Do-it-yourself attic roof: drawings and stages of how to build an attic roof for a house. Do-it-yourself attic roof How to build a do-it-yourself attic roof

Modern people They try to use the space of their home as efficiently as possible. Therefore, the proposal to arrange additional space under the roof is always met with enthusiasm. It is much easier to plan the construction of an attic at the stage of building a house, but you can make an additional superstructure over an old building.

How to make an attic on an old house

The presence of an attic not only increases the living space, but also gives the building a colorful look.

Attic turns Vacation home to a fairytale building

An old house can be updated by building an extension in accordance with existing codes.

The attic addition begins with calculating the strength of the old house

First you need to decide whether they can withstand the load attic floor and a new roof over the existing foundation and walls. If they have a sufficient margin of safety, then you can begin to remodel the house. Otherwise, they should be strengthened.

Old brick walls sometimes they seem durable, but with additional load over time, cracks may appear in the solution. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately examine their condition, and, if necessary, tie them with a rigid belt. This is done as follows:

  • metal pillars with a cross section of 10x10 cm are inserted into the foundation with their lower edge, and connected with the armored belt of the first floor with their upper edge. Installed around the perimeter of the house every 2 meters;
  • metal reinforcement with a cross-section of 12 mm is laid in grooves and tied around the walls of the house: from the bottom of the window every 2 meters upward;
  • spreads over the reinforcement metal grid with a cell size of 2x2 cm, which after completion of all work is covered with plaster.

The foundation is strengthened by tying it with a reinforcing belt on all sides.

If the old foundation cannot support the attic, then it must be sheathed with reinforcement

Having decided on the strengthening of the building, you can proceed to choosing a project for the future superstructure. It should look harmonious against the background of other buildings and match the style of the entire house.

From type mansard roof will depend on the calculation of the dimensions of the internal upper room and necessary materials for construction

There are several types of attics:

  • single-level with a gable roof - low ceilings with a small living area;

    A single-level attic with a gable roof is the simplest type of superstructure for small buildings

  • single-level with a sloping gable roof - increased internal space, but serious costs of money and time for construction;

    A one-level attic with a sloping gable roof is usually built on a brick house

  • single-level with cantilever extensions - a complex design that allows you to get more more area, since the attic frame extends beyond the building, and the windows are installed vertically;

    A single-level attic with cantilevered extensions allows you to get a lot of internal space by increasing the upper structure

  • multi-level with mixed roof support - used in the construction of a new house, built only by specialists.

    A multi-level attic with mixed roof support is usually not installed on old houses due to the complexity and large volume of work

Video: converting half of an old roof into an attic - an easy way

Remodeling the roof into an attic - comparatively cheap way increasing living space. In a private house it is usually installed pitched roof, so you can make an additional spacious and bright room with your own hands.

Internal wood lining makes the attic warm and bright

And if the house is large enough in length, then the attic can turn into a real floor: with several rooms and even a balcony.

A large attic allows you to divide the area into different living areas

Advantages of creating an attic:

  • the possibility of installing one or more new living rooms;

    Attic with low ceilings under a gable roof it is most convenient to arrange low sun loungers

  • low costs compared to the construction of a full floor or side extension to the house;
  • updating the external appearance of the building;

    A house with an attic under construction always attracts the attention of passers-by and makes them interested in the final result.

  • opportunity to observe a beautiful view from the attic window.

    A lot of sunlight comes through the windows in the attic, illuminating the room all day long.

However, this solution also has certain disadvantages that must also be taken into account:

  • the need for insulation and soundproofing of the ceiling and a new roof, installation of several double-glazed windows;
  • the difficulty of installing additional heating and lighting in the upper part of the old house - you will have to combine it with home wiring or use an autonomous connection;

    To heat the attic with access to the balcony, you can use a stove-stove

  • planning part of the home space for a staircase leading to the attic;

    The staircase leading to the attic must be fenced for safety

  • the need to purchase special furniture for a sloping roof or purchase squat models: low cabinets, sofas and tables.

    Low furniture is best suited for attic interiors

The presence of sloping walls makes the room unusual and romantic, but with this decision you will have to take a more responsible approach to design development. You can make furniture for the inclined superstructure yourself or assemble a single set from existing multi-level models, painting everything in the same color.

You can make furniture that follows the slope of the attic yourself

So, the main disadvantage of converting an attic space into a loft is that it requires an investment, but it is worth it.

Building an attic will cost much less than creating an additional floor, regardless of what materials are used to build the walls. After all, to create them you will need basic material, insulation and finishing, while for an attic superstructure you only need roofing insulation and a new rafter system.

The superstructure is made of symmetrical or asymmetrical shape. Internal walls are designed both inclined and vertical.

Having studied the schemes of single-level attics with different types roofs, it is easier to make a choice when planning

Converting an attic into an attic does not require dismantling all existing structures. But you need to make sure it's reliable ceiling: check its condition, strengthen it with wooden or metal beams, sheathe new board.Then it will be able to withstand the weight of furniture and people.

To frequently go up to the attic, you will need to make a convenient staircase, provide for the installation of ventilation, natural and artificial lighting, and carry out interior decoration - all this will allow you to create a cozy and comfortable room.

Add-on with sloping roof, decorated in light colors, visually enlarges the space, and color spots add brightness to the interior

When constructing an attic floor, the following conditions must be met:

  • the rafters are made of laminated veneer lumber with a thickness of at least 250 mm, so that the required amount of insulation can be laid;
  • Foamed polystyrene is used for insulation due to its low weight and high thermal insulation characteristics;
  • between thermal insulation and roofing material a gap is left to ensure natural ventilation;
  • A hydro- and sound-proofing layer must be laid.

Converting the roof into an attic with your own hands

During the construction of a house there is usually a lack of funds, so many people refuse to build a second floor. Or another situation may arise when an old one-story small house is purchased along with the plot. In both cases, there is an affordable option for increasing living space - rebuilding the attic space into an attic with your own hands.

Creating a Project

Before starting work, you need to draw up a plan and develop a project with accurate drawings. Correct calculation will allow you to get a cozy, durable and reliable room. You can perform all the calculations yourself or entrust it to specialists.

Draw a plan and develop preliminary design you can do it yourself by studying different variants in the Internet

Strengthening the walls and foundation may be necessary if complete replacement rafters If the roof is partially redone, then reinforcement may be necessary only for the ceiling. You also need to immediately decide what types of windows will be used in the attic: the reinforcement in the rafter system will depend on this.

The location of all windows in the attic roof must be thought out in advance and this data must be included in the project plan

Rafter system

Rafters can be layered or hanging. The former rest on the internal walls of the house or additional supports, and the latter on the external walls.

In attics, layered and hanging rafters are used

Hanging rafters are best suited for the attic.

An attic with hanging rafters looks more beautiful and benefits in the size of the internal area

The attic usually occupies the entire space of the attic, and its walls are combined with external ones.

The best option for creating an attic is a layered rafter system

The rafter system consists of different load-bearing bars. To understand the structure of the entire structure and build it correctly, you need to understand the purpose and operation of its individual elements.

An image of individual elements of the rafter system helps to understand the structure of the entire structure

Refurbishment of premises

If the attic height is sufficient, the rafter system does not need to be altered. It is enough to inspect the old rafters, identify possible flaws and eliminate them.

If the rafter system is in good condition, you can begin arranging the floor. Insulation is first laid between the joists, after which the surface is sheathed with ordinary boards or sheets of OSB or chipboard.

The floor in the attic is insulated and covered with boards

Before laying the insulation, all necessary communications are installed between the rafters, and places are cut in the roof for installing windows. carried out before insulation.

All wires and pipes of communications must be placed in special corrugations

Care must be taken to create natural ventilation under-roof space through vents so that moisture does not accumulate inside the room.

Roof insulation

The roof must be insulated correctly and efficiently - the microclimate under the roof will depend on this. Typically, mineral wool, polystyrene foam or sprayed polyurethane foam are used as insulation.

A thick layer of heat insulation is tightly laid and fixed between the rafters so that there are no cracks or gaps left anywhere. Waterproofing is installed along the top of the roof - between the roof and the insulation - and then laid thermal insulation material from the side of the room. Then the inside of the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film.

For better ventilation a small distance is left between the roofing material and the insulation: this way air circulates through the holes in the eaves and ridge. If the roof is covered wavy sheets, then the gap thickness should be 25 mm, but if flat material, then you need to bring it to 50 mm.

When creating thermal insulation for an attic, the sequence of layers must be strictly observed.

When planning to climb to the attic, you need to take care of the convenience and safety of movement. Therefore, the staircase is usually installed inside the house. It is constructed from wood or metal: it can be either a screw or a marching structure.

The staircase to the attic may be different types and designs, which allows it to fit into any interior

An opening is cut in the ceiling of the first floor, which is reinforced around the perimeter with metal or wooden strapping.

The design of the stairs to the attic must be strong, reliable, safe and beautiful

Interior decoration

In most cases, plasterboard slabs are used for wall cladding, and the seams between them are plastered. Wallpaper is pasted on top or applied decorative plaster. Alternative option- lining or natural wood.

If some rafters protrude through the walls into the attic, then they can be designed as decorative elements and even use it as a horizontal bar for hanging a hammock, swing, chandelier and other devices.

Decorating the visible parts of the rafters in the interior of the attic is an interesting and creative matter.

Use heavy ones Decoration Materials in the attic is not recommended, as they increase the load on the walls, ceiling and foundation of the building.

There are many options interior decoration attic, but it is advisable to use only lightweight materials

To cover the floor, you can use laminate or linoleum, but it is better to avoid tiles or porcelain stoneware.

Installation of the roof of the attic floor

The roof of a residential superstructure must consist of the following layers (the order of arrangement is from the street to the internal space):

Video: why and how to properly lay layers on the attic roof

Calculations of an attic roof for a house

Determining the total weight of the roof

To calculate the total weight of roofing materials, you need specific gravity multiply one square meter of coverage by the total area of ​​the attic roof. To obtain the weight of one square meter, you need to add up the specific gravity of all the materials that make up the roofing pie and multiply it by the safety factor (1.1).

If the thickness of the lathing is 25 mm, then its specific weight is 15 kg/m2, insulation 10 cm thick has a specific weight of 10 kg/m2, and the roofing material ondulin has a weight of 3 kg/m2. It turns out: (15+10+3)x1.1= 30.8 kg/m2.

According to existing standards, the floor load in a residential building should not exceed 50 kg/m2.

Determining the roof area

To calculate the surface of a sloping roof, you need to divide it into simple figures(square, rectangle, trapezoid, etc.) and determine their area, and then add everything up. To determine the surface of a gable roof, you need to multiply the length by the width, and multiply the resulting value by two.

Table: determining the area of ​​the attic roof

When calculating the angle of inclination, the climatic zone in which the house is located is taken into account, and that it is convenient to move in the attic at full height

It is also necessary to calculate the roof slope. Typically the angle is 45–60 degrees, but when determining it, one must take into account climate zone, in which the house is located, type of attic construction, snow and wind loads, architectural design of the house.

The greater the angle of inclination of the roof, the less will be the load on the rafter system, but the consumption of materials will increase.

Calculation of the rafter system

When choosing a rafter system, you can choose the following options:

  • hanging rafters;
  • inclined type;
  • ridge run;
  • combined design.

If the roof length is more than 4.5 m, then support purlins and struts can be used for reinforcement. If the length is more than 7 meters, a ridge beam is installed.

For wooden rafters, timber with a thickness of at least 70 mm is used. Their installation step should be 50 cm.

On large area it is better to fasten a metal rafter system: due to the increase in the distance between the rafters, the absence of spacers and struts, the weight of such a structure will be less than that of a wooden one, and the strength will increase significantly.

If the attic area is large, then it is better to install metal rafters

Calculation of the required amount of materials

To carry out the calculation you need to know the following parameters:

  • width, thickness and pitch of rafters;
  • distance from the edge of the roof to the rafters;
  • the size of the sheathing boards and the spacing between them;
  • size, type of roofing material and overlap between its sheets;
  • type of steam, hydro and heat insulating material.

The roof is divided into simple shapes and the required amount of each material is determined. Simple mathematical formulas are used for this.

The results obtained are converted into standard values: for wood - in cubic meters, for roofing materials, steam, hydro and thermal insulation - in square meters. And you can go to the store.

Common mistakes

Most often when independent calculation errors are received during definition required quantity insulation. If the climatic conditions are harsh, then its volume will have to be increased, otherwise it will not be possible to create in the attic comfortable conditions accommodation. The insulation is installed on the floor of the house, gable walls and roof slopes. But the thickness of the insulation can be different everywhere.

Video: calculation of a mansard roof with diagrams and load

The attic floor allows for additional living space and gives a private home a modern, attractive appearance. It’s not difficult to create an attic with your own hands, you just need to draw up the project correctly, perform calculations and carry out high-quality installation all materials. And the result will please the owners for a long time.

The mansard roof is optimal method increasing the usable area of ​​the house. In this case, the costs will be minimal. When installing such a structure, you can equip one or more living rooms. Often children's rooms or an office are arranged in the attic. A comfortable room in the attic can serve as a living room.

When arranging an attic, it is important to remember several principles that will help create a comfortable and practical room. A mansard roof is an attic arranged in a certain way. When creating such a structure, it is important to carefully approach the stages of thermal insulation, redevelopment and ventilation of the roof space. A video of building an attic roof with your own hands (step by step) can be found at the end of the article.

Advantages and disadvantages of the solution

When deciding to equip an attic space, you need to know the features of its construction. The advantages of attic rooms include:

  • An additional room appears in the attic. It can be equipped depending on taste preferences and purpose.
  • Low costs. The construction of an attic space will not cost much. Such work will be equivalent to building an extension to the house. At the same time, the usable area of ​​the house expands.
  • Great view from the window. Attractive landscapes outside the attic window will not leave anyone indifferent.

If we consider the disadvantages of installing an attic, we should remember the need for additional heating of the room.

Types of mansard roofs

When designing an attic floor, it is important to take care of choosing the type of roof. You need to understand not only the choice appearance design, but also in the methods of its arrangement. There are several options that are most suitable for creating an attic roof. They can be chosen only taking into account the characteristics of the house:

It is important to understand the structure of the attic roof that you decide to make.

Attic construction

Each roof has its own design features. However attic structures have a number of common features and with simple pitched structures. It is important to know them before starting work:

Knowing the structure of the roof, you can begin the main work. Photos of constructing an attic roof with your own hands (step by step) will help you understand the stages of the process.

Attic construction technology

Often, when drawing up a mansard roof project, architects do not take into account the errors of the ventilation system and the insulating layer. If there are such errors, the result may be disastrous. After just a few years, the roof will begin to leak. Since the attic is located quite close to the wall inside the room, it is quite difficult to ensure optimal level heat exchange. The attic design must include elements such as thermal insulation and ventilation.

Important! Elements of the rafter system should be treated in advance with various protective agents that will reduce the impact of fire and microorganisms.

The thermal insulation layer is 20 cm thick. This is due to the cold climate in most regions of Russia. In addition, if you create good thermal insulation in the summer, it will be cool under the attic roof. The advantages of this solution indicate the need to choose high-quality protective material.

In addition, you will need to create a roof ventilation system. In the summer, when the temperature is quite high, the roof will warm up very much, this can make staying in the attic quite uncomfortable. With a properly equipped air supply and exhaust system, being in the room will become much more pleasant. This same solution will protect the roof from destruction. A layer of sound insulation is laid to create a quiet and comfortable environment inside the attic. At the same time, rain, hail or strong winds will not be heard much.

Advice! When laying insulation materials, it is better to work with an experienced installer. This will avoid mistakes.

Stages of attic construction

Step-by-step instructions for installing an attic floor involve performing a number of subtleties of technology. To build an attic you must have at least minimal experience construction work. The construction of an attic space will be much more difficult than with a conventional roof. This is due to the need to comply required angles stingrays You can figure out how to build an attic in a private house with your own hands after studying the construction plan.

You need to start by drawing up a project for the attic floor. For this purpose, it is better to invite a specialist who can accurately calculate the loads and install required dimensions elements. If you have certain knowledge, all calculations can be performed in a special program. You will also need to calculate the roof slopes and expected loads. To complete the work correctly, you will need to study the book “loads and impacts on buildings and structures.”

Construction of the rafter frame

When performing this stage of work, you will need to invite 2-3 workers. It is better to start installing the roof by laying the Mauerlat beams. They are fixed around the entire perimeter of the house. For mauerlats, 100x100 mm bars are chosen.

Then the frame of the future is mounted attic room. Its vertical elements will serve as support posts for the rafter system. First, they are installed on both sides vertical supports. They are fixed to the longitudinal beams. To connect you need to use metal corners and self-tapping screws.

Advice! In the process of such work, it is better to use a screwdriver. This will significantly speed up the progress of work.

As a result of such actions, two arches are obtained. They should be connected using a string. It must be positioned strictly horizontally. Even with a slight tilt of the string, one of the arches will have to be shortened. Then other arches should be installed at a certain distance from each other. To secure the jumpers, stamped corners are used.

Then the upper rafters are installed. This kind of work is quite difficult. The rafters should be installed in such a way that they are installed at a certain slope. First, a template is made from boards. They need to match the connected rafters. When using this template, you need to trim the rafters that are on the ground. They are then installed in the desired location. The installation of the rafters is carried out taking into account the construction of the internal attic room.

The installation of the rafter structure ends by nailing the sheathing. It is usually made of plywood or chipboard.

Insulation of attic roof

After completing the installation of the rafter system and sheathing, you can create an insulating layer. The vapor barrier film is laid from the inside of the roof. It is fixed to the rafters using construction brackets. Then thermal insulation is performed. It is necessary to monitor the density of the insulation on the surface of the rafters. There should be no gaps that could cause problems with condensation and thermal protection of the room in the future. The sheathing structure is attached to thermal insulation with a gap of half a meter between the boards.

Waterproofing is laid on top of the rafters. It will protect the attic from moisture. The roof covering is laid on top of the waterproofing layer. This roofing pattern is optimal when constructing an attic.

Attention! During construction, it is important to ensure compliance with safety requirements.

As you can see, erecting a mansard roof is a serious job. The durability of the structure depends on the degree of seriousness with which the work is approached. You can find a lot of examples of what kind of design and appearance an attic can have. Among its various types, you can choose the most suitable option. If you need to create optimal daylight, you should install a window large sizes. Often its shape is chosen round or square. In any case, before work you should carefully prepare and draw up a project for the future construction.


When erecting an attic roof, some operating features should be taken into account. For example, it is important to create proper insulation and waterproofing the cake. In addition, you need to take care when choosing a roofing covering. Thanks to this, the attic roof will be reliably protected from bad weather.

Before work, a project for the future construction is drawn up. It is created taking into account the design loads and materials used. The construction plan reflects all the subtleties of the process. It is important to follow the technology for constructing a mansard roof - this will ensure its reliability and durability.

During the operation of a private house, country cottage or country house, the question of increasing living space often arises. It is usually solved through an extension or superstructure.

Adding an extension to a house is a troublesome task. In addition, a residential extension has one significant drawback - it “steals” usable area plot.

Therefore, a popular way to expand living space individual house is the construction of a second floor or attic, i.e. attic roof. The design of the attic roof allows you to use the resulting space as a living space.

What is better: attic or second floor

The following facts speak in favor of the attic: lower construction costs, better insulation living space, less load on the foundation. In general, the attic is the highlight of the house and gives it a certain flavor.

Essentially, a full 2nd floor is more practical and easier to implement than an attic floor. It all depends on the situation; if a house is being designed, then it is better to immediately provide a second floor, because... installing an attic is a more troublesome task. What if the house is residential and has a roof? mansard type, then it would be reasonable to equip it living room instead of an attic “for necessary things.”

Types of attic roof

The optimal tilt angle is 40°. The ramp should be located on the leeward side. Allows you to equip a small attic above the attic. Due to only one acute angle, the usable area of ​​the room increases.

Gable mansard roof

A simple gable (pitched or gable) consists of two slopes connected at a certain angle. The advantage of a gable roof is the ease of manufacturing the rafters and finishing. The disadvantage is the appearance of a “blank” area (at the junction of the roof and the wall), which is usually not used. Often, attics with a gable roof are erected along with walls. A roof with a 45° pitch is ideal for houses no more than 6 m wide.

Asymmetrical gable mansard roof. A private house with such a roof it will be distinguished by originality and functionality at the same time.

The difficulty in building a roof with asymmetrical slopes lies in the calculations.

Broken mansard roof. Its difference is that each slope has two components. The device of a sloping roof allows you to get a higher attic space. And also reduce unused area. Such roofs are the most common due to the ability to attach a garage or summer kitchen under one roof.

Hip sloping mansard roof

Hip mansard roof. In this design, the roof slopes play the role of walls.

One of the varieties of hip mansard roofing is Danish hip roof. Its construction is distinguished by the presence of pediments, which allow the installation of ordinary, rather than roof windows (dormers).

Semi-hipped mansard roof (gable, hipped). The complex design, low slopes protect the gables of the house from precipitation.

Pitched roofs can be single or multi-level.

Non-standard solutions are also quite possible for an attic roof. Their design requires careful calculation of loads, stability, etc. It is difficult to carry out installation without special education, so the cost of the work is higher compared to classical structures.

Some examples of the original mansard roof are in the photo.

Having decided on the types, the question remains of how to make an attic roof with your own hands.

The brief instructions contain the main stages of work and will draw your attention to some of the nuances of their implementation.

Stage 1 - Design and calculation

The choice of the appearance of the attic roof and the calculation of its parameters is made taking into account such factors as:

  • slope angle;
  • finishing material;
  • SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and impacts” will be a reliable assistant in calculations.

    Nuance. The greater the angle of inclination, the smaller the height of the attic space will be ( minimum height the ceiling of the room on the attic floor is 2.2 m). Accordingly, the smaller the angle of inclination of the attic roof, the larger the area of ​​the room. If the slope is insufficient, precipitation can accumulate on the roof, which will lead to additional loads on it.

    More careful attention is paid to calculations if a non-standard mansard roof is being erected. For example, an asymmetrical gable mansard roof has a shifted center of gravity. This affects the uniformity of load transfer to load-bearing walls and foundations.

    At this stage, the issue of how to access the attic floor is also resolved. Choosing where to install the stairs to the attic is an important decision. The internal location allows it to be used at any time of the year. The exterior allows you to save useful space on the lower floor.

    Advice. Ceiling folding staircase for the attic floor is the most economical option, but the least practical.

    Mansard roof rafter system

    The choice of rafter system is influenced by:

    1. attic dimensions;
    2. parameters of the overlapped span;
    3. roof shape;
    4. first floor construction;
    5. location load-bearing walls and additional supports;
    6. weight of roofing material.

    The design of the attic roof truss system

    There are two types of roof truss system with attic:

    • hanging rafters. The walls of the house serve as the basis for the rafter legs. When constructing hanging trusses, a Mauerlat is not always installed (depending on the wall material);
    • layered rafters. In this case, it is necessary to construct additional support. The type used is a ridge girder or an attic wall reinforced with reinforced concrete. The installation of a layered rafter system is allowed at a distance between load-bearing walls of up to 7 meters.

    The structural difference between a roof structure with hanging and layered rafters is shown in the diagram.

    When constructing an attic roof, a combined type is often used - hanging rafters on top of the system, and layered rafters on the sides.

    In this case, drawings must be made indicating the location of individual elements and the distance between them. An example is shown in the figure.

    Material prepared for the website

    Calculation of rafter legs for an attic roof

    Choosing the type of wood and justifying its optimal thickness.

    The amount of material required for the rafter system depends on its type and all the factors listed above.

    Nuance. The gap between the rafter legs depends on the lumber used.

    The pitch of the rafter legs under the attic roof will be 60-90 cm.

    The material can be laminated timber (80x80, 100x100 mm), board (section 50x150 for slate and metal tiles, section 50-200 for ondulin).

    Nuance. The length of the spans increases the diameter (section) of the rafters or reduces the gap between them.

    As for the species, it is recommended to use pine. Its wood is characterized by high strength, flexibility, ease of processing, and the absence of knots. Industrial wood must be at least grade 2. Solid beams can be replaced with glued beams; it has higher quality characteristics.

    The thickness of the board for making rafters (section of the rafter leg) must be at least 50 mm. The width of the board for the rafter leg is from 150 mm (if the length of the rafters is up to 6 meters, if more, then 180-200 mm). On the one hand, this requirement is due to the fact that the load bears on it, on the other hand, insulation is placed between the rafter legs.

    Advice - any construction or reconstruction must be legalized by the relevant authorities.

    Stage 2 - Installation of the Mauerlat

    Mauerlat is an additional wooden frame along the upper perimeter of the building.

    The purpose of the Mauerlat is to create conditions for reliable fastening of the lower part of the rafters. As well as the redistribution of the load that is created from the pressure of the roof on the load-bearing walls and foundation of the building.

    Installation of a simple gable mansard roof requires installation of a mauerlat only on those walls on which the rafter legs will rest. Hip roof requires its installation along the entire perimeter of the building.

    Advice. IN wooden log house The role of the Mauerlat is played by the upper crown. This can be done, but only if the rafter legs are installed on sliding fasteners. Because Due to the load on the rafter system (wind, snow), horizontal pressure is created and the upper logs can move outward. In addition, if the material for the rafter system is not dried properly, then over time, if it is rigidly fastened, the roof will become deformed.

    Nuance. A stone cottage and house requires the installation of a mauerlat along the entire perimeter of the external walls. In brick, you can install its links only under the rafters.

    The parameters of the Mauerlat for logs are diameter 150 mm, for timber - 100x100 mm.

    The species is pine, but larch is better.

    The fastening of the Mauerlat must be reliable, because this is the basis for the entire rafter system.

    There are several ways to fasten the Mauerlat: with anchor bolts, studs or reinforcement (fixed to the base of the load-bearing wall);

    Advice. If the structure is built from foam concrete or other porous material, you can use only long bolts or reinforcement, the length of which is 3 times the width of the mauerlat beam. This is due to the fact that any other fasteners are pulled out very easily from a porous material.

    • annealed wire (embedded in brickwork);
    • wooden dowel (used when installing a mauerlat in a log house).

    Nuance. To prevent the destruction of the Mauerlat, it is necessary to provide proper waterproofing, for example, put roofing felt, and treat the timber itself with antiseptic solutions.

    If the width of the attic matches the width of the house, the rafter legs rest on the base of the load-bearing wall. But, it’s better to install a Mauerlat.

    Stage 3 - Construction of the attic roof

    Construction of the attic roof frame

    Floor beams. Installed on the Mauerlat. In the future, they will serve as the basis for installing the floor in the attic.

    Arrangement of the rafter system of the attic roof

    For a simple roof, making rafter legs involves forming simple triangles. They can be assembled on the ground and installed in the form of ready-made triangles.

    For a gable sloping roof, first attach a U-shaped frame, and then fix it on it rafter part hanging (for the top) and inclined (for the sides) method. The diagrams below show this more clearly.

    The lower ends of the rafter leg must be sawed down and attached to the mauerlat using nails or metal brackets (movable fastening).

    Nuance. The filing of the leg must be very precise to ensure a tight fit to the Mauerlat.

    The rafter legs are installed at the same distance from each other. Otherwise, the load on the system will be distributed unevenly.

    Installation begins with the outer legs. Then you need to stretch the rope between them. This way the horizontal position will be maintained when installing the intermediate legs.

    After all the rafters are installed, they are connected to each other. The sheathing pitch depends on the selected roofing material.

    Advice. The places intended for the installation of roof windows are reinforced with transverse beams. This way the window will be securely fixed.

    If the attic roof is significantly wide, you need to install a ridge beam. It will serve as additional support. And part of the load (from the weight of the roof and snow) will be redistributed onto it.

    With a significant length, the ridge beam is supplemented with support.

    Waterproofing attic roof

    A hydrobarrier film is attached to the sheathing. The peculiarity of its fastening is to make an overlap of 100 mm. Most manufacturers mark the overlap area with a bright stripe.

    The waterproofing film is fastened with a construction stapler. And in case of rain, it will reliably protect the structure even in the absence of roofing material.

    Insulation of the attic roof

    The insulation is laid under the waterproofing. Professionals recommend using flexible insulation for these purposes - mineral and basalt wool. Their advantage is flexibility, the ability to fill any voids.

    Laying a vapor barrier

    The vapor barrier film protects the roof insulation from steam penetrating into it from the attic living space.

    Advice. It is important to provide the necessary gaps between the roofing material and the insulation. Their presence and parameters are determined by the type of insulation, the class of films used and the roofing material.

    Construction of an attic roof - video

    Stage 4 - Installation of roof windows

    Window area for sufficient entry daylight, must be at least 12.5%.

    Due to the design features of the mansard roof, special ones are used for glazing. skylights. The installation technology involves installing windows before finishing work. In this case, the windows must open to provide access fresh air. In bad weather, they should naturally be closed.

    Stage 5 - Roofing the attic roof

    The attic design provides the opportunity to significantly expand the living space of the house and add originality to the structure. It is relatively easy to build an attic roof with your own hands, provided that construction technologies are followed. There are several options for attic design.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    A house with a mansard roof usually has complex design roofs. The upper segment is usually flat, while the lower segment is steeper. This provides convenience and comfort interior space. The latter can be used both for economic purposes and for permanent residence.

    This design has a number of positive qualities:

    • a house with an attic will cost less to build than a full 2 ​​floors;
    • Unlike two-story building, the load on the foundation is reduced, which allows for savings;
    • the house looks aesthetically pleasing and original;
    • if properly arranged, it will be very comfortable to be on the attic floor;
    • the attic significantly expands the living space;
    • the construction is not complicated, all work can be done by hand;
    • During the installation process, the attic roof must be insulated, which significantly improves the thermal insulation characteristics of the house.

    However, there are some disadvantages:

    • the ceilings have a sloping configuration, so the walls are low, which leads to difficulties in selecting furniture;
    • it is necessary to use high-quality heat and waterproofing materials, the cost of which is relatively high;
    • building an attic is somewhat more difficult than a traditional gable roof.

    Design features

    An attic can be built in almost any private house, be it a large cottage or a small country house. The shape of the structure can be different - triangular, broken, symmetrical or asymmetrical. The attic part can be located either over the entire area of ​​the house or part of it.

    The dimensions of the attic are limited by the perimeter of the house. When drawing up drawings of an attic roof, it is necessary to take into account the load-bearing capacity of the walls and foundation.

    The structure may protrude slightly beyond the external walls. In this situation, it is necessary to move the ceilings to an appropriate distance. The latter will serve as support for the attic roof. You can make a large extension, but you will have to build supports.

    The minimum height of the attic roof is 2.5 m. If the structure is lower, it will not be possible to create a comfortable living space.

    Increased demands are placed on windows. They must have a high-strength frame and double-glazed windows made of tempered glass. This entails additional costs.

    You can insulate the entire attic, or only that part of it that is used for residential purposes and is heated. The rafter system of the attic roof must have a high load-bearing capacity. Therefore, you need to use strong rafters, the cross-section of which is determined based on the angle of inclination of the slopes.

    But, the minimum cross-section is 50x150 mm for a step of 1 m. If the angle of inclination is 45°, you can use a step of 1.4 m. In this case, climatic conditions must be taken into account. If heavy rainfall is typical in winter, the rafter pitch should not exceed 0.8 m.


    All mansard roofs can be classified into 4 categories, having different designs. Moreover, such attics can be single-level or two-level. It is easier to build a one-level attic. As a rule, this design involves the construction of a conventional gable or sloping roof.

    Two-level attics are more difficult to construct. This design involves the construction of 2 premises on various levels. In this case, the method of combining supports is used.

    In the photo of the attic roof you can clearly see the design options for such structures. Additionally, a balcony can be provided. It is constructed by analogy with a window opening.

    But this possibility depends on the load-bearing capacity of the walls. If this is not enough, a balcony can be built using additional supports.

    Rafter system

    There are two types of rafter systems for the attic - hanging or layered. The type of rafters must be determined based on the installation method on the walls of the building.

    The easiest way to secure hanging structures. This optimal solution for houses in which only external walls serve as a load-bearing function. The latter act as a supporting structure.

    Intermediate supporting elements are missing. In such a situation, you should not make the distance between the walls too large (more than 6 m). If it is necessary to increase the size of the span (more than 9 m), it is necessary to construct struts and headstocks.

    Layered rafters, as a rule, are used if the structure of the house includes 2 spans (in the middle there is another wall that performs a load-bearing function). This option assumes 3 support points for the rafter system - 2 external and 1 internal wall.

    Construction technology

    To build an attic, you need to mount rafters, lay thermal insulation and waterproofing materials, make lathing and make roofing. Key steps and procedure for making a mansard roof:

    • After constructing the load-bearing walls, a rafter system should be constructed.
    • If the house is frame, it is recommended to assemble the roof structure at the bottom, and then lift it up and mount it on the walls.
    • The beams corresponding to the height of the room in length must be secured to the lower beam according to the marks made according to the dimensions of the structure.
    • Next, a block is mounted that performs the ceiling function.
    • The middle of the ceiling beam is determined where the rafter support is mounted.
    • On the vertical block you need to mark the middle and mount the rafters that protrude from the roof slopes. Next you need to make the roof ridge.
    • We need to mount the resulting structure at one of the ends of the house. By similar technology you need to assemble the remaining elements of the rafter system, installing them in accordance with a predetermined and marked step.
    • The frame must be covered with waterproofing material.
    • The waterproofing layer is fixed to the rafters with beams.
    • Insulation material is laid on top (usually mineral wool is used).
    • An additional waterproofing layer is laid on top of the insulation.
    • The entire roof structure is sewn up OSB boards or other building materials. The main task is to level the surface.
    • Roofing material is being laid.

    At this point, the construction of the attic is considered complete. Next, you can proceed to the installation of the ceiling (attic floor), if it has not been completed in advance, and finishing work.

    Photo of the attic roof

    DIY mansard roof project. Drawings according to which you will build an attic above your home, which will make it possible to increase your living space, and the whole thing will not be costly financially. Gable sloping roof refers to popular construction options due to the low complexity of the technology.

    Construction of an attic roof in own home- This is a fairly common occurrence because this method construction makes it possible to reduce the cost of space, while making a rather interesting dwelling under the roof. In order to properly arrange the attic floor, it is very important to thoroughly study all the requirements for this floor, and also select correct type the roof itself along with its slope.

    According to regulatory documents, the attic floor is the volume located under the roof covering, used to place utility or residential premises there. The height of the external walls should be no more than one and a half meters in total, otherwise this space is considered an entire living space.

    Building an attic with your own hands is an extremely profitable activity both during construction and during use of the house itself. In the case of construction, costs are reduced because the height vertical structures for fencing is also reduced. This is all because the attic itself takes on the function of the enclosing structure, while it continues to serve its original purpose.

    Attic floor

    An attic is a room located under the roof; it can be converted into a separate living space. During use, costs may decrease due to the following points:

    Making an attic: preparation

    You need to start building a mansard roof by preparing a schematic design; this project should show the mansard roof, or rather its drawing, its complete structure. Typically, the roof used for the attic floor is gable, which makes it possible to provide full windows in the gables, but it is possible to use a hipped hip roof.

    If you are going to use the hips to illuminate the premises, then it is possible to install window openings exclusively for the attic. This method is more complex during the installation of mansard roof elements, as well as during the construction of interiors. However, costs are reduced with such a roof due to the fact that there are no gables. In a brick building, the savings will be much more noticeable, because the cost of the construction work itself for installing wall fencing, as well as the cost of materials in such a house, is quite high in itself.

    Installation of an attic roof in a house occurs from the moment of measuring the roof, its shapes and sizes. There has already been mention of the selection of the type of rafter systems (hip hip or gable). After this, you need to make a choice of slope, straight or broken. Among the disadvantages of a broken slope are an increase in cost, as well as the complexity of the process itself. However, the use of this method can be easily justified by the need to increase the height of the room itself due to the fact that the angle of inclination of the attic roof will change.

    During the design phase, it is necessary to decide optimal slope attic roof. This choice will depend on the roofing material used, which imposes certain restrictions, as well as ergonomic considerations.

    Before you start building the attic:

    1. It is very important to carry out calculations of all its supporting elements for strength and bending.
    2. In addition, you need to choose the composition from which the roofing pie will be made.
    3. It is necessary to make calculations of heating engineering and select materials.


    List of structural components of the main load-bearing elements:

    Do-it-yourself construction of the attic roof of a house should begin with selecting sections for all structures roof frame. The material must be selected taking into account the following conditions:

    • The tree must be coniferous, i.e. Larch, pine or spruce are suitable.
    • There must be first or second grade materials.
    • More than fifteen percent humidity is not allowed.
    • It is necessary to treat all boards, as well as bars, with antiseptics before starting the construction process.

    Thermal engineering calculation process

    In order to maintain warmth in the house, it is necessary to select insulation and its thickness. Mineral wool is often used for rooms with an attic. You can also use polyurethane foam, ecowool, polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam. Once you decide on the material for thermal insulation, you need to select its thickness.

    When choosing the thickness, it is necessary to take into account the rafter height. This rafter height must be greater than (or equal to) the thickness of the thermal insulation layer. In the case of mineral wool, it will be necessary to provide a ventilation gap of fifty millimeters thick between the roof covering and the thermal insulation surface. In case if rafter sections will be small to complete this requirement it is necessary to mount the counter-lattice.

    Before the process of building an attic with your own hands, it is possible to manually calculate heating equipment, with the help of a joint venture thermal protection buildings. However, it would be best to use special programs.

    You should be very careful when designing the attic of a house, because errors in the calculations, together with incorrect parameters of the rafter system structures, will lead to damage to the roof itself and, along with it, to the walls of the house during its operation.

    It is advisable to leave the design of the attic of a house to professionals. In addition, you can use specialized programs on a computer, with their help you can perform calculations of rafter systems, the optimal angle of inclination of the attic, as well as many other parameters. All these calculations are made according to SNiP loads and impacts.

    During the selection process attic project It is very important to pay attention to the relationship between the angle of the attic slope and the parameters of the room itself. The premises of a residential building should not be higher than two point two meters. If the attic roof has straight slopes, the angle of inclination of these roofs will have a serious impact on the overall width of the room itself.

    Dormer windows, their height and roofing pie

    A broken attic allows for a strong expansion of the room, while defining the desired height at the ceilings. In this case, the rafter bottom is at a sixty-degree angle, and the angle of inclination of the rafter top can be selected as desired.

    When taking on an attic roof with your own hands, it is very important to foresee what materials will be used to install the roof pie; this must be done at the design stage. These materials will include:

    • Vapor insulation
    • Waterproofing
    • Roofing material
    • Insulation

    Insulation. His choice will affect such an important parameter as the rafter pitch. To save thermal insulation material, it is recommended to lay rafter systems so that the mat or slab fits very tightly between these systems. The type of roofing you choose will depend on the type of roofing you choose - whether it will be sparse or solid, as well as the spacing of the sheathing if it is sparse. What is important is the installation of an attic roof on the floor, which involves adding quality good insulation and also working correctly ventilation system in the attic roof.

    Required tools and materials

    Materials and tools

    In order for the construction of roofing and rafter systems to be safe, it must be carried out using clean, environmentally friendly and fire-safe materials. Wooden materials are processed using fire protection and bioprotection agents. For that To build a rafter system in your home with your own hands, you will need:

    1. timber beam, section 50x100mm;
    2. wooden board 150x50mm;
    3. unedged wooden board;
    4. 80 nails, as well as screws and other fastening elements;
    5. annealed wire with a diameter of three or four millimeters;
    6. level;
    7. plumb line;
    8. roulette;
    9. hacksaws;
    10. axes;
    11. hammers;
    12. carpenter's knives.

    If you use high-quality tools during construction, this will significantly speed up and make installation of wooden structures much easier. You can also find various videos instructions for carrying out such work step by step.

    Stages of constructing an attic with your own hands

    The manual construction of an attic roof has some differences from an ordinary one. pitched roof only by the presence of thermal insulation elements. Protective layers for insulation also go into the pie. Here's the procedure:

    To avoid making mistakes during construction, you need to consider the instructions for each item in detail, you can also find video instructions.