The dirtiest places are in your kitchen. The dirtiest things and places in the kitchen: how to clean them? The dirtiest places in the kitchen

People say that the two cleanest places on earth are the operating room and the kitchen of a tidy housewife. If it is difficult to argue with the first, then the second statement causes justified skepticism. Your kitchen may be dirtier than you think. Check: did you remember to clean these seven items?

Food must be clean. And the dishes too. True, the usual washing of the contents of a clogged sink is not enough. After all, bacteria can lie in wait even in not the most obvious places. We're willing to bet: you don't think about the cleanliness of these items very often. But in vain.

1. Kitchen sink

According to American research, bacteria such as E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella and numerous combinations of them can be found on the surface of each of the 14 sinks. A good reason not to leave vegetables in the sink before eating them, and to thoroughly clean the “culprit” itself with a separate brush after each dishwashing.

2. Dishwashing sponge

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

If you are looking for the dirtiest place in the kitchen, this is in front of you. A cocktail of bacteria of all types and sizes, as well as mold, is what you use to wash dishes. We are not so naive as to think that you will actually boil sponges, as bacteriologists recommend. But at least you can change your dishwashing sponge every 10-12 days, right?

3. Knife stand

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

Insufficiently washed blades plus moisture provoke the growth of pathogenic bacteria and mold. Which you then safely populate on the surface of the food during cutting. To make the stand cleaner, periodically wash it with a weak solution of water and household bleach, and then dry it thoroughly. The same applies to the knives themselves. Better yet, use a magnetic stand or even a glass filled with rice. Rice absorbs moisture well, and it is also very easy to replace it with fresh rice.

4. Container for vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

Be sure to wash the container at least once a month warm water and dishwashing detergent. And to get rid of the unpleasant odor, use a solution of water and 2 tablespoons of soda.

5. Freezer container

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

Especially if you store meat there. To avoid giving E. coli and an unpleasant odor a chance, use the recommendations from the previous paragraph.

6. Blender

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

The blender will tolerate everything: meat and dairy products, vegetables, fruits and more. But only under conditions correct operation. To prevent bacteria from the minced meat from migrating into your fruit smoothie, be sure to disassemble the device after each use and thoroughly wash all its parts. Special attention paying attention to the blades. And before reassembling, do not forget to dry everything thoroughly.

7. Opener

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

Let's be brief: yes, it also needs to be washed. And the more often, the better.

Cleanliness in the kitchen is the key to the health of the whole family, so you should pay special attention to order here. Remember your cleaning algorithm, and let’s think together about whether you devote time to cleaning not the most obvious, but important places.

Tabletop , on which we cook. Its surface is involved in most work processes: we cut meat and fish on it, peel vegetables, and often household members put bags brought from the store there. If there is a cat in the house, then it is unlikely that she will deny herself the pleasure of strolling around the kitchen table and finding out what the hostess is cooking. Therefore, it is very important to regularly clean the surface from extra items, wash and wipe it with disinfectants. The same rule applies to kitchen sink(especially after washing meat or fish) and a cabinet where the trash can is installed. It would be unnecessary to add that the sponges for washing these surfaces should be different.

Sponges and rags, with which we wipe the surface, is the second “position”, which requires constant monitoring and replacement. Change them regularly to ensure that your dishes and surfaces are clean.

It is worth paying special attention handles of the refrigerator, stove and faucet. We touch them all the time – and not always with clean hands. So when you wipe down surfaces with disinfectants, give them a quick wipe down as well. This will create an additional barrier for the spread of bacteria and protect your loved ones.

Things and places in the kitchen that you should pay attention to more often. SPONGE FOR WASHING DISHES
The most dirty thing in the kitchen. Dry it between washes rather than throwing it in a dirty sink. Change the sponge at least twice a month and disinfect in the microwave.

Unfortunately, we often brew more than just coffee there, because over time, mold and other bacteria appear in the pipes. To clean, fill the water reservoir with vinegar and then water again once a month to remove the odor.

Do you take it into the kitchen when you cook? It’s better not to do this, or at least wipe it with an antibacterial wipe and not place it next to food. If in doubt, remember where your “friend” was with you before.

It needs to be dried daily, otherwise mucus and mold will begin to accumulate on it. If possible, it is better to refuse it altogether. No dishwasher? Place clean dishes in a basin in the sun.

It is necessary to change on the days when you cook. One night is enough for pathogenic bacteria to spread, so it is recommended to change them every day.
Before cleaning your oven or microwave, place a bowl of hot water and bring to a boil. The steam will soften dried-on splatters and grease, making scrubbing much easier. Likewise, it will be easier to clean kitchen hood or tiles around hob. Place a pot of water and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes to allow the warm, moist air to soften the dirt.
An irreplaceable thing that will quickly add freshness household appliances. Place half a lemon in the microwave or place a slice on the top rack of the dishwasher, running the wash cycle, and unpleasant odors will immediately disappear.
Don't be surprised, denture cleaning tablets are great for removing stains from enamel surfaces and are suitable for pots and pans, coffee mugs and cups, as well as bottles and vases with a narrow neck.
Useful for cleaning surfaces made of of stainless steel. Apply a little oil to a clean cloth and wipe down the refrigerator doors, trash can, handles, stove, or kitchen faucet. The oil does not leave streaks and copes well with greasy fingerprints.

Like impeccable cleanliness in the kitchen can be deceiving. Microbes and bacteria gather in places that you don't even remember, and don't think that they can be collectors of so many microorganisms.

Germs easily spread from cutting boards, knife handles, countertops to cutlery and food, and from there into your digestive system, which leads to extremely disastrous consequences.

We cannot see germs with the naked eye, and therefore we may sometimes wonder: is our kitchen clean enough or should we pay more attention to cleaning? Knowing a few secrets, you will always be sure that there is not a single evil bacteria in your kitchen! We will tell you about those places that you should pay extra attention to when cleaning.

refrigerator handle

Germs that live on chicken, pork or beef can almost always be found on the refrigerator handle. Holding the handle, you then use the same hands to open the drawer with knives and spoons, take the cutlery: and now the germs have already begun their victorious march through your kitchen.

The easiest way to prevent this is to wash your hands frequently. You just need to wash them correctly: wash your hands with soap for 15 seconds, and then turn off the tap with your elbow or a paper towel. Otherwise, all the bacteria that you just washed off will immediately end up on your hands again.


Clean water is practically the main ingredient of tasty and safe food. IN developed countries, Where pure water from the tap is not a blessing, but ordinary thing, the point that is often overlooked is that it too may be contaminated.

If this is water from a well, then it may absorb any toxins from the earth. The water may also be contaminated due to old pipes through which it flows.

In any case, it is better to additionally filter the water intended for cooking.

Kitchen towels

Every time you need to wipe down your plate, table, or hands, you grab a kitchen towel. This damp towel in a warm kitchen becomes fertile ground for the rapid development of all kinds of microorganisms.

Change towels more often and wash them at high temperatures with disinfectants. Or use paper ones. Less problems with washing, ironing, and you don’t have to worry that it somehow doesn’t look very attractive.

Dish sponges

Everyone has probably already heard about sponges; they are the dirtiest thing in the kitchen. Well, of course: they washed the board with her, after slicing the meat, then they washed the sink, in which there are simply unimaginable amounts of germs, bacteria and rods, and then they wiped it with her kitchen table. And now this moist, porous structure lies in a warm kitchen and produces microorganisms in huge quantities.

Sponges can be disinfected in the microwave. This is done like this: wash the sponge thoroughly and place it WET in the oven. You heat for a short time at high power. Monitor the process carefully; if steam begins to rise from the sponge, disinfection must be completed, all bacteria have already died. Never use this method on sponges that have metal parts.

Despite disinfection, sponges must be changed regularly, at least once every 2 weeks.

Sink drain

Just because you don't see dirt doesn't mean it isn't there. The outside of the sink may be shiny, but the drain contains an incredible amount of bacteria, fungi and mold. And all this penetrates into a clean sink, onto dishes, and in the end this dampness and many organic residues attract cockroaches and ants.

To get rid of bacteria in a drain, it is sometimes enough to simply rinse the drain with boiling water, however, from time to time it is worth adding a disinfectant.

That's all the secrets, it's not difficult at all. Keeping your kitchen in such a truly perfect cleanliness, you will avoid the unpleasant proximity to most bacteria, which can sometimes cause quite unpleasant disorders of the digestive system.

In 2011, the National Science Foundation (NSF) conducted a study . and revealed which places in the house are most contaminated with bacteria.

The foundation's microbiologists found that 75% of kitchen sponges and table cloths were contaminated with salmonella and E. coli.

Why does it get dirty?

Food residues, heat and humidity quickly turn sponges and rags into breeding grounds for bacteria.

  • Change dish sponges every two weeks.
  • Replace the rags with .
  • Disinfect sponges and cloths in the microwave every few days. To do this, wash them thoroughly and put them in the microwave. If you are unsure whether a sponge contains plastic, place it on a paper towel. If the heat causes the plastic to leak, the towel will prevent it from staining the microwave. Heat the sponge or cloth on high power for two minutes. This method eliminates dangerous bacteria and unpleasant odors.

The same study found that 45% of all kitchen sinks tested were contaminated with E. coli bacteria.

Why does it get dirty?

Food debris ends up in the kitchen sink, creating an excellent environment for bacteria to grow. If you wash a piece of fruit and drop it in the sink, these bacteria can enter your body and cause digestive upset.

How to protect yourself from bacteria

  • Clean your sink every day with special means or bleach.
  • Don't forget to clean the edges of the sink and the countertops around it: mold and dirt often accumulate there.
  • Do not defrost meat in the sink or throw peeled vegetables and fruits into it.

In 2013, the National Science Foundation conducted another study 2013 NSF International Household Germ Study., during which it was discovered that the fruit and vegetable drawers in the refrigerator contained mold and yeast components, listeria and salmonella bacteria.

Why do they get polluted?

Few people buy exactly as many vegetables as they plan to use for cooking. The remaining vegetables and fruits are forgotten, spoil and become moldy.

Forgotten leftovers can infect fresh vegetables and the fruits you will eat. Moreover, it is impossible to visually determine whether a vegetable or fruit is affected. Just because it's not green and fluffy doesn't mean it doesn't have spores.

Daniel Lee /

A 2013 National Science Foundation study found that blender gaskets contained salmonella, E. coli, mold, and yeast.

Why does it get dirty?

Few people thoroughly rinse all parts of the blender, so food particles remain on the gasket. In addition, the blender is often stored in kitchen drawer- dark place without access fresh air, which makes it even more attractive to listeria and E. coli.

How to protect yourself from bacteria

  • Wash all parts of the blender with soapy water after each use.
  • For disinfection, you can use a mixture of soda and vinegar.
  • After cleaning, wipe each part of the appliance with a paper towel. All parts must be completely dry before assembling the blender.

The same 2013 study found that 18% kitchen boards contaminated with salmonella and E. coli.

Why does it get dirty?

Food particles get clogged into microcracks and scratches on the board left by the knife, creating a favorable environment for the development of bacteria.

How to protect yourself from bacteria

  • After each use, wash the board with dishwashing detergent.
  • Once a week, disinfect the board: wipe it with vinegar and leave it overnight.
  • Get two cutting boards. One is for meat and fish, the second is for everything else.
  • Choose boards made from materials that won't be scratched by a knife: boards made from bamboo and rubberwood, as well as hardwood.

If you have any tips on how to keep the most clean... dirty places in the kitchen, share in the comments.