Amulets. Path of Exile - Introducing the unique items of the Guardians of the Void. Initial zone of influence of the Ancient One

As you progress through story quests, cards begin to fall to you. These are Tier 1 cards. However, the atlas itself will become available for passage after killing Kitava in Act 10, and completing Zana’s task to complete the first map. Until this moment you will not be able to get onto the maps.

A couple of important points:

  1. The map is considered closed if you were not there, or you were there but the boss was not killed
  2. The card is considered open if the boss of the card is defeated
  3. The map is considered completed if the boss of the map is defeated and the conditions for completing the map are met (for example, kill the boss on the magic map).

These definitions will appear throughout the article; they must be kept in mind.

What is a shooting gallery:

The shooting range is a kind of difficulty indicator. The higher the tier, the higher the level of monsters and the more complex the mods can be on the map.

On the maps of the first tier, monsters are level 68, and then it goes up.

If you pass a map, you can knock out new cards on it. You can knock out:

Unpassed cards connected to it, and all passed cards of the same tier and below.

Maps are considered connected if they are visually connected by a line on the atlas. They are clearly visible, they go from map to map, peculiar paths between worlds.

If you are missing some card (for example, the required T1 did not fall, but you really want to start the passage from it), then there are 3 options.

  1. Buy from Zana (although the required card may not be there)
  2. Buy from other players
  3. If this is NOT a first tier card, then you can exchange 3 lower tier cards (a lower tier for 1 card you need) that are directly connected by a line on the atlas with the card you need, and thus get the card you need. This is useful when you have a lot of small cards that you have “outgrown” and have long passed.

A few words about the atlas bonus.

The Atlas bonus gives a % chance of increasing the level of the dropped card for each bonus unit. To increase the bonus, you need to complete tasks on the cards (these are the tasks where it is written that you need to complete the magic/magical version of the card. Sometimes something else may be written)

If the bonus exceeds 100%, this means that you will always receive a card one level higher than it should, and there is a chance to get a card 2 levels higher.

It is best to complete maps not just like that, but by completing additional tasks. As a rule, there you need to go through a card of a certain rarity. You can find out the required rarity by pointing your mouse at the map in the atlas.

Cards, like objects, can be magical, rare and unique, and they can also be desecrated.
What can happen to the card if it is desecrated:

  • Nothing except the appearance of the “corrupted” status.
  • Adds or subtracts one level from the map, changing basic type in accordance with new level, and endows with new properties. This is the only way to get a level 81 Vaal Temple Map.
  • Reforges a card into a new one, and the card can gain up to 8 properties.
  • Makes the card unidentified, hiding (but not changing) its properties and item counts. Unidentified cards have a 30% bonus to the number of items.

Additionally, all bosses on corrupted maps have a chance to leave behind Sacrificial Vaal fragments or Vaal Stones.

Map modifications increase the number and rarity of items on it.

It follows from this that there is no point in running around with white cards; if everything is very bad with the currency, then at least don’t spare the sphere of transformation.

In addition, maps can (and even need to) be sharpened with cartographer's cutters, increasing their quality, which in turn also affects the quantity and rarity of items.

It is better to sharpen the map first and then throw spheres there, and not vice versa. Save currencies.

The drop of the atlas cards themselves is affected ONLY by the number of items, but not by rarity!

On the atlas itself, there are also white, yellow and red cards, but these are not the same as magic/magical/corrupted/cards. This division will become clear when we get to the sextants.

If you are going through the Atlas of Worlds for the first time, the most The best decision will open the entire atlas to understand where the bosses are, where it is difficult and where it is easy, and where it is more comfortable and interesting for you to play personally.

Zones of influence

Sometimes strange areas appear on the atlas. These are the zones of influence of Shaper and Elder (ancient). The shaper's zone of influence looks like starry sky, she appears on the atlas first after completing the first maps. The ancient's zone of influence just looks like a boring gray area.

What is the difference between passing a map in the zone of influence of the shaper (creator):

  1. The boss itself, or the map itself, is enhanced by a shaper. for example, he can inhabit the boss in the middle of a battle, or water balls will fly on the map and crash into you and create an area with gradual damage
  2. On the map you can find rare items with special shaper properties. These properties cannot be crafted on ordinary things, and they can be quite powerful. They do not overlap with the fashions of ancient things.

What is different about passing a map in the area of ​​influence of an Elder (ancient):

  1. There may be portals on the map from which ancient monsters appear
  2. On the map you can find rare items with special Elder properties. These properties cannot be crafted on ordinary items, and they can be quite powerful. They do not interfere with the shaper's item mods.

If you expand the Elder's area of ​​influence to 15 or more cards, you will have his guards and the Elder himself appear on the cards.

How to expand the Elder's zone of influence:

It is necessary to run maps near this area, preferably a map shaper.

There is no 100% way to make them appear on the right maps

After killing an Elder, his zone of influence completely disappears. But if you run the cards again, it will appear again. This way you can kill him many times.

There is a way to force the Ancient One's zone of influence to appear on the desired map tier. Not on specific maps, but specifically about the shooting range. It's simple:

You run a specific shooting range, for example the same map. For example T6 Academy. You run until you are blue in the face, or until the ancient one appears on some T6 map.

It is not known exactly whether it always appears on T6 or whether there is an error of one tier (some say that it does not appear specifically on the desired tier, but in its area, and such words do not make it possible to say exactly about the appearance on the desired tier).

All about shaping

When you run Elder cards, a mark with a piece of the Creator's Orb (orb shaper) will appear. This will be Zana's quest and the map will be marked with a blue circle. After completing this map and killing a boss with the necessary requirements (for example, on a magic map for white cards), you will receive a memory fragment. You give it to Zana and receive a whole orb shaper. Read more about these fragments and how to get them in the section about Zana. This section is only about the spheres themselves.

Using shaper orbs you can raise the map level by 5.

Why is this needed:

For example, there are small cards that are convenient, good, and you just like them. And I would like to continue farming them as my character grows. You throw a shaper orb on such a card, and it ceases to be too “small” for you and the drop becomes a little richer.

Which cards are best upgraded with the Creator's Orb?

  • Tier 1 is the most perfect option This is a map of Beach. The map is straightforward and very convenient, simple monsters and an easy boss.
  • Tier 2 - the Arid Lake map is good. It is round, without obstacles, and the boss is also not very strong.
  • Tier3 - Map of the Burial Chambers ( Burial Chambers). It is good because there is a chance to get fortune telling card on the belt Hunter for voices (HeadHunter)
  • Tier 4 - Strand Map. She is straightforward, the boss there is also very simple. This is the most straightforward map in the game.
  • Tier5 - Channel Map ( Channel) (straight-up card) or Haunted Mansion card. Here it's to your taste.
  • Tier 6 - Atoll Map - a straight card in the form of a figure eight or a Jungle Valley map.
  • Tier 7 - Dune Map - an open map without obstacles.
  • Tier 8 - Tropical Island map or Shore map. There is also an option with the Mud Geyser Map - a good round map, but the boss can be dangerous.
  • Tier 9 - Map of the Vault. Cards for exalts drop there, so many people farm it. Alternative option— plateau map (Plateau) — a straightforward good map.
  • Tier 10 - Belfry card, but only if you are strong enough to kill Kitava at tier 15. An alternative option is the Mire Map ( God). The map is round and nice. In the swamp is the boss Roa, who goes into a rage if his nests are disturbed, and it is recommended to only do this if you are strong enough.

How to remove an applied Creator's Sphere? What is a Sphere of Destruction?

In case you decide to improve another card with the Creator's Sphere or you simply want the improved card to become low level, you can cast Orb of Destruction on it. To get it you need to hand over 20 Cartographer's Cutters and 5 Orbs of Repentance to the merchant.

And don’t forget to take the creator’s sphere from Zana.

Sextants and setting up the atlas - how to use it using the example of the Vault map

Starting from 3.2 there is a limit on maximum amount sextants

Sextants are the currency that is thrown onto cards. When you throw it on a card, a circle appears, and all cards that fall into this circle (including the one on which you threw the sextant) receive additional modifications for the next three visits.

Initially, we can only have one active sextant on the atlas.

You can increase this limit in this way:

  1. We go through all the white cards and get one additional sextant.
  2. We go through all the yellow cards and get one additional sextant.
  3. We go through all the red cards and get one additional sextant.
  4. We complete Zana's quest line and get one additional sextant.

Here is a list of properties (modifications) of sextants (taken from

  1. Unique boss drops 1 additional unique item
  2. 30% increased number of items found on Unidentified Maps
    On identified cards, items appear identified
    15% increase in group sizes in unidentified maps
  3. Monsters with the Nemesis trait drop 3 additional currency
  4. The area contains 1 additional Invasion Boss
  5. 20% increased Player and Monster Movement Speed
    20% increased Monster Attack Speed
    20% increased Monster Cast Speed
  6. Area contains additional monsters that deal fire damage
    Players and monsters take 10% increased Fire Damage
  7. Area contains additional monsters that deal cold damage
    Players and monsters take 10% increased Cold Damage
  8. Area contains additional monsters that deal lightning damage
    Players and monsters take 10% increased Lightning Damage
  9. The area contains additional monsters that deal physical damage.
    Players and monsters take 10% increased physical damage
  10. The area contains additional monsters that deal chaos damage
    Players and monsters take 10% increased Chaos Damage
  11. Area contains air currents
  12. Unique monsters drop corrupted items
  13. The card has 20% quality
    Unique boss damage increased by 20%
  14. The quality of this map also extends to the rarity of the items found
    Unique boss has 20% increased health
  15. Players deal 100% increased damage while stationary
    Players take 10% increased damage while stationary
  16. Monsters and players gain Onslaught if they've been hit recently
    100% increased effect of Onslaught on players and monsters
  17. It's biting in the area
  18. You can meet Zana in the area
  19. Chests in the area have been desecrated

    The caskets in the area are at least rare
  20. Unique Corrupted Map Bosses drop an additional Vaal item
    Items found in the area have a 5% chance to drop corrupted.
  21. 30% increased magic party size
  22. Roaming Exiles deal 20% increased Damage
    Roaming Exiles' maximum health increased by 20%
    Roaming Exiles will drop 2 additional gems
    1 additional Roaming Exile in the area
  23. Magic cards contain additional magic monsters
    Rare cards contain additional rare monsters
    Common cards contain additional common monsters
  24. Players cannot take reflected damage
    Additional groups of rare reflected monsters can be found in the area.
  25. Additional clusters of Mystery Barrels can be found in the area: 30
  26. Chest Monsters have 500% increased Item Quantity
    Box monsters are in a state of rage
    An additional chest can be found in the area
  27. Players deal 10% increased Damage for each Poison effect on them
    Players' speed is increased by 5% for each Poison effect on them
    Additional poisonous monsters may be encountered in the area.
  28. In the area you can meet persecuted traitors
  29. The area contains additional monsters that turn when killed
  30. Players instantly restore health and mana from flasks
    The area may encounter additional monsters that are healed
  31. The unique boss is accompanied by bodyguards
    Completing an area drops an additional card
  32. 20% reduced effect of curses on monsters
    60% reduced effect of curses on players
  33. There is an additional Rift in the area.
    Rifts may occur in the area
  34. Abysses can be found in the area.
    Additional Abyss can be found in the area
  35. Unique boss drops a corrupted item
  36. 20% increased Quantity of Items dropped by Unique Boss
  37. There is a master in the area

The atlas shows white, yellow and red maps. Sextants, like cards, are divided into three types: white, yellow and red. They are called Apprentice Sextants, Apprentice Sextants and Master Sextants, respectively. Apprentice Sextants are used on white cards, Apprentice Sextants - on white and yellow cards, Master Sextants - on any cards. At the same time, the mods obtained on maps depend on their tiers; there are mods that can only be obtained on red maps with the help of Master Sextants.

Using sextants you can significantly increase the amount of drops on maps. For example, we farm burials, and periodically throw sextants on it (and on the cards next to it). Due to the limit on sextants, we won’t be able to do the trick of blocking unnecessary properties and frequently proc necessary ones (we simply don’t have enough sextants), but they are suitable for one-time bonuses.

How to set up an atlas using the Vault map as an example

First, we need to understand that if we run the Vault with the atlas fully open, the following will happen:

  1. We will constantly receive other open T9 cards
  2. We will fall open cards lower dash
  3. We will receive a card with a higher tier (the one that is connected to the storage, namely the card Orchard(Orchard)).

All this follows from the basic mechanics of the atlas which we described in paragraph 1.

The first thing we should do is reduce the drop of cards we don’t need.

Unfortunately, we can’t get rid of the cards below.

But with the remaining points we can solve the issue

The first thing you need to do is erase all other T9 cards from the atlas. To do this, you need map reader's seals.

How to get a map reader's seal:

  1. If we hide white card, then you need to give the merchant three white sextants and one sphere of purification
  2. If we hide the yellow card, then we need to hand over three yellow sextants and one sphere of purification to the merchant
  3. If we hide the red card, then we need to hand over three red sextants and one purification sphere to the merchant

Accordingly, in our case we hide the yellow cards. We receive stamps and throw them on the cards.

Next we need to get rid of T10 Orchard. This issue is resolved by using the creator’s sphere (shaper orb) on it. It becomes t15 and no longer bothers us. But when the T10 card should fall, the system will see that suitable option no and will give us t9. And T9, after canceling all other T9 cards, we only have one left - this is the Storage we need.

Thus, we have completed the necessary adjustment of the atlas to minimize the drop of unnecessary cards.

Mechanics of blocking modifications with sextants.

This is a theory that is now poorly applicable in practice due to the limit of sextants. But it can be useful to know.

Let's take the storage again. In our case, if we throw a sextant on a storage card, it will affect another 6 cards around. It follows from this that the sextants that we throw on these 6 cards will also act on the storage. So we can have a maximum of 7 modifications from sextants on this map.

Now let's move on to the important point

We can control mods on the map we need using sextants. This is possible because the following rule works in the atlas:

One card cannot be affected by two identical modifiers at the same time

What does this mean in practice?

In the screenshot below, I noted two cards next to the Vault, which add modifications to it with their sextants:

If in in this example on the Geode map there will be a “Modifier 1” mod, then on the Overgrown Ruin map it cannot appear as a sextant, since this would mean that the Vault would have to have two identical modifiers at the same time, since both of these cards affect the Vault with their sextants.

This example shows that you can influence a card through one card.

For more better understanding Let's introduce definitions.

Let the card we need be the Vault card.

Then those cards that reach the Vault card with their sextant are the inner circle.

And those cards that with their sextants reach at least 1 card of the inner circle, but do not reach the Vault card - the outer circle.

We cut off unnecessary modifications using the outer circle. The principle is this. On the maps of the outer circle we try to add those modifications that are not interesting to us. That is, which do not give us additional monsters, and therefore do not give us more drops on the map.

Thus, these modifications will no longer be present on the inner circle maps and on the Vault map itself. And our chances of creating useful and good modifications (from a farming point of view) are significantly increased.

Why is this useful:

  1. In fact, we save the number of sextants. Fewer sextants are drained due to bad mods. There is a big difference between spending a sextant on a useful mod or on crap
  2. There are many modifiers in effect on the Warehouse, and if all of them (or most) are useful, the amount of drops on the map increases colossally.

It is important to understand that after running through the vault three times, the sextants of the inner circle will disappear. But the sextants of the outer circle will remain and will continue to block bad modifications.

In the realities of 3.4, in theory, you can throw 2-3 sextants on the outer circle, and leave a couple on the inner circle - it looks doubtful, but if you are running the same map, then why not.

Ring of the Ancient

Not relevant in 3.4

The Ring of the Ancient is a chain of cards influenced by the Ancient. This is what the ring looks like:

Starting from 3.3, the ring is no longer relevant. Next we will write why. Below there will be text about the ring itself, in case it becomes relevant again. If you don't fumble at all, read about the ring because there are principles there that still work. If you are searching, you can skip this wall of text by clicking and immediately going to the material that is relevant in 3.3.

It is created in such a way that almost all of these cards can be run endlessly, constantly maintaining the influence of the Ancient One on them. It is needed so that you can constantly run your favorite maps with an increased size of groups of monsters, get more drops (including cards), and also farm rare Ancient items to find something interesting, or simply collect new sets for exalt fragments.

It is worth understanding that if you are farming a ring, this means that you are not farming the most ancient one. Since after killing the ancient one, his zone will disappear.

Basic laws of the Ancient (Elder) zone:

  • The Ancient One must always be connected to his guardians
  • The maximum number of cards in the ancient zone is 30
  • Once your Elder zone has reached 20 cards, Elder and his guardians will appear there and remain in their places until you kill them.

It is worth understanding that the ancient and his guardians settle as closely as possible, and strive to appear as close as possible to high-level cards. How they appear on the atlas determines whether we will be able to create a ring or not.

In order not to screw up at this point, you need to do the following:

Do not include cards with 4 or more connections in the ancient zone of influence (like everyone’s favorite repository). The fact is that in the process of creating the ring we will need to create a gap.

If you capture a card with 4 links, then an Elder can sit on it, and on each linked card there is a guardian. We will not be able to tear the guardian away from the ancient one (break a short connection one card long)

But if you capture a card with 3 links, then an Elder will sit on it, 3 guardians on adjacent cards, and another guardian one card from the ancient one (that is, he will be linked to one of the guardians). And if we kill the guardian with whom he is connected, and this card comes under the influence of the shaper, there will be a gap. And the guardian who was through the card will be connected with the ancient one through the entire ring (it’s like breaking links in a chain - after the break, there is only one way left from point A to point B)

There was a guardian at the place marked by the cursor. He was killed, the map came under the influence of the shaper. You can see that between the blue circle (where the ancient one is) and the guard to the right below there are no connection paths - since the connection ran through the killed guardian. Thus, the connection between the ancient one and that guardian from below goes through the entire ring, and according to the laws of the ancient one’s zone, it cannot be broken.

That is why we will be able to run maps in the ancient zone without fear that everything will fall apart.

Then there will be a very high probability that the ancient one will appear on the island.

When you pull the ancient zone, do it in parallel in different directions, not just one. People say this way there is less chance that the desired piece of the zone will fall off during the process.

The end result should be a snake 8-29 cards long with the ancient one at the beginning and the guardian at the end.

If you move on to practice, then you will have the following steps.

  1. Plan your ring. Do not neglect this stage under any circumstances, otherwise you will waste a lot of time.
  2. Obtain the Ancient One's starting zone of influence.
  3. Spam the Ancient One and his guards in the desired location.
  4. Create your first ring and open it.
  5. Expand the ring.
  6. Complete the ring.


You need to decide in advance which cards will be in your ring. Remember that the ring will be 30 cards long, and a maximum of 29 will be connected by continuous paths (links). And remember about the snake - each card holds the other two, and nothing else.

Typical mistakes at this stage:

  1. Capture a card with 4 links - reasons described above
  2. Don't take the shortest route. This is when you decide to take a turn along the way to pick up a couple of tasty cards, and in reality it turns out that you are not going in a straight line, but making an incomprehensible detour.

Galya says that she neglected planning and is dissatisfied with her ring) Nevertheless, this will not prevent us from understanding the principles of its formation.

Initial zone of influence of the Ancient One

You can try to indirectly influence its primary spawn. Namely, to get the initial zone of influence of the Ancient One, for example, on the eighth cards, run the eighth cards. It will tend to be born on the card tiers that you are currently running.

The Ancient One and his guards

Pull the starting zone in different directions until it reaches 20 cards. And by this moment it is advisable to prepare the island for settlement.

Remember one thing, despite all Eledr's preferences, he can still appear randomly. There is still a lot of randomness in food.

And yet, there may be times when not a single Shaper map is adjacent to the Ancient Zone in the right direction - no problem, just run through any Shaper map, then the picture on the Atlas will change and, most likely, some card will be added to the Ancient Zone.

Creating a small ring

Initially, we make a small ring, because as the cards go through, a lot of extra cards fall into the Elder zone, which will have to be cut off, but, again, not all in a row.

It is better to add one card in the desired direction, then cut off one unnecessary one, and so on.

Also, along the way, the Shaper selects many cards, cutting off several cards at once. So it's better to start with a small ring. After the small ring is completed, you must open it so that the shortest path between Elder and the guard is along the ring.

This is the same gap that we talked about at the very beginning.

Ring expansion

The point is to adapt small areas, cut off the excess.

Be careful that Elder does not occupy the gap map (this is the map through which we made the gap).

For Galya it was a map of the thicket. She ran her several times as she fell under his influence as she expanded the ring. So it’s okay if she suddenly falls back under the influence of the Ancient One.

Also, constantly cut off side maps that lead the route in an undesirable direction. It is very important.

Completing the ring

When your main route is laid out, it will take approximately 27-29 cards, you should cut off those cards that were previously not important to us - for example, there was some kind of branch that did not interfere in any way.

Remember not to run cards with keepers. Ring farming and ancient farming are mutually exclusive.

Original guide to the gali ring:

What's new after 3.3

The following unpleasant surprises await us:

  1. The Shaper became more aggressive. That is, he more often squeezes out the ancient card.
  2. The Ancient One and his guards are no longer anchored as before. If we build a ring and don’t touch them, they’ll just take it and leave. Together with the entire zone of influence. Clearly.

Therefore, if earlier there was an ancient ring, now it is better to make either a square or a rectangle. That is, we need a fatty area so that the shaper does not chop it.

There are no Elders or Guards in the square. But there is a stable zone.

On average, such a square contains ten cards. There's no way the Shaper can ruin everything for us in one move, because the square is thick. Due to this, zone stability is achieved.


Zana's quest line

It is necessary to complete the quest line. Without it, all the conditions for the appearance of the uber ancient will not be met, you will not gather all the spheres of the creator.

It starts from the end of the story. You talk to Zana in the epilogue, go down to the priests' laboratories, take the map from Zana, go through it, talk to her again - and the first quest is ready.

The first memory can only be obtained from cards from tier 6 under the influence of a shaper.

Cards on which memories can be obtained are outlined in a blue circle on the atlas.

All memories are obtained in chronological order. Since each memory increases the requirement for a card’s tier, it’s worth first getting them “lower in tier” and then higher.

Important - all other memories (meaning except the first) are obtained from cards under the influence of the ancient one.

After we have received the first 10 memories, we need the ancient and his guards to appear on the map. The remaining memories need to be obtained from them - first we kill the guards, and then the ancient one. Moreover, they should be on red cards. Some say that this is inaccurate, and if some guard settled on the yellow map, it’s okay - but it’s better to make their appearance on the red ones as much as possible.

It is important that when killing an ancient one, the creator must not die. If he plays in the box, they won’t give him the memory fragment!

After defeating the shaper for the first time, a key will drop from him. The key opens a secret room in the priests' laboratory. It contains an Ancient Orb, which will allow you to upgrade any card up to T16.

Well, then the final task with the uber-ancient. We must kill him. After this, Zana's quest line will end.

Zana's mods

MF is cut, so farming with faults is no longer the same. But it’s still worth upgrading Zana to level 8.

Zana's list of mods in 3.4.0 is like this:

  • Level 2: Onslaught (costs 2 Chaos Orbs): 20% increased attack speed, cast speed, and monster movement speed. 20% increased number of items found in this area.
  • Level 3: Bloodlines (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): All groups of magical monsters have the Bloodlines trait, more magical monsters in the area.
  • Level 4: Ambush (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): There are 3 additional caskets found in the area.
  • Level 4: Fortune Favors the Brave (costs 3 Chaos Orbs): Selects a random Zana mod from the current list, including mods not yet unlocked.
  • Level 4: Another card of the same level (costs 1 Chaos Orb): Requires a rare card. Reveals a random rare card of the same level, excluding the card you placed in the Map Device.
  • Level 5: Otherworld (costs 4 Chaos Orbs): Enemies killed close together have a chance to attract monsters from another world, 20% increased number of items found in area.
  • Level 6: Essence (costs 4 Chaos Orbs): There are 2 additional Essences found in the area.
  • Level 6, available after finding 5 memory fragments: Altered map of levels 1-5 (costs 2 chaos spheres): Requires a rare card. Unlocks a rare version of your card 5 levels higher, with random properties.
  • Level 7: Nemesis (costs 5 Chaos Orbs): Each rare monster has the Nemesis attribute, more rare monsters in the area.
  • Level 7, available after finding 10 memory fragments: Altered level 1-10 card (costs 6 chaos orbs): Requires a rare card. Unlocks a rare version of your card 5 levels higher, with random properties and a chance to be corrupted.
  • Level 8: Harbinger (costs 6 Chaos Orbs): There are 3 additional Harbingers found in the area.
  • Level 8, available after obtaining the Ancient Orb: Ancient card level 1-15 (costs 15 chaos orbs): Requires a rare card. Unlocks a rare version of your level 16 card, with random properties and a chance to be corrupted.

We are most interested in the rift mod, since there are a lot of monsters and a lot of drops. This is the most useful mod. Even though the number of items has been cut, the mf has been cut, there are still a lot of them there. And you also need to collect the fragments.

The rest of the mods are useful either for fun, or if you want to get a unique item from past leagues that cannot be obtained otherwise (except by buying from other players).

How to quickly pump your zana up to level 8. This can be done quickly using chat 820 (to go there, use the /global 820 command if you play in English, /global 820 en if you play in Russian). There, people share daily tasks of masters, and tasks of masters on maps with each other to quickly level up masters. There are two options, either people write that they will open masters for you for free (free) or people are looking for rotation (lf rota elreon/zana/haku).

Rotation is The best way upgrade your masters. Before joining the group, check if you meet the requirements (your master level) and if you have not yet completed the daily task today. After a complete group has been assembled, the leader writes in the group header in what order you will open the daily tasks (order). Separately, it is worth noting that the point of rotation is to level up the masters, therefore, having completed the master’s task, players move on to the next one without finishing off the boss, without passing uber lab tests, etc.

Uber Ancient (uber Elder)

For it to appear, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Collect all the creator's memories as part of Zana's quest line
  2. Kill the shaper as part of Zana's quest line

You will need to go through cards under the influence of the ancient (t15) that are adjacent to the keeper. As soon as you do this, all guardians will be under the influence of the shaper.

After that, we pass the nearest guardian (the one closer to which we passed t15), and then any adjacent one. Then go through the remaining ones in any order.

As soon as you do this, all the guardians will change to the guardians of the ancient one. And in the domain of the creator there will be an uber-elder.

A physical guard appears on the Chimera card, a poisonous one on the Hydra, a fiery one on the Phoenix, and an electric one on the Minotaur.

Kill the guards, and then go ahead to the uber-ancient.

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We kindly ask you to send any inaccuracies either to me in a personal message or in the comments, proofs are required. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I’m not a nerd and haven’t seen all the content myself.

You can follow the release of new material in this group

In the center of the Atlas of Worlds are cards with 4 Guardians of the Void, which have a fairly high chance of giving players one of their two unique items. And today the developers of the action RPG Path of Exile decided to consider unique items Hydra, Phoenix and Minotaur:

- Eye of Innocence. If you are lucky, you will be able to receive this amulet from Phoenix. The amulet's power is revealed only if its owner is on fire, but in this state, fire attacks become a serious source of health loss. Characteristics:

  • Requires level 68.
  • +22 agility power, 10% chance to ignite, 53% increased damage if ignited.
  • Takes 100 fire damage when you set an enemy on fire.
  • 2% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life (if Ignited).
- snake pit. Need an extra enchantment projectile? Take the “Snake Pit”. Need 2 shells? Take two “Snake Pits”! All spells will receive an additional projectile from the Hydra ring, but ice spells will also receive an increase in cold damage. Characteristics:
  • Requires level 68.
  • +22% Cold Resistance, 33% increased Cold Damage.
  • 7% increased cast speed.
  • The spell has an additional projectile.
Read more
- Brain shaker. The shock inflicted by this club slows down the speed of casting spells and the movement of enemies, because they now have a concussion. Characteristics:
  • Requires level 63, 212 Strength.
  • Physical damage - 162-444, critical hit chance - 5%, attacks per second - 1.25.
  • 20% increased stun duration on enemies.
  • Adds from 99 to 327 physical damage.
  • 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage.
  • 15% chance to Shock, 10% chance to Frighten enemies.
  • Shocked enemies have 30% reduced cast speed.
  • Shocked enemies have 20% reduced movement speed.
The release of the Atlas of Worlds add-on for Path of Exile is expected on September 2.

From this article you will learn:

    How long can you wear magic amulets, talismans and amulets?

    What magical amulets and talismans are suitable different signs Zodiac

    How to make a magic amulet with your own hands

    Is it permissible to wear different magical amulets and talismans?

Since ancient times, people have been interested in objects that have the ability to prevent unpleasant events and attract fortunate circumstances. Today such things are called amulets or talismans. Is there a difference between the first and second? You will find out the answers to this and other questions in this article.

What is the difference between magical amulets, talismans and amulets?

Let's start by defining the concepts. Many people consider the words “amulet”, “talisman” and “amulet” to be equivalent, but this is not entirely true. At their core, these concepts are different.

Mascot(from the ancient Greek τέλεσμα "initiation, enchantment") is magic item, which attracts desired powers and situations to the one who wears it. The talisman allows you to find luck, love, financial well-being, and become more attractive. In the language every amateur uses computer games, then we can say this: “plus one hundred to health”, “plus ten to beauty”, etc.

How to wear magic amulets correctly? As we said, the talisman does not have a protective function. Therefore, it makes sense to hide it from prying eyes and wear it closer to the body. You can also simply have it with you, wrapped in a piece of cloth. But each talisman has its own characteristics. Some, indeed, as an exception, have the properties of an amulet, that is, a protective function, which we will talk about later. For example, a solar symbol or pentagram can protect the talisman from the attention of others, which has negative character. If we're talking about about a talisman stone, then it can be worn in plain sight, since natural stone by itself has protective properties. If we are talking about a talisman ring, then it should not be hidden from others either. The fact is that the ring is based on a circle, which is a symbol of the wheel of life.

Amulet(from the Latin amulētum) is a magical object that has the ability to reduce or divert various unwanted situations, forces, and problems from its owner. It is believed that the amulet can prevent the evil eye. In addition, magical amulets can bring good luck. The fundamental difference is that talismans are kind of magnets for good luck that attract it. And magical amulets are needed in order to prevent some events or situations that could disrupt your plans. Outwardly, the result of their influence is the same, but if we saw the subtle plan, we would notice that the process proceeds differently.

How should you wear magical amulets? They have a protective function, but it doesn’t matter whether others see them or not. They can be worn so that they are not noticeable, or over clothing. We are talking about pendants, earrings, rings, threads. By the way, the red thread is also an amulet.

Magic amulets can be runic, Celtic, according to the signs of the Zodiac, pagan, gypsy, etc. They all have the same task - to protect the owner, but there are also differences, namely:

    coding information;


Of course, magical amulets have certain properties and power. And each of them has its own characteristics.

Amulet can protect you if you encounter unpleasant phenomena such as the evil eye, negativity and evil. A talisman is not always a personal item that is worn on the body or with oneself. It is often used to protect a home, car, or property. The amulet can be placed at the doorstep, in the kitchen, or in the car. By the way, embroidery on clothes can also have a protective function. Classic example is the clothing of the ancient Slavs, in which each element had its own meaning.

How to wear a talisman? As a rule, amulets of a personal nature that do not relate to a house, car, or any property are worn in visible places. Traditionally, a talisman is an integral part of clothing. We are talking about embroidery, decoration, belt, etc. Previously, the amulet was worn next to important and vulnerable places on the body. The popular consciousness believed that the area around the face, chest, waist and below the waist, and wrist were of particular importance. In addition, the amulet was worn from behind, that is, on the back. It was believed that this item would protect against words or the evil eye thrown at the back. IN modern world this protective function carries a badge or keychain attached to the backpack.

Magic amulets, talismans and amulets can be artifacts, that is, things created by man, or simply objects of natural origin. The latter refers to minerals, stones, fang, feather, plant branch, etc.

Magic amulets and their meaning

Symbols and amulets for protection

The pentagram is a sign that symbolizes a shield. This symbol will protect you from everything that has a negative impact:

  • gossip;
  • evil eye;
  • influence exerted by otherworldly forces.

As a rule, such an amulet is used to protect a sorcerer who is performing a complex ritual associated with interaction with dark forces. A symbol can not only eliminate the possible Negative influence entities, but also to return them to the place from which they came, to close the “portal” that connects our and the other world.

It is a common and widely used attribute. This sign has the meaning of second birth. It allows its owner to gain great power and protects against witchcraft powers. The symbol represents a key that opens the gate to the world where the gods live. A person wearing this sign is considered protected from any illness, accident or trouble. When choosing magical amulets for yourself, you should definitely take into account the meaning that they carry, otherwise you can strengthen what is not required in yourself.

is an amulet that protects its owner from the influence of evil spirits and sorcerers. Such a sign has greater power than the pentagram, and begins to have an effect in the event of danger to the owner. It is believed that the amulet can make the owner invisible to evil spirit. Such magical amulets are also suitable for those who practice magic and need protection.

It is an instrument of justice. This amulet can be worn by a person who needs to protect himself from the influence of otherworldly forces, and who has no desire to harm other people. If someone insulted you and did it undeservedly, then the amulet can punish your offender. And if you did wrong, then your action will be returned to you.

Love amulets

Such a sign is multifaceted, and it is impossible to say that it is only love. The sign is a reflection of two principles (male and female) and is a symbol of unity. If there is such a talisman at home, then the marriage will be strong. By the way, the amulet can protect family members from an evil spirit. Every magic amulets store offers such an item.

Crane with peach fruit is a rare amulet, whose homeland is Ancient China. It is suitable for a woman who dreams of a strong family, children and happy life in marriage. It should be worn until she marries and gives birth to her first child. And in the future, such magical amulets are stored in the Children's Corner in the apartment according to Feng Shui.

Amulets for happiness and wealth

This is a Korean magical amulet for wealth. Its owner will have to find out what unprecedented luck and profit means. Anyone who wears a coin of happiness will be successful in any endeavor. It's all about the energy flow that this sign emits. The coin is a magnet for success, luck and prosperity. If you buy a magic amulet and wear it regularly, you will be able to gain financial well-being, and good luck.

This is a powerful amulet that can attract money. It is used to increase your wealth in a short time. For an avid player who finds it difficult to stop in a timely manner, the amulet can be a salvation. Thanks to him, the owner will feel when it’s time to stop. The Wheel of Fortune helps you make a profit even in the most difficult situations.

The most famous Celtic amulet. It is a symbol of harmony with the outside world and balance in inner world. Thanks to the amulet, its owner gains the ability to accumulate spiritual and material wealth. The symbol represents the interweaving of the four elements with infinity. The amulet will help ensure that everyone treats the owner fairly. His work will never be underestimated. Due to the fact that such magical amulets are asymmetrical, their owners become self-sufficient.

Horseshoe- this amulet is probably familiar to you. Many people place it above the door to attract money. According to legend, the horseshoe became a symbol of wealth in the Middle Ages, when only rich people owned horses. In order for the talisman to attract money, the horseshoe must be correctly positioned.

Charms against diseases

It is a well-known amulet that can heal a person. It is believed that the amulet is a symbol of the main luminary and therefore it is a source of powerful positive energy, which is enough for healing.

Such magical amulets give their owners great willpower and vitality. The amulet can help if its owner suffers from any physical illness. Moreover, it will also be useful for diseases that have psychological character. If a person suffers from prolonged depression, neurosis and similar troubles, then in order to normalize the condition, he only needs to wear this talisman for a few days.

Amulets that grant wisdom

The magical pentacle of Solomon or, as it is otherwise called, magic amulet of Solomon is a symbol of wisdom and logical thinking. It helps to increase and develop the mental capabilities of its owner, giving him the ability to be wise and make decisions correctly. The “magic pentacle” amulet is ideal for people whose lives are related to science and education. Thanks to it, a person’s memory improves.

Amulet "Five blessings" is another Chinese amulet that has come down to us from ancient times. He became a symbol of five blessings:

  • health;



It represents the symbol of an eye placed inside a triangle. The all-seeing eye is a very powerful amulet that can eliminate any evil. It is believed that this is how the all-seeing God is depicted. Such magical amulets give their owners wisdom, calmness, and prudence. If you are wearing all-seeing eye, then the gates to knowledge of the whole world open for you.

Magic crystal ball is a famous tool for magicians. It can be used during rituals, carried with you, or used when performing any special concentrating exercise. The ball is a closed model of the Universe and has enormous power. The ball can be used to enter an altered state of consciousness and gain visions. Who can use the ball? There are no restrictions. It should be understood that an experienced magician will have more effective interaction, while a beginner will have less effective interaction.

How long can you wear magic amulets?

An amulet or amulet can be worn without taking it off until the moment when the item wears itself out. An item that protects its owner takes negative energy and keeps it within himself. For this reason, magical amulets need to be cleansed. We will look at how to do this below.

What magical amulets are suitable for different zodiac signs?

If the amulet is chosen correctly, it will work flawlessly. It gives its owner not only good luck and prosperity, but also happiness and success in personal affairs. It is important to note that each zodiac sign has its own amulet. Be careful when choosing these items.

Make sure the amulet is new and no one has worn it before. It is advisable that magical amulets be charged by a magician who is well versed in this matter. It is important to remember that your talisman cannot be given to anyone, even for a short time. If this happens, the owner may lose his strength and become susceptible to various misfortunes, troubles and diseases.

Aries . A person born under this sign spends a lot of energy interacting with other people. An amulet that has a round or square shape will suit him. Matching colors: green, red, orange. They allow the owner to maintain mental strength. It is known that the patron of Aries is Mars. Therefore, for such people, an amulet in the form of a bladed weapon, for example, a dagger, sword, or knife, is suitable. It could be a magical shield. For Aries, products made from amethyst, garnet, ruby, and diamond are suitable.

Taurus . The ideal material for the amulet is bronze or wood. A wooden amulet is especially relevant for people of this sign. Thanks to the elephant figurine, Taurus can find well-being, including financial well-being. You should know that the color red is not suitable for people born under this sign. It is good for Taurus to have magical amulets made of jade, emerald, and sapphire.

Twins . This is a sign of the changeable air element. It is favorable for Gemini to have an amulet in the form of a key, a theatrical mask, or a keyhole. For representatives of this sign, magical amulets of blue, light blue, white flowers. It is not advisable to use green. It is better to choose chrysoprase, beryl, and agate stones, which have protective properties.

Cancer . Representatives of this sign are patronized by the Moon. Therefore, an amulet made in the shape of the Moon or a heart will suit them. Magic amulets in the shape of a crab/cancer will help you become calmer and more confident. Suitable metals are White gold, silver, and among stones it is better to give preference to amber, turquoise, and pearls.

a lion . A figurine of the sun, an eagle and, of course, a lion is suitable as an amulet. The patron saint of Leo is the Sun. A representative of this sign should not give preference to cold colors. Gold and topaz are perfect for an amulet.

Virgo . In order to gain confidence, receive protection from misfortunes, and attract love and success, Virgos need an amulet. If you make it from clay/gypsum, its effect will increase. A calm and cool shade is most suitable. It is better for representatives of this sign to give preference to carnelian or malachite. An amulet for a maiden can be based on the image of an owl.

Scales . To become more serious and collected, you need to find an amulet in the form of scales with two hanging bowls. Representatives of this sign are suitable for magical amulets made of silver. Of the colors, it is better to give preference to cool shades. And if we are talking about stones, then products made from opal, beryl, and sapphire are suitable for Libra.

Scorpion . For Scorpios, talismans with symbols related to weapons/battle are suitable. We are talking about a miniature mace, a small cannonball, etc. The figure of a frog will bring good luck to the representative of the sign. Red color suits Scorpios, and if we are talking about stones, it is better to give preference to hematite or ruby.

Sagittarius . For protection, a phoenix bird or scarab beetle is suitable. It is also favorable for representatives of the sign to wear a small figurine of a horse or a small bronze horseshoe. Preferred color- blue, and from stones you should choose agate, topaz, chrysolite.

Capricorn . A ladder or a coin works best. To attract good luck and success yellow will do amulet Of the stones, preference should be given to ruby ​​and onyx.

Aquarius . An amulet in the form of an angel or bird figurine is suitable for Aquarius. In general, representatives of this sign are suitable for everything related to flight and the sky. Aquarians should give preference to silver and platinum. If we are talking about stones, then zirconium and amethyst are suitable.

Fish . Of course, anything related to water is suitable for representatives of this sign; for example, these can be magical amulets made from coral. Pendants in the shape of a fish or jellyfish are an ideal option. Green and blue colors suit Pisces.

How to make magic amulets with your own hands

We will look at how magical amulets are created to promote the development of magical abilities.

This amulet is suitable for those who have a dominant Venus in their horoscope. The amulet helps to enhance femininity, charm, sexual attractiveness, strength, tenderness, fertility, talent, harmony, elegance, tact, artistry, sensitivity, diplomacy.

The Venus amulet should be made within a certain period (April 20 – May 20). Unfavorable times are considered October 23 – November 21. It is best to make magical amulets on Friday, during evening twilight.

The image is applied using green ink. After creating the amulet, they take it in their palms and say the following: “Spirits of earth and fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will bring me beauty and joy, youth and luck and protect me from all evil. Let it be so!".

After this, the magical amulets are fumigated with chamomile. And in order to enhance the magical power, amulets are left between burning candles for an hour.

Looking for magical amulets and talismans? The photos presented below will allow you to understand what they look like, and the materials offered in this article will illuminate this difficult topic for you.

The amulet is suitable for you if the Moon is dominant in your horoscope. Thanks to the amulet, you can gain beauty, mystical abilities, strengthen your intuition, become more charming, sexy, gentle, and poetic.

The favorable period is considered to be June 22 – July 22, and the unfavorable period is December 22 – January 20. It is best to make magical amulets on Monday at midnight.

The image is applied using silver ink. After creating the amulet, you should take it in your hands and say: “Spirits of water, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will endow me with intuition and the ability of foresight, luck and peace and protect me from everything wicked. Let it be so!".

The amulet is suitable for those whose horoscope is dominated by Mars. An amulet can make a person more courageous, assertive, active, militant, open, independent, sexy, resourceful.

The amulet should be made between March 21 and April 19. You should not do this from September 23 to October 22. The best day to create an amulet is Tuesday, and the time of day is noon.

The image is applied using red ink. After making the amulet, they take it in their palms and say: “Spirits of fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it brings me strength and endurance, luck and courage, so that it protects me from every enemy and envious person. Let it be so!".

The amulet is suitable for those whose horoscope is dominated by Mercury. Magic amulets enhance many of these in their owner. positive qualities, such as dexterity, intelligence, intelligence, mobility, etc.

The amulet should be made between May 21 and June 21. It is better to refrain from such events from November 22 to December 21. The best day to create an amulet is Wednesday, and the time of day is morning.

The image is applied using dark blue ink. After making the amulet, they take it in the palm of their hand and say: “Spirits of the air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will bestow me with eloquence and dexterity, luck and prosperity, so that it will protect me from the evil eye and damage. Let it be so!".

The amulet is suitable for those whose horoscope is dominated by Saturn. An amulet can make a person more powerful, persistent, organized, calm, calculating, and prudent.

The amulet should be made between January 21 and February 19. You should not do this from July 23 to August 22. The best day to create an amulet is Saturday, and the time of day is midnight.

The image is applied using black ink. After making the amulet, they take it in the palm of their hand and say: “Spirits of the earth and air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will bring me self-confidence and perseverance, luck and power, and also protect me from everything dark and unclean. Let it be so!".

The amulet is suitable for you if the Sun is dominant in your horoscope. Thanks to the amulet, you can gain courage, openness to everything new, kindness, responsiveness, sexuality, attractiveness, charm, sincerity, honesty, authority, spirituality, artistry, originality and sociability.

The favorable period is considered to be July 23 - August 22, and the unfavorable period is January 21 - February 19. It is best to make an amulet on Sunday at dawn.

The image is applied using golden ink. After creating the amulet, you should take it in your hands and say: “Spirits of fire, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this talisman so that it gives me the power of light and the magic of charm, so that it bestows good luck and success in any business, and also protects me from any black magic. Let it be so!".

Such magical amulets are suitable for you if Jupiter is dominant in your horoscope. Thanks to the amulet, you can gain generosity, tolerance for other people's shortcomings, majesty, nobility, justice, self-confidence, dedication, religiosity, and the ability to lead people.

The favorable period is considered to be November 22 – December 21, and the unfavorable period is May 21 – June 21. It is best to make the amulet on Thursday evening.

The image is applied using red ink. After creating the amulet, you should take it in your hands and say: “Spirits of water and air, I call on you, I conjure you, consecrate this amulet so that it will bring me the favor of people in power and success in my career, so that it will bestow good luck and wisdom, and also protect me from any evil and evil spirits. Let it be so!".

Is it permissible to wear different magic amulets?

There is no reason why it would be harmful to wear several amulets at the same time. Any symbol goes well with others, even if we are talking about Slavic, runic, Scandinavian amulets.

If you still doubt that two amulets are compatible with each other, then you should check it. To do this, place both items in front of you, light a candle and try to focus on your amulets. Feel how they interact. Is there tension between them? Doesn't a magical amulet for good luck and wealth, for example, resist the second talisman, which is aimed at achieving family happiness?

If you don’t feel anything like that, then there is nothing wrong with wearing these amulets at the same time.

Where is the best place to wear magic amulets and talismans?

It is believed that the left hand perceives, and the right hand conducts and gives. The same applies to the sides of the body. It is better to keep an amulet that has a protective function on the left.

An amulet designed to attract successful marriage, wealth, luck, it is better to keep it on the right.

Any amulet can be worn around the neck. And what matters is how regularly it is worn. For example, an amulet worn on the chest will be more effective than the one lying at home.

Note that the amulet that a woman wears to conceive a child should be placed in the abdomen. Such magical amulets, the powers of which extend to a specific part of the body, should be worn exactly where their help is needed.

Is it possible to wear other people's magical amulets?

Is it safe to wear other people's magic amulets? This question is relevant for many. Of course, magical amulets are considered personal and even intimate. These magical things treat their owner in a special way and may not be very happy about his change. It is believed that it is favorable to buy an amulet for yourself, and it is extremely unfavorable to give it to someone else.

However, if we are talking about jewelry that is passed down from generation to generation, then such an amulet is very powerful. Even if we are talking about a simple vintage brooch that your grandmother loved, then this is the strongest amulet for you.

How to clean magic amulets and talismans

It is important to remember that magical amulets can absorb negative energy and ward off some unwanted events in the life of the owner. For this reason, you should sometimes cleanse the talisman of the unfavorable information that has accumulated in it.

Magic amulets purify:

fire- move the object over the flame, imagining how the negative burns;

water- hold it under water (river, spring, tap);

earth- sprinkle the object with earth/salt and leave it like that for several days;

air- hold the amulet in the smoke of cleansing incense.

Any method is good, but it is important to consider the material from which magic amulets are made so as not to spoil them. The safest way to clean the amulet is with water.

You can purchase a suitable amulet in our online store “Witch’s Happiness”, which is rightfully considered one of best stores esotericism in Russia.

You won't have to spend long searching for the amulet. In our online store “Witch’s Happiness” you will find an amulet that is suitable just for you, a person who goes his own way, is not afraid of change, and is responsible for his actions not only before people, but also before the entire Universe.

In addition, our store offers various esoteric products. You can purchase everything you need to carry out magical rituals: runic practices, shamanism, Wicca, druidcraft, northern tradition, ceremonial magic, and much more.

You have the opportunity to purchase any product that interests you by ordering it on the website, which operates around the clock. Any of your orders will be completed as soon as possible. Residents and guests of the capital can visit not only our website, but also the store located at the address: st. Maroseyka 4. We also have stores in St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnodar, Taganrog, Samara, Orenburg, Volgograd and Shymkent (Kazakhstan).

Visit a corner of true magic!