Christmas tree with soft needles name. Review of the best types and decorative varieties of spruce for growing in the garden. Thank you very much for the like

In most cases coniferous trees It is quite easy to identify by leaves (needles).

Photo 1. Cedar pine or Siberian cedar. Needles.

Let's start with the simplest option, but at the same time, as practice shows, the least known for the average person living in the Urals.
Quite remarkable needles, aren't they? Can you guess what kind of tree it is? This is a cedar pine. The second name of this tree is “Siberian cedar”, although the tree belongs to the genus pine. The needles of the cedar pine are noticeably longer than the needles of the Scots pine, which is why the tree looks very fluffy.
On average, the length of the needles is 7-8 cm, but can reach 12-13 centimeters, color dark green . In Yekaterinburg, this plant can be seen in the Botanical Garden on 8 March Street, near the bridge over the Iset on Malysheva Street, etc. Natural habitat: Siberia, Ural, Altai; practically never found in forests around Yekaterinburg.

Photo 2. Scots pine. Needles.

Pine is the most common coniferous tree in the Urals; in most cases, no one has problems identifying it. Pine needles are steamed (2 needles each), 4-7 cm in length, dark green colors.

Photo 3. Blue spruce. Needles.

One of the most popular coniferous trees used for landscaping cities in Russia.

Of course it is blue spruce. The needles of this spruce are very hard and prickly, they stand out for their dove-blue In color, as a rule, unlike spruce trees, the trees are fluffier - the needles are located almost perpendicular to the shoot and are 2-3 centimeters long. The needles are evenly distributed around the branch.

Photo 4. Norway spruce. Needles.

A keen eye will immediately notice differences in the shade of the needles, and if you put two spruce trees (blue and common) next to each other, the differences will become obvious to anyone. Unlike the blue spruce, which was brought (introduced) from Canada, the common spruce is well known to us since childhood, many decorate it for the New Year, and the generation of boys of the seventies and eighties of the XX century remembers these trees as excellent sticks for playing hockey with a ball, when the tip of the tree bent and the rope mesh was pulled, forming a feather. Norway spruce needles green or dark green , its rigidity and prickliness to the touch is somewhat less than that of blue spruce, largely due to the fact that the needles are less fluffy and lie closer to the branch. The length of the needles is relatively small, on average 1.5-2 cm. In mature trees, shoots with needles, branching from slightly curved central stem branches, are usually directed downwards. The appearance of a mature tree resembles a candelabra with a crystal pendant. Based on these characteristics, it is not difficult to distinguish Norway spruce from other conifers. Spruce can often be found in forests; it is the second most common coniferous tree in the Urals (more often only pine trees can be found)

Photo 5. Larch. Needles.

What is the name of a coniferous tree that sheds its leaves for the winter? Of course it's larch. But you don’t have to wait until winter to separate this conifer from others. Larch needles are very delicate and soft. The color is lighter ( light green) shade than other conifers.

Photo 6. Fir. Needles.

And finally, one of the most beautiful coniferous trees is fir. The needles of fir, relative to spruce and pine trees, are soft; in cross-section, as a rule, they have a narrow-elliptical or flat shape, unlike spruce and pine trees, whose needles in cross-section are diamond-shaped. The tips of the needles, in most cases, are either blunt or forked, and on the underside of the needles a pair of light stripes can be distinguished.

Let's look at the most popular varieties of spruce, as well as the main types of spruce and their decorative forms. After all, before landscaping your plot, you first need to thoroughly study the plants. Well, what about without conifers?
In total, 45 species of spruce grow on our planet, especially in the cold regions of the northern hemisphere. Half of the species are native to Western and Middle China and North America. In total, there are 150 decorative forms, 100 of which were introduced into Russian conditions.

Let's start with the most familiar species. This View Norway spruce (Picea Abies).
A tree familiar to everyone, familiar to middle lane. Can reach a height of 50 meters and live up to 300 years. If you want to transplant spruce from the forest to the garden, keep in mind: it prefers well-drained acidic, sandy and loamy soils. Does not tolerate stagnant water, soil salinity, or prolonged drought.

In the garden it is better to use decorative forms and varieties of spruce:
Norway spruce, variety ‘ Compacta:
The height and width of the crown of this form are the same - 1.5-2 meters (sometimes up to 6 meters).
Norway spruce, variety Echiniformis ‘ :

The dwarf form reaches a height of only 20 cm with a width of 40 cm. The color of the needles is from yellow-green to gray-green, and the crown is cushion-shaped.
Norway spruce, variety ‘ Nidiformis :

A dwarf form with an unusual crown - it resembles a nest, as the branches on the trunk grow bell-shaped and fan-shaped.
Norway spruce, variety "Acrocona" :

The height of an adult plant is 3 m, width is 4 m. The annual growth is 8 cm in height and 10 cm in width. A spruce variety with raised and arched branches, young cones are bright red. The needles are dark green. Does not tolerate stagnation of water, salinity and dry soil. Highly winter-hardy. Shade-tolerant.
A very impressive spruce!
Norway spruce, variety “Inversa” :
A special variety of spruce with a weeping crown. Height - up to 6 m, width - up to 2 m, annual growth in height - 15 cm, width - 10 cm. In order for this spruce to grow upward, it is necessary to direct the top.
The spruce acquires the height that is given to it.
Norway spruce, variety "Maxwellii" :
The height and width of an adult plant is 1.2 m. The annual growth in height and width is 5-10 cm. The shape of the crown is cushion-shaped. The needles are very thick, hard and pointed, yellowish-green. Frost-resistant. Shade-tolerant.
Norway spruce, grade "Ohlendorffii" :
Spruce varieties. The height of an adult plant is 3 m, width is 2.5 m. The crown is dense, round at a young age, then wide-conical.
The needles are green, sharp, shiny. The cones are first bright red, then reddish-brown. Does not tolerate stagnant water and dry soil. Undemanding, grows on moderately wealthy nutrients soils ranging from acidic to alkaline. Shade-tolerant, frost-resistant.
Norway spruce, variety “Pygmea” :

The height of an adult plant is 1.5 m, width is 2 m. It grows well in all types of moderately moist soils, but prefers well-fertilized, fresh soils. Avoid planting in places with excessive moisture. Winter hardiness is high. It is recommended to shake off the crown after heavy snowfalls to avoid damage to the branches by snow load.
Can grow in both sun and partial shade.
Norway spruce, variety “Repens” :

The height of an adult plant is 30 cm, width - 1.5 m. Annual growth in height is 3 cm, width - 5 cm. Although the plant is shade-tolerant, it is better for it to choose illuminated, sunny places. In conditions of even slight shading, the shoots become excessively elongated and the crown becomes loose. It does not make any special demands on the soil. Can grow on any moderately nutritious and moist garden soil, except heavy and dry ones. Winter-hardy.
Norway spruce, variety “Tompa” :

The height of an adult plant is 1 m, width -1.5 m. Compact, slow-growing variety, with beautiful thick needles. It grows very slowly, so it retains its elegant shape almost unchanged for many years without pruning. and additional care. It grows well both in the sun and in partial shade, even tolerates shady places. Undemanding to soil.

Species Prickly spruce (Picea pungens) :

In culture it grows up to 25 meters in height, and in nature - up to 45. It lives up to a hundred years. Its crown is pyramidal, and its branches form regular dense tiers. The needles are very prickly (hence the name), color varies from green to light blue and silver. Prickly spruce is quite resistant to atmospheric pollution, but in urban conditions it must be washed with water at least three times a month. Photophilous. Does not tolerate waterlogging and too fertile soil.

The most popular varieties of prickly spruce:
Prickly spruce, varietyArgentea ‘ :
Form with silver-white needles. A tall tree, reaches 25 m in height, crown width - 4 m. The crown is pyramidal. The branches form horizontal, regular and dense tiers, or droop under different angles. Very beautiful are the specimens in which the branches are arranged evenly in regular tiers around the circumference of the trunk from the ground to the very top. Resistant to air pollution. Drought-resistant and winter-hardy.
Prickly spruce, variety ‘ Glauka :
An adult tree reaches a height of 10 - 15 m, a width of 7-8 m. The crown is conical, the branches are arranged in dense regular tiers, horizontally or under small angle. The needles are blue with a steel tint, hard, very prickly; with excessive doses nitrogen fertilizers The bluish color may disappear due to the intensive growth of shoots and an insufficiently thick layer of waxy coating, on which the intensity of the blue color depends. Winter-hardy, easily adaptable, prefers soils that are relatively dry to fresh, well-drained, sandy-gravel or sandy loam. Tolerates urban conditions well, drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Photophilous.
Prickly spruce, variety ‘ Hoopsii :
An adult tree reaches a height of 10 m and a width of 4 m. The annual growth is -10 12 cm. The needles are needle-shaped, sharp, hard, 2-3 cm long, rich blue in color with a silver tint. The needles remain on the branches for up to 4-6 years. It is considered the bluest variety among spruce trees! The branches do not break under the weight of wet snow. It gives an excellent effect in May - June, due to the contrast of young, light blue growths and old, rich blue needles. Grows and develops well in sunny, well-lit places. Soil requirements are average. Prefers fresh, well-drained, sandy and loamy soils. Does not tolerate stagnant water or dry soil.
Prickly spruce, variety ‘ Glauka Globosa :

The blue form, unlike the tall forms of prickly spruce, reaches a height of only one meter.
Prickly spruce, variety “Erich Frahm” :
An adult plant reaches a height of 10 m and a width of 4 m. The annual growth is 5 cm in height and 10 cm in width. The shape of the crown is pyramidal. Photophilous. It is demanding on soil fertility and moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging. In the first year after planting, shading in the spring is necessary. Used for single and group plantings. Tolerates pruning well.
Prickly spruce, variety “Iseli Fastigiata” :
The height of an adult plant is 5 m, width is 1.5 m. The annual growth is 20 cm in height, 10 cm in width. The crown shape is narrow-conical, compact. Photophilous. It is drought-resistant, but develops better in soils with sufficient moisture and well-drained, and does not tolerate waterlogging. Winter hardiness is high. Not damaged by pests and diseases.
Prickly spruce, variety “Koster” :
The height of an adult plant is 10 m, width is 5 m. Annual growth is 20 cm in height, 15 cm in width. The crown shape is conical and symmetrical. A fast-growing beautiful tree with drooping branches. The needles are hard, prickly, bluish-green or silver-blue in color, with a light waxy coating.
Winter hardiness is high. It is photophilous, undemanding to growing conditions and soils, but grows better on chernozems and loams, tolerates temporary excess moisture, is wind-resistant, and tolerates pruning well.
Prickly spruce, variety "Montgomery" :
The height of an adult plant is 2 m, width is 1.5 m. Annual growth in height and width is 5 cm. The crown shape is wide-conical. Photophilous. Does not tolerate waterlogging. It tolerates drought better than other types of spruce, but develops better on moderately moist soils. High frost resistance. Tolerates pruning well. To maintain a round or squat crown shape, it is necessary to remove vertically growing recurrent shoots. In dry weather, sprinkling is necessary in the evening. In the first year after planting - shading in the spring. Growing very slowly!
Prickly spruce, variety "Oldenburg" :
An adult plant reaches 10 m in height and 5 m in width. The annual growth is 30 cm in height and 15 cm in width. The crown shape is wide-conical. The needles are needle-shaped, dense, hard, prickly, steel-blue in color. Grows quickly. Photophilous. It is undemanding to soils, but grows better on chernozems and loams and tolerates temporary excess moisture. Frost-resistant, tolerates frost well.

Species Canadian spruce (gray) - (Picea glauca) :
She is also called white spruce or gray spruce . The color of its needles is grayer than that of our common spruce, and the bark is ash-gray. This is a tall tree up to 20-30 meters tall. The crown is dense, cone-shaped. The branches of young plants are directed obliquely upward, while those of old trees are lowered. Canadian spruce is undemanding to soils, winter-hardy and quite drought-resistant. Lives 300-500 years.

About twenty decorative forms of Canadian spruce are known. And the most popular varieties of Canadian spruce:
Canadian spruce, variety ‘ Conica :
Dwarf, form up to 1.5 meters tall. It is especially recommended to grow it in containers on the roofs of houses, terraces and balconies, as well as on rocky hills and in group plantings.
Canadian spruce, variety ‘ Alberta Blue :
Spectacular blue conical shape!
Canadian spruce, variety ‘ Echiniformis :

Mini form up to 0.5 meters high. Particularly good in heather and rocky gardens.
Canadian spruce, variety "Alberta Globe" :

As an adult, the plant reaches a height of 0.7 m and a width of 1 m. The annual growth in height and width is 2-3 cm, and grows very slowly. The crown shape is dome-shaped. The shoots are thin, short, the needles are soft, often located, very decorative, 6-9 mm long. Soil and moisture requirements are average. Recommended for rock gardens, group plantings and container growing. Frost-resistant.
Canadian spruce, variety “Zuckerhut” :
The height of an adult plant is 1 m, width is 0.5 m, slow-growing. Annual growth in height and width is 2-3 cm. The crown shape is conical and dense. The needles are needle-shaped, radial, light green, very soft. Grows in all fresh or moist, moderately nutrient-rich soils, ranging from acidic to alkaline. Shade-tolerant. Frost-resistant. Shade from the spring sun.

Serbian spruce (Picea omorica).
This species grows in the mountains of Yugoslavia. The tree is tall, up to 45 meters, the crown is narrow-pyramidal. Thin branches are raised upward. Serbian spruce is undemanding to soil and lives up to 300 years. It is one of the fastest growing spruce species. The needles are two-colored: shiny dark green above, two noticeable white stripes below, creating the general impression that the tree has bluish-green needles.
Numerous purple-brown cones also add beauty and elegance to this plant. Does not tolerate stagnant water and soil compaction. Frost-resistant. The most popular varieties of Serbian spruce are:
Serbian spruce, variety ‘ Minima :

Dwarf form, similar to the Nana garden form. An adult plant reaches a height of 20-25 cm, a width of 0.5 m, an annual increase in height and width of 3-4 cm. The needles are shiny, hard, prickly, short (no more than 1 cm), very densely sitting on shoots. The needles are green above and silver-blue below. Minima can grow both in sunny areas and in light shade. Prefers soils that are drained, moderately nutritious and moist; light loam or sandy loam is desirable. It grows poorly on heavy soils. Doesn't tolerate waterlogging at all upper layers soils and their compaction. Winter hardiness is high.
Serbian spruce, variety “Nana” :

The height of an adult plant is 3 m, width is 3 m. Annual growth is 3 cm in height, 2 cm in width, slow-growing. The crown shape is correct and symmetrical. This is very ornamental plant will serve as an excellent decoration for the garden, both when planted alone on the lawn, and when used in groups and rocky gardens. The needles are dark green and shiny on the upper side, white-blue on the lower side.
Prefers moderately dry and moist soils, is generally undemanding, but does not tolerate compacted soils with stagnant water. Frost-resistant.
Serbian spruce, variety “Pendula” :
The height of an adult plant is 5 m, width is 1 m. Annual growth in height is 3 cm, in width is 2 cm. Slow growing. The shape of the crown is columnar and curved. It is distinguished by a narrow columnar shape, with strongly drooping branches adjacent to the trunk. The needles are flat, two-colored - shiny dark green on top, bluish-white at the bottom with two white stripes. The needles are dark green and thick. Undemanding to soil, frost-resistant.

Species of Engelmann's spruce (Picea engelmannii)

This tree is up to 30-50 meters tall. Its crown is dense, pyramidal, the branches are slightly drooping. Durable, lives 300-400 years. The needles are silvery-gray, hard, pointed and prickly (but softer than those of prickly spruce). Engelmann spruce is winter-hardy. Prefers much moister soil than most North American species. Propagated by seeds, cuttings, grafting. The most popular varieties of Engelmann spruce are:
Engelmann spruce, variety ‘ Glauka :
The height of an adult plant is 10 m, width - 3 m. Annual growth is 20 cm in height, 5 cm in width. The shape of the crown is asymmetrical, dense, pyramidal. The needles are silver-blue, 2.5 cm long, relatively soft and flexible. Side shoots drooping. Any soil, drained, moderately moist. Photophilous, drought-resistant and frost-resistant.

Species Eastern or Caucasian spruce (Picea orientalis)
One of the main forest-forming species of mountain forests in the western part of the Caucasus, as well as Anatolia (Turkey) and the northern countries of Asia Minor. The height of an adult plant is up to 65 m. The trunk diameter is up to 2 m. It is one of the most decorative fir trees with short needles . The flattened tetrahedral needles, 0.4-0.8 cm long, are densely located on the shoots. When young - light golden. Later she accepts dark green coloring The species is capable of growing on thin soils, but is sensitive to drought and hot winds, and is moisture-loving. The species is extremely shade-tolerant. The species is sensitive to frost (zone 4). The most popular varieties of eastern spruce are:
Eastern spruce ‘Aureospicata’ :
A tree with a narrow conical crown and drooping asymmetrical lateral branches. Height 10-12 m and width 4-6 m. Annual growth in height is 15 cm, width is 5 cm. It is distinguished by light golden needles on young shoots. At the beginning of summer it becomes dark green, hard, shiny, short, 0.4-0.8 cm. The cones are cylindrical or ovoid, 5-8 cm long, 2-3 cm in diameter, purple before ripening, then brown. Photophilous, tolerates slight shading. Prefers fresh and moist, nutrient-rich, acidic or alkaline soils. Not frost-resistant enough in Moscow and the Moscow region; it freezes slightly in Poland and Scandinavia (zone 5b). It should be planted in a place protected from cold winds. Tolerates haircuts well. Recommended for planting on the border of a garden and a rock garden.
Eastern spruce 'Bergman's Gem' :
A miniature tree with short and shiny dark green needles. At a young age, the crown of this spruce has elongated shape, then takes the shape of a ball, and then a pillow shape. An adult plant reaches 60 cm in height and 90 cm in width. The plant loves light or slightly shaded areas. Over the course of a year, the spruce grows 7-8 cm.
Eastern spruce ‘Skylands’ :
A tree with a pyramidal crown and short dense needles, which all year round has a golden color. It reaches 11 m in height and 2 m in width, but grows slowly - no more than 8-15 cm per year, and even more slowly at a young age (at 10 years it can have a height of 1.6 m). One of the most popular varieties of spruce.

Species Spruce Ayanskaya, or Iezskaya - (Picea jezoensis) :

An adult tree reaches a height of 8 - 10 m. The needles are flat, 12-20 x 1.2 mm, keeled on both sides, blunt or with a short point, dark and shiny above, with whitish stomatal stripes below. Cones are 3-8.5 x 1.5-3 cm, greenish or purple before maturity. Mature scales are light, thin, with a wavy, jagged edge, and loosely arranged. Found in the Far East, Korea, and Japan. In cultivation since 1861. Very winter-hardy, and quite beautiful with the silvery shade of tousled needles. The most popular varieties of Ayan spruce are:
Spruce ayanskaya ‘Aurea‘ :

Neat pyramidal shape. The needles are yellow, quite bright, with a noticeable whitish underside.
Spruce ayanskaya ‘Nana Kalous’ (‘Marianske Lazne’, ‘Marienbad’, P. sitchensis ‘Nana Kalous’).

Dwarf upright form without a central leader. The bluish underside of the needles is well defined. Witch's broom.

Species Siberian spruce (Picea obovata)

Grows in northern Europe and Asia to Kamchatka and Manchuria. It is more adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the northeastern part of our country. Very frost-resistant, undemanding to soil fertility and moisture, shade-tolerant. It grows up to 30 m (by the age of 12 the height is 4 m), the crown is cone-shaped, the needles are dark green, 1-2 cm long, the cones are 6-7 cm long, shiny, dense, red-brown.
Siberian spruce "Glauca" :
Of the decorative forms, the most interesting for amateur gardening is fast-growing Glauca with silver-white needles. This spruce reproduces well by seeds.

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Coniferous trees give the impression of majestic representatives of the flora and give the garden area a more solemn appearance. However, not every gardener can decide to plant such a massive tree, and then dwarf varieties of spruce will be an excellent alternative. Compact types fit comfortably in a summer cottage, do not take up much space and fit well into the exterior of the garden.


Depending on the species, dwarf spruce trees can be different sizes. Thus, full-grown crops reach a height of 3 m, semi-dwarf - 30 cm, dwarf - 8-15 cm, mini-dwarfs - 38 cm, and micro-dwarfs do not grow higher than 3 cm. This is a conditional classification, but it allows the gardener who owns small area, make the right choice.

Externally, dwarf spruce trees look the same as their tall relatives, only they are presented in miniature. These instances do not take up much space and allow you to create garden compositions throughout the year. Decorative types They winter well, and in the New Year they can be used as a Christmas tree in a pot.

The disadvantages of dwarf spruce trees include their vulnerability to fungi, but this problem is easily solved by timely removal of dry branches and treatment with fungicides.

The disadvantages of miniature varieties include their tendency to fade faster when exposed to sunlight, as well as the fragility of some types.

Types and varieties with descriptions

Most often, plant growers prefer to purchase the following types of dwarf spruce trees for planting.

  • Ordinary. Medium-sized species reach a height of 3 m, and low-growing ones - 1.2 m. Different varieties can have needles of different colors from golden to poisonous green. The crown is cushion-shaped or pyramid-shaped, which looks very aesthetically pleasing in garden design.
  • Prickly. Miniature forms are not often found in this variety, and they are limited to a height of 2 m. A special feature is the very sharp needles. This species has needles in bluish, steel, silver, and greenish shades.
  • Gray. The name of the species was determined by the ash-gray color of the trunk and the bluish tint of the needles. Dwarf varieties are characterized by a spherical or nest-like shape. The color of the needles varies from golden through blue to lush green.

Most famous dwarf varieties in agricultural technology are the following.

  • Nidiformis. The common spruce is nest-shaped, which at 10 years of age reaches a height of 0.4 m. The needles are light green.

  • Little Gem. Another variety of common spruce, which has a semicircular shape. Grows up to 0.5 m. Often used as a standard form.

  • Will's Zwerg. The tree reaches a height of 1.2 m. Young needles have a delicate green tint and contrast very well with old dark green needles.

  • Pygmaea. This type of Norway spruce has an elegant round crown 2.5 m in diameter, and the tree grows up to 1.5 m. The needles are painted light green.

  • Formanek. This common variety has recumbent branches and no trunk. It has a one-sided crown, and its height reaches 0.5 m. The color of the needles is similar to the classic tall species.

  • Glauca Globosa. This variety belongs to the group of thorny spruce trees. Can grow up to 3 m in height and width. The needles are thick, pale blue in color.

  • Push. A variety of prickly spruce that attracts gardeners with its unusual fruits- soft pink cones. Gradually, the shade of the cones turns into crimson, and the ripe fruits have a brown-brown color. This tree rarely reaches 1 m in height and is often grafted onto a standard tree, on which its growth depends.

  • Canadian spruce. This bluish variety includes many subspecies. At the age of 60 years, the height of the plant does not exceed 4 m. The needles tend to fade in the sun or fly off. In some species, the needles have a soft yellow color, which by summer becomes filled with a light green tint.

  • Serbian spruce. The height of the specimen is up to 3.5 m, and the diameter of the crown is 2.5 m. The needles of this species are painted in two colors, dark green on top and light blue below.

Before choosing a variety, the gardener needs to study the prospects of an adult plant and decide how suitable the variety is for a particular garden plot. Perhaps you should take into account not only the size of the future tree, but also its external features and combination with other garden plantings.

So, varieties are suitable for rock gardens Nidiformis, Little Gem, Canadian spruce. For container growing experienced gardeners recommend choosing again Canadian varieties, as well as types common spruce. For small gardens and cottages for group or single plantings, you can choose Will" s Zwerg, Pygmaea, Serbian spruce Nana. There are species that grow well on rocky hills, these include Formanek, Glauca Globosa, Nana.

In addition, when choosing a seedling, give preference to a specimen grown in a Russian nursery - it is more adapted for growing in our harsh conditions. The buyer should consider how much time he is willing to spend on maintaining the tree. For example, if the garden owner does not have time to wrap the plant at the end of winter to protect it from burns, then it is better to abandon some varieties of Canadian dwarf spruce.

Take into account the climatic conditions of the region. Most species are considered frost-resistant, and blue conifers also have high drought resistance compared to other varieties.


The most favorable time for planting a coniferous tree is early spring or early autumn. To prevent the young specimen from becoming a victim of frost or rodents, it is important to mulch it with peat before the cold weather. In nature, spruce trees grow well near river valleys, but they do not like very swampy areas. Therefore, when choosing a place for planting, also take these criteria into account and, if necessary, take care of drainage.

Fertile alkaline and acidic soil. Dwarf forms do not tolerate heavy types of soil. Before planting the sprout, it is recommended to add 100 g of complex mineral fertilizer to the selected area. Consider neighboring plantings as well.

For example, many flowers and shrubs cannot develop without the sun, and a spruce planted nearby will block their vital light.

The process of planting a shoot is as follows:

  • dig a hole in the area and arrange a drainage layer;
  • remove a specimen of dwarf spruce from the pot along with a lump of earth and plant it in the prepared hole;
  • make sure that the tree stands level;
  • fill it up free space soil, water and mulch this area.


Dwarf forms are usually watered once a week with 10 liters of water. Moreover, it is better to supply young sprouts with water in small doses several times a day so that they evenly absorb moisture. To improve biological processes, it is recommended to spray trees warm water. If the spruce is already mature, then it will live without watering for two weeks in a non-arid climate.

Dwarf specimens are adversely affected by overfeeding. When applying fertilizers, do not exceed the dosage specified in the instructions. Be careful with growth stimulants - do not overdo it, otherwise the dwarf form will turn into a tall crop. Trees require annual pruning, which occurs in April. During the procedure, all branches that are broken and injured during the winter are eliminated, and the crown is also cleared away.

If pruning has a decorative purpose, then it is usually done in June, after the active growth phase has passed. It is important to treat all cuts with garden varnish, since dwarf spruce trees are very unstable to infection. Young specimens do not survive well low temperatures, and therefore they are covered with spruce branches before frosts. For adult Christmas trees additional protection will not need.

All over the world they are called Pinophyta - Pine. We usually call them Coniferous trees. Distinctive feature taxa - Needles, Needles.
Remember the children's song: “What grows on the Christmas tree? Cones and needles" Coniferous tree with large needles: spruce, pine, fir, cedar, larch. Who has more needles - spruce or pine? Can you always distinguish spruce from pine, and fir from cedar?

Which pine tree has the longest and largest needles? Coniferous tree with large needles

Pine North America Long Pine Leaf. As the name suggests, Longleaf pine has the largest needles. The needles reach a length of 45 cm, hanging gracefully on the short branches of a mature tree. Once mature, the needles remain on the tree for ten years or more.

It is also called Swamp pine, Southern pine, yellow pine, Georgia pine, and pinyon pine. This marvel, a conifer with large needles, grows from southern Virginia to Florida and west to Mississippi.

What are pine needles?

Pine needles are the leaves of a pine tree. The leaf begins its growth in dense tufts of pine branches. Over the course of three to five years, the needles mature. Some fall off at the end of the ripening period, others stay on the tree for many years. On a coniferous tree, needles grow in different lengths. With an average needle length of, say, 10 cm, some needles will be 8 cm and others will be 12 cm.

About a hundred species of pine trees grow in modern world. Most conifers live in the Northern Hemisphere. Conifers that grow in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa are not native to these areas; they were introduced into these areas.

Which coniferous species have large needles? — Coniferous trees with large needles

  • Benguet pine (Pinus insularis), needles 23 cm, grows in the Philippines, Burma and southern China.
  • Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii), needles 20 -30 cm long, grow in the Himalayas
  • Guatemala pine trees (Pinus pseudostrobus), needles about 40 cm long, grow in Mexico and Central America.
  • Telecote or Mexican yellow pine (Pinus procumbens), has needles up to 30 cm, grows in Mexico.
  • Montezuma pine (Pinus montezumae) with needles up to 38 cm, grows in Mexico and Guatemala. Some are grown in Southern California.
  • Canary Island pines (Pinus canariensis) with 20 - 30 cm needles, are native to the Canary Islands, but some grow in Southern California.
  • Torrey pine (Pinus torreyana), also called Del Mar Pine or Soledad Pine. The needles of these trees are up to 35 cm in length. Its natural habitat is a nature reserve north of San Diego and on Santa Rosa Island.
  • Digger pine (Pinus sabiniana) from California, 20-30 cm needles.
  • Coulter pine trees (Pinus coulteri) have on average 25 cm long needles.
  • Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi), with needles 15-25 cm.