Good varieties of tomatoes. Tomatoes are the best low-growing varieties for open ground. Algorithm for successful cultivation

When choosing a certain type of tomatoes, a summer resident must be puzzled by the question of where he will grow them - in a greenhouse or natural conditions, because for open ground and film greenhouses are suitable different varieties tomatoes. Approaches to growing fruits in a greenhouse and open ground are very different.

Advantages of growing different varieties of tomatoes in open ground

The most productive variety of tomatoes intended for growing in a greenhouse will not produce high yields under natural conditions. And vice versa: tomatoes for open ground planted in a greenhouse will not give high yields and will not have as good a taste as they should have if all cultivation conditions are met.

When choosing tomato varieties, be sure to pay attention to whether they are intended for growing in open ground.

Characteristics of different varieties of tomatoes

The types of tomatoes are extremely diverse. Each of them has unique taste qualities and timing of fruit ripening. For example, an early-ripening tomato variety ripens very quickly, while the number of days from germination to fruiting is very small. Another species requires special care conditions, for example, requires pinching, etc.

Some fruits are more suitable for fresh consumption, while others are only good when canned.

The shape of tomato fruits also has a wide choice. Some of them have an unusual shape (for example, there is a type of tomato shaped like a banana, the fruits of which have a bright yellow color characteristic of this fruit). Such fruits are good for decorating a holiday table, because... will look very impressive.

IN general view Tomato varieties are classified according to the characteristics of their food use and are divided into 4 large groups:

  • Pickling fruits, the fruits of which are usually small, red in color, and have excellent taste;
  • Canned fruits, characterized by very small fruits and thin skin;
  • Salad dishes that do not have a uniform characteristic, because They can be red or yellow, large or small;
  • Saucy, with soft pulp, which contains a lot of liquid, and also contains large seeds.

Yield varieties of tomatoes, differing in bush shape

Plant bushes can be:

  • Shtambov;
  • Neshtambov;
  • In the form of potato tops.

Knowing these features, an experienced gardener can at least approximately determine the types of tomatoes visually.

The first type in the above list has low bushes and medium-sized castings.

Non-standard bushes have larger leaves, but their stems are very thin, so they require a garter. The advantages of tying tomatoes are:

  • To prevent the growth of excess shoots, which may subsequently hinder normal development plants and fruit ripening;
  • In supporting the stems of tall plants, which, if they cannot withstand the weight of very large fruits, can break (stakes support the plant stem);
  • In preserving the integrity of the fruit, because, having fallen on the ground, tomatoes can be subject to rotting, insects, etc.

Thus, tomato garter - correct solution for those gardeners who strive to get the maximum yield from the bush.

Tomato bushes in the form of potato tops can be extremely difficult to distinguish from potato bushes themselves. Sometimes even experienced agronomists cannot do this.

Climatic conditions for growing productive tomato varieties

Any productive type of tomato has its own requirements for growing climatic conditions. What is good for one can be disastrous for another. Some varieties are suitable for growing in the southern regions, others - in the northern. Due to ignorance of this fact, unfortunate agronomists often receive a zero harvest.

However there is universal species, suitable for growing in different conditions, suitable for open ground and film greenhouses (as a rule, they all belong to early ripening varieties):

  • Bear Paw;
  • Mazarin;
  • Grandma's secret;
  • King of the Giants;
  • Bull's heart and many others.

The best tomato hybrids for open ground: early and mid-ripening

Gardeners who grow tomatoes in open ground for fresh consumption or canning are primarily interested in varieties and hybrids of tomatoes for open ground that ripen early. This is not surprising: every gardener wants to see the results of his labors as quickly as possible.

There are a lot of such types of tomatoes, but the best of them (no more than 10 types) have long been the subject of attention of experienced gardeners.
The fact is that not every variety is easy to grow. Many plants require pinching or other specific care conditions. If the plant is more than 30-40 cm high, it requires tying. Thus, most gardeners excluded a number of tomato varieties from their attention.

For open ground and film greenhouses you need to choose different types tomatoes, as we found out earlier. And which of them are super-yielding, we will tell you further.

So, these are the following varieties of tomatoes, very tasty and healthy:

  • Lemon liana (or its other name - wonder of the world);
  • Roma;
  • Anniversary Tarasenko (hybrid-35);
  • Anastasia;
  • Crimson giant, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the features of each listed types, remembering that they do not belong to the universal ones, i.e. are not suitable for open ground and film greenhouses, but are intended only for cultivation in natural environmental conditions.

The fruits of the raspberry giant variety of tomatoes are very large, even one of the largest. This is an early ripening variety. They are red in color and have a characteristic crimson tint. The weight of each fruit exceeds 500 grams and often reaches 700 grams. This species does not require pinching and other special conditions cultivation. The fruits are located on the branch of the plant in several pieces, they are very heavy, so it is often necessary to tie up the bushes. The plant is about a meter high. This is perhaps the only drawback in caring for the variety.

The fruits of the lemon vine, as the name of the variety suggests, have the shape and appearance of a lemon, although the weight of the fruit is inferior to the weight of a lemon and is no more than 100 grams. The fruit ovaries are numerous: on each branch there are 30-40 pieces.

The fruits of this tomato variety are often used in canning.
Housewives marinate them in their own juice, making a beautiful and tasty snack. This is also an early ripening variety of tomatoes, like the previous one described. Plant up to 70 cm high.

I would like to talk about Anastasia separately, because... This is a productive variety that produces a lot of fruit. This plant, about a meter high, also does not require pinching, like the previously mentioned tomato varieties. Medium-sized tomatoes, up to 7-8 on each bunch. The fruits are good raw; often after picking they are served immediately and are not used for canning. They are slightly elongated in appearance and are red in color. One Anastasia bush gives a high yield (up to 12 kg of delicious tomatoes). The plant is no more than one meter high.

The Roma variety was bred in distant Holland, but has also taken root here in Russia. The fruits are plum-shaped, light in weight (up to 100 grams). Even though the weight of the tomatoes is not great, but on one cluster of the plant an average of 20 small tomatoes are tied.

If the Roma variety is not universal in terms of growing conditions, then its fruits can easily be classified as such. They are used by housewives in pickling and canning. Such tomatoes would also be appropriate in vegetable salads. Note that this is a productive variety that gives a large number of tomatoes from the bush.

The anniversary variety Tarasenko is classified as a mid-season tomato, but this does not affect its popularity among gardeners. The fruits of this variety of tomatoes have correct form And average weight(up to 200-240 grams).

Growing tomatoes of this variety is not difficult, because... the plant is unpretentious. True, it does not have any particular resistance to diseases, as experienced agronomists note. But this is not a problem, since various diseases in the plant occur infrequently. The plant is usually 70-80 cm high.

Thus, suitable for cultivation in open ground early varieties tomatoes, none of which require pinching, and all of them are unpretentious to external conditions. Usually these are low-growing varieties, because tall bushes need gartering, which can only be done in greenhouse conditions. However, some gardeners, preferring tall varieties of tomatoes, still grow them in open ground (for example, the pink honey variety). Of course, the yield is somewhat reduced.

What varieties of tomatoes are good for open ground in your opinion? What do you prefer to grow on your summer cottage?

Good day, dear readers! Today I would like to talk to you about: the best varieties tomatoes for open ground. Many gardeners prefer to grow tomatoes in open ground, especially if the climate is favorable.

It is important to know about some features of varieties for open ground:

  1. The difference between the species is visible in the color of the fruit, in its shape, as well as in the time of ripening.
  2. The average growing season lasts about 80 days.
  3. There are vegetables that can be preserved for a long time, and others that can spoil very quickly.

Before you decide which tomato varieties are best for open ground, learn more about the variety existing options. The choice is influenced by parameters such as heat resistance, ease of care and fleshy pulp.

When choosing, it is worth paying attention to the time of fruit growth. Depending on this factor, tomatoes are early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

Regardless of the variety, certain rules must be followed. After harvesting the previous crops, the soil needs to be fertilized, and in the spring the soil is dug up again.

By the way, do not plant tomatoes after peppers or potatoes, as these crops are affected by the same diseases.

It doesn't matter what kind of seedling you choose, but if you don't provide it with proper lighting, it will negatively affect its yield. The leaves will take on a pale tint and the rate of ripening will slow down.

And moisture is necessary to create a strong root system. When watering, do not allow water to fall on the leaves.

It is better to plant seeds using seedling technology. This can be done at home in March. And the resulting sprouts move to the gardens in May.

The best varieties of low-growing tomatoes

Low-growing or determinate species are in demand among summer residents due to the following properties:

  • early maturation;
  • can grow in different types of soil;
  • have vegetables of bright colors;
  • requires simple care;
  • little susceptible to diseases and bad weather;
  • can grow outdoors.

Here is a description of the individual options:

This species is considered late ripening. The height of the bushes is about 150 cm. For better growth, it is important to tie them up in a timely manner.

These vegetables have a round and flat shape and excellent taste. Tomatoes make excellent juice.


It is a high-yielding mid-early species. This is a compact plant that can be planted both in the garden and in closed greenhouses.

Tomatoes have an oblong shape and a pinkish color. They are distinguished by their universal purpose and sweet taste.

This is an early ripening and low-growing variety. The height of the bush is from 50 cm.

Such a culture does not need pinching and tying. In the garden, seedlings appear in 100 days. The yield indicator of this species is 6-7 kg/sq.m.

The tomato got its name due to the fact that after delivery the fruits acquire a whitish tint. When ripe they turn scarlet. The weight of such a tomato reaches 90-130 grams.


The tomato bears fruit after 90 days. Used for the seedless growing method. He doesn't need stepsoning and doesn't get sick much. The shrub grows up to 45 cm. The rounded fruits weigh 90-120 grams.

Lady fingers

This type of tomato is resistant to heat and drought. This is an early ripening species. Can ripen in 95 days. From 1 sq. m. yields about three kg of vegetables. The tomato has elongated fruits.

You probably know that varieties need to be selected depending on geographical location. The use of tomatoes in Siberia has its own nuances.

The harsher the climate, the lower the growth of the bushes. Superdeterminate varieties are used, which, due to their small growth, ripen faster and have high yields.

For such a climate, varieties such as Pink Honey, Nevsky, Stolypin, Arctic, Polyarny or Taimyr are suitable. These species have a height of no more than 60 cm, they do not require pinching or thinning, the fruits have a rich taste and bright colors.

Video - the best tomatoes for open ground in Siberia

For the Moscow region, such species as Yamal, Vzryv, Beta, Utenok or Demidov are suitable. They are similar in quality: universal in use, immune to disease. A full harvest will be obtained in 95-125 days. At the same time, vegetables are characterized by a variety of colors.

Yield varieties

Good varieties of tomatoes are productive vegetables. For different areas, options are selected that are characterized by excellent immunity from pests, as well as the required resistance to low temperatures. Such tomatoes grow well in any area, including Siberia.

In addition, they are famous for their increased productivity and survival rate in any conditions. These species have:

  1. The Marmande tomato is a high-quality vegetable, as it is rarely susceptible to fungal diseases. Advantages include resistance to temperature changes.
  2. Sevruga is a vegetable that is adapted to the northern regions. Initially, these were tomatoes of Dutch selection, acclimatized for the regions of the Middle Zone, and then for Siberia. The fruit can weigh up to 450 grams. These tomatoes are easy to transport due to their hard skin.
  3. TO effective types refers to the Roma tomato. It produces about 68 tons of vegetables per hectare. This is a culture resistant to pathogenic fungi that tolerates temperature fluctuations very well.

Early varieties

Let's look at popular varieties early cultures. These tomatoes have a lot of advantages. In addition to early ripeness, it avoids late blight and has a wonderful aroma and taste.

Seedlings early vegetables planted in the garden in May. At this time, in many areas the soil is already warming up well and even small drops in temperature will not cause harm.

The early varieties include the following:

  1. Leningrad chill does not grow beyond a height of 40 cm. You can actually get about 23 kg from a bush. The vegetables are not very heavy, about 70 grams. Strength resistance to low temperatures and late blight is considered.
  2. The hybrid Doll F 1 will sing in 87 days. It is distinguished by its significant dimensions and pinkish color. The weight of the vegetable can reach 200 grams. This tomato does not crack, as it is obtained using the seedless method. Ripens in 88 -95 days.
  3. When choosing ultra-early ripening options, pay attention to Aphrodite 1. It takes about 78 days from small sprouts to large vegetables.

Mid-season tomato varieties

The best mid-season varieties are:

  1. Budenovka, who will sing in 115 days. Shrubs grow only up to 70 cm. Using pinching, you can grow fruits large sizes. Use them for lecho, tomato puree, as well as for all kinds of preserves.
  2. Rose honey produces vegetables 110 days after germination. Often used as a sweet variety. The weight of the vegetable is about 400 g. They are used in the production of salads, but are characterized by poor resistance to disease.
  3. Ox's heart is a vigorous crop. It grows well in the southern regions of the country, and is also suitable for Ukraine. The fruits are characterized irregular shapes and can be quite large in size. Weight reaches 500 g.
  4. The nobleman can be up to one and a half meters high. The vegetables are characterized by their pinkish color and heart-shaped shape. They have average keeping quality.

Varieties of cherry tomatoes for open ground

Cherry tomatoes have high or low bushes. The last option allows you to get early harvest. Consider the following options:

  1. In an open area, a tomato like Lukoshko on the window grows superbly. It ripens in 85 days. For this crop there is no need to do pinching. About 8-10 fruits are formed on one brush.
  2. Early ripening species include Cranberry in sugar. It produces low-growing seedlings that do not require staking. Round and small tomatoes form on the stem. It is resistant to climatic changes and late blight.
  3. Coin are early ripening tomatoes. This option is not afraid of late blight and ripens in 80 days. Vegetables weigh 10-15 grams and have a yellowish color.

When selecting a variety, it is important to consider the region. For example, not all varieties are suitable for the Moscow region. It is better to choose varieties such as Honey Drop, Mio or Likou.

Large varieties of tomatoes

Large fruit does not always indicate a rich harvest. This factor is not decisive when choosing varieties; indicators such as yield, disease resistance and, of course, taste are much more important. Large tomatoes include those whose weight exceeds 250 grams.

It is worth choosing the following options:

  1. Sprint timer is grown in the south of Russia or Ukraine. Has a spreading bush. When caring for this tomato, fertilizing, removal of stepsons and garter are required. No more than four bushes are planted per square meter. The fruits have a fleshy structure and excellent taste.
  2. Pudovik can weigh up to 900 grams. The tomato has a pinkish tint and fleshy flesh, and is also heart-shaped. An excellent option for the Urals and the Black Earth Region.
  3. The king of kings is a mid-late species with resistance to late blight. Its weight ranges from 500 grams to a kilogram. Has good taste and versatility.

Black varieties

Did you know that black tomatoes appeared in the middle of the last century? They were obtained by crossing red fruits with wild ones.

These types are considered more beneficial than regular red tomatoes, as they have antioxidant properties. You can consider the following options:

  1. Black Moor is a mid-season tomato. The bush yields about 4-6 kg of tomatoes. The vegetable is good fresh or as an ingredient for preservation.
  2. Mid-season varieties include De Barao. The height of the stem can be up to one and a half meters. The plant requires staking. The shape of the vegetable is elongated. This is a disease-resistant variety.
  3. Chernomor belongs to the mid-early category. Gardeners remove up to 3.5 kg from a bush. Delicious vegetables received in 120 days. The color of the tomatoes is brown-red. The fruits are of medium size.
  4. Negrotok is capable of producing up to four kg per bush. The fruits have black skin and reddish uniform pulp. These are sweet tomatoes used for salads.

New varieties for open ground

Breeding techniques do not stand still. The newest improved hybrids, standard and productive species are emerging. Every year producers are trying to get better quality fruits with short ripening periods.

It is worth noting the new products from the Agros company, which sells seeds for residents of the Urals and Far East. High-yielding crops include Casper, which is characterized by compactness and excellent setability.

The Euro company offers seeds from well-known breeders working on disease-resistant varieties. The Bratishka species is distinguished by its early maturation. The fruits can be obtained 65 days after germination.

The varieties of the Russian Garden company are popular. Famous varieties include Gigantissimo and Plum Drop.

Here is just a small part of the whole variety of magnificent varieties. Select the seeds correctly and then you will get a rich harvest.

Video - determinate tomatoes for open ground

Great varieties and great vegetables for you. If you know any interesting varieties, please share them in the comments. See you soon, dear friends.

» Tomato varieties

Tomatoes are grown everywhere, in most regions of our huge country. The only exception is the far north. But not everywhere it is possible to cultivate this crop in open ground. Although this method of cultivation has huge benefits and makes it possible to collect the most healthy and tasty fruits. They differ in taste from tomatoes grown in greenhouse conditions, outperforming the latter. The mass fraction of nutrients is also much higher in these varieties than in those grown in a greenhouse.

Which tomato is best suited for open ground? It is impossible to give a definite answer to this question. After all, each category and each region of Russia has its own favorites.

In open ground you can grow the entire range of tomatoes: determinate and early ripening, popular ultra-early and super-early, from low to high. They also differ in taste, color, aroma, chemical composition, juiciness, etc. Owners of even the smallest plots of land try to plant at least a few tomatoes on them.

Early tomato varieties are the most common. They can be found in every summer cottage or garden. It’s no wonder that this variety already has favorites that have won the trust and love of most gardeners.


An early universal variety, the tomatoes of which are excellent for both canning and fresh consumption. The fruits have rounded shape When ripe, their color is deep red. Their weight ranges from 55 to 124 grams.

Tomato Marisha

Taste qualities are rated very highly. The yield is quite high and tolerates transportation well.

Fruiting and ripening are friendly. Marisha was bred at the North Caucasus Research Institute of Horticulture and Viticulture.


Bred at the Vavilov Institute. An early variety, the fruits of which begin to ripen within 3 months after germination. The height of the bush is no more than 70 cm, compact. The tomatoes are plum-shaped and weigh 80-90 grams. The skin is dense, the color of a ripe tomato is red-orange.

The taste is good, the tomatoes are very meaty and dense. Excellent for pickling and canning, as well as fresh consumption. Productivity is high. Transportation is well tolerated. When stored for ripening, they can be stored for quite a long time.

Tomato Valentine


Ripens within 80 days after germination. The height of the bush is up to half a meter, compact. The fruits set in any weather, the harvest ripens very smoothly. The shape of the tomato is round, slightly ribbed, weight ranges from 100 to 160 grams.

The color becomes deep red when ripe. The taste is average. The main purpose is fresh consumption. Good yield. Transported poorly.


A real favorite of summer residents. One of them is that it has low-growing standard bushes that do not need staking. Ultra-early ripening (ripening begins 80 days after germination). Increased cold resistance, requires minimal light for ripening.

Productivity is average. The weight of the tomato is about 80 grams, the color is rich red. The surface is slightly ribbed.

Tomatoes Sanka Description of the variety Parodist Grandma's Kiss

The tomato is very meaty with good taste. Purpose: universal (suitable for preservation and fresh consumption).

Grandma's kiss

It is an early-ripening, tall tomato that needs staking. Tomatoes are round in shape, slightly ribbed, weighing from 200 to 500 grams. When ripe they are bright yellow in color. The taste is excellent and has a light fruity aroma. The fruits are very juicy and can be used both for fresh consumption and for preservation. The productivity is very high.

Owners of small plots dream of reaping a rich harvest, but at the same time using as much less area. That is why they try to select varieties that will produce a large number of fruits and at the same time have good taste characteristics.


  • bush of medium height, requires garter;
  • early ripening tomato;
  • the fruits are heart-shaped, slightly ribbed, weight reaches 800 grams;
  • When ripe, the color of the fruit is bright red.

The taste is simply excellent. Suitable for all types of preservation and for fresh consumption. Rich in vitamins and useful substances. The Alsou variety is easily transported and stored, which is an additional advantage.

Honey saved

Tall mid-season variety with large fruits orange color. The weight of the fetus ranges from 160 to 220 grams. The taste is good, the flesh is sweet. Suitable for fresh consumption and canning. The fruits have a long shelf life and tolerate transportation well.

Honey saved

Tomato varieties for open ground differ not only in terms of ripening, but also in zoning. Even the same variety different regions may behave differently. That is why when choosing a tomato, you must also take into account the climate. In the south of our country, in Rostov region, Bashkiria, as well as in Nizhny Novgorod region The best performing tomatoes were Premium and Marshmallow in chocolate.

Marshmallows in chocolate

The main advantage of this variety is its excellent taste. And thanks to the unusual coloring of the fruit, this tomato has gained additional fans with non-standard preferences. The bushes are quite tall and require garter. Mid-season with high resistance to diseases.

Marshmallow tomatoes in chocolate

The weight of the fruit is about 120-150 grams, the color during the ripening period is red-brown with small stains of a dark green hue. The pulp has a sweet taste and is very juicy. There are few seeds.

Tomatoes are poorly stored and are mainly consumed fresh. Very high yield.


A very productive and early ripening hybrid with a low bush. The fruits are fleshy, their weight reaches 130-140 grams. Their shape is round, and when ripe they are red in color. Ideal for processing and canning; consumed fresh after full ripening on the bushes. Fruiting is very friendly, disease resistance is high.

Premium variety

IN Leningrad region There are some peculiarities of growing tomatoes. A damp and cool climate is not suitable for all varieties. The following are considered the best for this region.


Mid-season hybrid with medium-sized bushes. The fruits are round in shape and very dense. The mature color is red, the weight reaches 115-140 grams. Very good taste. It is valued mainly for the fact that tomatoes do not lose their commercial qualities over the course of a month and withstand transportation well. Their purpose is universal. The fruits do not crack and are highly resistant to diseases.

Leningradsky early ripening

An ultra-early ripening standard variety that does not require pinching. The fruits are small, weighing 50-60 grams, red in color and round in shape. The taste is quite good, the application is universal. Resistant to cracking and most diseases.

Leningrad early ripening Tomatoes Mongolian dwarf Description of the variety Pharaoh

Mongolian dwarf

Unusual with rather small bushes. Their height reaches only 15-25 centimeters. But the fruits are not so small - up to 200 grams. Their color is red, the taste is sweet, juicy.

The yield is simply excellent. Tomatoes are resistant to cracking, disease, and tolerate transportation well.

The use of the harvested crop is universal.


Despite the fact that the variety is early ripening, it is resistant to diseases and cold. The plant is standard and reaches a height of no more than 50 cm. It does not need a garter. The fruits are round, not very ribbed, their color is bright red.

The taste is at a very high level, the tomatoes are resistant to cracking. Suitable for all types of processing and preservation, as well as for fresh consumption. They are stored for a long time and tolerate transportation well. Fruiting occurs even under unfavorable conditions.

Tomatoes Flash Variety Gribovsky


An early-ripening standard variety that tolerates low temperatures well. The fruits, weighing from 60 to 100 grams, are round in shape and red in color. The taste is very good and suitable for transportation. Intended for fresh consumption.

Self-pollinating tomatoes

In certain conditions, insect pollination occurs very poorly. It is in this case that self-pollinating varieties are a real find.

Eagle Heart

A real giant among tomatoes, which also has an excellent taste. Productivity directly depends on the soil and the quality of the seed. The bush is very powerful. The fruits ripen over a long period of time.

Temperature changes are not dangerous for this variety; it is resistant to diseases. Requires tying. The shape of the fruit is heart-shaped, the weight can reach 1 kg, the color at maturity is bright pink. There are not many seeds, the pulp is sweet and dense. The fruits are very well transported and stored.


They differ not only in the color of the fruits, but also in the timing of their ripening. As a rule, these are early and mid-early tomatoes, the shape of which resembles the hat of the famous Japanese emperor. The bush is tall and powerful.

The weight of the fruit reaches 250-300 grams, the shape is flat, slightly ribbed. The taste is excellent, the yield is average. It is consumed mainly fresh, but is also suitable for processing and preservation.

Monomakh's hat

An early standard variety, distinguished by truly royal fruits. Resistant to many diseases, produces crops even with a lack of moisture in the soil. Fruit ripening is consistent. Productivity is high. The ripe fruits are bright red in color, round in shape, and weigh up to 900 grams. Very good taste. Tomatoes are well transported and stored for a long time.

The advantage of low-growing tomatoes is that they do not require garter. It is precisely because of this that most summer residents give them preference.

Abakan pink

Refers to average late varieties, bears fruit for a long period. This is exactly what stands out to our competitors. The bush is not tall, up to 1 meter high. However, the yield remains at a high level.

The weight of one fruit is 250-300 grams, but with good care it can reach 500 grams. The tomato is heart-shaped and has medium ribbing. The number of seeds is small. Productivity is high. They are used mainly for fresh consumption. Transport doesn't matter.

Abakan pink tomato


An excellently adapted variety for regions with short summers.

Early, very productive, small bush. The fruits are small in size (80-100 grams), red in color and flat-round in shape. Ideal for both fresh consumption and all types of preparations. Resistant to diseases. Fruits even under unfavorable conditions.


It has good productivity. Doesn't need a garter. The fruits are bright red, round, slightly ribbed, weighing 60-80 grams. Resistant not only to diseases, but also to adverse weather conditions. The taste is high. Ideal for both fresh consumption and all types of preservation.


Late medium height. Resistant to major types of diseases. The variety easily tolerates drought, the fruits have excellent taste and are universal in use. When mature, they are bright red in color, round in shape, and weigh up to 180-240 grams. Well transported.

The variety of tomato varieties for open ground is simply amazing. In all the variety, all that remains is to choose what is right for you, best suits your needs and is suitable for growing in the given climatic conditions. You can diversify not only the ripening time, but also color scheme of your harvest.

Tomatoes are the most common vegetables that most often grow in a summer resident's garden. They contain many nutrients and can be consumed fresh, thermally processed, or canned. In addition, tomatoes can help a person fight various kinds of ailments. Every year, new productive species appear among the old varieties. They are distinguished by their special taste and ease of care. You can grow almost all types of tomatoes in unprotected open ground.

Low-growing varieties for open ground

Low-growing ones may stop growing immediately after the appearance of 5 brushes. Such varieties can produce crops early.

“Riddle” is considered the best variety. Tomatoes of this variety have a good color that lies evenly. Round shape. If we consider other varieties that ripen in a short time, then it surpasses them in taste. One tomato weighs 150 g. It will take approximately 2.5 months for the fruit to fully ripen.

You will find a list of early varieties for open ground.

During the growth process, the bushes develop very well, and their height is no more than 45 cm. The stem of the bush is strong, and there are a lot of leaves on the bush. These factors indicate that there is no need to additionally tie up the tomatoes. The culture has one drawback: it is necessary to eliminate growing stepsons. Therefore, you need to constantly care for this variety. Stepchildren can be used for growing small bushes. These shoots have the property of good rooting in the ground. Fruits appear on the stepsons only 2 weeks later. If you do not carry out pinching, the tomato harvest will be large, but small.

The best varieties for open ground are presented.

"Crimson Giant" produces large fruits early. If we talk about this group of tomatoes, which produces a good harvest, then this variety is considered practically the only large-ripening one. Can weigh 700 grams. One brush can produce 6 tomatoes. Every third leaf allows the formation of leaves. The shape can be different, but generally they are flattened either on the sides or in height. The color of the tomatoes is pink, the aroma emanates from the fruit. If you properly care for the bushes, then from one such bush you can get about 15 kg of pcs. “Crimson Giant” ripens within 4 months. All this time he is able to resist various diseases.

"Anastasia" considered very early. The bushes are quite tall, they can even grow into 2 stems. An ovary forms every couple of leaves. One brush can produce 8 pieces. One tomato weighs 200 grams. If you properly care for your plants, you are guaranteed a good harvest. From one such bush you can remove 12 kg. At the tip, the tomatoes seem to taper. This feature characterizes this variety. The pulp of the fruit is juicy and soft.

"Roma" was bred in Holland by Dutch breeders. The variety is classified as mid-season. Tomatoes are similar to plums. Weight is only 100 grams. 20 pieces can grow on one brush. Most often, this variety is planted in order to later pickle or preserve the fruits.

"Rio De Grande" considered universal. The height of the bush is small, only 60 cm. The tomatoes are small in size, their surface is smooth. Sweet in taste, they are often used for pickling. The average weight of one tomato is 120 grams.

"Watercolor"The bush has a height of 50 cm. It takes 3 months to ripen. The fruits have elongated shape with fairly thick skin. Weight is 110 grams. Pleasant taste is preserved even during storage. Septoria and blossom end rot are not dangerous for these fruits. These varieties are considered the best among low-growing determinate species.

Typically, the height of a bush of any of these species, like tomatoes, does not exceed 1 meter. Since low-growing varieties have a small root system, then they will take up little space in the garden. Due to the fact that the fruits ripen very quickly, they are not afraid of diseases such as late blight. It usually spreads in August. By this time, the low-growing varieties had already produced their harvest. Usually tomatoes are sown in the first days of May or in the last days of April.

Standard varieties of tomatoes are considered the most unpretentious; they are usually not planted, but require support. Due to the fact that many fruits ripen on the bush, the bushes can bend and break. Varieties belonging to these species tolerate cold well. What are the highest-yielding varieties of standard crops?

  1. "Betta" refers to early ripening species. Tomatoes ripen within 2.5 months. The height of the bush is 50 cm. This variety produces a small harvest, and the weight of one tomato is 50 grams. From one bush you can harvest about 2 kg of tomatoes.
  2. "Rose of Wind" refers to frost-resistant species. The height of one bush is no more than 46 cm. The weight of the tomato is 130 grams. The fruit tastes very juicy and sweet. It will take 3 months for tomatoes to fully ripen.
  3. "Polar" classified as early ripening superdeterminate species. The bush grows only 30 cm in height. And the fruits weigh 150 grams.
  4. "Severin" gives a very good harvest. This is one of the species that does not require careful care. 50 cm is the height of an adult bush. Tomatoes store well and for a long time without cracking.

Mid-season high-yielding tomatoes

"Medium Late" belongs to the mid-late species, which bears fruit very well. Among the others pink varieties they are the largest. The height of the bush exceeds 1 meter. The weight of one tomato ranges from 100 to 160 grams. This variety produces a stable harvest, and the taste of the fruit is very pleasant. Tomatoes can sit for a long time, while maintaining their taste.

"Wonder of the World" It is distinguished by its unusual color and shape. Outwardly they are similar to lemon. In common parlance among summer residents you can hear such a name as “lemon-liana”. One fruit weighs no more than 110 grams. The minimum weight is 50 grams. Up to 45 tomatoes grow on the clusters growing from below. No more than 25 pieces grow on the clusters at the top. Typically, the fruits of this variety are canned or pickled.

"Tarasenko 2" grows quite tall. One brush can produce 35 tomatoes. The skin of tomatoes is dense, and the flesh is soft and sweet. Fruit color is orange with reddish tint. One tomato weighs 60 grams. Due to their ability to be stored well, they can be transported over long distances.

"De-Barao Royal Pink" looks similar to the shape of a pepper. 300 g is the mass of a tomato. Tomatoes have a sweet, delicate taste and their color is pink. From one bush you can harvest 5 kg.

Self-pollinating tomatoes

Determinate varieties include the following:

  • "Southern Tan";
  • "Pink Tsar";
  • "Honey Saved";
  • "Midas".

The most common large fruits include:

  • "Orange Miracle";
  • "Eagle Heart";
  • "Mikado"
  • "Monomakh's Cap".

If we consider varieties according to high level set, which have small fruits and an even shape, then the following are distinguished:

  • "Yellow Drop"
  • "Sanka"
  • "Cherry"
  • "Truffle"
  • "Shuttle".

How to grow properly low growing tomatoes for open ground without pinching will help to understand.

Ultra-early ripening

Typically, these varieties are planted in regions where there are difficult growing conditions. After planting the seeds, it will take 3 months before the fruit appears.

What and after what can be planted is indicated.

"Sanka" has a compact appearance. reaches 50 cm in height healthy bush. When planting seedlings, the distance between the leaves should be minimal. There is no green spot in the stalk area.

"Valentina" considered good in terms of resistance to diseases and pests. Drought is not a problem for this variety. The height of the bush is 0.7 m. The bushes grow quite spreading. Pruning is not required for this species. The shape of the tomatoes is plum-shaped. The pulp is quite dense. The weight of one tomato is 120 grams.

Hybrid " Far North» begins to bear fruit after 3 months. Late blight is not dangerous for this variety. Tomatoes are colored red and have a spherical shape.

"Amur standard" gives a very good harvest even in bad weather conditions. The bushes grow up to 50 cm and produce a good harvest. The shape of the fruit is round, the tomatoes are colored red. One tomato weighs 80 grams. These tomatoes are not demanding in terms of care. Most often, the fruits are consumed fresh.


This video will tell you which varieties of tomatoes are suitable for open ground.

For getting good harvest just choose the right tomato variety for your climate zone. It is also important to understand for what purpose you want to grow tomatoes. Some species are chosen for preservation, and others for fresh consumption. You will find a list of low-growing varieties for open ground.

In order to avoid the result of the well-known expression that Russia is a country of evergreen tomatoes, lovers of growing these vegetable fruits in the open ground of the Middle Zone should remember simple tips.

The main obstacle that prevents you from growing a mature, full-fledged crop of tomatoes is the defeat of plants by the notorious late blight. Brown spots on leaves and fruits become a curse and for a long time discourage the desire to spend energy on growing your favorite fruits.

Method for selecting a suitable variety

The main condition for a good result in middle lane are the weather conditions in August - only dry and hot month guarantees tomato lovers positive result. It turns out that fighting late blight is quite easy under any weather conditions this summer. You should remember (write it down), perform small mathematical calculations and follow simple tips:

Thus, adding to the constant 50−60 (age of seedlings) variable values ​​of favorable development 65−70 (for the Moscow region) and subtracting 15 (suspension in development), the maximum duration is calculated The growing season for tomatoes suitable for growing in open ground in the middle zone is 100−115 days.

Classified according to ripening time these figures correspond only to early ripening varieties. Therefore, when purchasing seeds or seedlings of early-ripening, mid-ripening or late-ripening tomatoes, you will “work” at your own peril and risk.

However, even when growing only early varieties of tomatoes, it should be remembered that in the conditions of the middle zone, by the time the risk of major late blight damage arises, they will only just begin to ripen. Therefore, in order to collect the largest possible number of ripe tomatoes, you need follow the following recommendations:

Don't forget about prevention- such treatment has a serious impact on the quality of plant development in a favorable period. Use new modern means - for example, Donor and Biofora. Treat the seeds and roots of the seedlings (when transplanting into the ground) and treat the plants every 2 weeks. Do not forget about regular loosening and fertilizing.

Proven varieties for the middle zone

Do not be upset by the resulting restrictions in the choice of varieties based on the timing of fruit ripening. Plant a combination of tomatoes of different heights, with a variety of colors and fruit shapes in the beds. Check out a small list of good early-ripening tomato varieties suitable for growing in unprotected soil in central Russia, which will help simplify the choice of seed.


Alicante. Resistant to fungal infections and high air humidity, tall variety English selection. Traditional round form And scarlet color, weight 100 g, classic taste. Very high yields. The bushes are indeterminate.

Explosion. Low-growing bushes that tolerate rainy and cold summers well. Red fruits - up to 200 g. Explosion is an improved selection of the well-known White filling.

Irina. A medium-sized plant with red round fruits and a weight of 50 to 70 g. It forms ovaries well in low temperatures. It is distinguished by 100% yield of marketable products and increased productivity - 20% higher than the norms according to the Argo standard.

Countryman. Carpal hybrid, with the possibility of sowing seeds in open ground. Valued for the excellent taste of plum-shaped tomatoes, bright red in color, with a fruit weight of up to 90 g. The variety shows good results even in risky farming areas.

Salad and large-fruited

For those who like to pamper themselves delicious fruits straight from the garden you will surely like:

For preservation

Gold of Koenigsberg. Orange pickling variety of tomatoes. Tall up to 1.8 m. Despite quite heavy weight one tomato (200−300 g), very convenient for preservation - the elongated fruits easily fit into the neck and are compactly “lined up” in jars and barrels. The yield of one stem is 3-4 clusters with 4-5 fruits on each.

Rocket. Low-growing, weakly leafy bush (50−60 cm) with oval red fruits (50−60 g) and good yield. The result of special breeding work for cultivation in the middle zone. Ideal choice and guaranteed results.

Tolstoy. A tall hybrid of tomatoes with high yield - up to 12 kg per bush! Can grow in shaded areas. The fruits are bright red, round, with thick skin and weighing 100 g.

For pickling

Tarasenko - 2. Tall (up to 2 m) hybrid of special selection “for salting”. Oval-rounded fruits with a characteristic elongated nose are not ideal for pickling, but they also have excellent keeping quality and can withstand simple storage until December.

Marusya. A medium-sized variety that can withstand unfavorable climatic conditions. Tomatoes are red, round, weighing up to 100 g. The plants tolerate drought well, and the fruits do not crack or fall off.

Pickling miracle. A low-growing standard bush with elongated, oval, orange-red fruits. Weight - 100 g. The excellent performance of these tomatoes “complicates” the purchase of seed material.

For stuffing

Charlie Chaplin. Indeterminate (tall) plant with round-flattened, large, red fruits. The variety of these tomatoes has been tested for years - it has been cultivated since 1953.

Striped Stuffer. High-yielding variety from German breeders. It is distinguished by very thick walls of tomato fruits. The middle is “compressed” and can be easily removed. Cuboid-shaped tomatoes are very decorative - painted red and covered with yellow stripes.

Finally, another tip is to find fruits that are affected brown spots, do not wait for ripening, but immediately pick and process them into tomato caviar or snack salads. Warm summer, sweet tomatoes and excellent harvests!