Is it worth reading Zhanna Tsaregradskaya’s book “Newborn. Care and education"? Download for free Tsaregradskaya Zh.V

St. Petersburg

The book “Newborn Care and Education” will shock some, but most information is coming contrary to generally accepted concepts and stereotypes, and at the same time, there is something very logical in everything said. Add to this the scandalous trail that follows the author, and it becomes unclear what is wrong with this book that it cannot be written off? We need to figure this out.

The author of the book is Tsaregradskaya Zhanna Vladimirovna. Teacher, scientific director of the Center for Perinatal Education and Support breastfeeding"Rozhana", which has existed since 1985, is the author of many articles and books on parenting.

Zhanna Vladimirovna collected information bit by bit from ethnographic descriptions of child care, took the experience of her grandmother, her experience as a mother of seven children, as well as her experience of counseling hundreds of families over the course of several years at the already existing Rozhana center. This is how this book came about - a short course on the annual support of mother and newborn.

Innate expectations of a newborn. The name is bold, but it justifies itself. Each Living being is born somewhat adapted to this world. Human babies are born weak, but only because their mothers are able to properly care for them. Therefore, it is important for the mother to be prepared and know what these expectations are.

General principles of child development in the first year of life. The first days and the adaptation period are mainly described here - i.e. the first 1.5 months. After all, this is the most crucial period, during which an inexperienced mother develops greatest number questions.

About breastfeeding and illness. Very informative and will debunk misconceptions about feeding issues.

Caring for a newborn. Lots and lots useful information which can be applied in practice (for example, adaptation bathing is described in great detail, which you can do yourself based on what you read). In some places, what is written goes against the position of official medicine, of which I do not have the highest opinion. I can say that at least some methods have been tested by me personally, which I will write about on the blog, subscribe so you don’t miss it!

A woman's adaptation to motherhood. The exciting issues of contraception and body shape, as well as life with a child are covered.

Interaction with medical institutions. In my opinion, it opens my eyes. In our country, it is customary to unconditionally obey doctors, a priori assuming that they are right in all matters. We can say that doctors in our lives often personify a parental figure. And that's not normal.

Development of immunity and infectious diseases. Short course in one book on all issues, including immunity and disease. Now doctors often say that the disease is not so terrible and that it is good workout child's immunity. But if anyone hasn’t heard about it, get ready to learn something new.

Vaccination. A lot about the history of vaccination. For history buffs and for those who have questions about vaccination. To be honest, at the 38th week of pregnancy it was difficult for me to perceive this information.

What I especially liked

This book is a real manual on child care. As soon as I had questions with my child under one year old, I opened this book and often received answers.


I want to warn you a little. The book is good, that's for sure. I just ask you, without fanaticism.

  • Zhanna Vladimirovna talks about natural protection against pregnancy in the first 6 months during lactation. Yes, only if you don’t plan to give birth at the same age, it’s better to foresee additional ways contraception. Why. Because for a natural method of contraception to work, applications must be in perfect rhythm, the air is fresh, etc. ideal conditions. As you understand, not for our rhythm of life.
  • The author of the book writes that a child does not need disposable diapers (“Pampers”). In my opinion, there is no need to give up 100% of a fairly convenient invention. If, for example, you went on a visit with your child, or to the shopping center, then a disposable diaper will make life much easier. I agree that you should stop wearing diapers at home, at least partially.
  • The book says that “motherhood is a woman’s ability to bear, give birth and breastfeed a child up to a certain age, determined by his physiological needs" I would like to add here that it is important to let the child go in time.
  • As for breastfeeding up to 3-4 years, this may sound scary, but for some, on the contrary, it may be inspiring. So here it is. No fanaticism here either. Breastfeeding continues until the baby receives energy-rich foods, and then goes feeding food and applying to the chest.
  • About vaccinations. I do not support the idea of ​​universal vaccination of children in the first year of life. I believe that the approach to this process should be conscious. It is important to know not only all the arguments “against”, but also all the arguments “for”.
  • I would like to make a few adjustments about childbirth at home and relationships with child care institutions.

Home birth is certainly a wonderful process, but very responsible. The help of a truly qualified midwife is needed, and there is no indication to give birth in a maternity hospital. It is important to assess the balance of risk for physical and psychological health. Fortunately, there are more and more “baby-friendly hospitals” in our country. In my opinion, giving birth in such institutions is a reasonable decision.

As for medical institutions. You still need a doctor. Situations are different. You need a specialist who you can call if something happens. Complete refusal medical care, this is also an extreme.

About the style of presentation

This book may be difficult to digest if you are reading it while pregnant. The mentoring tone is annoying in places, and in the first ten pages you generally wade through numerous mentions of death... Not the most pleasant reading when you are preparing for childbirth.

However, in my eyes this does not cover the value of the information itself. At one time I found it extremely useful for studying and still use it as one of the sources for writing articles.

Fair question

If the name Tsaregradskaya is familiar to you, or you want to read more about it, you will probably come across articles about the latest incidents related to the sect and litigation in this regard.

It is possible that the book, revolutionary for its age, simply blew the heads of people hungry for something worthwhile. And the rapidly increasing degree of fanaticism eventually distorted good ideas to the level of "sect". There is an alternative point of view, that the case was fabricated by those who wanted to seize the property of the Tseregradsky family.

It's difficult to say what really happened there. Maybe there was nothing special, but a significant shadow falls on the author’s name.

What I want to say. This book is already 16 years old; many consultants and instructors were trained at the Rozhan center, who dispersed throughout Russia and opened their own centers. All these years, Tsaregradskaya’s methods have been tested and improved, and the number of reviews from grateful families whom they helped in their time is in the thousands.

Despite the unpleasant history, one cannot deny the useful contribution made by Tsaregradskaya to the development of support for breastfeeding and natural parenthood in our country.

So take what is good and what is bad is best left behind.

Common sense

Natural parenthood is not a simple topic and requires high level awareness and savvy. If this topic is as important to you as it is to me, I recommend the online course. "Natural Parenting: myths and reefs" midwife Maria Mayorskaya and women's doctor Irina Zhgareva.

This article was prepared with the support of maternal art consultant Evgenia Starkova. You can ask her a question about the topic of the article in the comments, or using the form feedback.

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Elvira 11/26/2017 09:03

Grade 4 out of 5 stars by MAMATYT

Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya

Child from conception to one year

Universal benefit

A single monthly description of the development of a child from the moment of fertilization until he is 12 months after birth

This book is the first textbook in Russia on perinatal education. Much attention is paid to the description of the symbiotic unity of mother and child. In addition, for the first time a description is given psychological characteristics women during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, presented as a single line.

The publication is addressed to specialists working with pregnant women and newborns, as well as those preparing to become parents.

Tsaregradskaya Zhanna Vladimirovna - teacher by training ( preschool education), an experienced breastfeeding consultant (14 years of experience), holder of the exclusive profession of psychologist-perinatologist, specializes in raising children early age(formation of the psyche and behavior from conception to 3 years of life), most enthusiastically deals with the perinatal period and the first year of a child’s life, mother of six children, each of whom she breastfed for up to 2 years.

Activity. Zh.V. Tsaregradskaya has been involved in perinatal education of a child for 16 years. She officially began working as a specialist and director of the prenatal training center in 1989. She devoted a lot of time not only to classes with pregnant women and nursing mothers (establishing breastfeeding, learning how to care for a newborn), but also to collecting material to prepare women for motherhood. A special topic of study was the formation of the child’s behavior and psyche, the patterns of his natural development at an early age (from conception to 3 years of life), as well as the correlation between the mother’s behavior and the needs of the baby. In 1990-1991, Zhanna Vladimirovna took an active part in preparing pregnant women for childbirth and provided psychological support to women in labor at the maternity hospital at the 70th Clinical Hospital in Moscow. During this period, assistance was provided to more than 200 mothers and newborns.

Research and collection of information in this direction allowed Zhanna Vladimirovna to create the program “Psychology of Successful Motherhood” and the three-volume work “Culture of Motherhood”, intended for training prenatal training instructors. Part of the program aimed at humanizing obstetric care and supporting breastfeeding began to be implemented in maternity hospital No. 6 in Moscow from 1995 to 1999. Classes were held here with medical staff, psychological support was provided to women in labor, which made it possible to minimize drug interventions during childbirth, and regular classes with pregnant women and nursing mothers in postnatal care units. Thanks to working together It was possible to significantly increase breastfeeding rates (from 10 to 35% in the first 3 months of a child’s life) and improve the condition of women and children in the first days after birth, as stated by obstetricians and pediatricians at the maternity hospital. The result of this work was that Zhanna Vladimirovna was awarded the exclusive profession of “psychologist-perinatologist” in 1998 and the title of WHO/UNICEF “Baby-Friendly Hospital” was awarded to maternity hospital No. 6 in 1999. During this period, more than 300 mothers were provided with assistance. In addition, detailed observations were made of the development of children in the first year of life at home using specially designed diaries, which made it possible to better understand the principles of child development and the formation of his behavior. In total, it was possible to conduct detailed observations of 165 children. In 1998, on the initiative of Zh.V. The first in Russia was created in Tsaregradskaya in Moscow community group breastfeeding support, implementing the idea of ​​helping mothers to mothers. The following year, 1999, Zhanna Vladimirovna developed a course “Counseling on Breastfeeding Issues” for the training of public breastfeeding consultants. In addition, due to the extremely low health indicators of young children in Russia, Zhanna Vladimirovna developed the “Healthy Children - the Hope of Russia” program, approved by the Union of Pediatricians of St. Petersburg and taken as the basis for her work. At the end of 1999, under the leadership of Zhanna Vladimirovna, a group of breastfeeding consultants began providing extensive consultations to mothers in maternity hospitals. In addition, the Moscow support group holds monthly meetings with breastfeeding mothers to support breastfeeding. Publications. Zhanna Vladimirovna is the author of more than 40 popular science articles on motherhood, breastfeeding and infant development, published in parenting magazines, as well as in other periodicals. She is the author of the brochures “For the expectant mother about pregnancy and life before birth”, “Attitude towards a pregnant woman in folk tradition", "Attitude towards a pregnant woman in Orthodox tradition", "The world of feelings and sensations before birth", "Successful breastfeeding", as well as a textbook for medical and pedagogical schools“Perinatal Psychology”, the first in Russia and so far has no analogues. In 1999, Zhanna Vladimirovna, in collaboration with pediatrician, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor E.M. Fateeva wrote a textbook for medical personnel obstetrics and childhood institutions “Breastfeeding and psychological unity of mother and child.” In that textbook For the first time in the history of Russian educational medical literature, a section “Psychology of the newborn” appeared, where the born and newborn baby is presented as a being endowed with psycho-emotional life. Address for letters:

Introductory part

The art of education has the peculiarity that it seems familiar and understandable to almost everyone, and even easy to others, and the more understandable and easier it seems, the less a person is familiar with it, theoretically or practically.

K.D. Ushinsky

Education is the process of deliberate, purposeful formation in children of the desired personality traits. The process of education itself continuously accompanies the growth and development of any person who is not in complete isolation, but lives and grows in society. When talking about a child growing up in a family, the process of upbringing is usually understood as an organized joint activities families and preschool, and later school and out-of-school institutions. In more in a broad sense The word education includes not only purposeful activities aimed at developing certain qualities of the child’s personality, but also his general environment, social environment, moral, ethical and religious beliefs, as well as the value system of the people around him, which influence indirectly. On the other hand, the process of purposeful formation of the desired personal qualities doesn't start at all preschool age and does not end with obtaining a matriculation certificate. For example, the characteristics of the nervous system and the type of temperament are formed in the child in the womb, and their formation is influenced by the psycho-emotional state of the woman during pregnancy, her state of health, nutrition and much more. At the same time, an already formed mature person can deliberately form some qualities in himself, that is, take care of his own upbringing. If we take into account that personality is formed under the influence of a set of objective and subjective, internal and external, natural and social factors, then it becomes obvious that education is a continuous process of purposeful formation of personality, carried out first by the parents of this personality, then by them in collaboration with those existing in society the education system, and subsequently the individual himself. In accordance with the age periods of a person’s life, education can be divided into the stages discussed below.

Child development before birth


Pregnancy is the process of a woman carrying an unborn baby in her womb. It lasts from the moment of conception until childbirth. More scientifically, we can say that pregnancy is a natural physiological process the development of a fertilized egg, as a result of which a new creature is formed that can exist outside the mother’s body.

Pregnancy lasts approximately ten lunar months, or 280 days. Each lunar, or obstetric, month is four weeks. As a rule, the duration of pregnancy is calculated in weeks, therefore it is 40 weeks. Thus:

1 month - 4 weeks;

2 months - 8 weeks;

3 months -12 weeks;

4 months - 16 weeks;

5 months - 20 weeks;

6 months -24 weeks;

7 months -28 weeks

Name: Newborn. Care and education.
Tsaregradskaya Zh.V.
The year of publishing: 2005
Size: 7.51 MB
Format: djvu
Language: Russian

The presented publication examines the care and upbringing of a newborn child; the main difference from other publications is the non-medical approach to raising a child, compiled on the basis of modern psychological data and recommendations of the World Health Organization, UNICEF in particular, on breastfeeding. These recommendations do not apply to sick children and premature newborns.

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New parents have plenty of reasons to be worried. Arises whole line questions. How to properly organize breastfeeding? Is it safe to travel to the country with a baby? Have you chosen the right personal hygiene products? They will help you find answers books on newborn care domestic and foreign authors.

The best books about caring for a newborn

In solving serious problems, printed publications are no match for an experienced pediatrician, but often young mothers begin to panic over trifles, turning a minor problem into a whole disaster. To cope with anxiety and “know” yourself about raising babies, you should pay attention to the manuals of famous, well-established authors.

Komarovsky E. O.

Who doesn't know about the popular program "School of Doctor Komarovsky"? The presenter provides extensive information about childhood illnesses, medications, the correct daily routine, as well as raising the child in general.

The doctor began writing books after he saw the population’s dissatisfaction with the healthcare system and became convinced of the need for publications that would give simple tips for parents. Distinctive feature his benefits are simple and clear language, not replete with special ones. Books about caring for a newborn are interesting to read; all the information is divided into topics that concern new mothers and fathers.

“The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives”

One of the most famous books by this author, which will be useful for new parents. The doctor is sure that mothers, fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers should also strengthen their nervous system, to the family environment was favorable for children.

Topics such as the dangers of swaddling, the importance of a proper regimen and a varied diet are touched upon. There are sections devoted to individual diseases, such as otitis media, dysbacteriosis, etc. Video review of the book:

Komarovsky book “The Beginning of Life. Your child from birth to one year.”

No less popular and fascinating book. In it, Evgeny Olegovich talks about the most difficult stage of raising a child, answers questions about what is really useful for the baby and what can be harmful.

The author claims that children from the moment of birth have a strong immune system, which deteriorates due to the parents’ incorrect attitude towards the small organism. Doctor calls for paying attention to children's hardening, and also advises young mothers to be more attentive to their health.

Tsaregratskaya Zh.V.

The author is a perinatologist psychologist, an experienced teacher and an experienced breastfeeding consultant. The doctor studies the first year of children’s lives most thoroughly, a large number of devotes time to preparing pregnant women for childbirth.

Tsaregradskaya “Newborn. Care and education."

For mothers who want to know about caring for a newborn from the first days, Tsaregradskaya’s book will appeal to you. This Toolkit was written on the basis of many years of knowledge and research by Zhanna Vladimirovna and is aimed at parental newborn care training. The latest data on the psychology of babies and the latest information from various scientific fields are also used.

The author touches not only on the topics of caring for the baby, but also focuses on women’s adaptation to motherhood, interaction with medical workers, vaccination and others. important aspects preparation for the role of mother.

Tsaregradskaya “child from conception to one year”

The book can easily be called the first Russian manual on caring for a newborn. The author describes monthly the important moments in the development of a baby, focusing on the importance of the spiritual connection between mother and child. A woman’s psychological health does not go unnoticed throughout the entire period from conception to the end of breastfeeding. Books about childbirth and newborn care this author helps expectant mothers carefully prepare for new role. Video review of the book:

Tatyana Molchanova: caring for a newborn

Author of a famous book "Our first month". After the birth of a child, mothers do not have enough precious time, and spend hours searching for necessary information caring for a baby is certainly not practical. What should be on everyone's table young parentclear instructions for baby care. They are the ones collected in this printed publication.

The book contains answers to such important questions, How:

  • why does a newborn cry?
  • How to teach your baby to enjoy bathing?
  • What can I do to make sure my baby sleeps peacefully?
  • How can you remember to take time for yourself while caring for your child every day?

Video review of the book:

What to look for in caring for a newborn

Literature on caring for a newborn is useful for everyone, however, sometimes tired parents don’t want to look thoughtfully at a book, and their only desire is to just sit in a chair or lie on the sofa. However, you can learn useful aspects of caring for a newborn in this position, just turn on the TV. Today, TV channels offer a wide variety of programs on children's topics, including those addressing issues proper care for the baby.

School of Doctor Komarovsky

One of the most popular TV shows that answers almost all the questions of young parents. This famous pediatrician has his own approach to education, which has earned the trust of many people across the country. IN Each episode, the doctor examines a specific problem and answers questions from guests. Some parents even call this TV show “Emergency”, a must-watch for all new mothers and fathers.

Mom's School

The “Mom’s School” program will help you decide on the tactics of child upbringing from the first days of your baby’s life. It involves experienced teachers, psychologists, doctors giving advice on the most important issues in life. While watching, parents will receive a lot of information about what games to keep their child occupied and what toys should be chosen for their proper development.

Video announcement of the program:

Channel about caring for a newborn: Parshikova

There is a useful TV channel on Youtube Olga Vasilyevna Parshikova, made especially for parents. This doctor of the highest category with more than 30 years of experience in this moment Heads the neonatal department of a renowned obstetrics and gynecology clinic.

In her videos, Olga Vasilievna talks about such important points, like bathing a baby, colic, caring for delicate skin, vaccinations. The video collected on the channel describes caring for a newborn child, as well as moments of raising older children. By watching the following video, you can learn a lot about the importance of massage courses for newborns: