The character of a man named Korney - various traits and fate. Meaning of the roots name

If you are in the process of finding a name for your child, you will probably be interested in the meaning of the name Roots. On the one hand, it is traditional, and on the other, original. On this moment this name is not very common, so you don’t have to worry that kindergarten or there will be several Korneevs in the class at once.


The meaning of the name Korney is largely determined by its origins in the family nickname Cornelius, which is of Roman origin. It is translated as "horn". Another version of the translation is “dogwood berry.” Korney celebrates his name day twice a year:

  • March 5 (February 20) - abbot of the Pskov-Pechersk monastery, Reverend Abbot Cornelius. Converted many Livonians to Orthodoxy. He was killed in 1570.
  • 26 (September 13) - the name of the holy great martyr Cornelius the centurion is commemorated.

There is an interesting thing connected with Korney’s name day. folk sign. It is believed that from September 26, the roots in the ground stop growing and begin to freeze. Therefore, it was on this day in Rus' that it was customary to begin harvesting all root crops, except turnips.

Character traits

The meaning of the name Korney, the fate and character of its owner are to some extent interconnected. Here are the features it has:

  • Does not tolerate falsehood. He will never demonstrate something publicly if he does not feel such emotions inside himself.
  • Can't stand noise and fuss. Prefers quiet time at home.
  • In his youth he forms a system of beliefs and views and remains faithful to it all his life.
  • Stable in habits and attachments.
  • Has a practical approach to life. Tries to benefit from everything.
  • He has an inexhaustible capacity for work. This characteristic is especially evident when he has some kind of goal in front of him.
  • Always behaves tactfully and correctly.

Strengths and weaknesses of the name

The origin and meaning of the name Roots affect the formation of personality. Moreover, the name determines not only positive inclinations, but also negative characteristics.





    sound reasoning;



    constancy of views;

    ability to love.

Weak sides:

  • rancor;




    explosive temperament;

    lack of sense of proportion.

Name horoscope

The meaning of the name Korney is also determined by astrology. Here are some points to pay attention to:

  • Libra. For boys born under the auspices of this constellation, the name Roots is perfect.
  • Patron planet - Saturn.
  • Lucky color- dark green. It is very important that it be present both in the interior and in Korney’s wardrobe.
  • The talisman tree is maple. To restore energy and peace of mind, it is recommended to lean against the trunk. It is also recommended to have some kind of talisman with the image of a maple leaf or a wardrobe item with such a print.
  • The lucky plant is parsley. It is recommended for the root to be consumed daily in dry or fresh form.
  • Totem animal - really. Korney is recommended to always have with him a small amulet with the image of this reptile.
  • Talisman stone - amethyst and jasper. Korney must have some kind of small talisman inlaid with one of these stones.

Spelling out

IN Lately The name Korney is gaining popularity. The meaning of the name for the child and his future is determined by each letter, namely:

  • K is the letter responsible for endurance and fortitude. A person whose name begins with this letter does not have a “golden mean”. He wants to have everything or nothing.
  • O is the letter responsible for the sensual side of personality. Determines the depth of emotional experiences.
  • R - defines self-confidence and courage. A person with such a letter in his name is quite capable of taking risks, even if it is not justified.
  • N - defines the mood of protest. A person with the letter “N” in his name is an irreconcilable fighter for the truth.
  • E is the need for self-expression, as well as the desire to reach the top in all areas of life.
  • Y - defines high morality and spirituality, as well as adherence to social norms.

Love and family

The meaning of the name Korney leaves an imprint on the relationship of its owner with representatives of the opposite sex. Outwardly he is reserved, but inside he has fiery passions. It is they who force Korney to start numerous promiscuous relationships that can ruin a man’s reputation. However, being confident in his own superiority, he is often deceived by women.

When Korney finally finds his one and only beloved, he rushes to legitimize this relationship. He treats his life partner tenderly and reverently, and is very afraid of losing her. When Korney starts a family, he turns into a real breadwinner. Strives to provide his wife and children with everything they need on their own.

Hobbies and career

The meaning of the name Korney largely determines the professional orientation of its owner. Since childhood, he has been distinguished by his wild imagination and pronounced acting abilities. As well as extraordinary intelligence and an analytical mind. Innate inclination and restraint make one, with age, put aside the creative direction and focus on accumulating knowledge.

Korney does not like to work in a team or obey anyone. He gravitates more towards individual entrepreneurship or high management positions. As a rule, he achieves significant profits almost immediately. However, he does not know how to manage money at all. Therefore, in order to maintain a sufficient level of well-being, he has to work hard and diligently all his life.

Health status

The meaning of the name Korney for a boy to some extent determines the state of health throughout life. We can say that this is an average child who often gets colds and also periodically faces digestive problems. But closer to 30 years of age, the issue of diseases of the musculoskeletal system becomes acute. Therefore, regular moderate physical exercise, as well as a dry, warm climate.

Roots comes from the Latin root meaning “horn.” According to another version, from the Latin word “cornum” - dogwood berry.

Patron planet of Korney: Pluto.

Colors favorable for the owner of the name Korney: steel, brown.

Korney's favorite colors: green, white.

Korney talisman stones: emerald, agate.

Meaning of the name Korney

This name is dominated by solidity, reliability and balance, gentleness. At the same time, it reveals a person with significant and sometimes painful pride. Nevertheless, Korney is sociable, enterprising, and inventive. A person with a quick reaction and intelligence, capable of any type of activity, and can do several things at the same time.

Korney keeps to himself in society and does not want to attract attention to himself. He is humble and ambitious. The energy of the name smacks of antiquity, since Roots are not modern man. Behind his external restraint, emotions and passions often boil. It happens that even a minor offense gradually grows in his soul to significant proportions. Sometimes positive emotions achieve great strength in Korney’s soul.

Korney is a talented person; he can work as a carpenter, a mechanic, or a pilot, but often Korney is a writer, actor, artist. There is no doubt that his hard work and thoroughness in business could provide him with a successful career, but for this he desperately needs self-irony and a little more openness, as well as the ability to soften misunderstandings with the help of humor.

The karma of the name will improve if Korney is somewhat more frank and sincere. Family life Korney’s system is well established.

Korney has friends, but not many, since not everyone can communicate with him. He has high self-esteem and remembers evil for a very long time. He is the one his friends turn to if they need something fixed, if they need advice. When communicating with him, do not be too persistent in your requests, and in conversation try to replace emotions with calm prudence.

Known in history Kornei

Korney is the pseudonym of the writer Korney Chukovsky, whose real name was Nikolai Korneychukov (1882-1969). However, this pseudonym, replacing the name, had a much greater influence (than the name itself) on the character and fate of the author. It is interesting that a man named Nikolai over time acquired many character traits that are inherent in men named Korney. Korney Chukovsky always took a special interest in everything related to children. So, every year he organized real holidays for children in Peredelkino under the motto “Hello, summer!” and “Goodbye Summer!”, in which a huge number of children took part. In his youth, Chukovsky never imagined that someday he would write for children. Everything happened as if by accident, when Chukovsky was transporting a sick person on the train. little son. “To keep him from whining, I began to read him some kind of fairy tale,” Chukovsky later recalled. This is how poems about a crocodile and many other works of Chukovsky were born.

Roman generic name, presumably meaning "Archer" (from Latin cornu, "horn, bow").

Energy name

This name is dominated by solidity, reliability and balanced softness. At the same time, it reveals a person with significant and sometimes painful pride. The image of Korney Chukovsky, whose wonderful works are known to almost every child, also plays a significant role here. However, at a young age, the presence of such an eminent namesake, combined with the rarity and visibility of the name, can be not only a source of pride, but also a reason for ridicule and teasing. Most likely, all this will make Korney a very ambitious person and will force him to react painfully to any criticism.

Often in the company of Korney, he behaves somewhat withdrawn and wary, trying not to attract undue attention to himself. However, with such a prominent name, he is unlikely to succeed, which may make him show coldness towards intrusive interlocutors. At the same time, behind his external restraint, emotions and passions often boil. It happens that even a minor offense gradually grows in his soul to significant proportions, further determining Korney’s negative attitude towards his involuntary offender. It’s a pity, because if you explain yourself in time, and don’t keep the offense to yourself, then, you see, there wouldn’t be any misunderstandings later.

On the other hand, positive emotions sometimes achieve significant strength in Korney’s soul. He has a powerful imagination and vivid Creative skills, but painful pride usually prevents him from realizing his many talents. There is no doubt that his hard work and thoroughness could provide him with a successful career, but for this he urgently needs to learn self-irony and become a little more open, softening misunderstandings with the help of humor. This can also save him from many family problems.

Characteristics of the name Korney (Cornelius)

The roots are somewhat dry. But don't be afraid of its icy tone: it's just a means of self-defense. For the same reason he is vindictive. He has a very strong, if not despotic, will. He is no less demanding of others than of himself. This gives his relationships with people some dryness and severity. Being faithful to the idea dear to him, he does not recognize people who easily renounce their beliefs. In general, he is objective, ready to give everything for an idea: he does not like people who easily change their beliefs. Korney (Cornilius) has a strong, even cruel will, an analytical mind, and the gift of creative inspiration. Sometimes he acts under the influence of inspiration, which helps him solve complex problems brilliantly.

Secrets of communication

You probably shouldn’t trust Korney’s restraint too much - his memory is capable of remembering evil for a very long time. The most negative attitude in him is caused by such human qualities, such as increased self-esteem, inconstancy and commanding tendencies. Also, do not be too persistent in your requests and in conversation try to replace emotions with calm reasoning.

Diminutive and endearing forms of names

Korneychik, Korneyushka, Kornel, Korya, Korechka, Kornil, Kornila.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name correspondence: Twins.
Planet: Pluto.
Name colors: steel, brownish.
Most favorable colors: green, white.
Talisman stone: emerald, agate

Name day of Korney (Cornelia)

5th of March- Venerable Cornelius of Pskov, abbot of the Pskov-Pechersk monastery; converted to the Orthodox faith and baptized many Livonians. He was killed in 1570.
11 April- Cornelius of Pskov-Pechersk, martyr, abbot.
June 1st- Venerable Cornelius of Komel.
August 4- Korniliy Pereyaslavsky.
September 3- Cornelius of PaleDionysius, Olonetsky, abbot.
12-th of September- Cornelius Ostrovsky, Rev. (disciple of St. Alexander of Svirsky).
September 26 - Holy Hieromartyr, Confessor, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine Cornelius the Centurion.

Trace of a name in history

“A fly walked across the field, a fly found some money...” - these simple lines are probably known to every Russian child. Just like what was written by a man with a fabulous name - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. In fact, Korney is the pseudonym of the writer, whose real name is Nikolai Emmanuilovich Korneychukov(1882–1969), however, this is exactly the case when a pseudonym, replacing a name, had a much greater impact on the character and fate of a person.

A talented literary critic and translator, personally acquainted with science fiction writer H.G. Wells and Sherlock Holmes author Conan Doyle, Korney Chukovsky has always taken a special interest in everything related to children. So, every year he organized real holidays for the surrounding children in Peredelkino under the motto “Hello, summer!” and “Goodbye Summer!”, in which more than a thousand children took part. However, he never imagined that he would ever start writing children's books. It all happened as if by accident when Chukovsky was carrying his sick little son on the train. “To keep him from whining,” the poet later recalled, “I began to tell him, amid the sound of wheels, some kind of fairy tale that I had long wanted to write, but nothing had worked out for me before.” This is how “Crocodile” was born, and since then the bright, imaginative, rhythmic, easy-to-remember poems of Korney Chukovsky have become a favorite reading for children and a considerable help in education for their parents. Chukovsky admitted: “All my other works are overshadowed to such an extent by my children’s fairy tales that in the minds of many readers, except for “Moidodyrs” and “Mukh-Tsokotukh”, I wrote nothing at all.”

Chukovsky’s children’s poems were subjected to severe persecution during the Stalinist era, although it is known that Stalin himself repeatedly quoted “The Cockroach.” The initiator of the persecution was N.K. Krupskaya, and inappropriate criticism also came from Agnia Barto. Among editors, even such a term arose - “Chukovism”.

In 1957, Chukovsky was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Philology, and in 1962 - the honorary title of Doctor of Literature from Oxford University. As a linguist, Chukovsky wrote a witty and temperamental book about the Russian language, “Alive as Life” (1962), resolutely speaking out against bureaucratic cliches, the so-called “bureaucracy.” As a translator, Chukovsky worked on the theory of translation, creating one of the most authoritative books in this field - “High Art” (1968).

In the 1960s, K. Chukovsky also started retelling the Bible for children. He attracted writers and literary figures to this project, and carefully edited their work. The project itself was very difficult, due to the anti-religious position of the Soviet government. The book entitled “The Tower of Babel and Other Ancient Legends” was published by the publishing house “Children's Literature” in 1968. However, the entire circulation was destroyed by the authorities. The first book publication available to the reader took place in 1990.

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky died on October 28, 1969 from viral hepatitis. At his dacha in Peredelkino (Moscow region), where he lived most of his life, his museum now operates there.

Other famous namesakes of Korney (Cornelia)

  • Korneliy Lyutsianovich Zelinsky(1896–1970) – Russian literary scholar, literary critic.
  • Publius Cornelius Tacitus(c. 56 - c. 117) - ancient Roman historian.
  • Korney Heymans(1892–1968) - Belgian physiologist and pharmacologist.
  • Cornelis Engelbrechtsen(1468–1533) – Flemish painter.
  • Cornelius Jansenius(1585–1638) - Dutch Catholic theologian, founder of the religious movement "Jansenism".

The origin of the male name Korney is Roman. It was formed from the Roman name Cornelius, which translated means “horn”, as it comes from the Latin word “cornus”. In Orthodoxy, Cornelius is considered the traditional form.

The bearer of this name is predisposed to self-sacrifice. Moreover, in order to accomplish it, no great goal is required - Korney can sacrifice his own interests for the interests of another person just like that. In this respect, he is characterized by true nobility.

Although this quality is valued by the people around him, it still has two drawbacks. Firstly: selfish people can take advantage of this. Secondly: a man with this name vitally needs the presence of a person at whose feet he can throw the whole world - to whom he could sacrifice himself, otherwise own life Root can lose all its colors.

In various derivative forms this name is common in the most different countries peace. As a rule, its owners are strong-willed people. This quality is often noted by people around them. Also, men with this name may have a craving for power, influence and strength.

The name Roots has next row synonyms: Cora, Cornelius, Correll, Corneille.

In short, a man named Korney can be called as follows: Kornel, Cora, Kornya.

Secrets of a man's character

The owner of this name can be somewhat dry. However, you should not let this man’s icy tone fool you - he is friendly towards everyone, he just has such a means of self-defense. It’s not worth offending this man and getting in his way, since he knows how and loves to take revenge.

Korney is an extremely strong-willed person. His will can turn into despotism in relation to the people around him. He is very demanding of those around him and does not tolerate people who easily change their own beliefs. However, how demanding he is of himself justifies his behavior.

This man is capable of sacrificing everything he has, as well as himself, for the sake of any idea. Korney has a powerful and sophisticated analytical mind. In some cases, he can act in a fit of inspiration, which helps him find brilliant ways out of difficult situations.

Even in his youth, Korney formed his own system of beliefs, which he would retain until the end of his days. He is also stable in his habits. In any society, he always behaves correctly and does not allow himself to be shocking or extravagant. This man’s hard work often amazes relatives, friends and colleagues.

The fate of Korney

From early childhood and throughout his life, this man will be distinguished by painful pride - he needs leadership, power, influence, strength. In any team, he will have an authoritative position, but he prefers not to become an obvious leader - he prefers to feel like an eminence grise.

In society he will be known as a cheerful and easy-going person, distinguished by his ingenuity. Korney knows how to do several things at once, is quick-witted, reacts quickly to situations and makes the right decisions.

In his youth, he will differ from his peers in his eccentricity and sharpness of thinking. This young man will prefer to act alone, relying only on his own mind, preferring that strangers do not poke their nose into his affairs. For this reason, he may react inadequately to even the most friendly and objective criticism.

Despite the fact that this man seems intractable and generally silent, in fact he greatly appreciates the beauty of words. Also, creative potential is inherent in him from birth. Therefore, Korney will make an excellent journalist or writer.

Various characteristics and name days

Korney is accustomed to achieving his goal at any cost. Fundamentally, he does not believe that insurmountable obstacles can stand in the way of his dream. Such views help him achieve everything he wants, but their danger lies in the fact that it is thanks to them that he can easily go over his head.

  • Patron planet - Mercury;
  • The talisman plant is a wasp;
  • Talisman stone - earthen coal;
  • The talisman plant is a maple leaf;
  • The color of the name is fiery red;
  • Zodiac sign – Scorpio, Aries.

Life in different aspects

A man bearing this name has every chance of realizing himself in the field of art and creativity. He can find real happiness if he chooses a profession in this field, as he has acting abilities, a flexible mind and a rich imagination. However, pride, combined with his modesty, can hinder him in this matter, inclining him to entrepreneurship.

In relationships with the opposite sex, things are not easy for this man. Behind his modesty hides an amorous, ardent and passionate nature. He easily falls in love and loses feelings, often changes women, and often becomes a victim of betrayal. He will have to try to build a lasting marriage.

In terms of health, this man is at risk of developing diseases associated with musculoskeletal system. The development of arthrosis and rheumatism is possible.

Compatibility with female names

This man will have the most lasting and favorable relationships with women whose names are: Agafya, Claudia,. A less successful union will be paired with names such as:, Roxana,.

Famous men

Among the men who bore this name there are famous and outstanding personalities. Among them there is the famous classic of children's literature - Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, a WWII participant - Korney Zerschikov, as well as the famous coach - Korney Shperling.

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The male name Korney is of Roman origin. It was formed from an ancient family name, which is based on the Latin word “cornu” - “onion” or “horn”; according to some sources, it is also interpreted as “dogwood berry”. In more ancient times the name became widespread in the territory Kievan Rus, but at the same time it changed somewhat - turning into the names Kornil and Roots. The original form of a male name is now very rare, since modern parents prefer the Western form of the name - Cornelius.

Bearers of this name have the opportunity to celebrate Angel Day on March 5, when the main patron, Cornelius of Pskov, turned Orthodox faith a large number of Livlanders. The saint died a martyr's death in 1570. In addition, name days also fall on September 26 - the day of the holy martyr Cornelius the centurion.

Characteristics of the name

Since childhood, Cornelius creates the impression of a reliable, balanced and gentle person. But contrary to external impressions, the bearer of this name is often a reserved, proud and mysterious child, who also puts himself above his peers and can interfere in other people’s problems. The boy takes pleasure in lecturing and teaching his comrades and classmates how to live.

In his youth, the bearer of this name shows curiosity, but at the same time has a somewhat reserved character. He can watch people's behavior from the sidelines for hours, and during other children's games he can sit a little further away and not attract attention to himself, playing the role of an observer. Of course, with such a behavior, it is difficult to guess that inside he is an emotional boy who, in a home environment, fully opens up and becomes different - active, sociable and demanding the attention of his parents.

As he grows up, these character traits remain in Korney - he prefers to create his own rich inner world, hidden from others who consider him a cold, secretive and reserved man. He reacts extremely painfully to criticism from people, just as he does to the increased intonation and tone of the “commander” when communicating with him. It is quite natural that such a person does not have many friends, but he does not have any special need for them.

“Autumn” Korney - thanks to the influence of such zodiac signs as Scorpio and Sagittarius, he grows up to be a determined and intelligent man who knows how to influence other people and has fearlessness. A “winter” male representative will be more insightful, observant of the world around him and strive to learn all the secrets of human psychology. In addition, he is distinguished by his polite behavior, but at the same time he is a very uncalculating person who loves to shock others and neglect family traditions.

This is beautiful and sonorous male name empowers a man complex character, which can lead to big problems when building contacts as in business sphere, and in my personal life. On the other hand, it goes well and is in tune with many Russian surnames and patronymics, despite the fact that it is quite rare and exotic. A man with this name extremely rarely allows himself to smile, because he does not feel the inner need. It is worth noting that in most cases he will prefer to live in a house where he will respect family traditions, despite the fact that in his younger years he himself was accustomed to neglecting them.

From a young age, a man named Korney develops a whole system of views and principles that he strives to comply with throughout his life. Those around him are simply amazed at his ability to be stable in almost every matter, adhere to many established habits, and try to be practical and thorough in any matter. A man will always behave correctly, as he is not prone to shocking behavior. At the same time, he is very hardworking and able to work, so he can work all his life physical labor. That is why he often not only fully provides for the family in financially, but also personally deals with food purchases.

The bearer of this name has every chance of achieving success in professional activities thanks to his strong, almost despotic, will. He places increased demands not only on others, but also on himself, but at the same time he is always objective and ready to fight to the end for an idea. He has a negative attitude towards people who change their beliefs and views quite easily. As a rule, he has an analytical mind, but sometimes experiences bursts of inspiration that allow him to solve problems in an unconventional way. The professions of writer, journalist, historian, lawyer, artist and actor suit him better than others.

In marriage, Cornelius can behave ambiguously - he is far from the most good husband, but he cannot be called a frankly bad spouse. He will devote a lot of time and attention to his loved ones, but his work and personal hobbies will still come first. But at the same time, a faithful husband can, if desired, create a strong and happy family. A patient, thrifty and calm wife will suit him.

Famous personalities

Cornelius Zelinsky (1896-1970) - literary scholar and literary critic, Doctor of Philology.

Cornelius Kruys (1655-1727) - admiral of the Russian fleet, Norwegian by origin, was one of the first commanders of the Baltic Fleet.

Cornelius Jacobson Drebbel (1572-1633) - Dutch inventor, made a great contribution to the development of chemistry, optics and the science of measurements, became known as the designer of the world's first microscope, and also as the builder of the first operational submarine.

Corney Jean François Heymans (1892-1968) - physiologist from Belgium who became a laureate Nobel Prize in medicine and physiology in 1938.