How to protect yourself from gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis: how to treat and how to protect yourself from the disease. Three natural helpers

Beware of fish with live anisakids!

Another source from where you can catch the infection. As noted in the department of Rospotrebnadzor for the Amur region, several years ago, retail facilities were identified where fish were infected with anisakids. Currently, there are no complaints from the population about contaminated fish, and yet, before eating fish, you need to take due care to protect yourself.

Among the population of the Amur region, some regions of Korea and China, the disease metagonimiasis is widespread. It is caused by worms 1 - 2.5 mm long, transmitted through Ussuri whitefish, carp, Amur bream, catfish, rudd, gudgeon, leopard, crucian carp, and silver carp. These worms are able to take root in the human intestines.

Be careful with strawberries!

Pourable ripe strawberries flaunt on the Amur shelves - the season of this berry is in full swing. But since ripe strawberries are in the vast majority of cases contaminated with soil, it is very important to thoroughly rinse the berries before eating.

Whipworm infestations are diagnosed using a stool test. When treating helminthiasis caused by whipworm, treatment is prescribed strictly by a specialist.

Prevention is simple

Another very simple one, but at the same time effective method prevention - hand washing. Carry out these hygiene procedures It is necessary not only before eating food, but also every time after contact with animals, after traveling on public transport and visiting the toilet.

When swimming in reservoirs, it is better not to allow water to enter the body.

Through water you can become infected with enterovirus, rotavirus, norovirus infections, dysentery, and viral hepatitis A. Children under 5 years of age, who spend a lot of time in the water while resting, are especially sensitive to these infections, warn specialists from the Rospotrebnadzor department. - Swimming in fresh water, especially in lakes and ponds with stagnant water, can lead to unpleasant consequences, since pathogens can enter the human body through accidental ingestion of water or through unwashed hands.

For swimming, choose only officially open beaches, and eat only boiled water. Raw water You cannot drink from natural sources - although helminthic infestations (ascariasis, strongyloidiasis and others) are rarely transmitted through drinking, infection is still possible.

By the way

The main distributors of intestinal infections are sick people,” said gastroenterologist Elena Popova. “Not only those who have a pronounced intestinal disorder can be dangerous, but also people who are so mildly ill that they do not even seek treatment.” medical care. It is among them that carriers of infectious microbes are especially often found. Also, bacteria carriers who are practically healthy after treatment are not isolated - they communicate freely with other people and, not considering themselves capable of infecting, do not follow precautions. Therefore, in the case of acute intestinal infection, it is always important to immediately isolate the patient.

Intestinal infections most often occur in the summer, since most of us try everything in the market or pick berries and vegetables from our own beds, forgetting about simple rules sanitation. And this is how intestinal infections enter the body - through the mouth, penetrate the intestines and develop into intestinal disease.

But at any other time of the year, each of us can suffer from intestinal infections.

Young children often suffer from intestinal diseases. And not only because they put into their mouths everything that comes their way, but also because their immune system and gastrointestinal tract are imperfect and need to be strengthened.

All intestinal infections have common symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, weakness, intestinal cramps, fever. And the nuances of the disease (such as, for example, the nature of abdominal pain) depend on what kind of infection has entered the body.

E. coli - Escherichia coli - is the most famous inhabitant of our intestines. Most species of this stick live in it, not only not interfering, but also performing useful work. But about 150 species can cause intestinal and kidney problems.

Salmonella is the most common intestinal bacillus. Many people believe that you can get salmonellosis by eating raw chicken or eggs. In fact, salmonella (by the way, not all of them are dangerous to humans) can be found in meat, cow's milk, in sausage, butter and fish, and if we talk about eggs, then the source of infection is not the contents of the egg itself, but its shell.

Shigella, ischerichia, rotavirus - these are far from full list other dangerous intestinal bacteria.

What can cause intestinal infections?

∙ Raw (undercooked and undercooked) meat, contaminated water, as well as everything washed with this water, river and sea products that have been in contact with wastewater- all of these are the main sources of intestinal infections.

∙ Dangerous microorganisms or chemicals products such as ice cream, ice cubes, drinking water and unpasteurized milk.

∙ Vegetables - such as salads, cabbage - can contain bacteria that are extremely difficult to remove.

∙ If you leave finished products for several hours at room temperature, there is a risk of dangerous bacteria developing in them.

∙ If food in stores, on shelves and in restaurants is not kept hot, frozen or chilled, then do not take it under any circumstances.

How to avoid contracting intestinal diseases?

∙ Dangerous microorganisms can be found everywhere: in the soil, on animals, on people. It’s not for nothing that intestinal infections are called “the disease of dirty hands.” Infections are often transmitted through dirty hands. Therefore, the main rule of prevention is hand washing. Don't forget to wash your hands after visiting food markets, especially if you touched raw meat. You need to wash your hands not only after coming home from the street, or after using the toilet. You need to wash your hands before and after preparing food. And sometimes during the process of its preparation.

∙ When buying groceries in stores, dining in restaurants, canteens or cafes, pay attention to the service. Cooked and raw foods should never be placed together.

∙ Do not eat undercooked or uncooked foods, except for vegetables and fruits that can be peeled. It is dangerous to add or eat raw or undercooked eggs to dishes.

∙ Fruits and vegetables must be peeled. If the skin of such products is damaged, it is better not to buy them, as toxic substances may accumulate in them.

∙ All utensils that contain raw food must be thoroughly washed.

∙ Wash dishes well after eating.

∙ Do not keep raw foods together with prepared foods. Products must be stored at appropriate temperatures.

∙ Have different cutting boards and knives for raw foods and prepared food.

∙ Boil and fry meat and seafood.

∙ Boil water or use bottled water.

∙ Wash vegetables and fruits only with good prepared water.

∙ Do not wash fruits and vegetables in bodies of water, in garden barrel. Keep in mind that some bacteria lose their ability to reproduce only at temperatures below minus 5 degrees, while others live in both heat and cold.

If you do catch an intestinal infection, the first thing you need to do is see a doctor instead of sitting in the toilet. This is especially important if there is blood in the stool. If a child or one of the elderly falls ill, an ambulance should be called immediately, since in this category of people it is difficult for the body to cope with the infection: in children, the reserves of water in the body are small, and in the elderly, the body is usually weakened. And intestinal diseases, as is known, lead to dehydration of the body.

Nutrition for intestinal infections

Of course, just being reminded of food during illness already leads to unpleasant reactions in the body. But you still need to eat. So what can you eat to support your body?

Firstly, you need to constantly drink to replenish the loss of electrolytes. The body does not have enough water, so special solutions are needed.

Secondly, while there are problems with stool, you need to follow a certain diet. Porridge with water (oatmeal or rice), crackers, lean cereals are allowed meat broths with the addition of pureed meat, boiled and pureed vegetables, steamed omelet.

And one more question remains: how not to infect others if the sick person is at home?

∙ The patient should have separate dishes for the entire period of illness.

∙ The patient’s dishes must be washed thoroughly.

∙ The patient should wash his hands constantly.

∙ Do not allow the patient to prepare food under any circumstances.

Along with the treatment and diet prescribed by the doctor, you can also use prescriptions traditional medicine(again, after consulting with your doctor).

So, an infusion made from raspberry leaves will help cope with intestinal upset.

Remedy for diarrhea: 2 tbsp. spoons of raspberry leaves pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take the infusion 50-100 ml before meals 4 times a day.

2 tbsp. Brew tablespoons of dried blueberries with 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Take a quarter glass 5-6 times a day. For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular for diarrhea, a decoction of pomegranate peel helps.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones!

The season of fruits, outdoor activities and... intestinal infections has arrived. Unfortunately, in the summer this nuisance accompanies almost everything and lies in wait for us where we don’t expect it at all. back side medals - this is the summer heat, which contributes to the enormous proliferation of microorganisms, which can then easily make a hole in our protective system.

The main danger of intestinal infection

Microbes themselves are practically not dangerous, but the main threat comes from their waste products - toxins. It is these substances that are responsible for the development of serious illness. Toxins disrupt the permeability of cell membranes and interfere with biochemical processes, lead to an imbalance of important salts, minerals and loss of moisture.

As long as pathogens are in the body, they will continue to release toxins. The whole danger of such diseases lies in the fact that almost all pathogens of intestinal infections are extremely tenacious. In addition, in some cases, foods contaminated with microbes do not change their appearance, taste or smell.

Dangerous intestinal infections, dysentery, salmonellosis, staphylococcus

What is dysentery, symptoms of dysentery infection

Dysentery is an acute intestinal disease. The infectious agent can enter the body in several ways.

Firstly, unwashed hands and lack of basic hygiene.

Secondly, when consuming infected products. Finally, you may drink contaminated water, or you may get it accidentally while swimming in a dirty pond.

Length of incubation period ranges from 1 to 7 days (usually 2-3 days) Dysentery manifests itself in the form of severe fever with a temperature of up to 40 - 41 ° C. Like any other intestinal infection, dysentery is accompanied by severe diarrhea. But hallmark dysentery is an admixture of blood in the stool. At mild flow Spontaneous recovery occurs within a week. IN severe cases Serious complications, sometimes fatal, can develop.

What is salmonellosis, symptoms of salmonellosis infection

Source of salmonellosis As a rule, they are animals, sometimes people. It is noteworthy that in farm and domestic animals the disease can pass without symptoms. Infection occurs mainly through food - meat of mammals, birds, fish, eggs and egg products, milk and dairy products, etc. Another option: infection, as in the case of dysentery, occurs through water.

Incubation period ranges from 6 hours to 2-3 days, averaging 12-24 hours. Symptoms similar to dysentery, but differs in stool - liquid, watery, foamy, foul-smelling, greenish color from 5 to 10 times a day. The disease itself lasts from 2 to 10 days.

What is staphylococcus, symptoms of staphylococcus infection

As with dysentery and salmonellosis, infection occurs through food. But unlike them, staphylococcus can be transmitted through direct contact through hands or by airborne droplets. Most often, staphylococcal poisoning is associated with eating low-quality cakes, pastries and opened canned fish In oil.

Incubation period It proceeds quickly and lasts 2-4 hours, sometimes reduced to 30 minutes. But with surgical treatment, the patient’s condition also quickly improves, sometimes even by the end of the first day. The temperature may be low and rarely rise to 38-38.5 ° C, stomach pain and severe vomiting appear, diarrhea is observed only in half of the cases.

Symptoms, manifestations of intestinal infection

Symptoms, manifestations of intestinal infection are very similar to the symptoms of many diseases, for example, the flu - lethargy, lack of appetite, elevated temperature, headache, intolerance bright light. If vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain are added to all these symptoms, then this is most likely an intestinal infection.

But it should be remembered that completely other diseases may be behind these symptoms, so you should always consult a doctor immediately and not self-medicate.

Before the doctor arrives, the main thing is to prevent dehydration. You can bring down the temperature if it rises above 38.5 degrees.

How to avoid intestinal infection

To avoid contracting an intestinal infection:

Wash your hands before eating;

In summer, avoid pastries with cream made with fresh eggs;

Store raw meat and fish separately from prepared foods in the refrigerator;

Thoroughly rinse fruits, vegetables, herbs (to get rid of impurities invisible to the eye, it is better to soak the greens for 5-7 minutes in a weak salt solution);

Salads from fresh vegetables store no more than a few hours at room temperature, try to eat only freshly prepared food;

When purchasing meat and dairy products, give preference to factory packaging, be sure to check the expiration date;

Drink only boiled water or bottled water purchased from a reliable source.

In your summer first aid kit, keep products to maintain the delicate balance of microflora and fight intestinal infections. Such drugs include primarily those that contain bifidobacteria related to our intestines.

These remedies can be taken without waiting for “thunder to strike” and you feel rumbling in your stomach, pain and nausea. Supplying the stomach with bifidobacteria for the purpose of prevention creates a powerful barrier to infections and prevents the development of bacteria and dysbacteriosis.
Before using any product, carefully read the instructions and get advice from a specialist.

If symptoms of acute intestinal infection occur You should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Treatment of intestinal infections includes following a diet, drinking plenty of fluids, prescribing antibiotics and using enterosorbents.

Rotavirus infection is a disease that affects millions of people around the world every year. It is extremely dangerous, especially for young children, but timely prevention rotavirus infection will help avoid serious consequences.

What is rotavirus infection

Rotavirus infection (intestinal) is an acute viral disease that affects the gastrointestinal tract - mainly the mucous membrane of the small intestine. It is characterized by pronounced symptoms such as vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. Redness and sore throat may also be added.

Symptoms of rotavirus are similar to those of gastroenteritis or enteritis

Symptoms of the disease in adults are mild, often accompanied by only mild intestinal upset or even go unnoticed. Children are most susceptible to rotavirus early age- by the age of 5, almost everyone has suffered from this infection. Immunity to this type The virus is produced with each subsequent infection, as a result of which the disease is much easier to tolerate.

Video about the disease in children

How does infection occur?

Rotavirus infection occurs through contact with sick people and is considered a “disease of dirty hands.” People most susceptible to the disease are those visiting educational institutions and other crowded places.

Most cases of infection and epidemic outbreaks of the disease occur during the cold season - from November to April.

You can also become infected through drinking water from a river, well, or even a water pipe. Rotavirus is resistant to low temperatures, can persist in water for a long time and enter the human body with food.

Is prevention necessary?

Rotavirus infection is quite severe and can cause serious consequences. Prolonged diarrhea often leads to dehydration of the body; the development of uncompensated metabolic acidosis (disturbance of acid-base balance towards acidification) is possible, which can provoke acute renal failure and disorders in the circulatory system.

Mortality from rotavirus infection in the world is almost 500 thousand people per year. Most of them are children. Prevention of the disease is necessary to avoid infection, especially if the child attends childcare facilities. It will help to avoid a severe course of the disease and eliminate dangerous consequences.

How to avoid getting infected with rotavirus

Prevention of rotavirus infection can be achieved as follows:

  • lack of contact with an infected person, excluding visits to places with large crowds of people;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards - washing hands, rinsing vegetables and fruits with boiling water, treating items with alcohol, wet cleaning with disinfectants;
  • heat treatment of food and boiling water - rotavirus dies when exposed to high temperatures;
  • vaccination.
How to avoid getting infected with rotavirus

After contact with an infected person, you must:

  1. Carry out sanitary and hygienic measures. Wash your hands thoroughly with laundry soap and wash clothes.
  2. Treat all objects that the infected person has come into contact with.. Ethyl alcohol is the most effective remedy disinfection that can kill rotavirus. It can also be neutralized by boiling items for three minutes.
  3. Disinfect the room. Conduct wet cleaning using a 0.5% chloramine solution.


Today, two vaccines containing a live attenuated virus are used against rotavirus: Rotatek (made in the USA) and Rotarix (made in Belgium).

Rotatec is used to immunize children, including premature infants, between 6 and 32 weeks of age. The medicine is taken 3 times orally in the form of drops in the mouth:

  • 1 dose is administered to a child aged 6 to 12 weeks - the earlier the better;
  • 2 and 3 doses are administered 4–10 weeks after the first.

Rotarix is ​​used in children from the age of six weeks and consists of two drops taken in the mouth with an interval of 4 weeks. It is better to complete the course before the child reaches six months of age.

Rotarix combines well with the DTP vaccine and the polio vaccine and provides 80% protection against infection and 100% protection against severe forms of the disease, very rarely causing any complications.


Enterofuril destroys pathogens of intestinal infections, being a medicine, not a prophylactic

There are no medications to prevent rotavirus infection. Many people are confident that using antiviral drugs, sorbents (Enterosgel) and antibacterial agents (Enterofuril), as well as Enterol and Kipferon, they can protect themselves from the development of infection. However, this belief is erroneous and even dangerous:

  1. Uncontrolled and constant use of antiviral and antibacterial drugs can harm the body, provoking the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions and disorders of the body's microflora, decreased immunity.
  2. Sorbents are capable of removing toxic substances from the body, which is the basis for the treatment of many intestinal infections, including rotavirus, but it is not advisable to take them as a prophylactic agent.

To effectively prevent rotavirus infection, you should focus on maintaining good hygiene and timely vaccination.

Rotavirus is a dangerous disease that can lead to severe complications and even death. In severe cases, hospitalization of the patient and long-term treatment are often required, so it is necessary to follow infection prevention measures and do everything possible to protect yourself and your loved ones from infection.

How to protect yourself from intestinal infections?

In summer, as a rule, the number of people suffering from acute intestinal infections increases, and the number of pathogens (viruses, bacteria) increases sharply. Children and, above all, young children get sick more often.

The main sources of intestinal infections are:
– water, including bottled water, the consumption of which is summer period increases;
food products, often milk and dairy products: heat in summer, violation of storage conditions (without refrigeration) and terms of use contribute to rapid spoilage of products;
– contaminated hands and household items;
– unwashed fruits, vegetables and berries;
– swimming in bodies of water not intended for this purpose.
These reasons most often contribute to the development of intestinal diseases. The entry of pathogens into the body occurs mainly through the mouth, and in some cases (rotovirus, norovirus infections) through airborne droplets.
Intestinal infection causes general intoxication of the body, as well as damage to the gastrointestinal tract. The latent period is very dangerous, when there are no symptoms of the disease, but the sick person is a carrier of pathogens and spreads them everywhere.
The main manifestations of intestinal infections that you should pay attention to are: weakness, lethargy, poor appetite, diarrhea (multiple loose stools), vomiting, abdominal pain, temperature may rise and chills may appear. If these symptoms appear, you must immediately contact a medical facility!
Treatment of intestinal infections should be under the supervision of a physician. Only a doctor can correctly determine the severity of intoxication. Even after symptoms disappear, the patient can remain a carrier of the disease for a long time and infect others.
Pathogens of intestinal infections are highly resistant to external environment, retaining their pathogenic properties from several days to several weeks and even months. Pathogenic E. coli, pathogens of typhoid fever, viral hepatitis, and viruses are extremely stable in the external environment. In food products, pathogens of intestinal infections not only persist, but also actively multiply without changing appearance and the taste of the product. The danger of contracting intestinal infections is represented by foods and dishes made from them that are consumed cold, without heat treatment, for example, salads, aspic, milk and dairy products, and semi-finished meat products.
Many people want to spend their vacation on the sea beach, but hygiene rules are not always followed, so tourists often get sick with Escherichiosis, which is called “travelers’ diarrhea.”
Escherichiosis is the collective name for a group of intestinal infections that have one thing in common - they are all caused by E. coli. Infection with E. coli manifests itself in different ways, depending on the route of infection and the type of infection. The cause of the disease is non-compliance with hygiene requirements. The things you take on the road must be washed and dried in the sun in a timely manner. When going to the beach, you must take with you known safe water, taken from a source known to you - not only for drinking, but also for washing your hands. For drinking, it is better to have boiled water with you (use it within 2 hours). It is recommended to prepare food yourself, and the products must be subjected to careful heat treatment.
Rotavirus and norovirus can also be classified as “diseases of dirty hands.” They affect children more often; adults, due to their physiology, are better protected from this infection. Vomiting, a sharp increase in temperature, and diarrhea can be combined with a runny nose, redness of the throat and pain when swallowing, which is why rotavirus and norovirus are sometimes called “stomach flu.” The disease spreads quickly - there is a high probability of infection of all family members and other persons who are in constant contact with the infected (sick) person. During treatment, you must strictly follow the diet prescribed by your doctor. There are vaccines against rotavirus, and immunization takes place orally, without injections.

How to protect yourself and others from intestinal infections?
Follow the rules of personal hygiene, wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, walking, visiting public places and when preparing food.
Wean your children away from the habit of biting their nails, sucking their fingers, and wetting them with saliva while turning the pages of a book.
Use only products of guaranteed quality in your diet, check the expiration dates and storage rules of the products on the packaging.
Do not consume raw and undercooked, fried eggs, fish, meat and products made from them, raw bottled milk from retail chains and private farmsteads. It is better to boil milk, especially purchased from private individuals and in the warm season, and heat-treat cottage cheese (to prepare casseroles, dumplings, etc.)
For drinking, use good quality water; in doubtful cases, disinfect the water by boiling for 5–10 minutes; do not swallow water from open reservoirs when swimming.
Wash berries, vegetables and fruits thoroughly and pour boiling water over them before eating.
Flies actively transmit the infection, contaminating food, dishes and other items with them. Place screens on the windows. Exterminate flies and rodents, prevent their access to products.
Do not cook in advance and, especially, do not leave salads and vinaigrettes, various sauces and side dishes overnight without refrigeration. It is recommended to cook food immediately before eating and only enough to eat at once.

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