Updating old furniture using do-it-yourself decoupage technique. Decoupage furniture - examples of using wallpaper and scrap materials (102 photos). What furniture looks like after decoupage

Old furniture is not a reason to send it to a landfill. Moreover, having a little paint, glue, varnish, beautiful illustrations and, of course, imagination on hand, you can make simple decoupage old furniture with your own hands, turning it into an original, unique exclusive. Moreover, you can decorate almost any surface with the help of decoupage (this is both, and, and even), you can decorate a room, or even the entire apartment, in your own special style.

The word "decoupage" has French roots and means "cut". And in very simple terms, this procedure can be called varnished appliqué, although acrylic paints are also used. With the help of decoupage, old furniture literally gets a second life. This technique turns old thing into a real masterpiece. See the example in the video:

Master class on decoupage furniture with napkins using a simple technique

We select materials for work

  • an object for decoration - a bedside table, and in general anything you want;
  • finishing material - three-layer napkins;
  • scissors;
  • sandpaper may come in handy (when processing a wooden surface);
  • a brush 1-2 cm wide for applying glue. The brush is slightly wider for applying varnish;
  • decoupage glue;
  • acrylic varnish (and if you take colorless acrylic paint, then you won’t even need varnish). If the surface will come into contact with water, it is better to use wood varnish or yacht varnish;
  • acrylic paints.
Let's look at the step-by-step lesson:
  • In order to decoupage old furniture with napkins, you need to carefully cut out a design that will serve as an applique. Some people cut off the pattern along the contour for an aging effect.
  • Apply glue to the prepared surface at the location of the application. Glue and carefully level the pattern so that there are no bubbles. Be sure to let it dry. You can additionally decorate with acrylic paint to give expressiveness to the drawing or more individuality. It is also important to use paint to achieve the effect of merging the pattern with the surface.
  • Polish the surface. You will need to apply 2-3 layers of varnish. The decor item must be dried between layers.

We try to decorate with unnecessary wallpaper with our own hands

Old wallpaper scraps combined with glue and imagination can turn ordinary, old, ugly furniture into original, unique item interior

You will need:
  • wallpaper glue;
  • brushes, roller;
  • large, sharp scissors and another small one;
  • ruler;
  • sandpaper;
  • decoupage glue;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • wallpaper;
  • object for decoration.

Step-by-step master class on working with wallpaper

The surface of the furniture must be cleaned of dirt. Sand it with sandpaper. Especially if there are scratches or cracks.

If there are dark spots on the surface that will be visible through the wallpaper, then you should paint it acrylic paints.

To decoupage old unnecessary furniture with wallpaper, you can use the entire surface by gluing a single piece of wallpaper or several, making up the intended pattern. Even individual cutouts from the drawing pasted onto the surface look original. This technique is almost no different from the traditional technique of working with napkins.

Attention to the video:

Trying our hand at creating a vintage style

By definition, vintage is a winemaking term that literally means “aged wine.” From winemaking the term has become fashionable and is understood as original item previous generation. Things that are older than 30 years are already vintage. Age is not yet a basis for classifying an item as vintage. Vintage items should be original objects of art, as in the photo above, and fully express the fashion trends of their time. To decoupage furniture in vintage style and give an aging effect, you can use craquelure varnish. As this varnish dries, it forms cracks of various textures - this depends on the thickness of the applied layer. Then rubbed into the cracks Oil paint, it remains only in the recesses. Thanks to decoupage of furniture in vintage style, it acquires a noble antique look.

Exquisite decor in Provence style

Provence is one of the most popular techniques because it is associated not just with the village, but also with the sea, the sun, the smell of flowering plants, that is, with a wonderful holiday in the lap of nature. All this affected the aesthetics: sun-bleached colors, like in a photograph, many living and dried plants, naturalness, simplicity, uncomplicated lines. Decoupage of furniture elements in the Provence style must include one or more required colors: white, cream, beige, pale lemon, terracotta, burnt orange, the color of sunflower petals, blue, pale green, color sea ​​wave and lavender.

Furniture restoration using decoupage techniques

The technique of restoring furniture with decoupage is not much different from working on other surfaces. Let's look at the basic tips.

If you want to restore a cabinet using decoupage, as in the photo, a cabinet or, then you will need acrylic paints, decoupage glue or pva, napkins, acrylic varnish. If you will be doing decoupage on surfaces that may often come into contact with water, it is better to use regular wood varnish. It’s even better to use yacht varnish - it most reliably protects the surface from water.

We restore polished furniture in a couple of evenings

In order to decoupage polished furniture, the first thing you need to do is wash it with dishwashing detergent that breaks down grease. All smooth surfaces (such as laminate) should be washed with a degreaser. Acrylic paint does not adhere very well to polishing, but, in principle, polished furniture can also be painted with acrylic paint. Subsequently, simply cover it with several layers of acrylic varnish, or better yet, wood varnish.

You will need:
  • PVA glue
  • brush for applying it,
  • emery,
  • scissors,
  • acrylic lacquer,
  • decorative napkins with images of vegetables, fruits or dishes. You can also print any image you like on a printer.

A simple and detailed MK for beginners

  1. We will need to sand down everything you decide to decorate.
  2. After this, it is recommended to coat the surface with a primer. If you are going to do decoupage kitchen furniture and glass, it must be degreased. Dish detergent works well for these purposes.
  3. Using miniature scissors, cut out the details of the design. It is better not to cut out the smallest details, but to complete them after gluing them using acrylic.
  4. To avoid accidentally tearing the napkin, after it is applied to the surface to be pasted, it should be soaked in glue. For these purposes, you can use a medium-hard brush. It will also help to smooth out folds along the edges and in the center of the cut-out image.
  5. When the glue is completely dry, some details can be completed with acrylic paints.
  6. When the paint has dried, the entire drawing must be covered with a layer of varnish. Varnish is necessary in order to protect the image from high levels of humidity, which is almost always observed in the kitchen. The varnish, whether matte or glossy, is applied in several layers.

Decorating furniture elements with fabric

In order to decoupage furniture with fabric, we prepare the materials the same as with the standard technique of working with napkins.

  1. We cover the object of decoration with two layers of PVA glue using a thick brush or roller.
  2. Then we cut the fabric into pieces of the desired sizes and grease it with PVA glue.
  3. Let dry for 40 minutes. After spraying with spray, we glue the fabric to the bedside table using the patchwork technique or as your imagination dictates.
  4. When the fabric sticks well to the cabinet, it can be varnished.

That's how easy and simple everything turns out. More details in the video:

We create stylish children's furniture for your baby

Decoupage of children's furniture will never go unnoticed. An ordinary children's cabinet can be turned into a work of art. And if you make it with your favorite cartoon characters that the child really likes, then you can be proud of such a thing, since it will be a child’s favorite thing. As an example, take a look at .

Read our article about how you can not only decorate furniture, but also.

Is old furniture not pleasing to the eye at all? Do you dream of a beautiful and unique kitchen? Do-it-yourself decoupage of kitchen furniture will give used items new life!

Dilapidated stools, kitchen cabinets and tables - all these are already old and unsightly things that you need to either come to terms with, or put in a little effort and make them original appearance. The decoupage technique will add a touch of sophistication to kitchen interior! All you need for this is just a little imagination and time.

Of course, having purchased new furniture for the kitchen, you shouldn’t do this to it.
After all, it already corresponds to all your preferences and wishes.
Do-it-yourself decoupage is more suitable for already aged furniture.

A little history

Decoupage (decoupaqe - cut out) is one of the unusual decorative techniques. Its essence lies in cutting out all kinds of images from various materials(paper, fabric, napkins, leather, etc.) and gluing them onto the surface to be decorated (wood, glass, dishes, etc.).

For safety and durability, all this beauty is covered with acrylic varnish in several layers.

The origins of decoupage lie in the Middle Ages. It was first recognized as an art form in Germany in the 15th century, where carved images were used to decorate furniture.

Decoupage became especially popular in the 17th century in magical Venice. Then furniture decorated with inlays (patterns of colored stones, wood, marble, metal, etc.) in Japanese and other styles came into fashion. Chinese styles. Venetian craftsmen skillfully cut out pictures and decorated furniture with them - this is how they imitated expensive oriental inlays. The price for such products was much cheaper, and the demand was very high.

Closer to the middle of the 19th century, decoupage fell in love with the people of almost all countries, but in Russia interest in it awoke only in beginning of XXI century. Now a variety of materials and computer innovations have been added to traditional technology, which has opened up limitless scope for creativity.

Step-by-step master class on decoupage

Having taken a short excursion into the past, we understood the essence of this technique and are now ready for creative experiments.

It must be said that decoupage is a rather painstaking task that requires perseverance and the ability to mentally form an image of what is being created and then brought to life. But at the same time it is very exciting and allows you to have a pleasant and useful time.

Required material

To carry out decoupage on kitchen furniture we will need:

  1. Pore ​​filler (if there are cracks on the furniture);
  2. Fine sandpaper (for cleaning the surface);
  3. Glue for decoupage or PVA glue;
  4. Not too hard flat brush (for applying glue);
  5. A jar of acrylic varnish (matte or glossy, for wood or plastic work);
  6. Scissors
  7. Cuttings from newspapers or magazines, beautiful napkins for decoupage, pictures or photographs printed on a printer - everything here depends only on your taste and imagination.

Step 1: prepare the surface

Whether it's decoupage kitchen set or decoupage kitchen cabinets, first of all, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface.

This is done very simply:

  • If there are small cracks, we get rid of them using a foam filler.

For more serious defects, putty should be used.

  • After the previous stage, you need to wait for the filler to dry. Then we protect the surface of the furniture with fine sandpaper.
  • It is also advisable to apply a primer, giving it time to dry. This is done to level the surface so that the design fits perfectly.

If you are going to decoupage an old kitchen set, or rather its glass doors, then you need to first degrease the glass using detergent and wait until it dries.

Step 2: preparing the drawing

Now is the time to start preparing the image. Everything is individual here: cut it out upper layer napkins for decoupage, or text/picture from a magazine/newspaper/wallpaper, or a pre-printed image.

If the image you choose for decoupage is quite large, use a large-format printer - this will avoid joints, which would otherwise look very ugly.

Step 3: Apply Glue

First, apply glue to the drawing itself (the paper or napkin should be well saturated with glue). Then we carefully apply glue to the surface itself, based on the size of the cut out design. Apply the design to the area to be decorated and, using the same brush or roller, smooth out small folds and air bubbles (if any appear).

If decoupage on a kitchen set or other kitchen furniture involves the use of napkins, then PVA glue will work perfectly.
But if you use thicker paper, you will need to stock up special glue for this decoration technique.

Step 4: varnish

After the previous step, you need to let the surface dry. Then we cover the furniture with acrylic varnish in several layers (usually 3-4 layers). Layers of varnish are applied at intervals of one hour. This work must be done in order to protect the jewelry from all kinds of damage.

This is where the decoupage work ends, and the result is an updated and unique design of kitchen furniture!

  • When decoupaging a kitchen table with your own hands for a kitchen in ethno, country or Provence style, it is recommended to select appropriate designs: wildflowers, butterflies, cats, dogs, vegetables, fruits, intricate patterns, compositions with rustic motifs.

  • For a kitchen in a classic style, designs with luxurious paintings, bouquets of garden flowers, vines, and angels are more suitable. In addition to decoupage, you can use brushing, gilding, crackle and shabby techniques here.

You can also decoupage kitchen cabinets or a set in general in this way: cover the furniture with paper soaked in coffee. To do this, sprinkle sheets of paper with water, sprinkle instant coffee on them, rub lightly and let the paper dry. Voila! The result was very original and “tasty” furniture.

  • As for decoupage in the design of a modern kitchen, newspapers, various inscriptions, bright clippings from magazines, black and white photos, with stylish objects or cities depicted on them, geometric figures, zebra and leopard colors.


Decoupage is an unusual activity! And, despite its worldwide popularity, few people use this decoration technique in practice. This makes decoupage a real find for every housewife!

In addition, today there is probably no simpler and more inexpensive method of updating old things. Therefore, especially for connoisseurs of everything beautiful and extraordinary, we have prepared this article, and in addition to it interesting video lesson. Happy creativity!

Furniture decoupage is a way of decorative restoration and colorful decoration of your furniture. The basis of decoupage is gluing cut-outs of napkins, various fabrics, papers, magazines and other materials onto a furniture surface and covering it paint and varnish materials.

Furniture decoupage was done back in the Middle Ages. Masters, with the help of paper applications, transformed the old unnecessary furniture into an expensive one. Paintings were recreated and sold to rich people.

Decoupage furniture on various surfaces

On what surfaces is furniture decoupage done:

  • wooden surfaces;
  • plastic surfaces;
  • using glass surfaces to decoupage furniture;
  • fabric surfaces.

Let's take a closer look at how to make decoupage on various surfaces furniture.

Decoupage furniture on a wooden surface

Before starting work, it is necessary to sand and putty any uneven furniture. Wooden furniture with a pattern is coated with one layer of varnish to preserve it. If there is no need to leave this drawing, then simply paint over it, and do the same with.

Only after this we use required material for decoupage wooden furniture.

Decoupage furniture on a plastic surface

First, degrease with alcohol or acetone. The slippery plastic is treated with fine sandpaper and gypsum putty is applied. Then we leave it to dry for a while and clean it again with sandpaper.

Decoupage glass furniture

When decoupaging glass furniture, there can be direct and reverse decoupage.

For direct furniture decoupage, the material is glued to the outer surface of the furniture, and for the reverse, on the contrary, to the inner surface. glass surface degrease with alcohol and preferably use decoupage with napkins, because the glass is too thin.

If you are a good needlewoman, then crochet a napkin that fits the size of your tabletop. Well, if you are not a needlewoman, then I advise you to purchase imitation plastic lace.

Apply imitation lace from the corner of the tabletop using a flat brush. Wait for the paint to dry and remove the stencil.
Paint the table in the color you like. After the paint has dried, coat the table with matte varnish for a protective layer.

How to decoupage furniture with newspaper

We will need:

  • pieces of newspapers for decoupage furniture;
  • trips;
  • decoupage glue;
  • brush;
  • clear nail polish;

Using a brush, apply decoupage glue to the surface of the furniture. Place newspapers soaked in water on the surface and smooth them carefully so as not to tear them. You need to smooth it from the center of the furniture to the edges. Let the newspaper decoupage dry for a day. After drying, apply colorless varnish in 4 - 5 layers, giving each layer time to dry.

How to make decoupage glue with your own hands

Elmer's glue for furniture decoupage

Take gelatin and soak in water until completely swollen. We put this mixture in a water bath until it finally dissolves, and add vinegar and glycerin. If available, you can add and.

Edible glue for furniture decoupage

1 way. Bring to a boil a solution of 1 part flour + 1 part sugar + 3 parts water and a little vinegar

Method 2. Mix egg white 5 quail eggs with sugar and cream of tartar.

Glue sprayer

Pour Elmer's glue into a spray bottle. Add just enough water to add Elmer's glue and a couple drops of liquid soap.

Originated in early Middle Ages decorative technique gained popularity in the 17th century in Venice, which was still independent at that time. The word itself is borrowed from French. Like any creativity, decoupage of furniture allows you to create an artistic image, and skillful execution of the task will make any unattractive, boring item an integral part of the decoration in the house.

Anyone can make art. To do this, you need to select an item for decoupling, come up with a plot, and prepare working tools. But in order to turn a product into a real masterpiece, you need to understand different methods, stylistic orientation, and decoration features.

Advantages and disadvantages of using decoupage for furniture

Updating old things, as well as decorating new ones, would seem to be quite difficult task. The master must think through everything down to the smallest detail so that the item in question fits exactly into the existing interior and does not contradict it. However, the whole difficulty lies only in choosing the appropriate image. Therefore, the main advantage of this technique is its simplicity, as well as:

  • the work will require a minimum set of tools and materials;
  • this type of creativity does not require special skills and is accessible to everyone;
  • low costs for decoupage cards, newsprint, fabric;
  • budget savings, no need to purchase new furniture;
  • independent choice of design that meets personal wishes;
  • There is an opportunity to turn ordinary everyday items into unique, beautiful products.

The disadvantages of this creativity include:

  • glued materials are not resistant to mechanical damage;
  • work can be time-consuming;
  • the surface with the finished image should not be rubbed with hard sponges, or detergents should be used when cleaning;
  • quality depends on the selected raw materials.

Decoupage technique techniques

The variety of materials used in the creative process allows you to decorate any surface: wood, glass, metal. Application various techniques gives limitless possibilities to express your imagination. Among existing species decoupage can be distinguished:

  1. Straight (classic). The most common type. The work consists of priming and painting the surface, gluing a pattern, using decorative techniques, and applying a finishing coat.
  2. Back. Using this method, transparent plastic, glass objects. The process is the same as in the first case, only done in reverse order. The image is glued front side on the glass, after which standard actions are performed.
  3. Volume. They are made independently by gluing copies of individual fragments onto the main picture, which will become three-dimensional. 3D images are also used. IN Lately Sospeso Trasparente technology appeared, which can be called modern. Designed by Italian decorator Monica Allegro. Non-toxic thermoplastic is used as the main material.
  4. Art. Imitation of full painting. It is divided into three subtypes: smoky, landscape, classic. The idea is that the paper applique and the background merge into one.
  5. Decopatch (patchwork). The surface of the object is decorated not partially, but completely. Used for work various papers, which is divided into pieces of different sizes, and then the entire plane is covered.

In decoupage, special decorative effects are used to give the design a different look:

  1. Attrition. It feels like the item has been used for quite some time. To create the effect, wax is used, which is applied before the design.
  2. Craquelure. Creating cracks in the paint layer. For this, special varnishes are used.
  3. Patination. Creation of artificial spots.
  4. Shading. Paint is applied to the surface of the object using a dry brush, which allows you to hide the boundaries of the image.
  5. Toning. Along with shading, it allows you to emphasize the design by applying multi-colored spots and sparkles.
  6. Potal. Finishing the drawing, the plane itself, with gold, silver paints, and sheets of decorative gold leaf.

Stylistic directions of decoupage

The type and method of design of the item depends on the overall interior of the room. The item used in the work must comply existing design. Therefore, when choosing a material, color, direction, first of all, pay attention to their combination with the existing decorative elements. Popular styles of furniture decoration include:

  1. Provence. One of the country trends. It is characterized by the dominance of cold white colors and pastel colors, as if faded by the rays of the sun. The image is characterized by lavender and lavender color, spices, grapes on artificially aged surfaces.
  2. Victorian. A mixture of Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque. Gilding plays a special role. Primary colors are light, soft shades of brown, burgundy, beige, pink. A large abundance of flowers, natural motifs, and fauna are used as images.
  3. Country. For rustic style Characteristic colors are beige, brown, white, and blue. Characterized by the aged surface of objects. The pattern is selected in accordance with what is already on the upholstery of chairs, sofas or on a tablecloth or curtain.
  4. Shabby chic. Characterized by soft pastel tones. Restored old furniture is used golden shades. The surfaces are made to look like antiques, the pattern is blurred with worn edges.
  5. Simple City. For this work, clippings from magazines, newspapers, and old photographs are used. Big city style.
  6. Military. A distinctive feature is the use of an army orientation and military paraphernalia.
  7. Ethno. The most common varieties: Japanese, African, Indian style. When designing, the cultural traditions of a particular people are taken into account.

Required materials and tools

An important point in the process of decoupaging furniture is preparing everything necessary for the work. The comfort of the master, as well as the final result, will depend on this. For creativity you will need the following tools:

  • synthetic brushes;
  • putty knife;
  • sandpaper (coarse, fine-grained);
  • foam sponges;
  • disposable plastic plates as a palette;
  • auxiliary tools.


  • motive;
  • acrylic primer;
  • acrylic paints;
  • acrylic lacquer;
  • PVA glue, glue-varnish for decoupage.

Features of decoupage for polished furniture

Most owners of old, dull furniture want to transform it. But in order to decoupage a polished product, you will need to prepare its surface, otherwise after a while the entire decor will simply flake off and peel off. Working with such surfaces looks like this:

  • The coating is sanded using coarse sandpaper. It is not possible to completely remove the polish; just remove all the shine.
  • To eliminate defects and level the surface, it must be covered with a layer of putty.
  • Since the polished product is devoid of natural texture, then it must be completely primed using acrylic paint.
  • Having completed these steps, you can begin decoupling.

Polished furniture differs from its wooden counterparts in its composition, namely the absence of wood. Under a millimeter layer of varnish you can see paper or a sheet of chipboard.

Features of decoupage of plastic furniture

By her own plastic furniture It is not particularly beautiful, but with the help of decoupage it can be turned into a work of art. However, the plastic will need to be prepared initially so that the ornament will last a long time on the surface of the selected product.

All preparatory measures boil down to the usual degreasing of the structure using an alcohol-containing liquid. When working with glossy, slippery plastic, it should be roughened. For this, fine-grained sandpaper is used. Then apply thin layer gypsum primer, which will provide better adhesion to other materials.

How to prepare the surface of furniture

For beginners, it will be enough to prepare surfaces for decoupage according to the generally accepted scheme. First, cleaning with sandpaper, then priming, sanding and re-priming the MDF. Depending on the expected final result and the number of fibers, various wood elements can be additionally rubbed.

If the chipboard surface has cracks and dents, they should be repaired with putty. Tiles and plastic can simply be degreased by wiping with an alcohol solution. Metal table, the seats of the stools should be treated with a solution of vinegar, soda, citric acid, get rid of rust.

Master classes on furniture renovation

Decorating wooden and plastic surfaces with your own hands is a great option to bring old furniture back to life. By using creative ideas and a minimal set of materials and tools, you can create a chic antique dining nook in Provence style, update your desk and do other useful things. There are many interesting master classes that will allow you to fill your home with real antique masterpieces, teach you how to work with napkins, lace, and how to properly restore and treat cabinets, wardrobes, and shelves with a special varnish.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of equipment and prepare the table for decoration. To make decoupage last longer and make it easier to apply, remove any remaining paint from the surfaces, clean it with sandpaper, and cover it with putty. We take measurements of furniture and cut off the amount of wallpaper required for work.

After preparatory work completed, apply a piece of wallpaper with the image facing up to the surface of the table. Before fixing, the picture must be carefully smoothed, all creases and unevenness removed. Mix glue with water and spread it over the entire area of ​​the paper element.

A thick piece of wallpaper should be well moistened, so the glue should be applied thickly in several layers. When the material becomes pliable, turn it over and smooth out the folds with a roller. Leave it alone for a day to dry. After a radical renovation, the countertop in the kitchen remains to be varnished. If the edges are uneven, they should be sanded.

Coffee table decorations

You can decorate a coffee table using several techniques. The most popular is decoupage with napkins. Specialty paper products can be purchased with a variety of motifs (vintage, holiday themed, animals, nature, big cities, etc.). It can also be clippings from newspapers, magazines, geographic Maps, photos. But it should be taken into account that with dense material more difficult to work with, it must be thinned before fixing. Decoration coffee table The napkin technique takes place in several stages:

  1. We decide on the color scheme. For a heavily damaged countertop, it is better to use light shades.
  2. We prepare tools and consumables.
  3. We disassemble the table, remove the tabletop, unscrew the legs.
  4. Cleaning everything wooden parts remove old varnish and paint using sandpaper. If the table is made of plastic, it is enough to degrease it with alcohol.
  5. We treat cracks and joints with putty. Let it dry for several hours.
  6. We carry out priming and painting of surfaces.
  7. We lay out decorative cards or individual pieces of napkins on oilcloth and carefully smooth them under running water.
  8. Lubricate the tabletop with glue and lay out the pictures.

Restoring a chest of drawers with napkins

A very popular option for restoring an antique chest of drawers in the shabby chic style. This is simultaneous decoration and aging. Simple decoupage using napkins can be done on any painted surface, but it is better if it is white, pink, light green, blue or beige.

Before work, a piece of furniture must be prepared - remove varnish and paint, since old polish and impregnation will not allow you to obtain the expected effect and will significantly reduce the service life of the decor. The cleaned surface must be primed.

First thing old chest of drawers needs to be painted. It can be acrylic paint or based on colored chalk. Experienced craftsmen recommend using the second option, since, in their opinion, it lies more evenly. You can work with a wide brush or roller.

While the chest of drawers or bedside table is drying, prepare napkins for decoupage. You can replace thin pictures with photographs and various printouts. Now we carry out artificial aging. Use a metal scraper or sandpaper to randomly wipe off the paint. Then we coat the pictures with glue and apply them to the wood. Using a small brush with glue, we expel the air and strengthen the edges. When all the napkins are glued, all that remains is to polish the chest of drawers with varnish.

You can make a real exclusive out of a standard kitchen set using pieces of unnecessary wallpaper. We choose the type of decoupage and determine the area to be processed. Is a continuous coating necessary or can you get by with partial application of elements to the facades?

We begin work by preparing the surfaces. While the soil is drying, we think over the composition, give it to the napkins right size and outlines. You can make straight lines or cut off the edges with special scissors. We saturate the drawings with glue and apply them to the surface to be decorated. Smooth the picture with a brush, remove the bubbles. To update, you can use whole pieces of wallpaper. Finishing touch– varnishing. The strengthening solution should be applied over the entire area of ​​the facades, and not just in the picture.

You can decorate the stool in any style. The main thing is that the updated design fits into the overall interior of the room. This could be Provence, vintage, newspaper technique or the use of fabric. You should start with a careful selection of colors. It should not differ from the main background of the walls, headset or other large furniture. Now we print out napkins with the selected pattern.

If there are cracks or burrs on the stool, they must be removed and smoothed with sandpaper. If the pictures are transparent, the product can be painted. We wet the napkins with water, cover them with glue and apply them to the surface. If you decide to use wallpaper, then you should keep it in the liquid longer, about 1 minute. Use a roller or brush to push out the air. Finally we coat it with varnish.

Achieve the maximum harmonious combination It is possible if you decoupage the stool with wallpaper that covers the walls in the room.

Using decoupage to decorate a bed

When entering a child's or adult's bedroom, the first thing that catches your eye is the bed, namely its headboard. This part sleeping place and will be most suitable for applying decor. Various inscriptions, flowers, vintage drawings. The baby's bed will be decorated with fairy-tale characters, animals, fish, and pieces of fabric. All decor should be matched to the main colors of the interior. It should also be understood that everything wooden surfaces The beds are covered with polish and will have to be removed. You can get the original scuffed effect if you listen to the following recommendations when decorating:

  • A darker paint must be applied over the primer in the area of ​​joints, sides, and relief patterns;
  • Then these areas are rubbed with paraffin and painted in a light tone;
  • After the top layer has dried, it is partially removed;
  • The surface is covered with napkins and varnished.

Cabinet decoupage ideas

You can transform a closet of any size using a variety of available tools. Napkins, colored pictures, wallpaper and other paper elements are suitable. A piece of furniture can be given an aged look using the craquelure technique.

Napkins are the most comfortable material for decoupage. Thanks to thinner paper, you can achieve imperceptible transitions on the overall surface. It is better to choose sophisticated, romantic images in Provence and vintage style. Pastel colors will create an unimaginable atmosphere of comfort and tranquility.

Decoupage with wallpaper on a large surface of a cabinet or whatnot is best done by novice craftsmen. You can completely cover all the parts or use them on the ledges of facades. The only difficulty is the need to remove the outdated varnish coating. In addition to paper, you can use fabric elements, beads, sequins and other decor.

New interesting direction– decoupage of furniture with fabric. When working, you can use any combination, combine different themes and colors. You will need all kinds of scraps, glue, varnish, sponge and brushes.

Regular PVA glue is applied to cleaned furniture, and special adhesive composition textile pieces are processed. The flaps are applied to the surface and pressed with a sponge. If these are round legs, the material must be wound in a spiral. When all the pieces are glued, they should be sprayed with additional glue through a spray bottle. The final touch is coating with clear varnish.


Many people perceive furniture elements as permanent and not subject to change. They are purchased rarely, with the expectation of using them for a long time. But it is enough to use skillful hands and a little imagination to turn ordinary wooden chairs, chests of drawers and wardrobes into a real work of art. The decorative technique of decoupage is constantly being improved and updated with new ideas from modern masters. With the help of an interesting hobby, you can quickly and beyond recognition transform your environment.

Furniture decoupage is again at the peak of popularity. Finished design projects demonstrate the incredible charm that reanimated furnishings bring. Using inexpensive materials, you can also add uniqueness to the typical façade of a tabletop, cabinet, chest of drawers or other furniture surface. All you need is your imagination and a few free hours.

What is decoupage and how to do it

Decoupage is a method of decorating by gluing cut-out paper or textile images onto a treated base. The finished work is secured with varnish. Origins of this species applied arts date back to the Middle Ages, and the technique gained high recognition at the court of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Such applications gained real popularity among the wider population in England during the Victorian era. Throughout its history, decoupage has become a pleasant hobby for royalty and artists.

Today, thanks to the wide range of materials, there are a great variety of methods for performing such decor. We'll consider classic version, which is suitable for decorating furniture items.

Before starting work, you need to select the image that you want to apply to the surface of the furniture. Napkins, designs on paper or various prints on wallpaper and fabric are suitable. You can purchase ready-made pictures, but there is a more rational way - print the most good options on the printer. This approach is good because you are given a really wide selection of beautiful prints on the Internet, as well as the opportunity to duplicate the ornament. It is most convenient to use printouts made on a laser printer. Such ink will not bleed from glue or varnish.

Arm yourself with adhesive materials (special glue for decoupage or regular PVA), as well as acrylic varnish, brushes and a regular sponge.

The next step is preparing the surface of the furniture. If it is varnished or painted, sand it with fine or medium sandpaper. Depending on the condition of the base, putty or furniture wax to eliminate cracks, chips or deep abrasions. Having prepared smooth coating, coat it with clear acrylic varnish. If the furniture is dark, it is better to repaint it in lighter colors.

Apply glue and place the cut out images in the required places. When the glue has completely dried over the entire area, re-coat the entire composition with clear acrylic varnish. If a napkin was chosen as the material, then use only its top layer. Again, so that it does not lose contrast, it is better to make the surface of the base light.

To get the brightest possible picture, tint it with multi-colored paints. If you want to give the product artificial wear for an antique effect, then you should cover it with wax, paint it and sand it. By varying the grit of the sanding paper, you can create abrasions of varying depths.

Decoupage chairs

There can be many reasons for transforming outdated or brand new chairs. You may need to adapt them to a single design or correct some aspects of the design of the piece of furniture itself. It may also be that you want to restore chairs from your grandmother’s collection or purchased second-hand items. In any case, it is possible, and sometimes even simply necessary, to give a product a new sound and meaning. Which direction should you move in?

A win-win- apply a floral print. Such decorative elements will be appropriate both as a flower stand and in romantic interior rooms;

- For eating on outdoors or while relaxing with a cup of tea on a warm day, make decoupage with drawings of fruits and vegetables - it will come out very cute and natural;

— For chairs in a classic, colonial design with upholstery, add decoration to match the textiles. It is best to take a picture in the Victorian style;

— In addition to napkins, use newspapers and magazines. A bright hand-made collage will complement the pop art style.

If a four-legged object is located near another wooden element, try converting it too. This way you will create a small composition.

Decorated chairs will certainly look great in the garden or indoors, decorated in country, shabby chic, pop art and even traditional style.

Decoupage chest of drawers

Small chests of drawers are an indispensable thing for storing various small items. In addition to his direct functional purpose, they can become beautiful decor for any part of the house, fitting into a variety of thematic concepts.

For modern interior An ordinary rectangular chest of drawers, complemented by black and white images of succulents or newspaper clippings and stamps, will come in very handy, which will add a slight touch of antiquity.

Plant motifs on a white background will help to refresh the decor of the hall and hallway. Select pictures with a herbarium, plants in pots with names, or draw the branches yourself, and “plant” the birds on them using the decoupage method.

In a girl’s children’s room, you can decorate it with cute flowers, ladybugs, butterflies in pastel colors pink, blue, green, yellow. By the way, a cheerful print with dancing foxes on a canvas of restrained color can decorate not only a child’s room, but also any other room.

If you left school behind and still have geographic maps on your hands, don’t rush to throw them away! Cover the chest of drawers with light paint and cover the drawers themselves with cards. The same can be done with musical notations.

Decoupage table

A slightly tired table that has served you faithfully for several years or even decades should not be thrown away. Better give it a new life by decorating it in shabby chic or Provence style.

To start, paint the furniture lightly and then apply the corresponding colors. As an option, make a small set of a chair and a table for the garden in a Provence theme: depict a bunch of lavender sprigs surrounded by a cage lilac color. It will look great in the yard white table with cheerful sunflowers.

Shabby chic is done in bleached colors, using scenes of cute roses, birds, and angels. It is better to blur the contours of the drawings, and for an interesting texture, use craquelure varnish.

Decorate the coffee table with notes, flowers, letters written in calligraphy. If you strive for brevity, decorate with one or two colors. For example, take a geometric wallpaper pattern and place it under glass, or apply an elegant dark gray pattern on a white background.

In the children's room you can put a small table and a pleasant chair blue color with pictures of bears, balloons and beach houses. By the way, very interesting patterns come out of used tulle and lace napkins. This composition will decorate a country-themed kitchen.

Decoupage bed

The bed is the main element of the bedroom; it sets the rhythm and general vector for the entire room. Therefore, when designing a bed, it is worth remembering that the appearance of the remaining details will directly depend on the style you choose.

The best solution would be to decorate the head of the bed - it is the first thing that catches your eye when entering the bedroom. It can be decorated with various drawings or inscriptions. Flowers or animals are perfect for cribs. Great idea– decorate the headboard with pieces of fabric. It’s great if they are matched to the main colors of your interior.

The back can be decorated completely or partially. In general, the images can be anything, the main thing is that they rhyme with the general concept of the home. If the finished look of the headboard will differ sharply from the image of the entire bed, simply decorate the legs.

Please note that beds are often polished. In this case, before starting work, treat the surface with sandpaper.

Decoupage of a cabinet, sideboard

Thanks to simple and unpretentious ideas, you can transform your closet, sideboard or kitchen and bathroom cabinets beyond recognition in just a few steps. Use leftover wallpaper - stick it on the sides or doors and enjoy a fresh and bright look. There is another way to decorate with wallpaper. Its only difference is that it is necessary to paste over the planes inside the product. This decor will expand inner space and will delight you with its appearance every time you open the doors.

If you have a penchant for painting, then be sure to apply these skills - complement the appliqués with painting with acrylic paints. Even the most dull and nondescript cabinet can become the highlight of the interior.

To create Provence style decor you will only need a few cards or beautiful napkins. Apply the final touches with acrylic paints, and your unique furniture is ready.

By the way, ornaments do not have to be small. Large items are perfect for decorating with large images. Black and white decoration on the walls along with wallpaper on the closet in the same color scheme– great composition!

Decoupage furniture - beautiful photo ideas

In the selection of photographs below you can see even more interesting ideas for decoupaging furniture with your own hands. The gallery includes decorated products for the garden, hallway, kitchen, bedroom, living room and nursery. Enjoy watching!