The drain is covered with a disposable cup, and the bucket is placed at the bottom of the bath.
  4. The working mixture is poured into an oversized bowl.
  5. Next, acrylic is poured over the surface, starting from the sides. Using a spatula, distribute the liquid evenly.
  6. After the mixture has flowed to the bottom, the acrylic should be lifted with a spatula to the unfilled areas.
  7. When the surface part is filled, the drain opens. The remaining acrylic liquid will flow into the previously placed bucket.
  8. It will take no more than one day for the bath to dry.

This technology is quite complex and requires experience and a certain set of skills.

Restoration with acrylic liner

Restoring an aged bathtub with an acrylic insert occurs without removing old enamel and is not complex process. A plastic bowl is glued into the inside, which follows the shape of the old one. Main feature There is also the fact that there is no need to sand and clean the bathtub.

Changing a cast iron bathtub is a rather labor-intensive and economically expensive process. Therefore, it is better to use the services of specialists who will restore the product, extending its service life. The company is engaged in restoring bathtubs using effective methods.

We offer cast iron bathtub restoration services at the best price in Moscow

We have been renovating old cast iron bathtubs since 2003. Our company fulfills orders quickly and efficiently. A cast iron bowl can be updated in several ways. We offer services:

Acrylic liner;

Self-leveling bath;


Each of them has its own specific advantages. For repairing a cast iron bathtub, the most suitable coating is liquid acrylic, which is also called a “watering bathtub”. This technology consists of applying special means onto the surface of the bowl. It dries evenly and forms a glossy snow-white surface with a service life of more than 10 years.

This is an additional condition to make you feel more comfortable when contacting us. If something doesn’t suit you during or after the restoration of the bathtub, just call our dispatch center 24/7 and I will return all your money to the last penny! By the way, in 2018 we received only 9 requests for a refund (out of 38,990 requests!).

🔧 After the warranty you will receive LIFETIME SERVICE

There is no need to worry about what will happen to your bathroom after the warranty. I give every client a lifetime service maintenance in Lenremont. This means that if this bath needs restoration again after warranty period, bathtub restoration will cost 2 times less! So you get 25% discount on post-warranty repairs.

✅ 1 year warranty (subject to compliance with standards) for bathroom restoration

Yes! I am so confident in the skill of my masters that I boldly give you 1 year warranty (subject to compliance with standards) for bath restoration. This is the biggest guarantee in all of Russia.

And one more surprise - you will receive 4 months warranty on all spare parts, since Lenremont orders parts from a direct supplier.

This guarantee means that, if suddenly Your bath will need restoration again, The master will come for free and restore the bathtub. Even if the master who carried out the restoration of your bathtub gets sick or no longer works for us, you do not need to worry that you will be left without warranty service: we have more than 100 bathtub restoration masters on our staff. We take it upon ourselves full responsibility to ensure that you, our dear client, are satisfied.

It’s no wonder that cast iron bathtubs are extremely popular among buyers. Even though the market is filled with acrylic and steel taxes, cast iron models not only do not go out of fashion, but are also strengthening their position. The reason for this demand is quite simple - a cast iron bathtub is durable, and at the same time it retains heat well. However, over time, the coating of a cast iron bathtub wears out and chips, stains and cracks appear on it. In such a situation, there can only be two options for solving the problem - restoring the enamel on a cast-iron bathtub or buying a new one.

If we talk about purchasing, then it is worth considering a number of points that significantly affect the price of the issue, namely:

  • in addition to the cost of a new bathtub, the dismantling of the old model and its disposal should be taken into account;
  • the costs of delivery, transportation and loading of the purchased bathtub significantly increase it final cost;
  • restoration of cast iron bathtubs allows you to avoid such issues as installation and connection, because when restoring the enamel you will not have to overpay for installation and dismantling.

Restoration of cast iron bathtubs

If you are not used to wasting money and time, you will certainly be interested in such a service as restoring cast iron bathtubs. Modern technologies And innovative materials They allow you to quickly return the bathtub to its radiant appearance and presentability without any special expenses.

Our advantages

High-quality materials from Germany direct from the manufacturer

The material is non-toxic, odorless! Hardening - 20 hours

We work without prepayment, under a contract. Responsible approach

Experienced craftsmen. We have been restoring bathtubs for over 10 years

Warranty up to 5 years! Material service life 15 years

Prompt order fulfillment. Technical support

Price for restoration of cast iron bathtubs

Bath 120 cm.

  • German quality.
  • Drying time: 20 hours.
  • Service life 15 years!

RUB 3,800

3,500 rub.

Bath 150 cm.

  • German quality.
  • Drying time: 20 hours.
  • Service life 15 years!

4,000 rub.

3,700 rub.

Bath 170 cm.

  • German quality.
  • Drying time: 20 hours.
  • Service life 15 years!

4,200 rub.

RUB 3,900

Restoring enamel on a cast iron bathtub

Restoration of cast iron bathtubs in Moscow is one of the services offered by our company. Even if your bathtub has completely lost its original appearance, do not rush to look for a replacement. A unique technology for restoring enamel on a cast iron bathtub will transform it, eliminating the need for an expensive purchase.

By contacting us, you can be sure that:

  • all work on restoring a cast iron bathtub will be carried out high level;
  • You will be provided with a guarantee for all types of services provided;
  • the quality of work will not cause any complaints;
  • the cost of restoration will not hit your pocket.

Call us and make sure that restoring the enamel on your bathtub is quick, simple and very profitable!

Additional services

Name of service Price
Installing an acrylic baseboard on the side of a bathtub 1300 rub.
Installing our screen under a bathtub on an aluminum frame (regardless of the length of the bathtub) 2200 rub.
Installation of a new siphon (re-visit of the technician 24 hours after drying. New siphon, corrugations, cuffs, connection + warranty) 1250 rub.
Installation of acrylic liner 150 cm. 4000 rub.
Installation of acrylic liner 170 cm. 4200 rub.
Call a measurer for consultation and correct measurement baths 500 rub.
Retaining the old piping (siphon), replacing only the drain grate with a new one 150 rub.
Dismantling old cast iron trim 400-600 rub.
Removing the plastic trim For free
Cleaning non-factory enamel from 400 to 800 rub.
Color color 400 rub.
Removing chips on a bathtub 150 rub.