The mother-in-law causes damage and how to remove it herself. Signs of damage caused by mother-in-law. We remove the evil damage caused by the mother-in-law

In this article, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give examples of domestic damage to relationships, and, of course, we will figure out how to remove damage to divorce, how to prevent a witch from ruining your family.

Through black damage to divorce, a family can be broken up. In the skillful hands of a sorcerer, the work goes smoothly. If the magician has his own interest, or they come to him for help, then within a few months there will be no family, people will disperse as enemies different sides, carrying pain and resentment into the heart. Strong damage to family divorce- not such a rare occurrence. And more than others, people who do not believe in witchcraft, who do not know how to remove curses and damage, who do not know how to cover themselves with strong magical protections, fall into the networks of sorcerers.

Severe damage to family divorce - causes and consequences

Love damage is caused by rivals, lovers, envious people, ex-wives and husbands. Can a mother-in-law cause damage? It's an ethical issue, but why not? I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, encounter this periodically in my practice. We have to remove quarrels, lapels, and damage to divorce made by mothers from spouses. Young women come with curses for loneliness - “gifts” from former mothers-in-law. With the help of magic you can change - fix or break. But there is a positive point in this problem: any damage caused to discord can be removed.

If your mother-in-law has caused damage, contact good magicians who are able to remove it and help you get rid of the negativity. Or study magic yourself and protect yourself.

How to spoil a divorce - a break in family relationships

I do an independent ritual of damage to family discord at midnight, on the first day after the full moon. You need to find the web, remove it and burn it on the flame of a black candle.

“I will sharpen a sharp knife, I will cut the web, a strong web, cunningly woven. I will separate the spider from the female spider, tear it apart and trample the strong threads. Let the spider and spider crawl in different directions, towards other houses. Let them not meet forever and let them forget each other completely! The old web cannot be lifted forever, no one can unwind it, no one can weave a new web from it, no one can rot and become a torn silk thread. Since (name) and (name) are not faithful, they should not live in the same house, but pull in different directions. Man will never weave a spider's web, but my word is a conspiracy and the spider will not return it. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Amen".

How to determine damage to divorce - signs and magical diagnostics

Magical damage to the collapse of the family will manifest itself with signs. If you are attentive, you will understand and feel in time that something bad is happening next to you, that someone is interfering in your family life with the help of witchcraft. Many people feel a magical attack, the body will certainly show this, give signs.

What are the signs of strong damage to family divorce?

First of all, the induced damage will show itself as family quarrels between husband and wife, which, arising on empty space, will reach colossal proportions. Nervous disorders can also indicate damage to the family. The spouse who has a more subtle mental organization usually suffers from this.

The energy of damage done to the love of a husband for his wife is very strong, and it will begin to tear people apart: on the one hand, loving people will be drawn to each other, but on the other hand:

  • rejection,
  • irritability,
  • suspiciousness,
  • accusations,
  • hatred,
  • causeless jealousy
  • sudden stinginess

everything that corruption pushes people to do. No matter how disgusting and implausible it may sound, but often mother-in-law spoils on the son's relationship with his wife. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will not consider and understand why this is happening. Each person has his own reasons and his own views on the world. In this context it doesn't matter. Something completely different is much more important: family damage caused by divorce can be diagnosed and removed independently.

If the mother-in-law caused damage; how to find out about it and how to behave.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already spoken about the signs of magical negativity. Next stage- diagnostics. It is with the correct diagnosis that the treatment of black damage caused by discord in the family begins. The magician will choose the most effective rituals to solve the problem. Working together always gives positive results. What this means, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will explain. The damage done to family relationships works in several directions. It looks like metastasis.

What to do if your mother-in-law or another relative causes damage?

You need to remove the curse from your family with a series of magical rituals, put protection on the spouses, on the house, and harmonize relationships. You can work on memories, i.e. erase from the memory of the husband and wife all the bad things that happened to them when they were under the influence of witchcraft.

Then work for the positive: for a woman, do rituals for attractiveness, for a man - for the desire to be successful. And if you know for sure that it was your mother-in-law who caused the damage, you can magically block her access to the house. Make it so that this woman cannot cross the threshold.

If a real magician establishes that ex-mother-in-law spoiled a young woman, then it is in the power of a professional magician to return all the negativity back, in an enhanced, more destructive version. In order for the magical blow to accurately hit the target, the victim is weakened, after which. In addition, there is a ritual of removing damage to divorce with a return when negative energy goes to the one who brought it. And this condition is clearly stipulated in a strong conspiracy, which is read during the ritual of removing family damage from husband and wife.

For an unloved daughter-in-law, the mother-in-law can damage her beauty, break up relationships, and, of course, lead to loneliness. The stamp of eternal loneliness is the problem of many women. Of course, not all of them are connected with a curse imposed on the family, but such cases are not uncommon. What it might look like mother-in-law spoiling daughter-in-law? Here is an example of how loneliness can be damaged.

Black damage to daughter-in-law - bring bitter loneliness

Do it on the waning moon, after midnight. Here's what you need to take to damage a girl:

  • widow's scarf

Secretly obtain a mourning scarf from the widow. Until the fortieth day of commemoration. Take the salt with three fingers in a cross shape 9 times, sprinkle it on a scarf, and read the spell once for each sprinkle, i.e. only 9 times:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

“The widow cried over her fate as a widow, cried, sobbed, and wrung her hands. The Salt Cross, God's finger, will be her one time - in the first year, in the ninth, and in the fortieth. Fate broke and became covered in tears of salt. Widow's salt-tear cross, sang the funeral service in loneliness. Amen".

Leave the handkerchief with salt overnight. In the morning, pour everything from the scarf into a bag. Return the scarf to the widow discreetly. On the 40th day during the wake, if the widow puts on that scarf, a black spell will be cast on eternal loneliness will take effect. During the wake, a bag of salt is held in hands and thrown from right hand to the left, reading to yourself:

“She took the widow’s share from one destiny and transferred it to another destiny. The widow's pay is on the widow, and loneliness is on the slave (the name of the victim). Amen".

When saying “Amen,” the salt should remain in the left hand. The victim must come into contact with this salt. You can salt the food, put it in your pockets, or throw it under the threshold, depending on the possibility of contact with the victim. Do everything with your left hand. This and similar methods are very popular, as mothers-in-law cast spells on unwanted and unloved daughters-in-law.

How to protect yourself from the evil eye of your mother-in-law - salt cleaning and protection

Magical cleansing from damage to quarrels in the family is done on the waning moon or on the new moon. Cleanings with the return of damage caused to a person are done at a distance. We do not always know our enemies by name, and this does not matter, since the dark energy of damage caused by family quarrels will itself find the one who generated it and return back to the source. The energy of the return is always high, and if that person’s defenses are weak, he will get seriously hurt. This is how the principle of magical justice manifests itself.

About, how to find out if your mother-in-law has done damage, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, already said at the beginning of the article. If you notice signs of negativity, make a diagnosis and contact a real magician for help.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give advice on how to remove damage from your mother-in-law - strong cleansing with salt and return.

Pour despoiler salt into the frying pan so that the bottom is covered. Using a fork, draw a cross across the entire surface according to the usual pattern: bottom to top, left to right. Thus, 4 squares are formed. Then a cross is also drawn in each of the squares - counterclockwise, starting from the lower right square. Place the frying pan on the fire and heat for 15 minutes, while stirring the salt with a fork counterclockwise and read the words of the conspiracy toremove damage from mother-in-law:

“As salt is fried, so let (name) be fried. Fly away, my illness and sorrows, envy, hatred, anger of witchcraft to where it came from, to the slave (name). I don’t burn salt, but my enemy (name). You do it to me, and I give it back to you. Amen".

You need to add this salt to where your enemy, in this case, your mother-in-law, walks. For example, under the threshold. If this is not possible, stop at a pedestrian intersection. To what extent the ritual of removing damage from a family and returning it to the one who caused it worked, do a diagnosis and find out. If the cleaning went well, this will soon be noticeable on the physical plane.

So, you have removed the damage done by your mother-in-law.

You need to take a skein of yarn from sheep wool, hold it between your palms and speak 33 times strong conspiracy from spoiling your family, then tie 13 knots at the end of the thread. Magic ritual do it while facing west.

“The sheep is gone like a thread, but now it’s twisting itself like a club and now it’s twisting itself into a tangle. Yes, if a thread is tied in a knot, then the filth will be removed from me, and if it is pulled in a chain, then a word will not be tied to me. If this thread twists itself into a ball, it will be twisted into a noose, and this noose will choke the enemies, and it will die on the aspen tree like a Judas. Then if it is pulled by a force, then it will be wrapped in a shroud, and this shroud will be pulled, and it will fall on the enemies, then it will create a cloud, and the enemies will die with death. Amen".

Having said this 33 times, unwind the end of the thread and tighten 13 knots on it. And after that say:

You need to stand in the shadow of the church, hold a photo of your enemy under your left foot, and read the plot three times. Then burn the photo and leave. It is better to choose an abandoned church, but if there is no way out, you can work near an active one.

“I will get up without praying, I will walk without crossing myself, I will go out of doors not into doors, from gates into not gates. I will not go along the beaten path, but along an animal path; I will go out not into an open field, but into a dark forest. In that forest there is a black church, the candles don’t burn there, the icons don’t hang there. In that church, forty demon brothers are sitting on benches. They don't eat or drink, but gnaw each other. I will bow to them at the waist, I will call them brother. Oh, you little devils, don’t gnaw, but help me go to (name), drink his blood, deprive him of his mind. Gnaw white bones, drive you crazy. Do not give her peace, neither at dawn, nor at evening, nor at dark night, nor during a clear day, nor on the road, nor at home in bed, nor at a feast, nor at confession. My words cannot be interrupted by either the young or the old, neither the first nor the last, neither on bathing night nor on good friday. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Help!!! Three people in a row told me that there was a curse on me... one of them was a gypsy... she said that her ex-mother-in-law brought it on me... please help me get rid of the damage!

Hello, Oksanochka.

How much despair there is in your short letter! Obviously, some circumstances in your life confirm the assumption of damage: failures at work, quarrels with relatives, financial difficulties and stagnation in your personal life. The main thing is not to panic in such a situation, but to call on common sense and composure for help.

If the divorce was relatively recent, then such consequences are quite understandable. Everyone who had to go through this difficult period goes through them. Experts say that on average it takes three years for life to return to normal. No damage has anything to do with it. It’s another matter if three years are left behind, and the consequences of the breakup interfere with your life.

Method for determining spoilage

Try it the simplest way determination of damage (and any other magical effect on you). Take a handful of white salt, pour it into a clean white linen bag (you can simply wrap it in cloth) and wear it on your body for three days.

After this, on any women's day (Saturday, Friday, Wednesday), but not on religious holiday, pour it into a hot frying pan and warm it up for about five minutes as you would a regular compress. At the same time, read any prayer that you know well, constantly repeating “Have mercy, Lord, on the servant of God (your baptismal name).”

If the salt remains clean, forget about everything, wash it off and wash your hands thoroughly. It’s worse if it turns black: the stronger the blackness, the stronger the degree of impact.

If your fears are confirmed, immediately go to the temple: order a magpie about health for a year for yourself and, if you have one, for your children. If thoughts about your ex-mother-in-law haunt you, then order a prayer service for her too. Believe me, there is no other way, because she is also sick at heart if she did something to you.

No one can remove the damage from you better than yourself. Prayer, repentance (after all, divorce is a sin for two), a sincere request for the granting of prosperity and worthy man have been helping all women for decades. They will help you too. Just don’t hold grudges against the past, just remember its lessons, and everything will work out for you.

If we consider the relationship between daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, they are always in a tense framework. If the son-in-law is always fighting with the mother-in-law, then the mother-in-law is trying to get rid of the daughter-in-law. This is due to the fact that these women must share a man among themselves. For one he is the husband, and for the other he is the son. Each of them has their own feelings for the man. The damage caused by the mother-in-law is due to the fact that she wants to expel her daughter-in-law from the house so that her son belongs completely to her. Mother's jealousy is considered the most powerful jealousy of all known. The wife wants to win over her husband, and this becomes the cause of scandals.

There are many scenarios in which it can be determined that the mother-in-law is causing damage. You also need to know the points that will allow you to get rid of negative influence, which was sent using magic. It is possible to do such procedures yourself. You just need to study all the rules.

How to determine the presence of damage

In order to understand that the mother-in-law has caused damage, it is necessary to perform a certain magical ritual. Experts have come up with a special ritual with which you can very quickly determine the presence of damage and return your husband’s favor. A light ritual of three candles can guarantee the presence of damage. To carry it out, you need to prepare several attributes.

  1. An old stove that can often be found in village houses. It will serve as some kind of screen indicating that a person is casting a spell on you. You only need the inside of the oven.
  2. Gas stove. It must be cleaned of contaminants, because it will have the same properties as a stove from the village. You will only need this attribute if you were unable to find a village stove.
  3. Three candles. Required condition is that they must be bought in the church temple.
  4. Plate. It will be better if you buy new dishes. It must be disposed of after the ceremony is completed.
  5. Paper sheet. Necessarily white. It is better not to use sheets from a notebook.
  6. Pen for ink. If you do not have the opportunity to have such a pen, then you can use any one. The main thing is that it exactly repeats the properties of ink.

If there are herbs in your room that can scare away black forces, then it is better to get rid of them at midnight. Basically, such plants include wormwood and garlic. They must be removed so that the black forces that come to your call have no obstacles, because, as everyone knows, these plants prevent the appearance of dark forces in the house, and it will become more difficult to remove black magic. On the one hand, this is good, because you don’t have to worry about your peace of mind being disturbed. IN ordinary life it is better to constantly use these attributes for protection own home. But, not if this ritual is performed to lift the curse.

The ritual process

With an ink pen you need to write the following words on a piece of paper:

“I want to open to my eyes beautiful sky. I wish to get rid of the negative clouds that block the entire view. I’ll tear up the whole black earth, because I want to see my mother-in-law. Let the fire contribute to my progress. Let him become a good helper for me to achieve my goal. Let the fire show me things that cannot be seen with my own eyes. Let him point out to me everything that is nearby. Let him tell me about what is happening in the distance. May all that I ask for today come to pass continually. I can't live in peace. My mother-in-law put the evil eye on me. I want to protect myself from this witch. And get your health and husband back. Let it be as I said and nothing else. Amen".

After you write the right words, distribute two candles in the corners. One should remain in your hands. Remove the gas cap from the stove and place the purchased dishes on the burner. Crumple the paper sheet with the spell in a random order. Now you need to set it on fire from the fire of the candle that is located with you. Place it on a plate and let it begin to smolder. On the stove you will be shown certain silhouettes that will indicate the presence of damage, or its absence. If you see images of a cross, a coffin, or a dog, then you can say with confidence that the damage was nevertheless caused by the mother-in-law. The ritual gives a high probability of the correct result.

How to remove damage caused by mother-in-law

It is possible to remove damage, but it is recommended to have certain knowledge. You can perform the ritual yourself at home. To do this, you need to completely undress on the first day of the waning moon. Sit near the mirror, and, looking into it, you need to read a special spell.

“I light a candle, and with its fire I want to cleanse my body. Let the flame take away from me, the servant of God (your name), everything bad and black that was sent. Black magic is not scary to me. I have it in my defense white magic, which will save me from being exposed to negativity. The red fire will save me from the damage that was sent by my mother-in-law. Let me become a baby for magic so that it cannot influence me. The evil eye is not scary to me, damage does not affect me. Let my body be cleansed of adversity. Let what is sent to me be returned back to the performer. Let him suffer from magical influence, and I will continue my happy life. I want to live happily, and for this I need to bring my husband back to me. Let the cursing person disappear from my life. I wish to eliminate the problem in my life. I can only do this with God's help. I do not send death, but health problems. Family is important to me. Amen".

Now you will need raw meat. With this piece you need to circle your body clockwise. Of course, you can do this in the air without touching your body. Now go to the shower, where you can finally get rid of the negativity. It’s better to give the meat to a stray dog, which will take the damage upon itself.

How to send damage to your mother-in-law

In order to send damage to your mother-in-law, you need to choose a special day. It is best to do this on major holidays. Most often, damage is caused to the holiday of Ivan Kupala or the Nativity of Christ. To perform the ritual, you will need a photo of the victim. If you don’t have one, you can take a photo and print it on your home printer. You need to know the victim's date of birth. And according to the Druid calendar, find out what type of tree the victim belongs to.

Go to the forest or park where you need to find certain tree. Make sure no one can see you. Leave the photo on the tree and pick it up the next night. Take a couple of leaves from this tree with you. All paraphernalia must be burned at home, and the ashes must be collected in a bowl and placed on the table. Place candles near the dishes and light them. On paper, draw a pentagram, which should be depicted in a circle. Place a photo next to the drawing and attach a mourning ribbon to it. You can strengthen the ritual by placing an even number of flowers.

Place a do-it-yourself doll in the center of the pentagram. She will represent the sacrifice of the ritual. Scatter ashes in places that need to be negatively affected. Everything needs to be left overnight. The main thing is that the candles do not go out. If you notice that at least one flower has dried up, then the ritual has worked and the damage has been caused.

Hello, Dear. Since you have knowledge in this area, I want to ask you. The fact is that I found out that my wife’s mother damaged me and my mother and our house in general. What should I do?
1. Meet and tell her about it so that she stops.
2. Or leave her and try to stay away from her. ? Please, dear sir, advise me what to do.

Hello Muradin. First of all, make sure that your mother-in-law has cast a spell on you and your mother. Before you begin the fight against dark forces and carry out a cleansing ritual, make sure that all your failures and troubles are connected precisely with this black magical energy program.

You can say with one hundred percent probability that you have been damaged if you observe the following symptoms:

  • you suffer from incessant headaches;
  • there is a depressive state;
  • you notice indifference to everything that happens;
  • the desire to do what you love, to pay attention to hobbies and entertainment disappears;
  • gradually moving away from loved ones and friends;
  • hear strange voices and see some pictures;
  • feel irritated at the slightest reason;
  • You quickly lose strength, even after a long rest.

If you or your mother began to notice the above signs in yourself, then we can say that you have been damaged. In this case, you need to make every effort to neutralize its effect on your body and minimize the impact of the black program on your energy.

We recommend that you under no circumstances show your mother-in-law that you know about her magical actions directed against you. Better spend your strength and energy fighting negative impact. To do this, you will need to carry out the following.

Ritual of removing damage at home

Buy 12 candles from the church. Light these candles in each corner of the room where you spend the most time. There are three candles on one corner. Place a little salt near each candle. Then read the Lord’s Prayer, cross yourself and say the following prayer:

After this, use a broom to collect the salt and candle stubs into a bag and throw the contents away on the waning moon at the crossroads after sunset.

You can also choose a ritual to remove damage that suits you by going to.

Since ancient times, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was considered very complex and tense, due to the fact that they had to share one man with each other, who each loved in her own way and very much.

And in war, as in war, all means are good that allow you to eliminate and neutralize the enemy.

Therefore, spoiling a bad mother-in-law or a grumpy daughter-in-law has always been common, because it was she who made it possible to get rid of a rival from the house and attract all the attention of a beloved man, be it a son or a legal spouse. But how can one identify the presence of a dark counterfeit and a demonic imprint on one’s aura, which was carefully left by one’s mother-in-law through esoteric teachings, a conspiracy, a curse, or a mysterious ritual? How can you remove your mother-in-law’s evil eye or the black “whisper” that has caused damage? Let's figure it out.

Dark damage from one’s mother-in-law - how to determine

All well-known psychics offer a very reliable method for determining the presence of otherworldly spells on a woman, which were cast on her by her mother-in-law. In order to be guaranteed to know that it is necessary to remove the evil eye or allotment, you should perform an easy ritual of three candles-witches. For it you will need:

  • a clean gas stove or a country stove (you will need a kind of screen, and this will be top cover gas stove or the inner wall of the oven);
  • three wax candles(must be purchased at the temple);
  • clean plate ( ideal option will be the purchase of a new bowl, which should be disposed of at the end of the ritual of exposing evil forces);
  • a sheet of white paper and an ink pen.

At midnight, it is necessary to remove wormwood and garlic from the room inside which the ceremony will take place, so as not to frighten away the demonic or devilish power that has come to manifest itself. Then write on a piece of paper with an ink pen:

“I will open the blue sky. I will part the dark clouds. I will open up the black earth. I need to see my mother-in-law. Fire to you, I command you to serve me today. To show me with a dark shadow everything that is hidden from my eyes. What is secret and obvious, what is close or far. Let it be so today. May it always be so. Amen".

When the spell text is written on a piece of paper, place two candles in the corner of the room, and leave one in your hands. Open the stove lid and place a new plate on the burner (or stand). Crumple the sheet with the spell in any order and set it on fire from the candle that is in your hands. When the paper burns and begins to smolder. On the screen of the stove you will see clear pictures indicating that there is damage from the mother-in-law or there is none. A cross, a coffin, a dog or a bird shown on the screen represents the evil eye, a forgery, and maybe even the dryness that your mother-in-law sent to you, performing a terrible ritual of causing damage.

We remove the evil damage caused by the mother-in-law

On the first day of the waning moon, undress naked (it is on the first day of the old moon that you can protect yourself from the induced evil eye and remove the negative), stand in front of the mirror. Light a candle and look at your reflection while reading the plot:

“The candle flame flares up, and my spirit and mortal body are cleansed. Washed from black evil, from slander and dark deceit - the candle flame will take my damage to the underworld. As the fire burns red-hot, my body will be cleansed completely, and the human evil eye and sorrow, and cruel misfortunes, and insomnia will go away. I conjure you with fire - now you are my slave. Take away from me the false accusation that is being made - return it to my enemies, branding them a hundredfold. Let it be so".

After that, take a piece fresh meat and move it around yourself (from head to toe) in the air three times, but only clockwise. After this, you need to take a shower or bath to wash off the remnants of negativity and feed a piece of meat to a yard (stray) dog - it will take all the negativity upon itself.