How to glue wallpaper jointly on ceilings and walls. Wallpaper without seams: how best to glue, why they diverge and become visible Glue wallpaper end-to-end


The reasons why seams on the wallpaper may be visible can be different. The first is that the canvases have moved away from each other, this happens if the wallpaper changed its size when hung, and after drying it returned to its original shape. Glue got on front side canvas - and therefore the seam came apart. The edges of the wallpaper have unpainted ends. Nowadays, wallpaper is mainly sold that is glued end-to-end, and not overlapping as before. After gluing such wallpaper, the seams are invisible. If you have chosen wallpaper with a pattern, then when hanging such wallpaper you will need to select it.

To hang any wallpaper without a flaw, you need to prepare the surface. The walls must be smooth, primed and dry at the time of gluing. If you glue vinyl wallpapers, please note that they are divided into light and heavy. Heavy wallpaper will help hide minor irregularities walls, but gluing them will take more glue and time. Before gluing, coat all types of vinyl wallpaper with glue and leave to soak for a while. The wall is also coated with glue. The gluing of such wallpaper begins from top to bottom, and from the side front door. Using a dry roller or a special spatula, smooth the wallpaper so that there is no air left under it. Vinyl wallpaper does not change its shape, and therefore, after drying, the joints become almost invisible. To be on the safe side, you can use a special glue for joints; it is sold in tubes with sharp noses for easier application. It is applied when 2 sheets are glued - additionally between the joints, and then the seam is passed with a roller.

Non-woven wallpaper is glued according to a slightly different principle. They require special glue, and, like vinyl wallpaper, Smooth surface. The glue is applied only to the wall, and the wallpaper itself remains dry, since if you apply glue to the wallpaper, after drying it will narrow and cracks will form. Such wallpaper can be glued before painting, after which the seams will not be visible at all.

The most difficult part is gluing paper wallpaper. Before pasting, such wallpaper needs to be soaked a little, that is, coated with glue and allowed to soak in the glue a little. The wall also needs to be coated with glue. The peculiarity of paper wallpaper is that when it gets wet, it loses its shape, and when it dries on the wall, unraveling seams can form. You can paste such wallpaper overlapping, and after drying there will be no discrepancies in the joints, but there is a possibility that joints in the form of tubercles will remain. You can also use special joining paper. It is glued between the canvases at the junction of the wallpaper, but it does not guarantee one hundred percent that the joints will not separate when the wallpaper dries. The last option is to paint the joints with paint to match the wallpaper; after drying, even if the seams come apart, it will not be so visually noticeable. The last method is used mainly by beginners.

In construction practice, non-woven, textile, cork, bamboo or vinyl wallpapers are glued joint to joint, that is, in a way where the edges of the canvases are applied to each other and do not allow overlap.

Non-woven, textile, cork, bamboo or vinyl wallpapers are glued using the joint-to-joint method.

Why listed species Are the materials glued this way? The thing is that these samples have a thick, dense structure. When gluing them overlapping (when the joints overlap each other), a thick seam is formed on the surface, which does not look good on the walls or simply cannot stick to the applied fabric.

How to paste wallpaper end to end, following technology?

In order to comply with the technology, it is necessary, first of all:

  1. Execute competent preparation walls for the upcoming pasting.
  2. Professionally prepare the material by cutting it into canvases according to the drawing and existing texture.
  3. Unmistakably mark the surface of the future pasting.
  4. Dilute the glue according to the attached recipe.
  5. Apply glue to the work surface.

To carry out the above operations, the master must have a set of the following tools:

  • paint brushes and brushes for applying primer and glue;
  • clerical or construction knife, equipped with replaceable blades;
  • special polyurethane roller for rolling seams;
  • roulette, long ruler, building level and paper masking tape;
  • foam sponges (to remove excess glue);
  • a narrow plastic spatula (can be metal);
  • cotton rags or rag (for wiping hands and excess glue).

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How to properly prepare for pasting?

To properly prepare for gluing walls, you should:

  1. Plaster the walls with gypsum plaster by lighthouses. This procedure is extremely important. It is done both in new and secondary housing and allows you to get even smooth walls, which are ideal for painting work.
  2. Putty the walls. Putty allows you to hide the slightest roughness and unevenness of the walls, and also makes it possible to reduce glue consumption when painting work(plastered and unplastered walls absorb a huge amount of glue and allow air to pass under the material).
  3. Prime the walls. Priming can be done with either glue or primer. deep penetration. The primer improves the density of the putty layer and reduces its absorbency.
  4. Treat the walls fungicidal mixture. This procedure allows you to protect the walls from the appearance of fungus.

When the adhesive and fungicidal compositions have dried, the walls can be considered completely ready for gluing.

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How to check the readiness of the walls?

You can check whether the walls are completely ready for pasting using a piece of cellophane film. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Take a piece of clean kissovan measuring 20x20 cm.
  2. With help masking tape Glue the cellophane onto the wall surface.
  3. Leave the cellophane on the surface for 24 hours.

If after 24 hours inside film, evaporation (small drops of water) is formed, which means that the surface is not dry enough, it is too early to start gluing work. If the cellophane is completely dry and there are no drops of water on its inner surface, then the walls are well prepared and can be covered with any material.

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How to prepare wallpaper?

Craftsmen glue wallpaper directly from a roll, but non-professional craftsmen are advised to cut the rolls according to the geometry of the room.

Figure 1. Rapport is the length of a pattern repeated on a piece of wallpaper.

A roll of wallpaper is initially rolled out on the floor, then cut according to length, matching the pattern, and then cut using sharp stationery scissors into appropriate sheets.

Samples with large or embossed patterns require special care when working. To correctly cut panels with a pattern, you should carefully study the label and find a repeat on it. Rapport is the length of the pattern that is repeated on the wallpaper. Marking using repeat is considered the most economical (Fig. 1).

If the wallpaper is cut using rapport, the craftsman needs to make a calculation. For example, if the size of the repeat is 60 cm, the height of the wall is 2800 cm. It is necessary to distribute an integer number of repeats along the height of the panel. That is, you need to multiply 60 by 5 and get the total length of the panel equal to 3000 cm. It is this length that should be measured on the roll panel.

When the panel is cut to 3000 cm, it should be cut into sheets, and the sheets should be stacked. In this case, the remains should not be thrown away, as they may be useful for pasting walls under radiators, window sills, above windows or behind cabinets.

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How are wall markings and wallpapering done?

Wall markings – important procedure. Marking the walls is done using a pencil and a laser level. When the level sets the vertical, using a pencil on the wall, draw a vertical line along the entire length of the wall. Wallpapering begins from this straight line (Fig. 3).

Scheme of puttying wall joints.

Where is the best place to start marking? If the pasting is intended to be non-woven, cork or vinyl wallpaper, the marking point does not matter. Walls can be marked from the middle of the wall or from its beginning, since in the corners such wallpaper is glued in a completely different way.

How to prepare glue for use? should be done strictly according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. The glue should be diluted immediately before work, in a deep plastic or enamel bucket.

How then? Let's look at the technology of wallpaper gluing using the example of the most popular type, i.e. vinyl wallpaper. Vinyl wallpaper consists of two layers:

  • bottom (paper or non-woven);
  • facial (polyvinyl chloride or vinyl), where vinyl performs protective and decorative functions.

Due to the presence of two layers in the wallpaper, they are highly durable, reliable and durable, but are quite heavy for an unprofessional craftsman. It is better to glue them together. One worker should stand on a stepladder, the other on the floor.

Renovation in our time is not just the arrangement of an apartment and the “on-duty” installation of new materials. Most owners of apartments and private houses strive to make the interior of their home also attractive. Since we are talking about the design of the walls, it should be noted that this too has its own aesthetic features.

And if you are determined to make the surface of the walls attractive and smooth, you will certainly have to learn how to glue wallpaper at the joint. It is quite easy to glue the canvases correctly so that they do not have even the slightest hint that the wall decoration consists of many rolls. At the same time, this method has a number of significant advantages compared to overlapping gluing.

The main thing is to understand some rules, and also to focus on such features as masking joints when gluing wallpaper, gluing in corners, and in addition, combining canvases of different colors.

Principles of wallpapering: how to glue correctly

Before we figure out how to properly glue wallpaper end-to-end, we need to go into a little more detail. general principles gluing wallpaper. Having mastered the basic technique, we will be able to apply it when working with completely various options wall coverings: from simple paper to quite complex non-woven, vinyl and even textile.

Preliminary preparation. What you need to know

Before starting work, you need to prepare all the conditions. So, the first stage can be called preparation. It is the preparatory actions that largely determine how high-quality and successful the result you will receive as a result of the repair. Therefore, even if you do not have such experience and are gluing wallpaper for the first time in your life, do not despair. After all, despite some difficulties, you will need to start with patience, as well as a certain set of knowledge and skills.

  • First of all, you need to buy all the tools and consumables necessary for gluing wall panels.
  • Of course, you need to buy wallpaper. At the same time, it is important to choose exactly the option that you will like aesthetically and is suitable for the interior design of the room. In addition, they must be practical and durable, since strength and service life for modern canvases are no less important than external beauty.
  • And finally, you will need to choose and buy glue. It should be remembered that for each wallpaper material, the adhesive solution required for it is suitable. Be careful, because glue that is ideal for gluing vinyl may be completely useless for gluing paper or textiles.

Main stages of work

In this section we will not consider the advantages and disadvantages of wallpapering butt or overlap. The main thing we will focus on is the main ones, basic principles how to properly glue wallpaper. So here they are:

  1. After choosing and purchasing the wallpaper you need, you should carefully and accurately measure the dimensions of the room. If the measurements were successful, we will need to cut the rolls into equal lengths. In this case, you should take into account the fact that if there are drawings, ornaments or decorative patterns, you will need to accurately select and join them at the joints of the canvases. In addition, professional experts advise leaving a margin of 5-7 cm on each segment, both above and below.
  2. After cutting, we will need to prepare the adhesive composition. The instructions supplied by the manufacturer with the glue packaging contain detailed description how to do it correctly. After the solution is ready, spread it with a thick brush on the wallpaper sheet. It is advisable to do this from the center, towards the edges of the sheet. Having smeared it with glue, fold the sheet in half so that the glue is better absorbed into the inner work surface wallpaper
  3. Using a conventional mechanical plumb line, which you can easily make with your own hands, we build a vertical line and draw a straight line. Let's start gluing the wallpaper. Some experts advise starting gluing from the edge of the window. After the glue has dried, we get rid of the spare overlaps left at the top and bottom.
  4. Then, you need to carefully smooth the wallpaper. This is done using an ordinary roller, or using a plastic comb-spatula. The direction of smoothing is from the middle of the canvas to its edges.
  5. After completing the gluing of the first panel, we continue gluing the rest in accordance with exactly the same principles and instructions.

You need to remember! In order to properly glue end-to-end wallpaper, you need to ensure that there are no drafts inside the room. In addition, the average temperature inside the room(s) being covered should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius.

How to glue joints of different types of wallpaper

High-quality installation without joints is quite possible. However, in order to do all the work correctly, you need to take into account some important factors. One such factor is that you need to consider what material the wallpaper is made of. The fact is that the technology of work production depends on this, non-compliance with which can lead to negative results. So, we list the most common types of wallpaper:

  • vinyl canvases, ideal for the interior of a kitchen or hallway;
  • wallpaper on a non-woven basis, which can be glued in almost any room, incl. in the living room or bedroom;
  • familiar paper wallpaper, most often used in children's rooms.

In addition, it is necessary to take a very responsible approach to the choice of wallpaper glue. The fact is that for each type of canvas, as a rule, they are produced and sold different varieties glue. That is why the glue must match the base material of the wallpaper. Otherwise, you risk getting either extremely.

That is why, when visiting a specialized store, ask a consultant to help you choose the right and suitable glue.

Paper wallpaper

Often this type of wallpaper is glued with an overlap. However, if you have already decided to glue them end to end, then you need to take into account the fact that they paper base– is not strong and reliable enough. That is why, during the gluing process, it is necessary to tightly connect both adjacent canvases, since subsequent smoothing with a special spatula or roller can cause damage to the canvases, even complete rupture.

Vinyl and non-woven wallpaper

As for such “heavy” varieties of wallpaper as vinyl or non-woven, their gluing has its own characteristics. Thus, vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing must be glued almost close to each other. However, if you glue them without a joint, then there is nothing to worry about, since with subsequent smoothing and straightening of the canvases, you can “push” the straightened sheet directly to the adjacent one.

It should be noted that such surfaces can also be glued for painting. So, their subsequent coloring is allowed up to 5-7 times.

Thanks to the special strength of vinyl wallpaper, you don’t have to worry if you were unable to glue them end-to-end right away and left a small gap. The fact is that such canvases can be quite easily pulled together. This is done using a plastic spatula, or simply with the palms of your hands. Be careful! Avoid drafts in the room while the wallpaper is drying.


remember, that Special attention You should pay attention to wallpapering in the corner of the room. In some cases, in order to properly glue the sheets in the corners, the following technique is used: first, you glue both sheets overlapping, stepping back a few centimeters from the corner. Then, using a blade or sharp knife, make a cut along the overlap. Remove unnecessary residues and glue the wallpaper end-to-end. In such cases, the joints, as a rule, will be visible and noticeable, even upon closer inspection.

And finally, do not forget that if there are special designs, patterns or decorative patterns on the surface of the wallpaper, they must be carefully selected and combined with each other.

When we plan a renovation, we naturally want everything to go smoothly, and in the end the renovated apartment will look attractive. In this case, special attention, as always, is paid to the walls, since they largely help shape the style of the interior of the apartment. That’s why everyone wants the wallpaper to be hung with high quality, without visible seams or other flaws. However, in order to ensure that the seams between the wallpaper are not visible and do not separate after the glue dries, it is necessary to strictly follow the correct gluing technology.

Wallpaper can be hung flawlessly

So, let's take a closer look at how to properly glue canvases, how to hide visible joints, and how to properly seal them in cases where the junctions of individual canvases are still noticeable.

How to glue to disguise joints

Before learning how to properly hide joints, let's take a quick look at why they may still be visible. It should be immediately noted that there may be several reasons for this:

  • The adhesive solution was applied incorrectly and when gluing, excess of it got onto the front side of the wallpaper.
  • When applying glue, the edges of the wallpaper sheets were not coated sufficiently or not coated at all.
  • After application adhesive composition the canvas swollen somewhat and increased in width (usually by 3–5 mm), and after drying, on the contrary, it shrank, forming a gap that now needs to be decorated.

It must be said that in Lately, unlike the Soviet era, a significant part of the wallpaper sold in stores is designed to be applied end-to-end, rather than overlapped. This is what allows the seams to be made invisible even from a close distance, especially in cases where the design or pattern on the adjacent canvases is correctly selected.

It is important the right approach to prepare the wall surface. You can start gluing only after the wall has been processed according to all standards, that is, puttied, leveled and treated with a primer. You can read about how to properly prepare walls before you start wallpapering in this article.

Attention! It should be understood that wallpaper is divided into heavier and thicker, on the one hand, and lighter, on the other. Accordingly, each of these varieties has its own gluing features and inherent performance characteristics.

Such types of wallpaper as vinyl are quite heavy, so gluing them, firstly, is not so easy, and secondly, the process itself takes quite a lot of time. On the other hand, they have a number of significant advantages. One of them is that they do not shrink after the glue dries. This helps avoid the formation of tears at the seams. By using vinyl sheets, you no longer have to figure out how to hide the separated joints.

Know! In order to prevent the seams between the wallpaper from coming apart, experts advise using a special small roller. With its help, the junction of the sheets is ironed additionally after gluing.

Roller for smoothing joints

As for gluing non-woven wallpaper, you need to buy special kind glue. At the same time, a pleasant “bonus” when carrying out the work will be that when gluing them, it is enough to apply a layer of glue only to the sheet itself, without coating the wall. By the way, this type of wallpaper is often glued before painting.

As for paper wallpaper, gluing it is not so easy. Everything is explained by their thinness and susceptibility to getting wet by glue. In such cases, it is important not to overdo it with the amount applied. adhesive solution, because if there is an excess of it, paper wallpaper may shrink when drying. Unraveling seams, which are so unpleasant for the eyes, will appear in these places.

How to make seams invisible

As doctors say, prevention is better than cure. The same is true here: it is much easier to hang wallpaper correctly by properly dosing the glue, and also using a roller to smooth the joints. In this case, before rolling with a roller, it is recommended to wet the wallpaper at the joints.

Regardless of whether your canvases are light or dark, whether you are gluing walls or ceilings, strictly follow the manufacturers’ instructions, as well as advice experienced specialists. And then such problems will bypass you.

Useful video:

Renovation is an important and exciting episode of life. Alas, it is often associated with significant material costs, which peace of mind do not add. At some stages of interior renovation it is not worth saving, but some of them can be done independently, which will significantly reduce the expenditure side of the family budget.

Wallpaper glued without visible seams will create an ideal picture on the walls.

For example, you can paste wallpaper yourself. And so that the walls have perfect view, just choose the right coating, enlist the support of an assistant, and understand the technology. And, of course, choose a technique that is suitable specifically for your type of wallpaper.

Secrets and subtleties of finishing art

What should a wall be like to be called ideal? Smooth, with an even coating, without visible flaws. To achieve this effect, you need to take into account all the subtleties:

To apply wallpaper, the walls must be perfectly smooth.

  1. No wallpaper will lie flat on a surface with defects. Before you start figuring out how to wallpaper, you need to prepare the wall. The base must be leveled and impregnated with primer. And all layers of coating must be completely dry by the time of gluing.
  2. The main reason for the deformation of canvases is incorrect technology. Some wallpaper changes its size after drying, and noticeable seams form at the ideal joints. To avoid this problem, you need to find out in advance which type of application is best suited.
  3. Craftsmen who decide to paste wallpaper themselves often encounter the problem of unraveling seams. This defect occurs if the glue gets on the front side of the canvas or the border zone is not sufficiently moistened.
  4. Drawing mismatch. It’s especially disappointing if you managed to hang wallpaper without seams, but from a certain distance the discrepancy between the ornament or pattern becomes noticeable. Even a small abstract print can surprise with this effect. Even if the wallpaper is positioned as not requiring jointing, it is worth carefully considering its structure and still taking care of the perfectness of the seam.
  5. Traces of glue. This is one of the most common problems. Excess adhesive remains on the surface, fabric fibers and dust collect on it, resulting in a noticeable seam. To avoid such a nuisance, you should carefully dose the glue and remove drips with dry and soft fabric literally instantly.

After you have mastered the general theoretical part, you can move on to specifics and learn how to hang wallpaper of a certain type.

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Vinyl, non-woven fabric, paper

You should choose a technique for gluing wallpaper based on its type. A technique suitable for vinyl wallpaper will not give a satisfactory result when gluing paper wallpaper, and vice versa.

The most difficult thing is to avoid the formation of a noticeable seam when gluing paper wallpaper. They must first be thoroughly coated with glue and left for some time to soak. You also need to lubricate the wall with glue. When swelling, the canvas may change size, especially for inexpensive collections. To make the seam invisible, you need to glue the wallpaper with minimal overlap, but it is extremely difficult for non-professionals to do this. Can be used special paper, its thin strip is glued along the joint line under the wallpaper; it reliably fixes the edges of the canvases and does not allow them to diverge. Also, beginners can paint over the joint after drying with paint of a suitable shade. To ensure that the result meets your expectations, it is better to entrust the work to professionals or choose a less capricious coating.

Modern vinyl coverings look presentable. It is quite simple to stick this type of wallpaper well. It is necessary to first lubricate the wall and canvas with glue and, after swelling, begin to work. It is noteworthy that even when wet, they do not change size, and you can be sure that the seams will not come apart during the drying process. Vinyl wallpaper is glued, starting from the top, gradually moving towards the floor. The fabric should be smoothed immediately using a roller. Additionally, you can be on the safe side by using a special glue for joints, which is packaged in a tube with a sharp spout. After 2 canvases are glued, the seam is additionally treated with this glue, immediately smoothing the joint with a roller. Having figured out how to hang wallpaper of this type, it will not be difficult to cope with other types of coatings.

It's even easier to hang non-woven wallpaper. They do not require applying glue to the canvas, only to the wall. This avoids deformation during the drying process and, as a result, a noticeable seam. Non-woven wallpaper is glued end-to-end, without layering or gaps. Coatings that require subsequent painting are especially popular. Perfect wallpaper without seams - it is a non-woven base coated with paint of a suitable shade.

If you need to match the wallpaper different types, you should use the pruning method. To do this, you need to glue the canvases with an overlap of 3-5 cm, then cut both layers with a very sharp stationery knife, be sure to use laser level or a ruler. All that remains is to remove the unnecessary layer. The seam will be amazingly smooth.