Osteospermum blue. Osteospermum: growing from seeds and further care. How to preserve in winter

This is a spectacular and attractive plant, the inflorescences of which resemble chamomile, in last years won the hearts of flower growers in many countries. The Cape daisy or osteospermum Eklona comes from the Cape region of the southern part of the African continent. This plant is part of the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. The technology for growing and caring for osteospermum is not very well known, but this does not mean that it is complicated.

IN natural conditions this crop is a low shrub or subshrub that can reach a height of about one meter. Strong branched vertical shoots with a brownish-purple bloom are covered with a large number of narrow and elongated leaves with a pointed end, 5 to 10 cm long. The edge of the leaves can be whole or with fine teeth. Dark green leaves are attached to branches without cuttings (so-called “sessile”).

Inflorescences-baskets with a diameter of 6 to 7 cm are located at the ends of shoots 12 to 20 cm long, one at a time. The inflorescences consist of two types of flowers: reed and tubular. Reed flowers, colored on top White color, and violet below, are located around the center in the shape of a circle, consisting of tubular bluish or violet-blue flowers. Flowering lasts from June to September.

The Cape daisy is interesting because its seeds are produced in ligulate flowers. And the tubular flowers that form the center are sterile. This structure is considered an exception to the rule.

Ostespermum Eklona serves as the basis for all created varieties and hybrids. Osteospermum "Akila Parple" is part of the "Akila" series, which was created by the famous company "Pan American Seed". The height of this variety can vary from 41 to 50 cm. It is intended for growing in pots, but is also perfect for flower beds, edgings and decorating a balcony or loggia. Inflorescence baskets, colored brownish-purple, are located on short shoots. The black and purple center especially attracts attention.

Osteospermum "Akila Parple"
Osteospermum "Akila"

Osteospermum "Asti" is sold in five color combinations: white, purple, lavender, purple two-tone and a mixture of all shades. The entire variety series was created by Syngenta. All plants in this series reach a height of 43-50 cm.

Osteospermum "Passion" is the shortest. Its height ranges from 15 to 25 cm and is suitable for growing in pots. But this does not exclude its use in various floral and landscape compositions. This variety is sold as a mixture of three shades: white, purple, purple bicolor.

Osteospermum "Asti"
Osteospermum "Passion"

Osteospermum "Coolness" attracts attention with its contrasting color, aroma and tolerance of small negative temperatures(up to 5 degrees below zero). White petals combined with a dark blue-purple center give a unique decorative effect. The height of the bushes varies from 60 to 90 cm.

Osteosperm mixture “Sky and Ice”

The mixture of osteospermums “Sky and Ice” attracts beautiful combination white and bluish-lilac shades of inflorescences.

Growing from seeds

Osteospermum is a plant that does not depend on day length, so it can be grown equally well in spring and autumn. It is usually sown in late February - early March.

Throughout our country, the Cape daisy is grown through seedlings. When growing osteospermum with seeds, choose loose, permeable soil with slightly acidic or almost neutral reaction(pH from 5.8 to 6.2). A universal one is best suited for this. flower soil which must be fresh.

They fill low containers, pots, trays. The seeds are scattered over well-moistened soil and sprinkled with a low layer of soil (1-1.5 cm). It is best to use vermiculite to sprinkle the seeds, which retains moisture around the seeds for a long time. After sowing, the containers are covered with film or glass to maintain high soil and air humidity at 95-97 percent.

Cape daisy seeds do not require light to germinate, but they do not need to be kept in the dark either. A little lighting during this period can improve germination. Osteospermum from seeds germinates at temperatures from 18 to 20 degrees Celsius within 5-6 days, and roots form on 8-12 days. During this period, be sure to water the soil with Fitosporin to prevent the appearance of various fungal diseases or rot.

After most of the seeds have germinated, the shelter is removed, placed in a well-lit place and the temperature at night is reduced to 16-17 degrees. As soon as the seedlings grow a little, they can be fed with a weak solution of nitrogen fertilizer with a small amount of phosphorus. Powerful lighting helps strengthen the root system and accelerates the growth of shoots.

When one or two pairs of true leaves appear on the plants, pick them. For this they choose plastic cups with a diameter of 3 to 5 cm and universal flower soil with a pH of 5.8-6.2. The picking is carried out very carefully, trying to preserve everything, even the most delicate roots.

Osteospermum seeds

A week after transplantation, the plants are fed again with a weak solution. nitrogen fertilizers. When growing, it is worth remembering that osteospermums grow and develop better at cool temperatures and powerful lighting. Also, much attention is paid to irrigation, with the help of which the soil is maintained in a sufficiently moist state. Watering is carried out in the morning so that by night the leaves of the plant are completely dry. Drying out and overflowing of the earthen coma lead to the rapid death of the bushes.

As soon as the roots of the plants have entwined the ball, they are again transferred to pots with a diameter of 10 cm, preserving the earthen ball. After this transplant, the night growing temperature begins to be gradually reduced to 10-13 degrees, and the daytime temperature should remain at 16-21 degrees.

Flowers appear on the bushes when 4 to 6 pairs of true leaves are fully formed. The quality and quantity of flowers is directly affected by high light levels and cool night temperatures.

All the time, cultivation from sowing to the beginning of flowering takes from 12 to 16 weeks, provided that agricultural technology is carried out in full. If the temperature and other growing factors cannot be maintained, the growing time will increase. Ready seedlings are planted outside after the end of frost (May - June).

When grown in room conditions or in greenhouses, pests such as aphids and thrips may appear on plants. To destroy aphids, osteospermum is treated with Actellik, Tanrek or Biotlin, the solution of which is prepared according to the instructions.

Also, throughout the season, fertilizing is carried out with weak solutions of nitrogen fertilizers with small additions of phosphorus and microelements. Before fertilizing, the plants must be watered.

Seeds are collected as they ripen several times during flowering, but it is worth remembering that it is better not to do this with F1 hybrids, since they do not retain their characteristics. It is better to propagate such plants using cuttings, which take root quite easily.

You can collect seeds from ordinary varieties, but if they were planted nearby different varieties, then you can ultimately get plants with a new color.

Since perennial osteospermum comes from southern Africa, it does not tolerate freezing temperatures. Save it to winter time possible in a well-lit and cool room (at 5 degrees). Shortly before frost, the bush is carefully dug up, trying to preserve the entire root system without damage, and placed in a container with soil.

During such storage, the plant is rarely watered, but care is taken to ensure that it does not dry out too much. Osteospermum is planted outside only after the end of frost. IN middle lane this happens at the beginning of June, and in the south - at the beginning of May.

You can also use this culture when decorating alpine slide and rocky garden. Among stones, evergreen trees and shrubs in sunny places it will develop and bloom well.

The specific name consists of words from two languages: the Greek osteon, “bones,” and the Latin spermum, “seeds,” which quite accurately describes the type of seed. The plant is often called Cape daisy, or African daisy. For the bright blue color of the tubular flowers in the center of the inflorescences of some varieties, Osteospermum was nicknamed Blue-Eyed Daisy.

Due to their external similarity, certain types of Osteospermum are often confused with its close “relative”,. A significant difference between these plants is that only annual species, and Osteospermums are perennials.

In nature, Osteospermum grows up to 1 m in height. Stems are erect or creeping, densely leafy with sessile leaves.

The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, depending on the type, light, dark green or variegated with pronounced serrations. The branches are semi-lignified and very strong.

The buds are formed in the axils of the leaves. Numerous basket-inflorescences come in white-blue, lilac, violet, blue, red, orange, yellow, pink flowers. The flowers are simple or double, anemone-shaped. They are quite large, from 5 to 8 cm in diameter.

An interesting feature of the Osteospermum inflorescence is that the tubular flowers in its middle are asexual. Seeds are produced by ligulate flowers located along the edges.

Bicolor varieties of Osteospermum are very popular among Russian gardeners. Bicolor petals do not fade under the bright rays of the sun and are not damaged heavy rains. The flowers of some species change color slightly as they fade. When the petals fly off, a core remains, surrounded by long, large seeds.

Specimens with spoon-shaped reed petals are particularly decorative. This shape of the petals gives Osteospermums a “cosmic” appearance.

Garden Osteospermums bloom in June-July. Flowering continues until lasting frosts. IN winter garden, in a greenhouse or indoors, it can be continuous, from May to December. A short-term drop in temperature to -5°C is not capable of causing significant damage to the buds.


In cold areas with a highly continental climate, for example, in Siberia and the Urals, Osteospermums are grown as annuals. In warm countries they are also cultivated as perennials. garden plants. Blooming Osteospermum look great in group flower plantings and mixborders. They are very aesthetically pleasing in containers, hanging baskets, on balconies or terraces.

Osteospermum prefers sunny, warm places. Poor soil is suitable for it. Fertilizers are applied once every 7–10 days, alternating complex fertilizers with organic ones.

Regular watering is required as the soil dries out. Excess moisture can lead to rotting of the roots. When there is severe drought, the plant goes into hibernation, stopping the formation of buds. After watering, Osteospermum comes to life and continues the growing season.

The resting period of Osteospermum lasts from December to March. During dormancy, it is necessary to provide the plant with a decrease in temperature, a reduction in daylight hours and a decrease in watering. Ideal place for wintering there will be a cool northern window sill.

Outdoor Osteospermums overwinter best indoors, at a temperature of +15–17°C. Before the onset of frost, you can dig up garden Osteospermum or bring in a pot of indoor plant from the balcony to the room. The mother specimen is preserved in this way for further cuttings.

Diseases and pests

The plant has strong natural immunity and is weakly affected by diseases and pests.


Osteospermum propagates by seeds and cuttings. The seed method is widespread, since the germination rate of the seed is high. Seeds are sown in late March or early April. You can sow them directly into pots, bypassing the picking stage to avoid possible damage roots.

The container with seeds is placed in a well-lit place and covered with glass. At a temperature of +22–24°C, seedlings appear already on the eighth to tenth day. Young plants bloom in the same season, after 30–45 days.

Osteospermum is cut from March to August. Cuttings take root well in indoor greenhouses. To be on the safe side, professional rooting agents are used, in which the cuttings are dipped before planting.

First steps after purchase

Osteospermum is kept in a shady and cool place for several days. If the plant has taken root normally, it is transplanted to a permanent place.

Secrets of success

One of the secrets proper care behind Osteospermum - heavy pruning before wintering. In summer, the plant is pruned several times a season. The tops of the shoots must be pinched so that the bushes grow more compact and lush.

Trimmed shoots are used for propagation. You can get quite a lot in a season daughter plants, without reducing the decorative effect of the original copy.

Fading Osteospermum inflorescences should be promptly removed. This will prolong flowering and make it more lush. Moderate exposure to cold, especially in spring, can stimulate flowering.

Possible difficulties

Root rotting.


  1. waterlogging.
  2. fungal damage.

Pale foliage.


  1. little sunlight.
  2. flaw nutrients.

Lack of flowering.


  1. lack of sunlight.
  2. nutritional deficiency.
  3. too little watering.

Osteospermum (or African chamomile) is a very popular personal plots In Europe, a plant of the Asteraceae family. Appearance this flower is similar in shape to a daisy, but differs from it in variety bright colors- from soft pink to deep purple, and even orange. Russians are still little familiar with this garden flower, however, many have already been able to appreciate its unpretentiousness and long-lasting abundant flowering.

The homeland of Osteospermum is South Africa; it is to this country that the flower owes its second name. The flower differs from the Russian chamomile not only in color, but also in the variety of petals, as well as the height of the bush. Some types of osteospermum grow up to 1 meter high.

Popular varieties of osteospermum with photos

The plant appeared in Europe in the 10th century. Today, only 7 types of flowers out of the existing 70 are popular. This type divided into varieties depending on color:

  • Volta is lilac-pink, turning into white as it blooms.
  • Bambe is white shading into purple.
  • Congo – pink-violet.
  • The sky and ice are white with blue edging of the petals.
  • Buttermilk is pale yellow.
  • Symphony cream is lemon with a purple stripe at the base.
  • Silver Sparkler - white flowers and leaves with white specks.

Photo. Osteospermum

How to grow osteospermum

There are two ways to grow osteospermum: sowing seeds and cuttings.

Osteospermum from seeds

The flower is sown in early March in order to obtain strong shoots by the time of planting. The seeds of the plant are large, so it is advisable to plant them immediately in separate containers.

Prepare the soil as light and loose as possible - this will speed up the development of the plant. A mixture of sand, humus and leaf soil in equal quantities is ideal. The seeds are buried no more than 1 cm. After sowing, the pots are placed in the warmest, brightest place possible.

ADVICE. To ensure there is enough light and heat for osteospermum to germinate, place an ultraviolet lamp over it.

Osteospermum seedlings begin to be planted in March.

Sprouts will appear after a week. All the time until this moment, the soil should be slightly moist, but not wet, otherwise the seeds will rot.

Sometimes osteospermum is sown with seeds directly into the ground at the end of April. However, with this method of sowing, flowering will occur much later. Another disadvantage is that when sown in the ground, approximately 30% of the seeds do not germinate.

Cuttings of osteospermum

Cuttings are a method of propagating a certain type of osteospermum, since this is the only way to obtain a new specimen that exactly repeats the color of the mother plant.

The cutting process is quite simple. The bush from which it is planned to collect cuttings is transplanted into a pot in the fall and brought into the apartment. You can take cuttings from a plant at any time, but in order to plant a specimen in the ground in the spring, you need to cut the cuttings at the end of January.

The crown cuttings are cut with pruning shears, the lower leaves are peeled off and placed in a loose, moist substrate. Eg. A mixture of peat with the addition of a small amount of soil. You can use ready-made soil from the store. The cuttings are planted in a pot, covered with film and placed in a warm, bright place.

IMPORTANT. In cloudy weather, the sprout requires illumination with a phytolamp.

As soon as new leaves begin to appear on the cuttings, the film is removed. During this period, it is necessary to harden the sprouts, installing them periodically open window for a few minutes. When it gets warm during the daytime, plants should be taken out to the balcony, avoiding drafts.

Planting osteospermum in open ground

Osteospermum is planted in open ground in mid-May.

Specimens grown from seeds or cuttings are planted in open ground in mid-May, after the cessation of night frosts and the onset of stable warmth. The distance between plants is at least a meter.

The place for growing is suitable both sunny and shady. This flower is not picky about the soil either, but to make the bush more decorative it is worth preparing a fertile composition and making good drainage in the planting hole.

Rules for caring for osteospermum in open ground

Plant care consists of watering, fertilizing, and forming a bush. Protection from pests and diseases is also necessary.

How to water and feed

Ostespermum should be watered regularly, but in moderation. The plant tolerates a lack of moisture, but still normal development the soil should be slightly moist. The flower cannot be over-watered, otherwise the root system will begin to rot.

During the period of bud formation and flowering, watering is combined with fertilizing. Every 15-20 days the flower is fertilized mineral mixtures and organics, alternating compositions.

Bush formation

Pinching the tops of shoots is a necessary measure to stimulate the growth of new stems. The shape of the bush becomes attractive and neat.

IMPORTANT. It is also necessary to remove faded flowers, which give the plant a sloppy appearance.

Pests, osteosperm diseases and possible problems during cultivation

Osteospermum is afraid of waterlogging of the soil and may wither away

The main enemy of osteospermum is waterlogging of the soil. In such conditions, the root system will rot. The same result will happen if you choose the wrong place. Landing in too shady place will cause root rot. The plant is resistant to other diseases.

IMPORTANT. In particularly hot weather, the flower may go into a kind of “hibernation”. The formation of buds stops and there is no flowering. It is a mistake to mistake this phenomenon for a disease. With the onset of August coolness, ostospermum will continue to bloom.

Sometimes osteospermum can infect aphids. The pest should be controlled using a systemic insecticide.

Organization of wintering

If osteospermum are grown in containers, they are brought into the house and placed in a dark place. You should not prolong its flowering, since the plant needs a period of rest. The room in which the flower overwinters should be cool, but not cold. The temperature should not be lower than 15 degrees. The dormant period of the flower lasts until March. Then it is exposed to light and watered.

IN open ground Osteospermum cannot overwinter even under cover. The rhizome is dug up and stored until spring in a dry mixture of peat and sand. If this is not done, the bush will die. Alternatively, you can grow the flower as an annual, sowing seeds annually or preparing specimens from cuttings of the mother bush.

Thus, to grow beautiful osteospermum on garden plot not difficult. It is only important to choose a suitable place and follow the recommendations for watering and fertilizing standards.

These flowers are very beautiful, as the video below confirms, we wish you pleasant viewing.

Osteospermum, which is considered easy to grow from seeds, is suitable for beginner gardeners. The perennial takes root in almost any soil, it tolerates drought and does not require systemic pest control treatments. Only during strong, prolonged heat does the flowering of the bush stop a little; after a change of weather, it is again covered with flowers.

Osteospermum - description

This representative of the Asteraceae family has several other names familiar to gardeners: Cape chamomile, African or Carpathian daisy. The flower has won the love of gardeners in abundance lush flowering, which lasts several months until September. The osteospermum flower looks like a bush with a dense crown. The plant is abundantly strewn with inflorescences in bright shades of purple, blue and pink.

The peculiarity of the bush is in its inflorescences located along the edges. Seeds are formed in them, the shade of the petals is always different from the color of the middle flowers. A novice gardener will have to carefully study the packaging during the first couple of days, because another similar plant is often passed off as osteospermum. Outwardly, they are incredibly similar, but osteospermum is a perennial, and demorphotheca is an annual.

Osteospermum - growing from seeds at home

If the task is to grow a certain osteosperm, growing from seeds will be a risky choice, because it does not provide one hundred percent preservation of varietal characteristics. In other cases, problems with forcing seedlings should not arise. Osteospermum seed cultivation and care prefers classic and comfortable conditions for most plant species. Large sizes make work easier. It’s easy to get them from a faded plant: the last month marks the beginning of changes in the flower, the middle is gradually framed by seeds. They are dark in color and clearly visible.

Osteospermum - planting with seeds

At proper disembarkation and further care, only ten weeks will pass from the moment the seed hits the ground until the first flowering. There are relatively few recommendations on how to sow osteospermum seedlings, and all of them are within the capabilities of a novice gardener.

  1. To grow seedlings, select a loose mixture of peat and sand. It is important that it allows air to pass through well and does not contribute to water stagnation.
  2. Dry seeds are buried 0.5 cm with a toothpick.
  3. Comfortable conditions are considered to be a temperature of 20-22°C. Under the film in a microclimate, the plant will need a week to sprout its first shoots.
  4. With the emergence of seedlings, the temperature is lowered slightly and the container with soil is moved to a more illuminated place.

When to sow osteospermum for seedlings?

Spring is the optimal period to start growing. The period from mid-March to mid-April is the same period of time when the seeds have time to sprout, the seedlings have time to grow stronger, and the open ground has time to warm up. However, it is not recommended to place ready-made seedlings directly into the beds. When deciding when to plant osteospermum seedlings, you should calculate the timing of forcing and the expected weather. Around May, seedlings begin to be hardened by taking the boxes out onto balconies and loggias; a place near an open window is allowed.

Why doesn't osteospermum sprout?

There should be no problems with forcing seedlings. The seeds are large and easy to work with; they are unpretentious and easy to grow. Difficulties may arise if you want to help the seed get more nutrients. Majority planting material with preliminary soaking or additional manipulations they give quick and good results.

This scheme does not work with osteospermum seeds. Excess moisture he doesn’t like it, so it’s advisable to even plant seeds dry. Instead of soaking, gardeners recommend keeping the seeds in a damp cloth soaked. The answer to how many days it takes for osteospermum to sprout ranges from 5-7 days. If no shoots appear, the seeds have rotted in the ground.

How to pick osteospermum?

If the seeds were planted in a common box, the time for planting in separate pots will come after three true leaves appear. The osteospermum stage is complex and requires certain skills. Unpretentiousness and excellent germination of seeds simplify the work of the gardener only at the first stage. Root system The seedling is very delicate and can easily be damaged during transplantation. Therefore experienced flower growers When planting osteospermum, they prefer to grow from seeds in separate pots.

Osteospermum - planting and care in open ground

Hardening and pinching form a beautiful lush seedling with high adaptation rates in open ground. The more often you start pinching the top, the more magnificent and dense the bush will be. The more often hardening begins, the easier it will tolerate new conditions.