What is the dirtiest item in the kitchen? The dirtiest places in your kitchen. The dirtiest places in the kitchen. Find and neutralize

Today we have prepared for you a list of the dirtiest places in the kitchen. After all, even in a house that sparkles with cleanliness, there will still be places where germs live. And scientists say that the dirtiest place in the house is... No, not the toilet, but... the kitchen!

1. Cutting board. Did you know that a cutting board contains 200 times more germs than the toilet rim? It is recommended to have separate boards in the kitchen for meat, bread, vegetables and fruits. At the very least, you MUST cut and cut raw meat, chicken and fish on a board intended only for them. And after use and washing, the board should be wiped with a 5% vinegar solution or alcohol.

2. Sponges and rags for washing dishes and wiping surfaces. These gadgets make life easier modern woman- a breeding ground for harmful microorganisms. Not only do particles of food, raw meat and dirt remain on them, but all this “blooms and multiplies” under the influence of an aquatic environment beneficial for these processes. Within 1 hour, about 10 million (!) dangerous bacteria can accumulate on a simple sponge. Be sure to have separate sponges or rags for washing dishes and wiping work surfaces. Sponges should be washed thoroughly after use. hot water and squeeze well. And once a day it is recommended to place a damp sponge in the microwave for 1-2 minutes to destroy harmful microorganisms. It is necessary to change sponges and cloths as often as possible (once every 1-2 weeks).

3. Sink, faucet and drain. In and next to the sink there are often dishes with leftover food, rags and sponges. And again water environment perfectly helps the proliferation of harmful bacteria. There is also a risk of infection water tap, and especially its handle, which we inevitably touch when washing our hands. Plums also contain a huge number of dangerous microorganisms. Therefore, the tap, sink and the surface next to it must be regularly treated detergent and vinegar, especially if you defrosted meat here. It is recommended to rinse the drain with hot water, adding something there for disinfection from time to time.

4. Trash can. Even though you use garbage bags, there are bound to be tiny bits of food, crumbs and liquid left at the bottom of the bin. All this begins to rot, mold and release not only bad smell, but also millions of harmful bacteria. Therefore, it is recommended to wash the trash can with a disinfectant and wipe it dry at least twice a month.

5. Dishwasher. On the door dishwasher A huge amount of bacteria accumulates, which must be regularly destroyed using a disinfectant. This should be done once a week.

6. Refrigerator handle and door. We regularly open the refrigerator when preparing food, but we don’t wash its surface so often. Particularly dangerous place where bacteria live - rubber seals on the door. They, as well as the handle and door, should be washed and disinfected at least once a week.

7. Refrigerator trays for storing vegetables and defrosting meat. We have already said that surfaces on which raw meat was located are teeming with bad microorganisms and E. coli. We also don’t wash vegetable trays too often, so bacteria also live on their surface. These parts of the refrigerator must be washed and disinfected at least twice a month.

8. Kitchen towels. We wipe dishes, hands, and sometimes even the work surface with them. Imagine what a huge number of harmful microorganisms “live and live” on the damp surface of towels. Experts recommend changing them as often as possible, and it is better to replace them with paper ones if possible.

9. Knife holders and cutlery storage trays. Poorly washed knives often leave particles of food and raw meat on them. Therefore, a knife stand is a breeding ground for intestinal infections. The difficulty is that many types of coasters are difficult or even impossible to clean and wash. This applies, for example, wooden coasters. Therefore, it is recommended to abandon them. As for the trays for storing dishes, the smallest remnants of food and water also accumulate in them. Therefore, before storing cutlery, be sure to wash it well and wipe it dry. It is advisable to wash and disinfect the trays for storing them at least once every 2 weeks.

10. Working surface and gender. Let us repeat that the kitchen is the dirtiest place in the house. Therefore, the floor and tables here also get dirty very quickly. It is recommended to wash them daily and wipe them with a disinfectant at least 2-3 times a week. Experts recommend using linoleum or tiles for kitchen flooring. These surfaces are easy to wash and clean.

Now you know about the dirtiest places in your kitchen and can pay more attention to them.

The dirtiest places in the kitchen. Find and neutralize!

Do you know what is the dirtiest place in your house? Many people think it’s a bathroom, but that’s not true at all. In terms of the number of pathogenic microorganisms in the apartment, the kitchen ranks first. Naturally, all housewives devote a lot of time and effort to keeping this part of their home clean. However, a room where the temperature and humidity often rises is still a favorite habitat for various microbes. There are many in this room secluded corners in which they hide. So, we bring to your attention the TOP 10 dirtiest places in the kitchen and tips on how to keep them clean.

Kitchen countertop

The countertop surface is involved in most kitchen work processes. On it we cut meat and fish, carry out primary processing of vegetables and fruits. Often household members place on it not only bags of groceries, but also other things that should not be in the kitchen at all. Add to all this pets, especially cats, who love to explore tables for forgotten delicacies. So it turns out that this particular detail of the interior is one of the dirtiest places.

What to do: Maintain cleanliness regularly kitchen countertop, treat it with disinfectants after each food preparation. Teach family members to use it only for its intended purpose.


The kitchen sink is a place where dishes are washed after cutting fish and meat, plates with leftover food and everything raw vegetables and fruits. The moist environment maintained here becomes an excellent condition for the life of most pathogenic microbes.

What to do: To prevent the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, once a day, and also after each contact of the sink with raw meat or fish, wash it with disinfectants.


Need for washing food products and hands over kitchen sink involves frequent use of the tap valve. And everything would be fine, but if a person opens the water with dirty hands, then rinses them and turns on the previously dirty valve with clean hands, this procedure will be of little use.

What to do: You can purchase disposable kitchen towels and wipe the faucet valve with them before closing it after washing your hands.

Stove, refrigerator handles and switches

We touch these objects quite often with our hands, and not always with clean ones. Microorganisms that live on the surface of meat, fish, fresh vegetables and fruit can almost always be found on the handle of the refrigerator. After holding it, a person then opens a drawer with cutlery or turns on the stove, spreading bacteria throughout the kitchen.

What to do: It is necessary to regularly wipe all handles and switches with antiseptic solutions, especially after working with raw meat or fish.

Coffee maker

Studies have shown that yeast and mold build up in your coffee maker over time. These microorganisms often cause the development allergic reactions human body.

What to do: For preventive purposes, about once a month, pour table vinegar into the coffee maker and leave for 30-40 minutes. After this, rinse it thoroughly with cold running water.


Usually people are sure that no microbes can live in a microwave, which is fundamentally false. There are types of pathogenic microorganisms that are resistant to the radiation of this device.

What to do: It is necessary to wipe the microwave with a disinfectant, inside and out, at least once a month. In addition, this procedure will help avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it.


Experts note that about 83% of all refrigerators are contaminated with mold to one degree or another. The spores of these fungi get inside when it opens and then end up on food. These pathogens cause many serious diseases respiratory system person.

What to do: Remember to wash everything thoroughly every week. internal surfaces refrigerator using antimicrobial agents, and then wipe them with a dry cloth.

Kitchen sponges

Sponges are a haven for many microorganisms, including E. coli. The risk of infection with pathogenic bacteria especially increases if you use the same sponge both for washing dishes and for wiping the sink or countertop.

What to do: There should be a separate sponge for each function. Change them as often as possible and wash them with soapy water. Exists effective method to disinfect these products: heat a damp sponge in the microwave at maximum power for 1-2 minutes.

Kitchen towels

Housewives often use one kitchen towel to wipe the countertop, dry their hands after washing, and polish the plates. Studies have shown that these kitchen utensils in this case are simply teeming with pathogenic microorganisms.

What to do: To avoid trouble, remember that each towel should be intended for only one purpose. If you hung it for wiping dishes, then it should not be used for anything else. It will be even better if you start using disposable paper towels in the kitchen. 4.9 out of 5 (27 votes)

Things and places in the kitchen that you should pay attention to more often. SPONGE FOR WASHING DISHES
The most dirty thing in the kitchen. Dry it between washes rather than throwing it in a dirty sink. Change the sponge at least twice a month and disinfect in the microwave.

Unfortunately, we often brew more than just coffee there, because over time, mold and other bacteria appear in the pipes. To clean, fill the water reservoir with vinegar and then water again once a month to remove the odor.

Do you take it into the kitchen when you cook? It’s better not to do this, or at least wipe it with an antibacterial wipe and not place it next to food. If in doubt, remember where your “friend” was with you before.

It needs to be dried daily, otherwise mucus and mold will begin to accumulate on it. If possible, it is better to refuse it altogether. Don't have a dishwasher? Place clean dishes in a basin in the sun.

It is necessary to change on the days when you cook. One night is enough for pathogenic bacteria to spread, so it is recommended to change them every day.
Before cleaning your oven or microwave, place a bowl of hot water inside and bring to a boil. The steam will soften dried-on splatters and grease, making scrubbing much easier. Likewise, it will be easier to clean kitchen hood or tiles around hob. Place a pot of water and let it simmer for 10-15 minutes to allow the warm, moist air to soften the dirt.
An irreplaceable thing that will quickly add freshness household appliances. Place half a lemon in the microwave or place a slice on the top rack of the dishwasher to start the wash cycle, and unpleasant odors will immediately disappear.
Don't be surprised, denture cleaning tablets are great for removing stains from enamel surfaces and are suitable for pots and pans, coffee mugs and cups, as well as bottles and vases with a narrow neck.
Useful for cleaning surfaces made of of stainless steel. Apply a little oil to a clean cloth and wipe down the refrigerator doors, trash can, handles, stove, or kitchen faucet. The oil does not leave streaks and copes well with greasy fingerprints.

People say that the two cleanest places on earth are the operating room and the kitchen of a tidy housewife. If it is difficult to argue with the first, then the second statement causes justified skepticism. Your kitchen may be dirtier than you think. Check: did you remember to clean these seven items?

Food must be clean. And the dishes too. True, the usual washing of the contents of a clogged sink is not enough. After all, bacteria can lie in wait even in not the most obvious places. We're willing to bet: you don't think about the cleanliness of these items very often. But in vain.

1. Kitchen sink

According to American research, bacteria such as E. coli, Listeria, Salmonella and numerous combinations of them can be found on the surface of each of the 14 sinks. A good reason not to leave vegetables in the sink before eating them, and to thoroughly clean the “culprit” itself with a separate brush after each dishwashing.

2. Dishwashing sponge

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

If you are looking for the dirtiest place in the kitchen, this is in front of you. A cocktail of bacteria of all types and sizes, as well as mold, is what you use to wash dishes. We are not so naive as to think that you will actually boil sponges, as bacteriologists recommend. But at least you can change your dishwashing sponge every 10-12 days, right?

3. Knife stand

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

Insufficiently washed blades plus moisture provoke the growth of pathogenic bacteria and mold. Which you then safely populate on the surface of the food during cutting. To make the stand cleaner, periodically wash it with a weak solution of water and household bleach, and then dry it thoroughly. The same applies to the knives themselves. Better yet, use a magnetic stand or even a glass filled with rice. Rice absorbs moisture well, and it is also very easy to replace it with fresh rice.

4. Container for vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

Be sure to wash the container at least once a month warm water and dishwashing detergent. And to get rid of the unpleasant odor, use a solution of water and 2 tablespoons of soda.

5. Freezer container

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

Especially if you store meat there. To avoid giving E. coli and an unpleasant odor a chance, use the recommendations from the previous paragraph.

6. Blender

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

The blender will tolerate everything: meat and dairy products, vegetables, fruits and more. But only under conditions correct operation. To prevent bacteria from the minced meat from migrating into your fruit smoothie, be sure to disassemble the device after each use and thoroughly wash all its parts. Special attention paying attention to the blades. And before reassembling, do not forget to dry everything thoroughly.

7. Opener

TOP 7 dirtiest places in your kitchen

Let's be brief: yes, it also needs to be washed. And the more often, the better.

Have you ever thought about the fact that bacteria and microbes live next door to you? And what’s most interesting: the favorite location of these unexpected friends is none other than your kitchen. Yes, yes, even behind the visible perfect cleanliness invisible microorganisms are hidden. They sit on yours, look into you and take a liking to your dishwashing sponge. Therefore, in order to protect yourself and your family from tiny enemies, you just need to know where they like to spend time the most.

The dirtiest place is considered to be the surface around. We wash this area every day and do not spare antiseptics. After all, it is on it that we put clean dishes, and from it we take the utensils on the table before eating.

The second dangerous place is the handle of your refrigerator. This is where the journey of germs and bacteria throughout the kitchen often begins. Why is that? Any meat food harbors microbes that also inhabit the refrigerator handle. When you open it to take missing ingredient, germs get on your hands, then on food, on utensils, and so on along the chain, until they finally get inside you with food. Therefore, do not forget to pay special attention to the handle when cleaning the kitchen, and to wash your hands with soap before sitting down at the table.

The kitchen faucet also poses a health hazard. Old pipes and rusted metal fill already untreated water with even more bacteria. And water is the basis of our life. Therefore, we wash the taps and filter the water.

The flush is not far from its sink friend. The inside of the drain is filled with bacteria, mold, and germs. It all rises and sits on the newly washed dishes. To rid yourself of this at least a little, rinse the drain with boiling water and pour a cleaning agent into the pipe overnight.

The favorite place for bacteria to dance is the kitchen towel. As long as you haven't wiped the next plate with it, the danger is not high. But, as soon as you have done this: one, two, fifth, then wiped the surface of the table, you’re done: the soil for the proliferation of microorganisms has been prepared. Therefore, we wash our towels more often with special solutions, change them as much as possible, and, if possible, even switch to disposable analogues.

Dish sponges keep up with towels. On the contrary, they are more likely to take on the baton of leadership in the list of the dirtiest. And this is no wonder, it is the sponge that helps us wash the dishes, wipe them, remove crumbs from the table, wipe up spilled tea. In such situations, how can you not attract the attention of travel enthusiasts? Therefore, we disinfect sponges in a minute or send to. It is also advisable to change it from once every two weeks to reduce the number of unexpected guests on the table.

A beautiful wrapper often hides internal imperfections. It’s the same with purity: we see only what we see and sometimes we forget about it. The cleanliness rules described above will help you keep your kitchen clean, not only aesthetically clean, but also healthy.