How to choose a gas water heater, gas instantaneous water heater. The best geysers Characteristics of a geyser


Geyser. Not everyone will even immediately understand what we are proposing to talk about - in the sense of what a “gas water heater” is? Meanwhile, once the presence of a gas water heater in the house (now these devices are more often called gas water heaters flow type) was a sign of respectability. This meant that there was always hot water in the house! All you need to be happy to wash your face with water at a comfortable temperature is to turn on the column, that is, in the language of terms, “a device for heating water using the energy of gas combustion for domestic use.” Not only residents of rural settlements dreamed of such a miracle, but also millions of city dwellers who were also deprived of the joy of centralized hot water supply.

In the absence of hot water in houses, one of the most important indicators of the quality of life in a particular locality was the number of bathhouses and the number of “washing places” per capita! The commissioning of each new bathhouse was a very noticeable event. Moreover, there were no steam rooms in most of the citywide bathhouses of those years: people went to those bathhouses for their intended purpose and for one purpose - to wash themselves! For this occasion, they acquired special brown suitcases - for bath accessories and replacement items. That's what they called them - bathhouses. And with their own gangs - for hygienic reasons. With these gangs under your arm and a suitcase in your hand, it immediately became clear where people were going and why.

Only in the early 60s, when the massive construction of cities with “Khrushchev” buildings began, the severity of the problem began to decrease: each such apartment had, albeit tiny, a bathroom. WITH hot water! And people who continued to live in old houses, deprived of hot water supply and without a gas water heater, began to ask to wash themselves with the new residents who were happy with this convenience!

Today, fortunately, the situation is completely different - hot water at home, and at any time of the day, will surprise few people. And we go to the bathhouse not so much for a “wash”, but to steam, socialize, have a good time... And only very elderly people, who remember the completely different purpose of bathhouses, never cease to wonder: why do people go to a bathhouse if they have their own bath?!


Why then, you may ask, should we start talking about gas water heaters if today there is no longer a need for them? The fact of the matter is that there is still a demand for geysers. The best confirmation of this is the product offering of gas water heaters from brands such as Ariston, Bosch, Electrolux, Vaillant... This is despite, we admit, the obvious trend towards limiting the use of gas equipment for domestic purposes.

How can we explain the survivability of gas equipment, despite the wide offer of alternative electrical equipment - safer and more environmentally friendly? Benefits! A number of their obvious competitive advantages in comparison with competing analogues - electric water heaters.

According to the principle of operation, electric and gas flow-through water heaters differ only in that in the first case, electricity is used as fuel to heat water, in the second - gas.

We talked about electric water heaters in some detail in the publication. Where, among other things, they drew the attention of readers to the fact that instantaneous electric water heaters are extremely “gluttonous” - they can withstand such a load electrical wiring not in every home. And the appetite with which electrical equipment devours electricity costs users a pretty penny!

In addition, you will have to run personal wiring to the water heater from the electrical distribution panel with its own circuit breaker. Of course, you can choose a model with lower energy requirements, one that is within the capabilities of your electrical wiring, but in this case the compromise will result in a trickle of water, which is only enough to quickly wash the dishes. If you increase the pressure, the flowing water will not have time to warm up. In short, an electrical appliance with a power of at least 5 kW can provide basic comfortable conditions. And if the task is to attach several water points to the heater (faucet in the kitchen and shower in the bathroom), then you will need a model with a power of 8-12 kW and a voltage of 380 volts.

Now estimate how much this pleasure will cost at the current (and, especially, tomorrow’s) price for electricity, and the secret of the demand for equipment that provides homes with heat as a result of burning natural gas will become clear to you. Yes, the main advantage of geysers is, of course, the cheapness of gas!

But there's one more thing undeniable dignity gas water heaters: “gas heaters” are more powerful and heat up faster! There are also advantages, we will talk about them below, but now is the time to pay attention to the disadvantages. On the risks of gas equipment with open flames. This is a fire and explosion hazard, as well as the harmfulness of gas combustion products for people who inhale them. But, to reassure us a little, they are reduced to a minimum modern systems protections that gas water heaters are now equipped with. You just need to meticulously follow the safety requirements and manufacturer’s recommendations when operating their equipment.

So who buys geysers these days and for what purposes? They are by no means owners of suburban real estate, as one might immediately think. Those, as a rule, equip their houses with double-circuit gas boilers(we talked about this equipment in detail in the publication), providing the house with both heat and hot water “from the tap”.

Gas water heaters are often purchased by residents of houses with centralized hot water supply, who do not want to be left without hot water for a day during the summer shutdown for maintenance work. If they turn it off, they immediately switch to their own point-by-point hot water supply system. If only there was gas!

It should be borne in mind that very strict rules have now been introduced and are quite strictly controlled regulating the requirements for premises where gas equipment is supposed to be installed. To remove gas combustion products, this room must be equipped with a chimney. For admission fresh airventilation duct. In turn, this equipment has its own functional requirements - throughput, length of channels, number of turns of horizontal sections, etc.

From the above, it is clear that bathrooms, where geysers were logically historically installed, taking into account today’s requirements, are considered absolutely unsuitable for this, and neglect of these standards is fraught with very serious risks for the safety of those living in the apartment and house. Therefore, even if you previously had a speaker installed in the bathroom, then when replacing it you will have to find another room - you will no longer be allowed to place it in the old place again in the interests of ensuring your own safety.

So what is a geyser? This is a flow-type water heater powered by natural gas coming from the gas main pipeline. (There are, by the way, models that operate on bottled (liquefied) gas, but this is a subject for a separate discussion).


When choosing a gas water heater, you need to know and take into account, first of all, three factors: this is the rated thermal power (performance), gas pressure, water pressure.


Please note that systematically too low gas pressure leads to premature burner failure. As experts say, this is a consequence of the flame settling on the burner. Too high a pressure leads to destructive overheating of the heat exchanger.

So, first of all, we need to find out what the Maximum and Minimum gas pressures are. It is for these parameters that the gas water heater is selected. This information must be provided by the gas utility.


The main operational indicator of a geyser is its rated thermal power. Aka: productivity. This is the amount of hot water produced by a geyser per unit of time. That is, a value that essentially predetermines its functional purpose - the ability to supply water of the required quantity and temperature from the tap.

The power indicator is the main pricing parameter. Therefore, when choosing a speaker, you should imagine how much power can satisfy your needs. You can and should determine how much water you need “to be happy” yourself. Complex calculations are not required for this. However, first things first.

Attention! Advertising materials may indicate consumed and/or usable power. These, as they say, are two big differences. Power consumption describes how much the equipment will cost you in terms of gas costs. Of course, this is an important parameter. But if you want to find out which of the speakers you're considering will provide more high efficiency heating water (which is more useful!), you need to focus on usable power. These parameters are related to the efficiency of the water heater.

According to thermal power, geysers are divided into:

  • low power geysers - from 7 to 19 kW.
  • medium geysers - from 22 to 24 kW.
  • high-power geysers - from 28 to 30 kW.

The power of most geysers ranges from 7 to 25 kW on average.

Volumetric flow rate of hot water depending on useful power:

Let us provide some reference data for calculating water consumption and, accordingly, the power of the water heater.

To heat 1 l/min at 25 °C (that is, from 15 in the tap to the required 40 °C), 1.7 kW is consumed.

If you intend to connect three water points to the device (kitchen tap, washbasin tap and shower), then you will need a gas water heater with a capacity of at least 22 kW.

Let me explain. Estimated water consumption rates:

  • for a washbasin or kitchen tap – 6-7 l/min.
  • for washbasin + kitchen tap – 10 l/min.
  • abundant shower - from 12 l/min.

If you have chronic problems with changes in gas pressure in the gas pipeline, then in order for the dispenser to not turn off and work stably, you need to install a gas reducer that regulates the supply of gas (and water!).


And without water, it’s neither here nor there... This is about a gas water heater! Residents of many regions face problems caused by insufficient water pressure. This happens when the water supply system is worn out... When your house is located away from the boiler room... On the upper floors... Too low pressure leads to overheating of the heat exchanger, and this is a sure way to damage it.

However, don't be too quick to rejoice if you have high water pressure. I mean, too high! This extreme threatens system leaks.

But in our time, problems with water pressure are not a death sentence. It’s just that this parameter must be taken into account when selecting a column - its technical data sheet must contain the requirements for water pressure in the water supply. So, in order not to make a mistake in choosing equipment, you need to know as accurately as possible the actual water pressure in your water supply system at minimum and peak loads on it. You can measure your blood pressure using the services of a specialist, or even on your own. Doing this with a pressure gauge is not that difficult.

Problems with high water pressure are solved quite simply: to adjust it, a special reducer is installed on the inlet pipe.

With low water pressure it is more difficult. But there are solutions. Equipment specially designed for low water pressure (from 0.1 bar) is on sale. With chronically low pressure, it makes sense to buy a column equipped with a water flow regulator. There are also radical remedy"survival" in low pressure conditions in plumbing system- pump for injection flow.

Another requirement for water is that it must be clean. Like the one we drink! Strictly speaking, it must meet the requirements of the “drinking” SanPin. Otherwise, the inevitable appearance of scale will lead to overheating of the heat exchanger. To do this, the water must be pre-treated.


This, of course, is captivating: Europe, after all! But when looking closely at imported samples, keep in mind that our gas pressure is less than “over the hill”: if in Europe it is 20 mbar, then here we have about 13. This means that it is not adapted to our technical specifications gas instantaneous water heater in fact, it will not gain the power promised by the operational documentation.

Similar problems can arise with water: inconsistency with our realities is possible due to the minimum permissible value of the operating water pressure required for stable operation of the gas water heater. Therefore, compare the requirements of the operational documentation with the actual values ​​of water pressure, if, of course, you have such data. The ideal option is to purchase equipment specifically designed for the Russian market. If this is the case, then such information (“The product is adapted for the Russian market”) is always given in advertising, information and operational materials, which is called “large print” and “in a prominent place.”

The main elements of a gas water heater are a burner that warms the water; heat exchanger and sensors that ensure normal and safe operation of the system.

An instantaneous gas water heater must be equipped only with an open combustion chamber, with natural delivery air and chimney. That is, with the supply and exhaust ventilation. The oxygen necessary for combustion is taken directly from the room, which places increased demands on ensuring its effective ventilation (preferably a window). Gas combustion products are discharged into the smoke removal system (chimney). Make sure that the ventilation grille is not dirty.


You can forget about matches. A modern burner is ignited by pressing the start button or automatically when the hot water tap is turned on. It depends on the model you prefer.

When turned on manually, the burner is activated by pressing a button. The igniter is ignited by a spark generated by a piezo device for ignition. Piezo ignition is the most economical option. When the water is turned off, the burner goes out, but the auxiliary pilot burner continues to burn constantly, being in the so-called “standby mode”. Or - in a state of readiness. To turn it off, just press the button again. The “eternal flame” of the igniter confuses people who strive to save resources as much as possible: after all, it’s money down the drain! Let us try to reassure you: the gas consumption for the “blue light” is so insignificant that its value is even difficult to calculate. But the column is always in full combat readiness!

If you want the outlet temperature to be constant, take a closer look at samples with the so-called “simulated burner”, which automatically regulates the gas supply.

At automatic switching on The burner ignites when the water tap is opened. As soon as you close the water tap, the column automatically turns off. The spark is from an electronic system powered by batteries. In this case, gas is not consumed constantly, but you will have to spend money on replacing batteries (about once a year). By the way, there are speaker models with a low battery indicator, so that its “death” does not come as a surprise to you.

A number of models have an electronic ignition system from a 220 V network. Such a water heater must be connected to a grounded electrical outlet and its commissioning requires a grounding loop approval protocol. At the same time, you must be prepared for the fact that an electrically dependent geyser will not work during a power outage.

There is also an option in which the burner is also ignited at the moment the hot water tap is opened from... an electric generator that generates electricity when water flows through. But for this you need guaranteed good pressure in the networks (2-3 bar).

If the water pressure is insufficient (up to 0.3-0.4 bar), then there is a possibility that the column with the hydraulic turbine will not ignite. At a pressure of 0.1-0.2 bar, there is no alternative to a battery-powered unit or with manual piezo ignition.


People often ask, what material is the best heat exchanger?

Don't look for cast iron - this material is not used in wall-mounted appliances due to its heavy weight.

Cheaper gas water heaters with steel heat exchangers. But the savings in this case are very doubtful: the service life of steel heat exchangers is only a few years and largely depends on the intensity of operation.

Copper ones are much more durable. They have good efficiency, which is due to the high heat transfer coefficient of copper. The risk is that copper is afraid of overheating: if you don’t watch it, the welds will depressurize and the water heater will fail! Once upon a time, due to their overheating, water in copper heat exchangers boiled, and they flowed in vain... But today there is a “cure” for this scourge - sensors that monitor the temperature of the heat exchanger and, when it is critically exceeded, turn off the burner in advance.


There is another no less useful and no less necessary automation– a whole complex of sensors responsible for the safe operation of gas water heaters. They are called safety sensors. The higher the class of equipment, the more levels of protection against various types of faults are implemented in it. These devices are designed not just to “cut off” the device at the first sign of emergency situations, but to ensure its safe operation. And, of course, turn it off immediately when necessary.


  • Ionization sensors and combustion sensor (thermocouple) - flame controllers shut off the gas, preventing its leakage if, in an emergency, the flame is extinguished or flooded with water.
  • Heat exchanger overheating sensors (this was mentioned above).
  • Hydraulic valve - if there is no water in the heat exchanger, it shuts off the gas supply to avoid overheating.
  • Flow sensors - turns off the column if water stops flowing from the tap.
  • Air draft sensors - are triggered when there is a malfunction of the chimney, cutting off the gas supply to the combustion chamber and thereby preventing combustion products from entering the room, which could lead to poisoning of the people in it.
  • Pressure sensor - turns off the column if the water pressure drops.
  • Relief valve - when pressure increases, it releases water to avoid rupture of the heat exchanger.
  • Gas control – automatically shuts off the gas supply as soon as the flame goes out.


The temperature of the water flowing from the tap depends on the power of the water heater, which can be changed manually by increasing or decreasing the burner flame by changing the position of the regulator handle. As they say, everything is in your hands. However, maintaining a comfortable water temperature in this way is quite problematic. The difficulty is that you never know what to expect in a minute: if the temperature of the water at the entrance to the column or its pressure changes, then the temperature of the water from the tap will immediately change. The greater the flow, the lower its temperature, and vice versa. An unpleasant surprise awaits you even if you are taking, say, a shower, and someone flushes the water in the toilet tank... Or opens another tap... You will immediately feel it by the abrupt change in temperature. To restore a comfortable temperature, you will have to reconfigure the column... Or resort to manipulations with opening and closing the tap, increasing and decreasing the flow rate, changing the water intensity to bring its temperature to the required condition.

Another thing is mid- and high-class speakers with an electronic control system. These devices, equipped with burners with automatic power modulation, in the above-mentioned unpleasant situations automatically provide stepwise or smooth adjustment, maintaining the parameters of the water temperature specified by you (the user) over a wide flow range. To put it simply, when automatic regulation power, the flame size automatically adapts to the amount of water flowing through the water heater. This ensures heating stability, despite changes in the “input” parameters.

The first geysers appeared in 1895 in Germany, and in Russia they began to be actively used only in the middle of the last century. At that time, the country was experiencing a housing construction boom, and hot water supply and a private bath became mandatory attributes of a city apartment, but not all houses could be connected to the general system. It was then that in Khrushchev and early Brezhnevkas they began to install columns – instantaneous gas water heaters. There was little choice, and in terms of ease of use, the first units left much to be desired. Today, such devices have become more technologically advanced, functional and safe, and their range has grown significantly. Let's try to figure out how to choose a geyser for an apartment or a house, and we'll figure out what parameters you should definitely pay attention to.

No. 1. Types of gas water heaters: instantaneous and storage

Depending on the device, gas water heaters are divided into two types:

  • flow-through;
  • cumulative.

Wall-mounted instantaneous water heaters are popularly called geysers. They are the most widespread. Storage-type devices are practically not used in domestic spaces.

Instantaneous gas water heaters

The geyser does not have a storage tank and is intended for instant water heating. Inside the unit there is a heat exchanger through which a water tube passes. Under the heat exchanger is gas-burner. As a result of gas combustion, heat is generated, which heats the water passing through the heat exchanger. Exhaust gases are collected in a collector and discharged to the street. This circuit diagram operation of the column, but the functioning features of some components may differ from model to model.

In the simplest columns light the burner you will have to manually, more expensive models provide automatic ignition: as soon as someone turns on the hot water tap, the column will start working, and will turn off when the tap is closed. The water temperature can be regulated either by a simple gearbox or by sophisticated modern electronics.

From your school chemistry course, you must remember that to burn gas, you need oxygen, which is contained in the air. Simple household speakers are equipped with an open combustion chamber and receive air from the room. Combustion products are removed either through normal chimney(option for private houses), or through a horizontal pipe with a fan providing forced draft. The last option is used in apartment buildings.

Gas water heaters are equipped multi-stage security system, therefore they cannot cause any harm, unless, of course, the installation was carried out correctly and you do not violate safety precautions.

Advantages of geysers:

Some manage to install the speaker even in rooms not connected to a gas pipeline, since there are models that allow powered by gas cylinder.

Gas water heaters also have disadvantages.:

Storage gas water heaters

Similar devices in design resemble electric boilers. The only difference lies in the source of heat: instead of electricity, gas is used here. The basis of such a unit is a storage tank where a supply of hot water is stored. A tube passes through the tank - this is a heat exchanger, inside which hot gas combustion products move. A burner is installed at the bottom of the tube, where the combustion process takes place. So that the gases, moving upward, have time to give up all their heat, the heat exchanger receives complex design with dividers.

Tank volume ranges from 50-500 liters, but the most widespread models are 100 and 200 liters. For a family of 2-3 people, a unit with a volume of 80-150 liters is suitable. The tank receives reliable thermal insulation, so a once heated supply of water can be stored for a relatively long time - there is no need to turn on the device every time.

To the main advantages storage gas water heaters include:

  • efficiency;
  • availability of a constant supply of hot water;
  • possibility of installation where the gas supply line is weak;
  • ability to work with a large number of water intake points.

Similar units take up a lot of space, but this is not their main drawback. They are standing quite expensive, have not become widespread in our area, so their range is extremely modest. Most people opt for flow-through heaters or. Due to the low popularity of this type of unit, we will focus our attention on how to choose a geyser - a device with a flow-through type of heating.

No. 2. Gas water heater power

The power of the geyser is indicated in kW. It is directly related to productivity equipment and indicates how many liters of water per minute the column can heat. It is worth noting that the best geyser is not necessarily the most powerful device. It all depends on how many people live in the apartment, and how many of them can use hot water at the same time (or how much is installed). It is believed that one mixer is capable of flowing 6-7 l/min. It is enough to multiply this parameter by the number of taps, add a small margin and get the result. The power is indicated either on the column itself or in the technical documentation for it. For example, a column with a power of 23-24 kW allows you to heat about 14 liters of water per minute to a temperature of about 25 degrees.

Based on power, speakers are divided into several types:

  • 17-20 kW – minimum power sufficient to supply one water intake point, i.e. you can either take it comfortably or wash the dishes - it will be difficult to do both at the same time. Their productivity is 9-10 l/min, no more. Option for a small family or one person;
  • 20-26 kW - medium power columns, heat 15-20 l/min and are suitable for heating water to a comfortable temperature for 2-3 points of water consumption. The most popular option;
  • more than 26 kW - powerful units for large families and private homes.

In pursuit of power, do not lose common sense and do not forget to take into account the water pressure indicator. There is no point in buying a column designed to heat 25 liters of water per minute if the water supply network is not capable of providing such pressure.

No. 3. Gas water heater ignition type

The type of ignition is one of the most important parameters columns. It determines how often you will approach the device, as well as how safe and economical the process of generating a flame will be. So, one of the following can be used in geysers: ignition types:

Columns with electric ignition can be divided into two types: volatile and non-volatile. In volatile ones, the ignition system is connected to the household electrical network. If you live in a city apartment and do not experience any special problems with the supply of electricity, then this is quite a good option. In non-volatile electric speakers ignition can be implemented in several ways:

No. 4. Combustion chamber type

To choose a gas water heater, you need to pay attention to a lot of technical details, and the type of combustion chamber is one of the most important points. There are only two options here:

  • open combustion chamber;
  • closed combustion chamber.

Open chamber speakers- the simplest and cheapest. They use air from the room in which the device hangs to burn gas. The intake is carried out through the holes at the bottom of the column. Such units are installed in kitchens or in separate utility rooms(a great option for owners of private houses). Combustion products are removed through the chimney due to natural draft. These types of devices are characterized by minimal noise during operation, but are more suitable for private homes, as they require connection to a chimney. In addition, in the room where the device will be installed, it is necessary to provide sufficient.

Speakers with closed camera combustion get air from the street. The chimney in such units is horizontal, goes out through the wall and is represented by a coaxial pipe (pipe in a pipe). Through the inner part of the pipe, combustion products are removed to the street using a fan, and air is supplied to the column through the outer pipe. You can install such a unit in any room, it is safer, but you will have to pay more for such a speaker, and the operation of the fan depends on the availability of electricity and is accompanied by slight noise.

No. 5. Removal of combustion products

We have already partially discussed this issue above, but now we will dwell in a little more detail. Depending on the type of carbon monoxide removal, there are:

  • classic, with chimney. Great for homes that already have a chimney. Otherwise, it will have to be built separately. For residents apartment buildings In most cases, such an option cannot be implemented;
  • chimneyless or turbine. Combustion products are discharged through a pipe, a hole for which is made in the wall. Combustion products are drawn out due to the operation of the fan.

The room in which the speaker is located must be well ventilated. If they were installed, you will have to equip them with a ventilation valve.

No. 6. Column heat exchanger type

The durability and wear resistance of the column is directly related to the material used to make the heat exchanger:

It turns out that stainless steel and purified copper are the preferred options.

No. 7. Water and gas pressure

For each column, the data sheet specifies two main water pressure parameters: the minimum at which the unit will turn on, and the maximum - the pressure that the heat exchanger can withstand without losing its integrity. It is advisable to clarify all the parameters of your water supply network before choosing a gas water heater. For city apartments where speakers are used (and these are mostly Stalinist, i.e. old housing stock with worn-out communications) it is better to choose a unit that can work with minimal water pressure. Therefore, pay attention to those devices that can heat water at a pressure of as low as 0.15 bar.

High pressure can be destructive to the column, and water hammer, alas, is not uncommon. Buy units that can withstand a short-term increase in network pressure up to 11-12 bar.

Also, do not forget to specify with which gas pressure the column can work. In domestic gas pipelines, the gas pressure is lower than in European ones (13 mbar versus 20 mbar), so when buying a dispenser from a European manufacturer, you need to inquire for which market it was produced, and whether it has a gas reducer installed in order to maintain constant pressure.

No. 8. Burner type and power modulation

Burners in geysers can be of two types:

  • with constant power. The simplest option, the main advantage of which is its low cost. When changing the water pressure, you will have to manually change the temperature on the column, and you can get tortured. If you do not change the temperature, the water can flow at a scalding temperature. Let's say your neighbor turned on the water or someone flushed the water. The water pressure has decreased, but the flame strength has remained the same, so the reduced amount of water that will flow through the heat exchanger will heat up to uncomfortably high temperatures;
  • with modulated power. Everything here is much more modern. You just need to enter the desired water temperature, and the flame power will be adjusted depending on the water pressure. This is the preferred option. Of course, water temperature control is present on all water dispensers, but conventional devices cannot adapt to changes in gas pressure and pressure, and units with modulated power will produce water with clearly required parameters under almost any conditions. Such speakers are more expensive, but they are not only more comfortable to use, but also more economical.

Of course, the preferred option would be a burner with modulating power.

No. 9. Gas water heater security system

Many people are still afraid to use geysers. Data on real estate sales show that apartments with similar equipment are 15% cheaper than similar ones, but without gas water heaters, and 70% of buyers do not even consider buying such housing. If you approach the selection and operation of a gas water heater wisely, then all risks can be minimized. It is important that the column automatically turns off when there is no supply of water, gas or the necessary draft, and does not allow carbon monoxide poisoning. For this purpose, modern units are literally stuffed with all kinds of security systems:

No. 10. The best manufacturers of geysers

It is difficult to argue with the well-known fact that they produce high-quality, reliable and durable equipment. When safety and comfort are at stake, it’s better to overpay a little, but sleep peacefully, so we recommend pay attention to gas water heaters from such manufacturers:

Finally, we note that there is no need to be afraid of geysers - you just need to learn how to choose them correctly and ensure compliance with the operating rules.

The choice of gas equipment must be approached from the point of view of safety and reliability. Buying a cheap water heater can have fatal consequences for its owner. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for servicing gas equipment. Do you agree?

We will tell you how to choose a geyser in order to purchase the ideal unit. Our proposed article describes all the criteria that can influence the choice of gas wall-mounted equipment. We present popular models among consumers from proven manufacturers.

The general operating principle and design are typical for all models of instantaneous gas water heaters. Propane enters the column through a pipe. A valve is installed in the pipe to regulate the gas supply.

Water is supplied to the adjacent pipe in the gas water heater. A control valve and sensor are installed in the pipe. When the sensor is triggered, gas flows through the pipe into the burner. The gas ignites in the burner.

In old Soviet models, the gas had to be ignited manually. Modern ones use three methods of igniting gas:

  1. From a piezoelectric element.
  2. From batteries.
  3. From a hydro generator.

Piezo ignition involves pressing a button every time you use a gas water heater (if you use gas sparingly). This is inconvenient, but more reliable than using automatic ignition, where the gas is ignited by a spark supplied by candles.

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Gas water heaters solve the common problem of lack of hot water supply in a house or apartment. These portable water heaters, with minimal gas fuel consumption, are capable of providing hot water to living spaces of considerable size. The main advantages of such devices are their small size, the ability to heat a large amount of water, relative cheapness and maintainability. Among the disadvantages is the need for communications to connect speakers. At a minimum, it should be a gas pipe or cylinder, which not everyone has the ability to install, and models with electronic control or electric ignition require mains power. In addition, we are dealing with combustion products, so the installation of a chimney and ventilation is required, which complicates the installation of the device.

To choose a geyser with optimal parameters, you should pay attention to the following points.

  • Depending on the power, the device can heat a certain volume of water. To service one circuit, it will be enough to buy a gas water heater with a power of up to 19 kW. If you need to heat a water intake at two points, then the model must have a rating of 20-28 kW. The most powerful water heaters (more than 29 kW) are capable of providing residents of a house or apartment with hot water in large quantities.
  • If there are problems with the supply of gas or water, the solution would be to purchase storage geysers. They are equipped with tanks in which the reserve is stored. warm water. Thanks to the thermal insulation of the tank, gas consumption can be reduced.
  • For safe operation Manufacturers of modern speakers equip devices with various degrees of protection. The presence of a water flow sensor prevents the gas valve from opening when there is no flow. The thermal combustion sensor cuts off the gas supply when the wick goes out. The draft sensor stops the gas supply when the draft in the chimney decreases to a dangerous level. A water overheating sensor becomes a useful option; it not only prevents the formation of boiling water, but also reduces the amount of scale in the heat exchanger.
  • Gas water heaters are controlled differently. Most often, models in the mid-price segment have two control options. One of them regulates the water pressure, and the other is responsible for the intensity of gas combustion.
  • An important parameter in water heaters is the type of combustion chamber and exhaust gas removal system. In open chambers, gas burns in the upper part of the column, from where it is immediately removed into the chimney. Sealed, closed-type combustion chambers look somewhat more expensive, but safer. The supply of air, as well as the removal of exhaust gases, is forced in such devices. In addition to fans, such models use coaxial chimneys.

The most popular among buyers are heaters from Bosch, Ariston and Mora. These European manufacturers are famous for their reliability and performance. Domestic speaker Neva is excellent value for money. In the rating we will compare the best geysers in various price categories.

The best inexpensive geysers: budget up to 10,000 rubles.

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Average price: 5,870 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.0

Previous models of Oasis geysers are still popular, but the company does not stand still and recently introduced a new Glass series. It differs from its older brothers in its original design solution as glass panel with a colorful pattern. Such a water heater, in addition to performing its direct duties, serves as an interior decoration. The new product is also interesting because, despite its affordable price, it has sufficient functionality and in everyday conditions it proves to be a reliable and safe device.

Such "surpluses" as modulated power or remote, it is not provided, but it has everything that is necessary for constant and convenient hot water supply in a house with 2-3 residents: flow-through design, electric ignition from batteries, a copper heat exchanger and several safety devices. In reviews, owners point to separate operating modes for different seasons, the activation of which allows you to save up to 50% of gas in the warm season.

4 Hyundai H-GW1-AMW-UI305

Intelligent control system. Copper heat exchanger
A country: South Korea (manufactured in China)
Average price: 7,100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

In 2015, the Hyundai company presented instantaneous gas water heaters GW1 of the Gulfstream series, specially designed for Russia, in two contrasting colors - black and white. The rated power of the devices is 20 kW, which provides a productivity of 10 l/min. at a delta of 25°. Starting is carried out using electric ignition, powered by a set of batteries. Built-in the electronic unit is responsible for the stability of temperature and flow force, and the LED display allows you to monitor the implementation of specified parameters and promptly determine the cause of a malfunction if it occurs.

The body of the unit is made of enameled steel, the burner is made of stainless steel, and the heater is made of copper with a wall thickness of 0.5 mm. Gas water heaters with copper heat exchangers are preferable for apartments or houses where hot water is constantly needed, since they conduct heat as quickly as possible and thereby reduce its preparation time. Safety elements are combined into the 4D-Guard system: there is a draft sensor and a temperature limiter, as well as an ionization rod and safety valve. Reviews call the column a compact and reliable device that works like a clock; they are surprised at the low price, but complain about the lack of flame modulation.

3 Neva 4510-M

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 7,100 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.3

The model from the domestic manufacturer Neva 4510-M is the most attractive option in terms of price, and also has decent functionality. Unlike other models, this water heater can work with both natural and liquefied gas, which makes it more versatile. The power of the device is 17.9 kW, and with a productivity of 10 l/min it can easily provide hot water to an entire house. Water intake can be carried out at several points, so you can use this geyser for several purposes at the same time. Like many models, it is installed vertically on the wall, and communications are connected from below.

Among the strengths of the Neva gas water heater in reviews, buyers name low cost, quiet operation and the presence of a thermometer. This water heater has several useful features, such as battery-powered electric ignition. This is convenient, since there is no need to connect the device to a power outlet, and a well-thought-out electric fuel ignition system requires a minimum of energy and does not require frequent replacement of batteries. The column starts working even with a minimum water pressure of 0.1 atm, which allows it to be used in almost any conditions. The weaknesses include the low quality of materials and, as a result, low reliability.

2 Bosch WR 10-2P

One of the most reliable geysers in the budget segment
Country: Germany
Average price: 8,900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The reliable Bosch WR 10-2P gas water heater takes second place in the rating among the best models budget segment. With a power of 17.4 kW, this device has a productivity of up to 10 l/min, while heating water up to 60 °C. The temperature is controlled via convenient mechanical rotary switches. You can find two versions of this dispenser on sale - P23 for natural gas from a gas pipeline and P31 for liquefied gas from a cylinder. Reliable protection against leaks is achieved due to an increased operating pressure range - from 0.1 to 12 atm. For the normal functioning of the device, an additional air duct is required, since an open-type combustion chamber is installed here.

The advantages of this Bosch water heater in customer reviews include ease of operation, small dimensions and quiet operation. In addition, installing such a device will not be a problem—it is not necessary to invite a specialist. The gas and water supply is carried out from below, and the column itself is hung vertically on the wall. Distinctive feature This heater is a piezo ignition, the operating principle of which is based on the ignition of fuel by a silicon spark. According to experts, it is an order of magnitude more reliable than electric, in which common problem are burnt nodes. To determine the heating temperature, use a special thermometer located on the front panel of the heater. Among the disadvantages of this model are sensitivity to water quality and slightly overpriced.

A common question from owners of apartments and private houses: which is better, a gas water heater or an electric boiler? Each type of water heater has its own pros and cons, which the following table will tell you about:

Water heater type




Compactness (a big plus for a small apartment)

Unlimited hot water supply



Affordable price

Complex installation that must be carried out by a specialist

Installation approvals required

Installation of chimney and ventilation required

For stable operation, stable gas and water pressure is required

Low efficiency

Electric boiler

Easy installation

Increased security

No chimney or ventilation required as there are no combustion products

High efficiency (up to 99%)

Ability to provide a large volume of hot water at a time

Does not depend on water pressure

High price

If the water in the boiler is completely consumed, you will have to wait at least 1.5 hours for the next portion.

Large dimensions

1 Zanussi GWH 10 Fonte

Economical gas consumption. Suitable for apartments with low water pressure
A country:
Average price: 6,670 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

In Russia, gas is cheaper than electricity, however, the issue of saving it is relevant for all homeowners. According to rough estimates, the cheapest liter of hot water is provided by a gas water heater of the Fonte series. This is fully automated equipment with electronic ignition, the presence of which eliminates the constant burning of the wick: ignition occurs immediately when the DHW tap is opened, and when closed, the burner goes out on its own. This saves up to 30 cubic meters of blue fuel per month.

The water heater is famous for its low noise operation and ability to operate even at low pressure in the water supply - from 0.15 bar. A similar problem often worries residents of apartments on the upper floors, so this unit will help them out a lot. Its combustion chamber is open, so it is necessary to organize sufficient ventilation in the room. The design of the collector prevents CO2 leakage and fully complies with EU standards, and combustion products are discharged through a chimney with a diameter of only 110 mm, so the column can be connected to almost any chimney system.

The best geysers in the middle segment: budget up to 30,000 rubles.

5 BaltGaz Comfort 15

100% domestic production. Reliable design. 5 year warranty
Country Russia
Average price: 13,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.0

Gas water heaters "BaltGaz" of the "Comfort" line have replaced the well-known domestic water heaters "Neva Lux" and are produced in the Krasnodar Territory, and without the use of Chinese components. Recently, the series was replenished with the most powerful model - the 15th with a power of 30 kW and a capacity of 15 l/min. Its functions and equipment indicate the modernity and comfort of the device. Thus, on the front panel there is an LCD display informing about the operating status, ignition is performed automatically, from two batteries, and there is also smooth hydraulic modulation of the flame with an error of ±2°.

Regulation of heating intensity and water flow speed is carried out mechanically, which is still considered the most reliable. The power of the unit is sufficient for simultaneous dispensing of hot water at 2-3 points. For operation, a connection to the gas supply system in the house is required, however, when installing jets (optional), the water heater can also operate on bottled gas. The company manufactures all components in-house or orders from Russian manufacturers, so it is confident in their quality and offers customers a guarantee for a record period of 5 years. Among the shortcomings that we learned about in the reviews: fragile control knobs, too fine adjustment of the thermostat.

4 Electrolux GWH 11 PRO Inverter

Miniature dimensions. Electronic flame modulation
A country: Sweden (made in China)
Average price: RUB 14,490.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The space of standard houses is too limited, but you shouldn’t give up everyday comfort because of this. The compact and quiet PRO Inverter speaker from Electrolux is specially designed for Russian conditions, and therefore can be installed even in the smallest apartment. The thermal power of the “baby” is 22 kW, water heating is carried out at a speed of 11 l/min, evenly both with low water pressure and with minimal gas pressure. When other points are connected, reliable automation is activated, keeping the temperature at the same level without human intervention.

Since the device belongs to gas equipment designed for continuous operation, the manufacturer paid special attention to protection systems: in case of weak or reverse thrust the gas supply is shut off, the thermostat protects the structure from overheating, there is a built-in emergency pressure relief valve, a flow detector and electronic flame control on the burner. Despite all the apparent complexity, control is very simple, again with the help of electronics and an information board with all the necessary data, including an indication of the battery charge for auto-ignition. The disadvantages include the difficulty of setting up for non-specialists and the scarcity of spare parts in the event of an unlikely failure.

3 Bosch WRD 13-2G

Optimal price/performance ratio
Country: Germany
Average price: 14,950 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The Bosch WRD 13-2G water heater ranks third in the ranking of the best geysers in terms of price and quality ratio. This is one of the most powerful models (22.6 kW), while its cost is slightly lower than that of its TOP neighbors. The productivity of the device is 13 l/min - this is best indicator in the ranking. Due to the open combustion chamber, operation of the column is possible only with an additional air duct. Distinctive feature this model is triggered at a pressure of 0.35 atm, which allows you to use hot water even with low pressure.

The advantages of this Bosch geyser, according to customers, are ease of installation and operation, high-quality electric ignition and neat assembly. In addition, the water heater can also operate with liquefied gas, that is, from a cylinder. This function will allow it to be used in country houses, where communication problems are common. Special protection overheat protection will work automatically when the temperature in the device becomes higher than permissible. The main disadvantages of this model are a noisy hydrogenerator, sensitivity to gas pressure and inconvenient location of inputs and outputs.

2 Mora Vega 10

High reliability (according to user reviews)
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 17,650 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The next place in the ranking of the best geysers in the middle price category is the Mora Vega 10. This is a popular water heater designed to provide hot water to apartments and small houses. In terms of price, this is an average model, which also affects the characteristics. But this device boasts excellent reliability and the ability to operate in a wide pressure range - from 0.2 to 10 atm. Electric ignition quickly ignites the fuel, and the gas control function eliminates any gas leaks.

In positive reviews, buyers talk about ease of operation, heating efficiency and excellent reliability as the positive aspects of the Mora gas water heater. To install the device, it is not necessary to invite a specialist - the detailed instructions included in the kit will allow you to connect everything yourself. Overheating protection will prevent premature failure of the water heater, and temperature limitation will allow you to choose the optimal parameter for comfortable use of hot water. Disadvantages include electric ignition that does not always work and poor heating at low pressure.

Don't study independent connecting a gas water heater without relevant experience. Moreover, this is prohibited by law (any gas inspection = fine). Connection gas appliances should be carried out only by a specialist with a mandatory license (SRO) from his organization.

1 Ariston Fast Evo 11C

Modern burner design. Mains power supply for electronics
A country: Italy (made in China)
Average price: RUB 13,890.
Rating (2019): 5.0

Gas water heaters equipped with burners with constant power require manual temperature adjustment with each change in pressure. Ariston speakers, in contrast, are able to maintain the specified parameters independently and regardless of how many taps are open. And it's really very convenient. Ignition also occurs automatically, using electric ignition, the power source of which is a 220V household network. If the user lives in a city apartment and there are no special problems with the supply of electricity, energy dependence is quite a good option that allows you to save on batteries.

However, not all reviews are equally positive. Some blame the radiator for failure after 3 years of operation - they say it leaked or burned out. To prevent this, experts recommend that future users be very careful when installing the device and setting it to pressure according to the instructions, or resort to the services of a service center technician with access to gas equipment. In this case, the column works correctly and requires absolutely no attention.

The best geysers for several water points (pressure water heater)

For those rooms where there are several hot water intake points, the best option pressure water heaters will become. Flow-through models may not be able to handle this because they need to supply enough water at once. a large number of hot water, and in pressure devices its level is constant (pumping is carried out), which makes it possible to ensure a certain reserve, consumed by several receivers. The device is installed in a common riser, where distribution occurs.

5 American Water Heater PROLine G-61-50T40-3NV

Largest tank volume. ENERGY STAR® certified. Patented burner
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 36,220.
Rating (2019): 4.1

AWH is the largest manufacturer of storage-type geysers in the United States. PROLine brand water heaters operate on natural gas and are designed to prepare hot water not only in a private home, but also in small production premises. The G-61-50T40-3NV is equipped with a tank with a capacity of 189 liters, the overall dimensions are 508x1450x508 mm, so space should be provided for floor installation. It is noteworthy that gas burners produced by AWH Group are made of composite material and are characterized by a 33% reduction in nitrogen oxide emissions.

The domestic consumer, spoiled by technical delights, is initially surprised by the simplicity of the design of American domestic hot water units: they don’t even have piezo ignition (in devices that are supplied to Russia from the same manufacturer under the Mor-Flo brand, the control unit has already been replaced, so matches may not work would need). However, the owners who purchased this device about 15 years ago claim that it does not exist more reliably. The electronic hardware from Honywell alone is worth it, it inspires confidence and inner covering glass ceramic containers. It is also important that the column is certified according to ENERGY STAR energy efficiency standards. i.e. its energy consumption is at least 20% lower than its analogues.

4 Ariston S/SGA 100

Better thermal insulation of the tank. Anti-corrosion protection
A country:
Average price: RUB 25,410.
Rating (2019): 4.2

S/SGA 100 is a wall-mounted model, equipped with a large water storage tank with a capacity of 95 liters and is capable of providing hot water to several points of intake for a family of 2-4 people. It does not require connection to the electrical network; it starts up using piezo ignition, i.e., by lightly pressing a special button. Despite the fact that the pilot burner maintains the flame constantly, the gas water heater consumes fuel sparingly - up to 0.55 cubic meters. m/hour This efficiency is explained by the high efficiency and effective thermal insulation of the storage device, made of high-density environmentally friendly polyurethane foam.

The weakest point of all boilers is loss of tightness due to corrosion. To prevent its development, the inner surface of the tank is coated at the factory with heat-resistant enamel, additionally protecting it from corrosion with a magnesium anode. To increase its service life, it must be changed approximately once every year or two, depending on the hardness of the water. If you follow the operating rules, the device functions flawlessly for many years - the model has been around since 2006, so there is plenty of evidence of this.

3 Neva 4511

The most popular geyser
Country Russia
Average price: RUB 7,312.
Rating (2019): 4.2

The popular domestic gas water heater Neva 4511, unlike its competitors, can run on liquefied gas. A powerful hydrogenerator provides a productivity of 11 l/min, and a high-quality heating element with a power of 21 kW quickly raises the water temperature to the required level. Wall method fastening is convenient as it saves space in the room.
In numerous reviews of the Neva gas water heater, buyers highlight convenient controls, small dimensions and low cost as strengths. The display shows current information about the water temperature in the device. The body is painted with high-quality lead-free enamel, making the heater environmentally friendly. Operating pressure range from 0.3 to 6 atm - ideal for household networks. TO weaknesses include the presence of noise during operation and the low reliability of some components.

2 Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW

The best ratio of price and functionality
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 6,946 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The best geyser with the ability to connect several pressure points is Gorenje GWH 10 NNBW. This is a simple pressure water heater that is capable of supplying hot water to several consumers at once. The power of the device is 20 kW, which allows you to quickly heat a large volume to the required temperature in a short period of time. The gas is ignited using electric ignition.

Among the advantages of this model in reviews, buyers list a copper radiator, low level noise during operation and pleasant appearance. To ensure operational safety, a “gas control” function is provided, which eliminates possible gas leaks. To ensure that the coolant is supplied clean and its quality does not affect the service life of the column, special filters are installed at the inlet. To track indicators, there is a small display that displays the current temperature and a power indicator. Among the main disadvantages are the low quality of materials and difficulties in replacing filters.

1 Bradford White M-I-30S6FBN

The best gas water heater of storage type
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 29,350.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The Bradford White M-I-30S6FBN storage gas water heater provides your home or apartment with a constant supply of hot water. The device is capable of supplying a large volume of heated water to several points at once. The good thing about this model is that it allows you to successfully deal with changes in water pressure in the main. The device heats 125 liters of water per hour, raising the temperature by 50°C. The presence of a non-volatile control system allows you to automatically maintain the water temperature in a given range. And the insulated inner tank reduces heat loss.

The geyser can operate at a minimum operating gas pressure of 88 mm water column. Important feature This model is to preserve the potable quality of water. This is achieved thanks to turbulent flows, which prevent scale deposition and increase the productivity of the device. Domestic consumers highly appreciate the durability of the model when uninterrupted operation. The volume of heated water is enough for a family of 4-5 people.

The best premium class geysers: budget from 30,000 rubles.

The most expensive geysers provide the residents of the house with the necessary supply of hot water. This requires minimal human intervention in the operation of the heater.

5 Hajdu GB150.1

Wall installation. Wide range of thermoregulation
Country: Hungary
Average price: RUB 35,550.
Rating (2019): 4.0

The Hungarian company Hajdu is not the most famous in Russia, although it was founded during the Soviet era. Nevertheless, the storage geysers produced by it deserve attention already because, at an average cost, they show good opportunities. Model GB150.1 is a chimney model (chimneyless modifications are indicated at the end of the marking with the number 2), have thermal power 6 kW and a tank capacity of 150 liters, but they are installed on the wall, and not on the floor, like most analogues.

The unit is designed conscientiously in all respects: equipped with piezo ignition, automatic equipment from the Italian brand SIT, well insulated and withstands input pressure up to 7 atm. Safety devices include a temperature limiter and a pressure relief valve. Judging by the reviews (there are very few of them, unfortunately), the water heats up quickly, ranging from 40 to 80°. Active anodic protection is also worth adding to the list of advantages.

4 Vaillant AtmoSTOR VGH 190

Maximum efficient water heating. Withstands water pressure up to 10 bar
A country: Germany (produced in Slovakia)
Average price: 92,450 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Vailant has long been considered a leader in the heating equipment market, and its AtmoSTOR series of geysers is best choice for organizing an economical hot water system in bunk apartments, apartment buildings, cafes, beauty salons, etc. main feature– possibility of use in combination with heating boilers, which summer period can be switched off without any damage to the hot water supply. The design is designed to eliminate unnecessary heat loss: an injection gas burner is built into it, the combustion chamber is surrounded by water, between the metal casing and internal reservoir a 5-centimeter layer of polyurethane foam thermal insulation was laid.

The degree of heating of the water mass is adjusted in steps, which allows you to accurately select a comfortable temperature. A separate room is not required to install the device, since it operates quietly, and the protection functions - flame control, temperature limiter, gas outlet sensor - create all the conditions for safe operation. In general, the AtmoStor water heater has proven itself to be the best, working well and for a long time even in unusual cases, for example, with a short-term increase in pressure in the central or group water supply network to 10 bar.

3 Ariston SGA 200

The best combination of price and quality
A country: Italy (produced in Russia)
Average price: RUB 37,610.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Italian geyser Ariston SGA 200 boasts the best combination of price and quality. The storage-type device is equipped with a tank with a capacity of 195 liters. At floor-standing version When installed, the heater has a height of 170 cm. The manufacturer has fully adapted the heater to the characteristics of Russian gas; the use of liquefied fuel is allowed. Stable operation of the gas column is maintained even at reduced pressure of the hydrocarbon feedstock. Special thermal insulation of the tank made of polyurethane foam can reduce heat loss by up to 20%. The smoke removal sensor, thermocouple and limit temperature sensor are responsible for safety during operation. The device can heat water in the absence of electrical energy.

Homeowners and plumbing professionals praise the model's compactness, performance, and affordability. Comfort during operation is provided by heating and switching indicators. One of the disadvantages is the attenuation of the igniter even after the device is fully heated.

2 Baxi SAG3 300

Largest water tank
Country: Italy
Average price: RUB 73,347.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The best model with a built-in tank was the capacitive geyser Baxi SAG3 300. The device can heat water from 15 to 65 degrees in 0.97 hours. At the same time, consumers have a supply of hot water with a capacity of 300 liters at any time. Mechanical control is simple and reliable. The device can operate on both natural gas (consumption 2.45 cubic m/h) and liquefied fuel (consumption 1.83 kg/h). The geyser is not afraid of low gas pressure; with its help, the problem of interruptions in water supply is solved. Thanks to high productivity and the required reserve, hot water can be supplied simultaneously to several water intake points. The device uses safety systems such as a draft sensor, a safety valve (8 bar) and a thermal sensor.

Experts in their reviews highlight such advantages of the Baxi SAG3 300 gas water heater as performance, noiselessness, and lack of scale in the heat exchanger. The disadvantages include the high temperature of the exhaust gases and the lack of a pipe for draining water.

1 Bosch WTD 27 AME

Highest power
A country: Germany (manufactured in Portugal)
Average price: 73,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The best power indicator among flow-through gas heaters has the Bosch WTD 27 AME model. The column is compact in size, stylish design and great productivity. In addition to use in large houses and apartments, the unit is also suitable for providing hot water to sports clubs, hotels, cafes, car washes, etc. Thanks electronic system controls and a backlit LCD monitor make it convenient to set up the device and monitor its readings. The device is equipped with an overheating sensor, which allows you to use gas economically. The water tap is equipped with an electric drive. A gas water heater is suitable for providing hot water to several water intake points; this can be done with a modulation burner.

In reviews, ordinary people and experts agree that the model is the best flow-type gas water heater. You can set it up once and not go near the device for a long time. The only drawback that stands out is the high price.

The correct choice of a gas water heater must be approached from the point of view of reliability and safety, since purchasing cheap equipment can lead to dire consequences. Low quality will quickly lead to repairs or complete failure of the device, so you need to clearly understand how to choose a gas water heater in order to buy the most suitable model, preferably produced by a trusted manufacturer.

    Show all

    general description

    All types of geysers have a common design and operating principle. Gas is supplied to the column through a pipe in which there is a valve that regulates the flow. Water is connected to the second pipe, where the sensor and valve are located. When the sensor is triggered, gas begins to flow through the pipe into the burner, where it ignites.

    IN modern types columns use three options for igniting gas:

    1. 1. From a hydrogenerator.
    2. 2. From batteries.
    3. 3. From the piezoelectric element.

    The last method of ignition involves pressing the key each time the column is turned on (if rational gas consumption is required). This is not always convenient, but it is much more reliable than using the automatic option, when the gas ignites from a spark supplied from a candle.

    The valve in the block begins to rise under water pressure and pushes the rod, which turns on the gas supply. Thanks to the draft, the burner turns on, water begins to flow into storage tank and warm up.

    How to choose a gas water heater (instantaneous water heater)? Selecting a geyser.

    Essential elements

    It is better to choose a geyser for a private house or apartment with a copper heat exchanger, which can be covered with solder and is not made of thin metal. Usually, only Chinese models are made of tin. Their service life is no more than 3 years. The low price of such devices is achieved due to the low quality of the tin, which burns out very quickly, which leads to the need to purchase a new speaker.

    Also an important indicator of the heat exchanger is the internal cross-section of the pipes. The wider it is, the less often you will have to clean the pipes from scale.

    The water block is also important element. It must be made of metal, although there are products made of plastic. Since the block contains a filter and a membrane that need to be replaced frequently, constant twisting wears out the plastic threads and leads to the need to replace this structural element.

    Criterias of choice

    Before choosing a gas water heater for your apartment, you need to find out the required volume of water, i.e. how much liquid will come out of the tap per minute. To do this, it is most convenient to use a water meter and remember its readings. Afterwards you need to note the time and open the tap for exactly one minute. Then turn off the water, look at the readings again and subtract the first ones from the last data. The resulting figure will help you select the required power of the model.

    If the value is less than 12 liters, then it is irrational to purchase devices with a capacity of more than 15 liters. With old pipes in the house, when the pressure in them often decreases, it is necessary to choose a gas water heater with a lower threshold for the apartment, otherwise the heater will turn off when the water pressure weakens.

    How to choose a gas boiler. Basic design data // FORUMHOUSE

    Gas and water supply

    By adjusting the water temperature, heaters can be automatic or manual. Manual setting implies the presence of two valves, with the help of which an increase in gas supply begins to lead to faster heating of the liquid. If the gas supply is not enough, you can reduce the pressure of the incoming liquid.

    The disadvantage of such speakers is the lack of gas combustion modulation. When two water intake points are turned on simultaneously, the water temperature changes, which is inconvenient, especially when a person is in this moment take a shower.

    Columns with electric ignition maintain the temperature set by the user. This is possible by modulating the flame in the burner taking into account the water pressure. The largest deviation from the set temperature parameter is in the region of 2-4 degrees.

    It is important that heating occurs smoothly during switching on, without significant changes. If the burner initially heats up the liquid strongly, followed by a gradual cooling of the latter, then you will need to wait for the water temperature to normalize, which increases its consumption.

    Kindling methods

    Speakers powered by a piezoelectric element are more reliable automatic devices. Designs with it make it possible to manually regulate the gas supply. In this equipment, you can leave the fire on the burner in normal mode, which makes it possible not to ignite the column during reuse. The flame is maintained in the burner and ignites the heating element if the sensor detects water flow.

    Speakers that are ignited by a battery-powered igniter should not be placed in rooms with high humidity. Condensation appears inside the plastic battery case. Over time, the metal elements become damp and require replacement.

    Models ignited by a hydrogen generator are quite noisy. They can make a whistle that sounds like wind. In expensive speakers, this issue is solved by soundproofing the housing. Such devices also begin to work simultaneously with the hot tap turning on. The hydrogenerator is not visible visually, since it is located inside the housing.

    How to choose a geyser

    Removal of combustion products

    Instantaneous water heaters involve the removal of combustion products. The safest option for removing carbon monoxide is considered to be a chimney with a pipeline exiting to the street. The more powerful the column, the larger the chimney diameter required. If a new water heater is purchased instead of old equipment, then it is necessary to measure the diameter installed pipe so that there is no need to dismantle it.

    On the domestic market there are designs of flow-through gas boilers without a chimney. Installing them in a confined space is dangerous to life. Also, you should not place them in rooms without good ventilation. Their installation in the bathroom is prohibited, since there is a possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning. A characteristic feature of such models is low power.

    Ventilation system

    In inexpensive models, the case does not have a bottom cover or has holes for ventilation. The disadvantage of this design is the insignificant penetration of combustion products into the room. In addition to carbon monoxide, propane is also released.

    If the apartment has normal water pressure (12-15 l/min), then you can select a column for several water intake points. Medium-power dispensers (22-25 kW) react poorly to a decrease in pressure in the system, because it becomes insufficient for automatic ignition of gas.

    Designs with high power (29−32 kW) are not used for apartments. They are installed in private homes. Many manufacturers produce modular columns that are specifically designed as a single water heating system.

    Device Security

    Most people are still afraid to install gas water heaters. Data on sales of real estate with these devices indicate that apartments with boilers are approximately 20% cheaper than the same ones, but without columns, and 75% of consumers do not even consider purchasing this property. If you approach the acquisition and operation of gas equipment wisely, then all risks can be minimized. The main thing is that the column turns off automatically if the supply of water or propane ends or the required draft decreases.

    Modern devices have various security systems:

    During purchase, it is necessary to take into account the presence of all the above-described sensors. If any of them are missing, then the column is not safe.

    Manufacturers rating

    The comparison of boilers is based on 2 indicators - for one water intake point and for two. In the rating, places are indicated taking into account the reduction in quality (according to consumer reviews):

    Once a gas boiler has been selected, you must contact service center for installation of equipment. This is the only way to get a warranty on the water heater, and saving on installation can lead to repair costs that you will have to pay for yourself. The device must be registered with the gas service, since employees of this organization are required to inspect it annually.