Calculation of the amount of timber for a house. Calculation of timber for building a house. Correct calculation of timber for a house

Calculation of timber for a house is necessary in order to determine the required amount of lumber for the construction of a rafter system, implementation of formwork work and overlapping floors of a construction site. Its correct calculation is especially important when building cottages from laminated or sawn timber.

How to calculate the amount of timber per house?

In order to correctly navigate the needs of lumber, it is necessary to make a construction project indicating exact dimensions, on which the length of the beam depends. Regarding its thickness, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • for a private house or bathhouse, timber with a cross section of 200x200 mm is suitable;
  • for seasonal construction it is possible to use wood with dimensions of 100x100 mm or 150x150 mm.

Based on the fact that the cost of wood building material indicated in cubic meters, to calculate the exact number of pieces of logs in 1 cubic meter, you need to make a simple calculation:

1m3/Z/W/L, where

  • Z - board width;
  • W - board thickness;
  • L is the length of the board.

The design of the house involves calculating the required volume of ceiling and floor beams, determining lumber for the rafter system, external walls, gables, and internal partitions.

Often, construction uses ceiling and floor beams with a cross-section of 100x150 mm using a pitch of 0.7 to 1 meter. In order to determine their quantity, you must use the formula:

  • Ld is the length of the house;
  • Ls is the length of the applied step.

Taking into account the fact that lumber is sold by the supplier in cubic meters, calculating the cubic capacity of a timber involves multiplying its cross-sectional area and linear length.

Calculation of timber for external walls and load-bearing partitions involves determining the area and thickness of the walls. Multiplying these parameters will give the total volume of timber required for the construction of the specified structural elements.

Timber cubic capacity calculator

To accurately calculate the cubic capacity of lumber for rafter system the use of special arithmetic algorithms will be required. The beam calculation calculator will greatly simplify the task. Correct determination of the required building material guarantees the reliability of the construction of the building structure and savings in financial costs.

The program will allow you to calculate timber online by entering initial data. By changing the specified parameters, you can compare several projects and choose the most profitable one from a financial point of view. By processing the individual parameters of a house project, the calculator will make the most accurate calculation, eliminating the risk of overpaying for excess material. It is important to consider the possible percentage of defects, which is about 5% of the total volume of lumber.

Before purchasing any building material, it is necessary to determine as accurately as possible required quantity, otherwise you may lose some amount due to remaining surpluses or the need for additional purchases, as well as the unaccounted for possibility of deception on the part of unscrupulous sellers. Timber, logs, boards and similar wood products, as you know, are sold in cubic meters, which means you need to know in every detail the calculations for determining the volume of these materials, as well as converting the required number of pieces into cubes and back. And in the case of purchasing timber for building a house, when calculating the required amount of this building material, it is also necessary to take into account the design and features of the future building.

Basic calculations - determining volume and converting from pieces to cubes and back

It is very simple to calculate the cubic capacity of timber, boards and similar lumber. To do this, you need to know the thickness, width (height) and length of the product. And, as is also known from school textbook according to geometry, you need to multiply these dimensions:

V = T ∙ H ∙ L, where

V – volume of timber, m3;

T – thickness;

H – width;

L – length.

Dimensions before calculation should be given in one unit of measurement: mm, cm or m. It is better in meters, so as not to have to convert from mm 3 or cm 3 to m 3 later.

Timber size table

For example, let’s calculate the cubic capacity of a beam of 150x200. These dimensions, as you know, are indicated in mm. That is, the thickness of the product is 0.15 m and the width is 0.2 m. The standard length of timber and boards is 6 m (sometimes also indicated in mm - 6000). Or maybe another. But for example, let’s take exactly 6 m. Then the volume of this lumber is:

0.15 ∙ 0.2 ∙ 6 = 0.18 m 3.

Now you can convert the required quantity (in pieces) of this product into cubes. Let's say 49 pieces are required:

0.18 ∙ 49 = 8.82 m3.

Knowing the volume of one product, you can also calculate the cube of timber, that is, determine how many units (pieces) there are in 1 m3. To do this, you need to divide 1 cube by the cubic capacity of one product, already calculated or taken from reference tables (in the example under consideration - 0.18 m3):

1 / 0.18 = 5.55555... pcs.

The amount of this type of timber is calculated in the same way for any volume.

Nuances of calculations - how not to make mistakes and not be deceived

As follows from the above methods and calculation examples, it is very easy to calculate the required volume of timber in pieces or cubic meters. However, one must always remember that 1 cubic meter does not contain a whole number of these products. For the example given with dimensions 150x200, length 6 m - 5.55555... pcs. Unscrupulous, most often timber retailers, cleverly take advantage of this.

For example, you need 1 cube of this material from the example. The seller, of course, sells 5 products, but charges the amount for a whole cubic meter. The overpayment will be the cost of half a beam.

Let’s say that to build a house you need the same 49 beams from the example. And if the seller calculates according to the following scheme, then he will have to significantly overpay for the timber received:

  • 1 cube – 5 products 150x200, 6 m long;
  • 49/5 = 9.8 cubic meters payable.

This is a dilution of the purest water into 5 units of timber. They are superfluous and unnecessary, but will be paid for but not received. In the calculation examples above, the data of 49 products has already been converted into cubes - this is 8.82 m 3. That is, a “particularly enterprising” seller will deceive an inattentive buyer by:

9.8 – 8.82 = 0.98 m 3 timber,

which is 0.98/0.18 = 5.44444... pcs. of this lumber (0.18 – the volume of one product calculated above).

Therefore, the most correct thing would be to calculate in advance exactly the number of units (pieces) of material, and only then, using this data and the dimensions of the timber or board, calculate their actual cubic capacity.

That is, in the case of purchasing one cubic meter in the example above, you must first decide how many beams you really need to take - 5 or 6. And then we calculate their cubic capacity:

0.15 ∙ 0.2 ∙ 6 ∙ 5 (or 6 pcs.) = 0.9 (or 1.08) m 3.

And for 49 units of this timber:

0.15 ∙ 0.2 ∙ 6 ∙ 49 = 8.82 m 3.

Then you will have to pay exactly for these 0.9 (1.08) or 8.82 cubes, receiving exactly 5 (6) or 49 products. Moreover, both the quantity in pieces and the volume in m3 must be indicated in the invoice for the timber sold by the seller.

Other features of calculating lumber cubic capacity

Another one important feature, which you should know to correctly calculate the cubic capacity of timber or boards when purchasing them. The actual length of lumber is usually always slightly longer than the standard or declared by the manufacturer of this product. So, instead of 6 m, the average length of the timber in question is, as a rule, 6.05 m. This is due to the fact that the ends of the lumber are not processed after cutting, which is why they may turn out to be uneven, go at angles, and be different, or simply be dirty. Of course, you don’t have to pay for these 5 cm. But some cunning sellers, although quite rarely, still try to take even this into account when calculating cubic meters, which is pure deception.

And regarding calculations for tongue and groove and profiled timber. The presence of tenons, grooves, and other protruding or chiseled places should not be confusing. Calculating the cubic capacity of such materials is no different from determining the volume of ordinary products that are even on all sides. For tongue-and-groove and profiled lumber, the rule is that only the main part (working width) of the product is measured and taken into account, and all structurally necessary and/or decorative elements are not taken into account in calculations. This provision applies to absolutely all types of timber.

Purchase of large volumes of materials - calculation of folded and dense cubic meters

When it is necessary to purchase a large amount of timber, their cubic capacity is calculated somewhat differently than discussed above. For example, timber and boards are needed to build an impressive, spacious house, as well as various other outbuildings near it. Wherein required lumber, most likely, will be of different sizes in cross section and length. Measuring and calculating each type of required material for such purchase volumes is an activity that can take more than one day.

For such cases, there is a specific calculation method. It is based on two important concepts:

  1. 1. Dense cubic meter of wood. This is the name given to a volume occupied only by wood and without voids or gaps in it. It is determined by measuring individual timber pieces individually, and then subsequently calculating their total cubic capacity.
  2. 2. Folding cubic meter. This is the name given to the volume occupied by lumber stacked as densely as possible and having voids, as well as gaps between individual wood products. It is determined by measuring the stack and then multiplying the dimensions of the latter. Moreover, in such a package the main amount of material should have approximately the same length, and the remaining products can be shorter, but not longer. It is allowed to have short lumber in the stacks, which should be stacked tightly one after another.

In order to quickly calculate the large volume of required purchased lumber, which has already been prepared and stored in the form of a stack, the latter is first measured and then its cubic capacity is calculated. This will calculate the fold cubic capacity. Then its value must be multiplied by a special conversion factor. The result will be a volume of only wood (a dense cubic meter), that is, exactly those materials that are purchased and will be paid for.

The value of the conversion factor is regulated by a number of standards for lumber: GOST 6782.2-75, 6782.1-75, 6564-84, OST 13-24-86 and others. For timber and boards, depending on their moisture content and the type of wood from which they are made, the value is in the range of 0.74–0.82.

We calculate the required cubic capacity of timber for building a house

  • The height of the external walls, measured from the foundation level. Let's denote it as H.
  • Internal height partition walls, if they exist and should be made of timber.
  • Length of external and internal walls.
  • The number and length of beams used in the rafter system, as floor beams and floor beams, as well as in its other structures - if provided for by the project.

Then we select the thickness of the material for each of the above structural elements. For external and internal load-bearing walls, depending on the purpose of the house being built and the region where it is being built. For non-load-bearing partitions - at your own discretion. The base (lowest) crown of external walls is usually slightly thicker than the rest of the timber for them. For other structural elements, the thickness of the material is selected based on its operating conditions, as well as the required strength of the structures in which it is used. In a well-drafted project, by the way, the thickness of the timber used for the walls, plinth crown, and other structures of the building should already be indicated.

Now all that remains is pure arithmetic. First, we calculate the perimeter of the house - add up the length of all its external wall structures. For a simple rectangular or square structure, you just need to add its width and length, and multiply the resulting value by 2. Then we calculate the cubic capacity of the base crown:

V C = T C ∙ Z C ∙ I, where

V C – total cubic capacity of basement lumber, m 3;

T Ts – thickness of the base product, m;

Z T – its width (height), m;

I – perimeter of external walls, m.

We calculate the remaining height of the external walls, m:

h = H – Z Ts, where

H – total height, m.

We calculate the area of ​​external wall structures without a plinth, m2:

If the thickness of the material of the base crown is the same as that of the entire wall, then the area of ​​the latter, m 2:

We calculate the area of ​​the internal walls, the thickness of the lumber of which is the same as that of the external ones, m2:

S B1 = H B ∙ L B1, where

H В – height of internal walls, m;

L B1 – total (total) length of internal walls, the material thickness of which is the same as the external ones, m.

We calculate the area of ​​the internal walls, the thickness of which is different, m2:

S B2 = H B ∙ L B2, where

L B2 - total length of internal walls, the thickness of the material is different, m.

We calculate the cubic capacity of the main lumber - for external walls and internal partitions made of the same timber, m 3:

V S = (S H + S B1) ∙ Z S, where

Z S – selected product thickness, m.

We determine the volume of material for internal partitions from other timber, m3:

V B = S B2 ∙ Z V, where

Z B is the selected material thickness for these partitions, m.

We divide the results obtained (V C, V S and V B) by the length of the purchased lumber and its selected width (height). You will get the amount of material in pieces. We round this value to a whole value, and then recalculate V C, V S and V B, as described in the second chapter.

To save on lumber, you should calculate the total areas of window, door and other openings for the corresponding walls. Then their values ​​must be subtracted from S H, S B1 and S B2, respectively. After this, we calculate V S and V B using the same formulas. Then we increase the obtained values ​​by 10–20% - so that there is a reserve just in case.

The cubic capacity of the timber for the remaining elements of the house in which it is used is calculated even easier. Its total length is calculated and multiplied by the thickness and width selected for the material.

Building a house made of wood requires careful preliminary calculation and drawing up the most detailed estimate. Any large construction project is associated with significant costs, and it is important to correctly evaluate initially financial opportunities and represent all future costs.

An important expense item is the foundation, but the most expensive part will be the “box” itself, so you need to make a preliminary calculation of the material for a house made of timber. In this case, it is advisable to consult with a professional architect and builders who know the real prices on the materials market.

Which timber to choose for construction

First you need to select the material for the house made of timber. It differs in both characteristics and cost:

  • The cheapest option is ordinary timber natural humidity. It is the most common, but the least reliable. During the drying process, it can be significantly deformed, which leads to the formation of cracks and crevices in the walls.
  • Dried timber - wood material, which has undergone preliminary chamber drying. Most of the natural moisture is removed from it, so it will be more reliable, but the cost will also increase significantly.
  • Profiled timber is an even more expensive type of material, which will allow you to build completely smooth walls without gaps between the crowns. A special system of tenons and grooves on the top and bottom sides will allow you to build a building with the strongest walls.
  • Glued laminated timber is the leader in cost. This is not exactly timber, since it is not made from solid wood, but from several layers of wood glued together. Such material requires a long processing time, and it will be very expensive.

Thus, the calculation of material for the construction of a house made of timber begins with an analysis construction market and choice suitable material. When this issue is resolved, you can proceed directly to the calculations.

How much material is needed to build a log house?

Calculation of the material for building a house from timber can be carried out using a special calculator program, which is posted on construction sites. This will speed up the calculation, but the result will still only be approximate. You can also calculate the material manually using the following parameters:

  1. Section of timber. It depends on the required thermal conductivity: for a house without additional insulation a beam with a cross section of 200x200 mm is required: this is quite expensive, so often future owners prefer to purchase thinner and cheaper material, and then insulate the building with inexpensive materials. It is permissible to build a building for permanent residence from timber with a thickness of 150x150 mm or 150x100 mm.
  2. Dimensions of the house. The standard project is a building made of timber measuring 6x6 meters, since it will allow the beams not to be connected to each other.
  3. The height of each floor. Minimum height from floor to ceiling is 2.5 m, often it is made larger so that later you do not limit yourself in the choice of furniture and decoration.
  4. Window area and doorways. It is clear that what larger area windows, the less material is required. When developing a building project, the dimensions of the openings are indicated in the drawings, these values ​​are used for calculations.

An example of calculating materials for a standard house

Great help with counting required quantity timber for the construction of a house will be provided. But let's try it on simple example perform simple calculations.

Calculating materials for a house made of timber requires making fairly simple calculations that force you to remember school lessons geometry.

Preliminary calculation of material for a timber house:

Required to build small house with linear dimensions 6x6x2.5 meters. For construction, you need to purchase a regular beam with a cross-section of 200x200 mm. It is planned to make a door in the building with an opening size of 800x2000 mm, in addition, it will have two windows measuring 600x800 mm.

Let's move on to the calculations:

  • House perimeter: 6*4 = 24 meters. We multiply this value by the height: 24 * 2.5 = 60 square meters. meters - the total area of ​​the walls.
  • Calculate the area of ​​the windows. Multiply 0.8 * 2 = 1.6 square meters. m. – area of ​​the door, 0.6 * 0.8 * 2 = 0.96 m. – area of ​​two windows. These values ​​must be subtracted from the total area of ​​the walls: 60 - 1.6 - 0.96 - 57.44 square meters. m. is the area of ​​the house.
  • Since the thickness of the timber is 0.2 meters, the volume of the walls is calculated as follows: 57.44 * 0.2 = 11.488 cubic meters of timber will be required for construction.

Important points when calculating material

If you need to build a house from timber, the calculation of materials will always be approximate. To the resulting value you must add at least 15%, which will be required for trimming, damage, arranging corners, etc.

Timber is required not only for the construction of the box, but also for installing rafters, floor joists, floors, etc. As a result, in the final calculations, the amount of timber increases by about a fifth.

The exception is the construction of a house from a ready-made house kit. In this case, together with the architect, the exact amount of materials that will be required for construction is calculated, and all parts are pre-processed in the factory.

A ready-made set of numbered parts arrives at the construction site, from which a building is erected, like a large construction set. All parts fit exactly together; nothing needs to be adjusted or modified. You'll just have to buy more fasteners and insulation, and the work can be completed faster.

The calculation of lumber should take into account not only the purchase of the timber itself. You will need an inch board for the construction of a rough and a fifty for the finished floor of a given area, material for construction roofing pie and other expenses.

Every wooden element, used in construction, must be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants; the finished house needs painting or another finishing option. The walls can be covered with plasterboard and additionally insulated.

crushed stone:
6.8 m³ x 1900 RUR/m³12920 rub.
concrete M200:
5.2 m³ x 4200 RUR/m³21840 rub.
concrete M200:
22.7 m³ x 4200 RUR/m³95340 rub.
rod fittings Ø10, 12, 14 AIII:
1.5 t x 37,500 rub./ton56250 rub.
blocks foundation FBS 24-3-6 :
36 pcs. x 2360 rub./pcs.84960 rub.
cement-sand mixture:
1 m³ x 2700 RUR/m³2700 rub.
softwood board for formwork:
1.1 m³ x 6500 RUR/m³7150 rub.
roofing felt RKK-350:
3 rolls x 315 RUR/roll (10m²)945 rub.
TOTAL: by foundation282105 rub.
wooden beams 150x50; 170x100; 150x100:
2.6 m³ x 7000 RUR/m³18200 rub.
Knauf plasterboard slabs (2500x1200x10):
16 pcs. x 260 rub./pcs.4160 rub.
metal profile with fasteners:
132.5 l.m x 51 rub./l.m6758 rub.
mineral wool insulation (Rockwool):
11.4 m³ x 3700 RUR/m³42180 rub.
110 m² x 68 RUR/m²7480 rub.
polyethylene vapor barrier film:
110 m² x 11 RUR/m²1210 rub.
plywood sheets FC 1525x1525x18:
0.8 m³ x 19,000 rub./m³15200 rub.
subfloor board:
0.9 m³ x 6500 RUR/m³5850 rub.
TOTAL: by floors101038 rub.
pine beams (150x50mm):
2.4 m³ x 7000 RUR/m³16800 rub.
wood-protective composition:
35 l x 75 rub./liter2625 rub.
waterproofing film (Tyvek Soft):
107 m² x 68 RUR/m²7276 rub.
profiled sheets SINS 35–1000:
102 m² x 347 RUR/m²RUB 35,394
self-tapping screws with washer EPDM 4.8x35:
4 packs x 550 rub./pack (250 pcs.)2200 rub.
ridge profile (2000mm):
5 pieces. x 563 rub./pcs.2815 rub.
sheathing board 100x25mm:
0.6 m³ x 7000 RUR/m³4200 rub.


RUB 747,553.0

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Calculation of the cost of work

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Example of 8x7 m layout for calculation

Structural diagram

1. Wooden beam 150x150mm;
2. slab mineral insulation d=100mm;
3. Plastic siding;
4. Ventilation gap d=20-50mm;
7. Floor beams d=150-250mm;
8. Roof made of corrugated sheets;
9. Monolithic foundation concrete slab and prefabricated blocks h=1.8m;

Timber-timber wall finished with siding panels and interlayer thermal insulation

Timber-beam wall

The high popularity of timber and log construction among our fellow citizens is predetermined by the traditional nature, accessibility and healing aura of forest house construction.

The features of a wooden dwelling have been proven to normalize the level of humidity within 45-55%, saturate the premises with fintocides, and also have a pacifying effect on the psyche of people.

It is worth noting that recently there has undoubtedly been a growing interest in molded, in particular, prefabricated laminated timber material, which is characterized, in comparison with non-glued solids, by increased (due to adhesive joints) heat-saving and strength properties, as well as significantly lower shrinkage properties . Without a doubt, the disadvantage that slows down the mass use of laminated veneer lumber is its significant price, which, however, is more than justified by its long service life.

In construction warehouses it is possible to see timber products of standard sizes 140x140, 100x100, 120x120, 150x150, 180x180, 200x150, 150x100, of which the most used size is 150x150 mm, since it has an optimal ratio of structural characteristics and low cost, as well as the complexity of installation, expressed by the number of sealed interrow joints.

Standard diagram for assembling a house made of timber:

  • First, on the foundation, covered with a waterproof film, along the contours of the walls, a lower row of timber is installed, which is connected by a tenon insert at the corners and at the joining points of the internal partitions.
  • In order to join the logs together, dowels are used - round oak or birch dowels with a diameter of 3.0-4.0 cm, which are installed effortlessly into holes made through three rows of beams, every 0.3÷0.4 m. Quite often, dowels are replaced with large nails (25÷30 cm), with the obligatory execution of a groove in the upper log, 30...40 mm deep, into which the nail is placed, to compensate for the linear compression of the lumber during shrinkage.
  • So that during the shrinkage process wooden house windows and doors are not deformed, door and light openings are framed in vertical areas with “casing” - profile posts. In this case, a U-shaped tenon is cut out at the ends of the rows of timber, along which the mentioned timber profiles move, due to the corresponding recess. Above windows and doors, technological gaps are arranged and filled with fiberglass or felt insulation.
  • When erecting walls, log rows are laid with a seam seal (flax batting, hemp, jute, flax jute, felt, tow), which after 9-12 months (or when the water content of the log house reaches 12-15%) will have to be caulked again to minimize heat loss through inter-beam joints.
  • When choosing interior decoration seasonal deformations of timber-log walls should be taken into account and, when installing inelastic cladding (for example, plasterboard sheets), direct connections with timber wall, by adding suspended buffer frame structures.

Siding cladding

If all-season residence is planned, the log cottage should also be covered with thermal insulation. As a rule, they are attached from the outside, in a vertical position. wooden joists, with dimensions of 100x50 mm, with an interval of 400-600 mm, between which insulation is laid (for example, type: P-175, Ursa, Izomin, P-125, Knauf, Rockwool, PPZH-200, Isover, Isorok), after which hydraulic - and windproof film (Izospan, Yutavek, Tyvek), secured with a counter-lattice, 25÷50 mm thick, onto which a decorative false wall (painted lining, DSP panels or plastic siding) is attached.

Due to the fact that the vinyl siding profile changes quite a lot linear dimensions during fluctuations temperature regime, then you need to use loose fastening of vinyl plates.

Today manufacturers plastic siding(for example, brands: Nordside, Varitek, Georgia Pacific, Docke, Vytec, Snowbird, Tecos, Ortho, FineBer, Gentek, Mitten, AltaProfil, Holzplast) offer a rich color palette, giving any home the opportunity to look different from the rest.

It is important to consider that PVC siding can remain attractive appearance and last a long time only if the installation instructions are followed punctually.

PVC siding is resistant to chemical, atmospheric, mechanical factors, is not subject to corrosion, and does not support combustion.

In a fire, a polyvinyl chloride profile only melts, igniting when heated to at least 390°C (and wood is already at 230-260°C), soon extinguishing when the source of heating is removed, and the volume of carcinogenic heating products is no more than during smoldering of wooden structures.

Basic technological rules PVC siding fasteners:

  • When hanging the next siding strip, snap it onto the locking protrusion with the underlying strip and, without pulling it, secure it with screws;
  • In order to disguise seams, hanging vinyl panels it is better to do it starting from the rear wall of the building, moving to the front wall, and each subsequent siding strip will cover the one already installed in the row being performed, by about 2.5...3 cm, for the same purpose, the resulting joints, for adjacent rows, need to be shifted horizontally.
  • The mounted siding plates should move easily left and right; to do this, do not tighten the screws in the mounting slots all the way.
  • In places where external communications are carried out (wires, brackets, cables, pipes), as well as at connection points plastic panel and fittings (H-profile, internal corner, external corner, platband, etc.), it is necessary to provide cuttings of about a centimeter to ensure thermal contractions or expansions of PVC siding.
  • In order not to interfere with thermal contractions and stretching and, thus, not to provoke point arching PVC material, screw self-tapping screws or nail nails into the siding profile in the center of the finished factory holes.
  • Vinyl profiles are fastened from the bottom up, according to the instructions; first, a special starting profile is installed.

Slab reinforced concrete foundation with block prefabricated tape

The slab-side base is installed along the perimeter of the external walls of the building in the form of a solid reinforced concrete slab, on which standard concrete blocks are placed.

The type of foundation under consideration is practiced in low-rise buildings to form the basement level of the house, on unstable lands, subject to a low level groundwater. In waterlogged areas, the side walls of the foundation should be made in the form of a continuous reinforced concrete strip, using waterproof coatings: gluing, coating, impregnation.

Along with this, the prefabricated block system of vertical foundation walls, based on a ready-made reinforced concrete slab, is optimal for fast construction rates, as well as for the production of a “zero” cycle during the cold period.

Standard execution sequence one slab foundation side parts in the form of a prefabricated reinforced concrete strip:

  • First of all, the earth is dug out to the designed depth.
  • Crushed stone, 40/60 in size, 150-200 mm thick, is poured onto the resulting base and compacted thoroughly.
  • Sand-cement filling is carried out, 50 mm thick.
  • A waterproof film is spread with an extension of 180-200 cm along the edges for lateral waterproofing of the sides of the foundation base.
  • To protect the moisture-proofing layer from possible ruptures during welding of the reinforcement structure, a second layer of cement mortar, 40 mm thick, along the perimeter of which formwork is placed at the height of the foundation slab.
  • The formed slab is reinforced with two rows of welded iron rods with a diameter of Ø14, type AII, with a pitch of 20x20 cm.
  • For slab foundations, only ready-made concrete, grade M300, class B22.5, transported by a concrete mixer, is allowed.
  • The duration of concrete hardening (when it is already permissible to install a perimeter from FBS blocks) is at least 4 weeks in warm weather.
  • The installation of wall blocks is carried out relative to the axial lines, in two mutually perpendicular to the walls, controlling alignment using a theodolite. The prefabricated blocks are guided by a truck crane onto a “bed” of mortar.
  • It is more correct to begin installation by laying beacon blocks at the intersections of axes and in the corners of the building. You should start arranging linear blocks only after checking the position of the reference blocks along the horizon and level.
  • Using the last row of FBS blocks, in board formwork, a reinforced mortar screed is produced, 250 mm high.

Beam-wood floor

Floors made of wooden beams are traditionally popular in country house construction due to the convenience and cost-effectiveness of their manufacture.

Wood is traditionally used for joists coniferous species(for example: spruce, larch, pine), with a moisture content of no more than 14%. It is known that the strongest beam is a block with an aspect ratio of seven to five (for example, 0.14x0.10 m).

When calculating lumber for flooring, it is necessary to be guided by special tables that take into account the dependence of the parameters of the beam structure on the span size and load; or you can start from the simplified rule that the width of the beam should be about 0.042 of the width of the room, and the thickness - 5÷10 cm, with a laying step of beam boards of 50 - 100 cm and a load of 150 kgf/m².

If there is a shortage of lags of sufficient size, it is permissible to use bolted boards, while leaving the overall size unchanged.

Characteristic moments of installing a beam-and-timber floor:

  • in wooden log houses, the edges of the beams are hemmed in the shape of a funnel, and then driven into the finished opening of the upper crown to the entire depth of the wall.
  • The lag is installed in the following sequence: first the first and last, and then, with control by the bubble level, all the remaining ones. The beams should be placed on the wall structure by at least 15-20 cm.
  • To avoid possible damage by rot, which may occur during diffusion of steam in a masonry niche, the ends of the beam boards are sawed off at an angle of about 60°, coated with an antiseptic solution (Biosept, KSD, Teknos, Senezh, Pinotex, Cofadex, Tikkurila, Biofa, Aquatex, Holzplast , Tex, Kartotsid, Dulux) and cover with roofing felt, keeping the end open.
  • The beam beams are set back from the wall by at least 5 cm, and the distance between the beams and the smoke duct must be at least 40 cm.
  • Typically, in brick structures, the edges of the beams are located in the masonry openings in which moisture condenses; for this reason, between the end parts of the beams and the masonry, space is left for ventilation, and if the groove depth is significant, another layer of thermal insulation is installed.

The interfloor ceiling is not insulated, the basement floor is thermally insulated with the installation of a vapor barrier membrane on top of the thermal protection, and the upper level ceiling is thermally insulated with the laying of a vapor barrier layer at the bottom of the insulation.

Since the problem of structural reliability of wood-beam inter-level floors is mainly removed by obviously increasing the cross-section of the joists and their number, then with fire resistance and noise insulation everything does not look so clear.

One of the options for increasing the sound-proofing and fire-retardant parameters of wood-beam interfloor ceilings consists of the following points:

  • From the bottom of the load-bearing logs, at an angle of 90 degrees, with the help of spring brackets, after 0.30-0.40 m, metal profiles are fixed - sheathing, on which gypsum fiber boards are suspended from below.
  • A synthetic film is spread over the manufactured lattice structure and stapled to the beams, onto which slab mineral fiber insulation is tightly laid out, for example: Isover, Isorok, Knauf, Ursa, Izomin, Rockwool, with a layer of 5 centimeters, with a rise of vertical surfaces floor beams.
  • In upper-level rooms they are screwed onto the beams with self-tapping screws chipboard sheets(16÷25 mm), after this, a high-density basalt fiber sound insulator (2.5...3.0 cm), and again, plywood slabs are laid to prepare the floor.

Corrugated roof

Corrugated sheet material consists of sheets of molded metal of a trapezoidal shape, painted with a zinc layer, which are marked with symbols such as B-45, NS44, NS35, MP-35, H57, H44, H60, NS18, S-21, where the numbers indicate the size of the profile section.

The main advantages of a corrugated roof, in comparison with metal tiles, are the minimum costs and speed of implementation.

To decorate the roof, corrugated sheeting with a corrugation amplitude of 2 cm is used to ensure the required strength and economical use of sheathing material. The working angle to the roof horizon is considered to be at least 1:7.

The roof is installed on a supporting structure made up of sheathing preparation and rafter elements.

When constructing private buildings, a 2.3-span structure with inclined trusses and intermediate supporting walls is usually designed.

Support ends rafter beams lowered onto a Mauerlat with a cross-section of 10x10-15x15 cm; the interval between rafter beams is usually about 600-900 mm with a cross-section of rafter beams of 50x150-100x150 mm.

Standard installation procedure for profiled metal sheets:

  • A roof using corrugated steel sheets, like every other roofing base made of rolled steel, when arranging a warm attic space, involves the use of an under-roof waterproofing membrane, such as: Izospan, Stroizol SD130, Tyvek, Yutavek 115,135, TechnoNIKOL, which covers the inter-rafter heat-insulating material from dripping condensate water.
  • The waterproof membrane is installed horizontally, from bottom to top, with an inter-tier overlap of 10÷15 cm and a sag between the rafters of about 20 mm, with further gluing of the seam line with adhesive tape.
  • To remove unnecessary inter-tier joints, the long side of the profiled sheet is chosen similar to the transverse size of the roof slope, plus 20...30 centimeters, taking into account the overhang.
  • The interval between the sheathing bars is determined by the slope of the roof slope and the thickness of the profile relief: if the profile grade is C-8-C-25, and the slope is steeper than 15 °, then the gap between the sheathings is 400 mm, and for the NS-35÷NS-44 nomenclature - about 0.7÷1.0 m.
  • To avoid lifting of the corrugated sheets during gusts of wind, their fastening should be carried out from the lowest corner of the end cut of the roof, opposite to the prevailing direction of the wind flow.
  • The corrugated sheets are fixed to the sheathing boards with galvanized self-tapping screws, 28...40, Ø4.8 mm long, with sealing washers, in the deflection of the wave, and the ridge corners, on the contrary, in the crest of the wave. Along the cornice, fixation occurs in all lower zones of the profile relief, and the consumption of screws is considered to be 6 ÷ 8 units. per m2 of profiled material.
  • The longitudinal overlap of corrugated sheets should be done in one wave, but if the slope of the roof slope is less than 12 degrees - in two corrugated waves.

Building a house from timber opens up a lot of advantages for its owner, the main one of which is the environmental friendliness of the chosen material. The construction of a house is preceded by the process of calculation and selection of material, which we will talk about further.

House made of timber - varieties and advantages

Making houses from timber is becoming increasingly popular. Since this material is harmless and even beneficial to health. Living in a house made of wood has a beneficial effect on well-being. Because precisely, wood is capable of regulating optimal level humidity in the room.

To make timber, solid wood is used, from which rectangular beams are cut. The most commonly used material is coniferous trees. Since they are distinguished by the highest level of resin content, which makes the material more durable and prevents it from rotting, thereby increasing its service life.

There are two types of timber:

  • regular type;
  • profiled.

The standard type of timber is a timber with a square or rectangular cross-section. The procedure for making profiled timber is more complex, as it requires cutting out locks, grooves and ridges. This timber is more convenient to connect and the room that is made from it has the highest thermal insulation characteristics.

In relation to the structure and technology of timber production, the material is distinguished:

  • whole;
  • glued type.

To produce the first version of timber, the presence of whole trees, from which the timber is cut. To produce laminated veneer lumber, you need boards of a certain size, which are glued and pressed together. For additional resistance before rotting, antiseptics are applied to the boards and then joined together using resin. This type timber is more resistant to cracking, but is not fireproof enough. It is possible to produce laminated veneer lumber using various types of wood, for example, spruce and pine. During the gluing process, the main thing is to prevent the fibrous parts of the boards from matching each other, since the timber, in this case, becomes less durable.

In addition, in the process of manufacturing laminated veneer lumber, boards with defects are not used, but replaced with new ones.

The most important and undeniable quality of any type of timber is its environmental friendliness. Since solid wood is used for its manufacture, which has all the beneficial properties natural wood. If we compare glued and solid timber, then the second option is more environmentally friendly, since the resins used for gluing laminated timber emit toxic substances in small quantities.

Although in architectural terms, the use of laminated veneer lumber is more convenient. Since with its help it is possible to construct buildings of any shape. The standard length of laminated veneer lumber is 6 m, but there are cases when logs reach a length of 15 m.

A house made of profiled timber allows you to hide communications by cutting out special niches. A building in the manufacturing process of which glued laminated timber is used is more fire resistant, since during its manufacture each of the boards is impregnated with fire-resistant mixtures, which make it non-flammable.

Among the disadvantages of making a house from timber are:

  • if the material is not dried properly, it is not able to perform all its functions efficiently;
  • requires constant application of impregnations that improve it quality characteristics, otherwise, the tree begins to rot and deteriorate;
  • Glued laminated timber has a very high cost, which is its big disadvantage, although it is fully justified by the complexity of its manufacture and durability in operation.

How to calculate timber: features of the procedure

When purchasing timber, its cost is measured in cumobeters. Therefore, for laminated veneer lumber the calculation or edged boards This unit is also used. To determine the quantity required material, you should first find out its size. For example, with a width of 15 cm, a length of 6 m, and a thickness of 10 cm, the number of logs is determined by dividing one cubic meter by the volume of the timber. One cubic meter of this timber contains 11 logs.

Calculating the amount of timber per house involves determining the materials for its various sections.

The ceiling and floor beams are calculated first. When building a house on unstable ground, it is advisable to replace the floor on beams, monolithic base. Otherwise, the use of wood is recommended. The standard size of ceiling and floor beams is 10x15 cm. The spacing of their installation is no more than one meter. To ensure maximum strength, the beams should be cut into each other in a vertical position. To calculate the total length and number of beams required, you need to perform a number of actions:

  • Divide the total length of the house by the step of laying the beams, and then subtract 1.

For example, if a house is 6 m long and 5 m wide, with a laying step of 1 m, the beams are calculated as follows: 5/1-1 = 4 pieces.

Beams are available in a standard length of 600 cm, which matches the length of the house.

The next stage is calculating the cubic capacity of the timber for the construction of the rafter system. We offer an example of a calculation option for a straight gable roof. In this case, the installation pitch of the rafters is 600 mm, and the angle of inclination is 45 degrees. To make the rafters, a material with a cross-section of 10-15 cm is used. Please note that as the angle of inclination increases, the amount of snow that accumulates on the roof in winter decreases, and the load on the building decreases, although the stability of the roof against the wind also becomes less. Therefore, for regions with high windiness, it is recommended to construct a roof with low angle slope, and in places with a lot of precipitation, in the form of snow, it is better to give preference to a roof with high level tilt

In order to equip the rafter system, you must first install two rafter legs, and then fix them with a beam. Next, the rafters are installed.

If the run of the house is 1000 cm, and the angle of inclination is 45 degrees, then in order to calculate the length of the rafter leg it is necessary to calculate the sum of the legs squared. This value will be 424 cm. To construct each triangle, you will need to purchase 850 cm of material.

To calculate the number of triangles, divide the total length of the roof, which is 1000 cm, by the laying step - 60 cm, and subtract one, you get 16 pieces. Now we multiply the number of triangles by their length - 16*850=13600 cm. In addition, we should not forget about the run, which is 1000 cm; we add it to the main value and we get 145 m of wood. If the cross-section of the beam is 5x15 cm, then to calculate the number of cubic meters, you need 145 * 0.15 m * 0.5 = 10.9 cubic meters.

Calculation of the load of timber on the surface of walls, gables and internal partitions is carried out in relation to the building design. When carrying out calculations, one should proceed from one approach to calculating the material for internal partitions and walls. All elements should be converted into geometric shapes and, based on the formulas for each, their area should be determined. If there are openings in the form of windows and walls, their area should be determined. Subtract the area of ​​the opening from the pre-calculated area of ​​the wall, multiply the resulting value by the thickness of the wall and you will get the volume of material that will be needed to build the wall. Having calculated the value for each of the walls, summarize the results.

Calculation of the strength of a timber depends on its weight, which is influenced by the species and humidity. The latter value is determined by the percentage of water in the tree. The humidity value determines the quality of drying and storage conditions of the material.

Dry wood is a material that has been dried under technological conditions or stored in warm and dry rooms for a long period of time.

Raw wood is a tree that has begun to dry out. If the material contains equilibrium moisture, then it is classified as air-dry wood. When storing material in conditions high humidity it takes the form of wet or freshly cut wood.

The construction of a house using timber is easier to carry out calculations compared to houses made of logs. In addition, the use of timber opens up a large number of options for finishing both the interior and exterior of the building.

In relation to the cross-section of the beam, materials are distinguished: 12x12, 15x10, 18x18, 20x15, 15x15, 10x10, 14x14. Most optimal size timber for building a house 15x15 cm. Since this particular type of timber has an acceptable cost and high thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, this beam is easy to install and simple to operate.

The use of profiled timber with such a cross-section will make it possible to build great house, which will serve its owner for many years. The only drawback of this timber is its high cost, so when calculating profiled timber, you should be extremely careful not to make a mistake and not spend a lot of money.

To correctly calculate the amount of material with which you need to build a house, use the formula:

A*B*C=amount of timber

A is the length of the wall;

B - wall height;

C is the thickness of the material.

For example, for the construction of a house whose length is 8 m and width is 6, using timber with a section of 15x15, calculations are carried out according to the formula: 2(6+8) = 28 m - the perimeter value. The height of the wall is three meters, so this value is multiplied by the perimeter, we get 54 m. Now we multiply the obtained result by the cross-section of the beam, which is 0.15 m, we get 8.1 cubic meters. Consequently, this will be the amount of timber required to build a house.

How much timber is needed to build a house?

Factors on which the amount of timber for a house depends:

  • type of timber used in the construction process;
  • the amount of timber in one cubic meter;
  • house design.

To calculate the amount of timber for external and interior wall, use the algorithm:

1. Calculation of the perimeter of the building.

2. Multiply this value by the total height.

3. Multiplying the result by the cross-section of the beam.

4. The amount per cubic meter of material required to construct the building is obtained.

During the calculations, attention should be paid to the fact that the construction of the first crown will require more material, since its width must be increased. In this calculation algorithm, this condition is not taken into account, therefore, to calculate the timber of the first crown, a separate formula must be applied.

The cross-section of the beam for the first crown should be chosen larger than the main one, since it is this crown that is load-bearing and takes on the entire load from the building. In addition, it is required additional processing using machine oil or an antiseptic solution.

When the calculation of the beam for bending is completed, the procedure for determining the number of pieces of timber to build a house follows. This value will help save time in the process of purchasing material. In addition, in this way it will be possible to avoid fraudulent actions on the part of the seller.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic values ​​​​of the quantities of timber in one cubic meter, taking into account the length of the material of 6 m:

  • 10x10 cm approximately consists of 16.6 pieces;
  • 10x15 cm - 11 pieces;
  • 15x15 - 7 pieces;
  • 10x20 - 8 pieces;
  • 15x20 - 5.5 pieces;
  • 20x20 - 4 pieces.

To determine the number of timber in pieces, you should general meaning, for example, 14 cubic meters, divided by the volume of one piece of timber per cube. To calculate this number, you will need to divide the cross-section of the timber by the number of pieces in one cube. For standard size timber 15x15 cm, this is 0.13. 14/0.13=107.6 pieces.

When setting the number of pieces required for the construction of a building, there is no need to accurately measure each cubic meter when purchasing material. It is enough to count the material piece by piece.

The height and width of the timber play an important role in the construction and operation of the building. In higher beams, the inter-crown seams are reduced and the construction procedure is accelerated. When choosing the optimal width, the need for permanent or temporary residence in the house is taken into account. The minimum thickness of timber recommended for the construction of a building in which people will permanently live is 20 cm. In this case, foam plastic or mineral wool, laid in a layer of 10 cm. If you plan to build a bathhouse, then the thickness of the layer should be increased to 16 cm.

In the process of building a country house in which people will live only in summer period time, it is enough to purchase a beam with a cross-section of 10x10 cm.

When calculating a stepped beam, an important factor is the preliminary design of the building. It is on the project that both external and internal view houses, number of walls, doors and windows.

There are several options for obtaining a project:

  • making it yourself;
  • ordering from specialists;
  • online shopping;
  • purchase of a project;
  • use of a ready-made project.

To independently create a house project, you need special skills in working with drawings. For its preparation, the climate in which the house is located, the soil on which it is based and other factors are important.

Therefore, the most the right decision there will be a hiring of specialists who are able to take into account everything individual characteristics plot.

Remember that when calculating timber for building a house, it is better to buy material with a small margin than to stop construction works due to its lack.