How to insulate a frame house on your own. Eco-friendly insulation for a frame house How to properly insulate a frame house

A frame house is a practical, durable and very budget-friendly construction option. It has multiple advantages, especially in the area of ​​ease of design and installation.

Unchangeable for frame house Insulation remains a nuance; despite the basic insulation installed in the niches, it is necessary to additionally ensure heat retention.

The material of a frame house is wood or metal, more often they complement each other. Therefore, additional insulation is used either outside or inside.

Insulating walls in a frame house has long ceased to be a luxury; now it is more of a necessity. Since in Lately Since frame structures are becoming increasingly widespread in cold regions of the country, it is worth thinking about warmth and comfort in the house.

Each insulation option deserves its right to exist, since in some situations it shows better results. The advantages and disadvantages of each method should be analyzed point by point.

has a higher heat retention coefficient, thus energy costs will be minimal.

This is due to the fact that there is no need to warm up the walls; most of the air is retained directly in the room. The situation is twofold, since walls can also collapse due to a shift in the dew point. So the moisture from the cold air will be transformed into droplets almost in the room itself.

Comparison of insulation methods

Also internal option insulation is easier to install; you can reach the wall using a simple stepladder.

In contrast to this advantage, there is a nuance - this is a decrease in the variety of wall decor, that is, the insulation is less durable and fastening some structures can be difficult. It's logical that the construction of an additional layer on the walls leads to general decrease area of ​​the house.

When using the method of internal wall insulation, be sure to pay attention to the environmental friendliness of the material.

- this is more standard and safe way heat preservation. This type insulation has the following advantages:

  1. The walls are protected from destruction and are less susceptible to weather conditions;
  2. Does not take up space in the room;
  3. Lower requirements for the environmental component of insulation;

List the main types of insulation and their brief description

Insulation materials are divided according to their properties and method of application, but today the variety of materials is so large that it is very difficult to describe all the options, so only the most popular methods will be discussed.

Comparison of thermal insulation

Stone wool

Stone wool is a material that is used everywhere, it is preferred by many development companies. The popularity of cotton wool is based on easy installation, since no special skills are required and you can get by with available tools.


It is used in frame houses that are built with one’s own hands, that is, not of a factory design. Thermal insulation is used to fill the openings between the beams of the frames.

Due to its distribution, cotton wool can be found in almost every major hardware store, and transportation is possible even in your own car. The main requirement for installing wool is its installation density - there should be no gaps.

Stone wool


- This is a cheaper and moisture-resistant insulation, but it is also quite fragile. Installation of foam plastic is somewhat more difficult and requires some experience in this area. Since the material does not absorb moisture, there is no need for moisture/vapor protective membranes, which reduces the cost of the project.

The performance characteristics of polystyrene foam somewhat repel many people, which is why serious disputes flare up around the material. As negative aspects, they note that the material is not at all environmentally friendly and people complain about a deterioration in their health after insulation.


Mineral wool

Often used in construction due to its high thermal/sound insulating properties, mineral substances are increasingly gaining popularity in private construction.

Cotton wool has the form of fibers that are several times smaller than hair, and all this is in compressed form. The fiber length is 10-15cm.

Due to the presence of a huge number of air cavities, the material retains heat well, and along with it, sound. Installation of wool is as simple as possible due to the flexibility and elasticity of the blocks, and there is no tendency to deform. There is no risk of fire.

Mineral wool

There are many other types of insulation, such as:

Frame wall insulation pie - what elements does it consist of?

There are several main options for building a frame house, the first is a factory one, when you initially buy ready-made blocks, it is called frame-panel. Another method is to arrange and assemble the panels on site, essentially by hand.

Both options must contain several important layers, each of which has its own specific function. In fact, there are only 5 main layers:

  1. So, naturally, he goes first façade cladding, this also includes external insulation, so the function is attractive design and protection against temperature changes;
  2. Further windproof membrane protects the house from drafts, removes moisture and thereby retains heat;
  3. The frame itself always contains some kind of insulation;
  4. A vapor barrier layer protects the insulation from the penetration of water vapor, which in turn ensures the durability of the building;
  5. Internal lining. There are no longer any special standards here; you can use internal insulation, a variety of decor and anything that seems appropriate to the owner.

Insulation pie

Layers of vapor barrier and wind protection must be secured using lathing. It is a mesh, usually made of wooden blocks, which fixes the necessary films and internal insulation, preventing deformation of the structure.

Sealing cracks and preparing sheathing

Lathing is vital in insulating a frame house. The reason is that it is simply impossible to attach to mineral wool or any other filler, since they are not able to withstand loads.

Further work requires the presence of lathing; the material can serve as ordinary timber, and profile.

The sheathing itself additionally serves to seal the inner layer of insulation and provide additional ventilation.

  • Before preparing the sheathing All cracks must be sealed first, which can be formed due to a loose fit of the insulation.
  • It is necessary to fill the niches in the frame so that a slight pressure of the insulation is formed on the supports. This is done so that if the beams dry out, gaps do not form due to the filler, otherwise large heat losses are guaranteed.
  • Various gaps that cannot be closed using the material simply blown with foam.
  • The sheathing itself is done as simply as possible. To install the sheathing, a board measuring 20x90mm is used. The sheathing is attached to wooden strips that secure the insulation. You can fill the timber in absolutely any direction, it depends on the decor you choose.

Frame installation

Installation of sheathing

Proper insulation of the walls of a frame house with mineral wool - in detail and step by step

It is worth noting that mineral wool is very good material for insulation, but it still has several negative parameters, such as highlighting harmful substances, What limits its use indoors.

It is also noted that the material is afraid of moisture and water vapor.

If the mineral wool is saturated by even a few percent, the insulation loses half of its heat-insulating properties.

Now you should highlight several basic steps for insulating walls with your own hands when using mineral wool:

  1. First, it is necessary to sheathe the inside of the structure with a vapor barrier material;
  2. Then sew up the inside of the frame, this is often done using OSB. In this way, niches are created for further sealing;
  3. Usually niches are made to fit the size of mineral wool, but if necessary you will have to trim the sheet with a simple knife. It is worth considering that you should cut 5 mm more on each side than was measured, this creates additional protection from possible cracks;
  4. Selecting the number of mineral wool sheets. Each is 5 cm thick, the calculation must be made based on the terrain, in normal cases 2 sheets are enough. Sometimes niches are made in several layers that intersect;
  5. Now the frame is sheathed on the outside with wind protection;
  6. The sheathing goes on top of the insulation.

Installation of mineral wool

Laying insulation

Insulation of frame walls with polystyrene foam - in detail and step by step

Despite the fact that mineral wool is a good material for insulation, it is worth disassembling internal methods heat preservation. Here the choice of material should be taken seriously, since one of the most important criteria In addition to thermal conductivity, the product becomes environmentally friendly.

The best material for internal insulation, in all respects, is. It has low thermal conductivity, is lightweight, does not allow vapor to pass through and is thin, but alas, it is somewhat more expensive than other materials.

Installation of polystyrene foam is quite simple:

  1. A layer of wind protection is laid;
  2. The slats are attached and can be installed in a horizontal or vertical position;
  3. The interior is filled with extruded polystyrene foam;
  4. Usually there is also a vapor barrier, but with this material there is no need for it, so next comes lathing and drywall or any other finishing material.

Laying polystyrene foam

A few words about waterproofing and vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is a certain film that does not allow moisture to accumulate in the layer with insulation. In this way, the penetration of any vapor from the room into the various layers of insulation and back is blocked. Often used in conjunction with waterproofing.

Vapor barrier

Waterproofing helps to minimize the phenomenon of dew point. Blocks moisture from entering the insulation, usually used on the outside of the wall.


Useful video

Insulation of frame walls using special technology:


Insulation brings comfort and coziness to the house, blocks the occurrence of harmful, destructive phenomena in the structure and at the same time retains heat.

It’s not for nothing that frame houses are often called thermoses, because when proper construction, the building is able to retain heat even in the cold season for several days. Also, do not forget about ventilation, since air circulation in the room is minimal.

In contact with

Frame houses are becoming increasingly popular, however, this European trend in the Russian climate requires significant thermal insulation, as well as protection from wind and moisture. Experts recommend insulating the walls of a frame house not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Selecting materials for thermal insulation

Several decades ago, to retain heat in the house in the walls frame houses they filled it with a mixture of clay and straw, sawdust or shavings. Sawdust concrete was also popular at one time, but these materials have not been in use for a long time, although they do not lose their attractiveness due to their low cost. IN modern houses Based on the frame, mineral wool (glass wool, stone wool) and polystyrene foam are used for insulation.

Mineral wool has a number of advantages - they are fireproof, which is especially important for houses made of wooden frames, have low thermal conductivity, are easy to install, are produced in a form convenient for builders (mats, rolls) and are quite lightweight. The disadvantage of this insulation is that it cannot be called environmentally friendly, since it contains formaldehyde in small doses. In addition, moisture is contraindicated for him. Most often, mineral wool is used for external insulation, since for interior work using this material is not always convenient and safe.

Very quickly, foam plastic became the most popular material for thermal insulation among building materials. It is made from polymer plastic granules that are filled with carbon dioxide or natural gas.

Polystyrene foam boards are very light in weight, easy to install, do not conduct heat and are environmentally friendly at normal temperatures. This kind of insulation is not susceptible to rotting or the appearance of fungus, so when installing it, additional layers of vapor and waterproofing may not be required.

Perhaps the most important advantage of polystyrene foam is its modest cost. Its main disadvantage is the possibility of fire and the release of substances harmful to human health during combustion. True, there is a fire-resistant version of this material - extruded polystyrene foam, which is also more compact. All types of foam, oddly enough, can easily be damaged by rodents, which is another significant disadvantage.

Polyurethane foam (PPU) is a sprayed type of thermal insulation that has the highest degree of heat retention and is very resistant to moisture. Spraying occurs using special equipment in which the active components are mixed and, upon reaching the surface, instantly foam, forming a dense crust. You can spray polyurethane foam on almost any surface, even glass and metal, regardless of its position. The weak point of polyurethane foam is sunlight. When exposed to direct sunlight, its service life is reduced by approximately half. But you can protect polyurethane foam from the sun with regular painting. Another disadvantage is that special equipment is needed to work with this material.

For water and wind insulation, builders often use glassine - thick paper impregnated with bitumen. However, its use as protection from moisture and wind is undesirable, since glassine does not allow moisture emanating from the house to pass through and contributes to its accumulation inside the frame. IN modern practice Builders are increasingly using superdiffusion hydro-windproof membranes, which have enormous vapor permeability compared to glassine and will perfectly protect the house from wind and moisture from the outside.

Insulating the walls of a frame house from the inside - preparatory work

First, let's understand some basic principles, without which insulating the walls of such a house may turn out to be a waste of money. Firstly, when wondering how to insulate a frame house from the inside, you need to think not only about the walls. The floor and ceiling can also let in the cold! Secondly, thermal insulation materials must be reliably protected from moisture by external and internal waterproofing. Thirdly, when laying insulation, it is important to maintain the gaps between the material and the wall surfaces necessary for ventilation.

Before you begin installing the insulation, clean the walls, floor and ceiling from dust and dirt. If there are protruding nails or screws, they should be removed. Existing gaps between the elements of the house frame are filled polyurethane foam. Use a hair dryer to dry if necessary. damp areas frame.

The site’s site masters have prepared a special calculator for you. You can easily calculate the heat loss of a building.

How to insulate a frame house from the inside - step-by-step instructions

In the event that the house was nevertheless carried out and external thermal insulation With the use of waterproofing, there is no need to re-install another layer of moisture protection inside the house, otherwise this may lead to accumulation excess moisture inside the structure and its rapid destruction. We will consider the option of insulating the house only from the inside.

How to insulate a frame house from the inside - step-by-step diagram

Step 1: Installation of the waterproofing layer

We measure the walls of the frame house and cut the one we have chosen into appropriate strips waterproofing material. By using construction stapler We attach it to the racks, completely covering the frame. It is best to lay the waterproofing overlapping, leaving under upper layer about 10 cm. Fastening is carried out at the junction every 10 cm.

Step 2: Installation of vapor barrier

Even if materials that are not afraid of moisture are used as insulation, it is still necessary to perform a vapor barrier. The reason for the seemingly unnecessary costs at first glance is that in addition to the insulation itself, the wall frame contains other elements that should be protected from steam penetrating into the walls from inside the building, for example, the same wood.

For vapor barrier, a special film or foamed polyethylene is used. This material is also attached to the frame posts with a construction stapler close to the insulation. Sometimes builders simply wrap thermal insulating blocks in such a film, but this is not entirely correct - as already noted, all frame elements must be protected from steam. The joints of the film, as in the case of waterproofing, should be made with an overlap of at least 10 cm. For greater vapor barrier, all joints and junctions of this layer should be taped with double-sided tape. When installing a vapor barrier, keep in mind that its thickness does not in any way reduce the thickness of the main insulation.

Frame houses are deservedly considered healthy housing, since the main material of such houses is wood, which does not lose its relevance from year to year. Frame construction popular and developing in many construction companies, as well as in the private sector.

Frame house - perfect option affordable and attractive housing, and more than 20% of construction is now underway. The cost of materials and work for the construction of a frame house starts from 300-500 thousand rubles, which is much less than the cost of a small but full-fledged apartment. Even in such an inexpensive frame house you can create comfortable conditions residence, not only with the help of decoration, but also by creating proper insulation frame house.

Insulation of a frame house

After constructing the main structure, creating thermal insulation is the first thing to do. It is very important to choose the right type of insulation for a frame house.


Polystyrene foam is the most common and cheapest option for step-by-step insulation of a frame house. This material is easy to transport, but it is fragile and can break. The disadvantages of polystyrene foam include its fire hazard and the release of harmful substances during combustion and even simply when the temperature rises.

The frame is covered with foam plastic.

Insulation of a frame house with polystyrene foam is most often done due to low thermal conductivity, and this characteristic is the most important for insulation. Also, when insulating the walls of a frame house with polystyrene foam, you can save a lot on thermal insulation works and do it yourself. When installing foam plastic, you will not need to make a vapor barrier.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is an excellent sound insulator and heat insulator, the most fireproof material for insulating a frame house with your own hands. However, it can absorb moisture quite well, deteriorate under its influence, crack and collapse.

Insulation of a frame house requires the installation of a vapor barrier, which is made from a special waterproof film. The joints of the film are overlapped and glued with reinforced tape or a special adhesive film.

Basalt wool Izover.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing insulation:

  • Thermal conductivity.
  • Fire resistance.
  • Frost resistance.
  • Noise insulation.
  • Lifetime.
  • Easy installation when insulating a frame house with your own hands.

On a note

It is better to insulate a frame house with mineral wool in the form of slabs rather than rolls, because breaks and damage will be excluded.

Other types of insulation

  1. Ecowool – high-tech material, in which there is absolutely no possibility for rodents and insects to live. The material is ideal for insulating a frame house from the inside due to its characteristics; its only drawback is the rather high cost of both the material and the installation procedure.
  2. – expanded clay, slag, sawdust. Good insulation, which this moment more used on flat surfaces. You can insulate the roof and floor of a frame house with the obligatory use of waterproofing, since it often gets wet, settles and requires replacement.
  3. Glassine is thick paper treated with bitumen. An excellent moisture insulator, great protection from the wind.
  4. Polyurethane foam is a good material, which has a number of significant disadvantages - it is afraid of direct sunlight, and it is highly costly to insulate a frame house from the outside.
  5. Penoplex - it contains extruded polystyrene foam. Penoplex is produced in rectangular slabs different thicknesses from 20 to 100 mm. Insulating a frame house with penoplex is justified by the fact that the material does not emit harmful substances. Like polystyrene foam, it conducts heat poorly, but it is much stronger and easy to process.

Mineral wool.

Insulation of the walls of a frame house is carried out after construction power frame and bringing it under the roof. This procedure is due to the preservation of materials from getting wet. Especially if cotton insulation is used, which loses its heat-saving properties when exposed to water.

The video of insulating a frame house shows that mineral wool can also be installed for internal insulation of a frame house. Subsequently, the insulation boards are covered with OSB or clapboard. Additional insulation frame house made from the inside takes up part of the usable area.

Before taking measures to strengthen the walls of a frame house, it is necessary to carry out a “general cleaning”, clean all the beams and niches inside the frame of the house. Seal joints and cracks with polyurethane foam.

Cross insulation

IN modern construction houses, it is popular to cross-insulate a frame house with outside. This method of insulation helps to get rid of cold bridges that arise at the points of contact between the insulation and wooden frame. Also, wood itself is a bridge of cold.

Vertical cross planking.

The usual thickness of the insulation of a frame house is 150 mm, which is placed between the frame posts. The insulation is used in the form of slabs, and its width should be one cm larger than the distance between the posts, which will allow the insulation to adhere more closely to the wood.

Additionally, horizontal bars of 50x50 mm are nailed to the outside of the frame, with a distance of 590 mm between them to tightly fix the insulation, the size of which is 600 mm. Next, a moisture-proof membrane is attached to the sheathing using a stapler and overlapped, and blocks moisture from entering the inside of the frame.

A counter lathing is nailed onto the moisture-proof membrane and then facade material, thereby creating space for ventilation and removal of excess moisture. A ventilated facade is created, which is simply necessary in the technology of insulating a frame house.

On a note

There is no need to steam and waterproof the outside - this will further damage the wood of the frame. It is important to leave a small distance between outer skin and façade to ensure better ventilation.

We insulate the ceiling.

Insulation of the ceiling of a frame house

Before carrying out work on insulating the ceiling in a frame house, it is necessary to install a ventilation system and think through openings for the exit of all pipes.

From the attic side, or if the frame house is multi-story, a layer of foil foam is attached, also with a construction stapler, and layers of mineral wool are laid between the beams. Additional insulation will be strips of glassine laid on top of the cotton wool and unedged board.

Insulation of floor and ceiling.

Floor insulation

It is better to carry out insulation after installing the power frame of the house and placing the building under the roof to avoid getting wet insulation material. done between the joists on the subfloor, another layer of insulation is placed on top, and then covered chipboard sheets or OSB.

Polystyrene foam can be used as floor insulation mineral wool. It is not advisable to combine these two materials in insulation due to different characteristics. The thickness of the insulation of a frame house can be quite large, but then this should be taken into account already at the design stage and the necessary gaps should be left.

Pitched roof.

Roof insulation

If you plan to equip it, then the roof is insulated in the rafter system. And if the attic is not heated, then insulation is carried out by covering the upper floor.

Insulation of the roof of a frame house can be carried out using inexpensive materials such as straw, shavings, sawdust. They are not expensive, but quite fire hazardous and susceptible to the development of microorganisms and fungal infections. Of course, this is already the last century.

We lay mineral wool in the frame of the house.

Exists new scheme insulation of a frame house, which is based on the use of modern thermal insulation materials. Nowadays they prefer mineral wool, polystyrene foam, and penoplex. Also for flat roof You can lay bulk insulation.

Useful tips
  • The thickness of the insulation of a house built according to frame technology depends on where the insulation is intended. Typically, the thickness of the insulation is from 150 to 200 mm.
  • The installation technology of the house indicates the presence of nicks and nails in the beams. To avoid damaging the insulation, it is recommended to clean and sand damaged structures.
  • Before starting work on the internal insulation of the frame, seal the cracks and joints using polyurethane foam and pieces of mineral wool.

If you decide to insulate a frame house with your own hands, step-by-step instruction on our website will help you understand the process and do everything with minimal costs. The price of insulating a frame house will depend on many factors, so first of all choose insulation and materials that do not require special skills and equipment during installation.

For year-round operation of a frame house and its long-term service, high-quality insulation is necessary. Everything needs to be insulated - walls, ceiling, roof, floor. What materials and technologies are applicable to solve the problem, and which heat insulators are better to refuse? We will answer these questions and provide step-by-step instructions for insulating a house with your own hands.

Requirements for thermal insulation material

The frames of houses built using “Canadian” technology are assembled from OSB boards or wood. To ensure that the insulation does not cause damage to structures, it must have sufficient vapor permeability – not less than 0.32 Mg.

Fiber heat insulators – mineral wool materials – absolutely meet this requirement. Popular synthetic insulation, such as polystyrene foam and analogues on polymer based, cannot be used in wooden structures for two reasons:

  1. Firstly, due to the lack of elasticity, the heat insulator will not be able to adapt to temporary deformations of the wood (shrinkage, increase in volume). The result is the formation of cracks and cold bridges.
  2. Secondly, polystyrene foam and its analogues do not allow wood to “breathe”. This leads to moisture accumulation, mold and rotting of structural elements.

When choosing how to insulate a frame house, in addition to vapor permeability, you should also take into account the additional properties of the heat insulator. The following indicators are welcome:

  • fire safety;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • resistance to shrinkage;
  • minimal water absorption.

Choosing the optimal insulation

Mineral wool heat insulators are the most acceptable option for insulating a frame house. Materials are made from different raw materials, which determine basic characteristics and scope of application. The general advantages of all types of mineral wool include: low weight, fire safety, resistance to pests and the necessary vapor permeability.

The main disadvantage of fiber insulators– hygroscopicity. To preserve the insulation properties, mineral wool needs high-quality vapor and waterproofing.

Basalt wool - environmentally friendly and fireproof

The main component of the insulation is rocks of volcanic origin: basalite, diarite and basalt. Stone wool is a completely non-flammable material that can withstand temperatures of 1000 °C. The heat insulator retains physical properties for 40-50 years.
The main advantages of basalt-based mineral wool:

  • low thermal conductivity – 0.36-0.42 W/m*C;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • good noise insulation characteristics;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations.

The insulation contains hydrophobic additives that ensure rapid removal of moisture. Basalt heat insulator is produced in slabs, the density of the material is 35-50 kg/cubic. m.
The disadvantage of stone wool compared to fiberglass counterparts is less elasticity and susceptibility to rodents.

Glass wool – elasticity and moisture resistance

The basic components of the heat insulator are broken glass and sand. The addition of binding components makes it possible to form rolls from the finest glass fibers. Approximate dimensions of the mats: thickness – 100 mm, width – 1200 mm, length – 10 m.

Features of glass wool:

  • high elasticity – the material easily takes on and quickly restores its given shape, which is very convenient during installation;
  • vibration resistance;
  • not susceptible to mold and unattractive to rodents.

Like stone wool, fiberglass is fireproof. However, in comparison with the previous insulation, loses on several points:

  1. Unsafe material - installation is carried out in a respirator and protective clothing. The fibers are very fragile and when cutting, a lot of “glass” dust is released.
  2. Shrinkage of the heat insulator - over time, the risk of the formation of cold bridges increases.

Ecowool – versatility of use

A new word in the segment of thermal insulation materials -. The material is 80% recycled paper. Additional components: boric acid and sodium tetraborate. Minor ingredients provide protection against microorganisms and reduce flammability.

Distinctive features of ecowool:

  1. Ecowool is a loose insulation material, and therefore the technology for its application is fundamentally different from working with sheet mineral wool. To create a thermal insulation layer, special equipment is required - a pneumatic inflatable device.
  2. If the walls of a frame house are poorly insulated, there is risk of ecowool shrinkage, which is fraught with the formation of uninsulated zones.
  3. The material is not recommended for use near open fire sources, fireplace pipes and chimneys. A protective layer of basalt foil-clad fireproof mats or fencing made of asbestos-cement slabs is required.

The main advantages of ecowool: environmental friendliness, the possibility of insulation hard to reach places and high sound insulation qualities.

“Warm wood” - an alternative to mineral wool

This group is represented mats and slabs from wood fiber materials . The technical and operational characteristics of the insulation are at a fairly high level:

  • good thermal insulation - thermal conductivity is comparable to that of mineral wool;
  • preservation of the structure even when wet - the properties of the insulation do not change when absorbing moisture in a volume of 20% of its own weight;
  • high strength and excellent sound insulation – protection from impact and “air” noise;
  • sufficient density and elasticity - the insulation is attached between the frame posts without additional fasteners;
  • environmental friendliness of the material and safety of installation work.

Wood fiber insulation “breathes” and helps maintain a comfortable microclimate in the house. The disadvantages of a heat insulator include: high cost and flammability.

Thermal insulation with mineral wool: step-by-step instructions

In most cases, it is used to insulate frame structures. mineral wool in the form of mats. Therefore, subsequent instructions will be based on working with this material.

Preparatory activities

The first thing you need to do is understand the structure of the insulation cake, calculate the material and prepare the surface for installation. It doesn’t matter which side to start the work from - outside or inside. Some people believe that it is more convenient to perform thermal insulation from the street side. However, weather factors must be taken into account.

Standard structure of a thermal insulation cake with layers ranging from internal lining to the front of the house:

  • Decorative finishing indoors.
  • OSB board.
  • Vapor barrier.
  • Insulation layer.
  • Windproof membrane.
  • Lathing made of bars for arranging a ventilation gap.
  • OSB board.
  • External cladding.

Recommended pitch of frame beams – 580-590 mm. This range is optimal when using standard mineral wool mats 60 cm wide. According to the standards, the thickness of the insulation for temperate climates is 150 mm. To fill the space between the beams of 15 cm, it is advisable to use mineral wool of two sizes: 50 and 100 mm.

Surface preparation comes down to cleaning off dust, removing protruding nails and blowing in the cracks with foam between the frame elements. Before installing the insulation, you must check wooden structures for the presence of dampness, problem areas dry with a hair dryer.

Interior finishing: sequence of layers

First you need to prepare the base for laying the insulation. WITH inside at home this role will be fulfilled vapor barrier film and OSB boards.


  1. Roll out a roll of insulating material and cut it to the size of the walls of the house.
  2. Alternately fasten the vapor barrier sheets to vertical racks frame using a stapler. Installation rules: the insulating strips are directed perpendicular to the wooden beams, the minimum overlap is 10 cm.
  3. Check the tightness of the protective layer.
  4. Cut OSB boards with a jigsaw.
  5. Secure the panels to the frame, covering the vapor barrier film.

Further OSB boards will serve as the basis for applying finishing walls

Rules for installing insulation

An important advantage of using mineral wool or wood fiber insulation is the ease of installation with your own hands. Both heat insulators are quite elastic, so they do not require additional fixation. Plates are inserted between frame racks and are held due to the slight difference in size.

To ensure that the thermal insulation layer does not lose its effectiveness over time, it is necessary to follow certain rules for its installation:

  1. Laying is done in two layers, the slabs are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The second row of mineral wool should overlap the joining seams of the first in the middle. This technique prevents the appearance of “cold bridges” that contribute to the accumulation of condensation and dampness.
  2. Insulation boards need protection from strong wind and precipitation. By analogy with internal wall, the heat insulator is sheathed with a special hydro-windproof membrane.

The film insulation is fixed with a stapler. For more reliable fastening, you can use a counter-latching system.

External wall cladding

The bars attached on top of the wind barrier create the necessary air gap between thermal insulation material and external decoration. Further insulation of the facade depends on the material of the finishing cladding.

Under and siding different types Moisture-resistant OSB boards are nailed onto the sheathing, to which guide bars are attached. Artificial, natural stone or facade tiles laid directly on oriented strand boards.

Thermal insulation of a house roof

High-quality roof insulation is of great importance in preserving heat. Thoughtful and well-executed thermal insulation of the roof of a frame house saves 25-30% of thermal energy.
A popular insulation option is placing mineral wool between rafter legs. Roofing pie must be supplemented with a vapor barrier film and a diffusion membrane.

Let us describe sequentially, how to properly insulate a roof:

  1. Stretch water-repellent tape along the outer end of the rafters. diffusion film. Secure the membrane with a counter-batten.
  2. From the inside rafter system lay insulation. Thermal insulation is placed in two layers 100 mm thick, the installation pattern is a checkerboard layout.
  3. Cover the mineral wool with a vapor barrier film, observing the horizontal laying of the vapor barrier in the direction from bottom to top. The overlap of film insulation is 5-10 cm.
  4. Cover the ceiling with OSB, plasterboard, plywood or clapboard.
    Exterior finishing the roof is carried out using counter-lathing. Sheathing bars are nailed onto the slats, creating a ventilation gap. OSB boards or directly roofing material (slate, corrugated sheeting, metal or flexible tiles) are attached to the top.

Insulation of the first floor floor

A lot of heat also escapes through the foundation of the house - about 15-20% of heat costs fall on the floor. As an option, you can organize water underfloor heating. However, it is easier and cheaper to insulate the base with mineral wool.

  • Fasten the canvases together with reinforcing tape, running it along the joining lines.
  • Install a log system made of boards on top of the waterproofing.
  • Cut out the insulation for the cells in the joists. The size of the heat insulator should exceed the distance between the boards by 1-2 cm - this gap is necessary for tight joining and eliminating gaps. The thickness of the insulation is at least 200 mm.
  • Cover with a vapor barrier film, and lay plywood or a finished plank floor on top.
  • The described technology is suitable for insulating interfloor or attic floors.

    A variety of methods for using ecowool

    The second most popular material for thermal insulation frame construction– ecowool. But here it is better not to experiment and entrust the work to professionals. Mechanized backfilling will ensure the required density and uniformity of laying.
    There are three methods of using ecowool:

    • dry "spray";
    • wet application;
    • glue method.

    Dry method applicable for horizontal surfaces, inclined closed cavities, filling interfloor ceilings and non-demountable structures. The packing density of ecowool using this method is 45-65 kg/cubic meter. m depending on the slope.

    Wet technology Suitable for vertical open walls. Ecowool flakes are moistened and applied to the surface under pressure. The density of the thermal insulation layer is about 65 kg/cu.m. m.

    The adhesive method is similar to the previous one, but instead of water, an adhesive component is added. Advantages of the technique: high adhesion of the insulation to the wall, elasticity of the material and low deformation after drying. Glue method indispensable for thermal insulation of flows from below, option will do and for wall treatment.

    The issue of insulating a house needs to be thought through at the construction stage. This is more profitable from a financial point of view and technically correct. Structural elements are insulated as the building is erected, and there is no need to carry out major renovation buildings after commissioning.

    Video instructions for do-it-yourself thermal insulation

    More information about the technology of home insulation is described in the video.

    Insulation of a frame house is the most important stage construction of a frame house. Considering the fact that a frame house is energy efficient, the choice of insulation type should be taken responsibly.

    The choice of insulation materials is quite wide. Frame houses are insulated using polystyrene foam, mineral wool, ecowool, polyurethane foam, extruded polystyrene foam. Let's consider each insulation separately.

    Review of insulation materials

    One of the cheapest insulation materials is polystyrene foam. It is lightweight and easy to install. And, of course, it is low cost. Polystyrene foam does not absorb moisture. The advantages of polystyrene foam, perhaps, end there.

    Polystyrene foam is a flammable material, releasing toxic smoke when burned. Although foam plastic is convenient to work with, its structure is fragile, so it must be handled with care. And when buying polystyrene, you need to make sure that there are no cracks in it.

    Mineral wool for insulating a frame house

    Mineral wool, produced in the form of slabs or rolls, has been very popular recently. It is worth noting that basalt wool used in slabs in great demand than in rolls.

    Mineral wool has good thermal insulation properties. Not flammable. But cotton wool contains formaldehyde, which is harmful to human health. Mineral wool fibers, like fiberglass, are carcinogenic.

    For this reason, when insulating internal walls with this insulation, it is necessary to use vapor barrier membranes (in addition to the main purpose), so that small grains of mineral wool do not scatter throughout the room.

    When laying mineral wool, it is imperative to use additional means to protect the face and other exposed parts of the body. On top of mineral wool, you can attach not only a vapor barrier film, but also simple polyethylene. The seams are taped.

    A significant disadvantage of cotton insulation is the fear of moisture. When the insulation is moistened by 2-3%, its thermal insulation properties are reduced by 50%. Therefore, it is imperative to use a vapor barrier. As a rule, after 25-30 years, mineral wool needs to be replaced.

    Foam plastic for home insulation

    Extruded polystyrene foam is superior to mineral wool in thermal insulation properties, and also has high water repellency, and more low weight. Flammable Compared to polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam is more durable and resistant to chemicals. It does not need to be replaced during operation.

    Polyurethane foam is a modern insulation material that appeared relatively recently. Has high thermal insulation characteristics. Not flammable. It does not contain substances harmful to humans. When spraying with polyurethane foam, you can vary the thickness of the sprayed layer.


    Ecowool is a combination of beautiful thermal insulation properties and safety. Ecowool consists of 81 cellulose, 12% antiseptic ( boric acid) and 7% fire retardant (borax). The raw material for the production of ecowool is waste paper, which is a product of wood processing. Therefore, ecowool is environmentally friendly and does not contain harmful and dangerous substances.

    It is not afraid of moisture, does not rot, prevents the spread of fire and the development of fungus, and has excellent sound insulation properties. If we talk about the quality of insulation, then only blowing in ecowool and spraying with polyurethane foam can create a seamless layer of insulation that will not have voids, cracks, or “cold bridges,” which cannot be said about slab types of insulation.

    Ecowool is superior to mineral wool in its properties and is very similar to polyurethane foam, but it is cheaper than mineral wool and much cheaper than polyurethane foam. In comparison with polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene, ecowool also wins in all respects.

    Of course, you won’t be able to install (fluff) ecowool with your own hands in a high-quality manner without equipment, and you will have to turn to the installation team for help.

    But insulation with ecowool will be done efficiently and reliably. The cost of these services is low, and time is saved. You can blow out a large volume in a few hours.

    If we talk about thermal insulation properties, the most effective insulation materials are ecowool and polyurethane foam, followed by polystyrene foam, mineral wool and polystyrene foam.

    Photo of insulation of a frame house