Valve for bailer made from a plastic bottle. Drawing for making a bailer for wells: restoring flow rate without investment. How to replace a steel ball

Absence centralized water supply encourages residents of private houses to drill wells on their own plots. Agree, without water in the house it is difficult to call staying in it comfortable. But well drilling services are quite expensive. It’s good that at least there are devices that allow you to drill a well on your own site.

One such device is a bailer. This is an effective and relatively simple drilling tool for cleaning private water sources from bottom contaminants. With its help, you can even drill a fully usable well yourself. Such a hydraulic structure will require a minimum of funds. And if it is done with your own hands, then the costs will not shake the family budget at all.

In this material we will talk about the structure and operating principle of the bailer. Let us dwell in detail on what tools and materials are required for its manufacture. In the article you will find step by step instructions on assembling the bailer, as well as videos that clearly demonstrate the structure and principle of operation of the bailer.

The bailer is a rather heavy piece of pipe approximately 1 - 2 m long. It is equipped with a valve at the bottom, and sometimes special pointed elements such as teeth are attached.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

One of the options for manufacturing a petal valve for a bailer is presented in the following video:

With the device and operating principle ball valve for the bailer you can see in this video:

Here you can consider the design of a bailer intended for drilling:

Making your own bailer is not particularly difficult task. This device can be made taking into account the specific needs of your site and the capabilities that are available. A simple design will ensure a long life of the bailer if it is made with high quality.

If you have experience self-made and bailer usage, please share it with our readers. Leave your comments in the block below.

How to provide own plot and house sufficient quantity clean water? Sometimes the simplest answer to this question is the construction of a well. If hiring a crew is expensive, but you have the skills and desire to work hard, you can drill it yourself. The methods by which you can extract water from the depths of Mother Earth vary.

Among them, drilling a well with a bailer takes a very worthy place. Most often, jelling is used in combination with the rotary core method to extract loose, incoherent rocks: sands, gravel deposits. It happens that without using a bailer it is completely impossible to lift destroyed soil from the face.

We will talk about how drilling operations are carried out using a bailer. Here you will learn how to correctly drill a water intake well in suburban area, using the simplest homemade drilling tool. Taking into account our recommendations, you minimal costs arrange a water source.

Drilling with a bailer is a so-called shock-rope method drilling A bailer is used as a drilling tool - a heavy, hollow, long and narrow projectile, which is dropped into the well shaft from a height of several meters.

Under the weight of the bailer, the layers of soil are destroyed and fall into the cavity of the projectile. The bailer is removed, cleared of soil, and then thrown back into the mine.

The process is repeated again and again until the aquifer is reached and passed through. Although the process seems simple when described, it can be long and labor-intensive.

However, cable percussion drilling has many advantages over other methods. For example, when drilling by hand with a bailer, water is usually not introduced into the barrel, as is often done when using auger or rotary drilling.

As a result, the soil in the well does not get wet, and this reduces the risk of weakening or destruction of its walls. Another plus is the accurate determination of the aquifer.

With “wet” drilling, it is not always easy to understand that the long-awaited water has finally appeared. Even experienced drillers sometimes do not immediately recognize this moment and continue drilling. In addition, it is believed that the flow rate of “dry” wells is higher than that of “wet” ones.

The bailer is used when constructing wells in loose clastic rocks filled with water. The tool is equipped with a valve to capture and lift more rock in one go

When choosing between a bailer and an auger, some craftsmen are guided by the following considerations. Screw installations with flushing, which are produced by modern industry, have limitations on drilling depth.

And the power of such installations is 12 kW. It is difficult to find a gearmotor that provides such power in domestic conditions.

But a gearbox with a power of only 2.2 kW lifts a load weighing about one ton. Such a mechanism will lift even a very heavy bailer without difficulty. All that remains is to throw the bailer down to get a strong enough blow that can destroy fairly dense rocks. Thus, with less energy consumption, a more effective effect is obtained.

To hang the bailer above the working hole, use a special tripod. It is usually made of metal, but wooden beams are also suitable

It can be made of metal or wood. A block is fixed at the top through which metal cable. The bailer is suspended from this cable. This will require less effort to pull it out.

Lifting is carried out using a gear motor with a clutch, on the shaft of which a cable is wound. To prevent the drum from spinning due to inertia after hitting the bailer, you can install special device for braking.

For commercial use, the use of a brake is quite justified, but for your own needs you can do without it. Using the clutch, you can regulate the force supplied to the device, taking into account the moment of impact. During the operation of the device, the ability to determine this moment quickly comes with experience.

At the bottom of the bailer, a shoe with a petal valve built into it is welded or screwed. The valve prevents soil from spilling out of the projectile when it is lifted to the top to clean it

You can do the installation, the bailer, and the glass yourself or purchase it from construction stores. It is written in detail about how to make a drilling tool for manual drilling.

To make a bailer you will need a piece metal pipe several meters long. The outer diameter of such a pipe should be approximately 20 mm less than the inner diameter of the casing. For example, if steel is used casing 133 mm; for a wave bailer, a pipe with a diameter of 108 mm is suitable.

The wall thickness of the bailer pipe can reach 10 mm. In this case, you should compare the size and weight of the device. It must be heavy enough to effectively loosen and grip the ground when it hits the ground.

But it should be remembered that the power of the gearbox must be sufficient to pull out the filled bailer. A weight of 30-40 kg is considered quite sufficient. When the pipe is selected, it is necessary to weld or screw a shoe with a reed valve at the bottom.

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Many owners organize water supply for their dachas and private houses from wells drilled on the site. When the water intake source becomes silted, the flow rate of the well decreases, resulting in an acute shortage of water. When you turn on the tap, water runs for a while, and then air begins to be sucked in. Sand, silt accumulations and rust can be removed using a special vehicle if access to the well is free. The source can be effectively cleaned with a pump or injection gun. However, this equipment is not always available. Meanwhile, you can also return the well to serviceability using a simple homemade tool made from a piece of pipe of a suitable diameter. A self-made well bailer allows you to promptly clear the wellbore of accumulated silt without resorting to outside help.

How to assemble a bailer yourself?

Work order

Construct homemade instrument can be done using the following algorithm:

  • take a pipe 80 cm long, inner diameter which is approximately 59 mm;
  • buy, order from a turner or make yourself a metal ball with a diameter of 40 mm;
  • a bottom is welded into the lower part of the pipe - a thick washer, the top of which has a funnel shape, while the seat of the hole is adjusted to the diameter of the metal ball;
  • the bottom of the washer can have a smooth flat surface or the appearance of a reverse funnel;
  • a grid made of thick wire is welded onto the top of the pipe, which prevents the ball from flying out of the pipe;
  • an arc is also welded to the upper end of the pipe, to which a thin metal cable or nylon cord will be attached.

Bailers: a) with a flat valve; b) with a ball valve. Components: 1.pipe; 2.beat pin; 3.valve; 4.axis; 5.shoe; 6.limiter

Important! To increase the efficiency of the constructed bailer, you can attach a pair of strong metal fangs to the tool from below, which, when immersed, will loosen sand and silt at the bottom of the well.

Method for making a metal ball

Many amateur craftsmen cannot find the ball required diameter, so they are looking for options for making it themselves. To do this, select a children's ball made of thick rubber or PVC and cut it into two halves. Then lead shot or ball bearings mixed with waterproof (epoxy) glue are placed in each half. After allowing time for the adhesive to dry, the halves are sanded and glued together. With such a homemade valve ball, the well cleaning bailer will work properly for a long time.

How to properly clean a well with a bailer?

Using a long and strong cord (cable), a bailer is lowered into the well, reaching the very bottom. Then raise the instrument half a meter from the bottom surface and sharply lower it. In this case, the ball, jumping up under the influence of water hammer, opens a hole in the bottom of the bailer, through which water mixed with sand and silt enters the pipe. The ball then descends and closes the hole. To fill the bailer more completely, similar movements are repeated three to four times, after which they begin to slowly and smoothly, without jerking, lift the tool upward. The contents of the bailer are poured out and it is lowered back into the well. To facilitate the work of lifting the bailer, you can construct a gate.

Important! Depending on the design of the bailer, it is possible to lift up to 300 grams of sand and silt from the bottom of the well in one go, which is approximately 3 cm of layer height. After calculating the volume of extracted sediment, you can plan a well cleaning schedule to prevent heavy silting of the water intake source.

Using the method described above, a well bailer with a ball valve is manufactured. This valve design allows water with fine suspensions of silt and sand, as well as small pebbles and pieces of rust to rise upward.

There are, however, other ways of making a valve. For example, a flat valve:

The design of the flat valve of a homemade bailer - also everything was done independently and from improvised means!

Welding reinforcement for fastening the cable, with the help of which the bailer is lowered and raised from the well

To construct such a flat valve, you will need welding and tools that any craftsman has. Some manage to make a valve even from plastic bottle.

Using a bailer when drilling

When constructing wells in loose, clastic, granular rocks filled with water, you can also use a bailer. True, in this case the tool is made longer (up to 3-4 m) in order to capture and lift more rock in one go. The valve is made of steel plate.

Leather or rubber is used for compaction. Instead of a cable, drill rods are used, for the manufacture of which rods are taken gas pipes, the diameter of which is 33, 42 or 48 mm. There are known cases when drilling a well with a bailer by impact was carried out using wooden rods equipped with metal tips. To make drill rods, thin-layered spruce, ash, oak or larch were used.

As you can see, you can make a bailer for periodic cleaning of a shallow well on your own. Although factory models are also available for sale. Using this device, you can maintain the well in good working order and not leave your house without water. Remember that constant water intake prevents the well from silting, which means you will have to clean it less often.

After long-term operation wells, over time it silts up, which directly affects the reduction in flow rate. To clean it, you can use a pump or an injection gun. But if such equipment is not available, a bailer is often used to clean it.

You can make it yourself or purchase it in a store. In this article we will tell you what kind of bailer there is and how you can make it yourself.


Let's take a quick look at what a bailer is and what types there are. This tool is a cylinder-shaped vessel that scoops out water with silt and sand. It comes in 3 types:

  1. Ordinary. By appearance looks like a pipe with a poppet-shaped, ball or flat valve at the bottom. Below we will tell you how to make an ordinary bailer with your own hands, in which a metal ball will act as a piston.
  2. Piston. Works on the basis of hydraulic shock. After each hit on the bottom, the piston rises and sucks in water.
  3. Pneumatic. The principle of its operation is excess pressure, which is created under the influence of a sand and air chamber.

So, if for some reason you cannot purchase a bailer for cleaning a well, you can make it yourself by carefully reading the article and studying the drawing. Let's look at where to start below.

Selecting a pipe

The key factors when choosing a pipe are its height and outside diameter. In order for the walls of the well to be better cleaned and the water intake to be greater, its diameter must be made as large as possible. But it should be taken into account that too large a gap can cause the tool to jam.

No less attention should be paid to the length of the workpiece. A pipe that is too long makes the structure heavier and can cause jamming due to distortions. A short one, on the contrary, is dangerous because it will fall with distortions, which will significantly reduce its effectiveness.

As you can see, the design is very simple.

The outer diameter of the workpiece should be selected relative to the diameter of the well. It should be on average 2 cm smaller. The length of the pipe can vary from 0.6 cm to 1.5 m.

The thickness of the walls also significantly affects the efficiency of water intake. The thicker it is, the greater the mass, and the well bailer hits the bottom with greater force. Conversely, a pipe that is too heavy will result in excess weight, which will significantly complicate its lifting. On average, the diameter of the bailer walls should be 2-4 mm, depending on its length.

Build process

Enough reliable design, is the manufacture of a bailer used by a ball as a valve. First of all, you should find a pipe with a length corresponding to the size of the well. On next stage you need to make a metal ball with a diameter of ¾ of the diameter inner surface pipes for bailer.

Next, you need to weld a metal washer at one end of the tube, at a distance of about 5 cm from the end of the pipe. A metal grate must be welded onto the top of the pipe so that it prevents the ball from flying out of the pipe. In addition, a special arc should be welded to the top of the grate in order to be able to attach a metal cable to the bailer for cleaning the well with your own hands.

In order to increase the efficiency of the bailer, you can also attach several special fangs to the bottom of the pipe. Their main purpose is to loosen the bottom of the well.

When creating a bailer, it is very important to completely follow the drawing, as this can significantly affect the efficiency of the work.

How to make a ball yourself

Let's look at how you can make a bailer ball with your own hands, since it is not always possible to find one. To do this you need to take a children's ball required size from PVC or rubber and cut it in half. Then pour bearings into the ball, or lead shot after wetting it waterproof glue. After the glue dries, you will get a fairly durable ball that will serve you for many years.

How to clean a well using a bailer

A bailer, previously hooked to a metal cable, is lowered to the bottom of the well. Then they lift it to a height of 50 cm from the bottom and sharply lower it. Due to the water hammer, the ball jumps up and draws water into the pipe. In order for the pipe to be filled with water and sand as best as possible, the cleaning procedure must be repeated several times and only then lift it smoothly upward. The bailer can also be equipped with a special collar, which will make it easier to lift it from the bottom.

As a rule, using the tool described above, about 300 g of silt and sand can be lifted from the bottom of the well in one lift, which on average is about 2 cm of the bottom. How to do this correctly, let's watch the video:

Features of operation

  1. It should be taken into account that during cleaning, the tool may collide with hard rocks; therefore, it is recommended to harden the striking edges of the bailer.
  2. The striking edges must be sharpened so that the sharpening point is with inside pipes. From correct sharpening The efficiency of cutting build-up in the well depends.
  3. Before lowering the bailer into the well for the first time, be sure to conduct a visual examination of possible pipe deformations, as this can lead to jamming of the tool.

Is it possible to restore a well that was not used and save on drilling? If the water intake is arranged correctly, the reason for the drop in productivity may be a sand or clay plug in the trunk or silting of the bottom. In such cases, you can repair the source yourself: just remove clay and silt from the mine. The work is carried out using the standard impact method. A bailer for cleaning shallow wells is a simple tool that can be easily made with your own hands from a piece of pipe. The cost of materials is minimal; the installation for work can also be designed independently.

The principle of operation of the projectile: the extraction of clay from the bottom and walls occurs after the cutting edge hits the bottom, the effect is enhanced by the own weight of the structure or the use of a weighting load. The soil blocked by the valve is held inside the housing. After being lifted to the surface, the contents are removed through the upper edge of the instrument.

The diameter and weight of the device depends on the purpose and diameter of the casing pipes

A universal bailer, made by yourself, is used not only for cleaning an existing well, but also for drilling ground and sandy water intakes to a depth of 25 - 30 m. There are no fundamental differences in the design of the housing. Tools for repair work They differ from drills only in pipe length and weight. Cleaning tools are made of shorter length - up to 80 cm, and the diameter is calculated based on the internal diameter of the casing.

Design drawing of a bailer for a water well

Cutting edge at the lower end it removes calcareous and clay deposits from the walls.

The bailers used as impact drills are made of thick-walled pipes. The length of the projectile can reach 2 – 3 m, depending on the installation height and drilling depth. Projectiles with greater weight give a time advantage: the passage of clay rocks occurs faster. As a drilling tool, a bailer is used on viscous, wet clayey, loose sandy-clayey soils. When passing rocky rocks, bailers and a chisel are used alternately to crush and extract boulders.

Types of hammer drilling tools: choosing a design

With your own hands, you can make a bailer for a well with a solid or perforated body. The choice of the type of shaft depends on the soil in which you have to work: for viscous clay, supersaturated with moisture, you need to make a longitudinal cut along the top of the pipe in order to more easily push out the mass extracted from the well. If the base layer is dry and sandy, it is better to use a solid pipe: such soil is poured out by simply turning the projectile over.

Blind walls and tool with hole for viscous soil

Main elements of the device:

  1. Shoe with cutting edge.
  2. Valve mechanism with limiter.
  3. Housing with protection in the form of a mesh or bridge under the top edge.
  4. Handle or eyelet.

The structure can be assembled by welding or threaded connections. Thread is preferable if there is a need to frequently use a bailer for different sources: The shoe and valve can be connected to pipes of different lengths.

The design of the valve system depends only on the availability of materials for manufacturing and the choice of the craftsman. There are 3 types of mechanisms:

  • Ball valve.

Cone-shaped base with metal ball

  • Flat folding.

There are ready-made folding flat valves with threads of different diameters on sale.

  • Petal.

Transverse hinge with two hemispherical petals

Instructions: how to make a reliable bailer yourself

To make a reliable bailer for cleaning a home water well, you will need:

  • Thick-walled pipe (wall thickness 4 mm), steel rod or piece of reinforcement, bolts with washers.
  • Metal ball, steel cone.
  • Grinder for cutting metal, sharpening edges.
  • Durable steel wire or handle hook.

Drawings for making your own bailer for a well with a ball valve

How to make a case

You can use a piece of cast iron or steel pipe as the tool barrel. The cast iron structure will have to be connected using special welding, so it is better to take a thick-walled gas pipeline or water pipe.

The wall thickness should not be less than 2 mm, the optimal wall cut is 4 mm. The length depends on how you plan to lift the projectile. If manually, a length of up to 100 cm is sufficient. It should be taken into account that the weight of the raised wet soil will be added to the weight of the device. If you have an installation with a winch, you can significantly increase the length: you do not have to fully lift the tool too often.

It is necessary to pay attention to the condition of the pipe: the section must be absolutely straight, without bends. The top and bottom parts are cut off. If you plan to connect the body with other elements by welding, then the edges are aligned. For threaded connections, you need to cut a thread inside the bottom edge.

A hole is cut out in the upper part of the body. If there is no special tool, holes are drilled on the wall along the contour of the window and a piece of steel is knocked out with a chisel.

Ball valve: assembly from improvised means

How to make a bailer equipped with a ball valve for drilling sand wells? Requires a ball and a steel cone. A metal ball is difficult to find on sale: you can order it from a turner or make it yourself. The first thing you need is to determine the diameter. The sphere should move freely inside the housing, its diameter should be 1 - 1.5 cm less than the internal diameter of the pipe.

The diameter of the ball is smaller than the diameter of the pipe, and the diameter of the wide edge of the cone corresponds to the diameter of the body

For self-production, select an ordinary children's ball. Cut into two halves. Each is filled with cargo: pieces of metal, shot, fishing tin weights. Fill with waterproof glue. After drying adhesive composition remove the hemispheres from the blanks and glue them together.

A cone with a sphere is welded to the base

A limiter is installed inside the housing, which will prevent the sphere from flying out of the pipe. It is enough to weld a metal finger inside the top of the pipe.

Rules for the design of flat and reed valves

It is much easier to make your own bailer with a folding (flat) valve. Steel, plastic, and even hard, thick rubber are used as the locking surface. But it’s better to make a metal circle: there will be no risk of tearing or breaking, and you won’t have to interrupt work to repair the tool.

A circle with a slightly smaller diameter than the inner diameter of the body is cut out of steel. A folding mechanism is being prepared, which can be welded directly onto the inner wall of the lower part of the pipe.

The wheel is ground to get a smooth edge.

Two identical thick metal wires with ears are placed on a piece of rod or fittings to freely lift the valve. The top edges are welded or bolted to the valve base.

If you have a spring on hand, it can be used as a valve mount

Cutting edge: manufacturing rules

The lower end of the body must be turned into a sharp tool for cutting into the ground. With a well-sharpened tool it is much easier to iron a well with your own hands. There are 2 design options for the cutting edge: flat and petal-shaped in the form of protruding teeth.

The flat edge is carefully sanded along the outer edge. The inner edge is ground inward, giving the edge a cone shape. The surface is sharpened. If possible, it is better to harden the steel: after such treatment, the tool will not become dull or break for a long time.

Flat edge sharpened inside

If teeth are formed, then the edges are processed in a similar way, but each element is processed separately. After hardening, the cutting edge can be processed protective primer or paint.

After finishing work, check whether there are any protrusions on outer surface: When impacted, the tool may damage the casing wall.

Stopper and handle: the final stage

Upper part bailers for a water well must be equipped with fasteners for fixing the hook. You can drill two holes and use strong steel wire instead of a handle.

The second option is to weld a transverse piece of reinforcement inside the upper edge, equal in length to the diameter of the pipe. In this case, the handle will also be a limiter.

The most simple design: a piece of wire instead of a handle

If mounted hanging fastener, fixed at the end of the pipe metal mesh with large cells, or weld thin reinforcement crosswise. There are ready-made steel lugs on pipes for sale. different diameters– you can buy a ready-made reliable hook.

Video: DIY Flat Valve Cleaning Tool

Video about how to simply make a bailer with a flat flexible valve with your own hands for slaughtering or cleaning a shallow well on the site.

Using a homemade bailer for cleaning and drilling water wells

To clean a clogged source without damaging it, you should check the condition of the casing before starting work. The bailer is carefully lowered on a cable. If the casing is inclined or damaged, the tool will touch the walls. In this case, it is better to invite masters.

The device is suspended on steel cable above the well. They drop sharply to the bottom. Raise and repeat the slaughter several times. The clay-filled tool is lifted and emptied. Sometimes, when the source is heavily contaminated, water is supplied under pressure to the source to soften and lift the silt plug from the bottom. Clean the well until sand and clay stop filling into the bailer after impact.

Electric winch makes work easier

For drilling, work is performed in the same order. With a homemade bailer you can walk up to 15–20 m of soft rock in a few days. It is necessary to monitor the fastening: if the projectile breaks, it will not be possible to remove it from an unequipped well.

It is very difficult to work with such a tool in hard rocks and rocky soil. It is better to organize water intake with the help of specialists: craftsmen will complete the work in a day, and the owner will receive an equipped source with a stable flow rate and clean water.