Short funny skits for children. Scenes from camp life for children

In 2019, at summer camp, children can relax in nature, gain strength and communicate with peers. Many establishments offer an extensive cultural and entertainment program.

In the camps there are hobby groups, various quizzes, competitions, hikes, evenings around the fire, and concerts. You can use them to stage funny skits for summer camp, which the kids love so much.

The first funny scene from camp life takes place in the dining room. A boy and a girl are sitting at the table. The girl asks:

- Vovochka, why don’t you eat your yogurt?
– You see, it hasn’t fully loaded yet...
- What, what?
- Well, look, it says 15%. So I'm waiting for it to load 100% so I can eat it.

Scenes for camp holidays and weekends may include interesting cases from the boys' lives. For example, in a skit for camp counselors, you can imagine swimming in a river or lake.

Several guys and a physical education teacher participate in this miniature. He instructs children about water safety rules. The first group of children is swimming. When the physical education teacher gives the signal to go ashore, they do not go out, but, having filled their lungs with air, dive.

The physical education teacher does not notice this. And then, when another group of children enters the river, he decides to count the swimmers. It turns out that there are more of them than necessary.

The physical education teacher runs along the shore and says:
- What to do? What to do? Where to put the extra children?!

Finally, he makes up his mind, goes into the water and “drowns” the extra guys in the river. This funny summer camp skit can be staged for Neptune Day.

Funny scenes from the life of a summer camp are often staged based on various fairy tales. For example, you can prepare a skit for camp holidays and weekends based on the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”.

The girl Masha, who was relaxing at a summer camp, went into the forest and got lost and meets a Bear who wants to eat her. But Masha shouts loudly: “I need to be taken to the camp urgently, otherwise I will be late for the dining room!”, and the Bear retreats.

He even invites her to catch Kolobok for lunch, who left his grandparents and also got lost in the forest. But Masha refuses and asks Bear if he is oriented to the cardinal directions.

– Do you know which side is north?
-What is north? – the Bear is surprised.
– I was lucky to meet the Ignorant Bear! – Masha laments.
- Don’t call me names, otherwise I’ll still eat you! - says the Bear.

But Masha squeals so loudly that he decides to take her to the camp.
“You better go to your people, otherwise your screams will keep my ears ringing for another week,” he says and leads Masha to the camp.

And a skit with the participation of counselors at a summer camp can be staged by remaking the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty” into new way and depicting the morning awakening of the children in it.

In this article we have collected for you the most interesting and funny scenes for the camp. What does this have to do with the camp? Well, what about it? After all, another vacation has crept up unnoticed. Very soon, the first batches of cheerful children, noisily loaded into buses or even train cars, accompanied by laughter and cheerful songs, will go to health camps. Ahead of them are several wonderful weeks of active and healthy recreation, seasoned with a variety of recreational activities. The guys are excited. They will enjoy swimming in the river, hikes in the forest with evening gatherings around the fire, as well as participation in concert programs, quizzes and sports competitions.

And at this time, the workers of these very camps are racking their brains to create an interesting and rich program for the children. This is a very serious matter. It is necessary that the program is not boring, varied, interesting, educational and, among other things, does not require a lot of effort and costs to implement. After all, whether children enjoy their time at the camp directly determines whether they will come here and next year. Agree, the organizers face a difficult task.

It is for this purpose that this article was written. To help talented children organizing fun performances, and to make the work of our dedicated counselors and educators easier, I dare to offer a few small scenarios for summer camp.

Scene one

Costume show "Summer Tale"


  1. Queen Summer.
  2. Forest Fairy.
  3. Baba Yaga.
  4. Leshy.
  5. Forest inhabitants: Squirrel, Bunny, Hedgehog, Owl.

Scene. The melody of the song “Small Country” is playing. The music gradually fades away and the following people appear on stage:

Forest Fairy (addressing the audience):

- Oh, how many children have gathered here! Hello guys! Have you come to our holiday? How wonderful! Today we celebrate the beginning of summer! The harsh cold season is over! Summer has arrived! No need to go to class, do homework, poring over textbooks. It's time to relax, improve your health, and gain strength for the next school year.

Do you agree with me?

And to start our holidays, let's all call the Queen of Summer together!

The fairy, together with the audience, calls for summer. No one responds to their call.

Forest Fairy:

- Let's ask the forest inhabitants to sing a song, maybe then the queen will hear us.

Squirrel and Bunny come on stage and sing “Song about Summer.” The song ends and the goblin and Baba Yaga appear on the stage.

Baba Yaga:

- Well, why did you need summer? We live well without him. Really, Leshy?


- You're telling the truth, grandma! Guys, don't listen to the Fairy! This is great! No summer - no first of September! You won't have to go to school! Super!!! For example, I have never been to school at all. And how smart!!!

Baba Yaga:

- But I am forever young! For me it makes no difference - winter, autumn, summer... I harden myself at any time of the year. That’s why my health is excellent! (sneezes)

Fairy (laughs):

- Why are you sneezing?

Baba Yaga(waves it off):

- Yes, it was I who re-tempered myself with cold water. And so, I'm in great shape!

Guys, don’t you want to toughen up with me? (Takes out a water pistol and sprays it into the hall)

Enters the stage Queen Summer:

- It seems I'm a little late. (Addresses Leshem and Baba Yaga)

- You pranksters have already managed to run the show here too?

Forest Fairy:

- Yes, Queen! They are deceiving the guys! They say that you don’t have to study at all and relax all year. And this will only make you healthier. They are supposedly the smartest, even though they don’t go to school.

Queen Summer:

- Really? (Addressing the hall)

How about we check them out, friends? (Speaks to Leshem and Baba Yaga)

Now I will ask you riddles, and you answer them. Let's see how smart you are. Right, kids?


- Yes please! They scared me too!

Queen Summer:

- Then listen carefully! (makes riddles)

Every person knows, even a little one knows,

To avoid getting sick in the summer, people wear... (sandals)

Baba Yaga:

- I know I know! Felt boots! (Sneezes again)

Queen Summer:

- You, Baba Yaga, are confusing something. Well, who wears felt boots in the summer? (Addressing the hall)

- Children, let's help these experts with the correct answer? (Answers from the audience)

Queen Summer:

- Another riddle!

Oh, how Rada wheezes and sneezes! Have you eaten too much... (ice cream)


- It's clear! Chocolate!

Queen Summer:

- You are sure? Children, tell me the correct answer! (Answers from the audience)

- Here's another mystery.

Which forest animal has a fluffy tail and pointy ears?


- Yes, it’s as easy as shelling pears! It's a fox!

Queen Summer:

- But that’s wrong! Another tip!

The tail is fluffy, like a toy, and the ears are right on top of the head.

She cracks the nuts finely. Did you guess it? This is... (squirrel)

Squirrel appears on stage

Forest Fairy:

- Hello, Squirrel! I know that you did not come to us empty-handed.


- Yes! I have a gift for the guys!

Squirrel (addressing the audience):

- Now I’ll sing a song for you.

Sings “Song about Kindness” from the film about the pig Funtik.

Forest Fairy:

- Queen, it seems to me that the guys are bored. It's time to cheer them up!

Squirrel(addressing the Queen):

- Can I do this? I didn't come alone! The forest dwellers came with me. And now we will dance a funny dance together. Dance with us guys!

Bunny, Hedgehog and Owl enter the stage. Music sounds and dances are performed.


- Queen Summer, can we tell the guys some riddles?

Summer agrees.


- I think you're all done academic year With good grades. And it won’t be too difficult for you to guess our riddles.

The pig gave birth to us a piglet,

Two times five is exactly... (ten)


One followed by six zeros...

If only we could get that much in rubles! (Million)


- Can you solve this riddle?

Two sons and two fathers were walking along the road. And together there are only three people. How can this be? (Grandfather, son, and grandson)


— Convinced (sighs). We can't live without summer. Really, grandma?

Can we have some fun with the guys?

Queen Summer:

- Of course you can! After all, we are all friends here! Isn't that right, children?

Leshy and Baba Yaga perform a dance.

Baba Yaga(addressing the hall):

- Who wants to play?

Those who wish go up to the stage.

v Game "Funny Dance".The guys are divided into pairs. Each pair squeezes between their bodies balloon ik. The dance begins to the music. If the ball falls out, the pair is out of the game. The remaining couple wins.

v Competition “Draw a Clown”. Each participant is given a felt-tip pen and a balloon. Assignment: draw a clown on the ball. Speed ​​and creativity are assessed.

At the end of the program, accompanied by music, the concert participants descend into the hall and hand out balloons to the audience. Then everyone gets up on stage and sings a song together "Little country". At the end of the performance, all the balloons are launched into the sky.

Sketch for camp No. 2

"Olympic Games"

A Greek melody is playing. Zeus appears.


— We will hold the Olympic Games on a grand scale today!

The strongest and bravest were invited to compete in sports!

What awaits you now, peoples of the great planet?

Success in tournaments, or maybe big victories?

A priestess enters the “arena” carrying the Olympic torch. Teams follow her in turn. Team members are dressed in Greek clothing (tunics, etc.). Heads tied with ribbons different color(each team has its own color).

- And in a fair competition, the Gods of Greece will be your judges!

Zeus takes turns introducing the jury (also in appropriate costumes): Nika(goddess of victory), Artemis(goddess of the moon and hunting), Apollo(god of the sun, patron of sciences, arts and healing) and himself Zeus(god of sky and thunder).

- Let's not waste time! Let's start, friends!

After the call, the teams line up at the starting line. The competition is organized like an Olympic pentathlon.

  1. Marathon. From each team, one participant runs the distance back and forth with a relay baton. Returning to the starting line, he passes the baton to the next team member. And so on.
  2. Struggle(following the example of the game “Cockfight”).
  3. "Chariot" competition(one player from the team sits on the crossed arms of two other participants).
  1. Discus throw(flying saucer toy). Each participant is given 2 attempts.
  2. Long jump. Also two attempts.

Throughout all stages of the competition, the jury counts points. At the end the results are summed up.


- Our game ended so quickly!

Now it’s time for us to find out the results!

The results and the winning team are announced. The gods are members of the jury, awarding the winners with diplomas and “laurel wreaths.”

At the end of the day, the teams dance a Greek dance. "Sirtaki".

Sketch for camp No. 3

Intellectual quiz “The Path to the Stars”

The first verse and chorus of the song sounds "Grass near the house". 2 presenters enter to the music.

Presenter 1:

Baikonur Cosmodrome.

This spring day remains in the memory of all earthlings! For the first time in history, the Vostok satellite ship flew into space, with a person on board! Finally, an inhabitant of planet earth rushed to the starry expanses!

Yuri Gagarin! He made only one revolution around our planet, but this event opened new era in space exploration!

It's finished! The age-old dream of all mankind has come true!

Plays the second verse and chorus of the song "Grass near the house".

Presenter 1:

- Astronaut. There was no such word

Among many different words.

They brought it to earth from heaven to us

Pilots Gagarin and Titov.

Presenter 2:

— Distant stars burn brightly,

They invite the guys to visit.

It won't take long for us to get ready for the trip.

And now we are ready to fly. Now!

The soundtrack is playing "Space Music".

Presenter 1:

— Prepare for the rocket launch!

Presenter 2:

- Fasten belts!

Presenter 1:

— The engines are ready! Start!

Recording rumble rocket engine, and the sound of a spaceship taking off.

Presenter 2:

— The space journey has begun!

Presenter 1:

— The conditions for the intellectual quiz are announced!

The game has 4 rounds. Three main ones and the last one is the final. Each round has 25 questions - 5 topics with 5 questions each. Price of questions: 1st round – from 50 to 250 points, in the 2nd – from 300 to 500, in the 3rd round – from 350 to 550. The complexity of the question increases in proportion to the price.

Presenter 2:

— The starting team is determined by lot. After the question is announced, a signal sounds. The captain of the team that knows the correct answer raises the signal flag.

Presenter 1:

— The correct answer earns the team points and the right to choose the next question. If the answer is incorrect, points are deducted from the team's account. The right to answer goes to the remaining teams.

Presenter 2:

— The round ends when all questions have been played.

Presenter 1:

At the beginning of the final round, teams with zero and negative sums leave the game.

The final questions are read out. A fixed time is given to think about them. As in previous rounds, each question has a price.

The remaining teams write down their answers on sheets and, after time has expired, hand them over to the jury.

Points for correct answers are added to the total. Those who are incorrect are counted in the same way.

Presenter 2:

— The winner is announced by the team that, at the end of the final round, scores greatest number points. If several teams score the same number of points, an additional round is held between them - 5 questions, worth from 50 to 250 points. The points scored are tallied and the final winner is determined.

Questions for the quiz are chosen by the organizers independently, in line with the given topic.

We found such wonderful scenes for the camp for you. You can transform the above scenarios to your taste. Remove, in your opinion, unnecessary elements or add missing ones. Dare, fantasize! But don't forget about the main thing! The goal of any camp event is not only to have fun, but also to bring benefits! After all, like any interesting scenarios, our scenarios help children grow and develop.

Well, if you look a little more broadly, then, of course, the days our children spend in summer camp are a time filled with new discoveries, adventures, vivid impressions and, of course, new friends. Properly organized pastime can give impetus to the development of your child’s personality. For example, they will also perfectly help to unite the guys. Very often, it is children's camps that allow children to show their qualities. Closed people become sociable, crybabies and whiners become cheerful and active.

Naturally, this does not happen by itself, just because we took our children to nature. This difficult process. And the summer health camp is an important and integral part of it.

The most important thing is that this process has one thing undeniable dignity! At all stages, it is we, parents, who are its accomplices and organizers. Only we can decide how, where and with whom our children will spend the summer. We are preparing together with them. And together we bring our plans to fruition.

Well, what do you like more? Skits or games? Or is it still competitions? What do you think is the most interesting thing about the camp?

Write in the comments.

School life is full of events - funny and sad, simple and complex, serious and not so serious - but always exciting. It is not for nothing that books and films “about school” are loved by all generations of former and current students. If you approach school situations with lightness and humor, you can have fun, and some problems, if you look at them from this angle, will be solved by themselves. To do this you just need to play! Scenes from school life You don’t even need to remember - these scenes are already collected in our collection. And not simple ones, you will find here the newest original sketch from the author of “Kolobok in a New Way”, an opera sketch that will amuse any group, as well as fairy tale scenes. Joint creativity makes people closer. Share your scripts with us.

Humorous fairy tales for children for school and camp

A comic New Year's skit - the opera "ABOUT THE HARE" - funny until you drop, for an adult group and senior classes at school

Everyone sings in the skit as best they can, the funnier the better. The main thing is to rehearse 2-3 times and you will be the highlight of the evening :-) You should first listen to the cartoon “The Bunny Went Out for a Walk.”

In the photo below is our 8th grade class, mid-80s... We once staged a musical skit about a hare. While we were rehearsing, we laughed so hard, we could barely contain ourselves from laughing during the performance. 🙂 We came up with folders for the surroundings; words are learned very easily.

Oh, meadow ant grass,
Oh, you dear hare side!
We are sure that it will be late or early
The bunny will go out for a walk in the clearing.
One two three four five…
One two three four five…
One two three four five…
One two three four five…
One-two-three-four, one-two-three-four,
…Came out!!
Hare: (tenor)
I went out into the forest for a walk,
I'm scared, I'm scared,
My soul is full of foreboding...
My soul... My soul-ah...
...Full of foreboding. The soul is full...

Chorus: His premonitions did not deceive him!
Hunter: (bass)
So where are you? I need you.
You deigned to eat my carrots!
What a shame, what a shame!
Our hare is a thief, our hare is a thief!
What a shame, what a shame!
Our hare is a thief, our hare is a thief!
Not true!
Is it true!
Not true!
Is it true!
...I didn't eat carrots!
To the barrier!
To the barrier!
Now someone's blood will be shed,
Now it will spill...
It will spill...
One male voice from the choir:
It's pouring...
Oh, will my sideways eyes really close forever?
And I won’t see you, my love!
My love!
My love, my carrots!
Forever yours, my dear-a-a-a-a-a-a...
Now. Now. Now. Now…
Bang! Pow!
My little bunny is dying!
The choir sings vocalise and cries.
They'll bring me home
I'll be alive...
And more than once
A bunny will come out
Take a walk!
And more than once
The bunny will come out for a walk!
a curtain

The final, fifth parody (“opera”) ends with a bravura chorus “And the bunny will come out for a walk more than once!..”. In the script, this vocal number is not interrupted at this line, but has a continuation: “... the words cannot be heard, it is incomprehensible, it is incomprehensible - and I don’t care!” But censorship forbade performing this line in the cartoon, considering it a libel on Soviet opera.

Kolobok in a new way - original from the author

(reprinting of material is permitted only using a backlink)

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman far away, in a camp,

They gnawed on bread and ate porridge. They were just sad.

They had no children, no grandchildren,

That is why sadness, melancholy, and ruin came to them.

And the woman and grandfather decided not to be sad, not to toil,

It’s better to go to the dining room with a cheerful song!

We walked together at a friendly pace, scraped together a little flour,

Oils, sugar and salt! These are such weirdos!

The woman thought of baking a pie from that composition,

But while I was fiddling with the dough, it turned out to be a bun!

That kolobok was cooled down,

put it on the window

They gave us a little rest.

But they forgot one thing:

After all, they read the fairy tale more than once,

But they didn’t believe that the fairy tale was a real story!

That little bun rolled!

I'm tired of lying down!

He leaned his elbows on the threshold and started running.

He sees the director of the camp dear on the way

He looks at the unsociable miracle with a surprised look!

Kolobok sang a song here, which finished off the director,

But he learned from his experience, the director praised him!

He didn’t kick him out of the camp, and didn’t want to eat him,

But I only wished him success and a lot of happiness.

Told him to stay out of sight of the other kids,

Otherwise he will have to find out as a tear rolls from his eyes.

The kids will make you have fun and jump,

They’ll teach you to dance and sing, and won’t let you sleep.

But our hero, a brave fellow, did not heed the advice,

And with joy and enthusiasm he quickly jumped to the children.

He was, of course, surprised at first by the children's exploits.

They tickled him and made him jump faster!

I had to invent games for them, and dance and sing songs,

They had no time to get him and torture him!

But the bun got used to them and learned to live with them,

And now grandma and grandpa don’t have to grieve either.

The director said with obvious admiration that he couldn’t be better!

You will be the main counselor here! After all, there is no one cooler here!

Since then, in that camp there has been a competition for the best counselor,

But it’s still hard to find a better kolobok!

“The Prince at the Gate” (sketch for school and holiday camp)
Prince: Knock Knock.
Servant: Who's there?
Prince: I'm the prince behind the gates.
Servant: We must report to the king. Your Majesty,
King: (He's a prince.) What's happened?
Servant: There's a prince outside the gates.
King: So give him the gate.
Servant: Take the gate.
Prince: But I don't need a gate.
Servant: What do you need?
Prince: I need the princess's hand.
King: (He's a prince) What's happened?
Servant: There's a prince outside the gates.
King: Well, give him the gate!
Servant: But he doesn't need a gate.
King: What does he need?
Servant: He needs the princess's hand!
Queen: (She's a servant) What happened, darling?
King: There's a prince outside the gates.
Queen: Well, give him the gate!
King: Give up the gate!
Servant: Take the gate.
Prince: But I don't need a gate.
Servant: What do you need?
Prince: I need the princess's hand.
Servant: I need to report to the king. Your Majesty!
King: (He's a prince) What's happened?
Servant: There's a prince outside the gates.
King: Well, give him the gate!
Servant: But he doesn't need a gate.
King: What does he need?

Servant: He needs the princess's hand!
King: I need to consult my wife! Expensive!
Queen:(She's a servant) What happened, darling?
King: There's a prince outside the gates.
Queen: Well, give him the gate!
King: Give up the gate!
Servant: Take the gate!
Prince: But I don't need a gate.
Servant: What do you need?
Prince: I need the princess's hand.
Servant: I need to report to the king. Your Majesty!
King: (He's a prince) What's happened?
Servant: There's a prince outside the gates.
King: Well, give him the gate!
Servant: But he doesn't need a gate.
King: What does he need?
Servant: He needs the princess's hand!
King: I need to consult my wife! Expensive!
Queen: (She's a servant) What happened, darling?
King: There's a prince outside the gates.
Queen: Well, give him the gate!
King: But he doesn't need a gate.
Queen: What does he need?
King: He wants our daughter's hand.
Princess: What?!
Queen: There's a prince outside the gates!
Princess: Well, give him the gate!
Queen: Give up the gate.
King: Give back the gate.
Servant: Take the gate.
Prince: But I don't need a gate.
Servant: What do you need?
Prince: I need the princess's hand.
Servant: I need to report to the king. Your Majesty!
King: (He's a prince) What's happened?
Servant: There's a prince outside the gates.
King: Well, give him the gate!
Servant: But he doesn't need a gate.
King: What does he need?
Servant: He needs the princess's hand!
King: I need to consult my wife! Expensive!
Queen: (She's a servant) What happened, darling?
King: There's a prince outside the gates.
Queen: Well, give him the gate!
King: But he doesn't need a gate.
Queen: What does he need?
King: He wants our daughter's hand.
Queen: I need to talk to the princess! Darling!
Princess: (She's a king, she's a servant) What?!
Queen: There's a prince outside the gates!
Princess: Well, give him the gate!
Queen: But he doesn't need a gate!
Princess: What does he need?!
Queen: He needs your hand!
Princess: NO!
Queen: No.
King: No.
Servant: No.
Prince: Absolutely not?
Servant: Absolutely not?
King: Absolutely not?
Queen: Absolutely not?
Princess: Exactly. NO.
Queen: Absolutely not.
King: Absolutely not.
Servant: Absolutely not.
Prince: Well, at least give me the gate!

Developing artistry in children is one of the great ways to identify their creativity and determine the direction in which it is best to develop their creative potential. Does your child like to copy the behavior of acquaintances and friends? Staging entire performances in the courtyard, attracting numerous spectators? Does he often hum or gesticulate?

Small theatrical performances, including short and funny children's skits, can be organized even at home. And if someone’s birthday is coming up, there will be mini-skits great entertainment for everyone who comes to congratulate the birthday boy.

Mini performances for children

Usually children join in the game with pleasure, they like to transform themselves, copying adults, they definitely notice various nuances in the behavior and habits of people they know. When choosing scenarios for a children's party, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • How younger age participants, the shorter and simpler the skits should be.
  • It is advisable to diversify the repertoire as much as possible: choose not only parodies that are offered for children of any age, but also riddle scenes and quizzes.
  • If possible, conduct one or two rehearsals before the start of the performance, tell your child how best to imagine the character he will play.
  • If possible, try to use attributes that will make the production more colorful - costumes for the actors, scenery, items necessary during the action. Children can and should be involved in making decorations - this will also give them a lot of pleasure.

Scenes from everyday life

Children enjoy participating in performances that demonstrate funny incidents from their Everyday life. Here are the simplest and shortest of these scenes.

How many legs?

This scene requires two actors: a boy and a girl. Its plot is quite simple, so it can be successfully played in front of children 4-6 years old.

A mother (girl) came to pick up her baby (boy) from kindergarten. She is in a hurry, so she sits him on a chair and begins to quickly dress him.

He takes the shoe in his hands and says:

- Raise your leg, son.

The boy obediently raises his right leg. Then mom says:

- No, give me another one.

The son raises his left leg. Mom, looking at the shoe, understands that the right foot was needed after all, but automatically repeats:

- No, son, give me the other leg.

Then the boy indignantly says: “Mom, but that’s all! I’ve run out of legs, I don’t have any others!”

This scene is good not only because of its funny plot. When it’s over, you can discuss with the children why the mother could not explain to her son what kind of leg she needed. What would be the best way to structure a conversation so that everyone understands each other the first time?

Whose pants?

This skit will involve two actors - an older girl (teacher) and a younger girl (teacher) kindergarten). The age difference is not a necessary condition for young actresses; you can simply choose a girl who is taller and smaller.

However, it is important to pay attention to the nuances associated with the characteristics of the roles of young performers, because this will make their performance more believable and memorable!

Kindergarten. Children dress up for a walk. The teacher helps the little slow girl Katya get dressed. Katya tries to put on trousers, but she fails. The teacher begins to help her. When the trousers are put on together, Katya suddenly says:

- These are not my trousers...

The teacher, having expressed her indignation as much as possible, begins to pull the baby’s pants back off. This takes some time. After waiting for the teacher to finish undressing her, Katya decides to clarify:

– These are my sister’s trousers, Sveta, they are warm, and my mother always puts them on for me when it’s very cold, like today...

More skits and ideas

Additional scenes for small children's productions and sketches can be found in books on stagecraft. They contain not only the skits themselves for short productions, but also teach the intricacies of children's stagecraft, which will help motivate children, develop intelligence and memory, and open them up. Creative skills, will help the child develop competent speech, and teach him to express himself through creativity.

  • The book will help you with this “Children’s theater repertoire: sketches and miniatures” by Yuri Dunaev
  • They can also help you organize a children's party. books with games, creative competitions, theatrical performances - in the corresponding section of the Labyrinth online store.

Scenes from the life of schoolchildren

Archimedes the Confused

Physics lesson. The careless student Kolya suffers near the blackboard. The teacher (an older boy or a heavier build) torments Kolya with questions:

- Kolya, tell us about Archimedes. Kolya squints and suffers; he clearly can tell a little about Archimedes:

- Well, it was like that ancient Greek

Teacher, delighted:

- Is that so? And what did he become famous for?

Kolya, straining even more:

- Well... Once he was swimming in the bathtub... And how he screamed!

What will he scream, Kolya? – the teacher continues to ask leading questions.

"Eureka!" - Kolya says unexpectedly for himself and happily continues:

- It means “found!”

But the teacher does not give up and continues to torment Kolya with questions:

- Well, what did he find there, Nikolai, probably something interesting?

“Probably...” Colin’s enthusiasm disappears. He clearly doesn’t remember what exactly the famous ancient Greek found in his bathtub. Therefore, hesitantly, looking up at the teacher, he tries to find the correct answer:

– Maybe... a washcloth?

Necessary fire

Schoolboy Sasha was going to the store. On the way, he meets a labor teacher, Viktor Petrovich, who is in a hurry.

- Hello, Viktor Petrovich, where are you running, what happened? he asks.

“Oh, Petrov,” the teacher almost cries, “we have a fire, so I’m running, our office caught fire, can you imagine?

Schoolboy Sasha changes his mind about going to the store and runs after the teacher. Running up to the school, they stop and look at the smoke pouring out of the windows of the labor room.

“Here’s Petrov,” the teacher says upsetly, “now there will be no classes for probably a month.”

- What won't happen? – Sasha asks again.

“There will be no classes, Petrov, your stool will never be finished, your stool probably burned down,” Viktor Petrovich reports upset.

- Who got burned? – Sasha insistently clarifies.

- Stool! Yours! - the teacher raises his voice irritably, - And the scoop, which you’ve been making for the second month! I don’t understand, Petrov, are you deaf or something?

“No, Viktor Petrovich, what are you talking about,” says Sasha, and adds more quietly:

“You talk, and I’ll listen, listen, listen...” and rolls his eyes dreamily.

Sketch games

These are a kind of funny mini-performances that are popular not only with children, but also with adults.


One of the variations of this skit game that children of any age enjoy playing.

Progress of the game:

Children are divided into two groups. One group will improvise, the other will guess. Actors from the first group must make a wish for something: an animal, a profession, a natural phenomenon, heroes of their favorite fairy tales, etc.

Having made a guess, the children begin to move, depicting the actions that are inherent in the characters they have guessed, and another group of participants observes and analyzes. At some point the presenter commands: “photo!” and all the actors from the first group freeze in the position they were in at the time of the command.

Participants in the second group must recognize the hidden characters. After that, they change roles with the members of the first group. The task can be complicated over time by asking the children to stage a performance, for example, on the theme of their favorite fairy tales.

Playing in entertaining mini-scenes – great way self-expression for children of any age. This type of creativity, like no other, stimulates the development of fantasy and imagination, gives a great mood and makes any children's party unforgettable.

Teacher, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Scenario of the event for the summer camp “Day of Miracles”

(Transitions - 877)

I. Organization of the camp.

At the morning meeting it is announced that today after breakfast there will be a hike to the miracle tree for everyone. But getting to this tree is not so easy. Only those who complete all the proposed tasks will get to him. Squad...

Ecological holiday in a summer camp. Dramatization “Visiting Berendey.”

(Transitions - 1438)

Oh my forest, my wonderful forest,
Full of fairy tales and miracles!
My life passes in worries and labors,
I hope that you recognize me.
Protector of the forest, friend of animals,
I am a king from a fairy tale...
Children. Berendey.
Well done my friends!
I invite everyone to visit...

Scenario of an event in the camp. Mysteries of summer

(Transitions - 2503)

Counselor. Today we are setting off on a difficult but entertaining journey through the kingdom of summer. Our route (show map) will pass through the summer art workshop, Poslovitsyno, Krokodilovo, Naborshchik, and Zagadkino stations.

Scenario for the Small Olympic Games “Faster, Higher, Stronger”

(Transitions - 2112)

All units line up on the camp square. Teams participating in the Olympiad stand in front of the squads. Fanfare sounds.
Part I
Presenter 1. It’s time, it’s time for me to fulfill everything that the gods have ordered. O people! You are incredibly lucky. Today the gods of Olympus will appear to you...

Scenario of an environmental event for the summer camp “Less nature, more and more environment”

(Transitions - 2342)

Presenter 1.
June 5 - World Conservation Day environment.
Every flower and every blade of grass,
Birds that fly into the blue sky
All the nature that surrounds us,
Our protection, my friend, is expected.
The sound of an alarm bell sounds in the background of alarming music.
Reader 1.

Station game for summer health camp. Scenario "Day of Neptune"

(Transitions - 1141)

There is cheerful music on the beach. The buffoon runs out.
Come out, people, to the beach -
The sand here is so hot.
Undress, sunbathe
But don’t take off your Panama hat.
Summer time has come
Let's shout to her loudly...

Children. Hooray!

We have every reason
To open...

Scenario of the “Dating” light in the summer camp

(Transitions - 660)

The most important thing here is to create an atmosphere of trust; on the first evening it is good to lay down a future tradition: not everyone spends the evening on their own, but everyone together. The sincere tone of the conversation, songs, and legends will help with this. The first camp evening is easy...