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We love to wish each other something. Parents especially wish their children a lot. Children wish significantly less for their parents, but this is also a lot. Wishes reveal the essence of relationships. Let's talk about this now. So what do we wish for each other? It turns out that this is a difficult question.

The majority wishes well, although not always sincerely, but large quantities. Listen to toasts at some anniversary - so many wishes! You think: if suddenly all the wishes come true, what will a person do with all this?..

But it happens that they wish for evil. Now many have become believers and therefore are afraid to wish bad things openly and do it somehow on the sly or carefully justify their negative wishes. But we will not take them into account, since in fact there are not so many such people. Let's talk about good wishes. Not everything is so simple - and this area requires knowledge and deep awareness.

A thought is material, and a word even more so. It is not for nothing that it is said that in the beginning of everything there was the Word. And even weak believers know that with the power of thought and words you can create a lot. There are scientifically proven examples of people moving objects with the power of thought. And slander, conspiracies, damage and evil eyes are also reality. Many have experienced it themselves, and others themselves have used various magical techniques. Most people no longer need to be convinced that the power of thought and words has great value. Therefore, you need to be more attentive to these phenomena, because wishes are a thought expressed in a word.

It is also known that how we think is how we live. That is, how we think, what we think about, is what manifests itself in life. Moreover, the deepest innermost thoughts, supported by the strongest emotions, are fulfilled; they are the ones that are realized. Look: what happens in your life is in the depths of our subconscious, our thoughts and feelings.

What does the depth and sincerity of thoughts depend on? It depends on how much these thoughts are lived by a person, how much they are implemented in his life, how deeply his beliefs have become. If a person thinks one thing, says another, and does a third, then his words are really worthless - they will not come true.

Parents always wish their children well, and usually in abundance. So why do children often show all this not in the quantities that their parents want? And the quality of the “good” shown is often completely opposite to what is desired.

Where is the amount of health and happiness that the parents wished for? After all, they do it sincerely and invest deep feelings. Why do children suffer? Why doesn't happiness fill their lives?

At some point, I felt in these wishes not just unreality, but even a hidden danger. In response, I even began to tell my mother when she wished me something: “Thank you, Mom, I don’t need to wish for anything. I have everything!" And so that she would not be offended, I decided to understand my feelings more deeply.

It turned out that there was complete confusion in the wishes. That is why wishes differ so greatly from reality.

There’s a lot of garbage in my head, there’s so much that’s not there! Naturally, in such a husk it is difficult to form a strong thought, it is impossible to concentrate it, and therefore there will be no realization.

You need to get your head in order. Everyone knows about this, but how to do it? It turns out that once you have sorted out your wishes, you can take a serious step in this direction. Even reading this chapter will help streamline your thoughts somewhat.

Organizing your thoughts not only increases their concentration and strength, but also significantly reduces energy loss. After all, all this mental and verbal husk takes away a lot of energy from a person. If a man wished for something empty, he lost his energy and gave nothing to others. That’s basically how they exchange husks: “How are you?” - "Fine". - “Well, happy.” - "And the same for you".

You can only give to others what you have yourself! This is the basic rule of giving.

And a wish is a mental and verbal gift. If it is wisely executed, it turns out to be much more important than the most expensive gift. After all, a wish can change a person’s entire life and even have an impact on several generations!

Let's continue the conversation about wishing happiness. Undoubtedly, with a wish you can attract the forces and energies of Heaven, Earth, Space and all planes. But this will happen when a person understands the very mechanism of this effect.

And if not? If his consciousness is at the level of “sleep, eat and earn extra money” and his idea of ​​happiness is quite limited? What kind of happiness can such a person wish for someone who has a different level of consciousness, different criteria? And what forces can he use in his wishes? Therefore, sometimes you want them to not want anything - it will be better that way.

A lot also depends on the purity of the wishes: sincerity, love, respect for the one you wish for. This is perhaps the main thing. That is, it is important what energies the wish is filled with. You can not have something, but wish it from such depth, showing such a great feeling of love and respect, that what you want will come true - and not only for the one who is wished, but also for the one who wishes!

The basic law of evolution applies here: Be-Act-Have. Namely: be happy in this moment yourself (if you wish happiness for another), feel this happiness and act - speak, wish the best, and you will have it, then happiness will come to both. This is probably where the belief came from: give to others what you would like to have yourself.

A wise wish gives amazing results: it comes true both for the one who is wished and for the one who wishes.

Here the magic of thought and word works flawlessly. (This also explains the phenomenon when someone who wishes harm to someone receives the same thing as a boomerang, as in the proverb: “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you yourself will fall into it.”)

How often are we in such a state that we can sincerely give to others what we ourselves have not had before? Yes, so that it appears! This is the “aerobatics” of life, great skill, the victory of wisdom and love. In other cases, you still need to balance your wishes and capabilities.

For example, parents wish their children happiness, but they themselves are divorced and their happiness is incomplete. Or they want love, but they themselves experienced love only in their youth, and their attitude towards sex is primitive or even negative. And what is love without intimate relationships? Therefore, their wishes for love and happiness will not be at all what children really need.

Based on their worldview, parents most often lay down their own programs in their wishes, which diverge from the worldview of their children and often interfere with their lives.

So it turns out that parents wish their children love, happiness, health, but they themselves do not have all this. Consequently, their wishes are empty, unsubstantiated words. Therefore, children do not gain anything good from these “gifts”.

So what does it mean to not want? Of course, wish, but very wisely! After my thoughts on this topic, my mother and I discussed for a long time what she could wish for me? And in the end they came to the conclusion that they could wish me health, love for nature and for God. And it’s better for her not to touch other areas, because her awareness does not cover the scope of all my activities.

My mother loves nature very much, she has been in contact with the earth all her life, so the wish from her lips to love nature and the earth is very effective.

But all parents can want health, regardless of how they feel.

After all, it is parents who transmit ancestral energies and heredity to their children, so wishes for health from their lips will always be the most effective. And if parents are actively involved in their own health and rejuvenation, then their message becomes enormously powerful.

But wishing health to everyone is unreasonable. Diseases are given to people so that they do not stand still, so that they consciously develop. Wishing health to a person who doesn’t care about himself means sending energy into the sand. They themselves lost energy and did not help the person.

Maybe it would be better for him to wish to be the master of his life? Or wisdom, or self-love, or spiritual awakening? This will certainly be more effective. And for a person who is trying to find the causes of his illness and strives to get rid of it, wishes of health can be very helpful. Wisdom and more wisdom! Through these “little things” the disease, like a life lesson, is revealed.

After such reasoning, I became even more interested in the topic of wishes, and my mother and I began to explore this topic further. So we understood what she could wish for one of her grandchildren, whom she loves very much and worries about him beyond measure. One must desire hard work, which he lacks, but she already knows what work is. And a grandmother can also wish her grandson a sense of responsibility, which the older generation knows very well. And also generosity - this quality is very evident in her. As a result, everything turned out great - she wishes her grandson what he especially needs and what she knows well, and, therefore, the power of the wish will be great.

And now, when the grandmother remembers her grandson, she mentally conveys these wishes to him and lets go of the situation. There is no need to worry, no need to be upset, your head is free, your nerves are calm, and good messages are sent to your grandson. And my own thinking is streamlined, the fullness of thoughts increases, and efficiency increases. This is how wisdom is realized.

The above approach to wishes gives an amazing result! In this way, you can help a person develop certain qualities and develop in the right direction.

Besides, wise wishes allow you to restore order in your own mind. Usually there is a whole storeroom of various mental rubbish: some unnecessary memories, grievances, experiences, other thoughts and emotions. All this makes it difficult to choose the most suitable wish and give it greater power so that it comes true.

If you sort out the wishes addressed to each of your loved ones, whom you often think about, then a lot will change in the lives of all these people and for the wisher himself. At first, perhaps you should write down these wishes for each of your relatives and learn them.

Notes from the book “The Chains of Motherly Love” by Anatoly Nekrasov

What is meditation?

Deep meditation is the simple process of observing your own mind. Without fighting the mind or trying to control it, just staying there as a witness who has no choice. Whatever happens, you simply observe it without prejudice for or against. You don't give names: it shouldn't come to my mind, it's a terrible thought, but this is a very beautiful and virtuous thought. You shouldn't judge. You must remain non-judgmental. Because the moment you judge, you lose meditation. You are identified. You become a friend or an enemy. You create relationships. Meditation means staying out of relationship with your mental process. Completely outside the relationship, unperturbed, calm, observing everything that happens. And then a miracle happens: little by little we realize that there are fewer and fewer thoughts. The more alert you are, the fewer thoughts come, the less alert you are, the more thoughts come. It is as if the flow of movement depends on your awareness. When you are fully aware, even for a short moment, all thinking stops. Suddenly there is an unexpected stop. And the road is clear, there is no more traffic. This moment is meditation.

Gradually these moments will come more and more often. These empty spaces will come back again and again and remain for a longer time. And you will be able to enter these empty spaces easily, effortlessly. This way, every time you want to enter, you can move into those empty spaces effortlessly. They are refreshing, rejuvenating, and they make you aware of who you are. Freed from the mind, you are freed from all ideas about yourself. Now you can see who you are without any prejudice. And to know ourselves is to know everything that is worth knowing. And to miss knowing ourselves is to miss everything. A man can know everything in the world, but if he does not know himself, he is completely ignorant, he is just a walking Encyclopedia Britannica.

Freedom without awareness only empty idea, it contains nothing. A person cannot be truly free without being aware. In this case, your subconscious takes over you. Your subconscious is pulling your strings. You may think, you may believe that you are free, but you are not free, you are simply a victim of natural forces, blind forces.

So there are two types of people. The majority follows tradition, society, and the state. Orthodox people, traditionalists, conformists, they follow the crowd. They are not free. And then there are a few rebellious souls. They are outside society, bohemians, artists, painters, musicians, poets; they feel like they are living freely. But that's just what they think. Only by protesting against traditions you do not become free. You are still under the rule of natural instincts. You are obsessed with lust, greed, ambition. And you are not a master of these things. You are their slave. Therefore, I say that freedom is possible only through awareness. Until you transform your unawareness into awareness, freedom will not happen.

And only a few succeeded in this: Jesus, Lao Tzu, Zarathustra, Buddha. There are only a few people who can be counted on one hand. They truly lived free because they lived consciously. This should be the job of every seeker: to create more and more awareness. Then freedom will come by itself. Freedom is the scent of the flower of awareness.

Osho: Eighty Four Thousand Poems, #5

The Art of True Spiritual Meditation

Meditation for the soul should be a joyful act, it should be a song. It should not be done as a duty, it should be pleasure, entertainment, play. If you make meditation a chore, you are missing the most important thing. It doesn't happen to you. It can only happen when you are in a carefree, non-serious mood. Seriousness is heavy, and everything that is heavy weighs you down. You should be as frivolous as a child playing on the seashore, collecting shells, colorful pebbles, running back and forth as part of the wind, sea, sand and sun. When this lightness is present, you have wings and you can fly high. Spiritual meditation means moving your energies upward.

It was then that you learned the art of meditation.

Osho: The Imprisoned Splendor, Chapter 14 (Diary)

I don't want you to be serious; I'm so against seriousness. This is a spiritual illness. Laughter is spiritual health, laughter makes you feel better. When you laugh, you can leave the mind aside very easily. For a person who cannot laugh, the door to Buddha is closed. For me, laughter is one of the most important values. No religion has ever thought about this. Religions have always insisted on seriousness, and because of their efforts the whole world is psychologically sick.

Osho: The Language of Existence #5

What do all these different "paths" mean, such as Yoga, Tantra, Devotion, etc.?

All methods that lead a person to realization are essentially awareness. Minor components may vary.

I talked about yoga, tantra, Hasidism, Tao, Zen, everything possible methods that humanity has used. I wanted you to know about all the ways in which man has tried to achieve the truth that gives liberation; however, all of these methods have awareness at their core.

That's why now I'm only talking about awareness.

Whatever you do, whatever method you practice, there is no difference. These are all just different names given different people V different times, - but they all practiced awareness.

Essentially, only awareness can lead you to your ultimate goal. In fact, there are no different paths - there are only different names for one path, and that path is awareness.

Osho, “Osho Upanishads”, chapter 13

The path to yourself often lies through meditation. But what is meditation, what is this state? Before giving an answer, discard everything you knew about it, for meditation is either a body of knowledge in the first place. Meditation is your unique experience of an altered state of consciousness, the experience of going beyond the boundaries of the mind, the boundaries that we set for ourselves in order to make our lives more orderly, more systematized and more meager.

Unique meditation the path to yourself video online

Meditation does not belong to the category of things, elements or events that you could add to yourself, take into yourself. Having started the practice, at a certain moment you find yourself in meditation, in limitless space inner world, where there are no barriers, no restrictions, no fear, where you can find the path to yourself and to success and take it from the subtle mental world to the material world.

The art of relaxation and concentration, the art of internal dialogue - this is what meditation is, and it is hidden within you. Modern man Having become a slave to his mind, he forgot about true freedom. He believed that his thoughts were himself. Educational interactive film meditation the way to yourself this idea clearly confirms. To free yourself from the clutches of a limited mind, you first need to see your mind, which is always masked behind untrue thoughts, desires, and intentions. You need to learn to observe it, the connecting threads of the mind and emotions, as well as control the interdependence of the body and mind, the body’s reactions to stimuli, and your actions in various mental states. On the meditation website, you will find the way to yourself by following the signs that masters of meditative practices give you for free online.

A unique online meditation portal - how to find the way to yourself

Why are meditation portals so popular among those who are looking for a path to themselves? What does meditation give? ? Undoubtedly, to each his own. Know that having experienced what has changed in meditation at least once, you will never be the same. Changes will come unnoticed, against your will. Something inside you will gradually transform. And these transformations will be positive. They will make adjustments of the required quality to your consciousness and life.

By setting out on the path of self-knowledge and starting to engage in meditation and spiritual practices, each of you is able to become the master of your own destiny in order to shape the circumstances of your life and manage it, and not obediently wait where the flow of events will take you. On the way to yourself through meditation and spiritual practices, you master the ability to establish silence and peace within yourself and thereby enable energy higher frequencies do your work.

Self-knowledge - practices, meditations:

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