Country style bathroom - rustic chic in a city apartment. Rustic Charm: Country-Style Bathroom Country-Style Bathroom Tiles

The decoration of the room by each person is carried out in accordance with the characteristics of his psychology, priorities, understanding of the world and the prevailing way of life. Everyone has different color preferences and their own ideas about comfortable interior. This also applies to. By looking at it, you can immediately determine the characteristics of the character and lifestyle of the owner of the apartment and his family members. Many people like a country-style bathroom.

The interior of a country style bathroom is natural and simple, environmentally friendly and close to nature.

Today there is a modern understanding of bathroom design. In earlier times, the purpose of bathrooms was only hygiene procedures. Nowadays, rest and relaxation in the bathroom after a hard day at work is a common occurrence. In addition, in addition to the traditional attributes of plumbing, interior items appear here that add coziness and create an atmosphere of comfort: large mirrors, shelves, cabinets, TVs and stereo systems.

Style Features

Country style appeared in the West and immediately became popular. The beginning of the last century was the time of its spread in Russia. At that time, huge numbers of villagers migrated to the city. City life was incomprehensible to many. Former villagers tried, at least at home, to revive the environment to which they had become accustomed since childhood.

Therefore, country style is characterized by naturalness and simplicity, environmental friendliness and closeness to nature. The interior of a country style home is similar to a simple village house.

A country style bathroom is characterized by natural, pastel and light colors.

Country style in the bathroom. Decorating in a simple, rustic style can be done in a city bathroom. But every detail of the interior must be carefully thought out. Floors, furniture, walls, lighting, decoration and accessories should be in harmony with each other.

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Interior color scheme

  1. differs in color and variegation. However, the color scheme should not be bright. Its peculiarity is that the tones should be thick and slightly muted.
  2. The color palette of this interior is natural, pastel and light colors.
  3. A prerequisite is maintaining color balance.
  4. Another condition for this design is that any bright spots and flashy colors are excluded.
  5. Need something natural color scheme, which echoes the color of living nature. Designers recommend including green shades in the interior in combination with primary colors.
  6. Striped or checkered curtains made of fabric in a monochromatic palette fit perfectly into the bathroom design.

When decorating a bathroom in country style, it is better to whitewash the walls or paint them in a single light color.

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Finishing materials for bathroom decoration

This is a style close to natural motifs. This should be taken into account when choosing cladding and finishing.

  • They must be natural (stone, light wood) or imitate natural substances (stone tiles, imitation wood).
  • They must have a rough texture (plaster, decorative rock, tile).
  • For finishing you can use a molded cornice, wooden panel, border, provided that color harmony with the walls is maintained.
  • In such a bathroom they will violate general style modern finishing materials and shower cabins, suspended ceilings with fashionable lamps, chrome trim.
  • The surface of the walls can be whitewashed, painted with light paint, covered with plain ceramic tiles or with a floral, geometric pattern.

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Compositional interior design in country style in the bathroom

Furniture items in the bathroom. You need to use the simplest, rustic-style furniture. It should resemble the design of a village hut.

  1. In such an interior, rough, clumsy old-style furniture made of natural wood is appropriate: grandma’s chair, unpolished wardrobe correct form, a wicker laundry basket, rough shelves, tightly built benches.
  2. Furniture can be unpainted, with a minimum of decorative details.

Furniture in a country-style bathroom should be made of natural wood, preferably not painted.

Window decoration gives the room personality.

  1. It is advisable to have at least one window in the bathroom, which should be covered with a curtain with ruffles and ribbons made of natural fabric - cotton, linen or chintz.
  2. Textile napkins are needed on the windowsill self made and flower pots.
  3. Heavy, dark draperies will not work.

Lamps. Lighting plays a big role. It can completely change the feel of your bathroom.

  1. When planning lighting options, you should avoid bright and high lights, fashionable and modern lamps, fluorescent lamps.
  2. In such a bathroom you need soft, dim, diffused lighting. Its sources should be located in the corners, close to the floor surface, behind a patterned partition.
  3. The right choice would be an antique type lamp with a lampshade or with forged parts, an electric lamp with a simple, matte shade.

The floor should be in harmony with general design premises. Perfect option for such a bathroom - small tile on the floor, imitating stone or brick.

A bathtub in the form of a wicker basket is perfect for country style.

Plumbing. Her choice is very important. It must correspond to the general idea of ​​the interior.

  1. A good option is an antique bathtub with cute legs.
  2. Bathtubs made of wood look great, imitating a wash basin. Something similar to this will happen if the bathtub is covered with boards on the side. You just need to treat this material with protective agents.
  3. A marble or stone bathtub would also be a great option.
  4. Ball mixers are not suitable. They must be valve-type, which were common at the beginning of the twentieth century.
  5. A clay washbasin will be an organic continuation of the rustic decoration of such a bathroom.

Accessories are the most important element. Here, the presence of appropriate decorative items that do not disturb the harmony is mandatory. Your imagination can be limitless. But you need to remember some design rules.

  1. In this unpretentious style, there is no need to focus on small, bright details. They will seem inappropriate elements of the interior.
  2. The right details for the bathroom interior will be enamel jugs, lush bouquets, fabric bags with pockets for things, an embroidered towel, a handmade wicker rug.
  3. Can match the interior decorative elements with a floral pattern, wooden, bronze and forged products in the form of candlesticks, accessories, etc.

Decorating a bathroom in country style means closeness to nature, simplicity of life and a leisurely, measured, comfortable life.

An interior of this style gives calm and a sense of peace. Such a bathroom sets the mood for a calm, quiet family life and a pleasant stay. Country style is comfortable.

We all want warmth and home comfort. We dream, after everyday worries and worries, to find ourselves on an island of comfort, where we can completely relax, recover physically and mentally. Bathroom in Provence style- just like that perfect place for relaxation.

Natural materials, eye-pleasing colors and an abundance of handmade accessories create a unique atmosphere and help you get into a positive mood.

Let us dwell on the main features of French country in more detail.

Bathroom design in Provence style

Provence, named after one of the most picturesque regions of France, needs spacious rooms with good natural light. That's why this direction is more common V country houses , where the large area differs not only living rooms, but also bathrooms.

Bathroom finishing. What materials to choose

For classic bathroom interior in Provence style is used:

The walls in the area of ​​the washbasin and bathtub or shower are tiled. In a more expensive version, these areas are finished with marble.

Provence style tiles can be white or pastel shades, “hog” type, square or hexagonal. If the interior is designed in one color, for contrast, the apron is made of majolica; panels with a plant pattern are less often used.

Attention: Matte tiles in this case are preferable to glossy ones.

Areas of the walls that are not in direct contact with water are covered with wallpaper, plastered or painted. All materials must have increased moisture resistance, which must be indicated in the labeling.

  • creamy
  • light gray
  • sand
  • mint
  • lavender
  • olive (bleached)

Wallpaper is chosen from floral ornament either in vertical stripe. Sometimes the walls are sheathed halfway wooden slats white.

Floor tiles in the bathroom can be terracotta or porcelain stoneware. An alternative to these materials are wooden boards, which artificially age.

Examples of a bathroom interior in the Provence style are shown below in the photo:

Bathroom in Provence and country style wooden house– this is a special topic. If the walls are covered with clapboard or, even better, made of timber, no finishing material is required for them.

But... the color of natural wood is not typical for French country. It is better to first brush the wood, thereby “adding” age to it, and then treat it with white glazing compounds (see. photo).

Advice: if the bathroom is located in the attic, the wooden floor beams should be left open. This will give the interior a special charm.

Bathroom furniture in Provence style

Furniture items are preferably massive, solid, as if they have served more than one generation of the family. Of course, today you rarely see real antiques or even vintage furniture, but artificially aging it for French country style will not be difficult.

Cabinets are usually glazed or open shelves, which visually makes them lighter and airier.

Very beautiful bathroom cabinets in Provence style. Their facades are decorated with panels or carvings, patinated and crackled, creating the so-called “work of time effect”. The countertop is made of marble. Exquisite bronze or brass fittings complete the look.


  • Bathroom sink in Provence style can be: built-in, with a pedestal (“tulip”) or overhead. Hanging models are extremely rare. Material: ceramics, marble or its artificial analogues.

Overhead models in the form round bowl most reminiscent of faience washstands from the 18th century, when the French provincial style originated. By adding a jug to such a sink, where you can store, for example, flavor bombs for swimming, we will get a magnificent and stylish set.

  • The bathtub, ideally cast iron or steel, should have a traditional shape. Usually it is placed on legs in the form of lion paws, but a simple support on the floor is also possible.
  • Taps and shower in retro style “bronze” – finishing touch in decorating Provencal bathrooms.

A Provence style bathroom with a shower is not a contradiction, but a desire to combine traditions and a modern level of comfort. To make the device less noticeable, it is advisable to use open models with completely transparent walls rather than hydroboxes.

Advice : beginning bathroom renovation, you can pre-allocate a niche for the shower, thus hiding it as much as possible from prying eyes. This option will look the most harmonious (

Bathroom accessories in Provence style

It’s good if you manage to buy rare bottles, boxes for storing cosmetics, soap dishes and other little things that are indispensable when it comes to French country at a flea market or find in the “bins” of the older generation.

If such sources are not available, you can purchase quite decent analogues in specialized stores.

There should be a lot of accessories in the Provence style. We should not forget about handmade soap and other natural care products, which will also serve as decoration for the bathroom.

Wicker baskets for linen and bath accessories, forged stands or shelves for towels, woven rugs - all this is necessary to create a complete look.

Mirrors for the bathroom should be large, preferably full height, V wooden frames with rich carved decoration. However, gilding should be avoided. If it is present on the baguette, it is better to apply the aging effect and remove the unnecessary shine of the metal.

Tip: Bathroom mirror , decorated with painting will become a spectacular touch in the overall ensemble.

On photo– elements of Provencal decor:


Country music in general, and French in particular, is characterized by soft, diffused lighting, most reminiscent of natural lighting. It is advisable to hang a chandelier in the center of the room classic style, which will be “supported” by several local lamps.

Luminescent and halogen lamps, no matter how familiar and convenient they are, they try not to use them in Provence. Or at least make them as invisible as possible.

It is much better to buy pairs sconce in the bathroom and place mirrors on both sides in the washbasin area, as in the ones below photo:

Small bathroom in Provence style

French country, as mentioned above, looks good in rooms with a large area. But what should those who love this direction and want to recreate it do? in a small apartment?

The solution here is in stylization. Let's say, having decorated a room in gentle, light colors we will already take a step towards the dream, and by adding literally two or three appropriate accessories: a mirror in an antique frame, a box made of willow for dirty linen or forged lamps, we will create a completely recognizable, bright image.

The photo shows the design of a small bathroom:

Provence is a style that has been tested for centuries and does not lose relevance today. At the same time refined and cozy, able to transform, but without losing its inherent features, it will be an excellent choice for any bathroom. And it will make it unique.

It's good to have a house in the village. Fresh air, the sonorous singing of birds, the greenery of trees and grasses relaxes. This is precisely the peace that people who are always rushing somewhere miss so much. City dwellers especially suffer from stress because they do not have the opportunity to constantly enjoy the calming effect of nature. Recreate in big house or a city apartment, a rustic-style bathroom will help create a peaceful harmony that has a beneficial effect on the nerves.

country style bathroom

Country style bathroom: design basics

Even if the interior of the whole house is designed in a different style, a rustic-style bathroom will be an excellent design solution. Opening the door, you seem to be transported from the real world into a warm atmosphere of peace and relaxation. One moment - and you are in the village. A country style bathroom is designed to be a place of relaxation. It doesn't matter how much space is devoted to the "altar of purity." Country style can be recreated in both small and large rooms.

The main feature of the country style is its unpretentious design. There are no flashy elements, urban details, noise and fuss here. Everything reminds us of the unity of man and nature. Natural materials and discreet colors emphasize the simplicity of the style. You can use all the shades of nature that are reminiscent of the village: heavenly, grassy, ​​wheat with elements of flowers and garden fruits. Designers advise choosing colors that are in harmony with green. Straight lines in the interior and subdued diffused light create a special charm of a rustic bathroom.

country style bath photo

Rustic wall, floor and ceiling finishes

When selecting finishing materials For a country-style bathroom, you must not forget that natural wood and stone are used in the countryside. Imitation should be treated with caution so as not to distort the special spirit of the design.

Best suited for walls rough plaster, painted in light or clay color with waterproof paint. Small ceramic tiles of the same shades will not spoil it. The main rule is no gloss, this is a village. Walls lined with wooden boards and covered with one layer of paint look beautiful so as not to hide the texture. Imitation brickwork or real brick elements will give the bathroom vintage look. You can also use washable wallpaper with a simple floral pattern or with butterflies.

To cover the ceiling, you can use light wooden boards covered with a moisture-proof ball. A plain white surface is decorated wooden beams. IN Lately technology is often used suspended ceilings, painting them in colors that imitate wood or a wheat field.

The floor in a country bathroom has two solutions: stone and wood. All finishing options are based on these materials. Masonry and its imitation, tiles in the form of boards or a real plank covering - the choice is up to the customer. This coating will ideally complement the calm atmosphere of a “village in the village”.

country style furniture photo

Furniture for country bathroom interior

Rustic design is closely intertwined with style. A bathtub with graceful curled legs or sewn into wooden pallet. Plumbing fixtures made of copper and brass look great. It is worth installing valve taps; modern ball models will not fit into the interior. All plumbing fixtures should be soft, streamlined, without a hint of angularity. Only light-colored ceramics are selected.

Country music is characterized by the use of artificially aged wooden furniture. The slightly worn look gives the items a vintage effect. Such furniture can easily be found in village house. Old chests of drawers, a vanity cabinet, even a wood-lined wall-hung toilet tank are covered with a layer of light paint, most often white. It is appropriate to use wicker laundry baskets.

A mandatory element of country style is an armchair or stool. Chairs are often used instead of clothes hangers. During bathing, towels and clean linen prepared for washing are placed on them.

All furniture should remind you that you are far from the city. In such conditions, chromed metal will spoil the overall picture. Accessories will also help you create the ideal place for relaxation.

rustic bathroom

Country style bathroom decor

In the village it is customary to use simple decorations devoid of pomp and chic. To create the desired atmosphere, select frames without curls. Chests of drawers under the washbasin are often decorated with a textile skirt with a floral or checkered pattern. Curtains with the same print decorate the natural window.

In addition to the window, lamps that provide dim light are used for lighting. They can be made in the form of old wall lamps or street lamps. Large chandeliers stand out from the overall picture and attract too much attention. It is better to choose several small lamps with metal lampshades.

Waffle and embroidered towels will decorate the bathroom. Forged parts in country style are used not only on towel hooks, but also to decorate furniture. It is important not to overdo it with metal: too a large number of details will create a feeling of crammed space.

Photos of rustic bathrooms

To emphasize the closeness of nature, you should use vases with large bouquets dried flowers and houseplants in pots. In some cases, artificial greenery is installed, but for real rustic interior requires naturalness in detail.

  • The range of colors can be multifaceted, but the shades used in the interior should be natural and calm. Preference should be given to pastel or dark muted colors that are found in nature.
  • It is welcome to have a window that will be curtained with curtains with a floral or checkered print.
  • Lighting in the bathroom should be warm and diffused. Lamps and chandeliers should be absolutely simple. Matte shades and forged elements will fit best into the interior.
  • The furniture chosen is wooden, rough - no plastic or metal. Variety can be added with wicker accessories.
  • To finish the floor, you can use moisture-resistant wooden parquet, tiles or porcelain tiles imitating stone.

Materials for decorating a country style bathroom

Country style can be classified as ecological, so the materials used should be natural or at least imitate them. Aged wood, brickwork, decorative plaster, stone - all these textures can be combined in the bathroom. It is important to find a balance and not overload the interior.

According to the rules of country interior, the walls should be whitewashed or painted, but in modern conditions this is not the most practical option. Therefore, you can use the usual ceramic tiles. But it should be simple and done in pastel or muted colors. The maximum is a simple geometric pattern or wood imitation. It can also be combined with wooden beams.

Plumbing, furniture and accessories

When choosing plumbing fixtures, you need to pay attention to the simplest and most oval shapes. The presence of classic sides at the sink and bathtub is welcome. By the way, the bathtub must be cast iron and stand on legs.

Mixers are important element when creating a country style interior. Antique bronze taps and valves will fit perfectly into the bathroom.

It is important to decorate your bathroom correctly choose furniture:

  • if the space of the room allows, you can put a cabinet, a table (stand) and a chair (bench);
  • the forms of furniture should be as simple as possible and close to the ancient ones;
  • unpainted surfaces, abrasions and scratches will give the interior a special charm;
  • furniture features - the presence of forged and wicker elements and copper fittings.

The interior will be completed with small details in the form of accessories. In country style, wicker baskets for laundry and storing toiletries, paintings in wooden frames depicting landscapes, flower pots, rugs on the floor, simple textiles in the form of cloth bags and cotton curtains on the window are appropriate.

A country style bathroom is perfect solution For creative personalities, as well as those who want to create a sincere atmosphere in the house. But choosing such a design requires working out all the details, as well as further maintaining order due to the abundance of accessories and furniture elements.

Country style bathroom - photo

Residents of modern megacities, who are accustomed to enjoying all the benefits of civilization in their apartments, sometimes feel nostalgic for simple village life with its simple, simple pleasures. However, not wanting to part with comfortable conditions, they embody their longing for the village only externally, for example, with the help of the interior.

Country style bathroom - quite complex design solution, since too many modern things are used to decorate bathrooms - plumbing fixtures, household appliances, chrome, finishing materials. But there are several techniques for adding rustic charm to any interior, which we will discuss in today’s article.

Characteristic features of the style

Country style is one of the varieties of rustic style; it is a design direction close to nature, simple and uncomplicated, which gives the room a very cozy, home view. A country style bathroom is often used for country houses or townhouses, but it looks quite organic in city apartments. Its interior is built on 3 “pillars”:

It’s interesting that the appearance of a village in France or, for example, Germany varies greatly, so the country style is very diverse. Differences in finishing methods and materials used are explained by different architectural traditions and areas of residence.

Suitable materials

A rustic design should look natural and simple, so to implement it we use natural materials with natural texture and color. Correct selection finishing is the key to authenticity and precise fit into the style.

They look completely inappropriate in such an interior:

  1. Laminate, linoleum, plastic. These materials look too modern and therefore destroy the rustic appearance of the room.
  2. Modern Appliances. Household appliances in a rustic style look like a foreign, alien body. Of course, it is problematic to refuse them, but you can successfully hide them behind furniture facades.
  3. Shower cabin. A shower, of course, helps save space in the bathroom, but it does not fit at all with the country style.
  4. Glass, mirrors. Designers advise reducing the amount of glass and mirror surfaces to maintain a rustic aesthetic.

Please note that the rustic style is based on natural materials and slightly rough textures. To create a bathroom design use natural stone, wood, brickwork, which soften the light color scheme and an abundance of printed textiles.

Expressive techniques

Conveying the image of a rustic bathtub is quite simple; it does not require large financial expenditures. At the same time, the interior will look cute, cozy and not boring. Country style consists of the following components:

Remember that a bathtub for such an interior should have a classic shape, high sides; oval models are best suited. It is allowed to install the font on decorative legs.


Country style has high decorative potential because it is always a little eclectic. A variety of accessories and textiles can be used in the bathroom, giving the room a lived-in, cozy look. Will fit well into the interior:

Important! The rustic style is created for life, it is the opposite of minimalism, in fact it consists of cute little things. However, remember that a large number of decor and accessories visually make the room smaller and busier.

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