How much does a sofa book weigh on average? Sofa book: types and features, sizes, difference from the Eurobook. Spring blocks and heavy weight

The wonderful design of comfortable sofa models with the “Euro book” system will fit perfectly into both classic interior, and into the room with modern design. Soft seats, comfortable height sofa backrests with a “Euro book” mechanism, as well as a compact size and not heavy weight sofa will allow it to become a favorite resting place for all family members and give an unforgettable feeling of comfort. A simple and reliable system The sofa "Euro book" in a matter of seconds transforms it into a flat and spacious sleeping place that can easily accommodate two people. The elastic and ergonomic filler allows you to quickly take the shape of your body and just as quickly return to its original position. All upholstery materials are impregnated special means, which makes the cleaning process simple and fast, and the surface is not rubbed or damaged. The palette covers colors from pastel shades to bright. Therefore, everyone will choose an option to suit their taste. In the manufacture of the model, only modern, high-quality and safe materials that do not cause allergic reactions are used.

We are responsible for high level their goods.


Approximate weight and volume various types furniture:

Name Material Number of seats Net weight, kg Gross weight, kg Volume, m3
Office chairs and chairs
Executive chair Base: metal and plastic. Upholstery: leather or leatherette
Office chair Base: metal and plastic. Upholstery: fabric or leatherette
Office chair Base: metal. Upholstery: fabric or leatherette
Chests of drawers, cabinets and dressing tables
Chest of drawers 4-5 drawers MDF, wood
Chests of drawers with high legs MDF, wood
Dressing table with mirror MDF/chipboard/wood
Nightstand MDF/chipboard/wood
2-3 door large cabinets MDF/chipboard/wood
TV stand MDF/chipboard/wood
TV stand MDF/chipboard/Wood and glass
Coffee and coffee tables
Coffee table MDF/Wood
Coffee table with glass top MDF/Wood and glass
Coffee table with marble or other heavy top MDF / Wood and marble

Office and desks

Desk MDF/chipboard/wood
Desk with drawers and stand for a computer system unit MDF/chipboard/wood
Director's office desk MDF/chipboard/wood
Dining tables with chairs
Dining table, 4 chairs MDF/chipboard/wood
Dining table with glass or marble top, 4 chairs MDF/chipboard/Wood and glass/marble
Wardrobes with doors or sliding wardrobes with two doors MDF/chipboard
Wardrobes with doors or three-door wardrobes MDF/chipboard
Wall cabinets MDF/chipboard/Wood and glass
Cushioned furniture
Soft sofa 2-seater
Soft sofa 3-seater

Soft corner sofa Base: wood. Upholstery: leather, leatherette or fabric Set upholstered furniture: 2-3 seater sofa and 2 armchairs Base: wood. Upholstery: leather, leatherette or fabric Set of upholstered furniture: 2-3 seater sofa, 2 armchairs and coffee table Base: wood. Upholstery: leather, leatherette or fabric Ottoman Base: wood. Upholstery: leather, leatherette or fabric Armchair Base: wood. Upholstery: leather, leatherette or fabric Beds and mattresses Single bed without mattress, width 0.9m MDF/chipboard/wood Single bed with mattress, width 0.9m MDF/chipboard/wood Single bed without mattress, width 1.5m MDF/chipboard/wood Single bed with mattress, width 1.5m MDF/chipboard/wood Double bed without mattress, width 1.8m MDF/chipboard/wood Double bed with mattress, width 1.8m MDF/chipboard/wood Double bed without mattress, width 2m MDF/chipboard/wood Double bed with mattress, width 2m MDF/chipboard/wood Spring mattress 0.9*2m Springs, foam rubber, mulsion Spring mattress 1.5*2m Spring mattress 1.8*2m Chairs, poufs Chair MDF/Wood Upholstered chair Base: wood. Upholstery: leather, leatherette or fabric Poof Base: wood. Upholstery: leather, leatherette or fabric Rocking chair Base: wood. Upholstery: leather or leatherette Garden and country furniture Kit garden furniture: table, sofa, 2 armchairs Metal frame and PVC Rattan garden furniture set: table, 6 chairs Metal frame and rattan Awning tent Metal frame, synthetic fabric Garden bench with arch Tree Sconces, chandeliers, table lamps Chandelier Glass and metal Sconce Glass and metal Table lamp Glass and metal Floor lamp Glass and metal Chandelier Metal and fabric Table lamp Metal and fabric

The heaviest part of the sofa is frame. And she also provides greatest influence on the strength of the product. Therefore, it may seem that the heavier the frame, the stronger the sofa. However, this is not quite true. Strength is determined not only by the weight of the frame, but by the material from which it is made.

Steel frames are the heaviest specific gravity. Total weight a standard sofa on a steel frame with a sleeping area of ​​150 x 200 cm can range from 70 to 110 kg. What does it mean? Heavy, reinforced in areas of greatest stress steel frame It will really be very durable. If the sofa is on metal frame weighs 40-70 kg, this means that the frame is most likely not steel, but a composite one or even aluminum. And such a frame, of course, will not add any special strength. Moreover, all other things being equal, a frame made of solid wood will be preferable in a similar sofa.

Oak and beech The frames are also quite dense and heavy. In luxury models, the weight of a sofa with such a frame can exceed 100 kg. But in the middle class standard sofas with oak and beech frames weigh from 65 to 95 kg. And with a good foundation and a high-quality transformation mechanism, even the minimum of these weights is enough not to worry about the durability of the product.

Birch It is only a few percent inferior in density and strength to oak - and just as much lighter. Standard folding sofa with a birch frame it will weigh from 60 to 90 kg. If we take all the interior furniture wood materials, then birch can be called their golden mean in terms of price-quality ratio. It is also made from birch best plywood for bases and slats of sofas.

Pine– a very common and not the worst version of the frame. Less durable than birch, but more decorative. Sofa beds with pine frames weigh from 50 to 85 kg. The expected service life is from 10 to 20 years, depending on the model and the thickness of the frame.

There is an opinion that the heaviest and, moreover, the most fragile sofas are made on a frame made of Chipboard. And this opinion would be correct if it were not for the desire of manufacturers to make such cheap furniture still attractive to buyers. You really can’t make it as strong as oak, but it’s quite possible to play with the weight by reducing it as much as possible at all times. load-bearing structures– and then such a sofa can weigh 40 kg. Or, on the contrary, you can give the product solidity due to wooden parts– and then the sofa will weigh 60-90 kg. In a word, with a frame made of chipboard, the weight of the sofa does not indicate either its relative strength or its absence.

In the same way, it is difficult to judge its strength by the weight of a sofa if the frame combined. And pine and birch are combined with chipboard very often, just like steel and aluminum. In such difficult cases, you should pay attention to other parts of the product - the thickness and “birch-likeness” of the base, additional support underneath, the quality of the armrests and spring blocks, and the sofa transformation mechanism. Individually, these characteristics do not affect the weight of the sofa much, but together they can increase or decrease its strength, relatively speaking, from chipboard to birch or vice versa.

In general, we can say that if you are not going to jump on the sofa and put sumo wrestlers on it, then you need to choose not the most massive and heaviest model, but the one you like and most comfortable. After all, it’s probably not in vain that she passed all the required strength tests and it’s not in vain that you liked her either!

Hello, Stepan!

When purchasing, you need to obtain information about permissible load on the mechanism. These data are indicated in the model description, otherwise check with the seller. Ask which one Weight Limit withstands the sofa you like. In addition, it matters whether the furniture will be used daily or is a guest option. Important Features when choosing a durable sofa, it means a strong frame, stable, non-wobbly legs and a reliable transformation mechanism.

Choosing a mechanism for transforming upholstered furniture

  • Roll-out mechanism considered one of the most reliable and durable. It is designed for numerous transformations and is suitable for everyday use. It is easy to unfold and put away. There is a special belt loop hidden under the seat; by pulling it, you will force the front part to move forward and the back to take its place. Models equipped with this mechanism usually have a spacious and flat sleeping surface. When folded, they take up little space. This sofa can be installed close to the wall.
  • "Tick-tock" is an improved and modernized "Eurobook". The sofa mechanism extends the seat and reclines the backrest. An improvement on the previous mechanism consists of mechanically lifting the seat above the floor as a result of transforming the sofa.
  • “Click-clack” - sofas with this transformation mechanism are distinguished by the absence of cracks and depressions in the sleeping area. In addition, they are more comfortable due to the possibility of choosing positions: “lying”, “half-sitting” or “sitting”.
  • It might be worth considering the option corner sofa- the mechanism of such furniture is little involved, and since this part is one of the most vulnerable, a static sofa is more durable.

Spring blocks and heavy weight

For a person with a lot of weight, it also matters right choice spring blocks. In this case, “Bonnel” is recommended - in these blocks the radius of support of the spring coil is consistently reduced. As a result, the spring is easily compressed at the beginning of the load, and becomes tighter as the load increases. If you weigh more than 110 kg, you should carefully consider this option. Consider the disadvantage of this type of springs - they are interconnected. As a result, when you press on one spring, you also affect the others. Therefore, this type of spring blocks does not adapt well to the shape of the human body. Independent block free from these shortcomings. But it is not suitable if the load on the furniture is above 110 kg.

How soft should your sofa be?

For sleeping place you need to choose a harder surface. High density polyurethane foam makes the surface of the sleeping place more elastic, which means it can withstand more weight. Compared to the spring design, PPU provides a more rigid surface.

As for durability, both options are encouraging. High-quality polyurethane foam is designed for a long service life. Spring units are also quite durable if they are relatively expensive. Flooring nice sofa must last at least 5 years. Its durability is affected by the quality of materials and operating conditions.

And finally, pay attention to the fittings - a reliable sofa should have metal fasteners, plugs, supports, springs and buttons. Avoid plastic parts.

Best regards, Galina.

The matter of relocation was touched upon. A small, cozy sofa, which the owner easily moved from place to place, was carried out by two brave guys in loader uniforms. The transportation was completed successfully, it’s time to pay for the work. And then it turns out that the fragile girl, without much effort, was dragging furniture weighing 150 kg. Incredibly, please pay the workers according to the “oversized heavyweight” tariff.

How much does a sofa weigh on average?

To avoid similar situations An approximate estimate of the weight of your favorite furniture will help. Universal formula there is no calculation, but by looking closely at the sofa you can get your bearings with an accuracy of up to a couple of kilograms. It is enough to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • dimensions;
  • frame material;
  • upholstery;
  • mattress design.

Based on the listed features, it is already possible to make a rough estimate.


A classic sofa of this design is distinguished by the spaciousness of its drawers, high quality assembly and decent weight, which ranges from 75-110 kg.

A larger number is typical for three-seater furniture upholstered in heavy material, the frame of which is made of solid wood. Modern mattresses are relatively light, but if we are talking about the old “spring”, then the lion’s share total mass falls specifically on her.

The book can weigh less due to the use of lighter materials. Frame made of pine or chipboard, minimal structural reinforcement and foam mattress on a fiberboard substrate they are not particularly durable, but the weight of such products can even fall below the level of 75 kg.


The corner sofa has a more complex frame and, therefore, a decent weight of 100-160 kg.

Just like with a book, than better materials, the heavier the furniture. The heaviest structures are those with a built-in transformation mechanism. The easiest options are kitchen ones, unable to be transformed, made from cheap materials.


A small, cozy sofa without unnecessary problems. The ottoman weighs about 40-50 kg. And if the movers try to convince you that this is not true, just turn the sofa on its side and show its design. Well, 4 legs, 4 load-bearing bars and several reinforcing bars cannot pull any more. Even in combination with fiberboard sheets, upholstery and foam rubber.

How is the weight of a sofa determined, by what parameters

The heaviest part of any upholstered furniture is the frame. The most common materials for its manufacture:

  1. Steel structures are not weightless, but are recognized as the most reliable. If such a sofa turns out to be light, then it is made of aluminum. It's easy to verify this.
    The massif varies in weight depending on the type of wood. Long-lasting oak and beech are the heaviest. Birch is not much lighter. Pine weighs the least.
  2. In terms of weight, chipboard and fiberboard occupy a middle position between pine and metal.

In addition to the frame material, it is necessary to pay attention to the design features. The more complex the design of the sofa transformation mechanism, the more weight the furniture pleases the owners.