How to cleanse your body and mind. How to regain your awareness. (Practical advice). Exercise until tired

Grievances. Forgiveness. Guilt.

I once paid tribute to a universal hobby - I forgave myself, other people, and conducted forgiveness meditations (described in Sviyash’s books). I loved the feeling of warmth flowing from my heart chakra at the end of my meditation.

But now I look at it differently.

How do you cope with heartache, insults, do you swallow them, chew them for a long time, or immediately forgive everyone?

Forgiving is great for the forgiver, but how will a person understand that he has been forgiven - if he himself does not feel guilty towards the one he offended? Those. yes - and there is an element of manipulation in forgiveness.

What is manipulation?

If we forgive ourselves, we admit that we were to blame.

If we forgive another person, then we make him guilty.

It is easy to manipulate a person who constantly feels guilty.

What does it mean to be guilty? This is attracting punishment to yourself.

When we feel guilty, we attract punishment.

Punishment will definitely appear in your life, or in the lives of those people whom you make guilty of your misfortunes and sorrows!

When punishment comes, instead of looking for the source of this punishment in ourselves, in our feelings of guilt, we begin to explain it either by damage, or by the evil eye, or by the machinations of other people.

As a result, we find ourselves in a vicious circle, from which it is very difficult to get out. It is especially difficult when the consciousness is asleep.

It sleeps when we shift our responsibility for our lives to other people, fate or God.

What can we do to stop this chain of misfortunes or sorrows that fall on us like a snowball?

Stop blaming yourself! Stop apologizing!

From - blame – the word itself asks to be taken out of a state of guilt (from guilt).

However, if you suddenly caused some kind of pain to a person - for example, you stepped on his foot - it is quite acceptable to apologize once. That's all!



There is a method of clearing your consciousness. The first time I read about him was in Alnashev’s book. I tried it a couple of times and forgot about it. We were recently reminded at a seminar of the first stage of the Cossack Savior.

Called baptism or pysanka.

You take a sheet of paper. At the top you write the current date. You highlight it (like an arch). Clap your hands or snap your fingers (i.e., bring your own attention to the moment) - ask yourself: How old am I? How many breaths?

Don’t hesitate, say the numbers – those that come to mind. Write down these numbers. Those. a similar situation or situation that affected my life and led to this scenario had already happened at, say, 17 years old and the situation lasted for 5 breaths (our life is measured in breaths).

When the words run out (or there were none at all) - I simply write them out, draw my state - in other words - scribbles - little ones, I draw to a state of sufficiency.

Then, at the bottom, I cross out what happened (like an inverted arch), and I WRITE THE DATE AGAIN AT THE BELOW.

Then this piece of paper must be burned.

If something distracts you from this activity, never leave a piece of paper unfinished - you need to draw a line, and only then be distracted by other issues.

There are several other ways to work with your consciousness, I liked them even more.

Book by Dmitry Leushkin "How to stop overloading your brain and start living».

It contains instructions for the subconscious, which you need to read once - there is absolutely no need to learn it by heart, and then work with your circumstances, dissatisfaction, feelings of guilt, finally.

The instructions say that the subconscious eliminates all the roots of the problem, and when it eliminates it, it gives us a sign by yawning.

It is worked out in a similar way to the pysanka method, all aspects of the problem are written out, repeated the required number of times with a keyword (you will come up with the keyword yourself and insert it into the text when reading the instructions) until you yawn. This is a sign from your awareness that it has finished working through an aspect of the problem.

You can also repeat it mentally, using the time to work through it when you are traveling in public transport, or standing in a queue, or simply in your free time.

For example, while going to work, I suddenly remembered one offensive remark from my mother-in-law (she has been dead for more than 20 years - and suddenly I remembered - which means this is still preventing me from living). I mentally began to compose an answer to her, then I realized - why am I doing this! I need to work through this remark, the answer I just came up with, etc.

No sooner said than done. I worked through it - and now this memory does not evoke any emotions in me.

There is another book - “Feasibility study manual (E.F.T.). Emotional Release Technique».

Briefly: the cause of all negative emotions is a violation in energy system, if there is a traumatic memory, it causes a malfunction in a person’s energy system, this malfunction leads to various consequences. If this failure is eliminated, the negative emotions caused by the traumatic memory will also be eliminated. And since all negative emotions have the same cause, they can all be eliminated in the same way.

The imbalance is eliminated by tapping on the main acupuncture points of the energy meridians and saying the phrase:

Even though I have ___________

Even though my head hurts , I deeply and completely accept myself.

Although I have a fear of heights , I deeply and completely accept myself.

Even though I I'm angry with my boss, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Although I smoke , I deeply and completely accept myself.


There are not so many points, you can remember them.

There is another method. It came together for me on its own.

When you remember an unpleasant event, pay attention to how you perceive it - from the inside, are you completely in the same state as you are talking about - do you experience a burning resentment or, conversely, a feeling of guilt?

Try to look at the situation from the outside, watch the picture and actors, including behind themselves - as if from the outside.

And then reduce the image. Everything is the same, but the sizes are much smaller, then reduce it further. Watch as if you were watching a movie or cartoon.

Having done this several times, after a while you will be pleasantly surprised that even if you remember your offense or misfortune, it is no longer colored strongly. negative emotion, but I remember it like a paragraph from a history textbook: yes, there was such a case in my biography, it happened, but it disappeared.

Happy reading and good luck on your journey of working with your consciousness!

It's not as difficult as you think.

Everything is much simpler than you think.

The main thing is to create the intention to change yourself, and then the world around you will also change.

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Knowing how to clear your mind will help you manage your life. Has it ever happened to you that everything around you started to fall apart: problems with money appeared, relationships fell apart, your health deteriorated? All this is a consequence of a clogged mind.

Previously, I lived in almost constant stress. I had many problems, and they seemed overwhelming to me. I couldn’t even get close to them, let alone solve them - I immersed myself in video games and TV series, until at one moment something woke up in me and I wanted to change my life. I read that in order to solve problems, you need to learn to control your consciousness - to remove everything unnecessary from it. And then the decision will come by itself. At first it seemed to me like some kind of “magic”, but I had no choice. I started meditating, practicing mindfulness throughout the day - and it helped me. It’s not that all the problems disappeared, but I began to look at them soberly. I began to understand what a misconception I was living in and how easy it is to change everything.

For example, I couldn’t communicate normally with people. Embarrassment, tightness, irritation - some of this constantly manifested itself in the conversation. It seemed to me that everyone around me was perfect, but I was full of weirdness. But as soon as I learned to calm my mind and began to look at the world soberly, I realized that everyone has their own shortcomings, that there is no need to idealize others. And another thing is that you don’t need to worry about your weaknesses– you need to accept them and work with them. Thanks to this, the problem with communication disappeared, and I began to attract interesting people into your life. Many acquaintances showed a desire to be in my company, as I became more positive and open. As I said, this is not magic: sometimes embarrassment still visits me. But I learned to quickly “dissolve” it and stay positive.

What clogs your mind?

Before you cleanse your consciousness, I’ll show you exactly what is clogging it and how. These are the things that we will get rid of using the techniques described below.


When someone says “this will never happen...”, or vice versa, “this always happens...”, then immediately throw this thought out of your head. Any generalization carries false information in 99% of cases. Surely you have heard more than once how someone laughed at some idea, and another “stupid” person went and implemented it. What helps these people? That they don't look at the opinions of others. They look at the situation, and soberly: “This person hasn’t even taken a step in that direction, how can he know anything?”


All negative assessments of other people, things, opinions are also harmful. If you don’t like something, you don’t need to keep it in your head. Pay attention only to those pleasant things, pleasant people you want to get closer to. Negativity narrows our ability to look at the world soberly. When we are angry, frustrated or depressed, we don’t even want to look towards solving problems. When we are positive, the same problems seem trivial and can be solved with the snap of a finger.


When we evaluate various things or people without “touching” them, this also clogs our consciousness. If your picture of the world is based only on guesses - without reinforcement personal experience– then life turns into walking through a minefield without the right map. How often have you heard the phrases: “If you don’t have connections, nothing will work out,” “If you don’t have talent, you shouldn’t even try to achieve anything,” etc.? And how many people do you know (or can you find on the Internet) who, despite these things, have achieved their goal?


Any criticism towards ourselves, or towards other people, also leaves a dirty mark in our minds and prevents us from looking at the world soberly. How can you solve a problem if all your efforts are focused on criticism? After all, no one said that if something bad happened, you need to sit down, look for those to blame and shout at them. There is no such rule. Criticism is simply a counterproductive thing caused by some short-lived negative impulse when something unpleasant happens. Yes, troubles happen. But what is better - to look for those to blame, or to spend this time resolving problems?

Methods of purifying consciousness

Now let's move on to those things that will tell you how to clear your mind of garbage. If you want to learn to look at the world soberly, manage your life and build it in accordance with your desires, you need to practice the exercises described below.

Put everything out of your head and onto paper

One trick that many writers use is to get everything out of their heads and onto paper. And every day. They use this to gain inspiration and search for ideas. But this practice also allows you to clear your consciousness. How to do this exercise?

  1. Put every thought you have on paper or in a text document on your computer.
  2. Literally everything that is in your head – put it on paper.
  3. Let this thought be unpleasant, shameful, scary - it doesn’t matter. Lay it all out.

I don’t know how it will be after the first time, but over time you will begin to feel how the burden of problems and negative thoughts that weighs on you will begin to disappear. You will begin to look at the world soberly, become more focused and productive.

Mindful walks

Another thing that helps clear your mind is mindful walking. What it is? This is when you walk somewhere, while observing your breathing, the sensations of the people and things around you. Shift your focus from your head to your body. It's easy to do when you're on the move. The best time to walk is in the evening. This exercise in itself will remove the question of how to clear your mind - usually after a mindful walk, all your thoughts will disappear.

Exercise until tired

Another good practice that will push all unnecessary thoughts out of your head is regular exercise. And to the point of fatigue. Usually our head gets cluttered when we have too much free time. But if we take this time with physical exercise, negative thoughts will have no time to multiply in our head.


Eat different types meditation, and I'm honestly not an expert at this. But there is one thing that works for me: it is to sit in comfortable chair, trying to portray the lotus position, while observing your thoughts. Without clinging, without dwelling on them - just watch what is happening in your head. What worries me, what worries me. Also, do not forget about deep, even breathing and straight posture - these are also important things. This practice helps you accept thoughts that are painful and scary to accept within yourself. This relieves tension and makes the mind calmer.

Positive outlook training

There is one quote that really stuck with me:

“It’s better to have a positive picture of the world and make mistakes, than a negative one and at the end of your life tell everyone “I was right!”

After all, it is true - you can live your whole life without criticizing everyone and everything, but enjoying and doing good things (both towards others and towards yourself). Let the truth be revealed to you in the end, and you will understand that this world is actually a terrible place and all people are very negative - all the same. This is better than being angry, depressed and offended by the whole world, but at the same time being right.

Train a positive outlook on the world: on others, on yourself, on loved ones. Search in everyone positive aspects, and if someone has committed an unpleasant act, look for what pushed him to do it. Surely this is not a bad person, but his mood has simply deteriorated, which pushed him in the wrong direction. Clearing the mind of negativity relieves stress and makes the mind more flexible and clear.

Introducing the habit of testing everything from your own experience

We have not touched upon one more element of a cluttered consciousness - these are prejudices and generalizations. If you want something, but you don’t think it will work out, do it anyway. See the results and then decide whether it was worth it or not. I can guarantee that most of the prohibitions that you have set for yourself due to generalizations and prejudices introduced from outside are illusory. They're not real. You can achieve anything if you start moving in the direction you want, gain experience, adjust the map and keep moving.

A few words in conclusion

If you, like me before, are concerned about the problem of how to clear your mind of garbage - you don’t see ways to solve your problems, you don’t believe that you can achieve something in life, you are stressed - it’s time to do it. The article described very effective methods, but I don’t recommend taking on everything at once. Huge changes in life are a cumulative process, not a revolution. Therefore, to begin with, I recommend starting small - learning to look at yourself and the world around you with a positive attitude: what is good about you, the people around you and the situation, what lifts your mood, etc.

As soon as you catch yourself thinking negative thoughts, quickly pull yourself back and start asking your brain the right questions. And as soon as this becomes a habit, move on to the following methods.

This article was written at the dawn of my first steps in psychology and psychotherapy. Now I don’t agree with a lot of things, but she’s a very good kick in the ass to do something

How to let something new into your life?

  • If you're stuck in life
  • Routine, monotony have eaten up all your time
  • My head is a mess
  • It’s unclear what to do and where to go
  • No ideas, no inspiration and creativity

A very common problem in modern society.

Now there is a lot of information, a very fast and stormy life process.

The problem is that you are, both physically and mentally closed your stream. Continuous flow of vital energy.

Conscious and unconscious blocks on the path of this flow - constant thoughts, emotions, unnecessary things block the free flow.

Nothing should delay the free flow of energy in the human body and soul.

Those. everything must flow - money, information, things.

You can't delay anything. If you start saving money, you get stuck. Store a huge amount of information - flow decreases. Keep a lot of unnecessary thoughts - the flow weakens. It's like a pipe through which water flows. You put all sorts of stones there - everything starts to clog until the water completely dries up!

There is no point in dividing emotions, money, thoughts, information - the essence is all one - energy.

The most common problem is overload.

We are full of information and other energy.

Information overload - TV, news, brands. Go to a large store and see how many people invent everything and buy unnecessary things, while keeping all this information in their heads!

Modern man knows a huge amount of completely stupid information! The brain is full!

This greatly interferes with the flow of new fresh information and new fresh ideas.

We become unique individuals when we calmly pass a flow of information through ourselves, taking some part of it for ourselves. That's all. There is no need to store completely unnecessary terabytes, thinking that they will be needed someday!

It's like breathing in and out. If you inhale too much and do not exhale, then you die.

Based on all this, I will draw a small conclusion

We need to do some general cleaning

Surely everyone has done this in their life, but we will do it a little differently.

We need to throw away all the accumulated information, things, emotions, old beliefs and everything, everything, everything that we don’t need! Even if we think that we need something, we should throw it away too!

But let's start with the physical world.

This is a very important step and stage. Physical world- this is where we live and we cannot somehow underestimate it.

The physical world is a reflection of your inner one and vice versa!

All the rubbish that is around you is pulling you back. Whether you know it or not, whether you think about it or not! There is a huge amount of unnecessary things and information around us.

Basically any person does not need everything that surrounds him. AND the degree of your attachment to these things determines your conservatism, inertia of mind and in general a willingness to change and bring fresh air into life!

The fact is, until you quit your job... old job- You won’t work on the new one. If you want to quickly buy new shoes, throw away your old ones. And so on.

And in this case, you need to take a BULLDOZER and take everything to hell! Necessarily! Mercilessly!

Once again, consider the idea that I want to convey:

Until you get rid of the old, you will not get the new.

This is an axiom.

This has been confirmed in my life many, many times!

Warning. Don't think that everything I'm going to tell you about next is somehow unrelated to real life and it won’t affect her in any way! These are not small things at all!

Especially if you are engaged in elaboration - poking around in your head, destroying old beliefs, thoughts, resolving conflicts. Yes, you’re just somehow improving spiritually. You must understand that the world is real, revealed, physical is very, very important. This is where we live! And you cannot separate the spiritual world from the physical and set priorities! And focusing ONLY on spirituality and intelligence is stupid!

Part 2 Throwing away clothes and things.

You will immediately understand how bad things are for you.

Immediately after reading or watching the video, open your closet with clothes. And dump ALL your things on the floor. All!

And do it right away! Now! Otherwise why are you reading this? Why are you wasting your time? Do at least something good in your life!

And we leave all the things that you are not ashamed to wear to work/birthday or just on the street. If even a little doubt or think that it would be useful in the garden/as a doormat/pajamas/to be worn at home - throw it away! Throw it away mercilessly!

I say in advance - you will experience enormous resistance from within.

If you resist very strongly and really don’t want to throw away junk, then in life you are also clinging to your old beliefs, thoughts, and the old. Moreover, you need to throw it all away!

How to throw it away?

Stuff all this stuff in bag or bags so that it is not visible.

Or just throw it away. Take it to the trash.

It is very important!

Feeling like you are holding something in your head?

Do it one-two-three.

You count to yourself in your head - one-two-three and begin the action. Those. despite all thoughts and feelings.

Do the same with the rest of the things in your environment.

Old tape recorders, players, postcards, phones, headphones, wires, chargers, shampoos, scissors, discs, cassettes, books, toys, notebooks, watches, jewelry...

Leave only what you like and really necessary in life.

And throw away your notes from the institute.

How can you throw them away when you have wasted so much time? Very simple. Understand that information becomes outdated in 3-4 years and most likely it is already outdated. And no one needs all this! Now there is an enormous amount of information on the Internet and in libraries.

You think it's valuable. There really is no value.

You will immediately understand how ready you are for change.

People say they want to change, but at the same time they cling to the old and wonder why nothing changes? You need to turn this toggle switch in my head.

Click and that's it. You will now think in a new way.

And the point is not to throw things away. And in order to start thinking differently. Stop clinging to the old. Let the energy flow through.

I recommend using IKEA boxes or shoe boxes for the remaining junk.

Pack all your junk there and cleanse your entire surroundings. Put the boxes away. You will know where everything is, but it can be hidden further. So that around you there is always only what you really need!

Visual space should not be distracting! Minimalism! Remove visual clutter!

The space around you is a reflection of your thoughts

At first do a physical action - then the brain will relax on its own. And he will understand that nothing strange happened.

Feeling happiness in life does not depend on things. No way. At all.

Part 3 Information cleansing

Take your phone and delete all unnecessary contacts!

Real contacts you constantly call - ten times less! Remove dead souls!

Will you be able to call any person on the list and ask why you keep him there? Right now?

If not, then you don't need it. That's for sure.

Or transfer all supposedly necessary contacts to notebook. Delete.

When you delete people - thank them for being in your life)


This is the same world as your inner one, the same as your surroundings.

Read only what you need really like it! Not what can be useful to you, but what will make you really cool!

Rule. As soon as the letter arrives - you decide immediately whether to read or not. You read it right away and delete it right away. Don't leave it for later.

Disassemble the "Disassemble" folder- everything you downloaded, but you don’t have time to study yet!

Portable HDD to help you! Write down everything you don't need there! Archive! Put all the trash in the back drawer!


Keep it clean. Delete everything! Everything you don't need right now! Don't allow trash to accumulate!

All this hangs in the edge of your consciousness.

Remove all unnecessary programs!

Do defragmentation!

Reinstall Windows!

Check for viruses!

The computer is part of your life!

It is very important!

Throw it away TV!

If you still have it. Do it right now. Unplug, cut the cable if you watch movies on DVD!

There is a lot in your life more possibilities to waste your time on TV!

Yes, read books instead of this box!

Social media.

There is no difference between the TV. It's the same TV.

It's just like stop snorting cocaine and get hooked on heroin.

Filter the information you receive!

Use "parental control".

These are simple programs that restrict website visits. Bet on it complex password and write it down to leaf. Move this leaf far, far away.

All. And in order to log into your favorite social network - you will have to work very hard.

Will you stop there's no point in going there automatically to pass the time.

Don't create substitutes for yourself!

The point is to turn off the brain. Blackout. Don't let this happen!

If you have goals in life, it will all just fall off on its own!

Part 4 Schedule a deep cleaning once a month!

Take your phone and set a reminder to do a deep cleaning once a month!

Change your environment! Swap items! Move the bed to a different location. Move the table. Do something new!

Don't put things off until tomorrow - put them off for a year!

And put a date on your calendar when you have to do it. Plan!


  • Throwing away clothes
  • Throwing things away
  • Remove unnecessary people
  • Clean your computer (mailings, programs, files, desktop)
  • Throw away the TV!
  • Turn off social networks and other time substitutes!

Feeling like after a bath

It’s unpleasant for you, it’s hard for you.

But when you go out into the air - you feel incredible lightness! So much crap has gone now! And motivation appears to do something, to change. Energy and strength appear!

It's a feeling in the body! Not in the brain!

The stream is on! When you throw away 1 item, you understand that you can create 10 new items, which are several times better than this one!

you will be started hit And annoy people around you living in trash.

you will become change everything you touch for the better. All! You will want to improve everything! Creation!

Lose things as joyfully as possible! Then they will come just as quickly and joyfully! The same goes for money, people, emotions!!!

P.s. I apologize for the blunt writing and directive style.

P.p.s. Start taking action now, and don’t sit there thinking, “Well, that’s cool, I’ll have to do something somehow.”

We perceive the world through the prism of the mind. The mind must be cleared of nonsense and worries. A bad person is someone who talks about bad things. Control of feelings. The sign of a dirty mind is fatigue. Self-justification of the mind. If you are fed up with material things, be happy with what you have. Where does fashion come from? One does not get tired of spiritual practice. We only learn from our mistakes. The house of consciousness has four walls. Memory is operational and deep. We remember this life and past ones. Don't meddle in past life! How to spiritualize consciousness? Samskaras. Diseases come from bad samskaras. Seed, sprout and tree. A strong samskara displaces a weak one. Samskaras and modern psychology. Mind-imagined. You need to reward yourself for your work! Our enemy is internal dialogue. The beginning of an internal dialogue - complaints. How to treat “spiritual” proud people? Feedback. Be in the present moment.

Lecture for beginners from the section "Psychology" with difficulty of perception: 1

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488 Unbridled feelings can drive you crazy

What does it mean to indulge your senses? I can give you an example. The dog is tied with a chain. You approach the dog, take a piece of tasty food and throw it to the dog. The dog eats and likes it. Now try throwing a piece of food a little further. The dog sees a piece of food, it strives for it, but the chain does not give it. But she already planned for herself how tasty it is, how good it is, “I want it.”

And the dog breaks, scratches the asphalt or the ground and strives for this piece, “going out of its way” to try to get it. This is called mind. If she had at least some sense, she would understand: it’s useless, you can’t break the chain! Do you understand what's going on? That is, the dog is unreasonable, it wants to enjoy its senses.

Unbridled feelings, they make a person go crazy. And the man goes crazy. When a person wants something very badly, he is close to madness. And especially when desires are never fulfilled. Let’s say you wanted it for yourself, came up with it for yourself, planned it: “Here, I want a car for 500,000 dollars plus a huge house in Miami.” And this goal, it may not be feasible in your life at all. This means if you keep thinking about it, thinking, you may go crazy. This is what happens.

A feature of our limited egoistic mind is the generation of a huge number of thoughts. Experts have calculated that between 60,000 and 100,000 different thoughts flash through our heads every day. And most of these thoughts are modern man, as a rule, is somehow associated with negativity.

And this would not be so terrible if these negative thoughts did not affect our physical condition, would not affect our business, would not result in thoughtless words, would not interfere with our productivity. But we have to pay for everything, including the negative thoughts in our heads.

And these thoughts are like a virus - they tend to multiply and multiply. And they do it pretty quickly. Before you even have time to blink an eye, the world, which was quite normal a minute ago, has turned into a dull and terrible place.

You need to clear your head of unnecessary, unnecessary and harmful thoughts to your health and well-being, but in no case should you fight them, since, according to classical Buddhist truth, everything we resist and courageously fight against only intensifies from our vain attempts.

The more you blow on the fire, the hotter it flares up.

Let's look at how you can clear your thoughts of everything unhealthy, toxic and unnecessary.

Recommendation #1. Write down your thoughts on paper – a method as simple, ancient and reliable as a Siberian felt boot. This is a kind of independent psychoanalysis. All you need is a pen, a few sheets of paper and at least 30 minutes of private time. During this time, write everything that worries you most at the moment. At the same time, your task is to write in one sitting, without interruption and without thinking about what you are writing, just a pure and uncomplicated “stream of consciousness”.

After you finish writing out all the exciting and disturbing thoughts, it is useful to analyze and rationalize them - you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about yourself and your life.

Recommendation #2. Perceive reality through sensations. In other words, make a mental leap from thinking to feeling. Feel what you think. This simple technique, when performed correctly, can work wonders. Our mind rules over thoughts, but this is no longer its diocese, this is already the level of the unconscious. And by moving to the level of feeling the situation (or problem), you take the path of resolving it at the deepest level.

Recommendation #3. Let go of the malignant thought. Imagine that you are sitting at a bus stop, see a bus passing by, and suddenly jump up and run after it, catch up and grab the bumper. The bus doesn't stop and continues to drag you along. You are dragging along the asphalt, you are in pain, you are screaming about your suffering, but for some reason you continue to cling to the bus. Maybe finally let go of the bumper? Believe me, this will make things much, much easier for you.

Recommendation #4. Break the habit of reading the news. In fact, there is no practical value in the news that is posted on the Internet or reported on TV. They are simply exploiting the ancient (“caveman”) human habit of keeping abreast of the news of their community - finding out the news, gossip and rumors in order to know what will help them survive. If today's news has anything to do with survival, it is in an exclusively negative way - those who read and listen to it have less chance of surviving. Therefore, forget about the news.

Recommendation #5. Keep Focus on the Main Goal. This is the most powerful way of all. If you know how to always and in any situation think only about your most important Goal, then you will not be afraid of any troubles or troubles, not to mention various negative thoughts. Such a Goal, being tied to 2 deep and very strong instincts, is itself a source of energy and inspiration and, like a guiding star, will guide your ship of life through curtains and storms. By the way, if you don’t have a Main Goal yet, you can find it within the program.

Recommendation #6. Do only one task at a time. The habit of “chasing 2 birds with one stone” (or even 3-4), despite the well-known proverb, continues to live indestructibly in the heads of our people. In addition to a sharp decrease in productivity, this habit also gives rise to a stream of not the best thoughts, which multiply, swarm, confuse and confuse the further and further. Try to train yourself to focus on one task at a time in your life. And deal with it faster. And awareness will grow.

Recommendation #7. Substitute. If unpleasant thoughts stir in your head for one reason or another, put something directly opposite in their place. From the school physics course we know that 2 objects cannot occupy the same place in space. This is true for the mind too. You can't think two thoughts at the same time. Therefore, if you start thinking about something pleasant or interesting to you, then clear your thoughts of bad things.

Recommendation No. 8. Observation of thoughts. In fact, we are talking here about a simple meditation practice– start looking at your thoughts from the outside. Or, in other words, just listen to the voice that is muttering something in your head. This voice is your limited egoistic mind. Listen to him impartially and without judgment, do not argue with him or judge him. By using this practice regularly, you will learn to enter a state of presence in the present moment.

Recommendation No. 9. Observing the space between thoughts. This practice is somewhat similar to the previous one. The difference is that you begin to monitor not your thoughts, but the silence that separates or surrounds them. It’s as if you are looking at a highway along which an endless stream of cars is rushing, but you are not watching the vehicles of various sizes quickly replacing each other, but looking at the road itself, which is unchanging and constant like the ocean. This is the Real. When you feel it, you will feel deep joy in your soul.

Recommendation #10. Change your attitude towards your mind. Think of your mind and everything that happens in it as a radio or TV that constantly mutters something while you are doing something or enjoying the current moment. If you still can’t turn off this TV, then just don’t pay attention to it. Think about what you are doing at the moment or enjoy a state of peace, or enjoy what you are doing (eating fruit, reading a book, admiring the sea, etc.). And let your mind mutter to itself.

Recommendation No. 11. Stop internal dialogue. Usually, internal dialogue is conducted between different subpersonalities, but most often it communicates with you Overseer- a special social program that makes sure that you remain an obedient slave of society and do not jerk where you shouldn’t (“the overseer” is a structure that develops in the psyche during the process of human socialization). And if subpersonalities can still be dealt with with the help special technicians(I use one of them in processes