Basics of floristry. Floristry for beginners step by step. Assembling bouquets, decor training, photos, video tutorials. How to make a bouquet truly original

Today I want to talk about basics of floristry , the basics that apply to any floral composition made with your own hands, be it from fresh, dry, artificial flowers , or not from flowers at all, but from fruits or sweets. There are several basic principles of floristry composition:

1. Concept, design - the basic plan of the arrangement from which it is created. The design has three parameters: height, width and depth. The master of flower arrangement first mentally imagines it in finished form and only after that begins to work.

2. Proportion - this is the ratio of the size of the plants and the vessel, the proportion between flowers, leaves, vase, the ratio of the size of the finished composition and the room, display case, where it will stand. Compliance with proportions means that the overall composition makes a pleasant impression - the composition looks proportionate. A composition in any style can be disproportionate if there is no relationship between the size of the vessel and the height of the plants. To maintain proportions in creating compositions, they proceed from the classic formula of the “golden ratio”. If the bouquet is in a vertical position, if the entire height is divided into 8 parts, then 5 of them should be flowers, and 3 should be in the vase. Or the size itself tall flower should be equal to 1.5 vase heights (light flowers and buds are higher, darker ones are lower). In a horizontal position, when the bouquet is located low, flat vase, the diagonal or diameter of the vase should be taken into account. The longest branch or flower according to the “golden ratio” should be 5 parts, the shortest 3 or the size of the long flower 1.5 diameter or diagonal of the vase.

3. Focal point - the center of attention of the composition, the place where the eye is drawn. These may be larger flowers or a group of small flowers located at the edges of the vase. The focal point should not be large, otherwise it may spoil the entire composition.

4. Rhythm - This is a movement in a composition that can be achieved by alternating shape and color, changing the size of flowers. Without rhythm, the arrangement looks monotonous and static.

5. Balance - It has important, an unbalanced asymmetrical composition may topple over. Visual balance is not much more than physical balance, and is the requirement that the composition appear stable, even if it is asymmetrical. There are several techniques for visually weighting the lighter side of the arrangement - dark flowers heavier than light ones, round ones heavier than tubular ones. There is a balance between up and down. Large flowers in the middle or at the bottom of the arrangement create an impression of balance.

6. Harmony - this is the aesthetic quality of a composition, an aesthetic value in which all parts of the arrangement, their shape and color complement each other.

7. Color- one of the basic elements of a correctly composed composition. A color wheel will help here, in which the shades of the spectrum of a sunbeam passed through a prism and transitional tones are located. All colors can be divided into warm (red, orange, yellow) and cold (blue, blue-violet, violet, green). Read about ways harmonious combination colors

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You can please your loved ones with an unusual bouquet or decorate a celebration with flowers not only with the help of a professional florist, but also on your own. You just need to follow a few rules to make the bouquet look harmonious and attractive.

website I have collected tips from experts for those who want to try themselves in the art of floristry and do it with pleasure.

How to tell if flowers are fresh

To buy the freshest flowers possible, you need to pay attention to their freshness markers. Let us give examples of the most accurate ones.

The shapes of bouquets can be different, but for beginners it is better to use 2 techniques for assembling a composition: parallel or spiral. Be sure to first clean the lower part of the stems from leaves and thorns.

1. Parallel bouquet

This is the simplest way to create a bouquet, but there is still room for creativity. Technique: We lay the plant stems parallel to each other, tightly. Often the binding tape also acts as decoration.

This bouquet can be assembled to make it round, asymmetrical or one-sided.

Round form collected from 1–4 types of flowers of approximately the same size and additions. In the center - main flower, we place the rest around it in a circle, so that they are approximately at the same height. The composition can be linked several times for convenience.

IN asymmetrical bouquet We also place flowers in a circle, but the height of the flowers will be different.

One-sided bouquet. In such a bouquet there will be the highest point - a flower or flowers on the longest stems, and the rest of the plants will be arranged in steps, gradually going down.

2. Spiral bouquet

This technique is suitable for lush bouquets consisting of a large number different plants or flowers of the same type. The shape of the bouquet is round, and the arrangement of the stems helps to present a large number of flowers in a favorable light.

Technique: The easiest way is to assemble such a bouquet on the table.

The first flower is the base. We lay the second one with its stem on top of the first one, tilting to the right. The third is behind the first, tilted to the left. And then in the same order.

If you are putting together a bouquet of identical flowers, there is no need to constantly check it. If the composition contains different flowers, periodically carefully lift the bouquet, holding it at the intersection of the stems, to check and correct the arrangement of the elements.

Harmony of composition

In order for the bouquet to be successful and last a long time, it is important to follow two rules:

  • plant compatibility;
  • compatibility of shades.

Bouquets can be plain, similar, rainbow or contrasting. If it seems difficult to combine colors, you can use a color wheel. Similar colors are located next to each other, and the brightest contrasts are opposite each other.

The European style of bouquets allows you to combine different flowers, but some plants are better used in mono-bouquets, as they greatly shorten the life of their neighbors. Among these harmful “egoists”:

  • daffodil (especially for tulips);
  • carnations (especially for roses);
  • lilies of the valley;
  • bird cherry;
  • mignonette.

But there are also “doctor” plants that will extend the life of flowers:

  • cypress;
  • juniper;
  • lily (for roses);
  • jasmine (for lily of the valley).

Design Secrets

Objectively beautiful bouquet- these are always small floral secrets that make the composition harmonious. Some of them:

  • in a composition of many colors there should be a main “point”, a focal point that attracts attention. Our eyes subconsciously look for “points”, and such bouquets seem harmonious;
  • do not overdo it with greenery, and it should not be higher than the flowers;
  • the use of flowers of varying degrees of openness and buds prolongs the life of the bouquet;
  • The rhythm of the bouquet is important: flowers, shapes, colors must alternate, then a certain “movement” of the composition is created that pleases the eye.

Packaging as part of the composition

Among the stylish and fashionable packaging of recent years and current year Plain paper takes first place. Fabric and lace will add charm to the bouquet, thick untreated linen - matting, satin ribbons and coarsely woven ropes.

Large and small grids are losing ground.

Polyethylene is undesirable; it can only be used as technical packaging.

Floral trends - 2018

Floristry is an art form that has its own characteristics. There are no specific rules for composing bouquets, but there are styles that are based on certain principles. There are four such styles in total:

The vegetative style is the most natural, natural, that is, a bouquet of flowers is compiled as simply as possible and close to reality.

When working on a composition, the florist must pay attention to its appearance, growth form and plant community. TO distinctive features vegetative style can be attributed:

  • asymmetry of arrangement;
  • the largest group is considered dominant, and balance is ensured by a smaller group located remotely;
  • vegetative style requires attention to the natural arrangement of flowers and plants - that is, the way they grow in natural conditions.

Decorative style

This style is taken as the basis when creating bouquets of flowers. The photo shows that the number of flowers varies, and they are designed to be stored in vases.

The features of this area of ​​floristry include:

  • mounting on floral foam;
  • plants do not stand out, because the main goal is to express the unity and integrity of the composition without an emphasis on individuality;
  • bouquets are filled tightly, that is, numerous plants are located as close to each other as possible.

Shape - linear style

This floral style involves an emphasis on lines, shapes and contours. Most often, modern beautiful bouquets of flowers are created based on this trend (the photo confirms that the compositions can be very different).

Distinctive features of the style include:

  • attention to shapes and lines and their combinations;
  • minimum set of materials used;
  • rigor and clarity of lines.

Parallel style

This style is often found in nature, which is why it is loved by many florists. The parallel style suggests that plant or non-plant materials are placed parallel to each other. The direction requires careful attention to proportions, color and shape, and the bouquets themselves can be symmetrical or asymmetrical.

Principles of proper composition

Any work of art is created based on certain rules. Bouquets of flowers in the pictures look interesting and impressive, but you need to understand how such an effect is achieved.

To create a beautiful floral composition you need to be able to compose it:

Choosing color combinations

The color scheme must be harmonious, and this is achieved in four main ways:

  1. A combination of contrasting colors that will be located opposite each other
  2. A combination of similar shades that are located next to each other in the composition
  3. Using different shades of the same color
  4. A combination of colors from different parts color wheel

Bouquet ideas based on contrasting combinations color range variety. The main rule of this method is to use plants of pure color: that is, combine blue iris with a scarlet rose. Contrasting combinations, for all their harmony and optimism, should not be too catchy. The ideal composition is created by combining light shades– pink with muted blue, lilac with lilac.

If you like discreet combinations, pay attention to bouquet ideas based on similar combinations. Along with pure colors, you can use shades in them. In an ensemble of colors, one color can predominate, but in shades: when correct selection such floral compositions will look harmonious.

If you are for a riot of colors, then choose multi-color combinations. Bouquet ideas are very different, and you can even use freshly cut flowers from your own garden

Symmetrical round bouquet

There are many techniques in floristry, thanks to which they look individual and original. Today one of the popular ones is symmetrical round bouquet. Symmetry is popular due to the variations of flowers of different lengths, which when combined provide a harmonious composition.

A round bouquet is created in a spiral:

  • the main flower is placed straight, the plants in the foreground bend from left to right, and on background- from right to left;
  • each next flower is laid in a spiral slightly obliquely;
  • when filling the bouquet, the angle of its inclination increases;
  • After a set of plants, the stems are cut off.

These beautiful flower bouquets are often created for the bride at a wedding. You can decorate it using roses, carnations, irises, mini roses or asters. The basic rule is that the outer and inner flowers should not differ greatly in length, because the roundness of the shape depends on this.

Biedermeier style

This style in floristry makes it possible to make it a reality different ideas. This is also a round composition, but the flowers in it are collected not in a spiral, but in the form of a concentric circle. The compilation scheme is as follows:

  1. The work begins with laying the apical flower.
  2. Other flowers are arranged in a row around him.
  3. The shape of the bouquet is very different. The pyramidal composition is created by flowers with long stems, while the flattened composition is created by flower heads, often without a stem.
  4. Biedermeier suggests using not only flowers, but also spikelets of wheat, rye, feather grass, asparagus, and fern. In a bouquet they should create a concentric circle.
  5. The cuff is made of paper napkin, fabric, ribbons or lace.

A photo of a beautiful bouquet of flowers using the Biedermeier technique shows that you can also create small compositions from small flowers. By the way, this composition is considered one of the best among brides, which is why it is called matchmaking.

You can create it yourself:

  1. We take mini roses and daisies.
  2. We make cuffs from leaves.
  3. Perpendicular to it we place the top - from several roses and daisies.
  4. Above the cuff there are also roses and daisies placed strictly symmetrically. As a result, we get a circle.
  5. Three more roses and daisies are placed deep between the resulting rows.

Bouquet of asymmetrical shape

The ideas for such compositions are very different, but the main thing is the emphasis on the asymmetry of the form. Such bouquets look stylish and modern, especially if they consist of exotic plants.

Asymmetrical compositions are created based on two methods - according to the rule of three triangles and the diagonal method. Let's consider each method separately.

Three triangle method

The bouquet composition scheme is as follows:

  1. To create a composition, 5 or 7 flowers of two varieties are required.
  2. The first flower - the apical one - is installed vertically; it will serve as the first element of the composition.
  3. The second element acts as the base of the right triangle. The length of this flower can be different - it depends on the height of the bouquet itself. The main requirement is that the flower must differ in height from the first, apical one.
  4. The second element is installed horizontally on the right side.
  5. The third flower is placed so that its tip falls on the hypotenuse of the right triangle.
  6. The fourth element is the vertex of the second triangle, and we will build it on flowers of a different variety.
  7. The fifth element is laid horizontally - it should not be the same length as the second element of the bouquet.
  8. The sixth element is installed on the line of the quarter and fifth. If you connect all the points mentally, the triangle will turn out to be equilateral.


This floral technique is popular because it involves the use of cut plants. A bouquet of wildflowers created using this method looks very beautiful. The essence of the technique is to keep flowers fresh for as long as possible, which is why numerous wedding bouquets are created based on it. The essence of the method is as follows:

  • stems cut to a certain length are placed in a nutrient medium;
  • a special wire is inserted into the stem, and the cut itself is supplemented with hygroscopic material with some liquid;
  • the cut is treated with tape, which covers the wire insert in the stem and prevents moisture evaporation.

The basic rule is that the wire stems should not twist, but should be parallel. Features of the taping technique are as follows:

  1. The bouquet will be light and aesthetic.
  2. Flowers remain fresh for a long time.
  3. When taping, you can use flowers with heavy buds.
  4. The technique makes it possible to create figured compositions a certain shape. Therefore, in this way you can create both a wedding composition and a bouquet of “Happy Birthday” flowers.

On a portaquet

Main symbol wedding celebration– this is a bridal bouquet, and therefore close attention must be paid to its design. Floral compositions based on a porta bouquet are distinguished by their lightness, compactness, and convenience. The advantages of this design method include:

  1. A variety of flower sizes - small or large, with buds or inflorescences, field or greenhouse.
  2. Small sizes. The base of the bouquet is light, and the flowers themselves can be held in one hand.
  3. Durability. Such compositions retain freshness and aesthetic value for a long time. appearance.

Floristry for any holiday: what to choose?

Modern florists will offer a lot of ideas for creating flower arrangements for any celebration. Some will choose a compact composition, while others need large bouquet colors. On Valentine's Day, bouquets are most often created of bright red roses, which are designed in the shape of a heart. Additions are created with white roses, freesias, lilies, and white carnations.

And you can prepare a bouquet for February 23rd. The main requirement for him is restraint. Compositions for men are made in triangular, pyramidal and linear styles.

A wide variety of ideas can be implemented when creating bouquets for March 8th. Most often they are formed from tulips, roses, daffodils, hyacinths or snowdrops. Beautiful compositions are created from both fully open buds - lush and juicy, and closed ones. Color solutions any plants can be chosen.

Wedding bouquets are created using light-colored plants, but bright touches are also possible, especially if the bride is getting married in a dress of a certain style.

2 years ago 3 weeks ago

Do you want to master the profession of a florist, but don’t know how to start? Are you afraid that you don't have enough skills and experience to get a job in a flower salon? We have collected tips from experts for you on how to get a job as a florist and get the most out of your training! 2 min

Floristry is the art of making bouquets, panels and collages from flowers and natural materials. The profession of a florist means that in front of you is a person who knows how to professionally compose compositions from flowers, things, toys, and knows how to competently decorate any item with living or inanimate flowers.

In this article we will tell you:

1. Working as a florist: features, pros and cons

Florists don’t have to worry about their professional fate. On HeadHunter alone, 35 vacancies are currently posted for the request “Work as a florist” in St. Petersburg and 92 in Moscow. But don’t forget also about vacancies that are not posted on career sites - there are quite a few of them too.

What character traits are useful in working as a florist?

1. Sense of style. The studios are looking for guys with good taste, who know the laws of composition and understand color. If you have received an art education, it will work to your advantage.

2. Developed fine motor skills of the hands. In the job description there is a requirement of “fast learning” - this means golden hands.

3. “Falling in love with the forest.” If you love nature, then working as a florist you are unlikely to feel that you are tired of this profession or that you have run out of inspiration.

4. Courage. Not always required material found on the flower base. A real florist is not afraid to go out in the summer for poisonous hogweed or go into thirty-degree frost to buy pine branches for New Year's compositions.

There are many benefits to being a florist.

  • Thanks to shift schedule you can get a job extra work(“Another position as a florist!” think true fans of the business) or live for your own pleasure, devoting most of your time to yourself and your family.
  • Required little work experience- only 1-3 years.
  • During the holidays, florists and flower salons are in the spotlight! For a day off, a florist receives from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles.
  • Customers' love. A day that began with a client’s grateful smile and words of admiration - isn’t that happiness? 🙂

But there are also disadvantages to being a florist.

  • Full employment- the work of florists is not suitable for hardened freelancers. If you want to become a florist, then you will have to reconcile yourself with the 2/2 schedule.
  • It is unlikely that you will be able to set up a florist business at home.

  • Large physical exercise and special working conditions- florists have to carry heavy buckets of flowers, work in a cool room and constantly be in contact with cold water. Are you ready for this?
  • Portfolio and work experience play a decisive role. A neat appearance, an inexhaustible love for people and endless optimism are not the key requirements. You will also meet them in McDonalds cashier vacancies. Floristry skills and techniques, practiced in practice, will be of paramount importance.

2. How can novice florists gain work experience?

1. On career sites there is a vacancy for “florist assistant” that looks like this

Often, florist assistants are not sought for permanent job, and on holidays. It's okay - even work experience on February 14 and March 8 will complement your resume well.

2. Don’t limit your job search only to enhanced HeadHunter monitoring

Perhaps you are very welcome in the beautiful flower shop that you pass by every day and dream of working in!

We figured out work experience and how to get it.

What about a florist's portfolio?

You can make it up from photographs of bouquets you made during the course!

The completed florist courses will be a plus for both you and your future employer.

After the courses

  • You will understand whether you want to become a florist or limit yourself to watering three indoor plants every day.
  • The employer will notice your resume with a copy of the certificate faster.
  • On new job It will be easier for you to get used to it and you will move up the career ladder faster.
  • It is more convenient and profitable for any employer to hire an employee who already knows something, because he does not need to be taught basic things.

3. How to choose floristry courses for beginners?

16,000 rubles - average price floristry courses for beginners.

4-5 students per course - perfect option. You can ask the master a question at any time, and he will be able to correct you or give advice as soon as he sees a mistake.

40-50 hours- this is how long courses for beginners last.

During this time, the floristry courses will teach you:

  • understand the basics of composition and color
  • care for cut flowers and be able to ensure their proper preservation
  • perform in various techniques bouquets on natural stems
  • master the skills of modern bouquet packaging
  • make compositions on the oasis and floral baskets

Is it possible to learn floristry from YouTube videos?

4. What tools and materials will a florist need?

Of the accompanying materials, the florist will need

5. Have you already completed basic florist courses, but are looking for inspiration and want to gain new knowledge?

In this case they will help you

  • YouTube- here you will learn how to choose floral foam, make a Christmas wreath or assemble a budget bouquet. Florist bloggers have made sure that on their channels you can find, for example, a wedding florist Masha Kravchenko constantly uploads new videos that will be useful to both beginners and professionals.
  • Social media- There are many groups on VKontakte where florists share their work and ask for advice.

Floristry ( floral design) is the art of making artistic compositions from flowers and natural materials: bouquets, collages, panels, paintings, garlands, body jewelry. Working with flowers requires design skills and artistic flair. With the help of video lessons, you can learn how to correctly combine plants, select colors depending on the situation, and design simple flowers in holiday bouquets.

In the case of floral design online training Equivalent in clarity and effectiveness to live courses.The article contains best videos lessons for beginners from professional florists. The videos are designed for beginners and contain useful training materials on making flower arrangements from scratch.

Secrets of a simple bouquet

To create a chic lush or simple beautiful bouquet of different colors, creative inspiration and imagination alone are not enough. Experienced florists are guided by professional intuition, novice florists are guided by knowledge of the basics of composition and color.

Spiral technique for making bouquets

Marina Petrova – recognized master flower business. Beginners should definitely learn from a craftswoman how to make the perfect bouquets! The master class is conducted using white flowers - universal color for any occasion. The white composition looks solemn and discreet, suitable for women and men, brides and work colleagues.

Spiral bouquet. Lesson for Beginners

How to make a bouquet truly original

A useful video from Sonya Veiber - the head of the school of floristry and decoration - about creating an extraordinary, gorgeous bouquet. The florist shows the assembly technique, the selection of colors, the structure of the flower and bouquet, and the packaging process. Beginners will learn how to adjust and correct composition flaws. The secret to the originality of the bouquet is to use about a dozen types of flowers and plants in one composition.

Classic bouquet. Master Class

A video lesson on making a classic volumetric bouquet will teach you how to arrange flowers and greenery in the correct proportions, quantities and directions, how to make a cuff from greenery and how to tie a bouquet.

Review of paper for wrapping bouquets

Behind last years A lot of materials for packaging bouquets have appeared on the floristic market: craft, silk, felt and mesh, laminated, crepe and corrugated types of paper, Korean film. Each type has pros and cons. The video introduces a new packaging product - corrugated moisture-resistant paper, which has absorbed best sides of the listed materials: holds its shape well, is resistant to moisture, suitable for large bouquets, has an attractive texture and colors.

Korean bouquet wrapping technique

The Korean style in the design of bouquets involves multi-level and multi-texture through the use of materials of different density and color. A bouquet packed using Asian technology looks more attractive and more expensive classic version. A video with florist Victoria Lavrentieva demonstrates step-by-step the Korean technique: choosing flowers, composing a composition, preparing and arranging materials. Beginners will learn the professional secrets of creating beautiful waves from colored matte film and thin craft paper.

Flower arrangement in a box

Flower boxes (flower boxes) are a fashionable floral trend. Floral designer Alexandra Galko talks about the advantages of this type of bouquet design and creates an exquisite composition. The video shows how to place a damp sponge at the bottom of the box, strip and trim stems, and work with cotton and other unusual plants. Alexandra teaches how to harmoniously combine greens, small and large, loose and smooth flowers, talks about each plant used: name, properties, where it grows.

An example of assembling a bridal bouquet

The bride's bouquet symbolizes tenderness and fragility, beauty and uniqueness, therefore it is always composed with special taste and attention. A training video on creating a bouquet of peonies, freesia and spray roses will be useful for beginners and experienced florists. The video shows a simple way to neatly decorate a handle using satin ribbon and decorate with faux sisal.

Wedding bouquet with lavender

A wedding is a significant day for the bride, when everything must be perfect. Designer shows interesting way creating a bouquet with the addition of lavender.

Creating an asymmetrical bouquet

A short and useful video for those who like to experiment and create something special. Asymmetrical bouquets have almost become classics, but still look original and fashionable. Victoria Lavrentyeva’s master class will teach you how to build a frame from “technical” pistachio greens, arrange the main flowers (roses, tulips, limoniums), use packaging cardboard, tracing paper and satin ribbons when packaging and decorating. The master advises beginners to maintain a balance between the technical and sensory sides of the process.

Composition of fresh flowers on the table

The master comments in detail on each action and initiates beginners into the intricacies of flower craft.

Head wreath made of fresh flowers

Florists are often invited to photo shoots to create accessories, decorations and decor. Beauty portraits in a rustic style with charming wreaths of fresh flowers have gained particular popularity. Florist Masha Kravchenko shows how to create such beauty. The video lesson begins with creating a frame from wire and electrical tape and ends with the finished product.