Quotes about dance and movement. Revived music... About dancing in quotes and aphorisms. Dance to the beat of your heart

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

"Mikhail Baryshnikov"

Having Faberge eggs, dance in anything, even in a negligee.

"Aron Vigushin"

It is not the place that makes the dancer beautiful, but the dance.

You could make a great dancer if it wasn't for the balls.

I want to dance until I'm 100. And if you are not lazy, then you will not last more than forty.

"Maya Plisetskaya"

It's not just the legs that get in the way of a bad dancer.

"Boris Krieger"

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires.

"Bernard Show"

Striptease in the Soviet style. The dancer undresses and sits on her clothes so that the audience does not steal them.

"Mikhail Zadornov"

Who does not dance, he complexes.

Once dance was erotica, now it has become gymnastics.

"Sidney Rome"

Novice dancers walk from crooked to crooked, while experienced dancers walk from bent to bent.

If you want to learn how to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

And you dance. Dance at the crossroads of rain, along the rainbow of puddles, along the edge of thunderstorms.

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

The way people move is their biography in motion.

"Jerry Spence"

Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing.

"James Brown"

It is as easy to keep your peace of mind as it is to dance on a wire blindfolded.

"Yuri Tatarkin"

The ability to dance gives you the greatest of freedoms: to express yourself fully as you are.

"Melissa Hayden"

Dance is a poem, every movement in it is a word.

Talking about music is like dancing about architecture.

"Frank Zappa"

Dancers are the athletes of God.

"Albert Einstein"

Dance is the mother of all languages.

A bad dancer has something that prevents him from dancing, and he can become a good vocalist.

"Anisimova Svetlana"

The one who is late for the disco will dance an explanatory

You can forget the movement, you can not forget the mood.

O higher people, your worst thing is that all of you have not learned how to dance, how to dance - to dance on top of yourselves!

Find time for yourself. Dance. It's so inspiring and captivating. When you dance, you live.

The perfection of dance technique is not enough. Without the soul of a dancer, it is an orphan.

"Sylvia Guillem"

One who cannot feel the music considers the dancers to be insane.

"George Carlin"

Dancing is the art of withdrawing your foot before your partner steps on it.

I dance because I am happy. I dance because I am free.

Dance is movement, and movement is life!

If a lady invites a gentleman, then in four cases out of five - this is nothing more than a white dance, and only in one - another gigolo.

"Mikhail Mamchich"

A successful dance partnership is like the relationship of good relatives - a lot of patience and mountains of work.

"Kay Gilli"

Tango is a bed where you are not ashamed to bare your soul.

Air pressure: I invite you to a windy dance!

"Alisher Fayz"

If you are not invited to a white dance, do not be upset - be a man.

"AT. Sumbatov"

Dance is the loneliness of people who do not need words.

What would you choose dance or guy? – Dancing, they don't act like an idiot

People express themselves most truthfully in dance. The body never lies.

"Ange deMille"

The day was wasted if I didn't dance.

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

Beautiful handwriting is not given from birth - it needs to be learned; and ease of movement is the hallmark of one who knows how to dance.

The gait reveals whether someone is already on his way - look how I go! But whoever approaches his goal, he dances.

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

A talented dancing couple is a capricious cactus that blooms once a year, and God forbid you mix up something in the composition of the soil or watering regime during the remaining 364 days - it will die.

"Rauf Salakhutdinov"

Tell me what your favorite dance is and I'll tell you who you are!

Imitate the wind when it breaks out of its mountain gorges: it wants to dance to the sound of its own flute, the seas tremble and jump under its feet.

"Friedrich Nietzsche"

- Can you dance salsa? - No, I just waltz a little and drag the rail a little ..

Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's exercise.

Those who are captivated by the splendor of life love enchanting songs and seductive dances and forget about fatigue.

Mazurka, tango, spin in a waltz.

Unrestrained tap dance to beat -

May this dance last forever!

I want to dance all the time!

To the sounds of flute, saxophone, violin.

Infect with your energy and passion.

Break applause and smiles!

I want to dance all the time!

Throwing away anxiety and doubt,

Improvise, sometimes surprise

And always be a prisoner of inspiration

Dance Quotes:

"Movement never lies." Martha Graham, quoting her father.

“Everything in the universe is rhythmic. Everyone is dancing". Maya Angelou.

"Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as the material." Ted Sean.

"Than to stomp your feet in anger, it is better to learn the tap dance." Fred Astaire.

"If you could explain something in words, there would be no point in dancing it." Isadora Duncan.

“I don’t try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance for myself." Mikhail Baryshnikov.

"Dancing with your feet is one thing, dancing with your heart is another." Proverb.

"Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word." Mata Hari.

“They stop dancing not because they get old. They get old because they stop dancing.” Jessie New Bern.

“I dance because I am happy. I dance because I am free. Tosha Brown.

“Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.” Jacques d'Amboise.

"Dance for yourself. If someone understands, it's good, if not, it doesn't matter, keep doing what you love. Louis Horst.

“If you can talk, then you can sing! If you can walk, then you can dance.”

“Dancers are instruments, like a piano played by a choreographer.” George Balanchine.

"In a good dance, there is not a single unnecessary movement." Fred Astaire.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Sayings of famous people about education

Great educators, philosophers, scientists, poets still live, because we still use truly great phrases that they once said ....

Sayings of famous people about education.

1. Believe me, happiness is only where they love us, where they believe us! (M. Lermontov.) 2. Mother, remember: you are the main educator, the main teacher. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky.) 3. The main meaning and The purpose of family life is the upbringing of children.

the site reminds: dancing is one of the most important arts, and it is highly valued in society. In confirmation of this - 30 quotes from great people about dancing.

Dancers are the athletes of God.

(Albert Einstein)

It all started with Fuete.
When the earth is in its rotation,
Like a virgin in the nude
Excited with embarrassment,
Suddenly spinning in the dark.

(Valentin Gaft)

I want to dance until I'm 100. And if you are not lazy, then you will not last more than forty.

(Maya Plisetskaya)

Ballet is hard labor in flowers.

(Faina Ranevskaya)

The audience needs to be kept in suspense, to dance with feelings.

(Boris Moiseev)

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires.

(George Bernard Shaw)

Imitate the wind when it breaks out of its mountain gorges: it wants to dance to the sound of its own flute, the seas tremble and jump under its feet.

You should never think that your partner is in any way worse than you. Moreover, it cannot be shown on stage.

(Maris Liepa)

Dance, said the Sheep Man. As long as the music is playing, keep dancing. Do you understand, no? Dance and don't stop. Why are you dancing - do not argue. What is the meaning of this - do not hesitate. It doesn't make sense, and never has. Think about it - your legs will stop. And if your legs stop even once, we will not be able to help you. All your contacts with the world around you will be cut off. Will break forever. If that happens, you can only live in this world. Gradually, you will be drawn here entirely. Therefore, it is impossible for the legs to stop. Even if everything around seems stupid and meaningless - do not pay attention. Follow the rhythm - and keep dancing. And then what is not quite hardened in you yet will slowly begin to dissolve.
(Haruki Murakami)

Movement, dance - in my opinion, this is brilliant, because it is boundless self-realization.
(Jude Law)

Who is interested in dancing, it costs nothing to fall in love.
(Jane Austen)

It is impossible to teach a person to dance for real, only he can do it himself.
(Jerome David Salinger)

A couple is a kind of pictorial canvas that moves across the dance floor.

(Tatyana Kostina)

When we give ourselves entirely to the spirit of dance, it becomes prayer.
(Gabriella Roth)

Dance is the highest mind in the freest of bodies.
(Isadora Duncan)

Dance is a small model of life in a few minutes, with its own emotions and experiences.
(Andrey Vavilin)

They don't stop dancing because they get old, they get old because they stop dancing.
(Jesse Newbern)

Each dance is a unique story of feeling: He and She merge in soul and body, and a flight begins along the waves of tenderness and temptation.
(Dmitry Fateev)

Dance is the world's favorite metaphor.

(Christy Nilsson)

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

(Mikhail Baryshnikov)

Dance is the secret language of the soul.

Dance helps to create a new multifaceted image, more sensual, emotional and passionate.

Dancing, we surpass ourselves, become stronger and more powerful, revealing our new facets and possibilities.

The movements of Indian dances are beautiful and ornate, but at the same time, not complicated: with one hand we, as it were, screw in a light bulb, and with the other we stroke the cat.

Dance is every time a new sensual story of two, where they merge into a single whole and give free rein to their dreams and desires.

The hallmark of a good dancer is a natural ease of movement, this is not a beautiful handwriting that can be learned.

To dance means to show your superpowers, to get away from the usual image and to appear before the audience more beautiful and powerful, succumbing to the energy and power of dance.

Dance is not only the art of moving easily and rhythmically, but also pulling your foot back in time so that it is not stepped on.

Dance is your vital pulse, your breath. This is an opportunity to express happiness and sadness, joy and sadness, love and hate in motion in a short period of time.

Read the continuation of quotes about dancing on the pages:

Dance is the loneliness of people who do not need words.

What would you choose dance or guy? – Dancing, they don’t act like an idiot 😀

A partner can learn to dance, but she must be born beautiful.

Tell me what your favorite dance is and I'll tell you who you are!

Who does not dance, he complexes.

Who does not dance, he complexes.

If you want to learn how to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

A partner can learn to dance, but she must be born beautiful.

Dance is a poem, every movement in it is a word.

The one who is late for the disco will dance an explanatory

Tell me what your favorite dance is and I'll tell you who you are!

I dance because I am happy. I dance because I am free.

You would make a great dancer...if it wasn't for the balls.

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

Girl, are you dancing? -Yes! -I thought you were being electrocuted!

Dance until you are told "Well, you still dance."

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

It is not the place that makes the dancer beautiful, but the dance.

Well, finally, the neighbors fell asleep, now you can dance ...

It's better to dance in a disco than in line for the toilet.

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

Tango is a bed where you are not ashamed to bare your soul.

One who cannot feel the music considers the dancers to be insane.

Dance is movement, and Movement is LIFE!

Yesterday I stood in a long queue for the toilet... I learned how to dance the tectonics! 🙂

It is not the place that makes the dancer beautiful, but the dance.

Who does not dance, he complexes.

From the film “Real Boys” Igor Sergeevich: What kind of dances? Antokha: Well, there are sports and ballrooms! Vovan: Ibal, haha, ibal. 😀

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires (Bernard Shaw)

If you know the names of all the movements that you dance, then you are either a beginner or an international class dancer.

Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's exercise.

Girls! Lovely!!! Yes, how many do you repeat! Minuet IS A DANCE!

Dance is a verse in which every movement is a word.

Dancing is a perpendicular expression of horizontal desires (Bernard Shaw)

It is not the place that makes the dancer beautiful, but the dance.

If a girl dances badly, she scolds the orchestra.

Tango is a bed where you are not ashamed to bare your soul.

Yes, he can dance, but to the rhythm of the hose.

Dance is a verse in which every movement is a word.

It’s not enough to learn to dance: you still need to remember to do it.

It’s not enough to learn to dance: you still need to remember to do it.

You would make a great dancer...if it wasn't for the balls.

Dancing is like making love, but you are not ashamed, but you enjoy the peeping.

Tell me what your favorite dance is and I'll tell you who you are!

If you want to learn how to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

Each dance is a unique story of feeling: He and She merge in soul and body, and a flight begins along the waves of tenderness and temptation.

A partner can learn to dance, but she must be born beautiful.

Novice dancers walk from crooked to crooked, while experienced dancers walk from bent to bent.

If you invited a girl to dance, and she agreed ... Do not rejoice: at first you still have to dance.

People who don't pump muscles - pump the dance floor!

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

Beautiful handwriting is not given from birth - it needs to be learned; and ease of movement is the hallmark of one who knows how to dance.

Who does not dance, that Philip Kirkorov ...!

Grasshopper dances are complete nonsense from the point of view of a butterfly.

Novice dancers walk from crooked to crooked, while experienced dancers walk from bent to bent.

It’s not enough to learn to dance: you still need to remember to do it

Dance is movement, and Movement is LIFE!

Every tango is a farewell.

You would make a great dancer...if it wasn't for the balls.

Dancing is joy and pleasure. If not, it's exercise.

Grasshopper dances are complete nonsense from the point of view of a butterfly.

Some learn to dance, others are born for it.

The daughter comes home from the disco. The mother is indignant: - What do you wear to dances! Get dressed and sleep quickly!

Dancing is a vertical expression of horizontal desires.

Dancing is the art of pulling your leg back before your partner steps on it.

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

If two gentlemen invite you to dance at once, you can dance round dances with them.

When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is sometimes happy.

Men are like that. It seems that they go to look at the belly dance - but they still stare at the boobs.

If you want to learn how to dance, learn to look into each other's eyes.

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and in motion, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.

No sweet lingers and passionate tangos! Dancing in splendid isolation, eyes closed, that's my strong point!

One who cannot feel the music considers the dancers to be insane.

Novice dancers walk from crooked to crooked, while experienced dancers walk from bent to bent.

-Dance is the most sublime, the most beautiful of all arts, since it is not just a reflection of life or a distraction from it, but life itself.

Dancing differs from insanity only in that it cannot go on for so long.

Only those who dance with their bare feet on thorny grass really love to dance.

Love is the most beautiful, most bewitching dance.

Dance is intimacy, and intimacy is love. You can love each other by dancing.

Dance is what you have inside. Either it exists or it doesn't.

Dance is the language of body and soul!

Dance is the only art for which we ourselves serve as material.

Dance is a poem, in it every movement is a word!

Dance is your pulse, your heartbeat, your breath. This is the rhythm of your life. It is an expression in time and movement, in happiness, joy, sadness and envy.

Dance for yourself. If someone understands - good, if not - it does not matter, continue to do what you love.

To dance means to be outside of yourself, bigger, stronger, more beautiful. In the dance - power, in the dance - the greatness of the Earth, it is yours - take it entirely.

The whole life of a dancer is "one more time" and "one more time"

You can forget the movement, you can not forget the mood.
A good dancer can't be bothered by bad judges.

In the beginning there was a dance...

It’s like making love, but you’re not ashamed, but you enjoy the peeping.

If you can talk, you can sing; if you can walk, you can dance. (African proverb)

Any problem in the world can be solved by dancing.

To dance is to assert.

The power of music over the body, a radiant look, you can immediately tell from the dance what a dancer is like.

What are you dancing? (Greetings to the Bantu tribe)

You can judge a king by the way they dance during his reign. (Chinese proverb)

Dance is the only art form in which we ourselves are the instrument.

The day was wasted if I didn't dance.

A noble and correct dance is graceful geometry.

Dance is the mother of all languages.

Dancers are instruments, like a piano played by a choreographer.

Dancers are the athletes of God.

Dance with all the energy of your body and the fire of your soul to shake out all the longing from your livers, and do not hold back.

When you dance, you don't sweat: you glow.

Music is an invisible dance, just as dance is silent music.

In a good dance there is not a single unnecessary movement.

Dancing is an exciting action that requires dedication, effort and time.

Tell me what your favorite dance is and I'll tell you who you are!

When a person is happy, he dances. And when he dances, he is always happy.

Discipline is one of the most necessary qualities of a dancer.

The audience needs to be kept in suspense, to dance with feelings.

Everything on the stage should sparkle, amaze, bewitch.

Folk dance is valuable because it reveals the character, experiences, culture, temperament of the people.

To be easy and virtuoso on stage, you need to work hard, work up to a sweat.

You need to perfectly control your body so that it becomes obedient to every thought.

Everything in the dance should be as authentic as possible.

Do not pose in front of a mirror.

Do not spit into a drinking bottle. Do not exercise in dirty, stale clothes.

For a real dance, emotions and feelings are important.

The roots of dance are in the richness of nature.

Everyone has an innate talent, but only a few are born or instilled by education that measure of perseverance, endurance, energy, by virtue of which he really becomes a talent.

The dancer's body never lies.

I don't try to dance better than everyone else. I try to dance better than myself.

Better than ballet is only the corps de ballet.

If it is ordained by God that you can dance, then you must give it away.

How you live is how you dance.

Our life can be full of loneliness, hateful monotony, and only in dance can we transform into fairytale kings and princesses.

Each dance is a unique story of your feelings.

Real art survives in any situation.

The stage is a deception, and people want to be deceived.

Words cannot convey the immeasurable feeling of joy, love for life, the charm of existence, which embrace a dancing person.

A dancer is not someone who just makes movements. A real dancer has a dancing soul.

Achieving complete coordination of all movements of the human body in dance makes it necessary to further inspire movements with thought, mood, that is, to give them that expressiveness that is called artistry.

Dance belongs to everyone. He gives joy and delight to all who dance and watch.

There are no people who can't dance. There are people who think they can't dance.