Kareev n i. Nikolay Ivanovich Kareev. Kareev Nikolay Ivanovich

(1910), Honorary Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929).

He graduated from the is-to-ri-ko-fi-lo-logic faculty of Moscow University (1873), a student of V.I. Guerrier. Professor of Warsaw (1879-1884) and St. Petersburg (since 1886) universities, lecturer at Bes-tu-zhev-skikh courses (since 1886) . One of the org-ha-no-for-the-ditch and the non-replaceable ru-ko-vo-di-tel of the Historical Society at St. Petersburg University. In 1899, after student unrest, together with a group of professors, he was dismissed for on-reliability ”from St. Petersburg University and from the Bes-tu-zhev-courses, where in-goit-no-vil pre-da-va-tel-sky activity only in 1906. Deputy of the 1st State Duma (1906), member of the Ka-de Comrade faction.

Shi-ro-kuyu fame in Russia and abroad brought Kareev his historical works “Kre-st-I-not and kre-st-yan -sky question in France in the last quarter of the 18th century "(1879)," Essay on the history of French peasants from ancient of the most recent times until 1789 ”(1881). Among the many works of Kareev are fundamental research-after-before-va-nia, dedicated to the history of the French revolution of the 18th century, and -to-rii of Poland, “Is-to-ria of Western Europe in the New Age” (volumes 1-7, 1892-1917), in popular style old courses according to ancient, middle-ve-co-howl and new is-to-rii, used in Russia in ka-che-st- ve gymnastic textbooks, works on the method-to-logia of history, etc. Kareev was a re-dak-to-rum of historical -la En-tsik-lo-pe-di-ches-ko-th word-va-rya Brock-gau-za and Ef-ro-na. At the same time, active participation in the field of various directions and schools of social thought in the 2nd half of the 19th - early 20th centuries, becoming a major ney-shim is-to-rio-graph-of the pre-re-revolutionary Russian socio-logy.

Theoretical views of Kareev were formed under the influence of O. Kon-ta, “sub-ek-tiv-noy socio-cio -lo-gyi "P.L. Lav-ro-va, N.K. Mi-hi-lov-sko-go, S.N. Yuzha-ko-va. According to Kareev, sociology as “general abstract science about the nature and genesis of society "yav-la-et-sya" but-mo-lo-gi-che-sky "(for-to-but-usta-nav-li-vayu-schey) science, then how is it- riya - science “fe-no-me-no-lo-gi-che-sky”, investigating specific com-bi-na-tions of events past th. So-qi-al-nye phenomena have a psychic basis-no-woo, rise-no-ka-yut in re-zul-ta-te spirit-hov-no-go and emo-tsio -nal-but-in-le-in-go mutually-mo-dey-st-via in-di-vid-dov. In the center of the attention of Kareev - mutually-from-no-she-of-personality as "is-exactly-no-ka" cultural-tour-no-go creative-che-st- va, in-no-va-tsy, and so-qi-al-noy environment, og-ra-ni-chi-vayu-schey and norm-mi-ruyu-che-lo-ve-che-sky actions. General-po-zi-ti-vi-st-sky an-ti-me-ta-fi-zicheskaya us-tanov-ka me-to-logia Kareeva co-che-ta-las with pre -becoming-le-ni-em about the impossibility of mouth-ra-thread from the research-to-va-tel-practice-ti-ki of so-ci-al-nyh “subjective element” (the world-view of a scientist, moral assessments, etc.). You-stepping into the ka-che-st-ve cri-ti-ka of the mar-xi-st-theory of the general-st-va and recognizing its partial right -tu, Kareev from-me-chal og-ra-ni-chen-ness of any mo-ni-stic explanatory mo-de-lei of so-qi-al-noy life, counting not-justify-but-van-ny-mi of their pre-ten-zii on in-tel-lek-tu-al-nuyu exclusivity. Staying in Soviet Russia after 1917, Kareev you-on-shi-val the idea of ​​​​theo-re-tic syn-te-for mar-xi-st-sko-go eco-no-miz- ma and psi-ho-lo-giz-ma "sub-ek-tiv-noy school".


Basics in-pro-sy fi-lo-so-fii is-to-rii. M.; SPb., 1883-1890. T. 1-3;

Mo-im kri-ti-kam. Var-sha-va, 1884;

Letters to the student mo-lo-de-zhi about sa-mo-ob-ra-zo-va-nii. SPb., 1894;

Is-to-ri-ko-fi-lo-sof-sky and so-cio-lo-gi-che-sky etudes. SPb., 1895;

Old and new etudes about eco-no-mi-che ma-te-ria-liz-me. SPb., 1896;

Introduction to the study of sociology. SPb., 1897;

The general course of the all-world is-to-rii. Essays on the chief is-to-ri-che-epochs. St. Petersburg, 1903. Za-oksky, 1993;

Polonica. Collection of articles on Polish de lamas (1881-1905). St. Petersburg, 1905;

General course of history of the nineteenth century. SPb., 1910;

Theory of is-to-ri-che-th-go-knowledge. SPb., 1913;

Is-to-rio-logia (Theory of is-to-ri-che-sko-go process). P., 1915;

The French Revolution. P., 1918. M., 2003;

General os-but-you socio-cio-logia. P., 1919;

Is-to-ri-ki of the French re-in-lu-tion. L., 1924-1925. T. 1-3;

Two English re-vo-lu-tions of the 17th century. P., 1924. M., 2002;

Pro-zhi-toe and ne-re-zhi-toe. L., 1990;

OS-no-you Russian socio-cio-logia. SPb., 1996.


Born in Moscow

“My grandfather on my father’s side (his name was Vasily Eliseevich) was a general and served as a regimental commander when he died back in the forties in Moscow, where his wife settled and where in her house on November 24, 1850 I saw the light on my mother’s name day ".

- Kareev N.I. lived and experienced. L., 1990. P.48

N. I. Kareev spent his childhood years in the village of Anosovo, Smolensk province. He studied at the 5th Moscow Gymnasium (until 1869), and in 1873 he graduated from the course at the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University, and initially he chose the Slavic-Russian department and F.I. Buslaev as a supervisor, but under the influence of lectures and seminars V. I. Guerrier in the fourth year moved to the department of history. Left at the university to prepare for a professorship, he was, at the same time, a history teacher at the 3rd Moscow gymnasium. Having passed the master's exam in 1876, he received a business trip abroad, which he used to write his master's thesis ("Peasants and the peasant question in France in the last quarter of the 18th century." M., 1879), which he defended in 1879. In 1878-1879, at the invitation of the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University, N. I. Kareev taught a course in the history of the 19th century as a third-party teacher, and from the autumn of 1879 to the end of 1884 he was an extraordinary professor at Warsaw University, from where he also received a business trip abroad to prepare doctoral dissertation (“Main Issues of the Philosophy of History”, M., 1883). This essay caused a great controversy, to which Kareev responded with a book - “To My Critics”. Warsaw, 1883.

In September 1899, he was dismissed without a petition for political reasons from the post of professor at St. Petersburg University (he resumed teaching in 1906) and at the Higher Courses for Women, but continued to teach at the Alexander Lyceum. Since 1902, he lectured at the economic department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute. Together with St. Petersburg University, Kareev also left the Committee of the Society for Needy Students. He took an active part in the Mutual Assistance Union of Russian Writers (1897-1901); in the Union of Higher School Workers, founded in 1905, he was chairman of the “academic commission” that developed the main issues of the structure and life of higher educational institutions and worked on the committee of the literary fund (in 1909 - chairman of the committee), as well as in the department to promote self-education, where from the very beginning he was the actual chairman. From 1904 he was a member of the St. Petersburg City Duma.

January 8, 1905 participated in a deputation of ten people (Maxim Gorky, A. V. Peshekhonov, N. F. Annensky, I. V. Gessen, V. A. Myakotin, V. I. Semevsky, K. K. Arseniev , E. I. Kedrin, N. I. Kareev and the Gaponite worker D. Kuzin), who appeared before the Minister of Internal Affairs P. D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky demanding the cancellation of some of the military measures being taken. Svyatopolk-Mirsky refused to accept this deputation. Then the deputation came to an appointment with S. Yu. Witte, urging him to take measures so that the tsar would come to the workers and accept the Gapon petition. Witte refused, replying that he did not know the matter at all and that it did not concern him at all. After the events of January 9, 1905, Kareev was subjected to an 11-day imprisonment in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

In July-August 1914 he was in German captivity for five weeks.

In mid-September 1918, he was arrested with his entire family in Zaitsev (Smolensk province), was under house arrest for five days.

On October 18, 1930, he was subjected to unfair criticism at a meeting of the methodological section of the Society of Marxist Historians.

February 18, 1931 - N. I. Kareev died at the age of 81. He was buried at the Smolensk cemetery in Leningrad.

A family

Wife - Sofya Andreevna Linberg (1863-1926), daughter of the famous teacher, author of geography textbooks and compiler of geographical atlases Andrei Leonardovich Linberg (1837-1905).

The name of N. I. Kareev is the All-Russian Competition. N. I. Kareev scientific works of students, graduate students and young scientists in the field of sociology (Russian Sociological Association; Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University) and St. Petersburg Kareev Readings on Novistika.

Scientific activity

In the work of N. I. Kareev, three themes can be distinguished that echo the works of his teacher, V. I. Guerrier:

  1. French revolution;
  2. Russian-Polish relations;
  3. problems of the philosophy of history.

When he was a student, Kareev collaborated in the Voronezh "Philological Notes" and in "Knowledge", after which he did not stop writing in many magazines. Kareev devoted his first major works to the history of the French peasantry (the aforementioned master's thesis and "An Outline of the History of the French Peasantry",).
During his stay in Warsaw, he took up Polish history, which resulted in the appearance of several books and articles on this subject (“The Fall of Poland in Historical Literature”, “Outline of the History of the Reformation Movement and Catholic Reaction in Poland”, “Historical Outline of the Polish Sejm” , ; “Polish reforms of the 18th century”, ; “Causes de la chute de la Pologne”, , etc.); some of these writings appeared in Polish translations.
The third category of Kareev's works is " Fundamental Issues in the Philosophy of History" (2nd ed.), the third volume of which was published under the title "The Essence of the Historical Process and the Role of the Personality in History" (), as well as a number of historical, philosophical and sociological journal articles ( some of them are collected in the book "Historical-philosophical and sociological studies", 1895). Kareev was one of the first to make an attempt to comprehend the historical development of sociology in Russia, paying attention to the patterns of this branch of social knowledge, due not only to global trends, but also exclusively specific to Russia.

Author of the course "History of Western Europe in modern times" (vols. 1-7, 1892-1917). In 1911-15 he began to develop the history of the Parisian revolutionary sections. In 1924-25 he published the 3-volume work Historians of the French Revolution, the first comprehensive review of the historiography of the Great French Revolution, not only in Russian, but also in foreign literature.

He was the editor of the department of general history of the ESBE. He invited his teacher V. I. Guerrier to write articles for the dictionary.

Other important works by N. I. Kareev:

  • "Philosophy of the cultural and social history of modern times",
  • "Monarchies of the Ancient East and the Greco-Roman World"
  • "Introduction to the Study of Sociology"
  • "Old and new studies on economic materialism"
  • "The political history of France in the 19th century."
  • "The General Course of World History"
  • "Polonica" (collection of articles on Polish affairs).

Essays specially designed for young people:

  • "Letters to student youth about self-education" (1894)
  • "Conversations about the development of a worldview"
  • "Thoughts on the Foundations of Morality"
  • "Thoughts on the essence of social activity"
  • "Ideals of General Education"
  • "Choice of faculty and passing the university course"



List of works

  • Kareev N.I. Cosmogonic myth // "Philological Notes", Voronezh, 1873
  • Kareev N.I. Mythological studies // "Philological Notes", Voronezh, 1873
  • Kareev N.I. The Book of Laws of Manu // Philological Notes, Voronezh, 1874
  • Kareev N.I. About Mr. Shapiro's "new look" on the modern system of comparative linguistics. (Objection) // Philological Notes, Voronezh, 1874
  • Kareev N.I. Slavs in ancient times // Philological Notes, Voronezh, 1876
  • Kareev N.I. Races and nationalities from a psychological point of view // Philological Notes, Voronezh, 1876
  • Kareev N.I. Historical sketch of the Polish Sejm. - M.: Type. A. I. Mamontova & Co., 1888
  • Kareev N.I. Western European monarchy of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. - St. Petersburg: printing house of M. M. Stasyulevich, 1908
  • Kareev N.I. History of Western Europe in Modern Times (in 7 volumes). - St. Petersburg: Printing house of I. A. Efron, 1892
  • Kareev N.I. Monarchies of the Ancient East and the Greco-Roman world. - St. Petersburg, 1908.
  • Kareev N.I. General course of the history of the 19th and 20th centuries until the beginning of the World War. - M.: Sytin Printing House, 1919
  • Kareev N.I. Philosophy of the cultural and social history of modern times (1300-1800). Introduction to the history of the XIX century. (Basic concepts, the main generalizations and the most significant results of the history of the XIV-XVIII centuries). - 2nd ed. - St. Petersburg: Type. Stasyulevich, 1902. - 205 p.
  • Kareev N.I. State-city of the ancient world: Experience ist. building a policy. and social evolution of antiquity. civil communities. - 3rd ed. - St. Petersburg: Type. Stasyulevich, 1910. - 362 p.
  • Kareev N.I. The essence of the historical process and the role of personality in history. - 2nd ed., with added. - St. Petersburg: Type. Stasyulevich, 1914. - 574 p.
  • Kareev N.I. Historians of the French Revolution. - L .: Kolos, 1924.
  • Kareev N.I. Fundamentals of Russian sociology. - St. Petersburg: Limbach, 1996. - 368 p.
  • Kareev N.I. lived and experienced. - L.: LGU, 1990. - 384 p.
  • Kareev N.I. To the question of the classification of the forms of government in Aristotle's "Politics" // Frontier (almanac of social studies). - 1996. - No. 8-9. - S. 4-11.
  • Kareev N.I. Fundamentals of Russian sociology // Sociological research. - 1995. - No. 8. - S. 122-129.
  • Kareev N.I. The Attitude of Historians to Sociology // Frontier (Almanac of Social Research). - 1992. - No. 3. - S. 4-36.
  • Kareev N.I. Judgment on history (Something about the philosophy of history) / Introductory article and comments by V.P. Zolotarev // Frontier (almanac of social research). - 1991. - No. 1. - S. 6-32.
  • Kareev N.I. Essay on the history of the reform movement and Catholic reaction in Poland. - M., 1886.
  • Kareev N.I. Unpublished documents on the history of the Paris sections 1790-1795. - St. Petersburg, 1912.
  • Kareev N.I. Istorika (Theory of historical knowledge). - St. Petersburg, 1913.
  • Kareev N.I. Unpublished minutes of the Paris sections of 9 Thermidor II. - St. Petersburg, 1914.
  • Kareev N.I. The General Course of World History: Essays on the Major Epochs of History. - Pos. Zaoksky (Tul. region): Source of life, 1993.
  • Kareev N.I. About Saint-Just / The publication was prepared by Yu. V. Dunaeva // Historical sketches on the French revolution. In memory of V. M. Dalin (on the occasion of his 95th birthday) / Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - M., 1998.
  • Kareev N.I. Two English revolutions of the 17th century. - M.: State. public ist. Library of Russia, 2002.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Gnatyuk O. L. Russian political thought at the beginning of the 20th century: N. I. Kareev, P. B. Struve, I. A. Ilyin. - St. Petersburg, 1994. - 125 p.
  • Pogodin S. N."Russian school" of historians: N. I. Kareev, I. V. Luchitsky, M. M. Kovalevsky. - St. Petersburg, 1997. - 377 p.
  • Sociology of history Nikolai Kareev: On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of his birth: Interuniversity. collection / Ed. A. O. Boronoev, V. V. Kozlovsky, I. D. Osipov. - SPb.: Publishing house of SPbU, 2000. - 420 s - (Russian sociology; Issue 2).
  • Weber B. G. The first Russian study of the French bourgeois revolution of the XVIII century. // From the history of socio-political ideas. - M., 1955.
  • Frolova I. I. The significance of N. I. Kareev’s research for developing the history of the French peasantry in the era of feudalism // Srednie veka. - Issue. 7. - 1955.
  • Zolotarev V.P. The historical concept of N. I. Kareev: Content and evolution. - L .: Publishing house of Leningrad State University, 1988.
  • Safronov B. G. N. I. Kareev on the structure of historical knowledge. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow. un-ta, 1995.
  • Rostislavlev D. A. N. I. Kareev about the Jacobin dictatorship // Historical sketches on the French revolution. In memory of V. M. Dalin (on the occasion of his 95th birthday) / Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. - M., 1998.
  • Classics of Russian sociology (To the 150th anniversary of the birth of N. I. Kareev) // Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. - 2000, volume III. - Issue. four.
  • Nikolai Ivanovich Kareev: man, scientist, public figure: Materials of the First All-Russian scientific and theoretical conference dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of N. I. Kareev, Syktyvkar, December 5-6, 2000 / Ed. ed. Zolotarev V.P. - Syktyvkar: Syktyvkar. un-t, 2002.
  • Khalturin Yu. L. Antipositivist conception of historical law by N. I. Kareev
  • Khalturin Yu. L. The structure of historical knowledge according to N. I. Kareev // Sofia: Manuscript Journal of the Society of Zealots of Russian Philosophy / Philos. fak. Ural. state university; Ed. B. V. Emelyanov. - Yekaterinburg: B.I., 2003. - No. 6.
  • Nikolay Ivanovich Kareev. Bio-bibliographic index (1869-2007) / Comp. V. A. Filimonov. - Kazan: Publishing House of Kazan State University, 2008. - 224 p. ISBN 978-5-98180-567-7
  • Filimonov V. A. Lecture courses by N. I. Kareev on ancient history // Historian and his business: the fate of scientists and scientific schools. Collection of articles of the International scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Professor Vasily Evgenievich Mayer. - Izhevsk, 2008. - S. 68-75.
  • Filimonov V. A. N. I. Kareev about the national determinant in the history of Russia. // National identity in the problem field of intellectual history. Proceedings of the international scientific conference (Pyatigorsk, April 25-27, 2008). - Stavropol-Pyatigorsk-Moscow: SGU Publishing House, 2008. - S. 81-84.
  • Filimonov V. A. N. I. Kareev: in memoriam (to the publication of little-known biographical materials about the historian) // Stavropol Almanac of the Russian Society of Intellectual History. - Issue. 10. - Stavropol-Pyatigorsk: PSLU, 2008. - S. 408-416.
  • Filimonov V. A.“Main Issues of the Philosophy of History” and “The Essence of the Historical Process and the Role of the Personality in History” by N. I. Kareev in the reviews of Russian researchers // Theories and methods of historical science: a step into the XXI century. Materials of the international scientific conference. - M ..: IVI RAN, 2008. - S. 286-288.
  • Filimonov V. A. N. I. Kareev in the discussion about the place of classical disciplines in the humanities and education // Formation of a single space of education and science in Russian higher education: history and perspective. Sat. Art. scientific conf., dedicated mem. prof. A. V. Arsenyeva / Ed. ed. L. P. Kurakov - Cheboksary: ​​Chuvash Publishing House. un-ta, 2008. - S. 347-354.
  • N. I. Kareev and Kazan sociologists // Bulletin of Economics, Law and Sociology. Peer-reviewed Federal scientific and practical. and analyt. well. Kazan, 2008. - No. 6 - S. 115-122.
  • Myagkov G. P., Filimonov V. A. Kazan scientists in the communicative space of N. I. Kareeva // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. - Ser. Humanite. science. - 2009. - T. 151, book. 2, part 1. - S. 164-173.
  • Filimonov V. A. N. I. Kareev and the First World War: eyewitness view and historian’s reflection // Image of wars and revolutions in historical memory. Mat. int. on-uch. conf. - Pyatigorsk-Stavropol-Moscow: PSLU, 2009. - S. 178-186.
  • Filimonov V. A. M. S. Kutorga and N. I. Kareev: communicative specificity and difficulties of verification // Dialogue with time. Almanac of Intellectual History - Vol. 30. M.: KRASAND, 2010. - S. 223-235.
  • Myagkov G. P., Filimonov V. A. N. I. Kareev in 1899-1906: “leisure discourse” of a historian // Uchenye zapiski Kazanskogo universiteta. Ser. Humanite. science. - 2010. - T. 152. - Book. 3. - Part 1. - S. 169-178.
  • Myagkov G. P., Filimonov V. A. N. I. Kareev and the “thick journals” of his time: in search of “his own” publication // The World of the Historian: Historiographic Collection / Ed. V. P. Korzun, A. V. Yakuba. - Issue 6. - Omsk: Om Publishing House. state un-ta, 2010. - S. 347-366.
  • Filimonov V. A. Antiquities of the University of Warsaw in the communicative space N. I. Kareeva // Stavropol Almanac of the Russian Society of Intellectual History. - Issue. 12. - Stavropol: Publishing House of SGU, 2011. - S. 229-240.
  • T. N. Ivanova, A. N. Zarubin. N. I. Kareev and P. N. Ardashev: towards the publication of a forgotten obituary // Dialogue with time. Almanac of Intellectual History, 34, 2011,


  • Profile of Nikolai Ivanovich Kareev on the official website of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Nikolaĭ Ivanovich Kareev - books by N. I. Kareev at the Internet Archive
  • Dolgova E.A. Social and domestic contours of N.I. Kareev in 1917-1931. . Archived from the original on February 16, 2012. Retrieved November 15, 2011.
  • Rostislavlev D. A."N. I. Kareev about the Jacobin dictatorship »
  • Kareev's works on the history of the Great French Revolution
  • List of works by V. A. Filimonov, including about 50 works about N. I. Kareev

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Kareev, Nikolai Ivanovich" is in other dictionaries:

    - (1850 1931) historian, philosopher, sociologist. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University (1873); prof. Warsaw (1879 84), then St. Petersburg, universities (since 1886, with a break between 1899 1906 due to dismissal ... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    Historian; genus. in 1850; studied at the 5th Moscow gymnasium and graduated from the course at the Faculty of History and Philology of the Moscow Univ. in 1873. Left at the university to prepare for a professorship, he was together with that teacher ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Kareev, Nikolai Ivanovich historian. Born in 1850; Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University. Even when he was a student, Kareev collaborated in the Voronezh Philological Notes and in Knowledge; his first printed ... ... Biographical Dictionary

    - (1850 1931) Russian historian, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925; corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1910, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1917), honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). Proceedings on the agrarian history of France, 2nd half. 18th century, French history ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Russian historian. In 1879‒84 he was a professor at the Warsaw and then St. Petersburg Universities. Since 1910, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy, since 1929 an honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1873 he graduated from the Moscow ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    - (1850 1931), historian, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1910), Russian Academy of Sciences (1917), USSR Academy of Sciences (1925), honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929). Works on the agrarian history of France in the second half of the 18th century, the history of the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century; new course... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Nikolai Ivanovich Kareev Date of birth: December 6, 1850 Place of birth: Moscow Date of death: February 18, 1931 Place of death: Leningrad Citizenship ... Wikipedia

Nikolay Ivanovich Kareev

Kareev Nikolai Ivanovich (1850-1931), Russian historian, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1925; corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1910, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1917), honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929). Works on the agrarian history of France in the 2nd half of the 18th century, the history of the French Revolution at the end of the 18th century; course on the modern history of Western Europe.

Kareev Nikolai Ivanovich (1850–1931). Russian historian and positivist sociologist, one of the founders of scientific sociology in Russia. Consistent supporter of O. Comte, popularizer and critic of his teachings. Anthropological ideas had a great influence on the formation of Kareev's views. L. Feuerbach and N.G. Chernyshevsky. As a sociologist, Kareev was close to the subjective school. Founder of the Russian tradition in the philosophy of history. Developed the theory of personality, issues of methodology of social sciences, history of sociology. He criticized Marxist sociology from the standpoint of positivism. Developed the concept of sociological education. Author of the first systematic lecture course in sociology (1897), fundamental works on the theory and history of sociology.

A. Akmalova, V. M. Kapitsyn, A. V. Mironov, V. K. Mokshin. Dictionary-reference book on sociology. Educational edition. 2011 .

Kareev Nikolai Ivanovich - Russian historian and philosopher, sociologist. Professor of European History at St. Petersburg University. After P. L. Lavrov and N. K. Mikhailovsky- supporter of the so-called. "subjective method in sociology". The main ideas of Kareev are connected with the interpretation of the views of representatives of the "first positivism" ( conta , Spencer , Mill): “reason, thought, idea do not belong to the world as a whole, but to the world within the boundaries of human knowledge” (“Main Issues of the Philosophy of History”, St. Petersburg, 1883, vol. 1, p. 326), therefore the meaning of history does not lie in some absolute meaning, but in its meaning for a person. At the same time, Kareev refuses the idea of ​​Comte (and Hegel) about the laws of the historical process. Kareev believes that history can in no way be thought of as a linear process; she is “a living fabric of lines, irregular and tortuous, intertwined in the most diverse and unexpected way” (ibid., p. 153). History as a set of random events makes sense only in the aspect of its subjective assessment (primarily moral), the idea progress significant for Kareev only in relation to the fate of mankind. The main questions of the philosophy of history are revealed through the philosophical understanding of a particular historical process. Trying to build a consistent system of social sciences, Kareev singles out the theoretical and concrete historical philosophy of history; the general theory of history is subdivided into historical epistemology, or historian, and sociology, which includes social statics and social dynamics. History and sociology act as complementary disciplines, the subject and method of which are not reducible to each other. The works of Kareev in the field of history and sociology had a great public resonance in the academic environment at the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries.

A. I. Reznichenko

New Philosophical Encyclopedia. In four volumes. / Institute of Philosophy RAS. Scientific ed. advice: V.S. Stepin, A.A. Huseynov, G.Yu. Semigin. M., Thought, 2010 , vol. II, E - M, p. 217.

Kareev Nikolai Ivanovich (November 24 (December 6), 1850, Moscow - February 18, 1931, Leningrad) - historian, sociologist, school friend and biographer of V. S. Solovyov. Kareev combined the abilities of a particular historian and theorist. In these areas, his Op. include ancient, medieval, modern and recent history. His master's thesis "The Peasants and the Peasant Question in France in the Last Quarter of the 18th Century" (1879) K. Marx called excellent. "History of Western Europe in modern times" in 7 volumes (1892-1917), according to academician V.P. Buzeskul, for its time is a work unprecedented in its breadth and comprehensiveness of coverage. His contribution to the problems of historical theory is weighty. Here, in the first place should be put "Basic Questions of the Philosophy of History" (In 3 volumes, 1883-1890, the 3rd volume was published as a supplement entitled "The Essence of the Historical Process and the Role of the Personality in History") and a collection of articles against Marxism " Old and new studies on economic materialism" (1896). He also wrote many articles related to the assessment of contemporary trends in the philosophy of history and sociology. As a theorist of history, Kareev is a supporter of the “first positivism” (O. Comte, G. Spencer, J. S. Mill, E. Littre), that branch of it, which in Russia was associated with populist subjective sociology. Kareev adheres to the idea of ​​a complex structure of historical knowledge. The philosophy of history is divided, according to Kareev, into two parts: theoretical and concrete historical, and is a philosophical consideration of the specific course of universal history. Next comes the general theory of history, which, in turn, is subdivided into social epistemology (the theory of historical knowledge, or historian) and sociology, traditionally consisting of social statics and social dynamics. The latter includes social morphology, which deals with the results of movement, and the theory of the historical process (or historiology), that is, the doctrine of the very mechanism of the development of society. If Comte dissolved concrete history in sociology, then for Kareev they are interdependent, but separate sciences. Like some other positivists, Kareev rejected Comte's "System of Positive Politics", who considered the historical process to be natural. Kareev denies his law of three stages in the development of society as a whole, believing that it applies only to the sphere of thinking. Kareev does not agree with Comte's identification of any abstraction with regularity. Comte does not distinguish between evolution and progress, does not see their different nature, while Kareev's progress is associated with a subjective ethical assessment, and evolution is an objective process. Comte does not share theory and method, Kareev insists on such a division. Critical assessments of modern social theories by Kareev are connected with the idea of ​​overcoming them as one-sided. He advocates their synthesis, strives to combine pragmatic and socio-cultural theories, philosophy of history and sociology, psychological and economic concepts. His goal was also to overcome concepts that deny the laws of the historical process and, on the contrary, reduce everything only to them, and equally to reject theories that overestimate the role of historical heroes and those that assign a decisive role to the masses. Kareev belonged to the first generation of positivists in the Russian academic environment, which was prepared by sociological journalism (Pisarev, Mikhailovsky, Lavrov, and others). He lived through all stages of the formation of sociology in Russia, taking an active part in this process, and was its historiographer. For many years, his great work "Fundamentals of Russian Sociology" remained unpublished. Published in 1996.

B. G. Safronov. N. G Samsonova

Russian philosophy. Encyclopedia. Ed. the second, modified and supplemented. Under the general editorship of M.A. Olive. Comp. P.P. Apryshko, A.P. Polyakov. – M., 2014 , With. 266-267.

Works: Historical-philosophical and sociological studies. M., 1895; Introduction to the study of sociology. M., 1897; Sobr. op. Spb.. 1912-1913. T. 1: History from a philosophical point of view; Vol. 2: Philosophy of history in Russian literature; T. 3: The essence of the historical process and the role of personality in history; Istorika (Theory of historical knowledge). SPb., 1913 (2nd ed. Pg., 1916); General foundations of sociology. Pg., 1919 (M., 2010); Fundamentals of Russian sociology. SPb., 1996; Past and experienced. M., 1990; Historiology. Theory of the historical process. M., 2011.

Literature: Buzeskul V.P. General history and its representatives in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Ch. 1-2. L., 1929-1931; Mogilnitsky BG Political and methodological ideas in Russian medieval studies. Tomsk, 1960; Myagkov GII Russian historical school. Methodological and ideological and political positions. Kazan, 1988; Zolotarev V.P. The historical concept of N.I. Kareev. L., 1988; Safrolov B. G. N. I. Kareev on the structure of historical knowledge. M., 1994; Pogodin S. N. Russian School of Historians: N. I. Kareev. I. V. Luchitsky, M. M. Kovalevsky. SPb., 1998: Sociology of history by N. I. Kareeva. SPb., 2000; N. I. Kareev: man, scientist, public figure. Syktyvkar, 2002; Pozdeeva GG Historiosophical views of N. I. Kareeva. Glazov. 2010.

Kareev Nikolai Ivanovich (24.XI (6.XII.1850 - 18.II.1931) - Russian historian of modern times. From a poor noble family. In 1879-1885 he was a professor at the Warsaw, then St. Petersburg universities. Since 1910 - Corresponding Member. Russian Academy of Sciences, since 1929 - an honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences. He graduated from Moscow University in 1873, where, under the guidance of V. I. Guerrier, he studied the French bourgeois revolution of the late 18th century. In his youth he was exposed to revolutionary enlighteners, in particular the ideas of D. I. Pisarev. In the future, he was strongly influenced by the ideologists of populism P. L. Lavrov and N. K. Mikhailovsky. Already in the 70s, Kareev got acquainted with K. Marx's "Capital", which was reflected in his first major study. He remained, however, a typical eclectic idealist, sharing the positivist-evolutionary views of his liberal peers. Politically, he also joined the liberals of the post-reform generation - constitutionalists and supporters of social reforms.

In the context of the democratic upsurge of the late 70s, when, according to Kareev, "the peasant question ... in the minds of Russian society was the central social issue," Kareev published his best work (master's thesis) - "The Peasants and the Peasant Question in France in the last quarter of the 18th century." (M., 1879, translated into French in 1899), followed in 1881 by "An Outline of the History of French Peasants from Ancient Times to 1789". Before Kareev, the main - peasant - question of the French bourgeois revolution was not subjected to serious analysis even in France, and Kareev, thus, secured with his book for Russian science the priority in its concrete study. Using rich printed and archival material, including the electoral mandates of 1789, he was the first historian to show that the French peasantry until the end of the 18th century was weighed down not only by unabated, but even more intensified feudal oppression (later called feudal reaction). Thus, the tendentious thesis of A. Tocqueville, widespread in French historiography of the 2nd half of the 19th century, was refuted, that even before the revolution, feudal relations gradually died out and the peasants became in their mass free landowners. At the same time, Kareev painted a vivid picture of the French split, which, however, had not yet ended by the time of the revolution. "... the semi-medieval peasantry against the rural bourgeoisie and the proletariat" (V. I. Lenin, Soch., vol. 1, p. 231). For all his liberal-bourgeois limitations, Kareev paid a certain amount of attention to the struggle of the popular masses for the elimination of feudal relations during the period of the revolution. Marx called Kareev's work excellent (see Correspondence of K. Marx and F. Engels with Russian politicians, 1951, pp. 232-233), Engels - "the best work on the peasants" (see K. Marx and F. Engels , Selected Letters, 1953, p. 407). Following Kareev, the same range of problems was developed, starting from the 90s, from different points of view by M. M. Kovalevsky and I. V. Luchitsky, who are often combined with Kareev by the general term "Russian school" in the study of the agrarian issue during the French bourgeois revolution in the late 18th century.

In the context of the disputes of the 80s about the ways of the further development of Russia and the increased interest of the general public in the general problems of historical science in connection with this, Kareev wrote a work (doctoral thesis) "Main Issues of the Philosophy of History" (vols. 1-3, M., 1883-90), permeated with eclecticism. Here and in numerous other historical-philosophical and sociological works, he contrasted the history of sociology, in fact denying its truly scientific character. Taking the position of extreme subjectivism, Kareev, like Mikhailovsky, declared that the content of the philosophy of history was "the ideal world of norms, the world of due, the world of truth and justice, with which real history will be compared." From the same subjective-idealistic positions, since the 1990s, Kareeva has stubbornly fought against Marxism, identifying it with "economic materialism." For this, along with Mikhailovsky, he was rightly criticized and rather ridiculed, in the words of V.I. Lenin (see Soch., vol. 5, p. 365), G.V. history", written as "an answer to Messrs. Mikhailovsky, Kareev and Comp.".

For all the moderation of his liberalism, Kareev was dismissed in 1899 in connection with student unrest from St. Petersburg University, where he returned only in 1906. During the years of the first Russian revolution, he joined the ranks of the Cadet Party and was elected a member of the 1st State Duma.

A number of his books and articles on the history of Poland are associated with the period of Kareev's professorship in Warsaw ("The Fall of Poland" in historical literature, St. Petersburg, 1888; "Historical essay on the Polish Sejm", M., 1888, etc.) . After Kareev moved to St. Petersburg University, his course, also eclectic in its methodology, but valuable in terms of the wealth of material, began to appear - "The History of Western Europe in Modern Times" (vols. 1-7, St. Petersburg, 1892-1917). In this course, brought to the beginning of World War I, a significant place was given, unlike other contemporary Russian and foreign manuals, not only to political and cultural history, but also to socio-economic processes. Kareev did not stop his studies on the French Revolution of the 18th century, systematically responding to works devoted to it in Russian and foreign literature (“What has been done in historical science on the situation of the French “workers before the revolution of 1789,” St. Petersburg, 1911; "Quick notes on the economic history of France in the era of revolution", St. Petersburg, 1911, etc.). In 1910, Kareev began to develop important, but then still poorly studied material on the history of the Parisian revolutionary sections (Unpublished documents on the history of the Parisian sections of 1790-1795, St. St. Petersburg, 1914; Paris sections during the French Revolution (1790-1795), St. Petersburg, 1911; Political speeches of the Paris sections during the Great Revolution, "Russian wealth", 1912, No 11, etc.). Already after the Great October Socialist Revolution, Kareev published in 1924-1925 the work "Historians of the French Revolution" in 3 volumes - a historiographic review of the main works in this area, unsurpassed so far in completeness, considered, however, by the author from his former liberal-bourgeois point of view.

B. G. Weber. Moscow.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 7. KARAKEEV - KOSHAKER. 1965 .

Works: List of works K. in Sat.: From the distant and near past, P.-M., 1923, p. 7-18, and also in his work: Historians Franz. revolution, vol. 3, L., 1925, p. 298-300 (works on the French Revolution).

Literature: Marx K., (Letter) M. M. Kovalevsky. April 1879, in the book: Correspondence of K. Marx and F. Engels from Russian. political figures, 2nd ed., M., 1951, p. 232-33; Engels F., (Letter) to K. Kautsky. February 20, 1889, in the book: Marx K. and Engels F., Izbr. letters, M., 1953, p. 407-11; Buzeskul V., General history and its representatives in Russia in the XIX and early. XX century, part 1, L., 1929, p. 153-68; Weber B. G., First Russian. French research. bourgeois Revolution of the XVIII century., in Sat.: From the history of socio-political. ideas, M., 1955, p. 642-63; Frolova I. I., The significance of N. I. Kareev’s research for the development of the history of the French. peasantry in the era of feudalism, in collection: Cf. century, vol. 7, 1955, p. 315-34; Essays on the history of ist. Sciences in the USSR, (vol.) 2, M., 1960, p. 461-83, 503.

Read further:

Historians (biographical index).

Philosophers, lovers of wisdom (biographical index).


Historical-philosophical and sociological studies. M., 1895;

Old and new studies on economic materialism. SPb., 1896;

Istorika (Theory of historical knowledge). SPb., 1916;

General foundations of sociology. Pg., 1919.


Buzeskul V.P. General history and its representatives in Russia in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Ch. 1-2. L., 1929-1931;

Mogilnitsky BG Political and methodological ideas in Russian medieval studies. Tomsk, 1960;

Myagkov G.P. Russian historical school. Methodological and ideological and political positions. Kazan, 1988;

Zolotarev V.P. The historical concept of N.I. Kareev. L., 1988;

Safrolov B. G. N. I. Kareev on the structure of historical knowledge. M., 1994;

Pogodin S. N. Russian School of Historians: N. I. Kareev. I. V. Luchitsky, M. M. Kovalevsky. SPb., 1998:

Sociology of history N. I. Kareeva. SPb., 2000;

N. I. Kareev: man, scientist, public figure. Syktyvkar, 2002;

Pozdeeva GG Historiosophical views of N. I. Kareeva. Glazov. 2010.


Kareev, Nikolai Ivanovich - historian. Born in 1850; Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University. Even when he was a student, Kareev collaborated in the Voronezh "Philological Notes" and in "Knowledge"; his first printed work, The Phonetic and Grammar System of the Ancient Hellenic Language, was published in 1868. Left at the university to prepare for a professorship, he was a teacher of history at the 3rd Moscow gymnasium. Having passed the master's exam, he received a business trip abroad, during which he wrote his master's thesis "The Peasants and the Peasant Question in France in the Last Quarter of the 18th Century." (Moscow, 1879). It was followed by "Essay on the history of the French peasantry" (1881). In 1878-79 he taught a course in the history of the 19th century at Moscow University. as an outside teacher. In 1879 - 84 he was a professor at Warsaw University. His doctoral dissertation "Basic Questions of the Philosophy of History" (Moscow, 1883) caused great controversy, about which Kareev published a book: "To My Critics" (Warsaw, 1883). In 1885, Kareev moved to St. Petersburg, where he received a chair, first at the Alexander Lyceum, and then at the university and at the higher courses for women. In 1889, he participated in the founding of the Historical Society at St. Petersburg University, of which he is still the chairman, editing the Historical Review published by the society. During his stay in Warsaw, Kareev took up Polish history and wrote several books and articles on this subject ("The Fall of Poland in Historical Literature", 1889; "Essay on the History of the Reformation Movement and Catholic Reaction in Poland", 1886; "Historical Sketch of the Polish Sejm", 1888; "Polish reforms of the 18th century", 1890; "Causes de la chute de la Pologne", 1893 and others); some of these writings appeared in Polish translations. His Fundamental Questions in the Philosophy of History appeared in the third edition in 1897; the third volume of this work was published under the title: The Essence of the Historical Process and the Role of Personality in History (1890; 2nd ed., 1914). A number of historical-philosophical and sociological journal articles by Kareev are devoted to similar topics; some of them were collected in Historical-Philosophical and Sociological Etudes (1895; 2nd ed., 1898), and later in the first two volumes of the Collected Works (1911 and 1912). Having previously published, in separate books, several "Introductions" to his courses on the history of the East, the ancient world, the Middle Ages, modern and modern times, Kareev undertook the "History of Western Europe in Modern Times", which was published in six volumes (the sixth volume in two parts) during 1892 - 1910; the first volumes went through 5 and 4 editions. Associated with it is the General Course of the History of the 19th Century. Published in 1894, "Letters to student youth on self-education" and the subsequent "Conversations on the development of a worldview", "Thoughts on the foundations of morality" and others also had several editions. In the second half of the 90s. Kareev published "Introduction to the Study of Sociology" (3 editions) and "Old and New Etudes on Economic Materialism" (2 editions). In September 1899, Kareev was dismissed without a request from the post of professor at St. Petersburg University and at the higher courses for women, but continued to teach at the Alexander Lyceum until 1907. Kareev took advantage of his involuntary leisure to compile textbooks on ancient, middle and modern history, used in high school. Since 1902, he began to lecture at the economic department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute and then published five of his courses under the general title: "Typological courses on the history of state life" ("State-city of the ancient world", "Monarchies of the ancient East and Greek of the Roman world", "The estate-state and the estate monarchy of the Middle Ages", "Western European absolute monarchy of the 16th - 18th centuries" and "The origin of the modern people's legal state"); some of them appeared in three editions. Kareev took an active part in the committee of the Literary Fund (at one time he was its chairman) and in the society for the benefit of students of St. . In 1904-06 he was a member of the St. Petersburg City Duma. In the union of workers of higher education founded in 1905, he was the chairman of the "academic commission", which developed the main questions of the structure and life of higher educational institutions. During the preparations for the elections to the First State Duma, he was chairman of the St. Petersburg City Committee of the Constitutional Democratic Party, as the candidate of which he was elected from St. Petersburg to the deputies. Since 1906, he has again been a professor at St. Petersburg University and higher courses for women. Recently, Kareev has returned to studies in the history of the French Revolution, on which he published a number of unpublished documents (by the way, in the "Western" Academy of Sciences, of which he is a corresponding member) and small works on the Parisian sections ("Paris sections of the French Revolution," 1911, and others), on the economic history of the era, etc. n. In the first edition of this "Encyclopedic Dictionary" edited (with the letter B) the entire historical department; in this edition he edits the department of modern Western European history. A complete list of Kareev's works is placed in the Collection published in honor of his anniversary (St. Petersburg, 1914).

Brief biographical encyclopedia. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, word meanings and what NIKOLAI IVANOVICH KAREEV is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • KAREEV NIKOLAI IVANOVICH in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    (1850-1931) - Russian historian, sociologist, gymnasium friend and biographer B.C. Solovyov. Graduated from the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University. Professor Varshavsky (1879-1884) and ...
    (1850-1931) Russian historian, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925; corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1910, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1917), honorary member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR ...
  • KAREEV NIKOLAI IVANOVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Nikolai Ivanovich, Russian historian. In 1879-84 he was a professor at the Warsaw and then Petersburg universities. Since 1910, Corresponding Member of the Russian ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    (victory of the people; Acts 6:5) - originally from Antioch, probably converted from paganism to the Christian faith, one of the deacons of the Apostolic Church, ...
    Nikolaevich, Grand Duke (1856-?). - Graduated from the military academy in 1876. Participated as an officer in the Russian-Turkish war. Between 1895...
  • KAREEV in 1000 biographies of famous people:
    Nikolai Ivanovich (1856-1931). Russian historian, well-known representative of the socialist school of populists (subjective method in sociology). His many years of polemics with Plekhanov and ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Nicholas - Archbishop of Murliky, saint, highly revered in the East and West, sometimes even by Muslims and pagans. His name is surrounded by a mass of folk ...
  • KAREEV in the Literary Encyclopedia:
    N.I. - see "Method ...
    Nikolai Ivanovich (1850-1931), historian, teacher and methodologist, member of staff. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1910), post. part of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). He taught at high schools...
  • IVANOVICH in the Pedagogical Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Kornely Agafonovich (1901-82), teacher, Ph.D. APS of the USSR (1968), Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Professor (1944), specialist in agricultural education. Was a teacher...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (4th century) Archbishop of Mirliki (Mir in Lycia, M. Asia), a Christian miracle-working saint, widely revered in the Eastern and Western churches. AT …
  • IVANOVICH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (Ivanovici) Joseph (Ion Ivan) (1845-1902), Romanian musician, conductor of military bands. Author of the popular waltz "Danube Waves" (1880). In the 90s. lived...
    name of 5 popes. N. I (858-867), a Roman of a noble family, was elected under the influence of Emperor Louis II. With strong will and...
  • NICHOLAS BISHOP OF NOVOMIRGORODSKY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Ivan Grigoryevich Zarkevich) - Bishop of Novomirgorod, spiritual writer (1827-885). Studied in St. Petersburg. spiritual academy; Prior to becoming a monk, he was a priest...
  • NICHOLAS BISHOP OF ALEUT AND ALASKA in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I (in the world Mikhail Zakharovich Ziorov, born in 1850) - Bishop of the Aleutian and Alaska (since 1891); got an education...
  • NIKOLAY DUKHOVN. WRITER in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (in the world Pyotr Stepanovich Adoratsky) - spiritual writer (1849-96). A graduate of the Kazan Theological Academy, N., after becoming a monk, stayed for 4 years ...
  • NICHOLAS GREC. RHETORICIAN in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Nikolaos) - Greek. rhetorician from Mir-Lycian, lived at the end of the 5th century. according to R. Chr., author of "Progymnasmata" - an introduction to stylistic ...
  • NIKOLAY NALIMOV in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (in the world Nikolai Aleksandrovich Nalimov, born in 1852) - Exarch of Georgia, Archbishop of Kartalya and Kakheti, graduate of St. Petersburg. spiritual academy. …
  • NIKOLAI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Nicholas is the Archbishop of Myra (the city of Mir in Lycia), a great Christian saint, famous for miracles during his lifetime and after death, "the rule of faith and the image ...
  • KAREEV in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    I (Nikolai Ivanovich) - historian, b. in 1850, studied at the 5th Moscow gymnasium and graduated from the course at the Faculty of History and Philology ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • NIKOLAI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    I (1796 - 1855), Russian emperor (since 1825), the third son of Emperor Paul I. He ascended the throne after the sudden death of the emperor ...
    NIKOLAI SALOS, Pskov fool. In 1570, during the campaign of Ivan IV to Pskov, he met the tsar at the gates of the city, denouncing him ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH (Senior) (1831-1891), great. prince, third son of the emperor. Nicholas I, General Feldm. (1878), post. h. Petersburg. AN (1855). FROM …
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAI NIKOLAEVICH (Younger) (1856-1929), great. prince, son of Nikolai Nikolaevich (Senior), cavalry general (1901). In 1895-1905 inspector general of the cavalry, with ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAY MIKHAILOVICH (1859-1919), great. prince, grandson of the imp. Nicholas I, general of infantry (1913), historian, post. h. Petersburg. AN (1898). Monographs…
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS OF CUSA (Nicolaus Cusanus) (Nicholas Krebs, Krebs) (1401-64), philosopher, theologian, scientist, church. and polit. figure. The closest adviser to Pope Pius II, ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS OF DAMASUS (64 BC - early 1st century AD), other Greek. historian. From Op. came in fragments: "History" (in 144 books), ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS II (1868-1918), last grew up. emperor (1894-1917), eldest son of the imp. Alexander III, post. h. Petersburg. AN (1876). His reign coincided ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS I (1796-1855), grew up. emperor since 1825, third son of imp. Paul I, post. h. Petersburg. AN (1826). Ascended to the throne...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS I (?-867), Pope from 858; under him there was a break with the East. …
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS from Otrekur (Nicolas d "Autrecourt) (c. 1300 - after 1350), French philosopher, representative of nominalism. He taught in Paris. He criticized scholastic Aristotelianism, ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NIKOLAY (in the world Bor. Dorofeevich Yarushevich) (1892-1961), church. figure. In 1922-24 in exile. In 1942-43, he replaced the locum tenens of the patriarchal throne, Metropolitan ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS (in the world Iv. Dm. Kasatkin) (1836-1912), church. activist, since 1870 head of Rus. orthodox missions in Japan, the founder of Japan. …
  • NIKOLAI in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    NICHOLAS (4th century), Archbishop of Myra (city of Myra in Lycia, M. Asia), Christ. saint, widely revered in Vost. and Zap. …
  • KAREEV in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    Kareeev Nick. Iv. (1850-1931), historian, Ph.D. Petersburg. Academy of Sciences (1910), Russian Academy of Sciences (1917), Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1925), post. part of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1929). Tr. …
  • IVANOVICH in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    IVANOVIC (Ivanovici) Joseph (Ion, Ivan) (1845-1902), rum. musician, military conductor orchestras. Author of the popular waltz "Danube Waves" (1880). In the 90s. …
  • KAREEV in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (Nikolay Ivanovich) ? historian, b. in 1850, studied at the 5th Moscow gymnasium and graduated from the course at the Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow. …
    Baskov, Rybnikov, ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    The last king...
  • NIKOLAI in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    name, …
  • NIKOLAI in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Nikolay, (Nikolaevich, ...
  • NIKOLAI in the Modern Explanatory Dictionary, TSB:
    (4th century), Archbishop of Myra (Mir in Lycia, M. Asia), a Christian miracle-working saint, widely revered in the Eastern and Western churches. AT …

Nikolai Ivanovich Kareev (1850-1931) - a prominent Russian historian and sociologist. He taught at Warsaw and then at St. Petersburg University, later became a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (since 1910) and an honorary academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (since 1929).
Peru Kareev owns a large number of various historical works, including the seven-volume "History of Western Europe in Modern Times" (1892-1917). "Historians of the French Revolution" (parts 1-3, 1924-1925). Kareev's work "The Peasants and the Peasant Question in France in the Last Quarter of the 18th Century" (1879), the first Russian study on the agrarian question on the eve of the French Revolution, was called excellent by K. Marx. In many of Kareev's works, the sociological aspects of the approach to the historical process are quite fully developed.
In his political views, Kareev is a typical bourgeois liberal, a supporter of extremely modest social reforms. However, with all his moderation, Kareev was dismissed from St. Petersburg University in 1899 for being "unreliable" in connection with the student movement. He returned to the University only after 1905. Starting from the first Russian revolution and up to October 1917, he was an active figure in the Cadets party, a member of the First State Duma.
At the end of the 1990s, Kareev, together with the liberal populists, launched an attack on the teachings of Marx in general and especially on historical materialism, having an extremely narrow and wrong idea about it. All criticism was based on the identification of historical materialism with economic materialism, Marxist sociology was attributed to "one-sidedness" and "limitedness". In the sociology of Marxism, which is stubbornly called economic materialism, according to Kareev, all social phenomena depend solely on the economy, which shows its "undeveloped" and "dogmatism." Marxists were also credited with "an understanding of the historical process in the spirit of Hegel's philosophy, even if with the replacement of idealism by materialism."
GV Plekhanov, defending Marxism, criticized, along with Mikhailovsky, Kareev. He revealed the complete groundlessness and anti-science of the attempts of the Russian subjectivists to refute the sociology of Marxism. V. I. Lenin noted that Plekhanov had sufficiently ridiculed the unsuccessful interpreters of Marxism.
In the first half of the 80s, the main sociological theory of Kareev was formed, which he adhered to with minor changes until the end of his days. She received the greatest expression in her doctoral dissertation "Basic Questions of the Philosophy of History". The work was published in two volumes in 1883 and was defended a year later at Moscow University. The continuation and development of its main provisions was his other great work, The Essence of the Historical Process and the Role of the Personality in History (1889). The author himself, many years later, noted that this work "remains his most significant work in the field of the theory of history." The sociological works of Kareev, in addition to those named, also include Historical-Philosophical and Sociological Studies (1895), Old and New Studies on Economic Materialism (1896), Introduction to the Study of Sociology (1897), History. Theory of historical knowledge” (1913), “Historiology. The Theory of the Historical Process (1915), General Foundations of Sociology (1919) and many journal articles. By 1912, Kareev had written 80 books and articles on the philosophy of history and sociology.
The main ideological source of Kareev's sociology is positivism, especially kontism. Kareev often emphasized his ideological affinity with the theorists of French positivism. He also acknowledged Buckle's great influence on him. As for the ideological relationship with neo-Kantianism, it was most clearly manifested both in the consideration of the phenomena of social life in the spirit of Rickert in the form of absolutely individual and unique, and in the division of all sciences into two groups: the sciences of phenomena - phenomenological and the sciences of laws - nomological.24 Kareev refers to the first group the sciences that should describe phenomena and show their mutual connection, including history and philosophy of history, the latter differs from the first only in greater abstraction. The second group - nomological sciences - includes sociology, the task of which is "to discover the laws that govern social phenomena."
We see a similar division later in neo-Kantianism. Kareev believed that he anticipated the ideas of Windelband, Rickert and Simmel, since only “much later in German philosophical literature was a similar distinction made between the two categories of sciences, of which one was called the “nomothetic” sciences, i.e. establishing laws, the other - "ideographic" sciences, that is, describing separate, single objects.
Thus, in Kareev there was a separation of history from sociology, phenomena from essence, the concrete was opposed to the abstract, the actual course of history was opposed to some ideal formulas. Criticizing Russian subjective sociologists in the person of Kareev, G. V. Plekhanov rightly pointed out that their distinguishing feature is that ““ the world of due, the world of truth and justice” is beyond any connection with the objective course of historical development: here - "proper", there - "real", and these two areas are separated from one another by a whole abyss - the abyss that separates the material world from the spiritual world for dualists.
Kareev criticized Comte's classification, considering it incomplete. Comte, according to Kareev, made an unjustified leap from biology to sociology through psychology. “Between biology and sociology we put,” Kareev wrote, “psychology, but not individual, but collective.” Collective psychology is capable, in his opinion, of becoming the true basis of sociology, since all social phenomena are ultimately a spiritual interaction between individuals.
In the sociology of Kareev, the following problems can be distinguished: 1) the method of social cognition; 2) collective psychology as the basis of society; 3) historical process.
Kareev entered the history of sociology as the last major researcher who used the subjective method in his work. After the work of Kareev, sociology has never seriously turned to the theoretical development and substantiation of the subjective method. At the turn of the XX century. he outlived himself.
Kareev derives the method of sociology from the nature of the nomological sciences. Historical and comparative study, he says, only prepares the material for sociological thinking, in which "ideal principles play a leading role", with the latter the subjective method is associated. Individual events, like society as a whole, are inevitably evaluated from the point of view of a certain ideal. Subjectivism is a necessary methodological principle for the study of society.
Kareev distinguished between random subjectivism and regular subjectivism. Random subjectivism depends on the personal characteristics of the scientist (temperament, mindset, taste) and his position in society (belonging to a particular union, party, group). All these moments affect the judgments of the researcher, distort the truth, therefore, Kareev believed, in order to achieve it, it is necessary to eliminate the influence of the character of the individual and the surrounding social environment. This can be done if the scientist overcomes narrow national, religious or class interests and rises to the interests of all mankind, “from the level of a being performing this or that function in social life, to the level of a diversified personality.” But the historian and the sociologist cannot and must not avoid the "legitimate subjectivism" contained in the very nature of the process of cognition, in which "a phenomenon cannot be understood without a subjective attitude towards it." However, the individual in general, as the bearer of "legitimate subjectivism", actually turns out to be the attorney of a certain class, of certain social forces. Kareev applies to what is happening the measure of his abstract ideas about justice, law, the ideal, etc., which in essence were an idea of ​​​​the idealized kingdom of the bourgeoisie.
Society in Kareev's sociology appears in an abstract form, outside of its historical, economic and other features. The sociologist, guided by ideals, constructs "normal forms of social existence", which simplifies too complex real relationships and facilitates the study of reality. However, such a selection of "normal forms" has only an external resemblance to the process of scientific abstraction. Here, abstractness becomes a sign of isolation from life, an expression of empty categories and concepts. Kareev gives a purely dogmatic construction of society according to a certain ideal, without the slightest attempt at an objective analysis of social relations.
Society, or, according to Kareev, "supraorganic environment", is a complex system of mental and practical interactions of individuals. Kareev divides this environment into cultural groups and social organization.
The first is the subject of individual psychology, since they involve the general interaction of individuals and are reduced to the ideas, moods and aspirations of members of society.
The distinctive features of cultural groups depend, according to Kareev, not on the natural properties of people, they are formed under the influence of habit, imitation and education.
The second side of the supraorganic environment - social organization - is the result of collective psychology and is studied by sociology. But we must remember that for Kareev the supraorganic environment as a whole, that is, both cultural groups and social organization, is the fruit of the mental interaction of people. The second side of the supraorganic is connected with the consideration of social forms and institutions in which the psychological relations of people are embodied. It is significant that Kareev saw the connection between these two sides of society in the sphere of "general principles", "common principles".
According to Kareev, social organization is the totality of the economic, legal and political environment. The basis for such a scheme in Kareev is the position of the individual in society: either its place in the social organization itself (political system), or private relations with other persons protected by state power (law, legal system), or its role in economic life (economic system) . For Kareev, social organization is an indicator of the limit of personal freedom. As we can see, the very principle of his approach to the social structure is permeated with subjectivism and psychologism.
The determining factor in the development of society is spiritual culture. It affects the behavior of individual members of society, on which their practical relations, which underlie social forms, also depend.
The idea of ​​such a structure of society determined the interpretation of the historical (social) law and patterns. In history, says Kareev, we do not see the main sign of the law of repetition of phenomena or facts. The historical fact is single and individual. It is different in sociology, as a nomological science, called upon to discover the laws that govern social phenomena. Sociology provides an analytical study of the elements of historical life, eliminates all random and individual of them. At the same time, it determines the content of social law. The latter is understood by Kareev not as a reflection of the stable and essential connections of social phenomena that do not depend on people, but as a result of the will and mind of a person. In accordance with the subjectivist view of history, Kareev argued that the consciousness of people introduces regularity and order into the chaos of historical events and phenomena.
Kareev distinguished between sociology and the theory of the historical process: for the first, society is an object, for the second it is a process, but both sciences study it abstractly. Sociology is more interested in what has been new in the life of society; the theory of the historical process - by how these results were obtained, considers changes in the structure and form of society. Sociology, thus, turns into Comte's statics, loses any opportunity to study society in process and interconnection, therefore Kareev supplements it with the theory of historical progress.
The central problem in Kareev's sociology was the question of the relationship between the individual and the historical process, considered from various angles: firstly, in terms of clarifying the content of the historical process, and secondly, in terms of revealing the role of the individual as an engine of progress and, accordingly, creating a classification of personalities, thirdly, through the definition of the essence of historical progress.
Personality and society, according to Kareev, are in continuous interaction, one another is conditioned, determined, created. But in fact, this provision acquired one-sided coverage and was reduced by Kareev to the influence of the individual on society, without taking into account the reverse process.
Kareev considered the problem of the influence of the individual on society in two aspects: one is the individual in "pragmatic history", the essence of which is the description of people's actions, and the other is the individual in cultural history.
According to Kareev, all people can be placed, as it were, on different rungs of an imaginary ladder in accordance with their role in history. “On the top rung of the ladder we would put people who independently conceive the cumulative action and carry it out only with the help of extraneous forces, while on the bottom rung - people so alien to the very idea and so devoid of independence that we could speak of them without ambiguity as about tools of someone else's will. Although
Kareev tried to fence himself off from the theories that divide people into a mass and a “hero”, but all his arguments show the anti-people, bourgeois-liberal essence of his sociology. According to Kareev, history is made by those who have most fully manifested their personal beginning.
Kareev argued similarly about the role of the individual in cultural history. Cultural evolution requires for its implementation figures, initiators of the movement, the rest of the masses only imitate them.
Along with the theory of the historical process, Kareev also developed the theory of historical progress, which is the subject of the philosophy of history.
Kareev believed that progress as a general concept includes five more specific ones: mental progress - the cultivation of abilities for spiritual interests; moral progress; political progress - the development of freedom and the improvement of the state; legal progress - the development of equality; economic progress - the development of solidarity and cooperation. “A progressive process is something very complex, consisting of separate processes that mutually determine one another.” Kareev sought to cover all aspects of the life of society with the concept of progress, and this is his similarity with De Roberti. Compared with populist sociology, Kareev took a step forward in his attempt to avoid a narrow understanding of social progress by including in its content the most important areas of human activity. At the same time, the general orientation of his sociology did not allow drawing realistic conclusions, and a broad view of development was reduced to a lean and highly subjective formula of progress.
The progress formula is derived by Kareev a priori and has an abstract character. In this he saw the guarantee of its universality. The formula proposed by Kareev contained three elements, which he subordinated to the main goal of progress - a developed and developing personality.
The first element is the ideal. It is a developed personality in the presence of individual freedom and social solidarity. The second element is to identify ways to achieve the ideal. Its implementation consists in reshaping, through critical thought, culture, life and social organization, “that supraorganic environment that develops unreasonably, often contradicting both nature and human needs.” The third element is the expression of the law of progress itself. It consists in the self-liberation of the individual, in the fact that the individual subjugates the supraorganic environment.
The concept of progress, its goals and components, is permeated with subjectivism, presented through the personality and its ideals. K prog
Kareev approached the essay with a measure of the best and the worst, the true and the false, for him the movement of society becomes only an axiological fact. Here one can clearly see its connection with the subjective direction.
Kareev distinguished between evolution and progress, believing that there is a difference between them. Evolution has an objective character and does not depend on the assessment of the subject; in contrast to it, social progress is associated with a subjective assessment of ongoing events. Not all evolution can be considered progressive. Evolution means gradual, smooth development, its laws are known by analysis and comparison of historical facts, the formula of progress is established according to the ideal.
Kareev systematized the main provisions of the subjective direction, revealing the eclecticism of its constituent provisions. In this, Kareev saw a condition for rapprochement with other areas and the creation of a "synthetic" theory that combined materialism and idealism. Such a synthesis, in his opinion, is achieved in sociology, which places the individual at the basis of society, since a person is both a body and a spirit. Regarding such a "synthesis", G. V. Plekhanov sarcastically remarked: Kareev, "despite his tendency to "synthesis", remains a dualist of the purest water. He has economy here, psychology there; in one pocket - the soul, in the other - body Between these substances there is an interaction, but each of them leads its own independent existence, the origin of which is covered in the darkness of obscurity.
Kareev created a sociological theory based on collective psychology, which was the main content of the subject of sociology. Personality and collective psychology were for Kareev the starting points in the formation of the concept of social progress and in the construction of the structure of the social organization of society. Such an approach made the entire sociology of Kareev subjectivist, two currents of Russian sociology merged in it - one coming from Lavrov, and the other connected with the psychological direction.