Alexander Andreev read the story of an aspiring millionaire. Negative attitudes and thoughts that prevent you from getting rich. I was the reason that nothing worked out for me...

Everyone sooner or later wonders about the reasons for financial bad luck. The answer is simple: to achieve material well-being Hard work and professional skills are not enough. Often the biggest obstacle to success is our own thinking.

Many of us have experienced the fact that enormous efforts put into work do not lead to the desired result. It seems that fate should have long ago rewarded all your efforts, but meanwhile your income remains at the same level, and the career promotion that you so strived for goes to some less diligent colleague. Fruitless efforts are followed by a series of other problems: fatigue accumulates, health problems and family conflicts appear. How to overcome this streak of bad luck and achieve positive results? These questions are answered by a well-known financial success coach who has shown many people the right path to prosperity and high income.

What's stopping you from getting rich?

According to Alexander Andreev, one of the most big problems on the path to financial success - money blocks sitting in our heads. In it, he examines in detail the reasons for the restrictions that put an end to financial success. Often, a negative financial program is imposed on us in childhood, and is subsequently reinforced by negative attitudes associated with money. After all, everyone is familiar with phrases like “we can’t afford it,” “we have to live according to our possibilities, but ours are small,” and so on. Such phrases seem quite ordinary, but they are fraught with great danger, because it is our subconscious that ultimately determines our actions.

Using a vivid example from life, Alexander Andreev shows. “The Story of a Beginner Millionaire” - the story of financial takeoff the whole family, which was initially entangled in financial problems and has experienced more than one difficult situation. Moving to the capital, the career collapse of the head of the family, the negative attitudes of the heroine, which prevented her from revealing her financial potential and almost deprived her husband of financial failure...

The path of this family is a story of getting rid of internal restrictions and intensive work on oneself, the result of which was financial success and finding true family happiness. Having survived a series of difficulties, the hero of the book opens his own business, and his wife, content low level own income, will increase it to 150 thousand. Using the example of his heroes, Alexander Andreev analyzes in detail the mistakes that each of us can make, and shows how to avoid them, and begin to live, and not exist, relying on a lucky chance.

How to get rid of financial restrictions

Shows that working on material success depends not only on the individual: it is intensive work both on one’s own thoughts and on the microclimate in the family. The wrong behavior of the heroine of the book led to the fact that her husband almost became a loser. For women who want their loved one to be successful and achieve their goals, Alexander Andreev’s book will become an invaluable assistant: it describes in detail what phrases, attitudes and actions put an end to not only your financial success, but also block your spouse’s money channel.

For those whose efforts do not lead to an increase in income,... Many readers say that “The Story of a Beginning Millionaire” literally changed their destiny: after reading, they understood what was preventing them from achieving success, learned to overcome obstacles and short time significantly changed their life for the better.

Financial Fortune favors those who are not afraid of change and are ready to act. You can download Alexander Andreev’s book “The Story of a Beginning Millionaire” and start the path to success right now. After all, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others than to make them yourself, wasting weeks, months, or even years to correct them.

23.12.2016 04:30

Every person experiences financial problems from time to time, but sometimes they develop into a real black streak, to get out...

Alexander Andreev

Open yours cash flow. Practical guide

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Alexander Andreev, 2015

© Layout creation – Publishing House"Oxygen", 2015

© Cover design – Galina Boychuk, 2015


Everything I write about I have experienced and am sharing with you only my own wisdom and knowledge.

My history

I did not immediately come to abundance and wealth.

I grew up in an ordinary family, where my parents always said: “Study well, you will go to university, graduate with excellent marks, and find a beautiful woman.” high paying job. You can provide for your family and live a wonderful life.”

Unfortunately, this model turned out to be a lie. And I became convinced of this at the age of 18.

I went about my business, but was a complete failure. Lost 3 years.

Given my interest in the topic personal growth, I decided to do what I like and make money from it. My first and second models of running this business also completely failed. To understand this, I lost another 1 year.

And only the 5th year in business brought me my first million rubles!

Then a failed partnership that set me back.

We were already earning very serious money, but I lost control of the company, and therefore the money was dispersed. We even managed to get into debt! When my partner and I separated, all the debt remained with me, since I was the founder of the company and a large share of the company was mine.

In my personal life, things weren’t going smoothly either.

Unsuccessful first love and first sex also happened in my life and left wounds in my heart.

There was even a time when I wanted to die...

After my defeats and failures, I drew the appropriate conclusions.

I have changed myself a lot, my thinking, approach to business and attitude towards money and life.

Now I have excellent health, very strong and powerful energy.

Beautiful girl and great relationship. I am very happy.

Very profitable business. And most importantly, I do what I love every day.

I have a great team with me. I have wonderful, happy clients.

I live in a beautiful city by the sea :)

Now I’m writing this text, and 30 meters away from me the sea is splashing, the sun is shining and a few clouds are floating across the sky :)

Every day in the morning I swim in the pool and run. I work in the gym a couple of times a week.

Now I'm building my own business.

As a coach, I help businessmen, entrepreneurs, people from show business and creative people who work for themselves, develop their business. This gives me great pleasure.

I am invited to speak. I conduct corporate trainings.

In Moscow I conduct my own training “Sea of ​​Money and Happiness”.

Over all this time, my site has been visited by more than 2 million people!

Overall, I am happy, rich and living in abundance.

Now I feel it's time to pass on my experience to other people.

Some will say: “Why do I need this thinking, you better give me money.” People with a poor mindset will always be poor, no matter how much they get. They had no money when they received 30 thousand rubles a month, and they had no money when they received 300 thousand rubles a month. My partner was like that.

Therefore, without thinking there is nowhere.

And this is what will be discussed in this book.

Why do people have problems with money?

Few of us were born into a family where complete monetary abundance reigned.

We spend the first 15–20 years of our lives with our parents or grandparents.

Parents have certain ideas about money, and often these ideas are far from the truth. And that's why our parents are poor.

They try to give us the best, but no matter how hard they try, their behavior patterns, their beliefs are transmitted to us. How often have we seen quarrels in families due to lack of money; How often have we wanted something and been told: “There is no money.” And this “no money” and other manifestations of lack of money are firmly and firmly lodged in our subconscious.

A personal growth coach, author of hundreds of articles and 10 full-fledged courses in the field of achieving success will reveal the secret of your destiny. Alexander Andreev knows how to find his field of activity that can bring financial independence and satisfaction.

How to treat money correctly

The success of Alexander Andreev as a business trainer and personal coach lies in the right attitude towards finances. He is sure: all the attitudes and beliefs accepted in society regarding money are fundamentally wrong. Forget about them and rewrite them with new ones, and you will understand why, even if you work intensively, you do not get more money. You will find out why debts grow even when you save on everything.

The book written by Alexander Andreev will help you bring the magic of money into your life by learning to follow the laws of finance and increase your capital. After reading "The Story of a Beginner Millionaire", you receive the key to the world secret knowledge, how to treat money and how to handle it so that it comes back to you in double size.




Jim Rohn's philosophy has helped millions of people change their lives for the better. Find out what it can give you!

Jim Rohn: Let's have a heart-to-heart talk

At the age of 25 I was very poor, I had nothing, and at 31 I became a millionaire. How did I do this? Several things played a decisive role in turning my fate around.

First of all, I did not refuse the offered chance, but took advantage of it. Usually before this I was cautious, avoided making a decision, answered: “I’ll think about it,” and left. The absurdity was that, of course, I didn’t think about anything, because on the second day I forgot about the chance offered yesterday to change my life.

I had no goal in life, I didn’t know what I needed, and I went with the flow.

But when I began to consciously look for a chance, I found it.

If you haven't discovered your chance yet, keep looking and you will find it. And then your life will definitely change, your income level will change.

Next thing: I found a teacher, a person who taught me how to do it. A good mentor will show you what your problem is and how to solve it. One day he asked me why I haven't achieved success yet?

I read it to him a whole list reasons why I failed to succeed. You need to understand what kind of person I was at 25 years old.

I'm used to blaming my environment for everything. I started working at 19, but after six years I had nothing, I was poor.

I blamed everyone but myself for my poverty.

I blamed the authorities and the government for coming up with laws that did not allow me to get rich.

I was used to blaming everything on the tax system, I argued that taxes were prohibitively high.

I constantly complained that the prices were exorbitant, but that was not the case. The truth was that they were not available to me.

The problem was me.

I complained about the low wages: “How can you live on this money?”

I'm used to blaming circumstances.

I am used to blaming my family for being too picky and unfair to me.

I used to accuse my “cynical” neighbors of being selfish because they wouldn’t lend me money.

I blamed the weather, the economic situation, society, the times I was living in, politics, etc.

When I had read the entire list, my mentor shook his head reproachfully and said: "This list does not include the most main reason Your failure... It lacks you!”

I blamed everyone but myself for the fact that I achieved nothing and was poor, and that was a mistake. The mistake was in me.

And then I tore up my list of “reasons why you can’t succeed.” Then I took a blank sheet of paper and wrote one word on top: “I.”

I was the reason that nothing worked out for me...

Understand that you cannot blame anyone but yourself for not achieving what you wanted, not achieving the income you wanted, not living where you would like, and not dressing the way you like.

And when I was 25 years old, my teacher told me that the next six years would be the same as the previous six years unless I changed myself. When I realized this, I immediately changed my life.

Over the next six years, authorities, taxes, laws, economics, and relatives changed little. Circumstances and neighbors also have not changed much over these six years. So how did I get rich before I turned 31?


It is better to stop blaming the government and relatives, and start looking for the real culprit.

For the next six years of your life, allow me to give you the best advice I have at my disposal.


It won't be anyone's fault if six years from now you still haven't bought a car, or are driving an old, rusty car, wearing clothes that were fashionable ten years ago, living in the dirtiest area of ​​town, earning a pitiful salary, or being unemployed. .

It won't be anyone's fault if in six years you become someone you don't want to be.

So where to start? How to change your life?


How to change the world around us?


If you change, the world will change for you.

You are in better side, the world is for the better.

Are you in the worst side, the world is for the worse.

The greatest discovery of the last century is that people can change their lives:

  • simply by changing the state of your mind;
  • simply by changing your attitude towards yourself and the world around you;
  • simply by changing your consciousness;
  • just by changing yourself.

Simply put, if you believe that something is possible, you will definitely achieve it someday.

If you don't believe something is possible, you will never achieve it.

The main reason that you don’t have everything you would like is putting it off “for tomorrow.” How many times, when you were offered a chance, were you cautious and said: “I’ll think about it.”

Still don't understand why you haven't succeeded yet?

If you are still reading these lines, it means that not everything is in order in your life, it means that you have problems. Perhaps you have failed in life.

Do not despair. Defeat - best time start over again. Someone said: “Do not wish for easy roads, but wish for great obstacles and obstacles, for they shape a person’s character and his desire for success."

Almost every success story I know began with a person lying on his back, defeated by failure. In these conditions, people usually give all their talents, abilities, desires and determination - these are the main components of success.

Under these conditions, a person, disgusted with his current situation, eager and determined to change his life, steps forward to the barrier, as if he were in a courtroom, and shouts for everyone to hear: “I have had enough of failures and humiliations, I am not I’m going to continue to endure them!!!”

And then time, fate and circumstances become powerless in the face of such determination. And they step aside so as not to interfere.

Your role in the current failure is a temporary role. You will survive your misfortune the same way you got into it. And no matter how naive it may sound, be grateful to Providence for your current defeats or failures, since they are the starting point from where almost all success stories began.

From the moment where you are now, you can go where you want, do what you want, become who you want. It was from this place, called defeat, that many great personalities began their victorious path.

So be grateful for your adversities. But for the sake of your better future, let them work for you and not against you.

The world around you doesn’t care whether you break down and die or rise up and go towards your goal.

The world around you doesn’t care what choice you make. So take risks and set your sights firmly on success rather than simply existing and feeling sorry for yourself.

From now until the end of your life, commit yourself to success. After all, you only have one life! Let's do something outstanding!

First, let's provide ourselves and our family with a normal, decent life.

After all, you deserve it!

So where to start?

Here's the key.

Listen carefully to the person who suggested this article to you and take his program very seriously.

I wish you success!