I want my lover to leave his wife. Why doesn't he leave his wife? How to build a conversation

Olga (08/11/1973) I am dating a married man Andrey (09/23/1972), we have a son, his wife Marina (11/19/1971) - I could have made a mistake with her date, but the year is accurate. We live in the same city now, she knows about me and our son, they don’t have children. She torments herself, me and him. I was told that there is a strong attachment to him, he wants to leave, but cannot. help me remove the binding and how to make it so that she leaves him on her own, I love him very much and my son is sad. hide dates.

Olga, in your case, removing the binding does not mean solving the problem at all. You are an adult and, connecting your fate with a married man, you understood perfectly well how much negative consequences what awaits you and your child in the future. It’s not even about the attachment, which you consider to be to blame for the impossibility of your reunion.

The wife, who, as you say, knows about you and your child, during a particularly high period emotional stress, strengthened by hatred of you and your son, may wish you something that will not only close all your life paths development of relationships, but will also cause illness in either of you.

After all, you have probably heard more than once that even an accidental curse thrown offended person in the hearts, sometimes works better than any conspiracies specifically used during magical rituals. Human energy is an unknown, terrible force.

If you consider the duration of your relationship with her husband, you can imagine how much suffering this brought to his wife, and how many times she cursed him, you, and your joint child. Sometimes such curses are so strong that even if the family breaks up, the man does not remain with his mistress - life’s roads in this direction are closed. This is exactly what the popular saying says: it is impossible to build your personal happiness on the grief of another person.

Olya, you have only one way out - repentance and reading the sinner’s prayers. If you fail to do this, you may be subject to punishment in the future through illness and unsettled personal life. If you do not consider having a child from a married man a sin, then this option is not suitable for you. You can do drying or other magical effects, but believe me, until you remove the burden of sin from yourself, nothing good will happen in your life.

Another beautiful Sinner’s Prayer, addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos, gives anyone guilty a chance to beg for forgiveness and, having atoned for all their sins, start life with a clean slate.

Women who love other people's husbands are condemned by many and called homewreckers. Most often, men are forced to leave the ladies who love them, who have given them love and care for many years, sometimes giving wise advice regarding their family. There are situations when mistresses remain empty-handed all their lives, playing the role of second fiddle in the heart of a married man. In such situations, you shouldn’t let everything take its course, otherwise you could really end up with nothing.

Taking a man away from a family is an unworthy thing. However, each case is individual. If it is for the good, then the ritual of separation is really a necessary thing. It happens that the wife herself, having a relationship on the side, for reasons unknown to herself, cannot leave her husband. Then she can also resort to certain rituals.

A powerful ritual to break up family relationships

The following ritual will work, but only if the result really has good intentions. When the person performing it is driven by selfishness or a thirst for revenge, it is better to abstain, otherwise the consequences will be the most negative.

Should be purchased at the Temple without attending services, church candles in the amount of 13 pieces. When leaving the church, turn around and say the following words:

“I will order you Rab (name) to leave his wife. For such a task, I will call upon Satan himself for help. Amen!"

When you get home, retire and light all the candles. Looking at the flame, you need to imagine how this man leaves his wife, while wanting to take her place.

“As the devil grinds his teeth in hell, let a dear man come to me. Now he won’t need a wife, I’ll be the only one that’s important to him. Let the bed not bring him pleasure, I will lead him to dashing discord. I send a lapel because I love, obstacles that arise - I’ll ruin it with a quarrel. He will leave his wife and become my husband, just as he loves me, so I love him. Let it be so done! Amen! (three times)."

Put out the candles. Wrap the cinders in a piece of paper with a spell and bury it in the ground away from the house. Wait 13 days for results. If it does not work, repeat on the full moon.

Conspiracy for a quick divorce

Sometimes situations require decisive and quick action. And is it worth putting off something that is bound to happen anyway? This ritual is suitable when you need a husband to quickly stop loving his wife. It is quite simple, but is associated with the forces of darkness. Before carrying out it, it is necessary to clean and install good protection on yourself and on the man.

You need to buy a small red scarf without change. Tie their heads and read these lines:

“In the morning I’ll get up early and walk around the yard, not through doors and gates, but through basement logs and foggy windows. I’ll take the scarf off my head and put it in my boot under the heel. In that boot I will run like an arrow through the dark forest, to the black lake. A boat floats on that lake, and the devil and the devil are in it. I’ll throw my handkerchief at them and threaten them with a stick. Why are you, devil, next to the devil in a boat alone? And you turn your snout away from her, devil? Go where I tell you! Take your little devil to (man’s name) house. In that house, husband and wife are each other - they caress, cherish, protect each other. There, let your little devil loosen her braids and walk around the house and not let them live in peace. Let the slave (name) look at his wife (name) like the devil looks at this she-devil. Let them sit separately, like you in your boat. Now the slave (name) looks at his wife, but sees devils. There is no more of her kindness and beauty for him, only anger and disgust for the slave (name of his wife) flows in his blood and lives in his heart. She speaks tender words, but he hears abuse, wants to approach him, but he wants to run away. My word is strong, my will is law. The devil I command you, the devil I call upon you, guard my handkerchief, and kindle hatred in that house. As I command you, guard my handkerchief so that neither people nor animals take it or see it. No one can get it and no one will remove my case. Have it my way!”

Take off your scarf and take it to left hand. Spit over your left shoulder three times and trample that spit with your left foot. At the same time, imagine that this spit is what keeps the spouses together, their far-fetched feelings and obligations.

Take the scarf to a crossroads in a deserted place. It is advisable to leave it somewhere under a bush so that no one will ever find it.

Ritual for separation of husband and wife

This method is used when you need to make a reliable ritual for a falling out between husband and wife. And also, it can be used when people are not married, but live together or are simply in a relationship.

Read in open window on the full moon:

“I will walk through the wide courtyard, enter the doors of a high house, and draw a great cold on the heart of the Slave (the man’s name). Cool the heart of the husband (name) to the woman (name). So that her eyes would never see him again. She is in the house, and he is out of the house, she is in the yard, and he is out of the yard. So that (the woman’s name) becomes more terrible to him than a fierce beast, more disgusting than a swamp toad. No matter how she dressed up or tried, she was not nice to him, but hated. Whatever (the woman’s name) does for the good (the man’s name), but in everything he sees a dirty trick and evil thoughts. If he touches him with his hand, he will recoil, he will say tender words - he will not hear, if he catches his eye - he will not see. My words are strong. As I say, so be it. Key. Lock. Language".

A strong ritual for separation

This ritual is very simple to perform and does not require additional preparation. The main thing that is required is to speak the words thoughtfully and visualize what is said. Read 9 times 3 days in a row open window. It is done in response to quarrels and discord in family relationships, so that the wife will kick her husband out of her house, hating him.

“An old she-wolf runs through old swamps, black forests, and damp grass, followed by an evil dog, and after the dog a bald cat. They all stood together and curled up in a ball. Shreds of wool fly, and the devils have fun. The devils hear, and I order: for the slave (name) and the slave (name of the woman) to fight in the same way, tear out shreds of each other’s fur and curl into a ball. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Lapel magic

There are many rituals aimed at destroying relationships. Like love spells, they can have different variants execution. In each specific case, it is necessary to select a ritual depending on the goal that needs to be ultimately achieved. It is also necessary to take into account the circumstances under which they will be appropriate.

Lapel on underwear

This ritual can be performed by both women and men when they need to send their other half out of the house. You will need the underwear of a person who needs to be turned away from you. Take the item of laundry to right hand and read the spell on him:

“The stars are above and the earth is below. Bless, Universe, my speeches, my requests and my desires. Just as these stars do not fall to the ground, my husband (name) cannot live next to me, does not know my caresses, does not speak my words. We won’t be a couple anymore, we won’t celebrate happiness, we won’t live under the same roof. My words are strong and true. As I say, so be it.”

Lapel from photo

Perform a ritual to break up married couple possible with the help of photographs. You need to take 2 photos of the husband and wife separately. Place them so that they “look” at each other. Place a container (plate or bowl) between the photographs and inside it put a piece of paper on which the word “love” is written. Set it on fire, and while it burns, read these words:

“Fire burns, love burns. (man’s name)’s feelings for (woman’s name) burn out and turn to ashes. The ashes will cool and scatter in the wind. The wind will scatter the ashes, (husband’s name) will leave (wife’s name).”

You need to make sure that the leaf burns completely. The ashes must be scattered to the wind away from you. If necessary, the ritual can be performed several times on the waning moon. Its action unfolds gradually over the course of a month. Soon hostility and disgust arise between the spouses.

Spouses separate for various reasons: some meet in their own way life path another person who, as he thinks, suits him better, someone becomes a burden to the other half. In any case, it is extremely important to leave on a positive note, because for many years the person you want to leave was the one closest to you. There is no need to cause him severe suffering and pain. Today we propose to talk about it from the wife, and do it in such a way as to maintain warm human relations.

Keep it consistent

Psychologists say: the most disgusting and terrible thing that can happen in the process of separation is endless tossing and turning. The husband then leaves, then returns again, begs for forgiveness on his knees, and then again remembers what exactly pushed him to take this difficult step. These tossings slowly but surely destroy love in a woman’s heart, torment her, make her irritable, nervous and aggressive. This is why it is very important to be consistent. If you decide to leave your family, think about all the circumstances: how and where you will live, how you will arrange your life. Only then announce your resignation.

How to build a conversation

It is likely that your spouse is well aware of changes in your behavior and mood. She notices that you are moving away from her. However, suspicions are one thing, and frank conversation is quite another. Even if she suspected anything, the news of your departure will be a shock to her. By the way, it is likely that your wife has never thought about this scenario. This could be for a variety of reasons: for example, she was raised in such a way that it was impossible to destroy the family, that the marriage should be saved by all means. She's probably just focused on everyday problems, professional activities and does not notice what is happening around. In any case, she will have a number of questions, the answers to which you must find in advance. How to leave your wife painlessly?

First of all, remember: ignoring calls and messages from your significant other, taking things out while she is not at home is the lot of cowards. You should carefully prepare for the conversation, choose the right time and place, under no circumstances should you raise your voice or make claims. Calmly and gently, but firmly, you must voice your decision. Psychologists say: you can criticize your wife and tell her what she is bad at only if you hope to maintain a relationship with her. If you are determined to break up, this is completely useless.


How to leave your wife? Specialists in the field family relations They say: the very first question that your woman will have is why. That's why you need to answer it for yourself. Situations can be very different, but it often turns out that essentially nothing will change, just the person who will be next to you will change. Is it worth leaving in such a situation? Of course, it's up to you to decide. You can hope that you will be better off in another place with another woman, but this hope is illusory and weak.

Lack of strength

Very often, family psychologists are faced with the fact that the husband leaves the family due to the fact that he simply cannot cope with any difficulties. For example, divorces very often occur in families with sick children. Of course, we can talk for a long time about the moral principles of such men, but the fact remains that in most families where there is a seriously ill child, husbands decide how to leave their wife. Because it’s easier for them not to watch their loved ones suffer.

She's better than you!

Why with your wife? Perhaps he has a mistress who, as it seems to him, is in all respects better than wife. It often happens that the wife looks irritated, tired and disheveled, while the mistress is always neat, affectionate and friendly. In addition, the house may be a mess, with escape velocity induced by children, and for a mistress who has no children, the house is always clean and comfortable. It seems that she is better than her wife in everything. True, having freed himself from the bonds of marriage with a boring wife and married his mistress, a man may notice that these young ladies have a lot in common: after the birth of a child, a mess appears at home, new woman There is not always enough time to take care of yourself.

When thinking about how to leave his wife for his mistress, a man must learn to distinguish love from passion and temptation. The point is that true love is intelligent, not blind. It is born from care and does not allow selfishness. Therefore, it is necessary to turn on your head and understand: is a new relationship a temptation in the form of a beautiful and attractive woman, a play of hormones, or is it still sincere feelings? Before such an important decision, you need to assume what awaits you ahead, whether passion is worth betrayal.

A cheating wife

What if the new feelings were dizzying not for you, but for your wife? Psychologists call cheating on a spouse one of the most painful blows to self-esteem that can hit a man in his entire life. Forget that your beloved drove intimate life with another man is almost impossible. Of course, it’s worth trying to save the relationship, but what if this is impossible? How to leave a cheating wife?

Experts in the field of family relations recommend first understanding why your spouse went to the left. Offer to talk to her, create a favorable environment for this. Communicate your decision not to save the marriage after what happened as gently and correctly as possible. You should not shout at her, make claims, humiliate or insult her. It is important to understand: you are not the only person who has been betrayed, you can even learn something useful from this. If a woman cheated, most likely she did not love you, or she loved you, but her feelings passed. You have a chance to become happy again, but with a different person. Thank your fate, throw sad thoughts aside. Fate, in the form of an unfaithful wife, sends you a test that you can certainly cope with.

I'm sick of

How to decide to leave your wife if something doesn’t suit you? Try to decide what exactly you are unhappy with. Maybe you have a lot of problems at work, and your other half not only does not support you, but also constantly demands something? Maybe she is dissatisfied with everything, even with the fact that she herself is dissatisfied? Formulate everything very clearly, point by point. And tell your wife.

If you are sure that just talk and discuss these points, but nothing will change, it makes sense to leave. However, if you have never discussed with your wife what you are tired of or what does not suit you, maybe it is too early to leave? If your feelings are alive, if you value your relationship with your wife, try giving the two of you a chance. Discuss everything, appoint probation, for example, 1-2 months. If after this time nothing changes, then you should start thinking about how to leave your wife. But if you notice even a slight positive trend, just continue to work on your relationship.

"We are too different"

Often this phrase becomes the cause of a breakup. He is a night owl, she is a lark, he loves French fries, and for her this is one of the main enemies of a slim figure. He wants to drink beer with friends in the evening or spend time in the garage, she drags him to the theater. They are too different! Psychologists recommend thinking about: have you always been different or have you only become so now? It is likely that before you thought about how to leave your wife, you tried to find compromises with each other, make concessions, and then this desire disappeared. Just because people are different is not a reason to end a relationship. Rather, it can be called a consequence of deep internal contradictions or accumulated fatigue. What to do in such a situation? Try to find the true cause of the problem. Only after this will you be able to decide whether there is any point in talking to your wife or not.

“What didn’t suit you?”

Very often a woman asks her husband this question. That is why psychologists recommend preparing in advance and thinking through what you will say in response, so that the emotions that will certainly arise during the conversation do not prevent you from saying everything you want. Most often, this question is asked because of the feeling of hopelessness that appears in the heart of the woman you want to leave. This is why when it comes to him, you should stop talking and walk away. Then there will be only emotions.

“Are you really leaving?”

Of course, it’s hard for your significant other to believe that this is really happening. And it’s even harder to accept all this. That is why after this question you should not try to explain something or talk about something. Yes, you're leaving. Yes, this decision was not easy for you, but you made it. Yes, you're leaving right now. Immediately after these words, you must take everything you need (you will take the rest of the things later) and leave. Let your wife think about what she heard, draw conclusions, and comprehend what happened. Do not write or call, even if you are worried. After all, if you were sincerely worried, you would hardly leave. Don't confuse anxiety with guilt.

What to do if there are children in the family?

Often a man wonders how to leave his wife if there is a child. First of all, it is important to understand that saving a family for the sake of a child is not worth it, because the atmosphere in the house affects everyone, including the baby. If you cannot live with your spouse, you not only suffer yourself and make your chosen one suffer, but also bring a lot of stress to your child, turning his life into hell.

Of course, leaving a family with a child is very difficult, but you should understand that people part as a man and a woman, and not as a mother and father. Divorce is not a reason to abandon a child, his upbringing and care for him. You will have to worry about building a relationship with your ex-wife in such a way that you both participate in raising the children.

Safety precautions

When you start a conversation about divorce, it is difficult to predict in advance how it will go and how it will end. Only you know your wife, you can imagine what actions she is capable of. This is why it is extremely important to think about where exactly you will be talking.

Restaurants and other public places. The fewer witnesses, the easier it is. It is important to decide what words you will start with. It is the first phrase that should make it clear to the woman that a difficult, serious conversation is ahead. It is the man who must leave, because it is he who initiates the breakup. Even if later, during a divorce, you will share housing, you must give your woman time to comprehend what is happening alone. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you, be prepared for tears and hysterics, but don’t give in to a woman’s emotions and the hurtful words she says, because most likely she will try to hurt you as much as possible. In addition, a woman may begin to press for pity, so stand your ground to the end and be consistent, since you have made such a decision. Of course, the separation process cannot be called absolutely painless, but you can smooth out the rough edges.

The situation when we fall in love with unfree men is not uncommon today. We firmly believe that you just need to be patient a little and then your loved one will finally make a choice and finally leave the family. But what if this doesn’t happen? All your life, endure a supporting role, or, closing your eyes, forget about your feelings and try to build new life, but without him? Or maybe fight for your happiness to the end and take decisive measures, without fear of receiving the condemnation of others and the lifelong status of a “cunning homewrecker”? Today we will talk to you about the unenviable role of mistresses and men leading a double life.

Oh times, oh morals!

If earlier the institution of marriage was considered sacred and for leaving the family a man was stigmatized by everyone around him, including even the team at work, today the situation looks different. With the change in the world around us, the attitude towards mistresses has also changed - today it is no longer so clear-cut. And the “background” women themselves perceive their status in a completely different way and are ready to fight for personal happiness, using the entire available arsenal of available means.

Why is this happening? Firstly, nowadays people approach marriage more easily, and divorce no longer seems to many to be a global catastrophe. We got married, lived together, but, alas, it didn’t work out - so what now, should I blame myself for this for the rest of my life? Yes, and today not all wives are ready to lynch a homewrecker after discovering the fact of adultery, since many of them understand that betrayal is always the action of not one person, but two, one of whom is the ex-husband, and therefore the blame for what happened does not lie only on the opponent.

Moreover, in modern realities It often turns out that the “long-legged bitch” who took her husband away from the family turned out to be a victim herself, because for the time being she did not even suspect that her husband was married.

Divorce is not always a disaster

The destruction of a marriage in itself does not always bring pain and suffering, and sometimes even, on the contrary, becomes a real salvation for both ex-spouses. Of course, a lot depends on the family atmosphere. When a woman lives without even suspecting that there is something wrong in her relationship with her husband, his departure can be very painful for her, especially if there are children in the family. And it’s sad if, even over time, she cannot come to terms with the status of “abandoned” and throughout her life she will take out her anger and resentment on her runaway husband through her child and those around her. But no less often there are other situations when, over time, the abandoned spouse realizes that everything happened for the better, meets another person, starts a new life and perceives an unfulfilled marriage as an experience necessary for personal change.

Psychologists believe that men decide to leave the family for only two reasons. The first is when marriage as such no longer exists, it falls apart before our eyes and its fragments are simply impossible to collect. The second is if he really fell in love with another woman and is ready for global changes in his life.

If there is no longer a marriage

The third party in a love triangle most often appears when a man’s relationship with his legal wife can hardly be called happy. The paradox is that the spouse most often does not specifically look for some kind of “outlet” and can exist in this mode for a long time, until an external push accidentally occurs. A man tired of the constant nagging and attacks of his wife, who only sees him negative qualities, no longer rushes home after work and is constantly in a bad mood. And then suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, SHE appears - completely different from his wife, kind, smiling, sweet, caring, ready to listen to all his problems and non-reproachful. And, of course, in this situation, relationships on the side become for him a way out of the boring darkness.

Similar situations often occur when spouses no longer love each other, but live together solely for the sake of children or for some other reasons that make living together simply convenient for both of them. And then the role of a mistress turns out to be salutary not only for the man, but also for the woman he leaves behind, since divorce gives them both a chance to build a truly new one. happy life. It sounds surprising, but sometimes in such situations the ex-wife and mistress subsequently even communicate quite adequately with each other.

The main indicator of the seriousness of a man’s intentions to enter into a new relationship is a fairly quick separation from his past life. Usually this happens in a very short time - from several weeks to a couple of months. The most important thing for a mistress in this case is not to rush her lover to a decision. If he really loves you, he will do it himself. Therefore, if you have just started a relationship with a married person and feel that this is your person, give him a little time, and do not issue ultimatums from the “it’s either me or her” series on the second date.

If you wait 10 years

In contrast to situations when a man quickly makes a decision, says goodbye to the past and starts a new life with a new lover, sadder cases are no less common when a double life drags on not even for months, but for years. A man can fool his mistress for a very long time, constantly postponing the decision to leave his legal wife until later, finding all sorts of excuses for such behavior: “Let the child go to school first, and then I’ll tell her,” “My wife is seriously ill now, I don’t want her yet.” to upset me any more, let’s put it off until later,” “I have an important project at work, and I don’t need any extra hassle, so when I finish it, I’ll immediately tell my wife about us.” And then it turns out that your wife is not only not sick, but is also pregnant with a second or third child, although your lover said that there has been no intimacy between them since the moment you met.

At the same time, your life with a man may resemble love story: with hundreds of SMS a day, secret meetings, whispered calls from the toilet and... holidays and weekends spent alone. It turns out that the gentleman seems to exist, but at the same time, for some reason he cannot be there at the most necessary moments.

Why is this happening? In this case, the mistress is simply an outlet for the man. Yes, of course, he loves her in his own way, appreciates her and is afraid of losing her, but he has no intention of leaving his wife, with whom he has lived much longer. He is quite happy with rare meetings, violent sex and the state of euphoria that he experiences when he is with another girl, but, alas, he cannot imagine life with her. There is even such a saying among men: they say, if you first got married and then fell in love, there is no need to change it for good, because over time, the relationship with the second wife will turn into the same routine. Therefore, it is better to just carefully “hang out” and enjoy it, and when you get tired of it, return to your normal life.

If your relationship with a man develops exactly according to this scenario, the best way out would be to overcome yourself and break this union, since such cases very rarely end with a “happy ending”. If you cannot imagine life without your loved one, come to terms with the role of “second wife” destined for you and do not entertain yourself with vain illusions that someday this man will become exclusively yours. As practice shows, if he did not leave the family immediately or at least during the first year of the relationship, he will never leave.

Habit of getting married

There is another possible situation. Some men (usually creative and passionate people) simply fall in love very often and each time they think that this is finally “for life.” They easily move from one woman to another, and each of them is certainly taken to the registry office. Usually there are at least three such gentlemen in the “track record” ex-wives and one more “acting”. Such “walkers” can leave their next spouse for your sake without any mental anguish and almost the next day after the divorce offer their hand, heart and passport stamp to you. As a rule, the mistress immediately melts at the opportunity to fulfill her dream and joyfully agrees. Family happiness lasts until the next beauty in a miniskirt appears on the horizon.

If you know that your chosen one has been married more than once or twice, think carefully about whether the gamble is worth the candle. Most likely you will spend own time and nerves, and as a result you will find yourself just another name in the endless series of Mash, Yul and Katya, because it is precisely such men that the saying “the grave will straighten the hunchback” fits perfectly.

How to rush things or tricks of experienced lovers

If you have thought carefully and are sure that you want to connect your life with this particular man, but you no longer have the strength to wait until he himself makes a decision in your favor, you can try to use some proven method from the collection of experienced mistresses. True, none of them can guarantee a specific and accurate result that will completely suit you, since much depends on the nature of relationships in the family, the personality of your spouse and his own attitude towards your behavior.

The most logical thing you can do to push a man to divorce is tell his wife about your relationship. If he's in no hurry, let her do it! You can give such an impetus different ways. If you don’t want a man to understand that you are doing this on purpose, try “accidentally” leaving a lipstick mark on his shirt, “forgetting” your panties or earring in his apartment or car, sending a sweet SMS while he asked not to do this, citing the fact that it had completely slipped your mind that his wife could be nearby now.

You can also call him at his home number and, if his wife answers the phone, for a few seconds be silent and then hang up. Such periodically repeated calls will make a woman feel something is wrong and begin to take a closer look at her husband’s behavior, and sooner or later she will definitely catch him on something, especially if you have already “tried” with lipstick, panties or SMS.

You can turn on the internal detective, find out the address Email wife or her page on social network And send yours there a photo with your loved one. True, in this case it will be quite obvious to the man who did it.

Can post a photo together on your own page, especially if you and your loved one have mutual friends who also know his wife. In this case, there is a high probability that one of the “vigilant” acquaintances will forward this photo to the recipient. To the man’s question “why?” you can come up with an innocent excuse from the series “I uploaded many photos at once and our photo accidentally ended up there, and I didn’t even notice!”

If you are a supporter of radical measures and are not afraid of a man’s anger, call or text his wife directly, and honestly tell her that you are her husband’s mistress. If you are not afraid, you can show up directly to her home or make an appointment in a neutral place, for example, in a cafe, and honestly talk about what is happening behind her back. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that everything is great between you and you are just tired of this good woman(the wife) has been led by the nose for so long. We can say that your meeting should be a secret, since the man was going to tell everything anyway, and you thus decided, out of female solidarity, to mentally prepare your spouse.

You can also act through the man himself: throw him constant tantrums, saying that you are tired of waiting, demanding that he finally decide “either I or she.” At the same time, it is important to prepare yourself for the fact that he may make a decision that is not in your favor. Hysterics can be replaced with heart-to-heart conversations, complaining about uncertainty, showing that you are falling into depression and not sleeping at night because of this unresolved situation.

Another radical wayannounce your pregnancy. It’s up to you to decide who exactly to tell: either the deceived wife (so that she “gets into the situation”), or the cheater, or both of them. True, this must be done very carefully so that your deception is not revealed later. Of course, it is possible to imagine a medical error or a miscarriage later, but not every man will believe it. It would be much more honest to really do everything possible so that the pregnancy does occur, and with minor discrepancies in the period within a couple of weeks, questions will not arise later. However, do not forget that this method is a double-edged sword. If your husband and his wife do not have children, then he may sincerely rejoice at the possible pregnancy and decide that everything happened for the better, but the other gentleman in similar situation on the contrary, he will behave like bestials - he will simply cut off all ties with you or disappear, promising to “help financially.” And most importantly: if you are thinking about pregnancy, think about whether you are really ready to give birth to a child from this particular person, despite possible risk break up with him.

As you can see, not in all cases, trying to rush things will make you look decent. Forcing a situation where you force a man to leave the family, according to psychologists, can come back to haunt you in the future. If his decision turned out to be “forced” and not carefully weighed, more than once during quarrels you will hear reproaches from him that because of you he abandoned his family. That is why it is better to wait until your chosen one makes a decision on his own, taking responsibility for its consequences, and not trying to transfer it to you in case the future life together turns out to be not too rosy.

And a little about ex-wives

We are all different people. And if someone, being in the role of a mistress, does not think at all about how a man’s departure from the family will affect his abandoned wife, then someone else even sincerely worries about the ex-wife of their lover. It's not really you who needs to think about this. Marriage is a matter of only two people, which means its breakup is too. You have nothing to do with this, because if people truly love each other, no tricks from the outside will force them to separate. The family should be protected by the one who creates it.

And if you are still worried, remember the numerous situations where abandoned women, having survived a painful blow and difficult rehabilitation after it, went through a complete renewal. They began to have a new attitude towards themselves and their lives, realized their own mistakes that took place in a failed marriage, and in a new relationship they will do everything possible not to repeat them. That is why, according to statistics, the second marriage almost always turns out to be stronger than the first.

In general, to avoid such problems, it is better to simply not start a relationship with married men and you will be happy!

The site for those who are in love with themselves, Koshchka ru, is today ready to give advice to those who often become an extra corner in a love triangle - mistresses. You, of course, know that he has an angry and ugly wife, with whom he has not slept for 5 years, she will not give him a divorce, and he is with her only for the sake of the children. You know, because you - mistress.

  • Have you ever seen your rival, the ugly one?
  • Was she interested in the number of bedrooms in the house (if he doesn’t even sleep in the same room with her)?
  • Did you offer to talk to this “bitch” about the divorce?
  • Does she even know about you?

It’s not for nothing that they say that in a love triangle one corner is extra. As a rule, this is the mistress's corner. And if a man is faced with a choice - a wife or a mistress, then the betrothed more often wins. Why? Because it’s more comfortable with a wife, she is for life, it’s warm and cozy with her, and a mistress is for love and consolation. And you wonder, ?

Secret partisan intelligence

How can a mistress become a better wife? The answer is simple: you need surpass her. This will be yours the main task. Let’s talk further about how to solve it.

Firstly, you have one advantage that your lover’s wife most often does not have - you know the enemy, so to speak, by sight. That is, you know about the marital status of your chosen one, while the wife does not always know about the existence of her mistress.

Secondly, you can conduct “secret reconnaissance.” One way or another, your man will tell you something about his wife (of course, complaining more often than praising). And he will never talk to her about you. You, as a woman who is looking for all the ways to become better than his wife, will listen carefully and shake his head, remember everything that his betrothed does not satisfy him with. This will be your main weapon.

Thirdly, using your body, you will captivate his soul - lure him to your rear.

Remember, in the article “” we already talked about who a man would want to stay with. To win this fight, try to combine in yourself all those qualities that the husband considers the best in his wife (and, believe me, they exist, since he is still with her and not with you: an excellent mother, clean, an excellent cook and etc.) and not lose those he found in you. Ready to become a superwoman? Then let's begin.

Do you know how men joke among themselves about the ideal lover?

  • It is better if she is bald - so that there is no hair on her clothes after meetings;
  • I didn’t use cosmetics - the reason is the same - no traces;
  • She was mute - so that she didn’t tell anyone about your relationship;
  • She was allergic to flowers and perfumes - so that there were no costs and other people’s compromising odors;
  • She was an orphan - so that her mother wouldn’t ask about who this man was? And so on and so forth.

It is quite possible for a mistress to become better than his wife - especially if you carefully listen to a man’s stories about his wife and draw conclusions about her mistakes!

Our task, of course, is similar - to become ideal lover for your man. But the goal is not to hide from the whole world, but to become better than his wife, and in the case when a man is faced with a choice between you, not to be an extra corner of the triangle.

  • The first piece of advice on how to become a better mistress than your wife is: sex(one of the reasons why a man chose you, his mistress) should be such that he wants to return to you again and again. This is how you will keep him close to you at first, so that later you can prove that you are better than his wife. Create such an atmosphere in your home that a man will be drawn to you: listen to him carefully, praise and support him more often.
  • The second tip is to be open. don't compete with your rival wife, don't criticize her. Just ignore it. Try to stop all your sweetheart’s stories about his rightful chosen one in time. Behave in such a way that the man does not even allow the thought that you are afraid of her, that you see her as a rival. For him, you must be the best! Pretend that you ignore all his stories about her, but at the same time listen to what he doesn’t like about his wife (arranges interrogations about where he has been and with whom, throws hysterics for any reason, etc.) Fundamentally change the conversation to another topic, for example , he starts talking about what his wife did, and you ask him: “Would you rather have a sandwich with cheese or sausage?” Well, something like that. And you quietly remember to yourself what he doesn’t like about his wife because, as they say, forewarned is forearmed - you won’t make her mistakes.
  • The third tip on how to become a better wife is to in conversations, do not insist on breaking up their relationship, but behave in such a way that the man understands that he will be better off with you than with his wife. He must decide to take this step himself when he is ready for it. Not when he convinces you that there is still a little bit left, but precisely when he himself realizes this.

As you can see, you have a chance to surpass her, which means you know what war tactics to choose, and how to behave with your beloved man, how to become better than your rival wife.

But if you see that his wife is still a worthy chosen one and you, knowing your man well, understand that this is the woman with whom he feels good and comfortable, and you still turned out to be a third wheel, then find the strength in yourself go aside. Or come to terms with the role of a mistress - the one who is for love, but for life he has another. And although you think you know, , he has already made his choice - he is not going to part with her.

Yuli4ka - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for those in love... with themselves!