Tulips: planting in open ground in autumn. Autumn planting of tulips How to plant tulip bulbs in the ground in autumn

If you want gorgeous tulips on your site in the spring, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for planting bulbs. Tulips that bloom in spring should be planted in the fall. This way they will have time to grow roots before the cold weather arrives.

Their quality and quantity depend on when you plant tulips. The difficulty is that depending on weather conditions, the timing may be different. As a rule, planting is carried out from mid-September to mid-October. Planting can be done at different times:

  • 6 weeks before the ground freezes;
  • after the ground temperature is less than 15°C.
  • after the first serious frost.

You can also focus on the timing of the appearance of bulbs on sale and begin planting work in 1-2 months.

Many gardeners prefer to plant these flowers and any other bulbous flowers on the growing moon. Their experience suggests that bulbs planted during this period become larger. If you do this on a waning moon, the planting material will become smaller.

How to buy quality tulip bulbs?

Before you buy bulbs, you need to inspect them thoroughly. If you plan to plant them in open ground, prefer specimens whose diameter is 3-4 cm. Bulbs large sizes suitable for forcing at home. It is unacceptable for them to have cracks and stains. You need to purchase only dry, heavy and strong onions. Such planting material is full of health and is ideal for planting. It is worth considering that even one diseased bulb can be contagious to everyone else.

Read also:

How to beautifully plant tulips on a plot + photo

It is desirable that the planting material have brown scales, which protects them from damage. As for the shell, it should be intact, but thin. If the scales are dense, this is a sign that the digging time was delayed. This may also slow down germination. There should be no mold on the surface of the planting material. It is acceptable for the stem primordium to be visible, but it should not grow. If the bulb is of high quality, its bottom will be dense with root tubercles.

Important! Do not plant those specimens that have a soft bottom or have growing roots.

Preparing bulbs for planting

Before planting, the bulbs must be treated. This event will help protect you from many ailments. A weak solution of potassium permanganate is suitable as a disinfectant liquid. Immerse the planting material in it for half an hour.

Before planting, the bulbs must be treated

Site selection and soil preparation

Special attention will have to be paid to the selection of the site. It is important that it is well lit. If you plant it in a shaded place, the flowers will grow deformed with weakly colored buds.

Special attention will have to be paid to the choice of site

Tulips themselves do not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil, so they must be planted on a flat area without holes. These flowers are resistant to cold and strong wind. If we talk about the quality of the soil, it should have a neutral pH level. If it is too acidic, they will begin to form “blind” buds. You need to prepare the soil for flowers for 1-2 months. It must be dug up to a depth of 30 cm and fertilizer must be added to it. What fertilizer to use depends on the qualities of the soil. If it is infertile, it needs to be fed with bulbous fertilizers, which contain the appropriate components.

You can also prepare the soil yourself. For 1 sq. m. of land you need to take:

  • rotted manure or compost (2 buckets);
  • wood ash (1 cup);
  • dolomite flour (0.5 kg);
  • double superphosphate (50 g);
  • potassium sulfate (30 g);
  • ammonium nitrate (25 g). This component must be added to the composition just before planting.

Bulbs can live in one place for several decades in a row. But if you regularly dig them up and replant them, following some recommendations, you can turn your site into an example of landscape design.

When is the best time to plant tulips?

Tulips can be planted in both spring and autumn. There is no particular difference in caring for flowers, but there are pros and cons to each planting option.

Disembarkation time pros Minuses
  • the bulbs will not die from frost;
  • no need to worry about storing them during the cold season;
  • Flower beds are decorated at the same time as other plants are planted, so they turn out to be more attractive.
  • tulips may not bloom or even form buds;
  • You can only use purchased bulbs;
  • flowering ends quickly;
  • the plants are not hardened, so they may suffer when weather conditions change;
  • you need to spend time processing and hardening before planting.
  • the bulbs are hardened in natural conditions;
  • During wintering a powerful root system;
  • the color is abundant and long lasting;
  • there is the possibility of sorting planting material;
  • You can use your own onions.
  • you need to correctly determine the landing time;
  • there is a risk of damage by pests;
  • not all bulbs can survive wintering.

Autumn planting of tulips is more suitable when you use your own bulbs or planting material purchased before the onset of cold weather.

Timing for planting tulips in autumn

Define correct timing planting tulips is very important. This needs to be done 1.5-2 months before the start of real frosts.

By “real” we do not mean frost on the soil, but freezing of it to a depth of 2-5 cm.

During this time, the bulbs should take root, or rather, form a powerful root point, from which roots will grow as the weather warms up. If it is too warm, roots will immediately begin to grow instead of the root point, and the young ones may die from frost. And the development of the above-ground part can also begin if tulips are planted ahead of time.

Let us remind you that tulips are an unpretentious crop, so a difference in planting of several days will not affect the result, but an excessive deviation from the norm threatens:

  • partial freezing of planting material;
  • delayed flowering;
  • death of the plant.

Under stable weather conditions in the Moscow region and Leningrad region Tulips should be planted from the 20th of September until mid-October. In Siberia and the Urals in the southern regions, planting takes place until October 1-5, in the northern regions - until September 15-20. IN middle lane Russia needs to have time to plant bulbs before September 20-30, and in the southern zone - before the end of October.

How should tulips be planted in the fall?

By the time the flowers are planted, the beds should already be prepared. You need to take care of them in advance so that all that remains is to place the bulbs in the soil at the appointed time.

Selection of location and soil

For tulips, light fertile and sandy loam soils. Heavy soils will slow down the development of the crop. But if there is only such land on the site, it can be “diluted” with sand, humus, peat or turf.

Green manure works well. If, when digging a bed, you deepen young mustard or rye into the soil, it will become not only more nutritious, but also loose, and this will help both the branch to develop normally and the “babies” to form healthy.

The area should be well lit. It should be located on a plain or a small hill.

Early-ripening tulips must be protected from drafts, and late-ripening ones should preferably be planted in partial shade.

Preparing the bulbs

Preparing bulbs for planting is very important and consists of several stages:

  • cleaning;
  • inspection;
  • sorting;
  • treatment.

Dug up tulips must be stored under certain conditions. At first, the temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, a month after digging it should be reduced to 20, and a week before transplanting to 15. Normal humidity should be maintained in the storage area. At elevated levels, there is a risk of developing bacterial and fungal infections. If the conditions are not met, some of the bulbs will be unsuitable for use as planting material. Therefore, they must first be cleaned of dry husks, and then examined very carefully.

The bulb should not have stains, dents or other damage. Only healthy ones can be planted in the garden.

Diseased bulbs should be thrown away, and those with mechanical damage can be propagated, but only separately from healthy plants. For this you can use either a separate bed or containers and boxes.

The selected bulbs are sorted by size. They will be planted at different depths depending on their parameters, so this step is mandatory.

But the most important thing is to properly process and disinfect the tulips. Most often, a solution of potassium permanganate of a rich pink color is used for this, or the drug “Fundazol”, which has an antifungal effect. The bulbs are soaked in them for half an hour.

There are other treatments available on the market. The most popular are Vitaros, Epin, Maxim, Fitosporin, etc.

Landing instructions

To plant the bulbs, you need to make grooves about 10-18 cm deep. It all depends on the size of the bulbs. There is no need to deepen the children too much. 5-7 cm is enough for them. It is advisable to plant bulbs of medium diameter at a depth of 10-12 cm, and immerse the largest ones at a depth of 15 cm or more.


Sometimes children are not planted next to adult bulbs at all, but separate beds are made for them.

The grooves should be pre-diluted warm water. Apply fertilizer to the bottom (if this has not been done in advance), sprinkle sand on top and place the bulb bottom down at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other, if the rows are located at a distance of at least 25-30 cm. Do not press them into the ground so as not to damage the root point.

Sprinkle wood ash on top and only then carefully cover with soil.

You can plant tulips not just in grooves, but in a pattern. To do this, you need to draw up a diagram in advance, taking into account the flowering period of tulips and the location of other plants in the flowerbed.

Features of choice

When purchasing planting material, you should pay attention first of all to:

Bulb size

An adult and well-ripened one has a diameter of 3-4.5 cm, and a volume along the circumference of up to 12 cm. You can also buy smaller specimens, the main thing is that they are undamaged and healthy.


The bulb should be firm, without stains or dents. Traces of mold are unacceptable. There should be a healthy, smooth surface under the scales. It is in this place that fungus begins to form and pests settle.


A small tip should be visible on the bulb; you should not buy one that is long and elongated.


They shouldn't exist. You should buy only those bulbs on the bottom of which root tubercles have just begun to form.


The onion must correspond in weight to its volume. If it is too light, there is a chance that part of the inside has rotted.

Purchased bulbs cannot be stored with your own. They must undergo mandatory quarantine for at least a month to ensure that they are not infected.

Alternative landing methods

You can simply plant tulips in the grooves, or you can approach the process creatively. Today, flower growers most often use tiered and container growing methods.

Tiered principle

This method is also called “sandwich” or “lasagna”. It consists of planting bulbs at different depths. Just not in the grooves, but on top of each other. The largest ones should be immersed 18-20 cm, sprinkled with a layer of 3-5 cm. Place the middle onions on top in a checkerboard pattern, again sprinkle them with a layer of earth and place the smallest ones almost at the very top.

With this method you can use different varieties colors. Tulips go well with any bulbous flowers. For example, on the lowest layer, up to 23 cm deep, place bulbs of lilies or hyacinths, above them large tulips, after daffodils, etc.

Using containers

This method is beneficial primarily for the flower growers themselves. A basket, container or special plastic flower nets are buried in the ground. Planting material is placed in them and buried. What are the advantages of this method? Firstly, the bulbs are reliably protected from pests. Secondly, they are very easy to dig up at the end of the season. There is no need to act at random and damage the bulbs with a shovel during the process. Thirdly, fertilize such small area much easier than working on a whole bed.

Although the containers don’t have to be dug in. If they can accommodate sufficient quantity soil, then you can simply place them throughout the area, decorating it at your discretion.

Take note!

Instead of baskets and containers, you can even use ordinary plastic bottles, only you need to make a sufficient number of holes in them of such a size that water can easily come out through them, but pests cannot get through.

Care after landing

If all the rules for planting were followed, within a month the bulbs should form a root system ready for wintering and acclimatize. But it’s not enough to plant tulips and forget about them until they bloom next year.

Be sure to water the garden bed if the weather is dry; once a week, carefully and shallowly loosen the soil, just so that a crust does not form on the surface.

Before the onset of cold weather, additional shelter must be provided with fallen leaves or dry grass.

The use of green manure gives good results. It’s not worth planting them in flower beds, because they can clog the main plants, but it’s highly recommended to spread them beveled over the surface. Over the winter they will rot, nourish the soil and make it looser.

In the spring, during the formation of the first shoots, then during the flowering period, and also after it, it is necessary to carry out complex feeding. The fertilizer must contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

There isn't a lot of work to do around the yard in the fall, so try to plant tulips at this time of year. Then in the spring you will not only free up time to work with other crops, but will also be able to enjoy the blooming and aroma of your favorite flowers as soon as the first days arrive.

Tulips can decorate any flower bed if they are planted in time and properly cared for. This article will describe how to store tulip bulbs and when to plant them in open ground in the fall. Information will also be given on how to properly prepare tulip bulbs for planting, the soil in which they will grow, and how, in fact, tulips are planted in the fall.

Why are tulips planted in autumn?

Beginning flower growers do not always know when to plant tulips. However, the planting time is very important, because if the bulbs are not planted on time, this will affect the flowering and growth of the crop. It is believed that autumn is the optimal time to plant tulip bulbs, but why?

  • Bulbs planted in March produce flowers late, and sometimes the bud does not appear at all.
  • Planting tulips in the fall allows you to harden the bulbs and make them more resistant to frost and disease.
  • Those flowers planted in the fall usually produce larger, brighter, and fuller buds.

If tulips were not planted in the fall, they can be planted in early spring, after persistent frosts. The main thing is to mulch the bed well after planting and cover it with burlap.

Planting tulips in autumn

  • In the fall, markets and stores have a much larger selection of varieties and hybrids, because people buy bulbs en masse for planting. In spring there is never such diversity.
  • It is in the fall that tulip bulbs, by their nature, should go to sleep right in the ground. If they are not provided with this, the crop may begin to hurt or other problems will appear.

It is also worth noting that you cannot leave the bulbs in the ground for a year either. This is a mistake many young farmers make. The fact is that the bulb can live in the ground for many years without problems, but over time the plant will begin to get sick, the buds either will not appear or will be very small, so do not waste time digging them up and planting them again in the fall, the gardener can achieve better flowering and greater crop persistence.

How to store tulips before planting in the fall?

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When the leaves of the tulips begin to turn yellow and the scales turn light brown, the bulbs are dug up. The time for digging up bulbs is from late June to mid-July. After digging, they are sorted by size, and all diseased and damaged ones are also set aside separately.

You need to dig up the bulbs as carefully as possible; you can use a pitchfork or similar tool that loosens the soil more than cuts.

Storing tulip bulbs in an egg tray

So that the bulbs are in good condition by the time the tulips are planted in the fall. in good condition, it is important to store them correctly. Usually the bulbs are carefully placed in a container and placed in a ventilated room where it is dark and free of drafts. It is very important that it is not cold in this room, otherwise the flower bud will not appear, but it should not be too hot, so that the bulbs do not grow. In July the temperature is approximately 20 degrees, in August – +17 degrees, and in September no higher than +15. At the same time, they begin to ventilate the room with the bulbs so that they get used to the external conditions.

Timing for planting tulips in autumn in open ground

In most regions, planting tulips in open ground in the fall occurs in September, approximately in the second half of the month, when it becomes cool. If September is too warm, you can postpone planting until October - the main thing is that it is not very warm outside.


Since mid-autumn, tulip bulbs are always on sale at promotions and big discounts, and this is beneficial for the gardener - it is important not to miss the moment.

The air temperature for planting tulips in open ground should not be higher than +10 degrees Celsius, otherwise after planting the bulbs will begin to grow and freeze during the first cold weather. If there is a chance that the temperature will rise, you should postpone planting. It's better to do this a little later than earlier. Do not be afraid - this is a very frost-resistant crop; tulip bulbs can easily tolerate temperatures closer to zero.

The timing of planting tulips in autumn depends on the region and temperature. environment, in the Moscow region this is the middle and end of September, for central Russia it is the beginning and middle of October. In the southern regions, tulips are planted in open ground at the end of October, beginning of November.

Autumn planting of tulips in open ground

Place for planting tulips

The place for planting tulips is determined 2 weeks before planting in order to have time to prepare the soil. The earth is dug up with a full bayonet of a shovel. It is important to add fertilizer while digging. Complexes or single fertilizers are used - as is convenient for the gardener. Popular fertilizers used include simple humus, vermicompost, Gumi Kuznetsova and Baikal-M.


If the land where the tulips will be planted has previously been affected by diseases, you can also treat the land with Fitosporin - simply water it with the solution.

After digging and cultivating the soil, you must leave it for 2 weeks. If weeds appear, they need to be pulled out by the roots. It is worth noting that it is not worth planting tulips in the same place for several years in a row - the soil quickly becomes depleted and the flowers will grow slowly. And it is not recommended to plant after other bulbous plants, because they have the same diseases and pests.

How to prepare tulips for autumn planting?

If the bulbs were purchased in a store or at the market, it is advisable to pickle them, because it is unknown where and under what conditions they were grown. For processing, you can use a simple solution of potassium permanganate, weak, not saturated pink. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can take special drugs. “Maxim” and “Fitosporin” are well suited for such purposes.

There is no need to remove the skin from the tulip bulbs before planting. This is done only if there is doubt about their suitability. Then the peel is removed to inspect the bulb for damage, diseases or pests, but only before planting, and not before storing!

« Maksim “- a stronger remedy, it is used if spots, rot are noticeable on the bulb, or there is simply a suspicion of disease. There is a drug on sale called "Maxim Dachnik" - it is a bulb protectant.

« Fitosporin " is a weaker drug; it is needed more for prevention than for treatment.

If the bulbs are taken from own plot, and not purchased, then the gardener needs to decide for himself whether it makes sense to treat them before planting. Before planting, tulip bulbs should be sorted by size because large and small bloom in different time, although this is a matter of taste. If green bald spots do not interfere, then you can plant them mixed.

Planting tulips in autumn in open ground

Trenches or holes are made for planting. The bulbs are always planted vertically so that the bottom, from where the roots will then begin to grow, is located at the bottom.


Sometimes special containers are used for planting. Not only do they allow you to dig up all the bulbs at once when the time comes, but they also protect them from pests like mice.

Growing tulips on an industrial scale

The planting depth of a bulb is equal to the height of three bulbs. If the onion is small - two. If planted too high, the tulips will freeze, and if too deep, they will take a long time to germinate. One piece is planted in each hole; if trenches are used, a distance of 10-15 cm is maintained, depending on the variety. If you need to get a lush bush, you can plant it at a distance of 3-4 cm in a circle.

Growing tulips and planting in the fall is not at all difficult, the main thing is to follow the rules and be careful. This is a very easy crop to care for, it does not cause problems and always blooms luxuriantly, pleasing the eye.

2018-01-25 Igor Novitsky

Tulips are among the earliest flowers, which bloom in greenhouses by the beginning of March, and in open ground - soon after the snow melts. They always look great both in the flowerbed and in a bouquet. And given that tulips are also very unpretentious, many amateur gardeners willingly acquire these flowers at the very beginning of their gardening “career”. If you also want to acquire your own collection of these plants, you will obviously have a question: how and when to plant tulip bulbs? Well, let's try to answer it.

When to plant tulips - in spring or autumn?

We are accustomed to the fact that most flowers, as well as vegetables, are planted in the spring with the onset of warm weather. However, tulips belong to those species cultivated plants that need to be planted in autumn period. At the same time, there is not such a small group supporters of spring planting, confident that spring is more the right time for such actions.

In order to understand who is right - supporters of spring or autumn planting - we can turn to our knowledge of the reproduction of tulips in natural conditions. Well versed in life cycle wild species, you can independently come to the conclusion about when it is better to plant varietal flowers.

However, there are also completely objective reasons that explain why the autumn method is still more popular. The fact is that in their natural environment, tulips gain the ability to bloom only after the bulb has survived at least one winter. From the cold, special substances are formed in it that stimulate germination and flowering.

Optimal time for planting

Since the life cycles of wild and cultivated tulips generally coincide, the optimal time for planting is still autumn. Bulbs planted before frost grow roots in a short time, and then go into suspended animation as the weather gets colder. In the spring, stems begin to emerge right from under the snow, which quickly form the first buds. When the tulips will finish flowering, bulbs are dug up and sent to a dark, cool place until autumn, so that later disembark again.

The most preferable time for planting tulips is mid-September - late October. More precisely, the time is determined for each region separately depending on weather and climatic conditions. For example, in central Russia, bulbs are usually planted on the twentieth of September, in the North Caucasus - in October. Of course, the timing of planting can also be influenced by purely weather factors, because sometimes winter comes earlier and sometimes later.

One of the main weather indicators by which you can determine the optimal time for planting is soil temperature:

  • You can start planting from the moment the soil cools down to +7+9 degrees (measurements are taken at a depth of about 10 cm);
  • if you plant the bulbs in warmer soil, sprouts will quickly emerge from them, which will immediately die during the first frost, which will greatly weaken the plant from the very beginning and possibly even lead to its death;
  • by being late with planting and immersing the bulbs in colder soil, you will not give them the opportunity to take root normally; frosts will find the roots too weak and unformed, which ultimately also threatens underdevelopment and even death of the plants.

Ideally, planted bulbs should have about 20-30 days to take root properly before winter. To do this, they require moderate humidity and soil temperature in upper layers about +7 degrees. If you are still late with planting, or frosts arrive earlier than expected, you can save the bulbs from freezing by covering the flowerbed with dry leaves or spruce branches.

Features of spring planting

Even if you are a strong proponent of fall planting, you should still try planting bulbs in the spring at least once. This must be done at least in order to independently verify the validity of the arguments of those who advocate precisely this method.

When gardeners wonder Can tulip bulbs be planted in spring?, the first thing they are interested in is whether these plants will bloom? We can confidently say that yes, they will. True, graceful flowers on such plants will appear much later than usual, which, in general, is not bad in itself. After all, when all your neighbors’ tulips have already faded, you can continue to admire your collection of “late arrivals.”

If you want the flowers planted in the spring to bloom along with the rest of their relatives, you can do
the following combination:

  1. bulbs purchased in the spring, or that have been lying indoors since the fall, should be placed in the refrigerator for 9-12 hours (just do not put them in the freezer);
  2. then rinse them with a light solution of potassium permanganate (optimal concentration - pink color water);
  3. After “bathing,” the bulbs can be planted in open ground.

Spring planting should be done at the latest - in the last days of March. However, in many regions of Russia in April, not only frosts, but also quite real frosts are still possible. Therefore, a safer option is to plant the flowers in a pot that can be left indoors. And when it finally gets warmer outside, tulips from a pot with an intact ball of soil can be safely transplanted into open ground.

General rules for planting bulbs

No matter, When You prefer planting tulip bulbs - in autumn or in spring - in order to get strong stems and beautiful buds, you need to strictly adhere to the following rules:

  1. Tulips love the sun. Shade is strictly contraindicated for them. And even in partial shade they can bloom only if the soil is very well fertilized and loosened. In view of this, place the flowerbed on the south side of the house/fence, or better yet, away from any buildings and tall trees.
  2. Strong gusty winds can greatly damage tulips. Choose a place where the flowerbed would be protected from it by some obstacle.
  3. Excess moisture is also harmful to tulips. If on your site groundwater come close to the surface, raise the flowerbed 20-30 cm above the general ground level, or create drainage using sand or gravel placed at the bottom of the planting holes.
  4. For tulips to grow strong and beautiful, they need light sandy loam soil, dug to the depth of a shovel and fertilized with organic matter and superphosphates. Just don't use fresh manure, which provokes the development of fungal diseases.
  5. Since the root system of the bulbs is very short, fertilizers must be applied in close proximity to them. Many gardeners even practice spot application. nutrients- strictly for each bulb.
  6. If you are using someone else's planting material, purchase it at the end of July, that is, immediately after the bulbs are dug up. Only by independently providing the right conditions storage, you can be sure that the bulbs are viable.
  7. The planting depth is 10–15 centimeters for large bulbs and about 5–7 for “babies”. The distance between planted bulbs in the same row should be approximately the same. But the rows themselves should be approximately 30–35 centimeters apart from each other.
  8. Like all perennials, tulips are naturally adapted to survive winter frosts. True, given the southern origin of these flowers, they can only tolerate moderate cold. If the winter ahead is really very frosty, it is recommended to cover the flowerbed with humus, peat, or at least fallen leaves. Of course, such a “blanket” will not stop the freezing of the ground, but at least it will protect against sudden temperature changes.

Mistakes to Avoid

In general, tulips are considered very unpretentious and easy to care for plants. Even with minimal experience in floriculture, you can successfully cultivate them at your dacha. However, there are things that can destroy even these masters of survival.

In particular, you should avoid the following mistakes:

  • Very late boarding. If the bulbs do not have time to take root and thus prepare for the coming winter, the plants will greet spring sick and weakened. Therefore, you can’t even count on flowering of such plants. In the best case, the flowers will appear much later than expected. In addition, even if the tulip begins to bloom late, it can quickly “burn out” if the air temperature exceeds 25 degrees. With the current global warming such weather can easily set in even at the beginning of May. For this reason, check the long-term fall weather forecast in advance to find out exactly what when to plant tulip bulbs in the ground this year.
  • Planting depth is too deep or not deep enough. If the bulb is planted too high, it may die from winter frosts. If buried excessively, the bulb will easily survive the winter, but will take too long to break through in the spring and will be late in the growing season.

Autumn pleases us with an abundance of flowers. During this period, tulip bulbs are planted so that beautiful flowers will grow in the flowerbed in the spring.

Tulips were so named because they reminded the Turks of their turban headdress. Indeed, they are similar. These flowers came to us from Persia.

Russians love tulips. They represent spring, gifts for March 8 to beloved women.

Tulips have 2 main periods in their life cycle:

  1. Bulbs are planted in the fall, they take root, grow roots, and freeze in the ground until spring.
  2. Spring, when the bulb wakes up, the stem and leaves reach towards the sun, a bud is formed, a flower blooms. The tulips will fade, the gardener will dig up the bulbs, carefully preserve them until the fall and plant them again.

About autumn planting tulips in the ground

It takes 4 weeks for the bulbs to take root. Therefore, it is important to plant them on time. During this time, roots will grow from them and they, rooted, will fall asleep until spring. In the spring they will wake up and bloom in time.

If you plant the bulbs at least a week later, the roots will grow, but at this time frosts may strike and freeze the roots. This means that in the spring the plant will need to grow them again and the tulips will not bloom in the expected period, but later.

It is optimal when the owner plants tulips from September 20 to October 30. It is important that a person is guided not strictly by calendar lines, but by how warm or cold it is outside, and the temperature of the soil.

You can plant bulbs in the garden in the fall, when the air is no cooler than +7 or +8 ºC. This temperature is the best; if it is cooler or hotter, the bulbs will not take such abundant roots. They are buried to a depth of 10 cm.

About autumn planting of tulips in the Moscow region

Those bulbs that have put down a lot of roots will overwinter well in the ground. At the same time, they must be influenced by more low temperatures fall asleep in the ground until spring, which is why they are planted in the ground at the end of September, in October. If you plant the seed too early, the bulbs will produce leaves after rooting.

Bulbs take root well when the air temperature is from +7ºC to 10ºC. At night it can be about +3 ºC - this will not harm the seedlings. This is the temperature in the Moscow region. happens from September 20 to October 15, then the bulbs are planted.

About autumn planting of bulbs in the fall in the Leningrad region?

In St. Petersburg, bulbs are planted for the winter at the same time as in the Moscow region. Warming begins from September 20th. From September 20, warming begins - Indian summer, then they spend garden work on planting tulips.

Planting tulips in autumn in the Urals

When is the best time to plant bulbs in the ground in the Urals? It depends on the region. On September 10-20, it is possible to plant bulbs in the Middle Urals region. In the Yuzhny area it can start from September 10 and end on October 10.

About planting tulips in autumn in Siberia

The Urals have milder weather than Siberia, but tulips take root here too. In this region, frosts can come early, therefore, seed is planted as early as August 20. There are also warm autumns, then you can plant bulbs until September 15th.

How to plant bulbs correctly?

For tulips in the garden you need to choose a place well lit by the sun. It is important that there is no draft there. This is possible when, for example, rose or other bushes grow nearby.

The soil should be slightly alkaline or neutral. It is bad when groundwater passes too high to the surface of the earth. Tulips are not planted in such places. Before planting, the soil needs to be loosened so that it becomes light. If there is a lot of clay in the soil in the garden, it needs to be mixed with sand.

If the soil is acidic, then add 200 to 500 g of slaked lime or chalk per m2. You need to consider how acidic the soil is.

It’s ideal when the owner digs up the area with the help of a shovel. adding 2 buckets of ash + peat to the soil for each m2, you can take humus, which is 2 or 3 g, or compost, superphosphate -50 g + potassium sulfate - 30 g, ammonium nitrate -25 g is also added here.

Fresh manure cannot be thrown onto the site. It is not suitable for either fertilizing or mulching. Such manure burns the young roots of the bulbs.

It provokes the development of fungi. Cannot be thrown into the ground mineral fertilizers containing chlorine.

"Advice! In order for the bulbs to sprout easily, they need to be planted at a certain depth. It is optimal when the planting depth of each is equal to its 3 diameters. This is measured by eye."

For example, when the onion is small, it is deepened into the soil by approximately 7 or 8 cm, and a large one by 12 or 15 cm. Plant it carefully, with the tail up.

Tips from experienced gardeners:

  1. When planting, you need to take into account how heavy the soil is. If it is light, then it is deepened 2 or 3 cm more than recommended for planting. When there is a lot of clay on the site, the seed is planted 2 or 3 cm higher than required according to calculations.
  2. If the bulbs sit deep in the ground, they produce few bulbous shoots. It’s also bad when each one is not stuck deep enough into the ground. Seed material in harsh winter It may freeze and some will disappear.
  3. Before planting, the owner carefully examines and feels each bulb. If there are cuts on it. rotten areas, signs of fungus. then such seed material is rejected - thrown away. For disinfection, the owner makes a weak (pink) solution of potassium permanganate.
  4. Autumn can be different, when it has not rained for a long time, but you need to pour water into the planting hole. The owner waits for it to be absorbed and only then carefully places the onion in it and buries it, lightly tamping it down.

About beautiful planting of tulips

Each owner decides independently how to decorate his yard or garden. If you don’t have a dog, you can plant tulips beautifully along the paths.

Tulips look great in a flowerbed when next to:

  • muscari;
  • hyacinths;
  • spring flowers;
  • irises;
  • crocuses.

From row to row you need to retreat from 20 to 25 cm. Up to 50 large bulbs can be located per m2.

Before planting, each bulb is sprinkled with ash on all sides. Place it in a hole or place it in a furrow. It must not be allowed to planting material there was air left. You need to lightly press on the onion and cover it with sand.

Add a little humus and peat to the hole or furrow. This place is compacted and watered with warm water.

The video shows how to properly plant tulips in the ground:

It turns out beautifully when tulips of the same variety grow in rows in a flowerbed. If the bulb is small, this means that the flower from it will be smaller than from a large one. Small bulbs are planted on the south side, then more tall plants will not block them from sunlight.

Now novice gardeners know that by planting tulip bulbs correctly in the fall, they will admire the beautiful flowers in the spring. The main thing is to choose high-quality seed, plant it on time, fertilize it well, water it and wait until spring when it blooms. beautiful flower bed with tulips and other spring flowers.