What developments are people willing to pay for? The most unusual services that people are willing to pay for. The formula for money or the formula for a successful business. What are people willing to pay for? How to get rich

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Today I thought about the topic of what people are willing to pay money for and the habits of the poor.

What we are willing to pay money for:

He will always pay for his good health, the good health of his children,

He will always strive to look younger (and youth must be paid for, believe me, the older we get, the stronger this desire),

Every day, take care of your snow-white smile (beautiful and healthy teeth are the key to a beautiful smile), hair, body,

They want to drink every day clean water and eat fresh food.

Every housewife wants to have a well-kept home and at the same time spend less time and effort,

Each family will pay for the education of their children and their own education,

Absolutely every person will give gifts to their loved ones and relatives,

Look for answers to the most pressing questions: where and how to make money, where to learn it

But then you need your product to be in demand, among other similar ones. How to do it? The price=quality ratio is The best decision, for which a grateful consumer will thank you for a long time in specie (with a growing bank account).

10 habits that lead to poverty(Or 10 reasons not to be happy)

1. Feeling sorry for yourself.

Poverty-minded people feel sorry for themselves and believe that they are not destined to be rich. Someone feels sorry for themselves for being born a woman (because men more possibilities), some people feel sorry for themselves for having a full figure (because slim people get better jobs), some people mourn their height, nationality, skin color, religion of their ancestors, some people feel sorry for themselves for not yet getting married and did not get married, others cry because of the ring on their ring finger or because of the divorce stamp, the young see the source of problems in inexperience, the elderly - in their age. What do you think, if a person feels sorry for himself because of some unimportant fact and focuses on it all day, what will the people around him do? Feeling sorry for yourself is a great way to gain a multi-ton anchor that will stop you on the path of personal development and ensure eternal poverty. Feeling sorry for yourself is the most best method looking for low-paying jobs and finding a miserable existence.

2. Greed.

A constant search for a price tag with the inscription “Discount” and a store with a “Sale” banner, an unwillingness to pay for a good education for your children (because no one helped you), the desire to force employees of your own company to work as much as possible for as little money as possible - these are the right ones signs that poor people's second habit is already in you. The desire for total savings is not a sign of wisdom, but an indicator that you are experiencing an imbalance of income and expenses and are approaching its resolution from the wrong direction. A person programmed for wealth is ready to pay their real value for things and generously reward the work of his assistants - and expects the same from others

3. Doing things you hate.

Katya hates washing dishes, but no one wants to help her. Ivan hates walking the dog, but is too lazy to build an enclosure for it. Sergei Petrovich becomes furious at the need to prepare a quarterly report, but none of his deputies are able to do it. Lisa despises being an auditor, but this is the only way she can pay for the loan she took out to buy a car last summer. All these people are prepared for failure and poverty - the reason for this is the feeling that the need to do unpleasant things evokes in them. The key to breaking the poor man's third habit is to do not what is necessary, but what gives the most satisfaction. Only in this area will you achieve excellent results!

4. Measuring success with money.

A poor man is sure that only having a certain amount of money can bring him joy. Only a certain amount in the bank account can give him the opportunity to feel happiness through designer clothes, a beautiful mansion, travel, independence from his husband or parents, or quitting his job. But practice shows that happiness never comes. A successful person measures happiness in units that are more meaningful than dollars, rubles or yuan. What exactly - everyone decides for themselves. (Debatable)

5. Spending more money than you can afford.

Credit cards and smiling bank employees will be happy to help you get out of debt. After all, a person who does not want to become successful does not want to understand the difference between a useful loan taken for development own business, and a disastrous loan for the purchase of a luxury foreign car or a huge mansion. Although many in the USA live on loans that are passed on from generation to generation.

6. Choosing instant benefits.

The desire to get everything immediately and to the maximum is an eternal characteristic of poor people. They are unable to understand that by getting a position with an average salary in a reputable company, in a few years you can have much more than if you pay attention only to how much you get in a month. Students who are ready to fail say that the institute only takes away their time, which could be spent on “making profits.” You can, for example, start working on the forex exchange, where forex trading signals provided by the service allow you to significantly increase your own deposits up to 10% monthly, making you a confident broker, or you can be left without your last pants on the same forex. (Hero in the picture for the post)

7. Whining.

Is life hard? Just terrible? There is discrimination, corruption, rudeness, crime all around - for you, to a normal person, there is no road to success? Every potential loser would agree with all this. The vaccine against this habit is creativity. Find unique opportunities to fight vices external environment, emerge victorious from an initially unfavorable situation for you!

8. Comparing yourself with others.

Petya thinks that he is better than his classmates because he is the only one who graduated from the eighth grade with excellent marks. Vasya is sure that he is worse than all his friends, because he is the only one who does not work during the summer holidays. Roma despises his brother because he doesn’t yet have a Lexus, which Roman bought yesterday. And Lena wants to strangle her friend because she has more fans. All these people have a well-developed eighth habit of a loser - the desire to compare themselves with others. Think about whether you need this habit or is it better to prevent the outside world from taking control of the inside?

9. Measuring wealth in money.

Truly rich people not only broke the connection between happiness and money (by getting rid of the fourth habit of the poor), but also crossed out the equal sign between the size of the account and the concept of wealth. Real wealth is the ability to attract money, create it empty space, organize new types of business - and then you will not be afraid of any taxes from the gene. prosecutors, no robbery or stolen credit card numbers. For real successful man does not depend on the volume of your own bag of gold.

10. Isolating yourself from your own family.

Great losers are those who distance themselves from their own family, explaining this by the unwillingness of its members to support them in difficult times, lend money, understand, share beliefs, and the like. They do not understand that family is an excellent source of internal support that can be turned to when there is nothing else left in all other areas of life.

Most beginning entrepreneurs ask themselves this question: what product should I offer people so that they will buy it, i.e. pay me money? What will be in demand and what will not? How can you earn the most money by starting your own business?

I’ll lift the veil for you: we all give the money we earn to someone, otherwise we would never have had problems with money. Let's exclude from this the costs associated with paying for our current

necessary payments (utilities, telephone, internet, gardening and the like - you can’t do without it). Let’s talk about what we spend the rest of the money on, perhaps up to 30% of our salary monthly (sometimes we got it with such difficulty), but are we spending? What do you think a person will always spend part of his remaining money on throughout his life? I hope you thought correctly:

He will always pay for his good health, the good health of his children,

He will always strive to look younger (and youth must be paid for, believe me, the older we get, the stronger this desire),

-Take care of your snow-white smile every day (and beautiful and healthy teeth are the key to a beautiful smile), hair, body,

- Every day they want to drink clean water,

-Every housewife wants to have a well-kept home and at the same time spend less time and effort,

Each family will pay for the education of their children and their own education,

Absolutely every person will give gifts to their loved ones and relatives,

Look for answers to the most pressing questions: where and how to make money, where to learn it,

It turns out that we spend quite a lot of money on satisfying our most basic needs every day, and we give it to someone who can give it to us. And the largest trade turnover in the world is made on the most ordinary products, services of everyday demand and for everyone.

But how can you make the consumer buy your product, your product?

The main thing here is: the ratio of price and quality (i.e. benefits), if you can catch this, then the buyer is yours.

But today in the world more and more smart buyers are teaming up with manufacturers, bypassing intermediaries, creating the most basic consumer networks, where high quality product becomes affordable for everyone, since there are no intermediary markups, and where the manufacturer or network organizer is ready to give part of his profit to the smartest buyers for inviting other people to his consumer networks. The most famous businessmen today are engaged in creating consumer networks, buying or creating network companies.

Donald Trump- the largest developer in New York (many of the city's skyscrapers are his work), owner of a number of clubs, golf courses, casinos, a major beauty contest among women, host of an American reality show about business.

A man who at one time had a debt of 9.5 billion dollars, but managed to get out of the hole, is the author of world bestsellers about financial success, and in general interesting person went to MLM.

Without departing from his brand traditions, he named the company simply and clearly - The Trump Networks. There are not many products, and what is there is not anything outstanding. Here the reason for the mega interest, of course, lies in Trump himself. In his name. in his personality.

A billionaire with multiple sources of income opens another one, and no less - an MLM company. This is another blow to skeptics around the world.

Another famous and even richer man Warren Buffett , according to the majority of his colleagues, - the luckiest investor, who made his capital by investing in stocks.

When choosing objects for investment, Buffett adheres exclusively to fundamental analysis - he selects shares based on the financial and production indicators of the issuing companies. He buys not just shares, but a successful business that stands behind these securities.

Buffett, who is also called “ Oracle of Omaha” for his investment sense, I also became friends with the MLM industry. True, unlike Trump, he saw new trend MLM business development.

Now a little more about what Warren Buffett made a big bet on.

Warren Buffett has been the owner of The Washington Post Company since 1973. Kaplan University is the largest and fastest growing parent division of The Washington Post Company. Kaplan University is one of the top ten universities in the world.

Now Kaplan is:
- More than 600 educational institutions in more than 30 countries;
- More than one million students every year;
- 31,000 employees worldwide;

And what does MLM have to do with it?

And here's what it has to do with it. What distinguishes successful, prosperous people from the ordinary, average person?

Of course knowledge. Warren saw the future, when with the help of MLM and the Internet can be give people education,

both traditional and special. This is education It will be much cheaper and more convenient.

Thiseducation will be available to everyone, regardless of social status, and your location.

I hope now many aspiring entrepreneurs should think about the following:

What business to start, what people always need and

what are they willing to pay for?.prospects


Robert Kiyosaki- investor, businessman and famous writer. He is the author of the business business game " Cash flow 101" (Cashflow 101) and the famous book "Rich dad, poor dad", which convincingly show us that the rich teach their children money management, financial management - but middle class and poor people do not.

He says, "My rich dad used to say, 'The richest people in the world look for and build networks, and the rest of us look for work.'


An entrepreneur views the Internet as a huge platform on which there are future or current clients of the company, and website Examples: corporate website, blog, online store, media, informational portal, thematic portal, services, forum, social network or a website page - like an office, where you can use them communicate Examples: inform about the assortment, new arrivals of goods, discounts, sales, tariffs, details, convince of the quality of the product, discredit competitors. And it is he who someone who wants to sell something Examples: electrical equipment store, furniture, clothing, shoes, household chemicals..., manufacturer of sporting goods, heating equipment, aviation equipment, medicines, baby food..., travel agency, restaurant, plant or animal nursery, circus, theater or musical group, taxi, law office, owner of a used car, computer, sofa..., primarily invests money and the Internet.

Domain Administrator
Domain name registrarPer use domain Examples: yandex.ru, google.com, vk.com, website
(domain name reseller)
For re-registering a domain in your name
Site owner
Hosting companyFor hosting site files on the server (so that the site is present on the Internet)
To the designerFor designing the user interface and its artistic design (to make the site look beautiful)
To the layout designerFor creating the page layout (so that the site is displayed in a browser window; code used: HTML, CSS)
To the programmerFor developing programs (so that you can interact with the site; code used: Assembly, BASIC, C, Java, JavaScript, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby)
HackerFor reporting a vulnerability in the program (so that the site cannot be hacked)
Usability specialistFor recommendations that will lead to improvement of the user interface: it should become intuitive and persuade a person to take the desired action, for example, make an order (so that the site is convenient and brings more profit)
CopywriterFor an article, translation, advertising text, fabricated review of a product/service/company, a comment that unobtrusively offers a product or support for a particular political course (so that there is something to see on the site)
SEO optimizer search engines Examples: Yandex, Google
SMO and SMM optimizerFor increasing the number of visitors from social networks Examples: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Instagram, forums, blogs
To the specialized service and program ownerBehind tools that solve SEO or marketing problems Examples: mass controlled automatic email distribution, analysis of call statistics,
OtherFor creating high-quality presentations, videos, photographs, banners, etc.
Tenant or buyer of the site
To the site ownerFor renting a website/section of a website
For a ready-made website, which may already have regular visitors
Information siteFor posting an article
For placement and one or two offers
For placement
For placement
For adding a commercial to the video
To an intermediary participating in the affiliate program (including arbitrageur)For attracting a buyer
Service intermediary between buyer and seller Examples: Yandex.Market, Telderi, Avito, HeadHunter, Mamba, gambling sites For attracting the final buyer, for organizing comfortable conditions, for guaranteeing a fair deal, for highlighting an ad, for increasing its position


Since banks began to have personal online accounts, there have been more buyers, as it has become easier to transfer money online.

Buyer of goods/services
Online store, private personBehind product Examples: clothing, shoes, children's toys, Appliances , incl. made or grown by hand Examples: dolls, embroidered tablecloths, caricatures from photographs, cakes, puppies, aquarium fish
Organizations, individualsBehind services Examples: padding tax return, development architectural project, utilities and communication services, it is often practiced to order and pay for a ticket for a train, plane, concert, theater or circus performance
To the owner of the programBehind program Examples: graphic editors (the most famous of which is Photoshop), video editors, anti-virus programs, games, paid applications, programs that allow you to build product sales forecasts (for logisticians)
Behind advanced program features Examples: only the paid option allows you to take a screenshot of the entire page (including scrolling); a tank in “World of Tanks” can be purchased for real money, and not the experience accumulated by the player
To the owner of the information productBehind e-book, film, clip, audio recording
Online payment service Examples: Yandex.Money, WebMoney, Sberbank, Alfa-Bank For conducting cashless online transactions
Web projectBehind access to the information Examples: to the resume database; to the base of regulatory legal acts; to the telephone database of residential property owners in Sochi who rent out real estate
To the consultantBehind paid recommendations Examples: consultations with a lawyer, accountant, psychotherapist, blogger, training, online trainings

Other (high risks)

Not many web projects can boast multiple sources of funding. These include HeadHunter. You definitely need to take a look at his ideas: for employers, for those wishing to find a job, for advertisers. It collects money from everyone, offers additional paid tools, but at the same time does not look cheap and has a huge audience. Bravo!

Working on the Internet: how can you make real money?

So, there is both money and work on the Internet! But here everything is just like offline. There are large players, such as Svyaznoy, Eldorado, M-Video, who own the majority of the pie, and small ones who get the crumbs. There are also wage-earners, And individual entrepreneurs. There are both superiors and subordinates. There are highly qualified specialists who receive decent wages, and people who do monkey work, for example, surfing (viewing advertiser sites). Unfortunately, there are also swindlers, deceivers, and criminals.

In general, the following areas stand out where you can really make money from scratch, without having any special knowledge, skills, or funds:

  1. get a job at a company that services websites, where work experience is not necessary,
  2. look for orders yourself on freelancer and copywriter exchanges, you can start with multi-format simple tasks on Advego,

    Author's note: Personally, I did one thing at one time to understand that it was not mine, that I lacked the incentive to create quality materials for third-party resources there is a long period that I can take on part-time work for a fee only from time to time.

  3. become the owner of a website (including a blog) or a website page (including social network VKontakte or YouTube). Not suitable for those who want to make quick money.

The advantages of working on the Internet

When talking about how a beginner can make money on the Internet, one cannot help but talk about the advantages of this type of activity. But there are no physical or age restrictions. You can work

  1. remotely, both sitting at home and traveling,
  2. according to any schedule and with any load,
  3. combining with studies or main business.

But it is required high level self-discipline, self-learning, perseverance and patience.

Houses, yachts, cars, cosmetics... There are many things in the world that are unreasonably expensive only because people are willing to pay for the right to own a branded item or a prestigious new product. Our review contains 15 examples of unjustified expenses that you can safely avoid.

1. Cable TV

You should ask yourself just one question: why pay for cable TV if you have the Internet?

2. Packages with unlimited SMS

Lots of people love texting. But why spend money on SMS if Whatsapp allows you to do the same for free.

3. Branded products

Despite the fact that some products are actually better than others, there are often absolute analogues that cost several times less. People are used to paying extra for a well-known brand. One of the most striking examples is medications.

4. Anti-aging creams

They simply have no effect. You just have to ask any doctor or scientist about this. And then wonder why a useless cream costs crazy money.

5. Bread makers

It's actually quite easy to make bread in a regular pan.

6. Pets with a pedigree

By adopting a dog from a shelter, you can save its life. And at the same time save a couple of thousand dollars. Interestingly, mongrels are actually more “pure” from a genetic point of view.

7. Weddings

The average cost of a wedding in the US is $30,000. The average family income is about $60,000 per year. Do I need to say anything more?

8. Cigarettes

A pack of cigarettes a day. It would seem inexpensive. And over the course of a year, an amount of $2,000 accumulates.

9. Dinner out

Of course, this is quite pleasant, and besides, there is no need for cooking. In fact, this is one of the most quick ways eat your salary.

10. Buying new products

Those who want to buy any new product just need to be patient. After all, in a year the same product will cost one and a half times cheaper.

11. Bottled water

The bottled water is “drawn from the purest high-mountain well located in the Himalayas, where no human has ever set foot.” Sounds good? Or maybe it's just normal tap water in bottles?

12. Gym membership

For workout fans who spend several hours every day in gym, this is undoubtedly a necessary thing. Usually they buy a membership and come to the gym literally a couple of times a month.

13. New cars

As soon as a new car leaves the assembly line, it begins to gradually lose value. Buying a car that was produced a year ago will be much more profitable.

14. Boats

The happiest day in the life of boat owners is the day they buy a new boat. After this, continuous spending begins. Maintaining a boat can be an overwhelming financial burden, especially if you don't use it very often.

15. Starbucks Coffee

A regular cup of coffee at Starbucks costs 300% more than its actual cost. Isn’t it easier to make coffee at home, using your favorite recipe?

The greatest need in people is physiological. The need for food, clothing and a roof over our heads will exist as long as people live on planet Earth. Growing food is not an easy job, I myself know this work, since I grew up in the village. Therefore, everyone from the villages strives to get to the city, where they can earn more and work less physically. Concerning get more And work less– this is an illusion, everything in this world has its price!!! Only one thing is clear: by growing potatoes on 10 acres of garden, you can only feed your family (if the year is fruitful), but rich You won’t stop at this.

So, what needs to be done, what needs to be created so that the majority of people benefit from my product and satisfy their needs? Do you know what the paradox is? That most people on this planet do not ask themselves such questions, and 80% simply looking for a job, to receive money on your own physiological needs.

Then explain to me for whom or what there are words like purpose, self-realization, receive pleasure from work? And I was always interested to know: we we are working, to live, or we live, to work?

To answer these questions I will move to the plane of my values. What is of value to me in this world? Someone famous said that we we begin to appreciate something only when we lose it. For example, when do most people pay attention to their health? This is correct when we ourselves or one of our relatives start to get sick. That’s when we start doing exercises, eating healthy food, and planning rest, otherwise for the last 10 years there was no time for everything, and no one could replace us at work. When do most women start looking after themselves: figure, face, clothes, etc.? Mainly when the husband has a mistress. I urge you not to wait until the “roasted rooster pecks...”, but let’s start right now work with their values.

I appreciate Myself- as the greatest creation of nature, I value my Life, Health, Family relationships , Friendship, I appreciate my Strengths , Partnership, Freedom of Choice. I appreciate what I do my job– this is my self-realization, I get pleasure from the fact that I can be useful to people.

If you don't enjoy your work- it means it’s not yours purpose in this world, change your job, do what you like, create your life, because this has been given to you from above. Without fun, you create a product that no one wants to buy because it doesn't have positive energy, which means that it will not be able to fully satisfy the needs of the person who purchases it. If they don’t buy your product well, that means you have nothing to pay with. Everything in this world is subject to the law of “Cause-Effect”. Most complain that they receive money is tight, but this consequence what you are doing. A cause always your choice!

Just yesterday I heard the following phrase from my cosmetologist: “mostly people sell raw materials, goods, technologies, services, and today the most popular product is emotions». Emotions I am the most valuable human energy! Many people spend this energy on negative emotions, and then they say that no, they don’t have the strength or desire to do anything anymore. I am happy to visit my cosmetologist, because, in addition to the fact that she is a professional and does her job with pleasure, she also invests in each client positive emotions. Therefore, she has an appointment for two weeks in advance, while others sit and complain that they have no clients.

Let me summarize what was said above: for me Job and there is mine Life because I don't just make money, I I create a quality productPositive emotions , which people really need and what I do brings me great pleasure, and, therefore, money, which I need for my needs!!!