Islamic dream book - interpretation of dreams. Why do Muslims dream?

APRICOT – If a person sees in a dream that he is eating apricots, then he will either get sick or lose something important in life.

AGONY – Seeing the agony of a dying person in a dream means a happy and joyful life.

ADAM a.s. – whoever sees Adam, a.s., in a dream in his real form, and in all his greatness, will acquire great power, being worthy of it, for the Almighty said: “I will install a governor on earth.” (Sura Bakra, 30). If anyone -he will see in a dream that he is talking to Adam, and he will become a scientist, an expert. The Almighty said: “And He taught Adam all names.” They also say that someone who meets Adam, a.s., in a dream may be deceived by the words of some of his enemies, but after some time he will see the light and be freed from deception. The appearance of Adam, a.s., in a dream in a changing appearance means moving from one place to another, and finally returning to the original place.

AZAN (call to prayer) indicates Hajj. It can also indicate dua (supplication to Allah), piety, serving the Almighty and doing good, or calmness and deliverance from the wiles of Shaitan (Satan).

ABC - whoever sees the alphabet in a dream will show undoubted success in mastering knowledge.

AIST – to see a stork in a dream portends a gathering large quantity people in a certain place. Seeing a flying stork in a dream promises you a favorable marriage and a successful trip. If storks gather together in a dream, then you will have to communicate with criminals and thieves and be at enmity with them.
AYUB (Job, a.s.) – seeing him in a dream indicates trials, troubles and a favorable outcome. If the one who sees him is sick, then he will be healed of his illness, and perhaps will receive an answer to those desires and requests for which he prayed to Allah.
ACROBAT, GYMNAST – to see an acrobat in a dream means the insecurity of the place a person occupies in life.
ACTOR – Seeing an actor in a dream means that among your friends there are deceivers and hypocrites.
SHARK - Seeing a shark in a dream means an imminent meeting with a secret or open enemy.
MIDWIFE, MIDWIFE perhaps her vision indicates the release of a prisoner from prison and deliverance from the worries and hardships of life.
ALLAH (HOLY AND GREAT IS HE) If someone dreams that Allah is satisfied, pleased with him and turns His Face towards him, then he will have the same meeting with Allah Almighty on the Day of Judgment. This also indicates the acceptance by the Almighty Lord of the good deeds he has performed in this world, as well as the reward for them by the Almighty Allah with Paradise, as a reward for his godly deeds, if the Almighty Creator dreams of him and he is able to look at Him. If he sees that the Creator has given him any of the blessings of worldly life, then some kind of misfortune or illness will befall him, due to which he will be awarded Paradise in the next world.

If a person sees Allah in a dream in some famous area on earth, it means that justice reigns there and that goodness, joy and help will come there. Whoever sees that the Lord speaks to someone, reproaching or warning against something, is a sinner who needs to immediately repent.

If he sees that Allah Almighty has condescended to him in a dream and thanked him, then he will be endowed with the ability to perform miracles (karamat) and will receive the mercy of Allah. Only a select few can see such a dream. But if you see Allah, Great and Glorious, in the form of one of His creations or with some shortcomings, then this is a deceitful person who deliberately tells lies against the Lord, and also follows innovations in religion, and let the one who sees such a dream quickly repent .
DIAMOND, DIAMOND – a harbinger of family joys.
BARN – in a dream means wealth and income, and if it is used, then it is a wonderful praise for it. If the barn is empty in a dream, then ruin awaits you. A full barn means wealth.
A PINEAPPLE - A pineapple seen in a dream is a harbinger that success awaits you in the work you have begun.
ANGELS 1 – If someone sees an angel in a dream, then in life he will achieve honor and glory.

If he sees the most honorable of the angels, the goodness, happiness and mercy of Allah will befall him, rains will descend, his earthly lot will increase, and the death of a Shahid (martyr for the faith) will befall him.

If he sees that angels have descended into the mosque, then this is a command to do a lot of good, offer prayers (dua) to Allah, and give alms (sadaqa).

If they descended onto the streets, then this is an appeal to him to stop doing evil, and it is also a command to maintain accuracy in measurements and scales.

If you see angels on graves, this is interpreted as the spread of the disease cholera (waba) among the Ulama (learned theologians) and the death of ascetics who, in the name of Allah, abandoned the blessings of earthly life. Ibn Sirin said: “We were informed that in Mecca, Abul Fadl Ahmad bin Imran al-Harawi, may Allah Almighty protect him, said that Abu Bakr Jaafar bin al-Hayat ash-Sheikh Salih saw the Prophet, s.a.w., in a dream . He said that next to the Prophet, s.a.w., was sitting a group of poor ascetics. “Suddenly,” he continued, “the heavens opened up, and the Archangel Gabriel, a.s., appeared, accompanied by angels. The angels held basins and jugs of water in their hands. They began to pour water on the hands of the poor and wash their feet. “When it was my turn,” he continued, “I stretched out my hands and heard some angels say to others: “Do not pour water on his hands. He is not one of them." Then I turned to the Prophet, s.a.w., and said: “O Messenger of Allah, I may not be one of them, but I love them.” And the Prophet, peace be upon him, answered: “The believer is together with those whom he loves.” And water spilled on my hands so that I could wash them. The appearance of angels in dreams, known as angels bearing news, signifies signs warning of impending major changes in the lives of those who encounter angels in dreams. Greatness, strength, power, a joyful event, victory after oppression, healing after illness, peace after fear, prosperity after difficulties, wealth after poverty, liberation after hardship await these persons. A person who sees angels in a dream will have to perform Hajj or take part in ghazavat and give his life for faith.

If someone sees in a dream how he is fighting with Jibril and Mikail, a.s., or is arguing with them, then this means that in such a situation he will have to experience the wrath of the Almighty from time to time, for his opinion coincides with with the opinion of the Jews, God forbid!

If in a dream Jibril, a.s., gives the sleeping person some food, then this means that this person, inshaAllah, will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. The appearance of Archangel Jibril, a.s., with a sad or worried face is a sign that the person who sees this angel in a dream will face difficulties and punishment. It is known that Jibril, a.s., is also the angel of punishment. A meeting in a dream with Mikail, a.s., indicates that the one who saw this dream will achieve what he wants in the present and future life, if he is pious and devout, but if he is not, then let him beware.

If they see in a dream that Mikail, a.s., appears in any city or village, then the residents of these places will experience heavy rain and a decrease in prices.

If Mikail, a.s., speaks to the sleeping person or gives him some thing, then this is a sign of prosperity, happiness and joy, because it is known that Mikail, a.s., is an angel of mercy. They say that such a dream indicates the coming of justice after tyranny and the death of cruel tyrants in this country.

If someone sees in a dream Israfil, a.s., with a saddened face and blowing a trumpet, the sounds of which are heard, in the opinion of the person seeing this dream, only to him alone, then this person will die.

If he believes that the sound of the trumpet of Israfil, a.s., was also heard by the inhabitants of this area, then a quick inevitable death will occur there. Meeting in a dream with the angel of death (Azrael, a.s.), whose face expresses joy, means that the one who saw the dream will give his life in the fight for faith. Seeing the angel of death angry in a dream foretells death without repentance.

If someone sees a dream as if he was fighting with the angel of death, and he defeated him, then this person will die.

If the angel of death could not overcome him, then this means that the one who saw the dream will be on the verge of death, but then Allah will save him from death. And they say that whoever sees the angel of death in a dream will have a long life. It is said that Hamza al-Zayat said: “I saw the angel of death in a dream and asked, turning to him: “O angel of death! I conjure you in the name of Allah! Tell me, has the Almighty written down anything good about me?” He replied: “Yes!” And the sign of this is that you will die in Helwan.” Indeed, Hamza al-Zayyat died in Helwan. To see in a dream that one of the angels foretells the birth of a son to someone means that this person will have a son who will become a scholar-theologian, an amiable and noble person, from the words of the Almighty: “Truly Allah will illuminate you with good news,” as well as : “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a pure boy.”
ANGELS 2 – if you see angels with dishes of fruit in a dream, it will mean that the one seeing this dream will pass away as someone who died for his faith. Seeing one of the angels entering someone’s house in a dream is a warning about the possible penetration of a thief into this house.

If someone sees in a dream how an angel takes away his weapon, then this means that this person will lose strength and prosperity, and it is even possible that he will separate from his wife.

If someone sees angels in any place in a dream that cause him fear, then turmoil and war may occur in that area. The appearance of angels on the battlefield in a dream signifies victory over enemies.

And if someone sees in a dream how angels prostrate before him or bow to him, then this person will achieve the fulfillment of his cherished desires, rise in his deeds and become famous.

If someone sees himself in a dream as if fighting with an angel, then he will find himself in a difficult and humiliating position after his previous greatness.

And if a patient sees in a dream how one angel fights with another, then this means the approach of his death. The appearance in dreams of angels descending from heaven to earth in natural form marks the rise of venerable people, the humiliation of unworthy people, as well as the victory of the Mujahideen (who are making aspirations, efforts to spread Islam - spiritual, psychological and, in extreme cases, physical). Seeing angels in the form of women in a dream means falsehoods and lies made against Allah. The following words belong to the Almighty on this occasion: “Did your Lord only provide you with sons, and take women for himself from the angels? Truly you speak a dangerous word!”

And if someone sees in a dream how he flies with the angels or rises with them to heaven and does not return back, he will gain dignity in this life, and then die for a just cause.

If the sleeper sees that he is looking at angels, misfortune will befall him. This corresponds to the statement of the Almighty: “On the day when they see the angels, there will be no joyful news for sinners.”

If a sleeper dreams that angels are cursing him, this will mean condemnation or weakness of his faith, but if he dreams that angels are making noise or screaming, this means that the sleeper’s house may fall apart.

And if someone sees in a dream how several angels appear in some city, locality or village, then this means that a companion will die there or will be killed unjustly offended person, or someone's house will fall on its inhabitants.

If someone dreams that angels produce the same products that the sleeping person makes, this will signify that he is benefiting from his craft. The appearance in a dream of an angel saying: “Read the Book of Allah Almighty,” portends great honor if the person seeing this dream is one of good, pious people. If he does not belong to good people, then let him be on his guard, for the word of Allah applies to him: “Read the record of your deeds, now you yourself are able to demand an account from yourself.” The appearance of angels in any place on a horse in a dream marks the death of a powerful person or tyrant there. The flight of birds unknown by name in a dream means that it is not birds that are flying, but angels. Seeing this in a dream in any place means retribution against the oppressors and helping the oppressed.

If someone sees in a dream the Noble Scribes (“Al-Hafazat”, angels on both sides of a person, recording all his good and bad deeds), this means for him joy and happiness in the present and future life and a happy end to life. This is provided that the dreamer is one of the righteous and virtuous citizens.

If he is not such, then you should be afraid for him, for the Almighty said: “The noble Scribes know what you are doing!” Some of the people who know a lot about this say that the appearance in a dream of an angel in the form of a sheikh (an old man) tells about the past, in the image of a young man he speaks about the present, and in the image of a youth he points to the future.

If someone sees in a dream that he seems to appear in the form of an angel, this foretells relief for him if he was in trouble before, or liberation if he was previously in captivity, or the adoption of faith, the achievement of great heights of power. For the patient, this dream means the approach of death.

If someone sees a dream in which angels greet him, it means that Allah will give this person insight in life and provide him with a happy outcome. They say that a certain Jewish merchant named Shamuel, while on the road, dreamed of angels blessing him. He turned to the interpreter of dreams about this, and he answered him: “You will accept the Islam of Allah and the Sharia of the Messenger of God, s.a.s., from the words of the Almighty: “It is He and His angels who bless you to lead you from darkness to light.” !”. This merchant accepted Islam, and Allah led him along the True Path. The reason he accepted Islam was that he hid a poor debtor from his creditor.
ORANGE, MANDARIAN an orange or tangerine seen by a person in a dream promises him good health.
PHARMACY - if a sick person sees a pharmacy in a dream, then he will soon recover, but if a healthy person sees it, he may become ill.
ARAFAT – whoever sees in a dream that he is on Mount Arafat on the day of Arafat and one of his relatives is absent (or missing), then he will return to him joyful, and if he quarreled with someone, he will make peace with him . Arafat may also refer to Hajj.
WATERMELON - watermelon portends pregnancy for a woman and imminent marriage For a girl. If a person stretches out his hand to the sky and eats a watermelon in a dream, then he will soon receive what he longs to acquire. A yellow watermelon is a disease, and a green watermelon is an earthly destiny. If a person throws watermelons into his house, then every abandoned watermelon means the death of one of his relatives.
ARREST – Seeing an arrested person in a dream is an omen that troubles may await you.
ASCETISM, DEVOTION in a dream is a manifestation of love and respect from people.
ASTRONOMER – this is a liar.
VERSES OF THE QURAN – if these are verses that speak of mercy, and the one who reads them has already left this world, then his soul rests under the mercy of Allah. But if these are verses containing the direct or indirect meaning of punishment, then his soul is under the punishment of Allah. If they are verses of admonition, then they warn the one who saw them from committing a sin, and if they are verses announcing something, then they foretell goodness and blessings for him.

Islamic dream book. Interpretation of dreams according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah / Transl. from Arabic - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “DILYA”, 2010.

Why do Muslims dream?

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

Muslim - If you saw a Muslim in a dream, then you may have problems with your work partners.

If you dreamed that a Muslim brought you something bitter, then you may soon lose something very valuable to you and your family.

If someone borrowed a lot of money from you and you dreamed of a Muslim, then you are unlikely to be repaid. To see a Muslim or a person of another faith in a dream - expect trouble, you will be deceived or betrayed. A Muslim brought you something raw or bitter means bitter losses from which you will not be able to recover.

See also: why do you dream about a mosque, why do you dream about evening prayer Why do you dream about a turban?

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

The dream contains encrypted advice, a hint on how to act in the future for the sleeper or his loved ones. A bright and pleasant dream foretells good luck in current affairs and endeavors. Pictures that contain barriers or restrictions have the opposite meaning. Dreams for this day of the week are prophetic.

17th lunar day

A dream, if interpreted correctly, can be significant for the sleeper. Pay attention to your emotional condition after waking up. If it is good, you are on the right path where they are waiting for you interesting acquaintances and new business contacts. A bad dream promises a lack of communication.

Waning moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

March 23

The picture you see usually tells about future problems in communication, business and financial spheres or personal life. Such dreams come true in the same way as in a dream.

True Muslim believers are often visited prophetic true dreams . The fact that Muslim dreams often come true is one of the many signs of the approaching Day of Judgment, and today many people notice this: a long time ago the Messenger of Allah said: “When the time of the Day of Judgment approaches, almost all the dreams of a Muslim will be true.”

See also our - dream interpretation online.

The first dream that was ever seen by man was dreamed by Adam. One day the Almighty asked him: “You have seen everything created by me. But from everything you saw, didn’t you notice anyone similar to you?” Adam then replied: “No, O Lord, create for me a couple similar to me, so that she will live with me and recognize only You and worship only You, like me...” Allah put Adam to sleep and created Eve. When Adam woke up, Allah asked him: “Who is this sitting near your head?” And Adam said: “This is the vision that you showed me in a dream, O my Lord!”

Today you can find a great variety of so-called Muslim dream books on Arabic, which explain dreams according to and sunnah. Among them there are both very small and quite large and authoritative. However, only a very few who have learned the wisdom of religion and visions can use them perfectly and interpret dreams according to Muslim customs - the majority, although they see prophetic dreams from time to time, cannot interpret them correctly.

That is why we bring to your attention the basic rules that will help you understand your dreams. The basis is taken from dream books on the Koran and Sunnah - the works of the great Arab alim Imam Muhammad Ibn Sirin AlBari, Imam Ja'far As-Sadiq and An-Nablusi.

What types of dreams are there?

The first thing you need to know is what dreams are like and what their origin is. Dreams are of the following types: good dreams, bad dreams, dream-experiences. There are also confused dreams that do not belong to any of the listed types, - they are incoherent, mixed and implicit, and therefore their impossible to interpret.

  • Good dreams

These dreams appear from and are one of the parts of the Prophecy. They are also called al-mubashshirat - the Prophet said that these are “righteous dreams that a person sees or they see him.”

If you dreamed good dream, then you need to do the following: praise Allah Almighty for the vision he has given, rejoice and expect good things, tell this dream to someone who loves you and wishes good, and also interpret it correctly and well.

  • Bad dreams

These dreams are caused by the shaitan to cause fear in a person’s soul and mock him in his dreams. The dreams that come from the shaitan are full of bad things, condemned by Allah, they are stupid and call for committing sins. You need to know that dreams come from the shaitan if a person goes to bed unclean, with bad thoughts or on a full stomach. In order for a person to receive dreams from Allah in the future, it is necessary to go to bed clean, with thoughts of Allah and reciting the dua prayer.

If bad dream nevertheless overtook you, then in order for it not to cause harm, you need to do the following: ask Allah for protection from the evil of this dream, ask Allah three times for protection from the shaitan, spit on it three times left side, change the position in which you slept and perform namaz. And don’t tell this dream to anyone and never interpret it for yourself!

  • Dreams-experiences

These dreams tell about what the Muslim was thinking about or what happened in reality, what he is used to doing or what worries him greatly.

Muslim dream books describe in detail the presence of each symbol in a dream. For example, according to them, milk means knowledge, for this is how the Prophet himself interpreted them, and a ship means salvation, for Allah Almighty said: “...And We saved him<Ноя>and those who were on the ark..."

According to the sunnah, this is a very interesting and useful thing, because exactly how you interpret your dream is how it will come true.

Take care of yourself and may Allah protect you!

And if anyone sees himself in hell, then, feeling himself a debtor to God, let him leave all sinful deeds. If he is one of the people who enjoy the blessings of life, then he has a journey ahead of him. If someone sees that he has returned back from hell, this means a pious and abstinent life and also means a return from a journey. If someone sees that he, captive in hell, is suffering torment, this indicates the upcoming suffering and hardships of everyday life. And if someone sees the Last Judgment in a dream, it means the unjust rule of the king of that country. If anyone sees him on the Last Judgment call to account for the deeds committed, but without violence and anger this means achieving desires both in matters of religion and in worldly affairs. If you see that when demanding an account from him, he is treated strictly, this means a slowdown in the fulfillment of desires.
Seeing alabaster is a sign of science and benefit, but other interpreters say that it is a sign of sadness, care and death.
If someone sees in a dream the close angels, such as Gabriel, Michael, Israfil and Azrael in joy, pleasure, in good condition and good disposition, that person will achieve in matters of religion and in worldly affairs high place and venerable rank, and the gates of knowledge and wisdom will open before his face, and he will be safe from all disasters. And if the one who sees such a dream is sick, he will receive healing, and if he is obsessed with fear or grief, he will be completely freed from them. And if someone sees that he is fighting with one of the angels, especially with Azrael or Michael, this means that his death is near, i.e. he should repent of his sins and resort to God. If someone sees in a dream that he is flying with angels, he will receive the gift of honor and glory as a miracle worker, and in the end his lot will be martyrdom for the faith. If anyone sees that many angels have gathered in a city or village, some learned or pious person will soon die in that place, or some person will be killed in a violent and cruel way. If someone sees that angels are gathering in his home from all sides, then he should protect the building from thieves.
If someone sees that he is washing in a bathhouse, he will get rid of grief and worries, and if someone sees a bathhouse without water, he will get trouble from a woman.
Musk, amber, camphor, sandalwood, rose water, saffron and similar fragrant substances to praise and glory, to a good name, to the value of sacred science, purity of faith and praiseworthy character, to prosperity and to a chaste wife, but unpleasant odors, on the contrary. Some interpreters believe that saffron has a similar (i.e. bad) meaning.
If someone sees in a dream that the light of the Glorious and Most High True God has shone before him, then that person’s deeds in relation to religion and worldly goods will be good, and where such a dream was seen, justice, virtue and the abundance of earthly goods will increase. If someone sees in a dream that the Almighty True God is counting his deeds, then he will experience some kind of joy, and if he is on a journey, he will return home well and healthy. If someone sees in a dream that he is turning to the Almighty Lord and praying to Him, then that person will become famous, both in matters of religion and in worldly affairs and will be close to kings and rulers. But if anyone sees that the Most High and True God is angry with him, then he should repent before the Lord and humble himself before Him.
If someone sees himself sick in a dream, he will be in peace and security and will achieve the fulfillment of his desires.
If someone sees himself sick in a dream, he will not care about prayer; if the person who has seen such a dream has the intention of making a trip, then it will be unsuccessful.
If someone sees his beard long, it means glory and honor, and a short beard means a lack of honor and dignity. And pulling your beard in a dream means extravagance and repentance. If a woman sees herself with a beard in a dream, then her absent husband will return, and if he is at home, then he will leave. If she is a widow, she will get married, and if she is pregnant, she will give birth to a son. If that woman has a son, then he will be the eldest in the family. If a small child sees himself with a beard in a dream, he will die before reaching adulthood. If someone sees in a dream that he has dyed his beard, and at the same time that dye will have some kind of specific color, eg. henna (henna is a red dye used to color nails and hair), then the person who saw the dream will put on expensive clothes, and if he sees an undefined color, for example, the color of mud, lime, and the like, then it will not be easy for him to get simple clothes. If someone sees that his beard has become white, he will achieve outstanding position, honor and dignity. If someone sees in a dream that he has a lot of hair in his beard, for a merchant it means an increase in capital, and for a poor person it means an increase in debts.
If someone sees a bull in a dream, then according to the growth of that bull he will receive benefits, and if he sees that red and brown bulls come to a city or any locality loaded and without an owner, an infectious disease will come to that locality.
Seeing a crown on your head with precious stones to achieve power and kingdom.
Seeing yourself sitting on a camel in a dream means traveling. If someone sees that he has many camels, he will receive a kingdom or other power. If someone sees in a dream that a camel is approaching him, he needs to beware of some kind of misfortune. If a loaded camel arrives in any village or city, then a contagious disease will occur in that village or city.
Wine means property acquired through illicit means, and vinegar is property that is pleasant to the owner and abundant.
If anyone sees in a dream that he is drinking water from Zemzem (Zemzem is a sacred well in Mecca, as if it were the same one that appeared at the command of the angel Hagar to Ismail. Drinking water from Zemzem (obiZemzem) is one of the necessary rituals when making a pilgrimage. Zemzem water in is taken home by pilgrims in special jars and is considered a healing remedy for all sorts of diseases), then he will be given the sacred science.
Drink warm water to anxiety and illness, and to wash cold water to health and joy.
If someone sees that the inhabitants of a city are waging war with strangers, it means that food supplies will be high in that city. And if he sees that they are waging war with the king, this will bring peace to the state and an abundance of earthly blessings. Fleeing from a battle or battlefield in a dream is a sign of happiness.
The wolf is a cruel king, and the fox is a man prone to deception and tricks.
If you see thick and long hair then for young people, women and military men it means wealth, honor, and longevity, but for others it means grief and mental anxiety. If someone sees in a dream that the hair on his head has fallen out, but not to the extent that he is bald, then he will get rid of debt, or be freed from any sadness and anxiety and will experience contentment and joy. If anyone sees white hair among his black hair, he will have a beloved child. But if a woman sees such a dream, then she will experience anxiety and concern because of her husband. If anyone sees that his hair is being cut, he will lose the property given to him for temporary use (amonat). If the one who sees such a dream is poor, then he will be freed from want. And if someone sees that he is cutting his own hair, this means that his secrets will be revealed, and he will be removed from his superiors. If a woman sees in a dream that her hair is not covered, then her absent husband will return, and if she does not have a husband, she will receive one. If she sees in a dream that the hair on her head is being cut, it means that her husband will give her a divorce. If someone sees in a dream that the hair on his wife’s head is cut off, it means that the wife is intimate with another man.
If someone sees in a dream that he is running in front of the enemy without fear and fear of death.
If a man sees enlarged genitals in a dream, then the number of his male children will increase. Seeing genitals separately from the body in a dream means the birth of a girl. This may also mean the imminent departure of the person who saw the dream. If a woman sees the touch of male genitals in a dream, then: if enclosed in her womb she will give birth to a child; if not, he will just plan it.
Seeing a leopard or a cheetah has the same meaning (see lion).
If anyone sees an eye on his hand, he will receive a certain amount of hard cash. If a poor person sees himself blind in a dream, he will be freed from the burdens of need. And if an important person, while traveling, sees himself blind in a dream, he should abandon that trip. If he continues on his way, he will not return from this journey. If a person on a journey sees one extra eye in his dream, he will get lost, and if a person staying in one place sees such a dream, he should take great precautions to protect his property. If someone sees in a dream that he is rubbing his eyes with antimony, then he will work to educate himself in the truths of faith and will exalt himself in the eyes of people; if he sees antimony on his hand, he will receive property.
Seeing pus has the same meaning as seeing blood.
If anyone sees that his head has been separated from his body, the elders will remove him from them. If someone sees in a dream that his head has become large, he will achieve greatness, honor and wealth. If, on the contrary, he sees that his head has become small, then he falls from the place he occupies. If someone sees in a dream that his head is anointed with oil, then if the oil is in moderate quantity, his affairs will be prosperous. If there is a lot of oil, then grief and care will stick to the person who had such a dream.
Hunger in a dream means a desire to acquire property, and thirst means dissatisfaction in matters of faith.
Seeing a mountain means a great king with a heart of stone. If someone sees that he is walking on the top of a mountain, then this mountain is an omen of the career of the person who saw such a dream, and in accordance with the height of the mountain seen in the dream, he will achieve a more or less high position.
If someone sees in a dream that the phlegm of the nasal mucosa has descended and filled the throat, this means the scarcity of food and the proximity of death.
For worldly people, seeing a city, fortress or castle means peace and security, and for religious people it means abstinence.
If a rich man sees a thunderstorm in a dream, he falls into poverty, and if a poor man sees it, then, by the mercy of the king, his food and daily bread will be in abundance.
If someone sees a virgin in a dream, he will receive benefits from trade or his craft.
If someone sees a girl in a dream, he will achieve pleasures and pleasures, and if he sees a teenager in a dream, he will see a good state of affairs in general, an abundance of earthly blessings and an honorable position. If he sees a beautiful young woman, he will receive wealth and achieve pleasure and joy.
The devastated state of trees is a detriment to women’s morals, and the freshness and purity of the foliage of trees with flowers and fruits on them is a sign of a woman’s good condition. The leaves of the trees represent gold and silver coins.
If someone sees rain in a dream, there will be a war in that area. If someone sees in a dream that because of the rain the house is filled with water to the very ceiling, all sorrows and worries will leave this home. If anyone sees in a dream that it's raining sandy or dusty, then earthly goods and livelihoods will be in abundance. If a sick person sees rain in a dream or hears thunder, he will receive healing, and if a debtor sees this, he will pay off his debt; If a prisoner sees such a dream, he will receive freedom.
Seeing a straight road means the faith of Islam, and a rough path means disbelief.
Anyone who sees the Kaaba in a dream will receive consolation and joy, and if anyone sees himself inside the Kaaba, he will be safe from all troubles.
If someone sees in a dream that a boar has rushed at him, bad news about rebels and villains will reach him.

Seeing a cemetery means repentance and regret about previous actions. And if someone sees himself in the tomb, he will do such a thing that others will follow his example.
A well full of water has a similar meaning to this. Seeing a well overflowing means collecting property.
Chainmail means a person whose help and protection is sought in important matters.
Spear and other spear-like weapons for longevity
Coral for abundance of property, and turquoise for victory, good luck and longevity.
If someone sees in a dream that he is reading the Koran, he will show evidence of wisdom. If anyone sees that the muezzin calls for prayer at the wrong time, he will experience harsh treatment, and if he hears the muezzin’s voice, he will be suspected of some crime without guilt. If someone sees in a dream that a muezzin is calling for prayer and goes himself, it means that the one who saw the dream will perform the Hajj.
If someone sees that a cat has scratched him, this is a sign of anxiety and illness. And seeing a marten has the same meaning.
If someone sees that he has fallen into a pool of blood, he will achieve wealth and pleasure. If someone sees blood on his dress and does not know where that blood came from, then they will suspect him of something in vain. If someone sees that he drinks human blood, it means that he will receive property prohibited by Sharia. If someone sees in a dream that from his nose there's blood coming out will acquire illicit property, and if the king sees the same, he will abstain from sins.
enemy, and the strength or weakness of the enemy will be in accordance with the strength of the crocodile seen.
If anyone sees a blacksmith in a dream, he will encounter unknown person with power.
a kind and chaste woman, unyielding.
Seeing a doe means a servant.
If someone sees in a dream that he has defeated a lion, he will win victory over the enemy. Run from the lion to victory and fulfillment of desires.
Taking medicine in a dream means repentance of sins and humility before God.
Whoever sees his eyebrow, or forehead, or face beautiful and large, this means importance and an honorable position in society and prosperity. And if someone sees all this disgusting and in small sizes, vice versa. If someone sees dust on his face in a dream, it means wickedness and corruption.
If someone sees himself riding a horse, then he will gain power and authority. If someone sees himself sitting on a horse behind another, then with the help of the person behind whom he was sitting, the one who saw such a dream will become the ruler of the country, or will be the governor (noib) of that person. If anyone sees that a horse with a pack has arrived in any village or city, greatness will befall him in that place.
Seeing a month means a king, or a royal vizier, or a great scientist, or a humble slave, or a deceitful person, or a beautiful woman. If someone sees in a dream that the trace of the moon has fallen to the ground, then the people of that land will benefit from the royal vizier. If someone sees the month dark in a dream, then some kind of trouble will befall the royal vizier. If someone sees the moon in his bosom (in his arms), then he will get a beautiful wife from a noble family, and if a woman sees that the moon has descended into her bosom, then her husband will achieve a high position. If she does not yet have a husband, then someone in a high position will become her husband.
If someone sees in a dream that people are visiting him, then his superiors and superiors will seek rapprochement with him.
If someone sees a broker, then a leader in his affairs will appear to him.

Seeing honey means lawful, pleasant and profitable property, and seeing sugar, candy and all kinds of sweets means pleasant speeches, or small children, or great profit.
Seeing a month means a king, or a royal vizier, or a great scientist, or a humble slave, or a deceitful person, or a beautiful woman. If someone sees in a dream that the trace of the moon has fallen to the ground, then the people of that land will benefit from the royal vizier. If someone sees the month dark in a dream, then some kind of trouble will befall the royal vizier. If someone sees the moon in his bosom (in his arms), then he will get a beautiful wife from a noble family, and if a woman sees that the moon has descended into her bosom, then her husband will achieve a high position. If she does not yet have a husband, then someone in a high position will become her husband.
If a woman sees her period, and she actually doesn’t have it at that time, it means she will have committed some kind of offense.
The sword signifies a king, a child, a woman, or a region. If someone sees in a dream that he is wearing a sword in a sling, he will become a ruler in the state, or get a wife, or have a child. If someone sees in a dream that the belt of his sword is torn, he will lose power, or his child will die, or he will give his wife a divorce.
Anyone who sees a Mosque in a dream will receive consolation and joy, and if anyone sees himself inside the Mosque, he will be safe from all troubles.
If someone sees that he is preparing a grave, it means that he will build a new house.
If someone sees that he is praying and his face is not turned towards the “qibla” (the “qibla” is the side to which Muslims turn towards Mecca during prayer), he will perform the hajj. If, while praying, he turns his face to the “qiblah,” he will satisfy his needs in an impeccable way.
Lightning with a cloud means earthly blessings and an abundance of food supplies, and if there is lightning without a cloud, it means retribution and punishment.
The milk of animals whose meat is lawful to eat means food obtained in a lawful way, or a good deed and a praiseworthy way, and sour milk is the opposite; the milk of animals whose meat they do not eat leads to worries and illness.
If anyone sees that he is traveling on the sea, he will defeat the great king. Seeing yourself drowning in the sea means being brought to the king for an account. Seeing waves on the sea means anxiety and hardship.
If someone sees urine or excrement in a dream, he will receive benefits.
Seeing a mule in a dream means traveling. If someone sees a man sitting astride a mule, then someone will deceive him by seducing his wife.
If anyone sees ants entering his house, this is a sign of acquiring property
To see a bee or a fly means people of low birth and truthful speech.
If anyone sees that a mouse has eaten food or anything else in his house, it means his life will be shortened.
If he sees a butcher unknown to him, then he has seen the angel of death.
Raw meat means forbidden property, and boiled or fried meat means property belonging to the king.
If someone sees in a dream his spiritual mentor ("pir" or "ishan" a mentor in achieving mystical perfection), then the meaning of such a dream is similar to the meaning of a dream concerning angels, as mentioned above.
If someone sees the sky in a dream, he will be blessed with greatness and a high position. If someone sees in a dream that he is ascending to the sky, he will make a long and long journey, from which he will benefit. If anyone sees that he has ascended almost to heaven, he will acquire a high position both in religious matters and in worldly affairs.
If someone sees a young man unfamiliar to him in a dream, then his enemy will appear.
If someone sees himself as a beggar in a dream, his property will increase, but he will spend it on unnecessary things, or he will become an important person.
But, if any other sinful person sees in a dream that he is born from his mother, then he will repent of his sins (that is, he will be reborn morally).
If someone sees in a dream that his thighs and lower legs are stronger than in reality, then he will have an abundance of livelihood.
If someone sees that his nose has become great, it means achieving an honorable position and wealth, longevity and abundance of children, but seeing one’s nose shrink in a dream means the opposite.

If someone sees that he is being circumcised, he will receive deliverance from sin and will fulfill the Sunnat.
Shoes and galoshes mean a maid or servant, as well as property; and any kind of clothing in general, old is for sorrow, new for joy, but worn shoes have a better value than new ones.
Seeing sheep means receiving spoils of war. If someone sees in a dream that he has acquired many sheep, he will become the head of some society. And seeing other animals in your power has the same meaning. If someone sees in a dream that a sheep has been slaughtered, it means that he will receive benefit from the ruler.
If someone sees a fire that brings harm in a dream, it means war and enmity, and if that fire is harmless, it means cholera and plague, may the Lord deliver us from them!
Good and clean clothing for a man means high position, honor, honors, benefit, piety, position and wife, and for a woman a husband; i.e., if a woman sees this pure and Nice dress, then her husband will be a good man.
Seeing a pond, cistern or spring is a sign of goodness, happiness and abundance.
If someone sees that he is performing ablution, he will be clean of sins, no matter whether he is a man or a woman. If someone sees in a dream that he is performing a complete ablution, he will be freed from want and freed from sadness and worries. If someone sees in a dream that he is performing the usual ablution before prayer, then he will get rid of the storage of the property entrusted to him.
The black falcon, eagle, royal falcon, kite and gyrfalcon mean a powerful and strong king. Seeing any harm from these birds means trouble on the part of the king, and whoever sees pleasure received from these birds in a dream will experience joy on the part of the king.
If someone sees a donkey with a pack, he will benefit from a favorable combination of circumstances, and if someone sees that a donkey or a horse or a camel appears in front of him, he will achieve his desire.
If anyone sees a hunter, it means he will get his food by deception and cunning.
foreign king
The date palm is a learned man who does deeds worthy of the teaching of faith.
A pencil case means an old woman, or a pregnant woman, or the benefit of a rich woman.
Coals, ashes and ash represent vain worries, enmity and illness.
Binding to receive an inheritance, or return a deposit, or obtain a means of living through legal means. Lamp (chirog) means the human body, the lamp is the soul, and the oil and wick are the liquids contained in the body. If someone sees a lit lamp in a dream, it means health and longevity.
Seeing a feather (kalam) in a dream means fulfilling the commands and prohibitions of God.
If someone sees in a dream that he has a ring made of iron or silver on his hand, he, in accordance with his position, will either achieve greatness and honor, or marry a wealthy woman, or have a beautiful child.

If someone sees in a dream that he spat on some person, it means that the one on whom the spitting was made will suffer some kind of loss or grief.
The weather is cool and pleasant, bringing peace and joy. Stormy and dusty weather spells trouble.
Seeing the droppings of any animal before the birth of a child.
Crops represent science and worldly goods permitted by religion. If anyone sees sowing in a place not suitable for sowing, it means that people with hostile intentions will gather there. If anyone sees that he is sowing, he will receive benefits from a high-ranking person. If someone sees that he is sowing a second time in a place where there was no hope of germination, he will receive unexpected benefits.
If someone sees that he is fasting, he will refrain from inappropriate actions. If he sees that he is performing Hajj, then he will be safe from all troubles and will receive relief from sadness.
If someone sees in a dream that sweat is coming from his whole body, he will soon receive satisfaction in his needs.
there is a learned and virtuous man.
Ceiling is a man of high rank. If someone sees that the ceiling has fallen on him, then he will experience some kind of trouble from a person of great rank, or someone from an important house will return from a trip.
If anyone sees a material merchant in a dream, he will achieve greatness. If anyone sees that the merchant has sold the dress, then the one who had such a dream will face some kind of quarrel. If anyone sees a money changer, he will know a lot about good and bad deeds.
If anyone sees prophets, saints and sages in a dream, then the brief interpretation of this dream is as follows: if you see them in good condition in complete beauty and contentment, then the deeds of the one who saw them will be directed towards good and he will receive a place of honor. And if he sees them with a gloomy face and angry, the meaning of the dream is the opposite of what was said. Likewise, it should be clear that whatever the deeds of that prophet, or saint, or imam during their lifetime, the same griefs will befall him, but the outcome of all this will be good for him, and he will gain victory over his enemies. If anyone sees in a dream Muhammad Mustafa (Mustafa the Chosen One, an epithet of Muhammad. The names given by pious Muslims to this prophet on the basis of the Koran are very numerous. I saw a manuscript dedicated specifically to praises in honor of Muhammad, his names borrowed from the Koran), may he be God's blessing and peace be upon him and his descendants! in good attire and in full beauty and good disposition, then if the one who saw such a dream had grief, he will receive deliverance from this grief, and if he was a beggar, he will become a rich man and make the Hajj (journey to Mecca). And if anyone sees the prophet with a changed complexion, a constricted heart and sadness, then in that area there will be a decline in faith and Sharia. But in general, seeing His Holiness (the Prophet Muhammad) is sooner or later a consolation and mercy in any state.
Wheat means property acquired with difficulty and anxiety, and sesame means acquiring property that was not expected.
If someone sees a drunk person in a dream, it means a person who has enriched himself through the forbidden, through crime and bloodshed.
If someone sees in a dream that he has bought a slave, then his desire will come true. If someone sees in a dream that his child slave has become an adult, he will be freed from depraved habits. If someone sees that he is buying a slave, he will receive joy, but selling a slave will bring sadness or false witness. If someone sees in a dream that he is being sold into slavery, then for a poor person this means the achievement of all kinds of benefits, and for a person who has benefits, it means anxiety, and for a sick person, it means recovery.
If someone sees that he is in paradise and eating the fruits of paradise, he will become a scientist, doing deeds worthy of the teachings of faith, and will be honored both in this world and in the future.
If someone sees that he has vomited, he will repent of his sins or repent of any deed that he has committed.
If someone sees in a dream a small child who is known and familiar to him, this means joy, but if that child who sees the dream is not known and familiar, then he will be overcome by care and sadness, and an enemy will appear to him, but not a strong one. If someone sees an adult in the form of a child in a dream, he will commit a deed that will bring reproaches on him. If a beggar sees this in a dream, he will achieve pleasure and relaxation, and if a rich man, then some other person will take possession of his property.
The cutter means the judge or leader (raisa) who will pronounce the decision, or put an end to the litigation.
If anyone sees that he has scooped or drunk water from a river or sea, he will receive property by the mercy of the king or ruler. If someone sees himself in a boat, he will be freed from troubles, and will also be busy and completely absorbed important matter. If anyone sees that he has left the boat on the shore, he will defeat the enemy.
If someone sees in a dream that his height is higher than usual, it means that his death is near. If someone sees that he is of proportionate growth (proportional), this means importance in society and honors. If someone sees himself as very short in stature, this will lead to dishonor and humiliation.
If someone sees in a dream that something has entered his mouth, he will have food. If someone sees something coming out of his mouth, and if something good comes out, then good words will come from that person. If something bad comes out, then the person who sees such a dream will say bad words. If someone sees in a dream that he speaks a lot of words, then he will have great deeds. Cleaning your mouth before prayer has the same meaning.
A grove and any green plant canopy in general means the faith of Islam, or the good news.
If someone sees an unfamiliar woman with bare arms in a dream, then he can be at peace about property and worldly goods. If someone sees that his hands are tied, it means that he will be idle, or will lose his faith. If someone sees in a dream that his hands have dried up or become powerless, then his loved ones will leave him. And if he sees that he has many hands, he will do good deeds, provided that the person is righteous: if he is wicked, he will further increase his criminal and depraved acts. If someone sees that his hand is painted with “quinna,” then he will be a participant in the killing of a person, and if he sees that both his hands are painted, it means that by worrying about the affairs of everyday life, he will incur anxiety and grief.
Sel ( mountain stream) to the enemy, and being saved from a mudflow in a dream means getting rid of the enemy’s machinations.
Seeing a garden means worldly affairs, and the meaning of trees has to do with women.
Lard and oil represent lawful property, learning, allowance or benefit.
to see a cloud of locusts means an alien hostile army.
Gray hair
If any service man (Sepoy horse warrior. This was the name of the service class in the Central Asian states) sees in a dream that his black hair has turned white, then his superiors and superiors will change their disposition towards him and dislike him.
If someone sees himself enjoying love in a dream, then anxiety and sadness await him. And if he sees his love broken, joyful news and rejoicing await him.
Seeing silver means receiving permitted property.
Seeing a tablecloth covered with food means receiving the means to live and longevity.
Scorpio to the appearance of a weak enemy: the intention of this enemy is no more than to cause damage to the property of the dreamer. A scorpion sting means slander from the enemy.
If someone sees that an elephant has rushed at him, he will suffer some kind of misfortune, and if someone sees himself riding a tamed elephant in a dream, he will rise in rank.
If someone sees a lot of saliva coming out of his mouth in a dream, it means that he will gain a lot of property and lose it again.
If someone sees in a dream that he has died, and if at the same time he is at home, then he will have to travel; if he is away, he will return to his homeland, and if he is a prisoner, he will be freed from his bonds.
Crying in a dream means joy, and laughing in a dream means heavy thoughts and sadness.
Seeing a dog means the appearance of a weak enemy, and barking a dog means accusation from gossipers. If someone sees that a dog has torn his dress or bit him, it means that his enemy has the intention of fighting him.
to a strong pestilence.
Seeing the sun means a king or ruler of a state. If someone sees himself illuminated by the sun in a dream, then his deeds will be good. If anyone sees in a dream that there is a dark cloud around the sun, he will be sad and preoccupied with his affairs.
If you see an old or mature person in a dream, this means prosperity and the appearance of a benevolent friend. If a young man sees in a dream that he has become an old man, then his honor, honor and learning will increase and the end of his life will be glorified. If an old man sees himself young in a dream, in joy and joy, he will become the commander of an army and become younger. If someone sees an old man in a dream, he will be a man of experience and advice.
If someone sees an elderly woman in the image of a young woman, and, moreover, in a cheerful mood, his affairs will be arranged in accordance with the desire of his heart; and if he sees her with a gloomy face, he will be constrained in his means of living, and sorrow and need will fall to his lot.
If someone sees that he has hit the target with an arrow, it means that his intention will come true in accordance with the desire of his heart.
Whey, cheese, sour milk, etc. to the emergence of sadness and worry.
Whey, cheese, sour milk, etc. to the emergence of sadness and worry.
Eating sugar cane in a dream means uttering words that are pleasant to others.
A cloud or cloud is a merciful and learned king or ruler, doing deeds worthy of the teaching of faith. A cloud with thunder and lightning is an angry and fearsome king. If someone sees in a dream that a cloud has covered the sky, but a storm and thunderstorm do not accompany this cloud, then the one who saw such a dream will receive mercy from the Almighty God. Rain, if visible everywhere, means the mercy of the Lord, and if it happens only in one area or building, it means illness or unrest.
a pious and pious person.
Seeing dates leads to lawful property and hearing pleasant speeches.
If someone sees a collar on his neck that causes embarrassment in a dream, he will have an unpleasant thing happen to his neck. If someone sees in a dream that someone’s neck was cut and his head was given away, then for the sick it means healing, for the debtor it means release from debts and the performance of “Hajj”.

In the Islamic world, dreams are equated with prophecy and are given Special attention. The interpretation of dreams is based on the religious beliefs of Muslims and has a different approach to the meaning of symbols. Let's consider the question: Islamic dream book interpretation of dreams. This article will also be of interest to representatives of other religious faiths.

The decoding of dream images is based on provisions based on the Sunnah and the Koran. The works of Imam Muhammad, the greatest scientist of the Islamic world, also enjoy great confidence. Muslims sincerely believe that dreams can help in choosing the right life path , protect from haram (sinful actions) and point out shortcomings in personal development.

An important point is the similarity of Islamic values ​​with universal human values. Interpretation by symbol is based on the natural understanding of the images seen in a dream. The dream is perceived as “observation of the soul”, which reads the signs sent down by Allah. Scientists of the Islamic world are deeply convinced that the souls chosen by Him can correctly interpret the signs of the Almighty. These souls are marked by special holiness and wisdom - saints and prophets.

The Muslim dream book on the Quran and Sunnah represents knowledge about dreams from the point of view of the Islamic religion. Through a dream book, a person can get an idea not only of the images he saw, but also understand their religious component. Therefore, the Islamic dream book is a deeply spiritual and sacred book.

Characteristics of dreams

Holy Scripture defines three types of dreams:

  1. dreams sent by Allah;
  2. dreams from Shaitan (Satan);
  3. dreams from the subconscious.

The signs sent down by the Almighty bring goodness and edification. These are small prophecies that show a person the right path. These dreams are distinguished by the presence of the image of the Prophet, Angels and saints.

Dreams from Satan are filled with nightmares or temptations. These paintings are designed to confuse the believer true path and lead in a dark direction. Sometimes Shaitan influences a person with fear in order to force him to commit haram (sin).

Scientists of the Islamic world believe that dreams from the shaitan come only if a person spent the day incorrectly - succumbed to temptations, did not perform the ritual of going to bed or did not perform ablution before going to bed. It is forbidden to tell others about these dreams.

Dreams from the subconscious talk about the experiences of the current day, the person’s impressions. Sometimes these dreams are confusing and incomprehensible: such visions do not need to be deciphered.

Distinctive features of the Muslim dream book

Islamic dream book - interpretation of dreams according to holy quran strikingly different from other interpreters. The difference is as follows:

  • The decoding of images approved by the Holy Scriptures is used.
  • What matters is the interpretation of the images seen by the Prophet himself and his personal interpretation.
  • The interpretation is always clear and understandable, as close as possible to the natural perception of images.
  • The order of the recorded images is not in alphabetical order, but in order of importance from the point of view of scholars of the Islamic world.
  • Some images, which are usually interpreted negatively/positively, take on diametrically opposite meanings in the Islamic dream book.
  • The dream book forms the behavior and worldview of a person that is correct from the point of view of Islam, that is, it is an instructive manual and a guide to action.

How to use Islamic dream book

To correctly decipher a dream, follow these instructions:

  1. Correlate what you saw with a certain category: a dream from Allah, a dream from Shaitan, a dream from the subconscious.
  2. Highlight the main line of the dream, discarding unnecessary details.
  3. From the remaining images, select the most significant ones and look at the meaning in the interpreter.

A Muslim believer must consider each of his dreams through the prism of the revelations of the Almighty. If the dream corresponds to revelations, it can be believed. Otherwise the dream should not be taken into account.

The most famous Islamic dream book is “Tafsir of Dreams” by Ibn Sirin, which contains about a thousand dreams and their interpretations.

What to do if you have a favorable or unfavorable dream

If you happen to see a sign from Allah or an instruction from the Prophet, do the following:

  • Give praise to the Almighty for your sleep.
  • Be filled with joyful anticipation of the fulfillment of the sign.
  • Tell those who love and appreciate you about what you saw.
  • Interpret the dream correctly, because exactly those symbols that you have designated through the dream book will come to life.

If you happen to have a scary dream, do the following:

  • Ask Allah in prayer to protect you from evil.
  • Ask for protection from Shaitan - three times.
  • Spit to the left three times.
  • Change your position when falling asleep (turn over to the other side).
  • Perform the ritual of Namaz.
  • Don't tell anyone about the contents of your dream.
  • Don't try to interpret it even for yourself.

If you do the above seven points, the dream will not come true by the will of Allah.

Interpretations according to the Holy Quran

  • The rope symbolizes the covenant of Allah.
  • the ship is a symbol of salvation.
  • Wood - hypocrisy in faith.
  • Stone is a hard heart.
  • The infant is the enemy.
  • Ash, ashes are an empty matter.
  • Greens and vegetables - replace the good with the bad.
  • A good tree is a good word.
  • Bad tree is a bad word.
  • Garden - good deeds.
  • Eggs and clothes are a symbol of a woman.
  • Light is the path of truth.
  • Darkness is the path of delusion.

Interpretations according to the Sunnah

  • Raven is a wicked man.
  • The mouse is a sinful woman.
  • Rib, glassware - a symbol of a woman.
  • The shirt is a symbol of religion, faith.
  • Milk is knowledge.
  • A black woman with shaggy hair is a plague.
  • Rain is the path of truth and knowledge.
  • Smooth road - .
  • Walls are the commandments of Allah.
  • Open doors are the prohibitions of the Almighty.
  • Home is heaven.
  • Feast (feast) - Islam.
  • The caller to the feast is the Prophet.
  • Camel - greatness.
  • The sheep is the grace of the Almighty.
  • Horse - prosperity, goodness.
  • Sweet lemon - a true believer who reads the Koran.
  • Date is the one who does not read the Koran.
  • Basil is one who pretends to be a believer and reads the Koran.
  • A coloquint is someone who pretends to be a believer and does not read the Koran.
  • Oppression is darkness.
  • Stinginess means bloodshed and death.
  • Palma is a Muslim devoted to Allah.
  • Fire - confusion, destruction.
  • The stars are scientists.
  • Iron weapons - victory, strength.
  • Aroma is praise, a good deed.
  • The Rooster is an influential person.
  • The snake is the distributor of heresy.
  • The patient silently leaves the house - to death.
  • A sick person leaves the house talking - to recovery.
  • Coming out of narrow doors is liberation, relief.
  • The death of a person is a return to the Almighty.
  • Working with the soil is work.
  • The dog is not a dangerous enemy.
  • Leo - power and authority.
  • The fox is a treacherous person.

Other interpretations

Often dreams have opposite interpretations. For example: since the Almighty sent him visions during the day.

Always remember the main thing: dreams come true exactly as they are interpreted. It is better to refrain from interpretation than to invite misfortune upon yourself.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card: