Room renovation in Egyptian style. How to create an Egyptian style in the interior: designer tips and traditional features. Interior in Egyptian style

Watering in a greenhouse is an integral part of the process of growing crops. There are many ways to set up irrigation inside a greenhouse. Many people prefer to use the system automatic watering. Some create drip irrigation, while others bother to create an entire automatic watering system using technology.

But not everyone can afford this equipment. Gardeners often prefer to water plants by hand, but this is not always convenient. What to do? There is a simple option to make your life easier. At the same time, it will not take you much time, effort and money to create it. About what we're talking about? Watering in a greenhouse with plastic bottles.

Yes, exactly with plastic bottles. It will be much easier to work with them in the greenhouse. It is enough not to throw away plastic containers, but to use them for these purposes. How exactly does such watering occur in a greenhouse? What is its advantage? How to create an irrigation system in your greenhouse? Let's find out the answers to these questions further.

Watering in a greenhouse using bottles

Many people are puzzling over how to simplify their life so as not to become attached to their greenhouse. There is not always time to water the plants on time or open the doors for ventilation. Many people buy special device on a door or window, called a thermal drive. As needed, the product itself opens and closes windows and doors for ventilation. The product itself is inexpensive and installation is simple. But what to do with the irrigation system in the greenhouse, how to simplify your life. Many people started using this universal material- plastic bottles.

To create a watering system, you will need plastic bottles with a capacity of 1.5 to 5 liters and some available tools and materials. There are several ways exactly how to make a structure. We will talk about them below. But first, let's look at the benefits of using watering bottles in a greenhouse. Despite the fact that you will need to work hard at first, the result will only please you and simplify your life.

Pros of using watering bottles

All work on creating an irrigation system in a greenhouse can be done with your own hands. You don't need to be a master here to cope with the task. Even women and children can handle it if there is enough detailed instructions and an arsenal of materials. This is important because sometimes women have no one to help them, and this work is not difficult.

It is also important that you do not need to constantly think about watering the plants in the greenhouse and waste time on it. The essence of watering is that you fill all the bottles with water once, and it will be absorbed into the soil for a long time. In this case, the soil will absorb as much water as it needs.

A big plus is that such a system is very economical and simple. The matter concerns both the materials used for creation and the amount of water consumed. Bottles are cheap containers that are always available in the house. If you don't have any, you can ask your neighbors. And the materials for processing plastic are also quite simple. In addition, gardeners noticed that this method helped to use water more economically, and the plants received it even more efficiently. After all, the liquid gets into the soil straight to the roots.

This method of watering crops in a greenhouse is also good because the optimal microclimate inside is not disturbed. The humidity inside does not rise to unfavorable conditions, and condensation practically does not accumulate. This means that the likelihood of gray rot and various plant diseases appearing inside is reduced. After all, they actively develop in warm and damp rooms.

This method allows you to fertilize your plants in the greenhouse. The method is universal and allows you not to waste fertilizers. They will be directed directly to the plant and will be 100% effective.

For those who have a greenhouse in their country house, this is simply an irreplaceable thing. Plants especially need watering on hot nights. summer period. And if it's yours work week, then you won’t be able to water it yourself. But with a bottle watering system, you will feel calm, and your plants will receive a stable portion of moisture in the heat.

As you can see, the method has many advantages. Realizing this should already encourage you to think about creating a similar structure in your greenhouse. If we talk about minuses, then there are none at all. There will only be one nuance regarding the process of creating the system itself - when you need to dig the bottles into the ground, it is important not to damage the root of the plant. Otherwise, you can even destroy the culture. You need to work carefully. It’s even better if you make a watering system along with planting plants. Then it’s enough to dig in the bottles with them. You must first dig the bottle next to the hole, and then plant tomatoes, cucumbers or other crops.

Now, let's look at ways in which you can provide watering in a greenhouse through plastic bottles.

Method No. 1 - neck into the ground

This is a fairly simple and most common method of creating an automatic watering system. All work is done very quickly and easily. You need to prepare bottles with caps in advance. The watering method is that water from a bottle dug into the ground will flow to the roots of the plants. All you need to do is fill the tank with water.

Here is a list of what you will need for work:

  • the plastic bottles themselves, no matter what their shape or color. As for the size, then choose yourself. The larger the volume, the less often you will have to refill the bottles after using up the water. But, with a large bottle volume, useful space is lost;
  • an awl or nails to make holes in the lid;
  • pliers or thick gloves;
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • old women's nylon tights;
  • lighter;
  • shovel for digging in bottles.

That's all. As you can see, every housewife has all this in her home. And then, as they say, it’s a matter of technique. We divided the entire creation process into several steps.

First, you need to cut off the bottom of the bottle using a utility knife or scissors. This is done in order to pour water into the container. However, you should not cut it off completely. Leave the uncut piece. This way you will be able to close the bottle after pouring water. This trick will help the water not evaporate so quickly.

Now take a plastic bottle and unscrew the cap. Do this with all the bottles you have.

Advice! If you are working with nails, you should not hold them with bare hands, because you can get burned. To do this, use thick gloves or, even better, pliers.

You need to make several holes in each lid. To do this, take a heated awl and a nail and pierce it in several places. It is important to heat the metal well to make it easier for you to complete the task.

Now the cork with holes can be screwed back onto the bottle.

Your design is almost ready. But, since you will dig it into the ground, the holes may become clogged with particles of earth. To avoid this, we recommend that you pull a small piece of nylon tights over the neck. It will serve as a kind of filter.

Everything is ready for use. All that remains is to bury each bottle in the ground, next to the plant being watered. The recommended digging depth is 12 cm. But do not dig in the container at a right angle, make an angle to the root of the plant at 45 degrees.

You can now test your greenhouse watering and bottle system. Fill them with water and watch how the watering occurs. You can time the time it takes for the bottle to be completely used up so you know the time frame.

Note! It is not recommended to make large holes in the lid. Through them, water will go into the ground even faster. You can make only two holes, the diameter of which is 2 mm. But this method is suitable for sandy soil. For heavy clay soils, it is better to create 4 holes.

Method No. 2 - bottom into the ground

The second method is exactly the opposite of the first. But the technology itself is no more difficult. The advantage of the method is that you do not dig a bottle under each bush, but between two neighboring ones. This way, two plants are fed at once. This is clearly visible in this photo.

As you already understand, the creation principle is no different from the previous one. We need to make holes again, only this time we will have to make holes in the side walls of the bottle, which will be dug into the ground. Also, heat the awl and repeat the manipulation. Just don't make too many holes. You can create several on each side. Then dig the bottle between the plants at an angle of 90 degrees.

Advice! Again, to keep the holes from getting clogged, you can use a stocking and place a bottle in it.

You will need to fill it through the neck. To avoid spilling water, use a watering can. There is no need to cap the bottle. With it, water simply will not seep into the ground. Air access is needed, then the moisture will drop drop by drop into the soil.

Method No. 3 - hanging method

Such a method exists, but, as they say, it’s not for everyone. The point is to create a structure (support) on which the bottles will be suspended. A hole is made at the bottom through which water drips to the plant. The bottle itself can be mounted in any position, bottom up or down. The disadvantage is that water gets on the plants. But tomatoes, for example, don’t like this. The process itself is more labor-intensive, and such a design does not look very good in a greenhouse.

Advice! You can combine watering methods in your greenhouse to create ideal conditions for your plants.

If you like this method, then the photo above will tell you how to bring it to life.

Let's sum it up

Essentially yours automatic system watering in the greenhouse is ready. You can use it and see how your plants react to it. Choose the irrigation method that you like best. With such an irrigation system, the life of a gardener becomes even easier. What crops can be watered using bottles? Here is the list: cucumbers, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and cabbage. However, remember that tomatoes do not like a lot of moisture. But peppers and eggplants are water feeders, so additionally water them with a watering can during drought. The same goes for cucumbers. We wish you a rich harvest!

Many amateur gardeners often think about how to improve the system for cultivating their piece of land. One of the most pressing problems in the event of a long absence of rain is providing plants with water. Otherwise, the entire future harvest may be in danger of destruction.

Not every site is located next to a natural source of water - a river, a pond, especially - such a technical convenience as a running water supply. It is possible to store liquid in large containers, but this is a rather labor-intensive process. Even if there is a street water supply next to the dacha, watering the garden with a hose takes some time and effort.

There is a way out. Uncomplicated and convenient designs dosed distribution of water will provide plants with a constant supply of moisture for some time. Let's consider a number of examples of water supply under root system vegetables without human help. The formation of a procedure for continuous supply to a personal plot will be discussed in this article. Dosed distribution of liquid by drip from plastic vessels is the most effective and reliable method.

This provision will help those who want to work personally without involving outside specialists, since there are some subtle circumstances and requirements. One of the main tasks with drip and dosed irrigation is not the use of labor and ensuring a constant supply of moisture for a certain amount of time. Thus, the gardener does not have to worry about the harvest and will get the desired result.

Low-labor design for dosed irrigation

In such products, no auxiliary means are used to provide moisture to the root system of plants, but only containers made of polyethylene and an unnecessary ballpoint from a fountain pen. The technology for preparing a miniature system for this is as follows: - take used ballpoint refills from fountain pens and remove the drawing element itself - the ball; - clean the cavity of the rod from residual writing composition using a solvent; - plug one of the ends of the rod. Any thin wooden stick will play the role of a cork. - at a distance of 4 millimeters from the plug in the rod, make a hole up to 0.5 millimeters.

This diameter is not once and for all established size and, if necessary, it can be increased. However, the owner himself will set the desired hole size using an empirical method. For vessels with a capacity of 1.5 to 2 liters, this diameter is usually less than the diameter of the ball rod. Sealing paste can be used to satisfactorily seal the hole.

Methods for equipping polyethylene vessels for dosed irrigation

Method No. 1

In this case, remove the bottom of the plastic container and cut a hole slightly above the middle part of the bottle. We insert a ball rod into the leak and seal it so that water does not leak out. Then the container with a well-tightened plug is placed upside down in the ground and securely fastened.

Method number 2

In this option, the leak with the rod installed in it is cut out at a distance of 2-2.5 centimeters from the bottom of the bottle. The container is placed on the ground and secured, and water can be poured through the neck as usual. Having installed containers near, monitor the operation of the system. It is even possible to determine the amount of water spent per unit of time. The required value depends on the volume of the container, the diameter of the ball rod and, naturally, on weather conditions.

The most primitive options for artisanal irrigation

Instead of the two proposed methods, it is possible to use an absolutely simple and reliable way- pierce a hole in the container itself. In this case, it is necessary to take into account that the minimum diameter of the hole is desirable, and it should be made at the bottom of the bottle. Installing the bottle also involves two solutions: the first - near the root system of the plant in the ground, the second - suspended on a wire or twine above the plant. Performing artificial irrigation without the expense of your own effort, use plastic flasks without performing absolutely any action.

Fill the containers with water, unscrew the cap and place the bottle near the plant stem. After a certain period of time passes and the water runs out, then fill the bottle again. This process is quite simple and effective. The following methods of watering garden vegetables are also used using various polyethylene containers. Make a hole up to 0.4-0.5 millimeters in size at the bottom of the bottle to allow air to pass through, and pour liquid into the container. Then turn the flask upside down and secure it securely in the ground near the stem.

Try not to disturb the roots of the vegetables. Containers are used in completely unexpected and original version. For example, take a plastic bag and heat it in it small hole. Next, pour the liquid, tie the bag and place it on the ground, near the roots of the plant. The principle of operation is similar to bottle watering - the liquid evenly and gradually comes out of the bag and saturates the soil around the root structure. If there is no need to carry out dosed irrigation, and the only task is to maintain sufficient air humidity, then everything is much simpler.

But this remark applies only to closed greenhouses and greenhouses. Place open containers filled with water in the rows and around the perimeter of the room. This method is used when the gardener is absent from the dacha for a long time. High humidity guarantees plants nutrition for a certain period of time and protects them from accelerated drying out.

Advantages of dosed irrigation method

The proposed method does not require any financial or material costs. The owner does everything with my own hands, no special skills are required, and the things used are usually no longer of any value. During normal watering from above the plants, water falls on the leaf, and not on the soil, which is not desirable for some vegetables, and water consumption increases. With our humidification system, water is directed directly to the root. Excessive air humidity in a greenhouse adversely affects the development of plants due to an increased risk of disease. And with a drip system, the amount of moisture in the air practically does not change. With drip irrigation, the liquid approaches the root structure of plants gradually and in doses, without overmoistening the soil and preventing it from drying out during a long absence of watering.

Moisturizing the soil using plastic bottles

Gardeners and gardeners use the following options irrigation of agricultural crops: the use of hoses directly between the rows of vegetables and other plants, imitation of sprinkling with special sprinkler nozzles. With all the advantages of these methods, they have a huge disadvantage - high consumption liquids that installed counter water, results in additional financial expenses.

To prevent such a sad development of events, gardeners and gardeners use plastic bottles, flasks and other plastic vessels. Economical watering with the help of improvised water can significantly reduce water consumption and material costs. The most effective bottle volume is between 2 and 5 liters. With the drip method of irrigation of the garden and vegetable garden, there is no need to frequently visit the summer cottage.

Sprayers made from polyethylene containers

In order to make a homemade sprinkler, you need to find a plastic bottle with a lid on the farm. Then measure the diameter of the thinnest element of the handle, make a hole in the vessel with a slightly smaller diameter and, shortening the polyethylene handles to 7 centimeters in length, insert them into each separate hole. Take the garden hose adapter and insert it into the hole in the lid of the container. It must be secured with silicone glue. Apply glue to the neck threads and screw on the lid.

After connecting the system through a hose to the water supply, turn on the water supply. Existing methods drip irrigation organizes the supply of liquid from minimum consumption and directly to the root structure, providing garden crops with constant moisture. This method of dosed watering, when used in greenhouses, does not allow active growth of weeds, does not allow the soil to dry out, reduces air humidity, preventing the formation of mold and other putrefactive processes.

How to use plastic dishes to irrigate the root system of crops (video)

Tomatoes clearly prefer watering under the root structure. In this case it is taken plastic dishes with a volume of 2.5 liters, the bottom is cut off, which is subsequently used as a lid to reduce evaporation. The bottle is securely closed with a cork and two holes 2 millimeters in diameter are made in it using a hot nail (100-120 mm). Practitioners advise selecting the number of holes empirically. The next step is the location of the container.

It is advisable to install it next to the stem of a vegetable crop. The most convenient time to equip the system is right during the period of planting plants in the ground. But this is not a dogma and can be installed at any time. desired time, because if there is enough rainfall, then there is no need for additional irrigation. To install the container at a distance of 20 centimeters from the stem, we excavate the soil to a depth of 15 centimeters. We are careful not to damage the root structure of the plant. Then we bury the bottle at an angle of 35-45 degrees. This problem often happens to beginners - soil gets into the holes and water stops flowing into the soil.

To prevent this, place non-flowing material - rags or dry grass - at the bottom of the excavation. You can also tie this improvised protection to the neck, then the earth is guaranteed not to clog the holes. The system of this irrigation is very simple: walking along the rows between the beds, we fill the bottles with water, which will gradually be supplied directly to the root of the crop. In this way, it is possible to make various fertilizers in the form of fertilizers, while significantly saving them. This type of watering is used to care for many plants: pumpkin, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and others.

If the owner is not satisfied with the appearance of the garden, when many bottles spoil the aesthetics, then place the containers upside down. But you will have to add water through a funnel. Many gardeners complain that with dosed watering upper layer The soil under the crop appears dry and it is difficult to determine whether the roots are receiving enough moisture. The answer is simple - appearance plants, fruiting and development - best indicator proper care. When a person lives far from personal plot, and it is not possible to water vegetables daily, then the drip irrigation method is suitable as the most profitable option.

How to arrange irrigation using plastic bottles watch in our video

System drip irrigation allows you to carry out dosed irrigation of plants right to the very root. After spending a little time, you can assemble such a system at home, without the need to purchase expensive components. If treated with care, drip irrigation made from plastic bottles, made by yourself, will serve for several years.

Advantages of using drip irrigation in the country

The main advantages of drip irrigation are the receipt of the required amount of moisture by the root system, as well as minimal physical effort and material costs. This type watering is of interest to many summer residents and gardeners, since the drip irrigation system can be left unattended.

Watering beds with plastic bottles has big advantage– this is almost complete autonomy. Thus, a person does not need to stand with or carry heavy buckets one after another to water the plants.

Unfortunately, ready system drip irrigation connected to a centralized water supply is quite expensive. Therefore, summer residents and gardeners came up with good alternative– use old used plastic bottles. Of course, this option is not completely autonomous, since from time to time you will need to add water to the container.

But, nevertheless, such watering minimizes human resources, so you can pay more attention to other things or spend time relaxing. Drip irrigation using plastic bottles has the following advantages:

  • No need to purchase material. Plastic bottles are something that can be found in almost every home one way or another;
  • Ease of execution. By following simple instructions, you can do everything yourself, even if you have no experience in creating such systems;
  • Saving. Such watering allows you to significantly save time and effort spent on traditional types glaze;
  • Easy to use. All you need to do is go around the garden and fill the containers with water;
  • Rationality of watering. Water immediately flows under the top layer of soil, nourishing the root system of plants. Also, water will not spill over a large area and evaporate due to high temperatures in the summer. Thus, homemade watering favors the full development and subsequent strengthening of the plant’s root system;
  • No waterlogging. When watering with a hose, a so-called “swamp” often forms in the holes. Drip irrigation helps avoid this;
  • Decreased growth. This system also allows you not to wet the excess surface. This way, favorable conditions are not created for the growth of all kinds of weeds, and this, in turn, makes it easier to care for.

  • This method of irrigation will be especially useful for those summer residents who, due to circumstances, can only come to their dacha once a week. In this case, they will only need to fill the container before leaving. This volume of water will be enough so that the plants do not need moisture while the owner is away.

    Did you know? Drip irrigation from plastic bottles can work on the principle of solar distillation, which is good for hot summers. To do this, place half a 1.5-liter container of water next to the plant, and cover it with a five-liter eggplant without a bottom. When heated, the moisture will turn into steam, which will settle in the form of drops on the walls and then roll down to the soil. Thus, the stronger the heat, the better the soil will be moistened.

    Options for manufacturing a drip humidification system

    There are quite a lot of options on how to make such a system yourself. First, you need to consider all the options, and then choose the most optimal one, based on your capabilities and conditions.

    Also, do not forget that you need to carefully select the location of the bottles and the intensity of the water supply. Various systems suitable for different schemes planting crops, and this must always be kept in mind.

    The easiest way to make automatic watering with your own hands is to puncture a small hole in the bottom of the container and place it near the plant. This does not require any special preparation from you, but you need take into account the following nuances:

    • the hole must be microscopic. To do this, you need to pierce the container with a needle. Big hole will lead to rapid water consumption, which puts an end to the principles of efficiency and autonomy;
    • increasing the number of holes allows you to create a more humidified environment;
    • the container should be located as close to the stem as possible so that water flows directly to the root system;
    • The container can be buried a little next to the plant. This will avoid wasting water;
    • the container can be hung directly above the bush, if this option is suitable for the given crop;
    • a capacity of 5-10 liters allows you to leave the garden unattended for a whole week, which is especially important for summer residents living far from their dacha.

    The use of plastic bottles for irrigation occurs according to a fairly simple scheme - due to direct contact of water with the ground. Water begins to gradually seep in, and the soil, after getting wet, clogs the holes. Once the soil dries out again, the holes will open and water will begin flowing to the roots of the plants again.

    In this way, natural regulation of moisture in the soil occurs. If the soil is sufficiently saturated, then it simply will not accept excess moisture. Once the container is empty, you just need to add water to it.

    Important! Drip irrigation from plastic bottles is not suitable for fastidious plants with thin roots.

    How to make drip irrigation (a buried container next to the plant)

    In order to water using plastic bottles, dropping them next to the plant, you need to follow simple instructions. Each bottle must be placed with its neck down, digging it in a little for greater stability.

    It is also necessary to make one small hole in the bottom of the bottle in order to facilitate the exit of water (the air will put pressure on the water and gradually displace it). The lid must be screwed loosely to ensure gradual seepage of water.

    To prevent the container from being blown away by the wind, it must be buried in the soil to a depth of about 10-15 cm. Good irrigation will be facilitated by installation directly near the root. It is worth noting that it is only possible to accurately place the bottle during planting, when the container is dug into the same hole as.

    If the plants have already grown quite well, then the hole should be placed at a distance of at least 15 cm from the plant trunk. You must act extremely carefully so as not to damage the root system of the plant. If, through plastic bottles is carried out in clay soil, then when moistened it can easily clog inside the holes.

    In order to prevent this, the outside of the plug should be tightened with a simple nylon stocking, or the bottom of the hole should be covered with hay or a piece of burlap. The lid is screwed tightly, and the bottle is placed at an angle with the neck down, and the hole is then covered with earth. The optimal tilt angle is 30-45°.

    There is another way to organize drip irrigation. Using an awl, you need to make a lot of holes in the container. They are made in 5-6 rows, and the distance between the rows should be 2 cm.

    The plastic bottle is buried in a vertical position with its neck up in the same hole as the seedlings. The main inconvenience is that the container must be filled through a narrow neck. But at the same time, the water from the container practically does not evaporate. Due to the fact that almost the entire container is underground, even strong wind. And the land plot itself will look more attractive because of this.

    Important! Water should not immediately go into the soil. The essence of drip humidification is the gradual consumption of water over several days.

    Hanging bottle watering

    For creating hanging do-it-yourself drip irrigation of tomatoes in a greenhouse you will need:

    • any plastic bottle;
    • an awl or thin nail;
    • rope or wire.
    Like option will do for those plants next to which there is some kind of support. Even if it is missing, installing pegs between the plants will not be a big problem. To make hanging drip irrigation, you need:
    • cut off the bottom to make a lid;
    • Make two holes at a distance of 1-2 cm from the cut bottom on opposite sides of the bottle. Through these holes you need to pass a rope or wire that will be tied to the support. You need to make a small hole in the bottle cap. If the flow rate of water is too slow, the hole can be expanded slightly;
    • Hang the bottle over the plant.

    When watering through plastic bottles suspension system there are two advantages: ease of manufacture and the ability to finely adjust the intensity of irrigation.

    Rod design

    In order to do Irrigation of plants in a greenhouse using bottles and a rod, you need:

    • Take a plastic tube with a small diameter. A regular ballpoint pen refill works perfectly; it must first be washed with gasoline or solvent, removing all remaining paste and the writing element itself;
    • Seal one end of the tube tightly. If it is a pen refill, then a match or toothpick will work well;
    • Secure the other end into the neck. You can also cut a hole in the sealed lid required diameter and install a tube in it;
    • Seal the tube attached to the neck. This can be done using ordinary plasticine, electrical tape and other improvised means;
    • Make holes with a needle at the end of the tube. They should be as close to the plug as possible. The number of holes and their diameter are selected individually, based on the required intensity of humidification. It will be quite sufficient if one drop of water flows out in a couple of minutes;
    • Cut off the bottom of the bottle and place it in the soil with the neck down;
    • Pour water into the bottle.

    You can also cut a tube into the wall of the bottle near the very bottom. This will allow you to avoid cutting the bottle and make it much easier to move it around. land plot. Watering in plastic bottles in a greenhouse has a great advantage - due to the length of the tube, the bottle can not be placed very close to the plant.

    If you place the bottle between several bushes, you can move the tube and water the seedlings one by one.

    Important! If you choose to humidify using a tube inserted into the wall, then do not forget to tightly close the bottle with a lid. This will prevent rapid evaporation of water.

    DIY drip irrigation (buried plastic bottle)

    Experienced gardeners recommend trying the drip irrigation option, in which the entire bottle is buried in the ground. In this case, you need to make several holes as close to the bottom as possible. After this, the bottle is buried in the ground, and only the neck remains on the surface, through which the water will be poured.

    It is worth noting that this method of drip irrigation provides less moisture, and this is not suitable for plants with long rhizomes.

    Drip irrigation from bottles: all the pros and cons

    Like any other type of irrigation, drip irrigation has certain advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages it is worth noting the following:

    • Anyone can do drip irrigation using plastic bottles. The manufacturing procedure does not require any special knowledge or skills;
    • creating a drip irrigation system from plastic bottles does not require a large financial investment. This is justified by the fact that plastic bottles are the most common and cheapest material for recycling;
    • The operating principle of drip irrigation almost completely eliminates the factor of wasted water consumption. This is especially true when the site does not have access to a central water supply system;
    • water from plastic bottles is distributed as evenly as possible and progressively moisturizes the root system of the plant;
    • in plastic bottles, water quickly warms up to a temperature that is comfortable for most plants;
    • A drip irrigation system made from plastic bottles can be easily installed, dismantled or replaced.

    But at the same time, there are certain Disadvantages of using such an irrigation system:

    • such a system will not be able to provide high-quality watering of a large area;
    • drip irrigation from plastic five-liter bottles cannot completely replace full irrigation, since drip irrigation only allows you to temporarily maintain the required level of moisture;
    • When used in loamy or heavy soils, the drip system from bottles clogs quite quickly and stops functioning.

    295 once already

Using plastic bottles has long been a solution to the problems of high-quality watering in a greenhouse and is especially relevant in hot, dry summers. Along with sprinkling and subsoil irrigation methods, drip irrigation is very important if it is impossible to water the plants yourself every day.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Like any method, drip irrigation has not only advantages, but also certain disadvantages in use. Among the undeniable advantages, it is worth noting several of the most valuable features of the system of the described type.

  • Drip irrigation based on the use of plastic bottles can be done independently by anyone, and the DIY procedure itself does not require special knowledge and skills.
  • The method is not only simple, but also practically free, since plastic bottles belong to the category of the most common and cheapest material for recycling.
  • All drip irrigation options are very economical in terms of time and money spent, due to the ease of filling the vessels and maintaining them.
  • Even if it is possible to use it for watering tap water, the drip irrigation option will significantly reduce payments.
  • Water in plastic containers very quickly warms up to a temperature that is comfortable for watering most plants.
  • Organized with your own hands, this irrigation option allows you to create a system that is easily replaced, installed and dismantled.

Of course, there are certain disadvantages when using such an irrigation system, which to some extent limit its use:

  • making such a system for high-quality irrigation of a large area is very difficult and completely irrational;
  • it is impossible to completely replace the option of full irrigation, and the system functions reliably as a device for temporarily maintaining the amount of moisture required for a short period of time for plants grown in a greenhouse;
  • When used in heavy or loamy soils, the bottle system becomes clogged very quickly and stops working.

Homemade drip irrigation (video)

Main system options

Despite obvious advantages systems for watering from plastic bottles, you should carefully consider this type of irrigation and before manufacturing, familiarize yourself with the main options for drip irrigation devices:

  • suspended plastic structures;
  • installed in close proximity to plants plastic containers;
  • plastic bottles buried at a shallow depth.


Today, gardeners use several drip irrigation options based on plastic bottles, which can be made quite easily and quickly with your own hands. It should be remembered that the version of such a system should be selected not only taking into account personal preferences in appearance, but also according to the requirements for watering each individual plant being grown.

Making a simple system

  • Preparation of ordinary plastic bottles through which the process of watering greenhouse plants is carried out. The best option is to use two-liter containers.
  • Make several holes in the lid, the diameter of which is about two millimeters. It is through them that the full and progressive saturation of plant roots occurs. required quantity moisture.
  • In the presence of sandy soil You can make only two holes with your own hands, but clay soil requires making at least four holes.

The easiest way to get high-quality holes in a bottle cap is to use a nail, which should be thoroughly heated. Today, a special type of pegs is being sold that perfectly replace lids. The use of such elements greatly facilitates the preparatory process. On next stage It is necessary to cut off the bottom of the bottle. It is advisable to make the cut not all the way and then the container will receive a kind of lid that will effectively prevent the evaporation of moisture and clogging of the water.

Next, you should install the manufactured structure. The optimal time for this process is represented by the period of planting seedlings on permanent place, however, you can just as easily install the system in a greenhouse at any time. The containers are immersed in holes, which must be made no more than fifteen centimeters deep and every fifteen centimeters from the plant. The bottle is inserted with the lid down, maintaining an angle of forty or forty-five degrees. All manipulations with your own hands must be done with the utmost care, without damaging the root system of greenhouse plants.

More complex options

You can also do slightly more complicated options with your own hands. plastic system for drip irrigation. However, the installation of such systems can be done quite simply and quickly. Two-liter plastic bottles are used as the base for drip irrigation.

The production of the first option occurs according to the following scheme:

  • the walls of the bottles at a distance of three centimeters from the bottom are equipped with several rows of holes, optimal location which - in a checkerboard pattern;
  • the number and size of holes directly depends on the type of soil and type of plant;
  • The waterer container, with its neck up, should be deepened into the soil fifteen centimeters between a pair of neighboring plants.

The second option is also easy to do with your own hands and is a modification of the first method:

  • the bottle prepared, as in the first case, must be equipped with special holes through which drip irrigation is carried out, near the neck;
  • the bottom of the plastic bottle must be carefully cut off, and the container itself must be buried near the plants with the neck with the cap screwed down;
  • To prevent evaporation from the drip irrigation system, cover the cut off bottom of the bottle immediately after each filling with water.

The third option of bottle automatic watering is more appropriate for use in greenhouses, since it does not cause erosion of the soil and exposure of the root system. For such a system, it is necessary to hang plastic containers above the plants, which allows the water to additionally warm up under the influence of sunlight. The main difference is that there is no need to pierce holes. To regulate the volume of water poured out, the method of slightly unscrewing the lid is used.

Drip irrigation for a dacha at no cost (video)

Miniature devices for drip irrigation can be represented by plastic bottles of almost any volume. However, it is most profitable and effective to use containers designed to hold at least two liters of water for arranging an irrigation system. This design is for irrigation of greenhouse plants or garden crops grown in open ground, has a significant number of advantages, the main of which is the availability of execution and the low cost of the materials used.

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The summer heat is a real test for summer residents and amateur gardeners. Almost all planted plants are very difficult to tolerate high temperature and lack of rain. To avoid death vegetable crops, it is necessary to constantly water all the beds with a hose. If in urban conditions daily watering does not cause any inconvenience, since there is centralized water supply, then for residents of villages and dachas this is a real problem.

In order not to torment yourself with carrying heavy containers of water, home craftsmen came up with effective way constant supply of moisture to the root system - drip irrigation. With its help, you can constantly saturate your plants with water, even when no one is at home. For home use experts recommend installing ready-made purchased structures or homemade devices. This article will tell you how to make your own drip irrigation system from plastic bottles that are found in every household.

Drip system It has big row advantages that make it so popular among summer residents. Among the main advantages are:

Homemade drip irrigation systems, available materials for their manufacture

To install a drip irrigation system in your garden, you can use not only purchased products, which are very expensive, but also homemade designs. The most popular of them:

  • from plastic bottles;
  • from droppers.

Important! If a homemade drip irrigation system has more complex design, then from plastic bottles - simpler and more understandable.

Since almost every family has plastic bottles in their household, craftsmen have come up with worthy uses for them. There are several simple ways manufacturing homemade drip irrigation systems, each of them is designed using a specific technology.

Submersible drip irrigation system

Such drip systems are ideal for watering tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, etc. Their design is quite simple and straightforward and does not require an application special effort.

Types of drip irrigation

To work you will need:

  • plastic bottle (preferably large volume);
  • nail or sharp awl;
  • garden shovel.

Manufacturing and installation technology of a submersible drip irrigation system:

  1. In a selected area of ​​the garden, a hole is dug to accommodate the structure.
  2. Holes are made on a plastic bottle using an awl or a hot nail (the more, the better).
  3. Immerse the product in the ground and carefully cover it with earth (up to the neck).
  4. Ready homemade system carefully pour in the water and close the lid tightly (the water will evenly seep into the soil, thereby saturating the plants with life-giving moisture).

Watering can type drip irrigation system

This is also a fairly simple system; to make it you will need to spend 10-15 minutes of free time.

Required tools and materials:

  • sharp stationery knife;
  • nail;
  • fire source (eg gas burner);
  • bottle with cap;
  • garden shovel.

Watering can type drip irrigation system

Manufacturing technology:

  1. The nail is heated on fire.
  2. Make 2-4 holes on the cap of a plastic bottle (the more holes, the more stronger water will penetrate into the ground).
  3. Carefully cut off the bottom of the bottle using a sharp knife.
  4. A small hole is dug in the garden bed to place the bottle.
  5. The prepared vessel is immersed in the ground to a depth of 10-15 cm and securely fixed.
  6. Pour water for further watering of vegetables.

Rod type drip irrigation system

This is another “dripper” for watering. She has an interesting appearance, very similar to a hedgehog. To construct it you will only need available materials.

Scroll necessary tools and materials:

  • plastic bottles;
  • old ballpoint pens;
  • matches;
  • nail or awl;
  • a source of fire for heating a sharp object.

Rod type drip irrigation system

Manufacturing technology of a drip irrigation system for a summer cottage:

  1. From ballpoint pens Take out the ink refills and remove the caps.
  2. Using an awl or a hot nail, holes are made to accommodate the housings of the handles.
  3. Prepared handle housings are inserted into the finished connectors, and a match is inserted into one side of the handles.
  4. Carefully pour water into the prepared bottle and close it with a lid.
  5. The finished structure is placed on the garden bed so that it does not fall and damage the planted plants (water will slowly flow down the rods into the ground, thereby watering the selected plants).

Homemade drip irrigation systems from plastic bottles - unique free designs, which allow the root system of vegetable crops and other plants to be supplied with water around the clock. Make garden “drippers” with your own hands at home from available materials, and you can check all the delights of their work without leaving home.