Kiss me erotic letters. Erotic SMS to your beloved. Your divine body is my talisman

Hi all! This post is for guys. Let's talk today about the affection of girls.

No, not intimate caresses.

Affection is something more, it is a manifestation of tenderness, love, care. And today I would like to consider this topic in more detail.
When you say the word affection, the first thing that comes to mind is to hug, stroke, touch.
Hugs are perhaps the most common form of affection. You can hug your mother, father, grandmother, friend, and girlfriend; thereby showing love, care and support. There is an opinion that a person needs at least 8 hugs a day.
Hugs are very useful for a person’s well-being: they contribute to a feeling of security and satisfy the need for touch. From a physical point of view, when tactile touches are made to a person, the following happens in his body: the activity of the central nervous system; immunity increases; the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases;
The hypothalamus of the brain releases the hormone oxytocin into the blood. This hormone is associated with a person’s psycho-emotional state. Increasing the concentration of oxytocin in the body entails the appearance of good health and a positive attitude towards others.

Therefore - hug!

Not only their girls, but also their mothers and grandmothers.

When your girlfriend is angry with you, when she is upset, and just like that - hug :)

The next type of caresses that I would like to talk about is dancing.

Yes, you may say that it sounds crazy, but I think dance is affection. Feel free to give the girl a surprise dance. You don’t have to be a virtuoso dancer or perform ballet steps to do this.

Do you sit at home and listen to music? Ask a girl to dance. Give her your hand, hug her, spin her in a slow dance.

For most girls this will only cause positive emotions.
Further. I also consider lifting a girl in my arms to be affectionate.

What girl wouldn't like being carried around? Do it spontaneously: bring it from the kitchen to the bedroom, for example. Nobody asks you to overcome marathon distances with a girl in your arms.

Even if you just sit and take a girl in your arms, it counts. This is pleasant, this is a manifestation of tenderness and affection.
Caress is stroking. They can be very different. Pat her on the head, remove a stray strand of hair behind her ear.
Stroke the cheek, nose, lips, closed eyelids, along the arches of the eyebrows. Gently, with your fingertips. Stroke your ears, you can knead them a little.

I don't know a place where you can't pet it, or it would be unpleasant.
You can give him a friendly pat on the back. Or you can do it gently, moving to the buttocks. Stroke the neck, stroke the inner thighs, flirting.

Stroke the backs of your hands, feet, and knees.

And since we're talking about stroking the body, it's worth mentioning a more intense caress: massage. Stretch a girl’s shoulders that are tired during the day; massage her feet, which had been in tight shoes all day. Massage each finger on her hand; whiskey - when she has a headache.

You don't have to be a professional to give a girl this type of affection. But I, as a massage therapist, will still warn you: you should not massage the lower leg and popliteal folds (they should not be kneaded at all).

The shins are a very special area; you need to knead them carefully. If your significant other, for example, suffers from varicose veins, then massage is generally contraindicated (of course, it is unlikely to occur among young girls, but people sit on Ezhin different ages, so I think it’s important to warn). Simple stroking is enough for the lower leg.

Buy massage oil, arrange a massage evening for each other.

This will pleasantly relax both of you.
The next type of affection, associated with touching hands, is more intimate and is suitable for couples who have been dating for a long time;

I'm talking about taking a bath together.

What could be more pleasant when someone rubs your back? It is a very unique type of pleasure to be washed by your partner.

Try it if you haven't already ;)

And of course: kisses.

A gentle kiss on the cheek, a gentle kiss on the lips.

Kiss your nose, neck, ear.

Kiss your temple.

Kiss the girl’s hands, give each finger on her hand the touch of your lips,

You can kiss her everywhere, you can kiss her all over! :)

A kiss on the back of the neck, along the spine, is very pleasant.

You can kiss the girl's entire back, going down the spine.

Kiss the lower back, buttocks.

Kiss the inner folds of your elbows and knees.

Kiss her lower belly and internal sides hips

Say nice words to her, caress her and love your girl!
In my long post, I only considered caresses that require touching. Remember that affection is a manifestation of love and care. Therefore, this is something more than a manifestation of physical affection. These are pleasant words, these are surprises, gifts, help in something. I would like to say: remember that it is not only your girls who need affection. Your loved ones also need it, give affection to your beloved mothers!

Excitement of a girl- not the easiest task for a man, but by following some rules, you can achieve your goal much easier than you think.

We collected statistics from surveys of girls and found out what excites them most when communicating with men.

You should immediately read the article on our website: “” is already half the success.

How to excite a girl - 5 basic rules

    • First of all, take care of yourself. Take a shower, shave. You should smell nice. The first goal is to please the girl in appearance. If you disgust her (for example, with the smell from your armpits), nothing will most likely work out.
    • Situation. Create a romantic atmosphere around you. This will give you an additional bonus.
    • Speak. How to excite a girl with words? As you know, girls love with their ears. Try to speak quietly and gently, whisper compliments in her ear, talk about how beautiful she is. It’s not difficult to excite a girl with words - the main thing is to be sincere and constantly say something pleasant to her.
    • Caress. Exciting a girl with caresses is also not the most difficult thing. It's important to understand what she likes and what she doesn't. It is also worth considering the actions that the girl is ready for, because for some, caresses in an intimate place are too much. Well, the most “stimulating places” on a woman’s body are the neck (when caressing with lips), stomach, and chest. And of course, every woman can have a light massage in the collar area (upper back), this will relax her. Be gentle but confident.
    • Kisses. How to excite a girl with a kiss? It’s very simple - the main thing is to be able to do it gently. Use, gently work with your tongue, move from your lips to your neck, etc.

As you can see, arousing a girl is a process that requires patience and understanding of what is happening. Feel your companion, feel if she likes what you are doing. Be gentle with her, and don’t forget that

It is not always easy for a man to arouse his beloved. Sometimes this becomes completely impossible. Many men dream of giving great pleasure to their beloved. Therefore, we will tell you how to excite a girl.

Pay attention to yourself first. If you want to excite your girlfriend, you need to look beautiful yourself. Wash thoroughly and shave. Use deodorant and eau de toilette.

Girls always smell and look at how you look, so your first task is to please her in appearance. If you smell unpleasant smell, there is unlikely to be any continuation of the relationship.

Romantic setting

For greater success, create a romantic atmosphere. You can turn on soothing music, decorate the table beautifully, light candles. The situation has big influence to the girl's excitement. She should relax, feel safe and comfortable.

Tender words

Everyone knows that women love with their ears. So play along with them. You can excite a girl with words; the timbre of your voice should be soft. You can speak in a whisper, remind her how beautiful and sexy she is. Never flatter, tell the truth, because the main factor here is sincerity.


Gentle touches can excite even faster than men think about it. Parts of the body such as the neck, fingertips, chest, and stomach are the most excitable places. At the same time, you can do a massage. Any girl quickly gets excited from affection and touching. Do everything not quickly, not sharply, but slowly and gently.


Kisses also have a magical effect. The main thing is to be able to kiss correctly. When kissing, gently move your tongue, smoothly move from your lips to your fingertips, neck, etc.

How to quickly excite a girl with words

Sexual life plays a huge role in the relationship between a man and a woman. But many girls remain dissatisfied, and all because everything happens somehow quickly and is just as quickly forgotten.

Many men forget that before sex it is necessary to better excite the girl, this will give your intimate relationship intimacy and tenderness, and you need to start with words.

Any woman enjoys listening, because they love with their ears. Take advantage of this. Sit down next to her and start talking to her. Don't speak loudly, harshly, don't joke. Just talk about how much you love her, all kinds of compliments, say warm and tender words. Believe me, this will affect her in the most incredible way. Know that you have laid the foundation and are now moving towards in the right direction.

You can talk about your day. Just remember - don’t talk too much about yourself, how hard it was at work, what you had for breakfast, etc. Talk to the girl about herself, about what interests her. Be not indifferent to her interests, work, and other matters.

You can't lie or flatter. Any woman will immediately see if you are telling a lie. Flattery will also be inappropriate. A man must speak sincerely; what is in his soul comes from his heart.

To excite a girl, you can talk about intimate topics. This will liberate both of you and create a romantic atmosphere. Known fact that women get more satisfaction when they have previously discussed any intimate topics.

It is worth recognizing that today many men do not know and do not know how to excite girls with words. And this is a huge minus for them. This kind of sex talk needs to be learned, and it takes some effort. Not everything will always work out from the very beginning.

The main thing is not to get upset or despair. If you follow all the rules, over time you will become experts in this matter. And then you will have a great sex life that everyone will envy. Have courage, perseverance and get down to business.

How to get intense arousal

It seems that nothing is simpler, but this is not entirely true. There is also a lot in this issue various nuances, which we will consider today.

To excite a girl during a kiss and give her minutes of complete bliss, you just need to touch her neck or ear with your lips. It’s no secret that it is on these parts of the body that nerve endings are located.

Believe me, such a kiss will not leave any girl indifferent. It has long been proven that it is precisely such kisses that can quickly lead to excitement. Many women admit that kissing the neck or behind the ear gives them inexplicable moments of complete bliss.

We all know that one of the most erogenous zones The neck is the seductive part of the female body. In second place are the ears, try kissing her earlobes, touching the skin behind the ear, and don’t forget to whisper something tender to your beloved. The girl will definitely appreciate all your efforts, because women melt not only from physical tenderness, but also from verbal tenderness and affection.

When you kiss your beloved, you don’t need to do it with too much enthusiasm and pressure. To excite a girl with a kiss on the neck, try to sometimes take short pauses, alternate passionate kisses with gentle, light touches, do not forget that nothing excites a girl more than a long and tasty kiss.

This is what can give you an undeniable advantage, since many girls complain about their ex-boyfriends that their kisses were too intrusive and pushy. Kiss the girl, don't lick her from head to toe.

Remember that for any woman it is important that the kiss burns with passion, flows, the kiss should be rolling, replaced by long and short notes.

The main thing that the girl should understand from your kiss is that she is the most desirable, the most beloved for you, that she is incredibly dear to you, and also that for you she is unique and the only woman in your life.

When kissing, do not show aggression, do not bite the girl (at least very hard), be loving, gentle, women love and appreciate this very much. All women want to feel important in your life, so prove it to her through a kiss.

Don't forget that a kiss is one of the most effective ways excite a girl.

It should be remembered that the process of arousal is a crucial moment for every man. To do this you need patience and attentiveness.

You must feel your partner, understand what she wants in this moment whether she likes the relationship or not. Never put pressure on a girl that she can’t do something.

Praise her, tell her that she is the best and your intimate relationships- the most ideal. And then your sex life will bring pleasure to you and your beloved.