Chimney for a bathhouse with cleaning. How to clean a pipe in a bathhouse with your own hands and what to do to prevent it from becoming clogged with soot? Thermal chimney cleaning methods

Good and regular cleaning of the chimney is necessary even when your stove comes from expensive and modern modular systems. But even with very careful and careful operation, soot still settles on the walls of the pipes, and if you also heat it with not the best firewood, then its volume may surprise you. Soot collects even on the smoothest surface, and it needs to be cleaned off - unless, of course, you want your sauna to burn down. But the time when only a professional chimney sweep could clean a chimney is behind us. Today, in fact, there is no such profession - instead, in some schools they train only “cleaners”, although they cannot boast of special skills. True, occasionally you can find advertisements for the private services of a real chimney sweep. And this makes sense - a professional will not only thoroughly clean your chimney, but will also check the technical condition of the chimney itself. Therefore, if your chimney has bends, it was not made by you and you do not really understand all these subtleties - hire a specialist, it will be safer for your health and life. But if construction is a fairly close topic and the chimney is the work of non-visiting migrant workers, and its design is quite simple - feel free to pick up a brush!

Why does the chimney get clogged in the first place?

Let's take a closer look at this process - and much will immediately become clearer. Thus, when wood burns, smoke is produced and gas is released. White smoke comes from water vapor from wood, and black smoke comes from coal, soot and creosote from the same wood. It is from black smoke that a coating forms on the inner surface of the pipe, and the rougher it is, the more soot will settle on it.

The result: it is more difficult for smoke to pass through, thrust decreases, and fuel does not burn completely. In the best case, the chimney will deteriorate over time, in the worst case, the bathhouse itself will burn down.

How can you get rid of accumulated soot?

Sometimes, rather than hiring a non-professional, it’s much easier and safer to remove soot from your own bathhouse yourself - using brushes, modern chemicals for cleaning chimneys and even “old-fashioned” methods, and without necessarily climbing onto the roof!

Let's look at the most popular options for cleaning soot from a chimney and how to do it.

Using a special brush - a simple and proven method

Of all modern mechanical and chemical means, a brush is the simplest and safest. It is only important to choose one that is suitable for your chimney - both in diameter and in length, so that you do not worry about how to clean your chimney of soot along its entire height.

Particularly good is a nylon brush with stiff bristles, which is easy to clean a chimney of any material. Nylon pile is flexible and adapts well to any pipe shape, while simultaneously coping with the most stubborn plaque. But at the same time it does not scratch or damage its inner surface.

The hardest thing is to choose a good brush for chimney bends. This is where the soot settles, and it is not so easy to get it out. Nylon bristles are most suitable for this - they will easily penetrate into the most inaccessible places, while hard brushes will simply scratch the folded areas. And more scratches - less smoothness - more soot clings.

It is also important what kind of handle the brush has - it must be flexible enough so that it can fit into the most invisible nooks and crannies and at the same time be easy to control your movements.

Potato peeling - the old-fashioned method

Here's how to clean a chimney in this way: throw a bucket or half a bucket of fresh potato peelings into a well-heated stove - that's how much will fit into it. During their burning, starch will be released, and it decomposes the soot. Within two to three days it will almost completely fall off the walls of the chimney and partially fall out. After this, tie a brush made of twigs to the brick and clean the chimney from above in the classic way– it will be easy!

Aspen wood - with fire from the chimney

Cleaning a chimney with aspen wood is as old as the hills. But this method cannot be called safe - let's figure it out.

We put aspen wood in the stove and light it well. They burn well and produce a very high temperature. At this time, all doors and valves of the stove should be open, and do not forget to add more firewood. The result is that the soot itself lights up and the stove begins to make a loud noise. If you go outside at this moment, you will see fire pouring from the chimney on the roof of your bathhouse! And the surrounding area will quickly become covered with large white flakes. But the chimney will be cleaned, and cleaned well. If only it can withstand this test - after all, not every chimney is designed for 1100 ° C, and it is at this mark that soot will burn in it.

Aluminum cans - unusual, but effective

The cans need to be burned once in ten fires - this is enough, and very little soot will be collected. The only condition: the fire must be made hot, with a large amount of hard coal - so that the cans actually burn, and do not lie on the wood and change color. Normally, one can should burn out in five minutes.

Hose - whatever is at hand

Some bathhouse attendants don’t bother themselves much with newfangled methods and clean the chimney with a regular watering hose. The whole procedure looks like this:

  • Remove the glass from the bottom of the chimney.
  • We insert a hose from below (preferably from above), preferably a hard one.
  • A few cleaning movements - all the soot is already at the bottom.

You can additionally attach a chopped bottle or brush to the end of the same hose - and you will see how easy it is to clean the chimney effectively and cost-effectively!

Chemical cleaning is unpopular and unpleasant

Chemical cleaning of chimneys is more of a preventative measure than a real cleaning. The bottom line is that after this the soot will fall off in places, but you will still have to use an additional brush. Plus, the smell in the bathhouse can last for several days. Therefore, if potato peelings are not available to you, you can buy some “Komichek” or “Log-chimney sweeper”.

How to properly clean a chimney with a brush?

First of all, before cleaning the furniture in the bathhouse, be sure to cover it. plastic film and curtain the windows thick fabric. Protect yourself from soot: wear gloves, safety glasses and preferably a respirator. Next is this: in most models of stoves and chimneys, manufacturers install special inspection doors to make cleaning easier and more convenient. Pay attention - do you have these?

So, here's how you can clean your chimney well:

  • Step 1. We wait until the stove has completely cooled down and remove any remaining firewood or any other flammable materials from it.
  • Step 2. Remove the damper at the entrance to the chimney.
  • Step 3. Holding the brush firmly by the handle, insert it into the chimney hole.
  • Step 4. Move the brush in a variety of directions, trying not to miss any hard-to-reach places.
  • Step 5. Move the brush further up, and now clean the most high places pipes
  • Step 6. Remove the accumulated soot.
  • Step 7. Close the chimney and rinse the brush with regular warm water.

It is necessary to clean not only soot from the chimney, but also cobwebs, accidentally flying debris and sometimes even bird nests. Even if you cleaned the pipe well, and then didn’t use the sauna at all for a month or two of summer, still pick up the brush.

The fact is that during this time the birds could actually build a nest in the chimney, and the small inhabitants of the corners could weave new webs. And if you carelessly light the stove, it will all burn, and it burns with special smoke and unpleasant smell, and even caustic soot, which will instantly stick to the walls and will “delight” you with a suffocating aroma all winter. Do you need it?...

How to make a good brush with your own hands?

Here's how to make a great budget chimney brush:

  • Step 1. We buy this on the market: a synthetic round broom, a steel cable along the length of the entire chimney, clamps, 2 ears and a pin with 8 mm thread and washers of different diameters.
  • Step 2. Unbend the pile into different sides– it is hard and elastic, so make an effort. The result will be something like a bouquet. If it doesn’t work, put it in boiling water.
  • Step 3. Take a hairpin and screw the ear - from one end, after which we put on the washer and insert it into the hole at the bottom of the brush, then the washer again. The diameter of them just fits the holes of the broom.
  • Step 4. Press down on the base from above and carefully screw on the second fastener. The more you twist, the more the bristles of the brush will diverge to the sides.
  • Step 5. Turn the brush over, see the eye of the fastening and tighten it to the desired size.
  • Step 6. We fasten the cable to the brush using a bracket, measure the chimney opening and cut the fibers exactly to the size of the chimney pipe. If it turns out to be less, it won’t be cleaned. And for accuracy, first try on and cut out a template from cardboard.
  • Step 7. We attach the load - this can be a regular weight from 2 kg.

That's all! You can put up a ladder and go clear the chimney of soot. Good luck!

As the experts said human souls- in the old days, the profession of a chimney sweep was the most emotional and controversial. On the one hand, he constantly looked down on the city and its inhabitants and was surrounded by the romance of roofs, space and light, on the other hand, he was constantly busy in dirty, dusty, unprestigious work. This is why so many chimney sweeps fell to their deaths. Who knows, maybe this is not a banal failure to comply with safety regulations high-altitude work, but elementary torment of the soul and taking one’s own life. But let's not talk about sad things. We are faced with the task of how to clean a chimney quickly, safely, effectively and without any lyricism or tragedy. Let's read.

A smoke exhaust system is an indispensable element of any sauna stove, with the possible exception of an electric one. The combustion of any fuel is accompanied by the generation of thermal energy and the formation of flue and flue gases that have an elevated temperature, a certain exhaust rate and contain combustion products, solid and gaseous.

The design of the chimney varies. It can be direct-flow, and a gate valve can serve to regulate the draft, or it can be absent as a structural element. A direct-flow chimney, especially if its channel has a minimum of turns, is characterized by high draft and, as a consequence, the speed of smoke passing through it. As a result, combustion products do not have time to sufficiently attach to its walls and do not reduce its original cross-section. It seems perfect option? Not really. This option, from the point of view of heating engineering, is very irrational and uneconomical.

Outgoing flue gases have a significant thermal energy potential and it would be reasonable to “press” them as much as possible in this regard. Therefore, in practice there are more complex designs furnaces equipped with labyrinth chimneys, which had many turns and counter passages, however, the length of such channels was several times higher relative to the direct-flow one, so they almost completely took away the thermal energy from the smoke. Difficult, but economical. How to clean a chimney in such a stove is a separate story. The Dutch were more successful than others in constructing complex stoves; in old-time usage even the term appeared - Dutch stove. And, naturally, the Dutch stove makers and chimney sweeps were the most advanced.

Why is soot harmful?

Let's define the concepts. Soot is a collection of various deposits on the inner wall of the smoke duct and chimney, which exist in solid form, of varying structure and consistency and which consist of combustion products that, for various reasons, could not be discharged into the atmosphere by the furnace smoke removal system. Why is she insidious?

  1. Most soot is flammable and its ignition in the channel can lead to a number of negative consequences, from destruction of the integrity of the chimney, up to fire.
  2. Soot deposits reduce the nominal cross-section of the chimney, thereby changing the structural characteristics of the stove, both in terms of heating efficiency and fuel efficiency results.
  3. If the stove has a labyrinth smoke removal system, then soot deposits reduce the thermal conductivity of the contact surfaces, making heat transfer less effective.
  4. The uncontrolled emission of soot from the chimney creates uncomfortable conditions in the surrounding area, from drying washed clothes to evening promenades in light-colored clothes.
  5. Finally, the presence of a large amount of soot in the chimney, in principle, can change the nature of fuel combustion in the stove, initiating the phenomenon reverse thrust, overturning the air stream, up to the formation of carbon monoxide - a terrible and insidious enemy.

Therefore, the question of how to clean a chimney in a sauna stove should arise periodically, at least once a year.

It is obvious that the source fuel directly affects the amount of volatile substances produced in the flue gases. It is especially worth paying attention to raw materials from the so-called “risk group”. Its use provokes the formation of soot deposits by several orders of magnitude relative to normal standard fuel, namely:

  • Wet firewood, that is, wood with a moisture content above 21%;
  • Wooden parts, used structures, with applied layers protective compounds, resins, varnishes, paints, waxes;
  • Firewood from coniferous, highly resinous tree species, in particular European pine and spruce;
  • Burning waste in a furnace, especially containing polymer plastic inclusions, in the form disposable tableware, plastic bottles and other things. In an actively functioning bathhouse, with an extensive relaxation room, this is very important. Especially in winter time, is not it?

A word from Experienced! To be fair, it is worth saying that even when burning conditionally qualified fuel, the chimney may have a tendency to retain volatile substances. It depends on the material of the chimney. Brick, especially low-quality brick, has a very significant surface roughness. In this regard, metal chimneys have good properties, especially those made of heat-resistant stainless steel with a polished surface of the internal section. The only factor that can provoke smoke capture by the contact wall is the formation of condensation. The antidote is to insulate the pipe channel of this type with heat-resistant insulators, in order to prevent the formation of a conditional “dew point” even for a short time.

Worth pointing out external signs, by which the stove system lets you know that the question of how to clean the chimney from soot is already on its way:

  1. When burning, the fuel in the furnace has flame rims colored reddish-violet. This fact suggests that due to insufficient thrust, there is not enough oxygen to oxidize the fuel, so carbon is oxidized to monoxide rather than dioxide.
  2. Rich, dark-colored smoke comes out of the chimney, and involuntary “soot emissions” are sometimes detected.
  3. There is a drop in the calorific value and efficiency of the stove, which affects the speed and quality of heating of the bath room.

Methods for removing soot deposits

Cleaning the pipe from soot can be done various methods and methods that, conditionally, can be divided into several key ones: mechanical, thermal, chemical. Let's take a closer look at them.

Mechanical chimney cleaning

Here we will look at the possibilities of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse using direct mechanical action on its channel. Perhaps this method is one of the oldest and probably the most effective. The famous image of a chimney sweep with a long rope brush on his shoulder is from here.

Chimneys with a direct-flow pipe are well suited for this type of cleaning. The cleaning operation begins from the bottom, and after finishing the cleaning is accessible. Thus, the sections move upward to the roof, where work continues, only in the opposite direction. And if from below we used long brushes or kvachas, fixed rigidly to a holder, then from above you can use a long, flexible, durable synthetic cord, at the end of which a brush with a weighting agent is attached. The whole operation boils down to pulling the tool along the entire length of the channel, knocking off soot build-ups.

Attention! All work at height must be carried out in accordance with all height rules, with the use of safety equipment and the involvement of an assistant.

At the end of the operation, all debris is removed from the drive at the lowest point. Obviously, such work is most effective on direct-flow systems, but how to clean the chimney of soot in a furnace with labyrinth channels? You can also use a good old brush here. However, the furnace system must be equipped with special inspection windows, which are closed with a fire-resistant door with locking fittings during the non-service period. Naturally, such openings must be tightly closed to prevent smoke leaks and “draft leaks.” If the design of the stove is so complex or it was not equipped with inspection windows at the time, then the task of how to clean a chimney in a bathhouse becomes somewhat more complicated, although there are no impossible tasks.

Thermal cleaning

Its essence comes down to several things:

  1. Bringing the furnace operation to maximum power mode with maximum fuel loading and opening the gate valves and blower to the maximum flow area. The rapid outflow of highly heated flue gases will loosen and tear off the soot cakes, and carry them into the atmosphere or fall out at the mouth of the soot collector.
  2. The use of fuel that produces an even, long, hot flame. The maximum draft carries its tongues into the smoke channels, where the soot either burns out or undergoes destructuring and falls into the soot collector.

It is reasonable that in this case a dilemma arises, so how to clean the pipe in the bathhouse, what to use as a suitable fuel?

Ancient bathing practice shows that in the Russian North and in Finland, where resinous wood was used in large quantities as firewood European spruce, necessarily, after every 4 - 5 fires of the bathhouse, firewood with aspen logs was used with spruce logs. Moreover, the logs were chosen to be as long as possible, which implied a deep “overflow” of the flame into the smoke channel.

In the steppe south, where there was no aspen to be found, and chimneys still needed to be cleaned, the problem of how to clean soot from a pipe in a bathhouse was solved somewhat differently. Here, dried stalks of sunflower and corn were used as long-flame fuel. Sometimes a different approach was used. The fuel was not long-flame, but high-calorie. In our case, walnut shells or, in the absence of such, dry husks of seeds, which were collected at the nearest rural oil mill, were good. Of course, one did not expect a long flame from such fuel, but it guaranteed a high temperature and flow rate of flue gases.

Describing the thermal approach to solving the problem of how to clean a chimney from soot, it is worth mentioning another one, which is quite barbaric and unsafe. It appeared in the second half of the 1950s of the last century and quite quickly spread throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. The bathhouse stove was also heated from above, in chimney Diesel fuel was poured in portions, trying to supply it so that it sufficiently wets the walls of the chimney. The use of diesel fuel in solving the problem of how to clean a chimney in a bathhouse from soot can be explained by its availability, good wettability and lower explosion hazard compared to gasoline.

Firstly, let us immediately warn you that in the question of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot using folk remedies, this is not our method and approach. It is known that in relation to gasoline, that in relation to diesel fuel It is not the liquid fraction itself that explodes, but its vapor, and it is easy to obtain sufficient concentration in such a funny way. Secondly, if the integrity of the smoke channel is in question, then the burning liquid can easily find a small passage in a brick seam and begin to burn not the soot, but the under-roof space. In general, if you have a craving for extreme sports in your blood, and an ineradicable desire in your soul to become famous for centuries through U-Tube, then you can, of course, try it, but our editors personally would not recommend it.

On the other hand, if you think about how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot using folk remedies, you can do it easier and, at a minimum, safer. If potatoes are truly your second bread, do not throw away the peelings, but carefully collect and dry them. Having accelerated the sauna stove to the required temperature, they begin to add dry husks as fuel. Some home-grown experts are beginning to explain the effectiveness of this remedy by the amazing ability of the starch contained in potatoes to react with soot and remove it to the root.

A thoughtful reader may ask the question: “comrades, how much starch is needed for the reaction to take place? What if the housewife is the standard of frugality, and not only does there not be any starch left in her scraps, but you can read a newspaper through them? What if potatoes themselves generally contain small amounts of starch?” In general, the operating principle of this method can be safely classified as thermal: the more cleanings, the thinner and drier they are, the higher the flame and the effect. And no chemistry.

However, sometimes you still can’t do without chemistry.

Chemical cleaning

How to clean a chimney pipe using certain chemical reactions.

Actually, in our articles we have repeatedly said that a bathhouse is a stronghold of naturalness, environmental friendliness and sanitary cleanliness, however, about how to clean chimney, in especially severe cases, without the use of modern cleaning products, no one has yet thought of it.

Let's start with a chemical substance, but it does not pose any danger in principle. From ordinary water. If you or your predecessors have heated the stove to such a state that the smoke channel is completely blocked by soot, then you can try the “steam cake” cleaning method. The stove is heated until the smoke channel, at least in its lower part, reaches a temperature sufficient for reliable evaporation of water.

Next, 2.5 - 3 liters are simultaneously poured into the heated chimney clean water, which, having evaporated, squeezes out all the soot in a voluminous steam cloud, God forbid, not together with the bricks. The method is also quite barbaric and, let’s face it, the method is quite controversial. But some fans like it, perhaps not so much for its effectiveness as for its entertainment value; sometimes the entire street gathers to watch such an attraction. About whether he is suitable for you as a practical solution Problems like how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse - decide for yourself.

Important! This method causes a very severe alternating thermal load on the pipe body. If it is metal, then this is one thing, but if the chimney is brick, then you can provoke the destruction of the seams, or even the brick itself, from thermal shock.

Expectations similar to previous ones can be guaranteed by the method of cleaning a pipe in a bathhouse from soot using naphthalene. A one-time 25-30 grams of naphthalene is added to a well-ignited fuel tank. In this case, it is imperative to check the smoke channel for integrity, absence of spills and cracks. The second condition should be considered strict adherence to bookmarking norms. Too much leads to an outbreak, albeit a non-nuclear one, but still.

It would be a bit of a stretch to consider the chemical method to include the use of such a common household reagent as table salt. How to clean a chimney in a bathhouse using it? To do this, it is necessary to periodically add salt while heating the bath, scattering it evenly, in an amount of 15 - 25 grams over the entire volume of loaded fuel. So to speak. This method is rather not a panacea for how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot, but rather a preventive measure to prevent the formation of soot deposits. And the point is not in the mythical ability of “salt molecules to react with something, with something,” but in applied and effective way will reduce the humidity of burned wood. And wet firewood, as we know, is the enemy of a clean chimney.

Application of innovative means

In this section, we’ll talk about how to clean soot from a pipe in a bathhouse, not using antediluvian means, but using the achievements of modern industry as assistants.

The Germans, Austrians and Czechs were the most successful in this. And, if the cost of developing the first two, let’s say, is a little expensive, then Czech products are quite affordable to purchase. There are several such means:

  • Cleaning pellets;
  • Cleaning logs and briquettes;
  • Cleansing powders.

Regarding powders, it is difficult to say what exactly is included in their recipe, since well-protected trade secrets are the key to the prosperity and well-being of an enterprise. But the ability of pellets, briquettes and logs is based on a special pre-treatment of the product, which guarantees: low humidity, high calorie content or in other words - calorific value, and as a consequence, the generation of exhaust gases with a high speed of passage of the smoke channels and, moreover, a certain a composition that is capable of reacting with the soot plug, loosening it and destroying it to the maximum extent. These qualities underlie the mechanism of such action as cleaning a chimney in a bathhouse.


A clean chimney is the key to long and trouble-free operation of not only the stove system, but the bathhouse as a whole. In this material, we have outlined the main methods and methods of dealing with soot deposits, and it’s up to you to choose how to clean the chimney in a bathhouse specifically. Based own capabilities and the prevailing circumstances. The main thing is to do it quickly, efficiently and cleanly.

The question of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot with your own hands sooner or later arises before the owners of this building. If the draft in the chimney decreases, the rate of removal of combustion products decreases. Similar situation may lead to carbon monoxide stops coming out and goes indoors. In addition, the risk of a fire from the ignition of substances and objects that interfere with the normal exit of smoke from the stove increases. Let's consider what causes a clogged chimney and preventive measures.

There are several ways to determine when it’s time to clean the chimney.

  1. Visually determine the traction force. If there is no air flow when the ashpit is open, and the wood burns weakly, then the time has come.
  2. Observe the smoke coming out when burning dry fuel. If it's clear or has a tint of gray, it's fine. Black soot indicates the formation of a thick layer of carbon deposits.
  3. With the help of cargo. You need to take a heavy object (a weight, a log, a basketball filled with water) with a diameter close to the chimney, tie it to a cable and lower it into the channel. If the load does not pass through or is covered with soot, then the line is clogged.

In all cases, you should not postpone the task of restoring the functionality of the bathhouse.

First you need to identify the preconditions that caused the problem.

Causes of a clogged chimney in a bathhouse

They may have a different nature of origin.

They can be caused by the following factors:

  1. Incorrect design and assembly errors. This is a narrow channel, the use of rough material and the presence of many angles and turns that reduce the speed of air flow.
  2. Use of fuels with high tar and creosote content. These substances linger on the walls of the pipe, gradually clogging it.
  3. Lack of ventilation fungus. Because of this, water and dust, small debris and insects enter the chimney.
  4. Pipe destruction and damage. This happens due to excessively high temperatures or after a long period of operation.

Types of blockages in the chimney

Any type of blockage is unpleasant in its own way, but equally dangerous for people.

Conventionally, the problem can be classified into the following categories:

  1. Settlement of combustion products. Soot is formed when rubber and plastic, fuels with a high tar content, burn.
  2. Formation of condensation. When smoke comes into contact with water, a viscous substance is formed that adheres tightly to any material.
  3. Presence of foreign objects. Often, fallen fragments, birds, rodents, branches and nests from nearby trees get into chimneys.

Having determined the cause of the problem and its type, it is not difficult to choose a method to eliminate it.

Cleaning methods

The profession of a chimney sweep is so rare today that in this matter you have to rely solely on your own strength. But, it is not as difficult and hopeless as it might seem at first glance. There are many ways to quickly and efficiently clean even the dirtiest chimney.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the nature of the violation that occurred with the smoke removal system from the furnace.


Used to remove foreign objects using muscular force.

The following devices are used:

  1. Ruff. You can buy it or make it yourself from a metal broom. A heavy weight is attached to the product, after which it is lowered into the chimney. Depending on the configuration of the chimney, a round or square shaped device is used.
  2. A brush with stiff bristles. It is tightly attached to a pole or telescopic handle. Suitable for dry and soft deposits.
  3. Compressed air. To blow through the channel you will need a powerful compressor capable of creating strong pressure.
  4. Hook. Used to push down or pull up stuck foreign objects. The handle can be extended with an additional pole or a telescopic extension can be installed.
  5. Watering hose. It is passed through the channel and moved along its walls.


Using high temperature you can get rid of almost all types of blockages. You should remember the degree of fire resistance of the chimney and the possibility of plaque ignition.

The following methods are used:

  1. Heating the stove with special briquettes that create intense heat. Under its influence, crystallization of the fatty substance occurs. Subsequently, it cracks and crumbles into the oven.
  2. Burning aspen wood. When they burn, substances are released that destroy the structure of the soot. It turns to dust and crumbles.
  3. Blowtorch. This device effectively removes deposits along the entire length of the canal. The lamp is attached to a metal pipe, lit and lowered into the pipe. It is convenient to work as the flame creates sufficient lighting.


The retail chain has many products for chemically removing deposits from soot and condensate products. The principle of their action is based on the dissolution, crystallization and disruption of the molecular structure of deposits. These products are sold in liquid or powder form. Modern household chemicals completely safe for people and the environment.

  • Hanza - a concentrate in the form of granules that destroy soot;
  • Kominichek - powder for removing carbon deposits;
  • Smoke - tablets that destroy the structure of soot.

To achieve the desired result, you need to light a fire in the stove and place a certain amount of the drug in the firebox. As it evaporates, new portions must be added. Penetrating into the carbon deposits in the chimney, the vapors cause a chemical reaction that converts it into something else. physical state. After a day, the walls of the exhaust pipe are completely cleaned, and the material that falls out of it is removed from the firebox and disposed of.

Folk remedies

Over the centuries of struggle with clogged chimneys, our ancestors found many approaches to solving this issue.

Here are some of them:

  1. Washing with water. This method allows you to easily get rid of soot and soot. Water is poured along the walls of the pipe in such a way that it is wetted along its entire length. After this, melt the stove, maintain a low fire in it for several hours, periodically adding water to the chimney. When exposed to heat and moisture, the soot becomes soft. After the coals burn out, it is simply washed off with a bucket of water.
  2. Pipe filling with snow. Used for cleaning thin ceramic and steel pipes. A lump of snow is immersed in a heated channel. Gradually melting, it will slide down, tearing off the softened plaque from the walls. As one lump melts, the next one is added. After cleaning, the pipe must be dried to remove any fungus and condensation.
  3. Burning potato peelings. They have a high starch content. When interacting with it, the soot becomes loose and crumbly. Potato peels are placed on coals in a well-heated oven. After the chimney has cooled down, it is recommended to carry out additional cleaning by mechanical means or by flushing it with water.

Tips for the care and operation of sauna stoves and chimneys

In order not to bring the chimney to a critical state and not to put your life in danger, it is recommended to carry out its prevention.

It is as follows:

  1. Once a quarter, burn a package of aluminum foil in the firebox. This metal turns plaque into dust.
  2. Insulate the pipe to prevent condensation. Protect it from above with an umbrella from foreign objects.
  3. Use fuel with minimal tar content.
  4. Carry out scheduled preventive cleaning of the pipe twice a year.


Not only the temperature in the steam room, but also the safety of people relaxing in it depends on the quality operation of sauna chimneys.

Regular scheduled cleaning is required not only for older systems, but also for the most modern ones. In conclusion, you are invited to watch a video of servicing stove sauna pipes. If you have your own ideas, share them with users of our site.

Outside the city, a favorite place for many people is the bathhouse. During the combustion of some materials, soot and soot accumulate on the walls. If you heat a sauna with wood or coal, sediment will form on the inside of the pipe quite quickly. Against this background, the clearance of the pipe decreases, which can cause a fire. There are several ways to clean the chimney and remove blockages in the stove channel in the bathhouse.

Types of blockages in the chimney pipe

When wood burns, carbon monoxide and smoke are released. The black tint is the result of soot, coal and creosote.

Pipes in a bathhouse can become clogged for several reasons:

  • formation of soot and soot;
  • condensation accumulation;
  • foreign objects getting inside;
  • resin deposition;
  • accumulation of ash.

All wood contains resins. When heated, they decompose and evaporate. Subsequently they settle on the walls of the pipe. With frequent use of the bath, deposits are layered on top of each other and there is a high probability of completely blocking the passage opening. The thickness of the layer depends on the structure of the surface.

Soot accumulation on the inner surface

The formation of blockages can be affected by violation of the rules for laying the chimney, as well as poor-quality material from which the channel is made.

The chimney pipe can become clogged when burning garbage: plastic bottles, plywood, firewood with paint, etc. As a result, the oxide from the garbage will settle faster.

The rate of heating of the bath and the combustion activity of the products will depend on how the chimney pipe is cleaned.

If the chimney is not cleaned, the smoke will not be able to escape outside, which means it will accumulate inside the room. In the future, this can cause suffocation. Over time, the walls will begin to collapse due to high temperatures and chemical reactions. In addition, there may be poor traction and a large number of ash may cause fire or ignition.

When and how often to clean the chimney

The main signs that indicate that it is time to clean the chimney:

  1. Poor draft from the stove during combustion;
  2. Black smoke from the chimney;
  3. Soot flakes fly from the chimney;
  4. Smoke enters the room;
  5. You have to open the lower damper more to make the wood burn;
  6. Arbitrary flame extinction;
  7. An unpleasant odor appeared during heating.

Black smoke is one of the signs that you need to clean your chimney.

If the coating layer is thick enough, it can ignite from sparks during combustion. This may contribute to the destruction of the chimney system.

If the design is of a simple type, then you can clean the chimney yourself. Work should be carried out from the inside and from outside buildings.

The stove chimney is cleaned regularly every six months. However, the procedure can be carried out earlier if characteristic signs of blockage are observed.

Cleaning methods

Depending on the length of the chimney and the material of the pipe, cleaning can be done in several ways: mechanical and chemical. There are also folk methods that were used by our ancestors. If you perform work using one of specified methods, then the sauna stove will clog much less often.

You can clean the pipe yourself, and if you have any questions, seek help from specialists.

To avoid problems when cleaning the chimney, you should consider all methods, and also take into account additional factors: access to the pipe, clogging, and the material from which the chimney is made.

Mechanical method

This is the simplest and most popular method of cleaning a chimney. It is important to know what you can use to clean the channel without damaging the entire system.

Using this method It is advisable to assess how clogged and narrowed the lumen is. To clean using this method, you should purchase a special brush. Thanks to it, you can remove the resulting layer of soot or soot. This brush has a flexible handle, which allows you to thoroughly clean the pipe. You can use a special flexible stick that is screwed into each other.

Cleaning brush

If the chimney is metal, then you cannot use a brush or a brush with a metal base, as this can damage the structure. It is recommended to use a polymer brush made of plastic.

When choosing a cleaning tool, it is important that it matches the size of the pipe. The device moves up and down.

Some craftsmen attach a weight at the bottom of the brush, which is put on a cable. It is advisable to take a cable that is designed for cleaning sewers. It spins well and doesn't bend. This method is used when a congestion has formed and the brush does not pass further.

Ruff with load

Before you begin cleaning, you should close all openings that lead into the house. This will prevent soot from getting inside. An open fireplace should be covered with a wet rag. Mechanical cleaning is recommended when the soot layer thickness is more than 1.5 mm. You can do the cleaning yourself without involving other specialists.

Chemical method

You can get rid of soot and soot using chemicals. The substances destroy formed deposits and do not harm health.

The most popular means for removing soot and soot are:

  • "Kominichek";
  • "Chimney Sweep";
  • Anti-carbon chemical composition.

These are comfortable and safe means, which allow you to clean the chimney without physical effort and expense.

In construction and hardware stores you can find a wide variety of different chimney cleaning products in the form of tablets, briquettes, and logs. The operating principle is as follows: the chemical decomposes combustion products, which prevents the formation of soot. Under the influence of high temperature, the granules melt and a substance is released that dissolves the soot. This occurs through a catalytic reaction - the soot burns without forming a flame.

Impact chemical substances

The product is placed in an oven and burned with wood. If the blockage is severe, you can use several packages. Although these chemicals are harmless, at high concentrations they can be dangerous to the skin and mucous membranes. To avoid this, you do not need to remove the protective shell. After cleaning, the room should be ventilated.

Traditional methods

One of the methods for cleaning a chimney from accumulated soot is the use of aspen firewood. Wood differs from other types in the absence of resins and low density.

First you need to prepare the firewood. They must be dry and clean. First, light a fire using birch or other traditional wood. Then load aspen logs into the firebox. The oven door and damper must be opened. The firewood should burn strongly and the resulting flame will penetrate the chimney. The soot will then ignite on the chimney walls. During the heating process, you can hear the hum of the stove, orange smoke above the chimney, and white flakes on the ground around the bathhouse. These signs indicate that the process has reached a certain phase.

Aspen firewood is a good method to clean a chimney pipe

If the soot blockage is strong, you can break it through with boiling water. Before heating the stove, you need to pour a few liters into the pipe from above hot water. Cool boiling water will soften the build-up and promote the destruction of hot combustion products. As a result, plaque will fly out along with smoke.

To prevent soot formation, table salt should be used. During combustion, you need to add a small amount of sodium chloride to the firewood.

Effective remedies for soot accumulation are potato peelings and naphthalene.

  • Before you start cleaning, you need to cool the stove and clean the firebox, and also remove the dampers. Work should be carried out using protective equipment. During the procedure, harmful substances can fly away and land on the mucous membranes.
  • It is advisable to combine methods for cleaning chimneys for preventive purposes.
  • Over time, soot may again appear in a cleaned pipe, so for preventive purposes it is recommended to carry out work at least 1-2 times every six months.
  • Work should not be carried out in rainy or windy weather. If the deposit thickness is more than 2 mm, a major cleaning will be required.
  • When cleaning a chimney on the roof, you should prepare a safety device.
  • It is recommended to prevent excessive soot accumulation and avoid it altogether, as cleaning requires a lot of time and effort.
  • It is not advisable to use resinous rocks for heating.
  • If the blockage is severe, then you can combine two methods: first clean it using chemicals and then mechanically.
  • When using chemicals, you should read the instructions. Some of them can be used in different ways, so it is important to know all the nuances: whether or not to remove the wrapper, whether it is necessary to ventilate the room, etc.
  • If you use objects with a displaced center of gravity during mechanical cleaning, there is a high probability that they will get stuck in the pipe. To remove it, you will need to completely disassemble the chimney.

The listed tips are useful to know not only for beginners, but also for experienced craftsmen.

The Russian bathhouse has long become an almost integral part of any suburban area, where after work you can combine business and pleasure - relax mentally and physically, improve your health, sit with friends, and detach yourself from business and everyday routine. However, any building requires regular maintenance, especially one in which heating devices are located. In a bathhouse, this is a stove whose chimney has to be cleaned several times a year. If you ignore this requirement, it will soon become clogged, and a pleasant pastime will turn from useful into a dangerous, harmful activity. Therefore, immediately after building a bathhouse, it doesn’t hurt to find out how to clean the pipes in the bathhouse in order to avoid all potential problems.

What is soot? This is "byaka"

Before you learn how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse, you need to remember what the evil is that you have to fight, why soot accumulates, and how it threatens bathhouse lovers.

Bath stoves are usually heated with wood. During their combustion, oxidative reactions occur. If conditions are ideal, the carbon contained in the wood is converted into carbon dioxide - CO 2. When oxygen is absent, or there is a great lack of it, carbon monoxide is produced instead of carbon dioxide - CO. He, taking with him particles of unburned fuel, rises up the chimney; the latter, during the movement, have a bad habit of sticking to the walls of the pipe.

The most serious emergency that owners can expect is a soot fire. If its ignition temperature is “only” 253°, then the process itself raises it to 1100-1200°. The combustion of this black coating is comparable to a flash or even an explosion. Fireclay bricks are able to survive such a serious catastrophe; metal chimneys are not at all designed for such operating conditions. Neither fire safety rules nor thermal insulation will save them: the metal will burn out, and the fire will spread to the furniture and interior lining baths

If you do not clean the soot, soon the chimney clearance will decrease so much that the draft will deteriorate greatly, and carbon monoxide will begin to accumulate in the room. The second danger is the appearance of creosote in the pipe - a mixture resulting from water (condensate) and soot. Therefore, only regular cleaning can save you from many troubles concerning both human health and the safety of the bathhouse itself.

Causes of chimney blockage

If the pipe in the bathhouse is clogged with soot, there are several reasons for this. Its deposits settle inside the chimney during combustion, although ideally this should not happen: all solid particles should be removed. Unfavorable conditions are to blame for these consequences. The causes of clogged pipes are:

  1. Undried firewood. If the humidity is more than 24%, then when they burn, steam is released along with the smoke, which is encountered in the chimney with cold air. The result of the “rendezvous” is the formation of condensation, which instantly settles on the walls, and solid particles of smoke readily adhere to it. The more often the owners use wet firewood, the more “deposits” are formed inside the pipe. The chimney section is slowly but surely closing off. If you don't take action, it will soon become completely clogged.
  2. Using a variety of waste as fuel - scraps of plywood, chipboard, etc. Such materials containing chemical binders provoke the formation of sticky soot. It is optimal to heat a sauna stove with dry wood hardwood. Coniferous plants It is also better not to use, the reason is the resin content of the wood, which leads to a similar result.
  3. Lack of insulation in the section of the chimney that is close to the street. Hot smoke passing through cold pipe, causes the formation of condensation, the consequences of this phenomenon are described above.
  4. Pipe bends and turns, horizontal sections. These are ideal places for soot to appear and “multiply”. Therefore, in such problem areas it is necessary to cut out small hatches to remove soot.
  5. Brick chimney. It is more “friendly” to deposits, since the surface of such a pipe is rough, which allows soot to special effort settle on its walls.

If the cause of the problem is found, then it is better for the owners to try to eliminate all unfavorable conditions in the near future. Otherwise, the soot will become a permanent “settler” of the chimney: it will have to be cleaned constantly.

Symptoms of the “disease”

A clogged chimney signals a problem immediately, so owners do not have to carry out any complex investigations. The following signs should alert you:

  1. Decreased draft in the furnace. First of all, open the damper. If the action does not bring results, then the diagnosis is obvious, and the pipe will have to be cleaned.
  2. Even completely dry fuel is difficult to ignite. There should be no doubt here: this is prevented by smoke, which is not able to find a way out of the clogged pipe.
  3. The firewood burns readily, but then the flame gradually begins to fade. The verdict is partial “intestinal” obstruction of the chimney.
  4. Dim flame. With good draft, the fire has a “healthy” bright color - red-orange with blue tints.
  5. Acrid smell. If your eyes begin to water for no reason in a bathhouse, then there is no craving: the fumes are directed directly into the room.

Even the discovery of one of the unpleasant symptoms is a sufficient reason to start cleaning the pipes in the bathhouse immediately.

Ways to get rid of soot

Fortunately, for such work it is not necessary to look for a professional chimney sweep, since there are several ways to clean a pipe in a bathhouse: mechanically, chemically, or using folk remedies. If none of them brought the desired release of the chimney from black deposits, then there is only one way out - engaging a special team.

"Handmade" work

Mechanical impact is a radical method that is recommended to be used annually: at least twice a year. The operation begins on the roof and ends inside, cleaning the firebox. There is a mandatory set of tools that makes the work of a chimney sweep easier.

  1. A brush with flexible bristles. Its diameter must be twice that of the pipe being processed.
  2. A rope for tying a ruff before plunging it “into the abyss.” At the opposite end of this rope, a handle is made for turning the tool inside the sauna chimney.
  3. The load is a weight, the diameter of which is ½ the cross-section of the pipe. It is tied to the ruff to ensure its unimpeded downward movement.

Additional “helpers” in the fight against soot are hard brushes and scrapers equipped with long handles. Cleaning a metal pipe will be more effective if, at the end of the operation, you wrap a rag or old rags around the brush. Otherwise, most of the raid will remain “resting” at the conquered altitude.

Calm and dry weather is the first condition for a successful and non-traumatic operation. Can't do without ladder. If the roof is gable, then an aerial platform is the best help. An alternative is a rope, necessary for safety, to tie yourself to the pipe. Another mandatory attribute is a respirator, which guarantees protection against flying soot.

The bathhouse must be cold before starting the operation. The damper is pre-opened, ensuring unimpeded “fall” of soot. The oven itself is wrapped in a damp cloth so as not to stain everything around it.

Normal cleaning

The process itself looks like this:

  1. The deflector is removed from the top of the chimney, then the junction of the cap and the pipe is cleaned using a scraper with a long handle.
  2. A cable is first tied to the ruff, then a load. The device is carefully lowered into the chimney, without the slightest rocking.
  3. The device is moved up and down along its entire length if the chimney does not have uneven sections.
  4. If there are bends in the pipe, then the fallen and accumulated soot from these areas is removed through hatches.
  5. They go down from the roof of the bathhouse and begin to clean the chimney from the firebox side. For this stage, find a more suitable tool - flexible cable, having a bristly tip.
  6. The ideal device is a rotary attachment for a drill - a piece of plastic rod with a brush made of the same material. It is inserted into the chuck, and the drill is turned on at low speed.

Radical method

In this case, the weighting material is used differently, but its weight is carefully calculated, taking into account the degree of contamination of the pipe walls and the thickness of the material from which the stove is made.

  1. A cable is tied to the ruff in the same way, then a weighting agent is securely fixed - a small weight or a core.
  2. Then they climb onto the roof, lower the ruff with the “pendant” inside the pipe, and then send the duo into free flight.
  3. If the desired result is not achieved the first time, then the projectile is pulled back with a cable and the operation is repeated.
  4. This operation is performed several times.

After completing the work, the traction is checked with a burning match, candle or strip of paper. If the result was achieved, then the flame and the leaf will deviate towards the blower.

Help of life-saving chemistry

In this role they are used as store-bought drugs, so folk remedies. They are simply burned in the firebox. If we talk about household “inventions,” then several methods are popular in this category.

  1. Naphthalene, which can be purchased both by weight and in small containers. Kilograms are not needed for this operation, since naphthalene is used in small doses.
  2. Coke, copper sulfate and saltpeter are taken in certain proportions (2:5:7), then mixed.

Much more convenient and effective are professional preparations, the packaging of which contains detailed instructions. One briquette is intended for single use. The most popular of them are the Czech Kominichek, which is sent into the firebox without opening, and the Lithuanian Chimney Sweep Log. At the first stage of cleaning, it is recommended to put this product in the combustion chamber every time the bathhouse is heated. There is also no need to remove the packaging.

Seriya Dymova is another worthy candidate, this time Russian. The drugs are produced in boxes, in log form and in granules. All types are distinguished by a cumulative effect, since moisture is gradually removed from the resin coating. As a result, the soot becomes brittle and soon burns out. The effect will be noticeable after 2-3 months.

Many companies produce such products. All funds are divided into subtypes:

  • preparations for “open fireboxes” will be needed by owners of home super stoves - fireplaces;
  • chemicals for “closed fireboxes” are what a bathhouse needs.

Compliance with safety precautions and strict adherence to dosage recommendations are mandatory. Work must be carried out with gloves.

Folk methods of struggle

Such methods, as in the treatment of diseases, cannot help in extremely advanced cases, however, severe “illness” of a bathhouse chimney is also not very common. Therefore, a pipe that is not brought to a critical state can be brought back to normal using several methods.

Cleaning with water

This method is only suitable for metal pipes, since such contact is completely contraindicated for masonry. The war against soot consists of uniformly and generously wetting the surface of the accumulations in the chimney. To ensure it, they first climb onto the roof, then water the “insides,” but do not be too zealous.

Liquid starting to drip into the firebox is a signal to start a low fire. After this operation, wetting is stubbornly continued, since an increase in temperature and humidity will soon lead to a softening of the plaque. After the firewood burns out, a whole bucket of water is immediately poured into the chimney. Together with the water, the soot will begin to leave the place of “dislocation” - it will flow into the ash pit. The owners will only have to get rid of this “fragrant” substance.

"Cleaning by cleaning"

This salvation from soot comes from outside potato peel. The method is simple: it is simply burned in a firebox. To get the desired result, first take at least half a bucket of peelings, then dry them well. The cleaning firebox is placed after the loaded firewood has burned out. In this case, burning starch helps remove soot, which can soften the soot, which will move away from the pipe walls in whole layers. A replacement for cleaning is simple salt.

Using aspen firewood

Since soot is afraid of high temperatures, it is caught on this weakness. First, regular fuel is placed in the firebox. When the stove is thoroughly heated, aspen firewood is added to it. Thanks to their combustion, hot gases are formed that can burn this black coating. The most important thing here is not to “overdo it” with the number of logs, since a large number of them can cause a fire or “explosion” of a metal chimney.

Recycling aluminum cans

The first suppliers of this material, popular for many crafts, are breweries and manufacturers of cocktails and lemonades. Therefore, finding (or emptying still full) jars is within the capabilities of all members of any family, but a large number of mouths is welcome. The advantage of such containers is the release of substances during combustion that have a detrimental effect on soot. However, the cans must burn completely (9 minutes), and for this you will need heat-intensive firewood - alder, aspen (birch, oak?).

Professional intervention

If such dirty work does not suit the owners at all, then for them the best way to get rid of contamination in the bath pipe - vacuum cleaning of the chimney, performed with special equipment - an exhaust cannon. It is placed on the pipe of the cooled stove and turned on.

Thanks to the fast rotation of the impeller, the device removes all plaque in 25-40 minutes. The advantage of using such equipment is the cleanliness of the bathhouse and the complete absence of soot odor. The downside is the dirt that flew out of the chimney in the direction the wind was blowing during the operation. This device is not cheap, so there are two reasonable options: either buy it together, or invite a worker “armed” with a cannon.

How to clean a pipe in a bathhouse? First, you can use one of the simple methods, try their combination, but not together, but separately. For example, first “deal a crushing blow” with chemicals, and then go hand-to-hand. If you cannot achieve a result, then it is better to arm yourself with a heavy tool, imagine yourself as an industrial climber, and go to the top (to the roof).

If the chance of falling is not too encouraging, then the only reasonable solution is to invite specialist chimney sweeps. They will quickly transform the chimney pipe, and along the way they will “bombard” you with advice regarding proper care behind heating system baths

It’s better to see how such work goes first than to read about it a hundred times. Therefore, watching the video will not be superfluous even if all types of rescue operations seem completely understandable. For example, this interesting material will help novice chimney sweeps: