Tasty and low in calories. Low-calorie dishes for weight loss: what to cook? Secrets of tasty and low-calorie dishes for weight loss

Losing weight does not mean eating only cabbage or chewing boring boiled breast. There are a lot of interesting dietary dishes that will help diversify your diet, make it tasty and healthy. The most interesting, but easy-to-prepare recipes for soups, drinks, salads and desserts will make losing weight interesting and won’t make you feel hungry. With them, losing weight will be much easier, the diet will smoothly move from a test to a way of life.


General principles of preparing dietary dishes

Low-calorie diet meals for weight loss mainly consist of vegetables, dairy products, lean meat, poultry, and fish. For cooking, gentle heat treatment methods are used: grilling, boiling, stewing, baking. Good help The household will have a multicooker that combines several functions. Baking bags, regular foil, various molds, and non-stick pans will also come in handy.

Basic principles:

  1. Minimum fat. One spoon of oil contains about 120 kcal, which is 12-15% of the average daily requirement energy value losing weight woman. Fats must be added strictly using a scale.
  2. Minimum sugar. Sweets not only have a high calorie content, but also affect fluctuations in blood glucose levels and provoke severe and sudden hunger. It is better to use fresh and dried fruits, berries or natural sugar substitutes as sweeteners in dietary dishes.
  3. Minimum wheat flour, starch. In the diet for weight loss, the presence of baked goods made from whole grain, rye flour, bran, and oatmeal is allowed. But it is better to prepare other dietary dishes.

It is important to avoid store-bought sauces. Even low-calorie mayonnaise contains a lot of fat, ketchups are filled with sugar and starch. And the taste enhancers included in the composition awaken the feeling of hunger and reduce the benefits of dietary dishes. A weight watcher should absolutely remove this from their diet.

Recipes for first dietary dishes

The first dietary dishes for weight loss should be present in the diet; they fill the stomach, create a feeling of fullness, but at the same time contain few calories. There are even special diets on soups. Cold dishes are refreshing in the hot summer and loaded with vitamins. Hot soups will help you warm up in the winter, delight you with the assortment, and make the menu varied.

In dishes for weight loss, it is not advisable to combine potatoes with cereals, pasta or legumes. If the soup is with noodles or beans, then it is better not to add the starchy tuber. You can safely use potatoes in recipes for vegetable cabbage soup and borscht.

Onion soup with cabbage

Onions – 6 pcs.
Cabbage – 800 g
Pepper – 2 pcs.
Celery stalks – 4 pcs.
Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
Herbs, spices to taste

Measure out 2.5 liters of water, pour into a saucepan, and bring to a boil. Slice onion cubes, add to the pan, boil for 5 minutes. Chop the cabbage, cut the pepper, celery stalks and add everything to the onion, lightly add salt to the soup. Boil for 5 minutes, add chopped tomatoes. Simmer the dish over low heat until all the vegetables are cooked. At the end, add pepper, fresh herbs, bay and other spices to your taste.

Diet okroshka

Fresh cucumbers – 3 pcs.
Boiled eggs – 2 pcs.
Radishes – 10 pcs.
Boiled chicken – 200 g
Green onion – 1 bunch
Dill – 1 bunch
Low-fat kefir – 600 ml
Plain or mineral water – 400 ml
Lemon – 0.5 pcs.

Peel the eggs, cut into cubes, pour into a saucepan. Disassemble the chicken into fibers or chop it too. It is advisable to remove skin and fatty pieces. Chop all the vegetables and herbs and combine. Mix kefir and water, you can take mineral water with gas, add salt, pepper, squeeze out lemon juice, stir. Add filling to the main products of a dietary dish. Serve chilled and store in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Green borscht “Summer”

Chicken (fillet) – 250 g
Potatoes – 2 pcs.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Onion – 1 pc.
Sorrel – 2 bunches
Dill – 0.5 bunch
Eggs – 3 pcs.

Rinse, cut the chicken fillet into pieces, place in a saucepan, add 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil. Remove any foam that forms, reduce heat, and simmer the broth for 15 minutes. Peel the onions and carrots, cut into cubes, add to the pan. Add salt. Peel the potatoes, cut into pieces, add the first vegetables after boiling. Cook until potatoes are soft. Wash the sorrel and dill, cut into pieces, add to the almost finished soup. Taste for salt, add if necessary, season with pepper and bay leaves, bring to a boil, turn off. Cover the pan and leave the diet dish for 10 minutes. When serving, add chopped boiled egg to the plate.

Main course recipes

Dietary main courses are not prepared from potatoes, fatty meats, or soft wheat pasta. They mainly consist of vegetables, lean meats or poultry, and legumes are welcome.

Chicken diet cutlets

Fillet – 500 g
Egg – 1 pc.
Bell pepper – 1 pc.
Carrots – 1 pc.
Onion – 1 pc.
Garlic – 2 cloves
Salt pepper

Remove the seeds from the pepper pods, cut the vegetable into cubes, and place in a bowl. Grind the garlic, onion, and chicken fillet through a meat grinder. Add carrots cut into small cubes and one a raw egg. Season the minced meat with spices and stir. Make small round cutlets of 50-70 g each, place in a baking dish, cook the dish in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Or place on a steamer tray and cook for 20-25 minutes after the water boils.

Diet stewed cabbage with liver

Liver – 300 g
Cabbage – 800 g
Onion – 100 g
Carrots – 100 g
Oil 1 tbsp. l.
Spices, herbs, garlic to taste

Pour a spoonful of oil into a large frying pan, cauldron or saucepan so that it lightly greases the surface, and place on the stove. Chop the onion, grate the carrots coarsely, and lightly fry. Rinse the liver. If the product is beef, then cut into strips. If the liver is chicken, then just in pieces, as you please. Add to vegetables, fry for 1-2 minutes. Shred white cabbage. You can use a special grater or knife, add a little salt and mash with your hands. Transfer the vegetable to total weight, stir, cover and simmer in your juice until done. Two minutes before the end, season the dish with pepper, garlic, herbs, and add salt.

On a note: It is better to fry foods for dietary dishes in coconut oil. It is much healthier and emits less harmful substances when heated.

Ratatouille (oven recipe)

Eggplants – 250 g
Zucchini (zucchini) – 250 g
Onions – 170 g
Olive oil – 10 g
Bell pepper – 100 g
Tomatoes – 800 g
Parsley, spices, vinegar to taste

Cut the onion into cubes, pour into a frying pan with the recipe oil. Lightly fry. Release bell pepper from seeds. Cut into cubes and add to the onion. Cut two tomatoes in half, grate the pulp, remove the skin. Add the tomato mixture to the pan, cover and simmer the vegetables until the peppers are soft. Cut the eggplants, zucchini and remaining tomatoes into circles. Add spices and salt to the vegetables in the pan. Squeeze the garlic if desired and season with vinegar for added spice. Place half in a baking dish and even out the layer. Arrange pieces of vegetables, alternating eggplants with tomatoes, zucchini, place on edge. Place the remaining bell pepper vegetable mixture on top and smooth out. Bake the dish for 35-40 minutes at 180°C.

Diet desserts

To add sweetness and improve the taste of dietary dessert dishes for weight loss, fruits and berries are used, and sugar substitutes can be added. They are natural and synthetic. Of the natural types, stevia-based products are the most common. It is important to use honey more carefully. Of course, it is healthier than white refined sugar, but it also has a high calorie content.

Important! Whatever low-calorie fruit dessert is, it is recommended to consume it in the first half of the day or at least before 16.00. Otherwise, the dish will slow down weight loss.

Baked Apples with Cinnamon

Apples – 3 pcs.
Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1.5 tsp.

Wash the apples; it is advisable to choose dense fruits of the same size. Using a knife, cut the stub from the back side, making a funnel, but do not pierce through. Put 0.5 tsp into each apple. honey, sprinkle the slices with ground cinnamon. If desired, you can make the holes larger and fill them with cottage cheese or low-fat cream cheese. Place a piece of foil on the bottom of the pan, place the apples, and bake the dessert dish until soft in the oven. Temperature 200°C.

Berry ice cream

Yogurt – 100 g
Any berries – 100 g
Honey – 1 tsp.

Place the washed berries in a blender bowl. If they have pits, for example, cherries, then remove the pits. Blend until smooth. Add yogurt, honey, beat again. Leave for 40 minutes in freezer. Remove, stir quickly, place in ice cream molds, and freeze.

Curd dessert with banana

Cottage cheese – 300 g
Banana – 2 pcs.
Lemon juice – 10 ml
Milk – 100 ml
Gelatin – 8 g

Combine milk with gelatin and stir. Leave to swell, the time indicated on the package. Sometimes gelatin is instant, it just needs to stand in the liquid for 5-10 minutes. If the product is ordinary, then the time increases to half an hour. Peel the bananas, break into pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent the fruit from darkening. Mash well with a fork or beat with a blender. Combine with cottage cheese, stir thoroughly. Melt gelatin in milk until liquid, you can do this in microwave oven or in a water bath. Combine with cottage cheese, beat well to make it fluffy, pour the mixture into small molds, glasses or bowls. Refrigerate for 2.5-3 hours until set.

Diet salad recipes

For some reason, when losing weight, it is customary to consume in incredible quantities. fresh salads. Vegetables are undoubtedly healthy, but it is better to combine them with protein foods. This is the only way they will fill you up, won’t stretch your stomach, and will completely replace a full meal for lunch or dinner. Best options additives - eggs, chicken, fish, dairy products.

Diet Caesar salad recipe

Boiled chicken or turkey – 100 g
Cherry – 6 pcs.
Lettuce leaves – 80 g
Boiled quail eggs – 4 pcs.
Boiled yolk – 1 pc.
Garlic – 1 pc.
Lemon juice – 1 tsp.
Mustard – 1 tsp.
Natural yogurt – 30 g

Place the washed lettuce leaves on a flat plate. Slice chicken or turkey and place on top. Add cherry tomatoes and quail eggs, cut into quarters, arrange beautifully. For the sauce, grind mustard with lemon juice, chopped garlic and yolk, dilute it all with natural yogurt, and add salt to taste. Season the diet salad and serve immediately.

Lady salad recipe

Boiled chicken fillet – 200 g
Fresh cucumbers – 250 g
Greens – 1 bunch
Canned green peas – 150 g
Sour cream 10% – 100 g

Chop the boiled fillet, cucumbers and herbs, pour into a bowl. Add green peas, salt and season with sour cream. You can replace it with natural yoghurt and stir.

“Cipollino” salad (simple recipe)

Boiled eggs – 4 pcs.
Green onion – 1 bunch
Sour cream – 70 g
Salt pepper

Chop green onions and boiled eggs, pour into a bowl, you can additionally add dill or parsley. Salt, pepper, season with sour cream, stir.

Video: Diet salad in 15 minutes

Diet drinks

Water is one of the main components of proper weight loss. But you don’t always want to use it. The solution is low-calorie, tasty and fat-burning drinks. They are usually prepared with the addition of citrus fruits, herbs, different types tea or low-fat fermented milk drinks.

Water "Sassi"

Cucumber – 1 pc.
Water – 1.5 l
Lemon – 0.5 pcs.
Mint – 5-10 leaves
Ginger – 10 g

Wash the cucumber and lemon, cut into slices, pour into a 2-liter jar or carafe. Add grated fresh ginger root. Wash the mint, tear it, put it in a jar. Pour in cold purified or spring water, close and place in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. It is better to prepare Sassi water in the evening, so that you can drink it all day in between meals.

Ginger green tea

Ginger – 15 g
Lemon – 2 slices
Green tea – 1 tsp.
Boiling water – 500 ml

You can brew ginger tea in a thermos, a French press (for coffee), or just in a jar. Grate the ginger, cut off two lemon slices with peel, place in a used container, and pour boiling water over it. Cover and leave for 5 minutes. Add green tea leaves and stir. Leave for another 20-30 minutes. Green tea should not be brewed with boiling water, as this destroys the beneficial substances and produces bitterness. Use cold or warm in the morning, you can add a teaspoon of honey.

Kefir fat burning cocktail

Kefir – 200 ml
Cinnamon – 0.3 tsp.
Dry ground ginger – 0.3 tsp.
A pinch of red pepper

Combine all the ingredients of the kefir cocktail, stir, leave for 10-15 minutes so that the spices release their esters and aroma. Stir again, drink instead of snacks or to satisfy sudden hunger. It is useful to drink a fat-burning cocktail at night.

By the way! Cinnamon is not always in store-bought bags. Often the manufacturer is disingenuous and uses a cheaper analogue - cassia. It is not harmful, it also gives pleasant aroma, but has no mass beneficial properties and fat-burning effect, like natural cinnamon tree bark.

Video: Fat burning smoothie

Dietary sauces for various dishes

Ketchups, mayonnaise, butter are the main enemies of a slim figure. It is very important to find a worthy replacement for them. The right dressing for salads, pasta, and meat will make even the most modest dish tastier, will not increase calorie content, and will prevent breakdown.

Yogurt dressing for salads, meat, poultry, fish dishes

Natural yogurt – 100 g
Lemon juice – 10 ml
Mustard – 5-10 g
Salt, pepper, garlic to taste

For diet sauce, it is advisable to use natural Greek yogurt. Add to it lemon juice and mustard, stir. Salt and pepper to taste, you can add herbs and chopped garlic, depending on the composition of the dish to which the dressing will be added.

Tomato sauce recipe

Tomatoes – 400 g
Bell pepper – 100 g
Onion – 50 g
Apple – 100 g
Olive oil – 1 tsp.
Salt, pepper to taste

Chop the onion and fry in a teaspoon of olive oil. Scald the tomatoes, remove the skin, cut into pieces, add to the onion. Chop the apple and pepper too, add to the vegetables, bring to a boil and cook in the released juice until soft. Grind the vegetables in a blender and bring to a boil again. Season with salt and add pepper for spiciness.

Low-calorie pesto sauce for any dish

Basil – 50 g
Parmesan – 50 g
Garlic – 3 cloves
Pine nuts – 1 tbsp. l.
Olive oil – 3 tbsp. l.

The amount of oil in the diet Pesto sauce is reduced. Therefore, it is important to thoroughly chop the juicy basil and garlic. Place it all in a blender bowl and blend until smooth. Add Parmesan, butter and pine nuts. Beat for 10-15 seconds. Serve Pesto with dietary dishes of cereals, meat, poultry, and fish.

The key to good health and a beautiful, fit figure is a healthy diet. Millions of women strive to lose extra pounds, but how to lose weight, where to start? Of course, from nutrition. This article will tell you about the most important points, what you need to pay attention to, how to prepare it, what to combine it with, as well as how to properly create a diet menu.

  1. Low calorie food - this principle involves reducing the calorie content of the diet while maintaining required quantity vitamins and minerals that enter the body with food. This does not mean that you need to completely remove fats and carbohydrates from your diet; they should be there, but within reasonable limits. In addition, you should not resort to mono-diets, for example, eating only apples or kefir all day;
  2. Regularity and frequency of meals is another important principle. In order not to overload the intestines and maintain optimal body weight, you need to eat 5-6 times a day. In this case, the total number of calories should not exceed the maximum daily norm. Avoid random snacks (buns, sweets, cookies) - these are fast carbohydrates that cause a short-term feeling of fullness; literally after an hour your appetite will appear again;
  3. Sport is another principle of any diet. Do not forget that a beautiful and healthy body is the result of the coordinated work of an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. Losing weight will require at least minimal physical activity.

IMPORTANT! Avoid mono-diets and random snacks! It's better to eat less, but more often!

Fish or meat?

Meat and fish are unique products that must be included in the diet without fail. Moreover, fish cannot replace meat, and vice versa. Diet lunch always includes fish or meat. But first things first.

Fish is one of those few products that simultaneously contain micro- and macroelements (iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, selenium), vitamins (A, D, E), and amino acids. Plus, fish has very little fat (up to 30%). All these substances together are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. For overweight people, river fish is ideal because it contains only 2.5% fat. As for protein, fish is a valuable source of high-quality protein, which contains all the necessary amino acids. The most valuable species In terms of protein content, salmon and sturgeon fish species (trout, salmon, beluga, salmon) are considered. Fattier ones include herring, mackerel and others. Fish dishes are also considered valuable sources of iodine, fluorine and phosphorus.

Meat is always present in the diet, most often veal, beef, lean lamb and pork, as well as turkey, rabbit and chicken. Meat of geese and ducks is used less frequently, since its fat content is about 30%. Meat is a good source of iron, potassium and phosphorus, proteins and B vitamins. In terms of protein content, turkey is the leader - 22%, beef and chicken meat - 18-21%, the most fat is in pork (fatty varieties up to 49%). In proper nutrition, meat is usually present in boiled or baked form; steamed meat is also very healthy.

Porridge is our joy

Since ancient times, cereal dishes have been considered the healthiest. But for some reason in modern society there is an opinion that porridge is the food of children. This is not entirely true, because... Cereals contain a lot of vitamins, minerals, fiber and carbohydrates. All this together is necessary for a person. The main advantage of cereals is that they are well digestible, they are cheap, and most importantly, cereal dishes for weight loss every day help you lose weight effectively. The main thing is to know what kind of cereal to use and how to prepare it.

  • Buckwheat is rightfully considered the most useful. It is high in protein and low in carbohydrates. In addition, buckwheat is rich in vitamins P and B, magnesium, potassium, iron, iodine and phosphorus. The high fiber content allows you to “cleanse” the intestines, which is why weight loss occurs. Buckwheat porridge without oil is a low-calorie food;
  • Oatmeal is also rich in vitamins, including the rare vitamin H. Oatmeal porridge reduces cholesterol in the blood and is able to remove toxins;
  • Wheat cereal is good because it contains complex carbohydrates. To process these carbohydrates, the body will need more time, which means that the feeling of hunger will not come soon;
  • Rice porridge cooked in water without adding salt and sugar is an excellent dietary dish.

You can also include porridge made from pearl barley, semolina, and corn in dietary menus. The main thing is to cook them with a minimum amount of salt and sugar. It is best to combine porridge with fruits and nuts.

Milk and diet?

Milk and dairy products very often form the basis of various diets. And this is understandable, because milk and products made from it have dietary properties. The fact is that they contain almost all the substances necessary for the body in a balanced form, which means that the digestibility of such products is maximum. For example, the main source of calcium is milk; it contains so many vitamins, minerals and proteins. In dietary nutrition, low-fat products are most often used, such as low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt and milk. The fat content in such products varies from 0.2% to 1%. You can find such products in any store.

As for cheeses, if you are following a diet, it is considered advisable to include lightly salted, mild cheeses in your diet.

The importance of vegetables and fruits in dietary nutrition

Vegetables and fruits are unique in that almost their entire list can be used in dietary nutrition. The variety of fruits and vegetables is so huge that you can cook new dishes every day that can help you lose weight. The main thing to understand is that the key to normal digestion is the uninterrupted intake of food into the body. fresh vegetables and fruits. The fact is that they contain special substances - enzymes that stimulate the secretion of the digestive glands. And this in turn ensures good digestibility of proteins.

Plus, vegetables and fruits contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fiber. In fact, the body is able to satiate itself while receiving maximum benefits and minimum calories. Most often, vegetables are included in a diet for losing weight in the form of salads; steamed vegetables are very healthy. Well, everyone is used to eating fruits fresh.

Proper nutrition for weight loss: how to start?

Starting to eat right is not difficult, but staying afloat is difficult. But I really want to see a slim and beautiful figure like a fitonyashka. So where to start and most importantly, how not to “go away” from the race? Proper nutrition or simply PN is the key to a successful fight against excess weight. To comply with the PP, you can write down a few simple rules for yourself:

  • Breakfast should be a meal of complex carbohydrates. Ideally, this is any porridge without sugar. Those with a sweet tooth can add fruit to it;
  • The first pre-lunch snack is an apple, low-fat cottage cheese, nuts and dried fruits, no buns or cookies;
  • Lunch should definitely be a mixture of carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. For example, it could be boiled chicken with a side dish of buckwheat porridge and any vegetable salad;
  • The second snack can be yogurt or the same low-fat cottage cheese, the main thing is to monitor the serving size;
  • The ideal dinner is considered to be dishes that contain a lot of protein and fiber, for example, steamed fish with beans and vegetable salad. Dinner should take place 2 hours before bedtime.

It turns out there is nothing complicated, right? And in order not to lose your temper, always remember what you are striving for - a slender reflection in the mirror!

Diet menu basics

Each of us sooner or later thinks about a diet. Diet food is a list of foods, usually low in calories and balanced in composition. It depends on the person's preference and health status. Total The calories consumed per day should be equal to the calories burned by the body. That is why it is important that meals are balanced in protein, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, fiber and vitamins.

What products should form the basis? Any dietary menu should include fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, meat, milk and dairy products, cereals and egg dishes, as well as herbs, dried fruits, and nuts. Preference should be given to such types of heat treatment as baking, stewing, steaming and boiling. Dishes with minimal heat treatment contain more useful substances.

Approximate 7-day menu

— 1 —

  • A glass of any freshly squeezed juice, 150 g of steamed cheesecakes with spinach, 30 g of whole grain bread, 1 cucumber and a cup of regular tea;
  • Any fruit of your choice (banana, apple, pear), a glass of orange drink;
  • A serving of rice soup with broccoli, 100 g of chicken schnitzel, 100 g of sliced ​​tomatoes and avocado, a glass of dried apricot compote;
  • 2 tangerines, a cup of tea with blueberries;
  • A serving of steamed vegetables with turkey meatballs, 100 g of any fresh vegetables, a cup of tea with bergamot;

Total: approximately 964 kcal

— 2 —

  • Breakfast:

A glass of any fruit juice, 100 grams of 1% curd mass, 1 piece of black bread toast, a cup of weak coffee;

  • Snack:

2 peaches or 3 apricots, a cup of mint tea;

  • Dinner:

A serving of mushroom soup with low-fat sour cream, a serving of steamed rice, 100 g of steamed catfish (tomato sauce is allowed), a glass of cherry juice with a slice of lemon;

  • Afternoon snack:

100 g of fresh pineapple, a glass of milk smoothie with a handful of any berries;

  • Dinner:

100 g of stewed rabbit with vegetables, a cup of tea with a spoon of honey.

Total: approximately 1041 kcal

— 3 —

  • Breakfast:

30 grams of toast from rye bread with cottage cheese (20 g), 80 grams of steamed pumpkin with pine nuts, a cup of weak coffee;

  • Snack:

1 orange or grapefruit of your choice, 125 ml low-fat fermented baked milk;

  • Dinner:

A serving of chicken broth with herbs, 100 g lean salmon steak, 100 g sauerkraut, a cup of tea with oregano;

  • Afternoon snack:

100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 50 g nuts, a glass of any fruit juice;

  • Dinner:

A serving of steamed young zucchini with 100 g of stewed turkey, a cup of mint tea with honey;

Total: 1068 kcal

— 4 —

  • Breakfast:

A sandwich of black bread and lightly salted salmon 30g/20g, 100g peeled turnips, a cup of tea with pieces of dried apples;

  • Snack:

Any fruit of your choice (orange, grapefruit, apple or pear), 125 ml low-fat fermented baked milk;

  • Dinner:

A serving of bean soup with croutons, 100 g of lean veal chop, a serving of buckwheat porridge, a cup of black tea;

  • Afternoon snack:

100 g prunes, a cup of green tea;

  • Dinner:

A serving of beans with shrimp, a cup of herbal tea;

Total: approximately 1034 kcal

— 5 —

  • Breakfast:

75 grams of cod liver pate with black bread toast, 100 g of cucumber salad with spinach and low-fat yoghurt, a cup of green tea;

  • Snack:

Baked pear with cranberries and a spoon of honey, a glass of blueberry milkshake;

  • Dinner:

A serving of carrot and bean puree soup, 100 g of fish casserole with rice, 1 tomato, a glass of strawberry compote;

  • Afternoon snack:

Kiwi 2 pcs., a glass of low-fat kefir;

  • Dinner:

Peppers stuffed with vegetables, a salad of any vegetables with low-fat yogurt, a cup of tea with barberry;

Total: approximately 983 kcal

— 6 —

  • Breakfast:

100 g steam omelette with herbs and tomatoes, 100 g pickled green beans, a cup of chicory with cream;

  • Snack:

2 apricots or kiwi of your choice, 125 ml low-fat yogurt;

  • Dinner:

A serving of cabbage soup with celery, 100 g of stewed pork (not fatty!), 150 g of boiled Brussels sprouts, a glass of apple compote with orange zest;

  • Afternoon snack:

1 banana, 125 ml low-fat kefir or yogurt;

  • Dinner:

120 g low-fat cottage cheese with spinach, rye bread toast, 100 g fresh vegetables, a cup of green tea;

Total for the day: approximately 997 kcal

  • Breakfast:

A serving of oatmeal in water with dried fruits, 100 g of fruit salad, a cup of tea with thyme;

  • Snack:

Any fruit of your choice (pear, orange, banana, grapefruit, apple), 125 ml low-fat yogurt with cereals;

  • Dinner:

A serving of pumpkin soup, 100 g of baked chicken, 150 g of Chinese cabbage salad with olives, a glass of dried fruit compote without sugar;

  • Afternoon snack:

Mango, a cup of green tea;

  • Dinner:

100 g stewed squid in tomato sauce, 100 g steamed rice, 100 g sauerkraut, a cup of chamomile tea and a spoonful of honey;

Total: approximately 1009 kcal

IMPORTANT! If you feel hungry before going to bed, and food appears before your eyes, you can allow yourself a glass of low-fat kefir (+ 80 kcal). Unlimited water consumption.

Recipes for first dietary dishes

When preparing light dietary soups, it is important to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Products must always be fresh;
  2. Salt is used to a minimum;
  3. The soup needs to be cooked quickly to preserve all the good stuff;
  4. No bouillon cubes or other harmful chemicals;

Meat soups are prepared in a second broth from lean meats, this method allows you to fight calories.

As an example, let's look at a few simple recipes that are easy to prepare at home. These are not only delicious PP dishes, but also healthy.

  • 1) Rice soup with vegetables

Calorie content of 1 serving – 25 kcal

In order to prepare soup for 8 servings, you will need 2.5 liters of broth, 100 grams of cabbage, onions, sweet peppers and tomatoes, 75 g of carrots, 40 grams of rice, 40 grams of sour cream (15%), 50 grams of tomato paste, herbs, salt and pepper as desired.


  • 1. Finely chop the tomatoes, peeled potatoes and onions, grate the carrots.
  • 2. Bring the prepared vegetable broth to a boil, add potatoes and washed rice. In a frying pan, fry the onions, carrots and tomato paste separately.
  • 3. Add chopped bell pepper and cabbage to the broth, add salt if desired and cover with a lid. Before removing from heat, add fried vegetables and herbs to the soup, let the soup boil and remove from heat.

Serve with sour cream. This is a simple dish that is quick to prepare.

  • 2) Vegetable soup with chicken

Calorie content per serving – 90 kcal

To prepare soup for 4 servings you will need 200 grams of skinless chicken breast, 1 carrot, 2 medium potatoes, 1 Bell pepper, 50 grams of vermicelli, 1 onion, any herbs, salt and spices to taste.


  • 1. To avoid extra calories, you need to boil the chicken breast in advance in a separate broth.
  • 2. In a separate saucepan, bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add chopped potatoes, onions, carrots and peppers.
  • 3. 5 minutes before readiness, add vermicelli and chopped chicken breast to the soup, season with salt. Add greens before serving.

Losing weight in a delicious way: recipes for simple dietary dishes

Diet does not mean abstinence or cooking super complex dishes. Low-calorie dishes, first of all, are varied and easy to prepare. The following PP recipes low-calorie dishes proof of that.

1) Pumpkin and applesauce with cinnamon and turmeric

  • Calorie content of 100 g of dish – 49.4 kcal

To prepare you will need 300 grams of pumpkin, 2 apples, 200 ml of low-fat yogurt, cinnamon and turmeric, one pinch each.


  • 1. Peel the apples, remove the core and divide into slices. Peel the pumpkin and cut into small pieces.
  • 2. Steam the apples and pumpkin in a double boiler until softened, this will take about 6-8 minutes.
  • 3. Place the pumpkin and apples in a deep bowl, mash with a blender and wait until completely cool. Then combine the puree with yogurt, season with cinnamon and turmeric.

Diet puree is ready.

2) Oriental pilaf with chicken

  • Calorie content of 100 g of dish – 108 kcal

To prepare you will need 400 grams of chicken fillet, 2 onions, 3 medium carrots, 5 green hot peppers, 150 grams of long rice, 15 grams of vegetable oil, spices to taste (paprika, bay leaf, black pepper), salt.


  • 1. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes and lightly fry on vegetable oil.
  • 2. Add finely chopped onion and carrots to the chicken and let simmer under the lid.
  • 3. Rice for oriental pilaf must be washed in advance and soaked in cold water for 20 minutes. Then add the swollen rice to the meat and vegetables, season with spices and salt, place pepper pods on top, cover with a lid and leave for 20 minutes until fully cooked.

This dish is filled with the aroma of oriental spices.

To get the maximum benefit from cooked dishes, you can resort to the following tricks:

  • You need to salt the first courses at the very end, so the salt will be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the food, and the beneficial substances will not “go” into the broth;
  • When cooking first courses, you should avoid intense bubbling cooking, this way you can preserve most of the vitamins in vegetables;
  • Steamed dishes are considered the most dietary - they have little fat and no harmful crispy crust. If you don't have a steamer, you can use a deep saucepan and a regular sieve;
  • Healthy side dishes are, first of all, vegetables, steamed or stewed without oil;
  • Salads should be dressed with low-fat yogurt or olive oil.

Thus, anyone can follow a diet, the main thing is to include more fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy and cereal dishes in the diet for weight loss, and healthy food is very tasty. Well, if you combine PP with sports, you can achieve the best results!

Most girls who are overweight often cannot cope with their eating habits.

The human body, which suddenly finds itself limited in tasty food, begins to demand it with triple force.

Sooner or later, most people who lose weight cannot maintain the diet and return to their usual regime, which means their favorite buns and sweets.

How to overcome yourself?

There is only one way out: accustom your body to proper nutrition. Moreover, it should be understood that this is not a temporary measure. You will have to constantly limit yourself to junk food. However, do not be afraid that a life in which there is no place for cakes, pastries and other harmful products, will become boring and uninteresting. After all, today there are many low-calorie dishes for weight loss. Among them there are even desserts that are practically indistinguishable in taste from their unhealthy counterparts, only they will be prepared from natural and quality products without food additives and preservatives.

Features of preparing low-calorie dishes for weight loss

One of the reasons for weight gain is food fried in oil. For example, healthy and lean chicken, turkey or beef prepared in this way becomes an enemy to health and figure. Therefore, low-calorie meals for weight loss should be steamed, in the oven or in a non-stick frying pan. Grilling helps avoid using oil. It is compact, will not take up much space in the kitchen and will save time. Meat cooks on the grill much faster than in the oven. In addition, you can fry scrambled eggs, cheesecakes, vegetables, and fish on it. If possible, do not skimp on purchasing various kitchen appliances. It will allow you to diversify your diet with a large number of low-calorie dishes for weight loss and reduce the temptation to eat junk food. Instead of regular oven molds, you should use silicone ones, which do not need to be greased. You can cook pies and various casseroles in them.

However, the oil contains healthy fats. How can we manage without them? Sources of healthy fats include flaxseed oil or olive oil as a salad dressing. They are also found in nuts and fish. When heated, the oil loses some of its properties, but a harmful carcinogenic substance is released. Therefore, refusing to fry it will work in oil only for the benefit of the body.

Flour is used as one of the ingredients in low-calorie dishes for weight loss. Replace wheat flour You can use buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, rye. You can make some of its types at home. So, it is enough to grind oatmeal or buckwheat in a coffee grinder or using a blender to get flour.

As part of the majority finished products present sugar: it is added to baked goods, desserts, sauces, drinks. Many people drink tea and coffee with it. Getting used to sweet dishes often occurs in childhood, when, in order to force people to eat unattractive but healthy cereal or semolina porridge, mothers sprinkle it with sugar. You can overcome yourself and give up this product with the help of various substitutes. They are the ones who will make low-calorie dishes for weight loss sweet, bringing them as close as possible to traditional analogues that contain sugar. Substitutes can be dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, which complement any baked goods or casseroles well. If you don't have allergies, it's fine honey. Due to its natural origin, this product contains a large amount of vitamins and substances necessary for the human body. But it is also important that it is high in calories. When using it to add sweetness to food, moderation should be observed.

If dried fruits and honey are not suitable for some reason, you can find ready-made sugar substitutes in a pharmacy or regular supermarket. FitParad, which contains virtually no calories, helps achieve the greatest sweetness. This substance will need 5 times less than sugar to achieve the same taste. The substitute does not contain genetically modified components, so it will not cause harm to health, but you should not abuse it either. “FitParad” is available in different packaging; small bags of it can be carried with you, added to tea or coffee outside the home. This sweetener contains stevia, which is used as an independent substitute. You can also find it at the pharmacy.

main feature cooking low-calorie meals for weight loss is to get tasty, but healthy food from natural ingredients. It is important to experiment and search non-standard solutions. After all, constant attempts to overpower yourself and quickly accustom your body to eating unloved foods can ultimately lead to stress and lack of results. Therefore, you should not be afraid to try new flavor combinations, and in the first stages take the proposed recipes as a basis.

Low-calorie recipes for weight loss

Proper pizza

IN Lately This traditional Italian dish has come to be equated with fast food, because most establishments use low-quality products as ingredients for it, and often stale leftovers. Pizza is not only high in calories, but also dangerous for the body. Therefore, it is better for those losing weight and everyone who cares about their health to cook it at home. It will require chicken fillet (500 g), tomatoes (2 pcs.), eggs (2 pcs.), a little cheese, your favorite spices, and for the sauce - natural yogurt without fillers, mustard, garlic and salt to taste. The pizza will be low-calorie, as it will have a protein base instead of the usual dough.

Chicken meat is ground in a blender, after which eggs, salt and spices are added. Using a wet spoon, spread the resulting mixture onto a baking sheet, on which you first need to lay a sheet of parchment paper or food foil. Bake the pizza base in the oven for no more than 10 minutes until firm. After this, it should be greased with a sauce made from yogurt, mustard and garlic, and topped with tomatoes cut into rings and grated cheese. Bake in the oven for another 10-15 minutes until done. To keep the calorie content of pizza to a minimum, you should choose low-fat hard cheeses.


You can cook the dish in a non-stick frying pan, grill or waffle iron. This way, no oil is required, which will reduce calories. This dish is worth spending money on even a grill or waffle iron, the pancakes turn out so tender and tasty. Especially if you serve them with condensed milk or honey.

For the dough, mix oat flour (6 tbsp), bran (3 tbsp), egg (1 pc.), milk (3 tbsp), water (1 tbsp) into a homogeneous mass. , half a small banana (about 50 g), add a little baking powder and bake using one of the suggested methods. Ready-made pancakes can be topped with condensed milk, but not the kind sold in the store, but prepared according to all the rules healthy eating from whole milk (200 ml), corn starch (1 tbsp), milk powder (4 tbsp), sweetener and vanillin to taste. Beat all ingredients in a blender and cook over low heat until the desired consistency is achieved.

Strudel with cinnamon and apples

Among the low-calorie dishes for weight loss, there is also a place for sweet pastries, but they contain only healthy ingredients that do not harm your health and figure. For strudel you will need whole grain flour (140 g), water, salt, olive oil (2 tbsp), table vinegar (1 tsp). Add salt and vinegar to the flour, mix, and then, gradually adding water, knead a stiff dough. Leave it for an hour, covered with film.

At this time, you can prepare the filling from apples (2 pcs.), honey (20 g), walnuts or almonds (40 g), cinnamon and sweetener to taste. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, put the fruit and nut mixture on top and bake for half an hour in the oven, brushing the top of the strudel with egg. It is not recommended to serve the pie immediately. If you keep the finished strudel a little longer in the switched off oven, it will be juicier and more tender.


This salad, beloved by many, is harmful for those who want to lose weight due to improper preparation of the ingredients. A slightly modified recipe allows you to make it one of the low-calorie dishes for weight loss.

First of all, you need to make the right sauce. In many establishments it is even replaced with mayonnaise, which not only spoils the taste, but also makes Caesar unhealthy. The sauce for a low-calorie version of this dish will consist of natural yogurt (400 g), garlic (2 cloves), salt, paprika, mustard. It should sit well in the refrigerator for 8-12 hours. For Caesar, chop the lettuce with your hands, chop the breast fried without oil, tomatoes, finely grate the cheese, add olives. Mix all ingredients and pour over sauce.

Chicken sausages

High-calorie junk food often ends up in the diet due to lack of time. In such cases, semi-finished products prepared at home always help out, for example, chicken sausages, which are low-calorie dishes for weight loss. They will be a good alternative to regular meat and will diversify your diet.

Grind half a kilogram of chicken fillet into minced meat, add milk (100 ml), eggs (1 pc.), a tablespoon of tomato paste, salt, spices, finely chopped fresh herbs. Place the resulting base on cling film. For each sausage you will need about two tablespoons of cooked minced meat. The edges cling film it is important to securely fix it, giving the required form. Boil these sausages for 10 minutes, lowering them into boiling water. They can be frozen so you can quickly prepare a hot lunch at any time.

Berry casserole

Cottage cheese in combination with fresh fruits, nuts, and honey allows you to achieve a delicate taste in desserts. Among the low-calorie dishes for weight loss based on this product, you should definitely try making berry casserole.

Mix cottage cheese (500 g) with eggs (2 pcs.), rice or oatmeal flour (4 tbsp.), milk (6 tbsp.) and sweetener. Finally, add your favorite fresh or frozen berries. For flavor, you can add a little vanillin to the casserole and bake in a silicone mold in the oven. Cooking time – 30-40 minutes. Like pancakes, you can top the casserole with homemade condensed milk or honey.


Cold summer soup, properly prepared, will not harm you when losing weight. For the “correct” okroshka, cut radishes, cucumbers, boiled chicken breast, eggs, and potatoes into cubes. This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, adding fresh herbs and dressing to it before use. This low-calorie dish for weight loss is filled with kefir with mustard, a small amount of vinegar and salt, or mineral water with a spoonful of sour cream and spices. Such kvass substitutes are used due to its high energy value.

You can create a low-calorie menu in the most different ways. Dishes baked in the oven, stewed in a slow cooker, steamed, fried in a dry frying pan without oil are perfect for dieting. Main secret preparing dietary dishes for weight loss not only involves controlling the fat content of foods, but also the proper balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Dietary meals for weight loss for every day with calorie content

When compiling a daily menu, it is best for those who are on a diet to pay attention to dishes baked in the oven or steamed. Both methods of heat treatment allow you to preserve maximum amount nutrients in the products used and only slightly increase their calorie content.

Oven recipes

Baking in the oven is an ideal way to cook meat or vegetables so that they turn out tasty, aromatic, but not greasy. Cook in the oven using foil or a special baking bag to retain all the juices in the dish.

Stuffed zucchini – 70 Kcal

A complete diet must contain meat as a source of animal protein, iron, and potassium.

When choosing meat, give preference to the one that has more protein but less fat. Perfect option– turkey, it contains 22% protein.

You can also take lean beef, veal, rabbit or chicken breast. Cook meat with a variety of vegetables. For example, with zucchini.

For zucchini stuffed with meat, prepare in advance:

  • 500 grams of young zucchini;
  • 250 grams of lean beef;
  • 200 grams of tomatoes;
  • 100 grams of lettuce pepper;
  • 75 grams of onion;
  • 75 grams of carrots;
  • dill;
  • clove of garlic.

First, prepare the minced meat. Grind the meat, carrots, onions, tomatoes and garlic in a meat grinder. Salt, pepper and stir. Wash the zucchini and cut lengthwise, remove the seeds with a spoon. Place the minced meat into the resulting “boats” and place the zucchini in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Lasagna with zucchini – 53 Kcal

Another secret that will help you prepare delicious diet meals for weight loss is the usual, everyone’s favorite recipes, in which high-calorie ingredients can be replaced with more dietary analogues. For example, make lasagna in which zucchini serves as sheets of pasta.

For this lasagna take:

  • a couple of zucchini;
  • 200 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce;
  • 100 grams of Mozzarella;
  • 40 grams of Parmesan;
  • a few basil leaves.

Prepare lasagna light this way:

  1. Using a paring knife, cut the zucchini into long, thin strips. Rinse them in salted water and dry on a paper towel.
  2. Finely chop the basil, mix with cottage cheese and raw egg.
  3. Grease a small baking dish with olive oil and place the first layer of zucchini leaves. Spread a little curd filling on top of them, pour a little sauce over it and place pieces of Mozzarella.
  4. Make 3 or 4 more such layers (as long as there is enough food). At the end, sprinkle the lasagna with Parmesan, grated on a fine grater, and bake the dish for half an hour at 180 degrees.

Dietary dishes in a slow cooker

A faithful assistant to modern busy housewives is a multicooker. You can prepare a wide variety of dishes in it, including dietary ones.

Squid in sour cream – 87 Kcal

Seafood is perfect for dietary table, since they have practically no calories, but are very tasty and healthy.

Squid is a great way to add protein to your diet.


  • half a kilo of squid;
  • onion;
  • 50 grams of dill;
  • a tablespoon of vegetable vegetable oil;
  • 75 grams of low-fat sour cream;
  • salt.

Prepare like this:

  1. Clean the squid and cut into strips. Chop the onion and dill.
  2. Set the multicooker to “Stew” mode and simmer the onion in vegetable oil until transparent.
  3. Next, add the squid to the onion and cook the products together for another 5 minutes. Do not simmer them for too long, otherwise the seafood will become “rubbery”.
  4. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, add sour cream into the bowl, salt its contents and sprinkle with dill. Mix everything and keep under closed lid a couple more minutes.

Serve the squid with steamed rice or couscous.

Lazy cabbage rolls – 112 Kcal

You can cook regular cabbage rolls, but without adding sour cream and using lean meat. And this will be a completely dietary dish. However, we will prepare quick cabbage rolls with chicken.

Most of those who, as a result of hard work, have achieved success in losing weight and returned their figure to attractiveness and harmony, think about the question of how to maintain the achieved result. It's no secret that healthy and dietary nutrition is the best way to maintain weight.

Today our attention will be focused on low calorie recipes on every day. You will be able to see that you can stay in shape without even denying yourself the pleasure of a delicious meal. You can rest assured that the dietary dishes will please your entire family. The variety of recipes allows you not to waste time on proper menu planning. Preparing most dishes will not take much time and will not require you to have any special skills. The main thing is to always remember that healthy and properly prepared food is the key to not only slimness, but also health.

Recipes for every day: for breakfast

The key is usually a healthy breakfast. According to experts, morning meals should include slow carbohydrates. They are the ones who provide for a long time human body energy.

Oatmeal for the perfect morning

To prepare this most valuable dish we will need:

  • oatmeal - 50 g;
  • milk - 2/3 cup;
  • water - 2/3 cup;
  • low-fat yogurt - 2 tablespoons;
  • honey - 1 one tablespoon;
  • salt.

First you need to mix water and milk. This should be done in a saucepan. Then add a small pinch of salt and bring the porridge to a boil and leave to simmer over low heat for 10-20 minutes. Stir occasionally. Please note that large and coarse flakes take longer to cook than small ones, but they are richer in fiber. Place the porridge on plates and serve with honey and yogurt.

Oatmeal also goes perfectly with bananas, some berries and apples. You can always add them to the dish if desired.

Delicious Greek omelette

If you use our recipes every day, dietary nutrition will quickly become an integral part of your life. By eating this affordable egg dish for breakfast, you will provide your body not only with slow-acting carbohydrates and proteins, but also with important vitamins and microelements. To prepare we will need:

  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • small sun-dried tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • feta cheese or cheese - 25 g;
  • a slice of grain bread.

Heat a teaspoon of olive oil in a frying pan. Beat eggs in any container with a whisk. The cheese should be cut into cubes, tomatoes into small pieces. Pour the beaten eggs into the pan, lifting the edges slightly. Fry the omelet until the center is almost ready. Place cheese and tomatoes on half of the semi-finished dish. Cover the filling with the other half. Transfer the finished omelette to a plate. Serve with a slice of bread.

All nutritionists unanimously claim that people prone to excess weight, should not sit on You should just go on a diet. The recipes for every day offered by us will help you with this. Such nutrition should become a person’s way of life. In this case, your figure will not suffer from constant weight fluctuations, and your cardiovascular and digestive systems will also remain healthy. Let's continue to get acquainted with the low-calorie menu. It is noteworthy that it can be varied and very tasty.

What to cook for lunch?

Lazy dumplings with cottage cheese

To prepare lazy dumplings, we will need the following ingredients:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • one egg;
  • two tablespoons of flour;
  • low-calorie yogurt;
  • dill and parsley.

Low-fat cottage cheese should be mixed with the white of one egg, flour and finely chopped dill and parsley. Place the resulting mass on a cutting board sprinkled with flour and roll out the flagella. Each of them should be about 2 cm in diameter. Cut the bundles into pieces 4 cm long. Pour water into a container and bring to a boil. Cook the lazy dumplings for 5 minutes. They should be removed after they float to the surface. You can serve the dish with natural yogurt.

Light soup with rice and cauliflower

Let's continue to master dietary nutrition. Recipes for every day necessarily include the preparation of hot dishes. For this low calorie soup you will need:

  • cauliflower - 100 g of inflorescences;
  • white rice - one tablespoon;
  • potatoes - 2 pieces;
  • onions - ½ piece;
  • carrot;
  • dill and parsley.

Boil rice in boiling water for 15 minutes. Add diced potatoes, finely chopped onions and grated carrots. Now you should add small cauliflower inflorescences to the soup. Then leave the dish to cook for another 5 minutes. It is recommended to serve the soup with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Steamed fish cutlets

Recipes with photos can be found today in many magazines dedicated to cooking, as well as on various portals. To prepare the following dish, you need the following products:

  • fish fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • crushed crackers - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk or water - 125 ml;
  • onions - ½ pcs.;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • nutmeg.

Grind the fish fillet and onion in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add milk or water, egg and chopped nutmeg to the mixture. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly. Wet your hands cold water and form oblong cutlets. You can stew the dish in a double boiler or in a frying pan without large quantities water. Cooking time - 15 minutes.

We continue to consider popular dietary dishes. Recipes for every day with photos, suitable for a healthy lunch, will help housewives replenish their cookbook.

Oriental noodle snack

To prepare this delicious snack we will need:

  • rice noodles - 200 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 12 pcs.;
  • fish sauce - 1 tablespoon;
  • juice of one lime;
  • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • grapefruit - 2 pcs.;
  • cucumber - ½ piece;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • green onion feathers - 3 pcs.;
  • shrimp - 400 g;
  • cilantro and mint greens - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Boil the noodles in plenty of water for 7-10 minutes. Rinse it under cold running water running water. Place the noodles in a plate. Add tomatoes, fish sauce, sugar, lime juice. Now you can start working on the chili. We cut off the stalk of the vegetable and clear it of seeds. Cut the pepper into cubes and add to the mixture. Peel the grapefruit and add the pulp to the salad. Cut the carrots into strips, and the green onions into thin rings. Finally, add shrimp, finely chopped mint and cilantro to the appetizer. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and serve.

Your family will love this snack and will diversify your diet. Recipes for every day should not be too simple and boring.

Diet soup

To cook delicious soup, we will need the following ingredients:

  • olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • curry powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • apple - 1 pc.;
  • lime juice;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • small ginger root;
  • sweet potatoes - 800 g;
  • vegetable broth - 1.5 liters;
  • red lentils - 100 g;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • coriander.

Soup made from these products is used as a source of protein, fiber and antioxidants, even in a vegetarian diet. Let's continue to look at the best recipes that will help diversify a boring menu.

Add diced sweet potatoes and lentils to the precooked vegetable broth. Cook for about 20 minutes. Add green apple cut into small slices. Pour milk into the broth. Bring the soup to a boil again. At this time, fry the onion in olive oil until golden brown. Add garlic to it. Grate the ginger root on a fine grater and add it to the soup along with the frying. At the very end, the juice of one lime is added to the dish. It is recommended to puree the soup using a hand blender. Serve the dish with finely chopped coriander.

Diet dinner

In order for dietary nutrition (we are now considering recipes for every day) to be correct, you should follow the recommendations of experts. For an excellent low-calorie dinner, vegetables, lean poultry and fish are ideal.

Sea bass in the oven

To surprise and delight your household during an evening meal, you should cook sea bass with fennel. This wonderful dish is rich in protein, vitamin C, and iron.

For preparation you will need:

  • sea ​​bass - about 300 g;
  • fennel seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • turmeric - half a teaspoon;
  • fennel - one head;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil;
  • coriander greens.

The perch will be baked in the oven at a temperature of 220 °C. Chili peppers must be cut into small cubes. Mix it with cumin, fennel, turmeric and mustard. A small piece of foil should be greased with olive oil. Spread 1/3 of the spice mixture on it. Rub the remaining spices onto the fish and place it on foil. Place sliced ​​lemon on top of the perch. Wrap the fish in foil and seal the edges. Place the workpiece on a baking sheet. Total baking time is 15 minutes. Serve the fish with coriander.

As you can see, dietary nutrition for every day is not a problem. Preparation delicious dishes will not take much time, but will bear fruit very soon.