How to increase sales revenue. Be proactive. Different price niches

Marina Bukalova, General Director of Sky Express Airlines, Moscow

What questions will you find answers to in this article?

  • How to increase revenue
  • Where to look for clients for economy class companies
  • How to ensure increased revenue by reducing negative areas
  • Why is it important to promote your business during a crisis? Additional services

Last year we faced an important question, it seems to me, for all companies: how to increase revenue. Our methods of increasing revenue allowed us to achieve an increase in this indicator by 50%, but we did not stop there. At the same time, we did not need global changes, because we almost always work in “crisis” mode. But still, our methods of increasing revenue are aimed at maximizing efficient use available resources. I’ll tell you in more detail what we did to increase revenue.

5 methods for increasing revenue that we use in practice

1. Attract premium customers. The main resource for increasing revenue in our case was clients who moved from the premium segment. This is understandable even without marketing research. If we draw an analogy with our work with supermarkets, for example, visitors to Azbuka Vkusa now decide to go to Pyaterochka. Achieving this effect is not difficult, you just need to demonstrate that the differences in the assortment of supermarkets are insignificant. If you introduce product packaging like the ABC of Taste, the buyer may not see much of a difference at all.

At the same time, we understand that we are unlikely to be able to retain all of our old clients. Our goal at first was to get people interested in choosing the train instead of the plane, given the cheaper tickets. In fact, our clients preferred to fly because the price of flights became comparable to services railway. Some of our clients initially view flights as entertainment (if it’s cheap, then why not go anywhere), which they can easily refuse. Therefore, our focus today falls on clients for whom flying is a necessity and who cannot afford possible excesses.

  • Increasing the organization's revenue by 25% using the example of a restaurant

2. Develop areas that provide at least a small income. Since the fall of 2008, we have been actively developing the charter transportation market. Although this direction cannot be called very profitable, nevertheless, during a period of crisis and reduction in demand, it allows one to achieve an increase in profitability, with a reduction in risks (the risks of loading the plane are transferred directly to the tour operator). We plan to attract additional tour operators to work, bringing the share of charters to 25% of the total number of passenger traffic; the share of revenue from charter flights should account for 30-35% of the total gross volume.

3. Cut down ineffective areas wisely. Today, to increase revenue, it is preferable to invest your funds in an already well-developed segment, with a stable market share, your client, all that remains is to beat the competitor. Therefore, it was decided to close 2 destinations that did not bring sufficient profit - Samara and Kazan. We began to develop these cities later than others; we have not yet attracted a client in these areas. We did not have sufficient funds to catch up with our competitors in these regions.

On the other hand, it is important to closely monitor the actions of your competitors. After all, the departure of one of them will be useful to you. Therefore, do not give up on your intentions before your competitor does.

4. Don't change prices. To retain customers, competitors sometimes resort to significant price reductions, which is why our tariffs were higher. I don’t think this approach is right - this way the company is only weakening itself. For example, he sells 100 tickets at a price of 2 thousand rubles, and expects that at a price of 1500 he can sell 150 tickets. However, in practice this does not happen, given the relatively small market. As a result, the same 100 tickets are sold, but at a lower price - revenue decreases, but costs remain at the same level.

You cannot retain leaving customers by reducing prices. It’s better to wait until they manage to overcome the crisis, then they will be able to return to your service again.

Today our task is to retain not the client, but the number of clients without changing prices. If flights for 3 thousand rubles turn out to be expensive for clients, then we pay attention to those for whom it has become expensive to fly for 5 thousand - new clients from the premium segment. Survives any crisis or luxury, or budget segment. It is necessary to offer either expensive products of guaranteed quality or cheap ones with less service.

5. Offer additional services for a fee. From the very beginning we were engaged in the development of additional services. But if other companies already included them in the ticket price, we offered them as an option, with the opportunity to refuse. We also started developing not only standard, but also new services. For example, car rental, taxi ordering, additional insurance. We do not face direct costs - the service is provided only after payment.

In 2008, thanks to additional services, we achieved an 8% increase in revenue: with an average ticket price of $100, the client paid another $8 for additional services. This year we plan to increase this figure to 23%.

General Director speaks

Victor Shendrik, General Director of the Open Market for Construction Investments (ORSI), Moscow

The idea of ​​​​creating a trading platform for the sale of debts construction companies arose even before the consequences of the crisis for the domestic economy. It was clear then that the market situation was not the best for the construction market.

Our trading platform was launched in October 2008. Over 70% of ORSI sales clients were represented in the first month of work individuals who invested in real estate in the period 2004-2005.

The main clients in November were legal entities– contractors and suppliers who have a return issue accounts receivable from construction companies. In December 2008, there was a surge in demand with an increase in the volume of offers (2 times compared to November), with an increase in the average size of lots. The reason for the latter was the appearance in the database of proposals for the sale of rights to investment contracts and land plots.

Therefore, we expanded our activities in the new year. If the debts of construction companies were presented on the trading platform, now they have also switched to lots in the form land plots, investment contracts and mortgages.

The latter occurred due to the appearance in the database of proposals for the implementation of rights to land plot and investment contracts

Banks, financial companies, representatives of medium and large businesses, ready for promising investments in real estate, including unfinished ones, became potential buyers. The sellers were large investors, material suppliers or contractors who collaborated with developers but did not receive their money.

General Director speaks

Alexey Sukhenko, General Director of the Russian representative office of Trout & Partners, Moscow

We conducted a study of the needs of companies - as a result, we launched new project"blitz consulting" It was presented as an inexpensive and anti-crisis tool. We analyzed the current situation, providing effective recommendations for client companies. Everything took no more than a week. And at the same time, the new service turned out to be more in demand, although the demand for it during the onset of the crisis increased significantly.

Before the crisis, representatives of medium and small businesses applied for such services. Now it has become relevant among large and medium-sized organizations. The appeals themselves have also undergone certain changes. If 80% before the crisis sought a solution to the crisis situation that had arisen, and 20% were in an obvious pre-crisis situation, now the trend is different. More than half of the calls are when nothing dangerous has happened yet, but it is important to arm yourself in advance. I am sure that in the next 2 years the “blitz consulting” area will become the main source of our income.


Marina Bukalova graduated from St. Petersburg State University civil aviation. Has been working in the aviation industry for more than 10 years. She held the position of commercial director at KrasAir airline, later - advisor General Director on commerce. Participated in various projects dedicated to the development of Russian and foreign business of the AirUnion group of companies. In 2004, she entered the Top 200 most professional commercial directors in Russia (rating of the professional reputation of Russian managers compiled by the Russian Managers Association)

Sky Express
Field of activity: air transportation.
Form of organization: CJSC.
Location: Moscow.
Number of personnel: 453.
Revenue: 3.926 billion rubles.
Length of tenure of the General Director: since 2006.
Participation of the General Director in the business: hired manager.

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Chapter 2. Analysis of the financial results of the organization

Objectives, main directions of analysis of the financial results of the organization’s activities and its information support

In conditions market economy, important acquire profit and profitability indicators, which are the economic results of the activities of business entities.

Profit is the basis economic development organizations, because profit growth creates a financial basis for self-financing, expanded reproduction, solving problems of social and material needs labor collective, technical re-equipment of the organization. Therefore, in market conditions, the orientation of organizations towards making a profit is an indispensable condition entrepreneurial activity. Profit characterizes the absolute efficiency of an organization and is the most important indicator for assessing its production and commercial activities, business activity and financial well-being.

Profitability is a relative indicator. Profitability reflects the final results of business more fully than profit, because profitability comprehensively reflects the degree of efficiency in the use of material, labor and monetary resources.

The main objectives of analyzing financial results are:

Assessment of the implementation of business plan tasks based on economic results;

Analysis of the dynamics of the composition and structure of the organization’s profit;

Determining the influence of individual factors on sales profit;

Consideration of the composition and dynamics of operating and other income and expenses, and their impact on net profit;

Analysis of the impact of paid taxes on profit;

Analysis of the total amount of income and expenses;

Calculation of profitability indicators and determination of the influence of individual factors on profitability indicators;

Profitability analysis;

Identifying the results of further increase in profits, increasing profitability.

Sources of information when analyzing financial results are the Balance Sheet and the Statement of Financial Results.

Analysis of the financial results of the organization’s activities is carried out for the purposes of:

Systematic control over the implementation of product sales plans and profit generation;

Identification of factors influencing sales volume and financial results;

Identification of reserves for increasing the volume of product sales and the amount of profit;

Development of measures for the use of identified reserves.

General assessment of the dynamics and structure of profit

Profit is the final financial result of an organization’s activities, characterizing the absolute efficiency of its work.

A general assessment of the dynamics and structure of profit (loss) is given on the basis of horizontal and vertical analysis according to the “report of financial results”

When making a general assessment of profit, it is necessary to calculate the absolute deviation, profit growth rate and specific weights different types profit in the organization's revenue.

Profit generation mechanism:

1) Gross profit is the difference between revenue (Qvyr.) and cost (C/C), i.e.

Pval =Qvyr. - C/C, (2.1)

2) Profit from sales is the difference between gross profit (Pval) and commercial (CR) and management (UR) expenses, i.e.

Prod= Pval - KR-UR, (2.2)

3) Profit before tax is profit from sales minus interest payable (PU) and other expenses (PR) and the addition of interest received (PP) and other income (PD), i.e.

Pd.n.o.= Prod + PP – PU + PD – PR, (2.3)

4) Net profit is the sum of profit before tax (Pd.n.o) and deferred tax assets (DTA) minus current income tax (TNP) and deferred tax obligations(IT), i.e.

Pchist= Pd.n.o + ONA – TNP –ONO, (2.4)

Table 2.1- Analysis of the dynamics and structure of profit

Indicator name Amount, thousand rubles Growth rate % Specific gravity
as of 12/31/13 as of 12/31/14 Deviation (+;-) as of 12/31/13 as of 12/31/14 deviation
1. Revenue - - -
2. Cost of sales
3. Gross profit
4. Business expenses
5.Administrative expenses
6. Profit from sales
7. Interest receivable
8. Interest payable
9. Other income
10. Other expenses
11. Profit before tax
12. Current income tax
13. Change in deferred tax liabilities
14. Change in deferred tax assets
15. Other
16. Net profit

Conclusion to table 2.1

Analysis of the table data allows us to draw the following analytical conclusions:

Revenue in 2014 compared to 2013 decreased by _______ thousand rubles or by ______%, which is a negative point;

Gross profit decreased by _______ thousand rubles or by _____%, which is a negative point;

Profit from sales decreased by ______ thousand rubles or by ____%, which is a negative point; the organization can be recommended to reduce business expenses;

Profit before tax decreased by _______ thousand rubles or by ______%, which is also a negative point; the organization needs to more carefully monitor other income and expenses;

Net profit decreased by _______ thousand rubles or by _____;

It is worth noting that all types of profit of the organization in the reporting year, compared to the previous one, decreased; the organization needs to pay attention to increasing revenue and reducing costs and all types of expenses;

Different growth rates of revenue and cost caused changes in the profit structure:

The share of gross profit increased by ____%;

The share of profit from sales increased by ____%;

The share of profit before tax increased by _____%;

Specific gravity net profit increased by _____%.

The redistribution occurred in favor of gross profit, which indicates that the growth rate of the cost of the organization under study is less than the growth rate of revenue.

Sales profit analysis

Sales profit typically makes up the largest portion of pre-tax profit. Therefore, it is important to determine the influence of individual factors on it.

When analyzing profit (loss) from sales according to the “Income Statement”, you can determine the influence of the following factors:

Change in revenue;

Changes in product prices;

Changes in business expenses;

Changes in administrative expenses;

Changes in product costs.

Let's consider the impact of each indicator.

1) The impact of price changes on sales profits.

To determine the impact of changes in product prices on sales profits, it is advisable to use the following calculations:

Let's define the price index (Y):

where is the inflation of the reporting year;

Let’s find the revenue from sales of products (Q’) in comparable prices, which is defined as the ratio of the revenue of the reporting period to the price index (Y):

The impact of price changes on revenue (∆Qvyr.price) is determined by the difference in revenue in the reporting period and revenue from sales of products at comparable prices:

∆’calc. , (2.7)

Now you can determine the change in sales profit under the influence of changes in product prices (∆Pts):

, (2.8)

where is the profitability of sales, determined by dividing profit from sales by revenue;

2) The impact of changes in revenue on sales profit:

The impact of a change in product sales revenue is determined by multiplying the additional sales revenue received in connection with the improvement economic activity organization, on the profitability of sales in the previous year, i.e.

where – revenue in the reporting period, – revenue in the previous period, Re – profitability of sales, determined by dividing profit from sales by the amount of revenue in previous periods.

3) The effect of changes in cost on sales profit is determined by the formula:

, (2.10)

where is the cost of the reporting period;

Cost of the previous period;

Revenue of the reporting period;

Revenue of the previous period;

4) The effect of changes in business expenses on sales profit is determined by the formula:

, (2.11)

where - business expenses of the reporting period;

Selling expenses of the previous period.

5) The impact of changes in management expenses on sales profit is determined by the formula:

, (2.12)

where - administrative expenses of the reporting period;

Management expenses of the previous period.

Using these formulas, we will conduct a factor analysis of the profit from sales of the JSC. The results are presented in Table 2.2.

Table 2.2- Analysis of sales profit

1) Changes in profits from water sales influenced by changes in the price index.

Sales revenue is the amount of money received into the company’s accounts for products shipped to customers or services provided to them.

In terms of its economic content, it is the main source of income for the enterprise.

The receipt of revenue into accounts is the final stage of the circulation of funds of an enterprise, which is of decisive importance for ensuring its further normal economic activity. The defining moment in this process is the date of receipt of funds into the company’s accounts.

It is allowed to record product sales using two indicators:

  1. in terms of sales volume itself;
  2. in terms of product shipment to the buyer.

The following three main factors influence the amount of sales revenue:

  1. volume of products sold;
  2. level of realized prices;
  3. assortment (structure) of products sold.

The volume of products sold has a direct impact on the amount of revenue. The higher the sales volume in physical terms, the higher the sales revenue. In turn, the influence of volume consists of 2 factors:

  1. change in the volume of commercial output (direct impact on revenue);
  2. change in balances of unsold marketable products.

The growth of such balances has the opposite effect on the amount of revenue. Growth in sales volume is practically the only factor influencing revenue, which is associated with the efficiency of the enterprise.

An increase in the share of more expensive products in total sales also leads to an increase in revenue. However, this also, as a rule, has absolutely nothing to do with efficiency, with improving the operation of the enterprise.

Gross profit is the amount of profit (loss) from the sale of products (work, services), fixed assets, other property of the enterprise and income from non-sales operations, reduced by the amount of expenses for these operations.

Non-operating income and expenses - income from equity participation in a joint venture, from leasing property, dividends on shares, bonds and other securities owned by the enterprise, other income and expenses from operations not related to the production and sale of products, including amounts received and paid in the form of economic sanctions and damages.

A complex of various factors determines market conditions. In market fluctuations (cycles), as is known, four stages are distinguished: depression, rise, boom, recession. All these stages have an impact on the development of goals, decision-making, determination of planned indicators, and the performance of any enterprise, including trading.

The stage of depression is characterized by the most low levels production, turnover, prices, demand for goods, fixed assets, labor and capital, high costs, unemployment, bankruptcy, low profits and wages, pessimistic sentiments.

With the rise, entrepreneurs begin to become more active, production, turnover, and profits increase; price growth slows down, investments increase, exchange rate valuable papers, propensity to purchase, the number of jobs increases.

During the boom stage, production capacity is fully utilized and the wage and prices, overemployment, scientific and technical activity is intensifying, entrepreneurs are looking for new directions for investing capital, and there is a danger of rising inflation.

During a recession, high prices hinder the sale of all goods (services); demand decreases, there is a decline in production and all this together leads to a crisis.

The second fundamental principle of the economic justification for the volume of retail turnover is to ensure the necessary relationship between the dynamics of performance indicators of a trading enterprise and forms of intensification. The dynamics of the relationship between indicators represents a standard for the efficiency of resource use and costs.

In such a standard, the foreground is the receipt of the necessary amount of profit, which determines the indicators interrelated with it, the achievement of a specific volume of trade turnover and the growth of the physical volume of sales, ensuring that the goods offered for sale meet the demand of the population. This strategy is based on ensuring a balance between retail trade turnover and profits, on the one hand, and commodity resources, retail trade turnover and population demand in terms of volume and structure, on the other, as well as on developing optimal proportions for their development.

Market segmentation is the division of consumers (or markets) into subgroups or segments. It can be carried out according to consumer groups, consumer properties of the product, and main competitors. As you know, the most promising market segment is considered to be the one in which approximately 20% of a given product and 70-80% of its buyers are located, which ensures sales and financial success for the company.

Understanding the differences between individual types of consumers enables enterprise personnel at the procurement, planning and implementation stages to more closely link needs with the supply of goods and services.

Market segmentation by consumers is based on socio-economic, demographic, geographical, psychological and lifestyle aspects. A social group is determined by income level, education, and occupation; ethnic - by nationality; demographic - by age, gender, religion, size and life cycle of the family and individual; geographical - divided into urban and rural populations, economically developed or developing countries; on a psychological basis - according to individual characteristics, purchasing motives, habits or preferences. The basis for identifying a segment based on lifestyle aspects is life activity, interests, position and demographics.

The formation of demand in the market for a particular product, consumer choice, and the behavior of individual consumers depend on how their needs are met and what utility a particular product brings. Utility refers to the satisfaction received from consuming a product or service. There is a distinction between total and marginal utility. Total utility is the satisfaction obtained from consuming a specific set of units of a good or service. Marginal utility is the utility equal to the increment or increase in total utility resulting from the acquisition of an additional unit of a given good. Marginal utility reflects the degree of urgency of the need and the effect that the consumer will receive from the next purchase of this product or from an additional quantity of the product. Based on the study of the theory of marginal utility, the law of diminishing marginal utility is derived. It is formulated as follows: “If the consumption of other goods remains unchanged, then as the need for some good or service is saturated, the satisfaction from the subsequent unit of this good decreases.” At the level of plan development and execution, salespeople are faced with the question of how to satisfy needs so that they bring equal marginal benefit. Theoretical studies show that maximum utility is achieved when the consumer's budget is distributed in such a way that the marginal utility of one ruble (100 rubles, 1000 rubles) of expenses is the same for each product. Studying the theory of marginal utility allows us to draw a number of conclusions that can be applied in the practical work of an enterprise.

1. Consumer choice is based on rational use of the budget and an attempt to maximize the satisfaction of one’s needs by purchasing goods and paying for services in a certain combination.

2. Consumers make their choices by comparing sets of consumer goods and services. The set may include goods of everyday and one-time demand, durable goods, food, household goods and clothing, luxury goods, etc. However, purchasing a large number of goods included in this set is most preferable. 3. Consumer preferences are ranked in order of importance for the buyer based on his income, aspects of life, and social status. In this case, the marginal rate of substitution of one good (A) with another (B) represents the maximum amount of another good (B) that a person is willing to neglect in order to purchase one additional unit of good “A”.

4. The set of goods on which consumers spend their income also depends on the growth rate of purchasing funds, changes in prices for basic complementary, interdependent and independent goods, the ratio of prices of two purchased or replacing each other products.

5. Consumer choice can be represented either as an indifference curve (when it is possible to rank the ordinal utility properties of an alternative set) or as a utility function (if set “C” is preferable to “A”, then the utility of set “C” is higher than “A” ).

6. The more a good is consumed, the smaller the increase in utility.

7. Utility is maximized when the ratio of marginal utilities of two goods is equal to the ratio of prices.

At first glance, such an analysis is only possible in a saturated market. However, this opinion is wrong. In conditions of an unsaturated market and limited purchasing funds, the forecast of the expected purchase mix, based on the theory of marginal utility, studied using indifference curves, becomes even more important.

The modern strategy for creating a production and sales program, used in foreign practice, is built on the idea of ​​a growth matrix or “portfolio of areas” for business development, developed by specialists from the Boston Group. In accordance with this theory, products can be roughly classified by profitability into “stars”, “cash cows”, “dogs” and “problem children”.

Products classified as “stars” are characterized by quick sales, which require large amounts of working capital to ensure. They are very popular and have a high return on investment. Typically, in these cases, enterprises have good solvency and sustainable financial position. Over time, as their life cycle changes, the sales of “stars” slow down and they turn either into “cash cows” or, if their market share is reduced and they lose competitiveness, into “dogs”.

Products that are conventionally classified as “cash cows” have low sales growth rates, but their market share is usually high and they are capable of generating large amounts of revenue. The demand for such goods is stable, they bring real sustainable income, which can be used to purchase new goods and support the sale of others, etc.

With the development of market relations, they increasingly began to talk about other situations of the origin of revenue growth: this is profit earned thanks to the initiative of the entrepreneur, profit received under favorable circumstances, unexpected profit allowed and recognized by government authorities (relevant legislation).

All sources are interconnected, and it is often impossible to isolate their pure content. The most important factors determining profit are: the introduction of innovations, the absence of fear of risks (risk as a source of profit), the rational use of funds, the achievement of optimal volumes of activity (i.e., the choice of a scale of enterprise that allows for optimal profitability). It has been proven that in terms of profit, large enterprises are not always the best). Profit grows as long as the interest rate on bank loans is below the rate of return on invested capital; Having debt is therefore acceptable, even in many cases it contributes to profits (the so-called leverage effect). Many small and medium-sized enterprises are afraid of debt, which is not always justified. However, when using a voluntary debt strategy, one must be wary of low profitability, because it will force the enterprise to resort to additional loans in order to update equipment (range). And this can lead to a state of reduced solvency and even bankruptcy.

The introduction of innovations as a source of profit presupposes the production (sale) of a new product (service) of higher quality, the development of a new market, organizational and managerial innovations, and the development of new sources of goods.

The duration of the influx of profit from the introduction of innovations is determined by the following factors: the importance of the invention, the significance and constancy of the needs satisfied by this product (service), the nature of the activity, patent and licensing legislation in the country, the introduction of innovations; the general strategy pursued by the company in the market, the state of the competitive environment in this industry.

There are situations when the role of the entrepreneur in the occurrence of profit or loss is passive. Such situations are generated by: the nature of the activity, the existing market structure, general economic conditions, the presence of inflation (very beneficial for enterprises that have debt and have received non-indexed loans and credits). .

The main factors characterizing the specifics of the activity: capital-labor ratio, level of costs, demand dynamics, market structure.

Currently, the economic situation in the world changes almost every day. Entrepreneurs constantly have to think about how to maximize their profits by creating tactical and strategic plans. To complicate the situation, each industry has its own individual characteristics increasing profits and there is no single answer on how to achieve high profitability of an enterprise.

Analysis and sources of increasing the organization's profit

First of all, in order to maximize the profit of an enterprise, you first need not to develop specific methods, but to analyze the market, competitors, customers and much more. Analysis is the basis on which any actions are based to increase the enterprise’s own profit.

Sources of profit in an organization can be:

  • reduction in production costs;
  • diversification of production;
  • implementation of budgeting and financial planning;
  • cost reduction;
  • opening new markets;
  • competitive advantage;
  • increasing the volume of products sold;
  • sale or rental of unused property;
  • implementation latest technologies and production equipment;
  • restructuring.

Ways, methods and ways to increase company profits

Employee motivation is one of the most effective ways increasing profits. It is necessary to show employees that their personal income depends on the profitability of the enterprise. This will encourage them to put as much effort into their work as possible.

The introduction of new technologies and automation of production will lead to the possibility of reducing the number of employees, and accordingly, will reduce wage costs.

The riskiest way would be to increase prices. To use this method, the manufacturer must be confident that customers are willing to purchase the product, even if prices increase.

Another way is to reduce costs. But it is important to understand that reducing costs always leads to a decrease in product quality. Because of this, most buyers may go to competitors. This method More suitable for mass production.

Factors and reserves for increasing the profit and profitability of a company

There are many factors that can affect profit growth. And it is not always possible to accurately assess the degree of influence of one or another factor.

Factors influencing the amount of profit can be divided into internal and external.

External (uncontrollable) factors include:

  • extraordinary events (natural disasters);
  • political changes in the country;
  • changes in legislation;
  • competitors;
  • social conditions in the state;
  • inflationary processes;
  • changes in the banking and financial sector of the economy;
  • suppliers and partners;
  • buyers.

Internal (controllable) factors:

  • financial policy within the enterprise;
  • social (trainings and courses for company employees);
  • introduction of new technologies;
  • release of new products.

Gross profit increase

An increase in turnover inevitably leads to an increase in the gross profit of the enterprise. For this reason, it is important to monitor dynamics and ensure that production volumes are stable. Unsold products lying in the warehouse have a negative impact. To prevent this, you can sell products at discounts.

Analysis of the profitability of products sold will allow you to understand which products you need to pay for Special attention when selling them or withdraw them from sales altogether in order to reduce the costs of their production.

An assessment of fixed assets will allow you to understand whether they bring gross profit. Otherwise, it would be better to sell off unprofitable fixed assets.

Increasing the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings

The authorized capital of an enterprise can be increased at the expense of retained earnings. This requires the consent of all participants and the inclusion of a clause on increasing authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings in the charter of the enterprise. Then you need to submit documents to the inspectorate for state registration of amendments that will be made to constituent documents enterprises, as well as making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

IN joint stock companies The authorized capital can be increased at the expense of retained earnings in two ways:

  • additional issue of shares;
  • increase in the nominal value of shares.

The procedure for increasing the authorized capital takes place in the following order:

  • consent of all shareholders to increase the authorized capital at the expense of retained earnings in one of two ways;
  • approval of the decision on additional issue of shares;
  • state registration of shares issue;
  • placement of shares on the stock exchange;
  • providing a report on the placement of shares to the Federal Financial Markets Service;
  • registration new edition charter.

Increase in authorized capital due to net profit

The concepts of “net profit” and “retained earnings” are very similar in meaning. The main difference between these definitions is that the term "retained earnings" is most often used when we're talking about about the profit that was accumulated for the reporting year and previous years. The term “net profit” is the profit for the reporting year only.

Based on this, we can conclude that the methods for increasing the authorized capital at the expense of net profit will be the same as if retained earnings were used for this purpose. These methods have already been described previously.

Measures to increase profits

The main measure to increase profits is profit planning.

Profit planning can be done in three different ways:

  • direct account;
  • revenue relationships;
  • analytical approach.

The first method is the most common in organizations. The essence of the method is that profit is calculated as the difference between the proceeds from the sale of goods and its full cost.

The essence of the second method is to group expenses into fixed and variable.

The analytical method is used as an addition to the direct counting method and is used mainly with a large range of products sold.

Development of activities and strategies to increase profits

There are several strategies to increase profits:

  • creation of new products. Allows you to expand your circle of clients and expand your business scope;
  • cross-selling system. This method is relevant in online stores. When a buyer selects a product, recommendations for a similar product that might interest him pop up;
  • system of regular touches. Most businesses notify their customers about discounts or new product releases 2-3 times. If the client does not buy anything after this, then he is added to the list of hopeless ones. But, as the experience of many companies shows, if you notify the client 7-8 times, the percentage of sales will increase significantly;
  • educational marketing. The essence of this method is that before you sell something to your potential client, you first need to teach him something useful that will help solve his problems.

Increase store profit

One of the ways to increase a store's profit is to increase the average check. For example, when a buyer goes to the checkout to order a product, the seller offers him to buy something else at a discount or as related products. Many customers agree to purchase another item at the checkout.

Very often in stores, especially if it is a clothing or cosmetics store, customers come in just to “look”. In this case, the seller should ask “Are you visiting us for the first time?”, and then offer the client an SMS newsletter with information about upcoming promotions or a club card.

To attract a client, and, accordingly, increase the amount of profit from sales, you can offer to purchase discount or bonus cards or issue them when purchasing products over a certain amount.

Various promotions, sales, discounts in certain days for any products will allow you to increase profits, since there is a high probability that the client will buy the product not only at a discount, but also additional products in the store.

As an example: increasing restaurant profits

The main ways to increase restaurant profits:

  1. Brag. If a restaurant has the best chef or the most talented singer in town, be sure to tell them about it.
  2. Increase in order cost. When ordering, the waiter can recommend an accompanying dish, for example, if a guest orders meat, then he can recommend a side dish (which turned out to be incredibly tasty today).
  3. Improvement of employee qualifications. The main thing in a restaurant is its waiters. In fact, waiters are the face of any restaurant. If the waiters are polite and know how to create cozy atmosphere, then the guest will definitely come back again.
  4. Positive reviews. The more positive reviews about the restaurant are heard in the city, the more people they will want to come there.

Exhibitions as a way to attract new clients and partners

Thematic exhibitions are an excellent way for a start-up company to express itself and acquire potential clients. One of the largest complexes in Russia, on the territory of which exhibitions of various types are constantly held, is the Expocentre Fairgrounds.

The main advantage of participating in the exhibition is that the company has to analyze the interests of the buyer and, based on them, produce products that will be successful in the market. This kind of event is good opportunity interest future potential partners and suppliers.

Revenue growth is a very important indicator that characterizes the efficiency of the enterprise.

Revenue growth is an economic indicator that reflects changes in the amount of income of an enterprise over a certain period of time. In other words, this indicator allows you to see by how many percent the company’s revenue increased (decreased) in the reporting period compared to the base period.

The value of the growth rate is determined using the following formula:

Tpr = ((Wo-Wb)/Wb)*100, Where:

  • Tpr – revenue growth rate;
  • In - revenue in the reporting period;
  • Vb - revenue in the base period.

This indicator should be constantly under the control of the organization’s management, since its value allows us to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the implementation of the strategic and operational goals of the enterprise.

Investors are particularly interested in the level of profitability of an organization. A stable rate of revenue growth has a very favorable effect on the investment climate of an economic entity.

What is he talking about?

First of all, it should be noted that revenue refers to cash, which come to the enterprise as a result of the sale of goods and services. This indicator is the main source of income for an economic entity.

Increasing revenue of the company indicates an increase in sales volumes, which in turn depend on the following factors:

Sales volume is a very significant indicator, without the growth of which the company will not be able to provide itself with a sufficient amount of revenue. Wherein sales income is the main source of covering expenses expenses incurred by the enterprise during the creation of a new product (raw materials, equipment maintenance, wages of workers, etc.).

Thus, systematic income growth indicates effective system management in the organization, management’s ability to competently organize production and sales activities, as well as a positive trend for the enterprise as a whole.

How to increase?

In order to understand in detail the main methods and ways to increase revenue, we will present detailed instructions.


The growth rate is a very common indicator that is actively used not only in statistics, but also in economics, law, manufacturing, etc.

Revenue growth rate is an indicator reflecting the percentage growth of an enterprise's income in the current period compared to the previous one. In other words, using the growth rate, you can determine how much the organization’s income is in this year amounted to percentage compared to last year.

A variety of reporting periods can be used to calculate this indicator. This could be a month, a quarter, a year, or even several years.

Determination formula

So, The formula for calculating the growth rate is as follows:

Tr=Bo/Wb*100%, Where:

  • Tr is the revenue growth rate;
  • In – revenue in the reporting period;
  • Vb – revenue in the base period.

Calculation procedure and example

In order to more clearly see the procedure for calculating this indicator, we will give several examples.

Example #1.

The revenue of Zarya LLC in 2016 amounted to 50,000 rubles. In 2015, its size was 38,000 rubles. So, let's calculate the growth rate using the above formula.

Tr = 50000 / 38000*100 = 131%

From this we can conclude that in 2016, the sales income of Zarya LLC amounted to 131% compared to the same figure for 2015.

Example No. 2.

The sales income of Eurostil CJSC in 2016 amounted to 45,000 rubles. Moreover, in 2015 this figure was 68,000 rubles. Let's calculate the growth rate.

Tr = 45000 / 68000 * 100 = 66%

Thus, based on the data obtained, it can be noted that in 2016 there was a decrease in sales income of Eurostil CJSC. Thus, the company received only 66% of revenue compared to 2015.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that revenue is of key importance for the activities of any enterprise. The management of each company is interested in its stable growth. Wherein great importance has a growth rate and an income growth rate, and therefore these indicators must be calculated regularly.