Sofa fillings: features of different types, their harm and benefits. Which filling for a sofa is better: PPU or spring block What does a spring block look like in sofas

23.07.2018 1731

The first thing you need to pay attention to is not the color or even the model. It is the filling and strength of the frame that determines how long the product will last and whether it is comfortable for sleeping. Development furniture production significantly expanded filler options upholstered furniture. If previously the only option was springs, today the list of filling materials is much more diverse. We suggest you figure out what is better for a sofa, polyurethane foam or springs?

It is better to compare filling materials in three main categories


It is no coincidence that this is the first number on the list, because the quality of sleep and health depend on it. During rest, no holes should form under the human body; the load distribution should be uniform over the entire surface of the mattress. This way the muscles rest, the spine maintains its natural position and does not bend.

Polyurethane foam – artificial material, which is made from synthetic polymers, a descendant of short-lived foam rubber. For the manufacture of upholstered furniture, two types of polyurethane foam are used - block and cast. The first type is cut into pieces required sizes and shapes, creates the outlines of furniture, seats and backs. Cast polyurethane foam is a solution that is poured into a mold and hardens, acquiring required dimensions sofa or armchair. Polyurethane foam is a material that does not deform and takes the anatomical shape of the human body, providing comfort and deep sleep. Withstands loads of more than 100 kg, maintaining elasticity and integrity. Polyurethane foam is an environmentally friendly, hypoallergenic material (does not accumulate dust) that will reliably serve for many years.

Spring blocks also come in two types: dependent and independent. The first type (“Bonnel”) looks like weaving and connecting springs with staples, and is very outdated. This design does not allow the mattress to take the shape of the human body. Receiving a load, one spring instantly pulls the other. So, if several people are sitting nearby, no one will be able to find a comfortable position. Additionally, when springs break, they become sharp and can rip through upholstery and even cause damage. Repairing mattresses with dependent springs is a labor-intensive and expensive process.

Independent spring blocks (“Pocket spring”) are not connected to each other. Each hardened steel spring, hidden in a case, takes the load on itself and does not affect neighboring elements. The maximum weight that 1 spring can support is 120 kg. This independent design promotes air circulation, the springs are elastic and durable. In the event of a breakdown, it is enough to replace one without disassembling the entire product.

Important: when choosing a good orthopedic mattress You should give preference to independent spring blocks or high-quality filler. The most durable and elastic artificial filler, latex, provides a feeling of comfort.

Sofas with latex filling are natural premium products. They easily retain their shape for more than 20 years, are elastic and do not deform over time. This is a hypoallergenic material that does not contain toxins, as it is made from natural ingredients (rubber plants).


Under conditions correct operation, polyurethane foam will last for many years without losing elasticity and strength. In addition, the material does not collect dust, “breathes” and is absolutely safe. The springs are also durable and will last for decades. However, if we're talking about about spring filler, preference should be given to independent blocks. They have a high orthopedic index, such a mattress will be comfortable and durable. Orthopedists strongly recommend independent blocks for children's sofas; this will prevent curvature of the child's spine. If you still decide to buy a Bonnel block, make sure that the top layer is durable. Choose elastic polyurethane foam with a density of at least 30 kg. per cubic meter.

Important: when choosing spring sofas, consider the maximum load indicator. The higher it is, the more springs there are square meter and the thicker they are. Consequently, the service life of the furniture is longer.

You can protect yourself by purchasing products from trusted furniture factories that provide full information about models.


In general, polyurethane foam costs less than a good spring block, but polyurethane foam can also be different types. Therefore, it is definitely impossible to say which is better: independent springs or polyurethane foam in terms of price. The quality of the filler directly affects the service life and user convenience. Buying upholstered furniture is an important decision that should be approached carefully. Consult with sellers, study the accompanying documentation for the model, try to sit on it and even lie down if necessary. Upholstered furniture should be comfortable, especially if you plan to sleep on it every day. The manufacturing technology of polyurethane foam is simpler and cheaper, so the cost of spring sofas is much higher.


To summarize the topic “Polyurethane foam or independent springs”, we note that when choosing upholstered furniture you need to focus on its functional purpose. This will be a sofa for sleeping or just for sharing family movies. In some models, several types of fillers can be used simultaneously: synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, polyurethane foam. IN Lately Manufacturers of upholstered furniture often combine spring blocks and polyurethane foam. Such models will be especially convenient for daily use.

Important: be sure to try the product at the time of purchase, sit on it, lie down. Ask consultants for documents, quality certificates, detailed description components and materials.

Whatever your choice, a high-quality product will cost more than low-quality models. There is no clear answer on what to choose. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, and you can choose something specific based on your own wishes.

The online store “Grani Stilya” contains models of upholstered furniture with different types of fillings, including combined ones. Consultants will select the desired model, based on the preferences and price capabilities of the buyer, the intended purpose of the furniture. We provide quality certificates for all models, guarantee period from the manufacturer. We cooperate with leading furniture factories, which provides a variety of models and prices.


Spring block VS PPU. Before buying upholstered furniture, as a rule, the question very often arises: which filling of the sofa is better - a spring block or PPU (polyurethane foam)?

Spring block VS PPU

Before buying upholstered furniture, as a rule, the question very often arises: which filling of the sofa is better - a spring block or PPU (polyurethane foam)?
Here you need, firstly, to answer yourself, on which surface is it more convenient for you to lie or sit - on a hard one or on a soft one? For lovers of hard sleeping place We suggest considering the option of filling upholstered furniture with polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam is a foamed synthetic material. It replaced the short-lived foam rubber. PU foam retains its shape perfectly and has good elasticity, providing the sleeping person with optimal comfort, as it anatomically adapts to the contours of the body. This material can withstand decent weight, easily restores its shape, is environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic, does not absorb or emit dust. It lasts quite a long time if used properly. In addition, polyurethane foam is much cheaper than a good spring block (what a good spring block is will be discussed below). But it should be noted that polyurethane foam comes in different qualities. Choose highly elastic polyurethane foam, it is durable and will not turn into holes and bumps a month after purchase.
For those who find it more comfortable to sleep on a soft surface, sofas equipped with spring blocks are offered. Bonnel spring blocks are blocks of interlocking springs, which is their main disadvantage. Springs interlocked with each other do not allow the sleeping place to adapt to the curves of the human body, which means they do not provide complete rest. With independent spring blocks the situation is much better - each spring is in a separate “cup” and works independently of the springs next to it. The sleeping place, equipped with an independent spring block, is soft, adapts to the anatomical curves of the body, allows each muscle to relax and gives complete rest.
In our opinion, both the polyurethane foam and the spring block deserve attention and the only thing left to do is to decide on your priority - whether you prefer a hard or soft sleeping place. The "Divan-ON" store invites you to familiarize yourself with the range of upholstered furniture on our website and choose something that is sure to serve you for a long time and give you comfortable sleep and relaxation.

How often do you choose upholstered furniture by appearance without thinking about what's inside? But internal filling is no less important. The reliability and durability of the seat, back and armrests, as well as the comfort and ease of seating directly depend on the filling for the sofas. Therefore, you need to approach its choice no less carefully than choosing the color of the upholstery or the shape of the sofa.

What is better - springs or highly elastic polyurethane foam (PPU)? We talk about the most popular materials and help you decide which filling is best for your sofa in order to get a comfortable and durable place to relax for many years.

What's hidden inside: general classification of fillers

There are two large groups of upholstered furniture fillers: with springs and without springs.

In the first case, on the springs cylindrical or a spring “snake” base, several layers of natural or artificial covering material are laid - coconut coir, latex, foam rubber, felt, etc. The different densities of a particular coating and many spring options make it possible to create fillings of different degrees of rigidity.

Springless fillers are based on highly elastic polyurethane foam (PPU, furniture foam rubber) - an inexpensive, but durable and elastic artificial material.

If you look at the cross-sectional image of the sofa, you will see that all its internal contents are stacked on top of each other in layers. This method of installation is usually called “layer cake”: alternating different materialsallows sofas and armchairs to be hard or soft, gives the surface elasticity, airiness and relief, which promotes comfortable rest and relieves stress from the spine.


The spring block comes in two types: with dependent (Bonnell type) and independent springs. Both options are very durable, provided that between the block itself and the outer upholstery there is sufficient quantity intermediate layers.

Multilayer coating is prerequisite any high-quality sofa with a spring block.

Dependent spring block

A classic, time-tested option. Here all the springs are connected to each other by a continuous spiral steel wire. If you press one spring, the others will immediately connect to it, thereby distributing the load across the entire base. The structure is attached around the perimeter to the edging frame and covered with an intermediate layer of non-woven material.

Furniture filled with dependent springs is cheaper, but it should be remembered that the orthopedic properties of a dependent spring block are lower than those of an independent one.. In this case, the springs do not adjust to the load individually, so if another person sits or lies on the sofa (especially with more weight than you), you can feel how the entire structure bends (the so-called"hammock effect").

Independent spring block

In a block of this type, each spring lives its own life” and does not depend on its neighbors, which gives the surface a high point elasticity and allows it to better adapt to the contours of the body.

The steel springs placed in separate fabric covers do not creak, do not rub, and in case of breakage are not capable of breaking through upper layer filler and cover.

Spring snake

Attached to a wooden or metal base using a hinged bar or steel brackets, the “snake” is a simple and inexpensive spring base. And although it is not a full-fledged filler - a layer of polyurethane foam is always laid on top - it is able to withstand heavy loads, does not deform and is very durable.


Polyurethane foam (PPU or furniture foam rubber) is an inexpensive and highly elastic furniture filler. Provides a comfortable fit, has good elasticity and is environmentally friendly.

For the base of a sofa with such filling, as a rule, block furniture foam rubber is used, cut and twisted in a certain way. Some models require special molded foam blanks, which are also used as a filler for pillows - the material allows you to hold any shape given to it.

Sofas are filled with PU foam various brands- standard, luxury polyurethane foam, memory foam foam, etc. The higher the properties of the material, the more expensive the sofa will cost to manufacture.

If you love comfort no less than savings- Pay attention to the filling of the sofa with premium polyurethane foam (artificial latex). Its basis is polyurethane foam of particularly high elasticity.

Viscoelastic polyurethane foam is a separate type of polyurethane foam that has a unique orthopedic “shape memory” effect. A mattress or pillow filled with such material reacts to pressure and heat, remembering the shape of your body. Press the surface with your palm and release - the dent will disappear very slowly.

Before buying a sofa or mattress, be sure to find out the density level of PU foam- a seat with an indicator of 28-30 kg/cubic meter will provide not only comfort, but also the durability of soft furniture elements. At the backthe density must be no lower22-25 kg/cub.m, and armrests- 20-22 kg/cub.m.

Other materials

Furniture fillings are not limited only to foam rubber and springs - other materials are also used as additional layers for filling.

Natural latex

The base made of natural latex is often used in expensive upholstered furniture - the material has high elasticity, instantly restores the original initial form, non-toxic, hypoallergenic and has a long service life.


The most inexpensive, but very durable artificial filler. It creates additional softness and elasticity. Also, the material is not susceptible to fungus formation. The main disadvantage is that regular use does not hold its shape, characteristic dents and irregularities appear on the surface. In case of constant use, this material should be considered in combination with polyurethane foam as a covering layer - its share in the filling is small, but one way or another it can improve the shock-absorbing properties of the seat.

Holcon (struplast)

Modern non-woven material, consisting of an intermediate layer of vertically laid synthetic polyester fiber and two closing layers of dense reinforcing ribbed surfaces. This method of laying allows the mattress or pillow to sag only in places of pressure and quickly restore its shape.

Holcon is easy to care for, retains heat well, has increased elasticity, is environmentally friendly and does not absorb moisture and odors.

An unambiguous answer to the question, which better filler for a sofa does not exist, but you can protect yourself from inconvenience and disappointment by choosing the “filling” according to the purpose of the future sofa. So, for a sleeping place it is better to consider a filler with a more rigid and flexible base (highly elastic polyurethane foam, independent spring block, natural latex), because Regular rest on an overly soft or creased bed can have a bad effect on the spine. But the guest option provides for any content.

When buying furniture, few people pay attention to the “insides,” but in vain. The comfort and service life of a furniture set depend on the filler. PU foam filler: what is it in the sofa, we will find out later in the article.

Sofas with this “filling” are distinguished by the absence of wire blocks. Inner space occupies polyurethane foam. The material is a type of foam rubber. In addition, in the production of some types of filler, special equipment is used, thanks to which contour cutting occurs. This fact ensures the aesthetic appeal of the sofa.


Comfortable sofa is a priority for most people. For comfortable rest It is necessary that a dent does not form under the person, otherwise the time of relaxation will turn into a search for a comfortable position. The body load should be distributed evenly across the mattress.

Worth knowing! IN inexpensive models Chinese filler is used, the service life of which is much shorter than its European counterparts.

In mid- and high-class sofas, manufacturers use polyurethane foam produced according to special technology. Therefore, it has a number of advantages, for example, elasticity, long service life, the ability to restore its original shape, etc.


Sofas with PU foam filling are not inferior to, and often superior to, models with spring blocks. This is felt in quality, convenience and operational characteristics. The furniture set with polyurethane foam is suitable for use in any room.


Sofas with such filling are practical, comfortable and have for a long time services. In addition, dust and other small debris do not accumulate in the material, it allows air to pass freely and is completely safe for health.


A sofa with polyurethane foam is inexpensive due to its fairly simple production technology. The price of such furniture is much less than a furniture set with spring filler. The cost starts from 10,000 rubles.

Filler: types

Let's look at what types of polyurethane foam there are. There are two of them:

It is worth noting! The cast type is more expensive than the block type due to the creation process.

Both options are good, so the choice is up to the buyer.

Advantages and disadvantages

Polyurethane foam has many advantages:

  • long service life - the product will last for decades without changes in initial characteristics;
  • reliability - furniture with this filler is wear-resistant and very difficult to damage;
  • there is an abundance of options - a sofa with PU foam can have fancy shapes, so the buyer can choose without any problems suitable model;
  • safe for health - polyurethane foam does not cause allergic reactions;
  • easy to maintain - the filler does not accumulate debris and allows air and moisture to pass through;
  • elasticity - polyurethane foam always returns to its original shape, for example, there are practically no seats left. They only appear if the furniture has been used regularly for decades.

These are just the main advantages of the material. But there are also disadvantages:

  • rigidity - depending on the model, polyurethane foam has different rigidity, so owners of sofas with spring filling may find the furniture hard;
  • Polyurethane foam in inexpensive models quickly loses its initial characteristics, and accordingly, dents form at places of stress, so it is recommended to take furniture from a European manufacturer.

Be that as it may, polyurethane foam has many more advantages than disadvantages, the main thing is to choose a product High Quality.


Anastasia, 37 years old

“We purchased a sofa from Avangard with polyurethane foam filling 4 years ago. Until now, all mechanisms are working properly, there are no dents. I recommend purchasing."

Alexander, 42 years old

“When buying a sofa in a store, they advised me to purchase furniture with PU foam filling. At first I wanted to refuse, but then I tried the sofa on myself and liked it. It's been in the living room for 2 years now. There are no problems, the only thing is that it’s a bit harsh. I recommend it. Matching filling and sofa.”

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When choosing a comfortable sofa, you need to take into account not only external indicators, reliability and transformation mechanism. The filler is no less important, because the level of comfort and convenience depends on what it is. To understand which sofa filler is best to choose, you need to have an understanding of their varieties, properties, features and degree of durability.

Types of furniture filler, their pros and cons

Choosing furniture for sleeping and relaxing requires a thorough approach. Usually it depends on the purpose of the product (a folding guest version or a sofa bed that replaces a full bed).

Filler happens different types, degrees of softness, made from natural, artificial fibers and their mixtures. When choosing a sofa for the arrival of guests, you can purchase a product with soft filling. If you plan to operate at full capacity, then you cannot do without rigid filling, which, in addition to evenly distributing the load, has an orthopedic effect.


Synthetic fillers are made from different fibers and come in spring and springless types.


In most springless models, manufacturers use fillers made from inexpensive raw materials that are not burdensome to work with. The most striking representative of the series is polyurethane foam (abbreviated as PPU). To understand what it is and why it is better than a spring block, you need to know the characteristics of the filler.

In essence, polyurethane foam is elastic furniture foam rubber of various qualities, which is made from a mix of synthetic polymers and looks like a sponge in sheet format. PPU is divided into two types:

  • standard (regular type T);
  • foam rubber type HR (integral polyurethane foam).

Block polyurethane has different densities. It is a sheet filler of medium and hardness, which is cut taking into account the specified dimensions and combined to obtain required thickness. It is glued together in the form of a sandwich, connecting sheets from hard to soft. In order not to get confused by the thickness of the sheet, they are painted in different colors.

This is an inexpensive, but not particularly practical material.

Cast polyurethane foam is produced by casting, pouring into a specific mold, which is a part of the model (for example, a backrest, seat or pillow). When hardened, the composition takes on the desired configuration, so this method eliminates additional trimming of parts. The result is a finished element, which is complemented by upholstery.

This material costs more than its block counterpart.

Cast filler is considered elastic - it cannot be rolled, although it is quite resistant to bending. This material can withstand daily loads and does not delaminate, but after several years of use it may slightly change color. Its advantages include excellent breathability, resistance to tearing, and restoration of shape after compression.

Spring block

The filler in the form of steel springs in the case is considered the most durable and practical.

It is divided into three varieties:

  • Bonnell. Dependent type, which involves connecting springs using a spiral wire made of steel;

  • Snake. Original coil springs located horizontally at equal distances from each other;

  • Independent type. Each spring is covered in a fabric cover and operates independently of the others; the unit is assembled by connecting the covers.

The first two types of springs stretch in the horizontal direction. The independent type block is designed in such a way that each spring is directed perpendicular to the floor. The spring block is attached to the frame and ideally has sheathing on both sides.

In some cases, it is supplemented with polyurethane foam, felt and dense textiles.

The advantages of a spring block include durability, resistance to maximum loads, free air exchange. It also provides comfort while sleeping, flat surface and the elasticity of the sleeping bed.

The disadvantages of the filler are a small choice of shapes, the possibility of squeaking during operation, high cost and expensive repairs (in case of replacing the block).

You can learn more about the features and nuances of the spring block from the following video:

The fillings of the backs and armrests are synthetic down and padding polyester, as well as periotek (a modification of felt of natural or synthetic origin).


Natural fillers for a sofa include latex, coir (fibers from coconut), sisal (plant fiber from Mexican agave). The rarest addition to the filler is horsehair. It is a component for a mat with coconut filling.

Natural fillers there are different thicknesses and are often used for furniture with an orthopedic effect.

They eliminate the “immersion” effect and therefore do not sag.

One of the most practical and useful materials considered coir. This is a natural, hypoallergenic filler that maintains normal air exchange and also prevents the formation of fungus and mold. It is ideal for the skin and is a good prevention of musculoskeletal system problems.

Among the fillers natural origin a padded jacket is used. It is a canvas from 5 to 10 cm in thickness, which is covered with dense textiles on both sides.

This filler is used in conjunction with a spring block and makes the elastic mattress softer.


Today on the furniture market you can find interesting solutions with a combination of filler. Externally, such a mat is a layer of two or three layers of materials of different compositions. One filler of different densities or different materials can be used.

For example, a polyurethane foam filler can be supplemented with padded padding, a spring block with foam rubber or coir, and so on.

In addition, the model can be made with parts of varying degrees of softness: the seat is usually hard, the back and armrests can be made of medium-hard filler, and the pillows can be made of completely soft material.

Which filler is considered good for daily use and sleep?

The choice of filling depends on the purpose of the sofa and the preferences of the buyer. If the purpose of your purchase involves an alternative to a bed, it is better to purchase a model with a spring block and HR elastic polyurethane foam.

Regular foam won't last long if you sleep on the sofa every day.

If you need a sofa with an orthopedic effect, then you should pay attention to a model with coconut filling and the same hard back. When unfolded, it forms a flat, non-flexible sleeping bed and will contribute to the correct position of the body during sleep and rest. Typically, relaxing on such a sofa eliminates the occurrence of pain in the back and neck.

For those who are accustomed to upholstered furniture, it is better to look at options with quilted padding.

What are pillows filled with?

Cushion– an integral part of a comfortable stay. To make it as comfortable as possible, manufacturers offer different types of filler. It is important that it is not allergenic, has excellent air exchange, regulates heat exchange, is lightweight, keeps its shape and is easy to care for.

Today the following are used as pillow fillers in production:

  • bamboo fibers (products of natural origin);
  • natural latex (derived from the sap of the rubber tree or hevea);
  • synthetic fluff (an artificial substitute for poultry down);
  • padding polyester (non-woven material made from polyester fibers);
  • holofiber (a derivative of padding polyester with twisted fibers, ecofiber, comforter).

As a rule, these fillers are softer than those used for sleeping beds. They are lighter weight and add convenience to any design.

How to choose?

In order for the purchase of furniture to be successful and meet the stated requirements of reliability and quality, you need to decide on the purpose of the sofa (for relaxation, sleep or guests) and choose the optimal hardness of the mattress. The choice cannot rely solely on design, upholstery, transformation mechanism or filling: all characteristics are important.

Often a combined filler can be used in a model. The combination of materials provides maximum comfort not only during sleep: this technique allows you to conveniently watch TV, read your favorite books or newspapers, and much more.

  • an average level of hardness is desirable (too hard or too hard) soft filler will cause pain in the spine);
  • when choosing a model with springs, you should give preference to the option with a steel block;
  • it is desirable that the thickness of the mattress is at least 8 cm;
  • The advantage of the model will be the presence of a cover: firstly, this will allow you to see the filling when purchasing, secondly, it will allow the cover to be washed, and thirdly, if necessary, repairs can be made;
  • If possible, it is worth purchasing a product made from natural fiber (the risk of allergies is eliminated and the level of comfort is increased);
  • if a model is purchased for sleeping, the seat and back should be made of the same filling;
  • When purchasing furniture for children, it is better that the armrests are made of soft material: this eliminates the possibility of injuring the child.

In addition to the filler, you need to take into account the dimensions of the room, the transformation mechanism, the color of the model and design. The sofa should fit well into the interior of the room, and be not just beautiful and comfortable. It is important that against the general background it does not clutter the room, but is a harmonious component of the interior.

Rating of the best fillers based on reviews

  • withstand heavy weight loads;
  • be silent and easy to use;
  • have a high degree of reliability and resistance to deformation;
  • have antimicrobial properties;
  • be able to repair;
  • be ventilated;
  • cost according to the stated characteristics;
  • have a long service life;
  • provide the most comfortable stay.

In accordance with reviews from real customers, the best fillers in demand among customers include:

  • coir (sofa beds for children and teenagers and furniture for people whose work involves heavy physical exertion);
  • springless elastic polyurethane foam HR (double and triple sofas for those who prefer upholstered furniture);
  • spring block of medium hardness (models with a sleeping bed 2 x 2 m).

Among the companies engaged in the production and sale of upholstered furniture, the most prominent are Ascona, March 8, Atlanta, Natalie, Flexoform, Anderssen.