Prayers to find a good job and good luck. Prayer to find a lost item

Today only a few people manage to exist without work. Even though you are tired of searching for a decent place with good pay, remember that you should never give up. Only purposeful people achieve their goals, do not neglect opportunities to achieve your desired goal, do not lose hope. Great prayer will be a great support in this task. Thanks to the prayers of the Lord, you will be able to get the desired place in the future. Higher powers always hear the words of people who need help and do not leave them without it.

Where should you start?

You need to start by believing in what you are doing. Each prayer should begin with the reading of the Lord's Prayer. Then say:

“Heavenly Father! Jesus Christ, give me a job, so that I can become successful there, demonstrating to everyone my abilities and skills received as a reward from you. May my work be beneficial, and may I receive decent wages. Amen".

For the greatest effect from prayer, it is recommended to go to church and repent of your sins. It is worth remembering your sins, stop being offended by people and envying them. We must sincerely ask God for forgiveness for all this. It will be useful to order a prayer service with gratitude to the Lord. Do not leave the service until it is over. After the job is yours, you must make a contribution to the church from your first salary.

Sincere prayer should be a part of your future life. No matter how difficult it may be, always pray to God that things will be better. Only sincere prayers help achieve what you want. God will not leave anyone behind and will always be there. Finding the desired job in this case will not be an exception.

Petition-prayer for work to Seraphim of Sarov

This prayer will help you find Good work with a decent wages. You will notice that she seems to find you herself after you read this prayer. You will receive calls inviting you for an interview, and therefore all you have to do is make a choice in favor of the vacancy that you like best.

Contact Seraphim of Sarov like this:

“Dear Father Seraphim, I urge you to help your servant (your name). Forgive me all my sins, help me solve my problems, put me on the right path, so that I can become a respectable worker, so that my mother can be proud of me. Seraphimushka, help me, give me the opportunity to get a decent job, so that I can live in abundance and help my family. Save me, pray to God for me. Amen".

Prayer to Blessed Matrona

Matronushka provides assistance to all unemployed people who are eager to get a new decent job. You need to go to church, go up to the icon of Matrona and ask the saint in these words:

“Our blessed mother Matrona, help me, read your prayer for me to the servant of God (your name). I need a job, comfortable, spiritual, so that I can live happily and get rich, and not waste my soul on worldly things - sins and vanity. Help me find a job that meets God’s commandments and does not force workers to work on holy holidays. May God protect me from evil, and may my work become salvation. Amen".

Talisman help

Today it is very difficult to find a job, but prayer for believers will have great power. First you need to cleanse your soul. If you already have a job, but want to find a more worthy place to get even more money, then such a prayer will not bring results. It will not help those who are not baptized, those who have severely violated the commandments of the Lord and resort to black magic. But the most important thing is to believe in what you say and pray sincerely. By doing everything exactly as described, you will be able to live better, rest well and not need for anything.

First of all, it should be noted that you need to make a talisman for yourself. It is he who will be the guarantor of your profit coming into the house every month. It has long been known that such a talisman is a maple tree. It’s worth going to see him, but make sure there are only light clouds and sun in the sky that day. Find a maple tree with a large, spreading crown. Approaching the tree, bow to it, almost to the ground. Only then touch its trunk. Lean your forehead against it and ask the tree for help, making the following speech:

“Maple, you are green, you help with work, you contribute to money. Help me find a good job, eat delicious food and provide for my family. Give your branch for happiness, so that it helps in all matters.”

Having finished your words, you need to freeze and remain silent for about 60 seconds. Listen, if the birds don’t scream, it means the maple tree agrees to help. Feel free to cut a branch about 2cm in diameter. Where the branch was cut, you need to sprinkle it with earth. Don’t forget to thank the maple with a generous bow, and then go home.

Once at home, you need to use a hot knife blade to peel the branch by about 3 cm. The talisman will look like a barrel. The side of the talisman should be decorated with a symbol of the currency in which you would like to be paid for the work performed. You need to make a hole in the other barrel and thread the hemp thread. As a hint, it should be noted that the symbol on the barrel can be burned out.

From now on, you should not part with the talisman; wear it always, preferably around your neck. Every day you need to say a prayer to Jesus Christ, asking that you have a good job. During this, do not part with the talisman, you need to keep it in right hand. When you find a good job, you can remove the talisman, but be careful, because this can lead to trouble in your professional activities.

On the next church holiday this month, continue to pray to Jesus Christ. On the big day, wake up early at dawn, take a swim in warm water, dress nicely and go to the nearest church. Along the way, you shouldn’t look back or talk to anyone. This condition is mandatory. In church, cross yourself 3 times and bow 3 times. Only then can you enter the house of God. You must have with you wax candle, purchased from the church. You need to place it near the icon of Jesus Christ, saying the words of prayer:

“All my prayers are directed to you, Son of God. Jesus give me help, I beg. May the Father help me (your name). Let my life become better, my family will not be denied anything. I am a slave (your name) and I need decent work. Amen".

Stand near the icon for a while, and then listen to the church sermon. Only after this will it be possible to go home.

The result will come in two weeks. You will definitely get a job, it will pay well, and you will be satisfied in everything. Just be sure to believe what you are asking of God with all your heart and soul.

Ancient prayer on St. Alexis Day

You need to prepare in advance for the great holiday of St. Alexis Day, which is celebrated in our Orthodox Church on June 9th. Allow at least 2 weeks to prepare. When the holiday has already passed, and you need work, you can read a prayer on any other men’s church holiday. The words of the prayer will need to be changed, calling the name of another saint.

On the first day of preparation for reading great prayer, you need to go to the local church. Buy there an icon of the saint for whose feast day you will read a prayer, as well as 14 candles. When you return home, place the icon in your room and light a candle. This should be done daily in the evenings, accompanying the process with the following words:

“Thanks to your help, Saint Alexey, I ask you to cleanse my body and soul so that my heart becomes pure. I will serve the Lord and not harbor bad thoughts. In the name of the Holy Trinity. Amen".

This prayer will allow you to become cleaner if you repeat its words for the entire 2 weeks. Light a candle every day, but do not put it out, because it needs to burn out. Don’t throw away the cinders, put them somewhere where no one will find them.

On the feast day of St. Alexis you will be clean. Wake up in the morning, preferably at dawn. Take a swim in warm bath, supply the water with church oils. Dress in smart clothes and go to church service. You need to go to the biggest church in town. Please note that you only need to go there on your own, without resorting to transport. During the journey, be silent; the thoughts in your head should not be defiled.

When entering the church, cross yourself and bow. Buy 2 thick candles inside. Keep the candles at chest level throughout the service, and when the sermon is over, you need to put one candle to St. Alexei at his icon, and take the second one home.
Say the following words at the icon:

“Saint Alexei, help me (your name). I ask you to take pity and send a blessing, I need a decent job so that my seed can live in abundance. Help me (your name), O Saint Alexei. Amen – 3 times.”

Leave the church and go to your home. Place a candle that was left over from the service near the icon. When it burns out completely, you will begin to receive offers to undergo interviews for a worthy position. At first, there is a chance that the job will seem boring and low-paid to you, but you shouldn’t even think so, you need to agree. In the future, your business will go even better.

Complete collection and description: a strong prayer to be hired for the desired job for the spiritual life of a believer.

For many people trying to find the good workplace with high wages and a friendly team are not crowned with success. The explanation for this may be not only economic instability, but also high competition in the labor market. However, in order for fate to reward you with a decent job, you can contribute a little to this. IN similar situations It is enough to use spells to get a job. They help you quickly find the right vacancy, get a position and win the favor of your superiors.

By applying this or that conspiracy to work, you can significantly change your destiny. And this applies not only to financial status, but also to position in society.

Key points for performing rituals

To use magic and special prayers for a successful device on high paying job, it is necessary to take into account the main points. Firstly, this is the optimal time to perform rituals. How effective the plot will be for work directly depends on the stage of the Moon. It is best to do rituals to attract good luck in such an important matter during a growing month. It is considered a symbol of enrichment and multiplication.

Secondly, this is the choice of the day of the week. To make your plans for good work come true, perform rituals on Wednesdays. As centuries-old magical practice shows, this day is the most successful for using money conspiracies.

And, of course, for greater efficiency and the realization of what you want, you shouldn’t talk about what you’ve planned. No one should know what you are planning. In order to be hired for a new, more successful job, maintain complete confidentiality in your intentions to use magic. The key to success is a sincere belief in positive result, as well as concentration. Before performing the ritual, be sure to read all the recommendations and think carefully about everything.

Ritual for those who need a new job

This spell for good work is suitable for those who are in search of one. Before you go to a new employer, perform the following ritual. To be accepted for the position you are interested in, prepare white round bread and salt for the ceremony.

Before the interview, take bread in one hand and salt in the other. After kissing the edge of the bread, say the words of prayer:

“Just as the bread of God is revered and greeted everywhere, so let me be received like this everywhere. As the bread of God is served with bow and salt, so let me, the servant of God (state your name), be honored. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen".

Having said this plot three times, put the items on the table and go settle down. new job. You'll see, you will not only become attractive to the new management, but also get the vacancy you are interested in.

Ritual for successful employment

To get a decent job, read a special spell before going through the checks. It must be pronounced at the employer’s doorstep. It is advisable that no one sees you while saying the prayer.

The magic words you need to pronounce are:

“My angel, my guardian, be with me all the time. Help me, because I am on a bright path. Let the doors I need open, let everything I have planned come true, let people smile at me and rejoice. Three fish swim in the blue sea-ocean. They have three crowns on their heads. The one who counts all the teeth on the crowns of those will be able to break my luck. Lock, key, tongue."

Having completed the ritual with the word “Amen”, boldly enter the office of the authorities. After reading this spell, you are guaranteed to get a prestigious job.

A ritual for those who want to quickly get an excellent job

To be hired for a great job, with high pay and opportunity career growth, use this method. This spell for successful employment should also be read before the interview.

When going to a new employer, sit on a stool near front door. Call the cat and pet it. At the same time repeat the words of the prayer three times:

“I’ll go to get hired for a good job, on a black cat. Let there be no refusal for me, let me get a job. So that no one would say a bad word about me either during the day or in the morning, so that no one would speak against me either in summer or in winter. Let everyone love, respect, appreciate me and not underestimate me. It is not self-interest that guides me, but good thoughts and need. May my case end well. Amen".

At the end of the ceremony, take three cat hairs. Put them in your inner pocket or wallet and go to the interview. Having charmed hairs with you, you can be sure of the success of the event and the successful placement of a new job.

A ritual to attract good luck in your job search

To attract good luck and get the desired position, it may be useful this conspiracy. To get the job you dream of, do the following.

Determine when the waxing moon phase begins. During this period, purchase a handkerchief white. On the same day, read the plot. Taking the purchase in your hands, say the text of the prayer:

“I whisper for good luck on the road, success at work, luck in the search. For me, God's servant (my name), getting a new job will be a joy. Wherever I go, I will find her. I will not hear refusal, I will not see anger. Amen".

The magic words should be repeated three times in a row. After this, put the enchanted item in your wallet. To quickly get a new and good job, always carry this scarf with you.

A ritual for quick and successful employment

There's another one that's true magic way so that you are hired for a very prestigious and highly paid job. If you do not yet have notes regarding work, but are in search of a worthy position, apply this spell.

The ritual should be performed by placing a glass glass filled with holy water in front of you. Looking at him, say the words of prayer:

“I call on the forces of nature, the power of water. Help me, the servant of God (your name), find a job. So that wealthy and not greedy merchants would take me in, so that they would not deprive me of attention and gold. I am the best master and expert. Everyone will be happy for me, and they will rush to give me gold. Amen".

After saying this magical text three times, drink the enchanted liquid. The effect of this conspiracy will not be long in coming. Within a few weeks you will be able to find a decent job and get employed without any problems.

Prayer for work so that everything works out

Many people, despite the fact that they know all the intricacies of work and cope well with their responsibilities, still encounter various troubles. Someone dreams of a raise wages, and someone wants to move up the career ladder. To obtain additional forces and faith in yourself, you can turn to the Higher powers through prayer for successful work. There are different prayer texts that help cope with different problems and achieve the desired result. The main thing is that the words come from a pure heart, since any evil thoughts can lead to the fact that the Higher powers will not help, but, on the contrary, will punish.

Prayer for work so that everything works out

There are a large number of prayer texts that can improve the situation in the work area. There is a prayer that can be said every day for good luck in all matters. The first place to read a prayer before work for good luck is before some important event, for example, before submitting a report or an important meeting. Waking up in the morning, stand in front of the icon of Christ and read these words:

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God. Bless me to work hard for the good of my own life. Help me find a new job and send me luck in my old career. Reject all mistakes, mistakes and protect from unsuccessful actions. As the work progresses, so does the salary, and if everything works out, the boss does not swear. Let it be so. Amen!"

Prayer before a job interview

It is difficult to find a person who would not be nervous before a job interview, especially if the place is coveted. In most cases, excessive nerves harm a person, and he gets lost, forgets the correct answers to questions, etc. Everyone has a guardian angel, who is not only a guard, but also a kind of mentor. You can contact him with various questions, including to provide support during an interview. Before reading the prayer, light a candle and first read the “Our Father”, and then say the following words:

“My guardian angel, come with me, you are ahead of me, and I am with you.”

The invisible assistant will certainly respond to the request and give you confidence in yourself.

Prayer to protect against troubles at work

The following prayer text is addressed to St. George the Victorious, who helps to cope with various problems. You need to read the prayer in order to protect yourself from troubles, for example, from making mistakes or the anger of your boss, and it also helps to attract good luck. The presented prayer can be read in difficult situation to gain faith and strength. She will help you clean up

enemies and envious people out of the way and receive favor from management. You need to read the prayer in front of the icon of St. George the Victorious, bowing before it 40 times, and it sounds like this:

"George the Glorious, George the Victorious,

You yourself conquered the enemy regiments,

Conquer the heart of my enemy, the servant of God (name).

For now, forever and indefinitely.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

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Prayer to get hired - to whom and how to pray

Every adult at least once in his life has had to deal with finding a job and the “delights” of employment. And even the high personal and professional qualities of a candidate are not always able to provide a one hundred percent guarantee of obtaining the desired position. The job search process can take quite a long time. A special Orthodox prayer can significantly shorten this period, bring luck to the applicant’s side and create all the conditions for him to be quickly hired.

How does prayer work to get a job?

IN modern world, where fierce competition flourishes, it is very difficult to get a well-paid job without the help and support of influential people. However, each applicant can enlist the assistance of higher powers if he uses Orthodox prayers during his employment process. Prayers for getting a job help any candidate to bypass all possible obstacles along the way and take the desired position.

Orthodox prayer for help in finding a job is a tool that has high efficiency, but you can’t pin all your hopes on her alone. A job seeker’s success at work largely depends on his personal characteristics. Heaven will not help lazy people. Higher powers favor only those who are accustomed to achieve everything through their hard work, perseverance and purposefulness, because God’s holy helpers themselves were tireless workers during their lifetime. It is hardworking, active and energetic candidates who have a greater chance of successful employment.

The most effective Orthodox prayers for job searches and employment

You can ask for help in your work either directly to the Lord himself or to His saints - the second category of prayer texts is the most in demand. To find a good job, believers most often address their prayers to the holy martyr Tryphon, the blessed old woman Matrona of Moscow and the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov. Some ask Jesus Christ for help.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow to find a good job

Even during her lifetime, the flow of suffering and needy people to Blessed Matronushka did not stop - they all came to her with their requests. The blessed old woman continues to help people even after her death. A prayer for work addressed to Matronushka provides good assistance to those who really want to quickly and reliably find employment. The words in it are:

Prayer to the holy martyr Tryphon for help in the search

The Holy Martyr Tryphon enjoys great veneration among the Orthodox Church and believers. People pray to him for deliverance from evil spirits, in case of material and housing problems. You can also offer a prayer to Saint Tryphon in order to get your desired job quickly and without problems. The prayer text is as follows:

Listen also to the text of the prayer for work in this video:

Prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov to quickly find a money job

You can ask Saint Seraphim of Sarov for help in finding a job not only for yourself, but also for your family, loved ones, friends - for those people whose fate is not indifferent to you. The prayer addressed to the holy righteous man and miracle worker sounds like this:

Prayer to the Lord to quickly find a good job

A prayer for help in finding a job addressed to the Almighty is one of the most powerful, so it will certainly be heard by heaven. It must be said at any stage of employment: viewing advertisements, calling potential employers, submitting a resume, before and after an interview, etc. The process of reading this prayer should always be accompanied by the sign of the cross. The prayer text itself sounds like this:

When you manage to find a good position and gain a foothold in it, you must definitely thank the Creator for the support and assistance provided.

How to pray to get hired?

Any Orthodox prayer acts as a connecting link between higher powers and a believer. For a prayer request to help you find a good job, it is not enough to simply select any of the texts suggested above and pray with its help. The prayer must be read carefully, its content must be carefully studied so that the applicant can understand the very essence. It is advisable to memorize the text and read it from memory.

It is also permitted to address the Lord and the holy wonderworkers in your own words. The main thing is that they are pronounced sincerely and come from the heart. Communication with God will bring the greatest result if it is done in holy places - temples, churches, chapels. But this does not mean that you cannot pray outside these institutions - prayer can be used at home, in the office - in any place convenient for the applicant. An important condition is that a person must be morally inclined and ready to talk with representatives of higher powers. It is good if the prayer is read in front of an icon of the saint (even if it is small in size).

The words of the Orthodox prayer for getting a job are best pronounced in a whisper, with understanding, clearly pronouncing and passing each of them through yourself. You need to talk with God and His holy helpers in a calm, peaceful state, irritable, angry mood is categorically not suitable for these purposes. The head of the person praying should be free of problems, his thoughts should be devoid of evil intent.

It is recommended to begin a prayer request to be hired by saying “ Our Father" After it, you can already read the prayer itself, addressed to a specific saint. It is also necessary to apply to yourself three times before and after each reading. sign of the cross . The best effect is achieved by praying while on your knees. Regular attendance at a place of worship also helps improve performance.

A mandatory requirement is not to forget to thank a higher power if your job search is successful. Heaven helps worthy people short terms. Those who are obsessed with laziness will have to work hard and put more independent effort into finding a job.

I’ve been looking for work for 3 months now, doing odd jobs. Thanks for the prayers! I am sure that with the help of higher powers I will be able to find a job very soon.

This is just some kind of miracle! Just yesterday I was offered a good position; before that I had been praying persistently for several days. I’m just happy, because I had to sit at home for six months, for some reason we are reluctant to hire women with small children...

I ask all the holy gods, Guardian angels who can help my whole family with a good, well-paid job, God help me and my husband get a job soon so that everyone is healthy, guide my eldest son on an honest path, so that he will be formed, in the name of father and son and holy spirit.

Lord, help my son Mikhail find a decent, profitable job in order to realize his abilities for the benefit of his loved ones. In the name of the father, and the son, and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Thanks to the holy martyr Tryphon! Thank you, thank you. Prayed. It helped.

Help Holy Martyr Tryphon my son Mikhail find a decent, profitable job. Ami

Help the Holy Martyr Tryphon, my son Michael, to find a decent, profitable job. Amen.

Lord help my daughter Anna find a decent job.

Oh Holy Martyr Tryphon, you help everyone, help me, God’s servant Irina, and my son Oleg, help me so that my eye is healthy and I, Irina, is called to the job I want, wherever I want, help my son in his studies so that he receives a diploma at the university, Thanks for your help.

Lord, merciful, help my son, your servant Michael, find a job, so that he can find his place in this life. In the name of father and son, and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help the servant of God Oleg successfully resolve the issue with his work

God help my daughter Christina get a job after graduating from university. Let it not be for a highly paid specialty. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help my daughter Elena get a job, she needs to feed two children. Shut your mouth and eyes to envious people and spiteful critics. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help my son Michael in deciding the issue of work tomorrow. Amen

Holy Martyr Tryphon, help my son Artemy, your servant, find a good job, help him become a worthy person. Amen. Amen. Amen

All saints pray to God for us when finding and finding a job

Lord, help my husband at his new job so that everything will be fine

Lord! Thank you for hearing me and returning what was previously stolen to me. This is a miracle!

Holy Fathers, I ask for your prayers for my daughter’s employment. Amen.

Lord, help me find favorable work! Amen

Lord, help my son Vladimir get a good job, which he has been waiting for a long time, but the issue is still not resolved. I trust in you, Almighty, with prayer and faith. Amen.Amen.Amen.

Lord, hear my prayers, I pray and beg you, help the Lord Almighty to find me a job Amen Amen Amen

Your commentHoly Martyr Tryphon, help my beloved servant of God Sergei to take the righteous path of quitting drinking. Please help him get a good job and find housing. I beg you to help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord, our great and merciful Father, the holy martyrs Matronushka of Moscow, Tryphon and Seraphim of Sarov, I prayerfully and humbly ask for your help and blessing for my daughter Anastasia to find a good job, so that in obtaining it we will not experience material difficulties, deprivations and debts. I will pray tirelessly for God’s grace to descend upon us. Thy will and thy kingdom be done!

Lord, our great and merciful Father, holy martyrs Matronushka of Moscow, Tryphon and Seraphim of Sarov, I prayerfully and humbly ask for blessings and help in finding a job for my slave son Bozhy Dmitry. In the name of the father and the son, and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

I beg all Saints to help me and my husband find a good job and quickly. In the name of

father and son and holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen!

Tryphon! Matronushka! Seraphim of Sarov! I beg you, please beg the Lord our God for the speedy employment of my husband, God's servant Igor, in the administration team of A.V. Rusin for a respected and highly paid position. I beg you to help! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Saint Seraphim, Tryphon and Mother Matrona, help me, servant of God Anna, quickly find a good decent job in a good team with high pay. I will pray for you. Help, I beg. In the name of father and son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

Lord Almighty, Holy Martyr Tryphon, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and Venerable Seraphim of Sarov! Help me slave God's Love quickly find a good and well-paid job with a good team in order to be realized for the benefit of your loved ones and not experience need. I prayerfully ask for help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Lord forgive my sins of thought and deeds, help me, Lord, your sinful servant will go to work and deliver me from crafty and dishonest employers, I pray to you, Lord Amen

Oh, righteous old woman, blessed Matronushka!

Holy Martyr Tryphon! Saint Seraphim of Sarov!

Help me, Tarasius and son Anthony with the work.

Give us sinners decent work. Forgive us for our request.

Lord, help me find a decent job and forgive my sins.

Saints forgive me, I ask you to help me in my request to find a good job. Excuse me.

Saints, help me in finding a proper, worthy job and a good team, so that I can work for the good of the Russian people and Mother Russia. and forgive me all my sins

Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ and All Saints, grant my son Sergei his favorite job. Grant him a job in which he could realize all his talents and abilities that You gave him. May God grant him a job that will bring him joy and consolation, in which he could bring a lot of benefit to his neighbors, and wherever he received a decent payment for his labors. Lord, hear me and help my son Sergei. Amen

saints, help my son, God's servant Dionysius, get a job in the name of father and son and the holy spirit, amen

Lord, help me find a job, I’ve been looking for a year now, I don’t have the strength anymore. Forgive me for my sins. Amen.

God! And all the Pleasants of God! Help me get a job safely and have good income for the benefit of my family and to help those in need! Slave Mary of God. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and throughout the age of ages. Amen.

Lord, Heavenly Father, help my son Evgeniy find a job. Lord, save us!!

Lord Almighty. I pray for my son that he will be offered a good contract. You helped me when I was looking for a job and prayed to you. There were many offers and I finally found a job I liked. Thank you to all the Saints for your help and support. Amen!

Lord thank you for everything I have. Bless and save. Help me find a job. Thank God……

Righteous Blessed Matronushka! Holy Martyr Tryphon! Saint Seraphim of Sarov! Help my daughter, God's servant Irina, find a decent job, give her strength. health. knowledge! I thank you and bow to you.

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A prayer to get hired is read as often as a prayer for health. It will help strengthen morale before an important meeting and increase your chances during an interview. A request for help in finding a job addressed to the patron saints will not only give mental strength, but will also drive away anxiety and give hope for the future. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Matrona of Moscow - these and some other saints can help in finding work if you turn your prayer to them.

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    How to pray?

    Before reading a prayer for a new job, you need to stay alone, collect your thoughts and think about what exactly to say higher powers. You should not mumble a prayer like a memorized verse - it will not bring any benefit. Every spoken word must come from the soul so that Heaven hears and accepts the request.

    Before the interview, it is best to pray several times a day, directing your thoughts and aspirations towards the fulfillment of your desires. It is advisable to read the text of the prayer for work by heart. If this is not possible, you can say the prayer in your own words without deviating from the essence of the request.

    Before offering a prayer to be hired, it is advisable to place in front of you the image of the saint to whom the request for help is addressed.

    If prayer for getting a job does not immediately help, you need to turn to heavenly intercessors again, this time with repentance. Perhaps some misdemeanor in the past prevents you from achieving what you want. Sincere repentance for your mistakes and repeated prayer will definitely be heard.

    Before reading a prayer for a new job, you should also go to church. If your heart is restless and worried about the uncertainty of employment, you can confess. Thanks to confession, fear for the future will go away, and the obstacles that prevent you from offering sincere, strong prayer will disappear.

    When applying for a desired job, they pray to the saints revered in Rus':

    • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
    • Saint Matrona;
    • Xenia of Petersburg;
    • Saint Tryphon;
    • Saint Spyridon;
    • Seraphim of Sarov.

    Prayer to Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

    Almost every Orthodox church there is an icon of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. They turn to him with pleas for prosperity, the desired job, and ask for help in financial difficulties. It is important that the request be from a pure heart, without guile.

    “Oh, my blessed intercessor and patron Spyridon! Ask me, the servant of God (name), from my Lord for a peaceful life, mental and physical health, profitable, interesting and kind work. So that there is prosperity in my house, there is no anxiety in my heart, and The new work pleased me and brought benefits to me and people. May my Lord forgive me all the sins I have committed, voluntary or involuntary, and send His blessing from God. I pray to you, my intercessor, Saint Spyridon, and I trust in you with all my heart. So be it! Amen ".

    If the prayer to get hired is heard and fulfilled, you should go to church, stop in front of the icon of Spyridon of Trimifunt, light a candle and thank your heavenly patron with all your heart.

    Matrona of Moscow

    With a prayer to Mother Matrona, women turn to help for another person - a son or husband: so that they are accepted for the job they want, paid well, and not demanded the impossible.

    “Holy blessed mother Matrona of Moscow! May your holy and righteous prayers help the Servant of God (name) find a good, correct job, according to his honor and work. So that his boss does not get angry, does not lead the Servant of God (name) into evil and temptation, but "was generous and fair. Let this work not bring the Servant of God (name) anxiety and suffering, but only joy and income to the house from good and righteous labors. For the family, for the benefit, for the benefit of people. Thank you, our mother! Amen."

    Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Nicholas the Wonderworker is the patron saint of poor people. During his lifetime, Saint Nicholas gave gifts to children from poor families and helped their parents find jobs. And after his death, Nikolai Ugodnik does not refuse to support those who are desperate and despondent due to financial difficulties, and continues to help the poor out of bad situations.

    The prayer to get hired, addressed to Saint Nicholas, is considered one of the most powerful.

    When applying for a new job, it is worth asking St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for good luck - so that they are paid well, received with dignity in the work team, and treated with respect by the boss. Saint Nicholas will not refuse to support sincere people with pure thoughts.

    “Nicholas the Wonderworker, our patron saint, protector and benefactor! Help me find a job so that my business will be successful, money will be made, and evil people will not cause me harm either with their look or with their rotten words. And if there is any sin on me, I I repent before you and our Lord. I ask for your holy help in virtuous work. Be merciful, send me a job according to my conscience, a salary according to my work. Amen."

    Saint Tryphon

    Saint Tryphon is considered the patron saint of people who have lost their jobs, housing, and money. A request for help in finding a job will definitely be heard.

    "Holy Tryphon, martyr of the faith! Hear my prayer, turn your gaze to me, a sinner. Deliver me from unemployment and lack of money, help me find a decent job, help me live spiritually and sinlessly. Take away from me dashing people, evil eyes, envy and human malice "Give me a good job to support my family and not experience troubles. I sincerely ask you for help in a righteous matter. I hope for your support and trust in your mercy. Amen."

    Ksenia of Petersburg

    In the city on the Neva there is a chapel of Xenia of St. Petersburg. People come there from all over the country to ask the saint for blessings and health. They ask her for help in getting a job.

    "Holy Mother Xenia! We pray to you, our intercessor: accept our petition and bring it before the eyes of the merciful Heavenly Father. Ask those who pray to you for salvation for us, for a generous blessing on good plans. Pray for us, Saint Xenia, unworthy and sinful people, before the Lord our God. Help us get rid of troubles and misfortunes, give us good good work, calm our hearts and souls. Amen."

    Seraphim of Sarov

    A prayer addressed to Seraphim of Sarov helps to find a way out of difficult material situations, before testing, making decisions. Therefore, a petition for a job should be offered to this saint.

    “Holy Father Seraphim! I trust in you with all my heart, with all my soul! Please give me a job in which I could realize my gift of God, my talents. Give me worthy good work that will benefit everyone, and give me good "Prosperity for the home. May I have no problems with colleagues and management, and may every day spent at work be filled with joy and pleasure from a good deed. Amen."

    A request to Jesus

    It is not necessary to ask Orthodox saints directly for help in finding employment. There is a prayer for employment that is addressed to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. She will also be heard by Heaven.

    “Jesus Christ, son of God! Help me cope with my problems. Give me the opportunity to work well, to benefit myself, my family and all people. I really need a decent job to support myself and my loved ones and work for the benefit of everyone, and myself to myself - for joy and consolation. May everything work out for me, and may all my good undertakings associated with grateful work come true. Thank you for always helping me. Thank you for not leaving me in difficult moments, not "You let me lose hope. I hope in you and in your mercy that in the future you will protect me from evil, unbelief and troubles. I thank you for everything. Amen."

    You shouldn’t count on a quick positive result even after the strongest prayer to get hired. Heaven will hear and take into account the desires of a person when he himself is ready for this.

Prayers to the Lord and the patron saints will help you find a job with a good salary and to your liking. They read prayers before the interview so that they can get the desired job. Managers ask that work go well; before going to work, they read prayers for successful trading.

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The patron saints of labor offer petitions for their prayer books before the throne of God. Saint Tryphon is asked for a successful career, so that everything goes well, for help in work. Saint Nicholas will petition for the preservation of work, so as not to be fired, and will help to regain the lost position. A prayer to St. George the Victorious will help from squabbles at work: with an evil boss, from envious people and ill-wishers. Application to miraculous icons, the relics of saints, the shoes of St. Spyridon, the prayer is greatly strengthened.

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    What types of prayers are there for work?

    Orthodox Christians turn to the Lord in all everyday needs. They pray especially fervently when it comes to their daily bread. They ask for God's help in finding a decent job, in finding a job a good place. But prayers for work can be limited not only to these needs.

    When praying, they ask the Lord to:

    • find a job with a good salary that you like;
    • get a desired job (before the interview);
    • career turned out well;
    • everything went well during work;
    • not fired;
    • return the job;
    • work started;
    • resolve problems;
    • avoid the wrath of an evil boss;
    • there were no envious people or ill-wishers at work.

    For any aspect related to work, you can ask the Lord God and the patron saints so that everything works out the best way. If the prayer is sincere and combined with good thoughts and intentions, the Almighty will definitely help.

    Which saints should you pray to?

    Be sure to pray to Jesus Christ first. The Lord is the giver of all blessings; the fate of every person is in His hand. Then they turn to the Mother of God. She, like a caring mother, willingly responds to the requests of those who pray and worship Her. The saints hear the prayers of Christians and pray to the Almighty for us.

    Lord God

    Before starting a job search or when making a decision, you should read the prayer to the Lord and the Holy Spirit:

    “Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

    Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory.

    Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You have spoken with Your most pure lips, that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen".

    Prayers for loved ones

    A believing wife is obligated to spiritually care for the well-being of her husband. The wife prays daily not only for the health of all family members, but also for the needs of her husband. Her sincere prayers will help her husband find a well-paid job in the near future. Mothers pray for the success of their son or daughter.

    You can pray in your own words or using ready-made prayers from the prayer book. If you have difficulties about what to ask from the Lord, you can use a sample of independent prayer.

    Prayer for my husband's work:“Lord, I pray that You would bless my husband's work. Let it bring him not only success and financial prosperity, but also great satisfaction. If anything in his work does not coincide with Your perfect plan, reveal it to him. Show him where he is wrong and guide him on the right path. Help him gain strength, learn to see the future and get rid of passivity and laziness. Let him never shy away from work because of fear, selfishness or fear of responsibility. But also show him that he shouldn't work too hard to please other people. May he never desire more than what You have given him. Teach him to enjoy his successes and not strive to achieve more. Help him succeed, but free him from any coercion and pressure on the path to success.

    I pray that You will be the Master of his work, that he will do everything with You. Help him to gain confidence in the gifts You have given him, so that he can seek, find, and do his work worthily. Open for him the doors of the future that no one can close. Increase his professional skills and help him improve them every year. Show me how I can be useful to my husband.

    I pray that his work will be constant, interesting, enjoyable and decently paid. May he always be faithful to the commandment: “ not slack in zeal; be on fire in spirit; Serve the Lord…” (Rom. 12:11). Let him be like a tree planted by the streams of Your living water, which bears fruit in its season. Help him not to bend under the pressure of circumstances, but to be strengthened in spirit and prosper (see: Ps. 1:3). Amen".

    Martyr Tryphon

    Martyr Tryphon enjoys well-deserved love among prayer books for success in any work. After the miracle of helping a hunter, he also became the personal patron of hunters and fishermen. They pray to him for career advancement, high sales, employment, and in case of conflicts with superiors.

    Prayer to the martyr Tryphon:“Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the representative! Hear now and at every hour the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory. You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord, and you asked Him for this gift: if anyone, in any need and in his sorrow, begins to call holy name yours, may he be delivered from every excuse of evil. And as you sometimes healed the daughter of the Tsar in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breath, when the dark eyes of evil demons surrounded and they will start to intimidate us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen".

    Spyridon of Trimifuntsky

    Saint Spyridon miraculously decides financial questions. People turn to him when the salary is low, before the upcoming conversation about increasing it. Spiridon Trimifuntsky will help you find a high-paying job, move to a top position, and receive a cash bonus.

    Every year, the temple on the island of Corfu, which houses the relics of the saint, sends the saint’s slippers to the chosen temple. Touching them reverently will help you find a job and improve your financial situation.

    In the Moscow Church of the Resurrection of the Word, you can venerate a particle of the saint’s relics.

    First prayer:“O all-blessed Saint Spyridon, great servant of Christ and glorious miracle worker! Stand in Heaven before the Throne of God with the face of an Angel, look with your merciful eye at the people standing here and asking for your strong help. Pray to the compassion of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy! Ask us from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health, earthly prosperity and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and may we not turn the good things given to us from the generous God into evil, but into His glory and the glorification of your intercession ! Deliver all who come to God through undoubted faith from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander! Be a comforter to the sad, a physician to the sick, a helper in times of adversity, a protector to the naked, a protector to widows, a protector to the orphans, a nourisher to the baby, a strengthener to the old, a guide to the wandering, a sailing helmsman, and intercede to all those who require your strong help, even useful for salvation! For if we are guided and observed by your prayers, we will reach eternal rest and together with you we will glorify God, glorified in the Trinity of Saints, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    When looking for a job, prayers are read every day, and always on the eve of an interview or conversation with superiors about a promotion.

    Second prayer:“O blessed Saint Spyridon! Beg the mercy of God, the Lover of Mankind, not to judge us according to our iniquities, but to deal with us according to His mercy. Ask us, God's servants (names), from Christ and our God for a peaceful and serene life, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all spiritual and physical troubles, from all yearnings and the devil’s slander. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord to grant us forgiveness of many of our sins, a comfortable and peaceful life, and grant us a shameless and peaceful death and eternal bliss in the future, so that we may continually send glory and thanksgiving to the Father and the Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    Nicholas the Wonderworker

    Some houses may not have an icon of the Savior, but there is an image of St. Nicholas. So strong is the people's love for the Wonderworker. Nikola deserves it because he willingly helps with any everyday problems. If an employee is about to be fired, the saint will help to save, return the job or find a better one.

    Prayer to Saint Nicholasto the miracle worker: “Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

    In the texts Orthodox prayers There are no specific requests for household issues. Their main request is the salvation of the soul, forgiveness of sins, abandonment of passions. The Lord said: “Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.” When they pray, they first ask for the main thing, and then add requests for work in their own words.

    St. George the Victorious

    They pray to Saint George the Victorious when things are not going well at work. Uncomfortable relationships with colleagues, bullying, and competition make life difficult for anyone. The martyr defeats the machinations of his enemies with the power of the Cross of the Lord.

    If your work involves claims, debt collection, or other actions that cause negativity or resistance from other people, you need to pray to St. George:

    “Holy, glorious and all-praised Great Martyr George! Gathered in your temple and before your holy icon, people worshiping, we pray to you, known to the desires of our intercessor, pray with us and for us, beseeching God from His mercy, may he mercifully hear us asking for His goodness, and not abandon all ours to salvation and life needful petitions, and grants our country victory in the face of resistance; and again, falling down, we pray to you, victorious saint: strengthen the Orthodox army in battle with the grace given to you, destroy the forces of the rising enemies, so that they will be ashamed and put to shame, and let their insolence be crushed, and let them know that we have Divine help, and to everyone in sorrow and the current situation, show your powerful intercession. Pray to the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver us from eternal torment, so that we glorify the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and we confess your intercession now, and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".

    It would be appropriate to place an icon of the saint in your workplace and mentally turn to him for help in moments of tension and to resolve problems.

    Ksenia of Petersburg

    During her lifetime, the holy fool Ksenia of Petersburg willingly responded to the everyday needs of all those who asked. She did not like it when people did not keep the commandments of God - she did not help such people.

    They ask Ksenia for help in finding a new job and getting the desired position:

    “Oh, simple in the way of her life, homeless on earth, heir to the abodes of the Heavenly Father, blessed wanderer Xenia! Just as we previously fell into sickness and sorrow at your tombstone and were filled with consolations, now we too, overwhelmed by pernicious circumstances, resort to you and ask with hope: pray, O good one of heaven, that our steps may be straightened according to the word of the Lord to do His commandments, and yes The godless atheism that has captivated your city and your country, plunging us many sinners into mortal hatred of our brothers, proud self-indignation and blasphemous despair, will be abolished. Oh, most blessed one of Christ, who has put to shame the vanity of this age, ask the Creator and Giver of all blessings to grant us humility, meekness and love in the treasure of our hearts, faith in strengthening prayer, hope in repentance, strength in a difficult life, merciful healing of our soul and body , chastity in marriage and caring for our neighbors and sincere ones, renewal of our entire life in the purifying bath of repentance, as we praise your memory with all praise, let us glorify the miracle worker in you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible forever and ever. Amen".

    If it is impossible to visit the chapel in person, you can send your request by letter. The servants will definitely apply it to the relics.

    Seraphim of Sarov

    Saint Seraphim of Sarov was awarded a high degree of holiness for his exploits. They pray to Seraphim of Sarov when they want to get a job, so that they get a good place, before the interview:

    “Oh, wonderful Father Seraphim, great miracle worker of Sarov, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one is tired of you and is inconsolable when you leave, but everyone has the sweetness of seeing your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love ceased from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: for throughout the entire end of our earth you appeared to the people of God and granted them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: Oh, most quiet and meek servant of God, daring prayer book to Him, reject no one who calls you! Offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of hosts, may He grant us all that is beneficial in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect us from the falls of sin and true repentance may he teach us to enter without stumbling into the Eternal Heavenly Kingdom, where you now shine in everlasting glory, and there to sing with all the saints Life-giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen".

    The prayer is read in front of the icon of the saint, having previously read “Our Father” and “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.” The monk considered these prayers very important and bequeathed them to be read by those who do not have time for a complete daily prayer rule.

    Matrona of Moscow

    The blind mother is a faithful and quick intercessor for the human race. Matrona of Moscow was crippled all her life, but spiritually she was and is a pillar of Orthodoxy. The old woman not only healed, but was also a seer.

    Blind from birth, she had spiritual vision. With her sayings she helped many people find work and organize their lives.

    Prayer to Matrona:“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you, who in all your life has learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn, with faith and hope who resort to your intercession and help, giving quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; May your mercy not fail now for us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere finding consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, who passionately fights, help us convey our everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for others; help us, after departing from this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, glorified in the Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

    How to strengthen your prayer?

    It is necessary to pray daily. If there is no time for a full prayer rule, read a short one, which consists of three prayers: “Our Father”, “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” and the Creed. After them, selected prayers are read. Which one to choose, everyone decides individually.

    Before starting prayers, it is advisable to read the lives of the saints to whom they are going to pray.

    In addition to these texts, you can read prayers to the nine martyrs of Cyzicus, Saint Mitrophan of Voronezh, and Apostle Peter. Be sure to ask for help from the Mother of God, your Guardian Angel, your patron saint. If help does not come quickly, do not despair; perhaps a better option will soon appear.

    Church prayer has great power; it should not be neglected. The church orders notes for the Liturgy about the applicant. Those who have difficulties at work indicate the names of employees, superiors, if they are baptized. A prayer service for the beginning of a good deed, served in front of the icon of the chosen saint, will strengthen the prayer many times over.

    If employment or another matter has taken place, be sure to thank the Lord and the heavenly intercessor.

    Thanks be to God:“Lord Jesus Christ our God, God of all mercy and generosity, whose mercy is immeasurable and whose love for mankind is an immeasurable abyss! We, falling before Your greatness, with fear and trembling, like unworthy slaves, bring thanks to You for the mercies shown to us. As the Lord, Master and Benefactor, we glorify You, praise You, sing and magnify You and, falling down, thank You again! We humbly pray to Your unspeakable mercy: just as now You have accepted our prayers and fulfilled them, so in the future let us succeed in love for You, for our neighbors and in all virtues - and grant us to always thank and glorify You, together with Your Beginning Father and Your All-Holy, and Good, and Consubstantial Spirit. Amen".

81 prayers for quick help which will protect you from trouble, help you in misfortune and show you the way to better life Chudnova Anna

Prayer for the return of stolen property, as well as for the loss of an item

From Julian, the godless king, Saint John Stratilates was sent to kill Christians, you helped some from your property, while others, convincing you to flee from torment by the infidels, you freed, and for this many suffered torment and imprisonment in prison from the tormentor. After the death of the wicked king, being released from prison, you spent the rest of your life in great virtues until your death, adorning yourself with cleanliness, prayer and fasting, giving abundant alms to the poor, visiting the weak and comforting the mourning. Therefore, in all our sorrows, we have you as a helper and in all the troubles that befall us: we have you as a comforter, John the warrior; running to you, we pray to you, be the healer of our passions and the deliverer of our spiritual suffering, because you have received from God power useful for the salvation of all give, John of ever-memorable, nourisher of wanderers, liberator of captives, physician of the weak: helper of orphans! Look at us, honoring your sacred joyful memory, intercede for us before the Lord, so that we may be heirs of His kingdom. Hear and do not reject us, and hasten to intercede for us, Stratelate John, denouncing thieves and kidnappers, and the thefts they commit in secret, faithfully praying to you, revealing to you, and bringing people to joy with the return of property. Resentment and injustice are heavy for every person, everyone grieves over the loss of something stolen or missing. Hearken to those who mourn, Saint John: and help them find the stolen property, so that, having found it, they glorify the Lord for His generosity forever. Amen.

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