What primer to prime the ceiling with. Proper finishing of the ceiling surface: how to apply primer to the ceiling. Classification of primers by area of ​​application

In order for the ceiling to be beautiful and neat, it is necessary not only to cover the cracks on its surface, but also to prime it. A primer mixture is a solution consisting of a film-forming substance and coloring pigments. It is used to level the surface of the ceiling. If the unevenness of the ceiling is minimal (up to 3mm), the primer that penetrates the surface as deeply as possible is used.

On the other hand, the question arises, what is a ceiling primer, and why should you use this particular solution and not any other. This mixture is widely used for finishing ceiling surfaces due to the fact that it perfectly binds moisture. This property allows the ceiling to evenly absorb moisture when painting, without leaving areas that are too dry or too wet with paint. In addition, the paint can simply fly off the ceiling, creating unsightly holes in the cladding.

Types of primers for ceilings

Based on the surface, the required mixture is selected. Some ceilings are smoother than others, some have a different nature of material (wood, reinforced concrete, brick, cement, plaster, fiber).

There's something for every occasion best option:

Also, keep in mind that enamel primer is much more would be better suited For interior spaces rather than an alkyd resin-based analogue, which is better used outside buildings.

Classification of primers by area of ​​application

Primers are divided not only according to the material of preparation, but also according to the scope of their application. In order to understand which primer is best for the ceiling, you will need to determine what you want to cover the ceiling with.

Based on this, a selection of a certain type of solution will be made, which are:

  • Primer for water-based paints
  • Universal primer
  • Special primer
  • Primer for enamel
  • Primer mixture

Having understood the names of each type of primer mixtures, you can begin to directly describe them:

How to prime a ceiling, details in the video:

How to prime a ceiling

This process can be carried out either manually or using special tools.

To apply layers of solution you will need the following items:

  • Of course you will need main character similar work - the primer itself.
  • Roller bath. It is necessary to take into account its size so that it fits perfectly with the roller.
  • The roller itself, the brush, I quote, can be replaced with a spray gun. For high ceilings You will need a roller extension. To leave no traces, last layer You will need to apply it not with a brush, but with a roller.

Having collected all the tools, work begins. To prevent the primer from blurring or becoming unreliable, it is not recommended to add more water than specified on the label.

So, the workflow:

  • Initial layer It is best to apply it not parallel to the rays of sunlight entering the window of the room. Further, on the contrary, the layer is applied in parallel.
  • Correct application depends on whether the correct primer for the ceiling has been selected. In addition, before application, the surface should be cleaned of dust, rust, dirt and grease, and dried as much as possible. It is better to sand the wood.
  • The next layer of solution must be applied to the sanded first one. Next, you need to level the resulting surface with putty.
  • If necessary, you can apply another coat of primer before starting to cover the ceiling. This will allow you to achieve a smooth ceiling level with photo paper. However, even a ceiling coated with two layers of primer is often ready for further finishing and painting.

The correct answer to the question “which primer to choose for the ceiling” can only be given by the ceiling. Based on its properties, it is possible to determine the most suitable option, which will last the longest possible period of time and will delight you with its beauty every day. Besides, perfect choice It can also save a significant amount of money, since with some approaches you can get by with just priming without spending money on painting the ceiling.

Many during self-repair forget about this important stage finishing, like a primer, or consider it optional. And it’s completely in vain: any type of finish - plaster, putty, wallpaper or paint - will last much better and longer on a primed surface. Therefore, it would not be amiss to talk about how to prime the ceiling.

Why do you need a primer?

This depends on what you plan to do with the ceiling, as well as the material of the ceiling. But first things first.

Primers for concrete ceilings

There are the following types:

  • Primer deep penetration. Concrete ceilings and other similar surfaces are puttied or plastered before finishing. In order for this finishing layer to better adhere to the base, it is impregnated with a primer, which strengthens the base in depth. Many primers of this type contain special additives that do not allow fungus to multiply.

  • Strengthening primer. Designed to strengthen crumbling surfaces, for which purpose it contains: a large number of adhesive. This primer is completely absorbed into the loose surface, gluing the individual particles together.

Important! Strengthening primer must not be applied to durable surfaces. Its excess, which is not absorbed into the base, will create an easily peelable film on the ceiling surface, impairing the quality of adhesion.

  • Primers general purpose - these are compositions that are applied directly under the finishing touch. Their use improves the adhesion of the decorative layer to the prepared surface and reduces the consumption of paint, glue or other finishing material.

Primers for wooden ceilings

There are only two types:

  • General purpose primer makes the surface of the wood smoother and less absorbent, thereby improving its adhesive properties and reducing the consumption of paint with which the ceiling is subsequently finished. In addition, primer treatment protects the wood from rotting.
  • Special primers and impregnations. Protects wooden surfaces from dry and wet rot and insect pests.

In a word, before deciding what to prime the ceiling with, you need to know what it is for. In the case of concrete ceilings that are finished for painting or wallpapering, it is necessary to use two types of primer. First, a deep penetration primer, and after putty, a general purpose primer.

Advice. Even if you're going to do dropped ceilings, it is recommended to prime the surface of the base ceiling with a composition with fungicidal additives (see).

Ceiling priming technology

Preparatory work

Before you start priming, the ceiling surface must be cleaned of old coating (paint, whitewash, poorly adhering plaster, etc.) - see. After which it must be washed and dried.

One more important point: before starting work, you need to do wet cleaning premises. If you clean a room with a ceiling that has already been primed, the rising dust will inevitably stick to it, again making the surface unsuitable for further finishing.

  • If you bought a ready-made primer, all you have to do is pour it into a special tray and use a roller.
  • If it is a concentrate, then it will need to be diluted in accordance with the instructions on the package.
  • If you did not take care of the primer in advance, and the work needs to be done urgently, then dilute the water-soluble putty with water until it becomes thick milk. But this is an extreme option - it is still better to use professional compounds, preferably from the same company as the putty mixtures.

Prime the ceiling

There’s not much to say about how to prime a ceiling correctly. The technology is simple and clear.

  1. Pour the prepared primer mixture into a tray with a flat, ribbed surface. Its size should correspond to the width of the roller.
  2. Attach the roller to an extension - a long, smooth stick - so that you can work while standing calmly on the floor, rather than jumping from a stepladder.
  3. Dip the roller into the primer, remove the excess by rolling it along the ribbed area, and coat the ceiling in one direction, being careful not to leave gaps (see).

  1. After a few hours (the drying time is indicated on the packaging), repeat the procedure again, applying the primer perpendicular to the first layer.

They will be useful to you during your work and will help you avoid some mistakes.

  • If you are priming the ceiling for painting, use only a roller, as a brush can leave marks or hairs on the surface, which will then be visible through the paint layer.
  • If you stain any surface with primer, immediately wipe it with a damp cloth. Once dry, this will be almost impossible to do.
  • The same applies to working tools: brushes, rollers, trays. If you plan to use them in the future, wash them immediately after finishing work.
  • Wear gloves and a hat.
  • A conventional heater or household dehumidifier installed indoors will help speed up the drying of the primer.
  • To check how well the surface is primed, try sticking a piece of tape to it. It will not stick to a poorly treated ceiling, but it will stick to a well-primed surface.


Ceiling primer - important technological stage its finishing, which should not be neglected. If you chose the right primer mixture and took the time to apply it to the ceiling, the subsequent finish will be of higher quality and more durable.

/ How and with what to prime the ceiling before painting?

How and with what to prime the ceiling before painting?

During repairs, many do not pay due attention to this necessary stage works such as priming surfaces before painting. This is especially important when repairing the ceiling covering.

If you plan to paint the ceiling surface rather than use hanging or tensile structures, then the ceiling must be primed before painting. Why this is necessary, and what compositions are best to use, we will consider further.

Why do this

Any coating applied to ceiling slab, is a multilayer composition. And if each of the components of this layer cake is not given due attention, then this will certainly affect the quality of the entire work.

Putty will adhere better to concrete if it is pre-treated with deep penetration primers. The paint will also adhere better to the surface being painted. Also, such treatment not only provides better adhesion of the applied paint to the surface, but also reduces paint consumption.

Another merit of these mixtures may be the strength of the resulting coating, especially on substrates prone to cracking and crumbling. For this purpose, a special strengthening primer is used.

In addition to the above, there is a primer for the ceiling that also prevents the development of fungal spores. It has bactericidal properties and the room in which the ceiling has been treated with similar compounds will be safer in terms of health. This treatment is highly recommended in children's rooms where the child spends a lot of time.

The general purpose of all such solutions is to increase the adhesive properties of the treated base for further work. In addition, if the ceiling plane has been treated with such mixtures, then it absorbs paint more evenly or ensures uniform distribution of putty.

What are they?

As mentioned above, primers can be of different purposes, and, accordingly, different in composition.

The first type of mixtures tends to penetrate deeply into the surface being treated and is called a “deep penetration primer”.

One of the most popular representatives of this family is Ceresite soil.

The second type is surface strengthening solutions. They contain adhesive components that prevent cracking and shedding of the treated coatings.

Such compositions have one significant drawback - they are perfectly absorbed into fragile and loose substrates, but if they are applied to a sufficiently dense and durable base, a polymer film is formed on it, which peels off and impairs adhesion to the next layer of treatment.

Mixtures general, help improve grip on surfaces finishing layers decorative covering, for example - paints. It is these compounds that are most often used to prime the ceiling for painting.

Such compositions are best used to prepare an already treated surface for applying the final layer. They reduce the consumption of the finishing solution and improve its adhesion to the pre-prepared base.

How to apply

The mixture is applied to any surface using a roller or brush. In some cases, a brush will be preferable. For example, it is easier to process slab joints with a brush interfloor covering or corner joints.

It is also better to treat the concrete base with a brush before applying any types of plaster or putty. This will make it easier to get to the most hard to reach places in recesses, joints or cracks in a concrete floor.

In other cases, you can use a bath or cuvette, and the usual paint roller. The application technology is simple - the entire surface to be treated is rolled with a roller, without bald spots or gaps.

All such mixtures should be applied in two layers - the first one must dry completely, and only after that can the ceiling be treated with a second layer.

This approach will create the most durable base for subsequent painting or other types of decorative finishing.


Even something as simple as treating the surface with soil requires both preliminary preparation, and compliance with certain rules before and during work.

First of all, the ceiling, before further work, must be cleaned of all types of contaminants. This - required condition receiving high-quality coating further.

If any work has been carried out before the ceiling primer is applied renovation work, or plastering was performed ceiling surface, and after the base has been grouted, it is better to wet clean the room.

The reason for the need for such cleaning will be dust, which may remain on the floor and fly in the air. It is dust that can significantly degrade the quality of application. finishing coating. And this is extremely undesirable.

It is not worth cleaning either after priming or immediately before this stage of work - dust can rise into the air and settle on the ceiling.

Do not use highly diluted paint for the same purposes. Many people mistakenly believe that diluted paint can act as a primer. This is wrong.

The composition of paint is very different from such solutions, and consists of larger fractions that cannot penetrate deeply into the surface being treated. In addition, all paints create the thinnest film on the surface, which is unable to support the load from subsequent applied layers. The result is peeling coatings and new repairs.


The necessity of using primer mixtures is not in doubt. This needs to be done, since the final result will be much better.

The reliability of the coating will increase, and the overall costs of materials will be reduced. In addition, by using a primer, you can protect the ceiling slab from the appearance of mold or fungal growths, which will affect not only the appearance of the ceiling, but also the health of those living in the house.

Adhesion of the finish to the ceiling, evenness of the surface, and protection from fungus will be ensured by priming the surface before finishing work. The work can be done independently. The main thing is to choose the right composition, taking into account the characteristics of the type of finishing coating and familiarize yourself with the rules of application.

Purpose of ceiling primer

In addition to the fact that primer impregnation ensures adhesion of the finish and reduces the consumption of paint, plaster, and glue, it also performs a number of the following functions:
  • Smoothes out defects and uneven surfaces;
  • Protects the surface from fungus, mold, corrosion;
  • Increases the service life and moisture resistance of finishing materials;
  • Prevents stains on the finish coat;
  • Strengthens the treated surface;
  • Reduces the odor of paints and varnishes.
In some cases, a special primer can protect the finishing coating from the appearance of rust stains, nicotine, soot, and grease.

Types of primers for ceilings

First of all, primer mixtures are divided into groups depending on their composition. On this basis they distinguish:
  1. Alkyd. These impregnations are especially durable. They are used for processing metal and wood surfaces, as well as glass and tiles. Price - about 200 rubles per kilogram.
  2. Shellac. They prevent resin release, and therefore are used for priming ceilings made of coniferous wood. In addition, they protect wooden surface from the appearance of dark spots in places of knots or chips. Cost - from 300 rubles per kilogram.
  3. Polyvinyl acetate. These mixtures are used in conjunction with special paints and are suitable for processing wood, concrete and plastered surfaces. Price - from 150 rubles per kilogram.
  4. Acrylic. These universal formulations capable of penetrating to a depth of 10 cm. Used for priming ceilings made of plasterboard, brick and concrete. Cost - from 150 rubles per kilogram.
  5. Aluminum. Isolate wood covering from moisture, preventing the spread of fungus and mold in it. The price starts from 750 rubles per liter.
  6. Silicate. Consist of alkalis different types, and therefore provide effective protection against the penetration of microorganisms. These compositions are suitable for external use because they are resistant to atmospheric influences. They are used to treat concrete, brick and plastered surfaces. Price - from 250 rubles per kilogram.
  7. Mineral. These impregnations are mainly used for priming concrete ceiling. They consist of gypsum, lime, cement. The cost is about 300 rubles per kilogram.
  8. Epoxy. Used for treating concrete and metal surfaces. They protect against corrosion and waterproof the coating. Price - from 350 rubles per kilogram.

Ceilings in enclosed residential areas are primed with alkyd, acrylic and mineral compounds. The remaining types are characterized by relatively low adhesion.

Depending on the type of finishing material, there are also several types of primers:
  • Under enamel. Contains pigments, varnish or resinous (pentaphthalic, glyphthalic) fillers. To dilute this impregnation, xylene, solvent and solvent No. 646 are used.
  • Under water-based paint . The composition includes a mixture of latex, synthetic dispersion and additives. It must be applied in several layers, which after drying will create a dense structure.
  • Universal. With the help of such impregnations, the ceiling is primed before painting, puttying, or wallpapering. It reduces the consumption of funds for finishing and strengthens the coating.
  • Special. This type includes emulsion (based on waterproofing silicone modified acrylic-vinyl copolymer), latex (for treating porous coatings), strengthening (used in conjunction with sand-cement mortar for further installation of tiles on the ceiling).
In addition to industrial mixtures, there are also some ways to prepare a primer composition at home.

Preparing a primer for the ceiling at home

To make a primer solution yourself, you will need dry glue, laundry soap, chalk and drying oil.

Prepare in the following order:

  1. 250 grams of chips laundry soap dilute in a liter of warm water.
  2. Separately dilute the glue in two liters of hot water.
  3. Thoroughly mix the two solutions in one container and strain through double gauze.
  4. Add 3 kg of chalk and 30 ml of drying oil to the composition.
  5. Delete if necessary rust spots or mold, add another 150 grams of copper sulfate.

If you still decide to purchase a primer, then choose reliable suppliers. It is desirable that it be from the same manufacturer as the planned finishing material for a good combination.

Ceiling primer technology

To carry out priming work correctly, you need not only to decide on the type of impregnation. It is also important to prepare suitable tool, surface and understand the nuances and techniques of applying the composition.

Preparatory work before priming the ceiling

Before applying the primer to the ceiling, you need to dilute it if necessary. Please note that adding more solvent than recommended in the instructions is not advisable. This will make it worse technical properties composition.

You also need to choose the right tool. You can use a brush, roller or spray to apply the primer to the ceiling. Most often, these devices need to be combined. For example, a brush is convenient for processing joints and corners; a spray gun is useful for coating large areas, and the roller does not leave marks during secondary processing (unlike a brush).

Before processing it is necessary to prepare the surface. To do this, it is degreased, cleaned of dust, and wooden ceiling sand with coarse paper. The coating must be clean and dry.

Please note that before application you must wear work clothes, safety glasses, a respirator and rubber gloves.

Instructions for applying primer to a concrete ceiling

In order for the surface to be processed evenly, you need to adhere to the following sequence during the process:
  • We prime the joints and corners with a brush.
  • Apply the first layer of the composition perpendicular to the direction of light.
  • After completely dry plaster the surface and let it dry.
  • Prime the coating with a second layer and leave until completely dry.
  • We putty the ceiling to completely level it.
  • After drying, prime with a third layer and leave for impregnation.

When the last layer of primer has dried, you can begin further finishing. It is important to move on to next stage work only after the previous layer has dried. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the coating will decrease.

Features of primer for wooden ceilings

For this process, it is advisable to use a roller with soft natural bristles. The foam tool will form bubbles, and the brush may leave lint.

We work in the following sequence:

  1. Dip the roller into the solution and press lightly to remove any residue.
  2. Apply to the surface at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the direction of light.
  3. After the first layer has dried, cover with the second in a perpendicular direction.
  4. We begin finishing after the primer has completely dried.
For convenience, the roller handle is extended with a special rod. Then you can prime the ceiling yourself without a stepladder.

The average drying time for the primer layer at a temperature of +25 degrees and humidity below 75% is about five hours.

How to prime a ceiling - watch the video:

Leveling the surface, improving adhesion, preventing the appearance of mold and mildew - this is not all that a ceiling primer is needed for. Using impregnation, you will significantly reduce the cost of applying the topcoat and extend its service life. All work can be easily done independently, even without special skills.

Any novice master may wonder whether it is necessary to prime the ceiling before painting. Next, another relevant topic for conversation is whether it is necessary to prime the ceiling skirting boards. In general, how to properly prime a ceiling? Let's consider all these issues in detail so that there are no annoying mistakes in the future.

It should be noted right away that all work of this level is carried out exclusively with your own hands, so you don’t have to worry about the cost of the procedures.

Primer - what functions does it perform?

A completely reasonable question that may arise in any person’s head is why do you need a primer at all? The purpose of this procedure is to prepare the ceiling or any other surface for further finishing work. Such work can be: painting, and much more.

This repair operation performs very important function– protective:

  1. The surface gains additional strength, its layers are impregnated and glued together;
  2. Moreover, the surface becomes more moisture resistant after applying the primer. At the same time, she does not lose her ability to “breathe”;
  3. The consumption of paint or other decorative and finishing materials is significantly reduced if work is carried out on a surface that has been primed. That is, to the question: “Does the ceiling need to be primed?” the answer will be unequivocal - of course, it is necessary.

Liquid paint instead of primer - is this acceptable?

In certain situations, when performing construction work, paint, rather than primer, is used.

In such a situation, the paint is pre-diluted so that the composition is as liquid as possible. Many people ask the question: is it even possible to do this, if this makes any sense?

First of all, when the paint is liquid, it not only penetrates well, but also compacts the surface remarkably well - no worse than primers created specifically for this purpose. But this is only that small part of the iceberg that you see with the naked eye. But what if we look at the process in more detail?

Liquid paint, in fact, contains many large particles of fillers and solvents - they are part of the material. It is because of this that the paint will only interact with the top layer of your surface. At the same time, it will definitely seal all micropores and will not penetrate inside under any conditions. That is, it is better not to prime the surface with paint - not a single specialist will recommend this.

What exactly is a better primer?

It is not entirely correct to compare a primer and any paint. The primer is a very fine suspension of polymer resins and that says it all.

What else can you say about primer?:

  • Deep penetration compounds penetrate into the very thickness of the material being processed. Next, polymerization occurs - and the layers of the treated material are glued together;
  • Microparticles of the substance are approximately 10 times smaller than paint particles. They have very high permeability - this figure is even higher than that of high-quality drinking water.
Thus, we figured it out - liquid paint Not at all suitable for the role of soil. Moreover, in order to prime the surface of the ceiling. Upper layer the paint can seal - but this will not add strength, it will simply form a thin film, which will definitely not provide reliable support for all subsequent layers (including decorative ones).

Is ceiling primer necessary at all?

There are people who do not prime the surface. In fact this is not always the case correct solution. Let's consider the factors who speak in favor of primer:

  • Regardless of what the ceiling is finished with, your finish will definitely be subject to downward pressure. She also carries a serious burden on herself. Because of this, over time, the base of the ceiling, which has not been primed, will crumble and shedding will occur - even if your ceiling has been pasted over ceiling tiles using high quality glue;
  • The durability and strength of the ceiling coating depends directly on the adhesion ability of the ceiling surface and paint or some other coating. The primer gives your surface this property ideally.

Dust and loose microparticles

Repair or construction works are quite dirty processes. During such actions, a lot of dust always arises. Even when you drive into new apartment, the repair of which has already been completed, you have to do the cleaning - not once or twice. Only after this construction dust disappears.

During finishing work, it is impossible to remove all the dust - even if a powerful vacuum cleaner is used for this. The ceiling surface is no exception; dust particles are also sure to settle here.

When they get between the ceiling surface and the paint, the level of adhesion decreases - which is not in the best possible way affects the quality of the coating. Putty, paint, and glue can hardly cope with such dust.

As a result of this phenomenon, the ceiling finish may begin to peel off quickly - and this is due to small particles that are not secured. Should I prime the ceiling before painting in this case? Of course, it is better to do such work - in order to protect yourself from possible problems in future.

How to prime a ceiling

This is not to say that this issue is too complex. But the work is carried out in several stages, each of which is quite important. Let's look at this process in more detail - how to apply a primer to the ceiling.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to prepare the surface. This is where almost every finishing work. If you do not prepare, you are unlikely to get a strong enough adhesion - that is, the coating will not last long.

The preparation goes something like this::

  • First you need to carefully examine work surface. The old covering is dismantled. If wallpaper was previously applied, there may be problems with removing it, but everything can be easily solved if you approach the matter wisely;
  • If you need to remove plaster, pay attention to its degree of delamination. If the defects are already noticeable, simply knock down the layers with a hammer and chisel;
  • If paint has been applied, you can remove it easily. In this work, a metal brush is used - a very effective tool.
If on the surface old plaster and it is already crumbling - you need to remove it for sure. In this situation, even deep penetration primer will not help - adhesion will be minimal.
  • When the layer with the old coating is removed, the surface will not be even at all. It will be necessary to putty it. It is necessary to apply the appropriate substance and wait until everything dries completely.

Apply primer

Before starting this work, you should carefully study the instructions - they usually indicate the consumption of material (primer) for each square meter surfaces. The time it takes for the composition to dry is also usually noted there. This is very important, because depending on the type of primer, these parameters can vary dramatically.

The application process looks like this in detail::

  • First of all, it is necessary to remove dust from the surface - this is done in advance. A vacuum cleaner or brush will help with this work;
  • Then they begin to apply the primer - the main thing while working is to ensure that there are no unprimed areas of the ceiling left. A spray bottle is the ideal tool for this job;
  • However, if you don’t have one on hand, you can always use a roller.
It is not recommended to use brushes for applying primer - they leave noticeable marks that are not so easy to hide later even under a layer of paint.
  • Porous surfaces sometimes require a double coat of primer. For example, you will have to do this with a sanded or putty ceiling. In this situation, you will also have to wait until each layer of primer dries, only then can work continue
  • When working with primer, be sure to use a respirator and gloves for protection. No one is immune from allergic reactions when working with any chemicals.

Which primer is better - choose the type

Today there are many types of primer; choosing the best one is not always easy. You should focus on the purpose of use, as well as on the surface that you are going to process soon. You can purchase universal primers - they can be used on any surface.

Some specialized soil is used only for specific purpose. For example, these are primers for floors, ceilings, and for rough finishing. You can also add an antifungal primer here. Now let’s take a closer look at what is the best way to prime the ceiling before painting.

Here everything is as follows:

  • Typically, mineral-based primers are used to treat ceilings before painting. They contain cement - an excellent binder. Such primers are used on brick, concrete, silicate surfaces - for rough finishing purposes;
  • Primers with an alkyd base - this product is universal, excellent for wood products. Moreover, this primer is also used for application to chipboard, fiberboard, glass and galvanized surfaces;
  • A special primer intended for wood will perfectly protect the surface from fungus and moisture, and paint consumption will be reduced thanks to its use;
  • Primers on acrylic base are famous for their excellent adhesive properties - this applies to any surface. This type of soil is universal. Concrete, brick, putty, plaster, drywall - this is not the entire list of materials on which acrylic primer will ideally lie. Because of this, these primers are in great demand today;
  • Primers for metal surfaces appearance reminiscent of paint, such substances create all the conditions for maximum adhesion to metal. These are special purpose primers.

Be sure to watch the video on how to apply primer before painting the ceiling - this will save you from common mistakes.


You should not skimp on primer, nor should you refuse this type of work. In terms of finances, this still won’t justify itself; there will also be costs to correct various problems with the ceiling surface.

The secret is to choose a specialized primer for your ceiling or a primer that has mineral base. Universal primers are often used for ceilings. It is important to study the instructions carefully and buy the product that will match the surface. They usually decide on the spot whether to prime ceiling plinth. It’s better to just remove it – if it comes off easily.