How to baptize at home. What to prepare for christening? What to do if mom is "unclean"

Orthodox believers know about the seven Christian sacraments, one of which is baptism. The teaching says that every Orthodox Christian needs to be baptized in order to save his soul and gain the Kingdom of Heaven after physical death. God's grace descends on those who are baptized, but there are also difficulties - everyone who accepts the rite becomes a soldier of God's army, the forces of evil fall on him. To avoid misfortunes, you need to wear a pectoral cross.

The day of baptism is very important for the believer - it is, as it were, the day of his second birth. This event must be approached with all responsibility. Let's talk about what the baby needs to perform the sacrament, what to buy and take with him, what the godparents should do, how to celebrate this holiday at home.If part of the organization of the ceremony is taken over by the receivers (godparents), it will be right. Preparation for the holiday is carried out by all its participants, especially the relatives of the baby.

It is believed that wearing a pectoral cross protects a person from the forces of evil, and also strengthens his spirit and directs him to the true path. At the same time, the appearance or cost of the material of the cross does not matter - if only the cross was just Orthodox, and not pagan

When is the best time to baptize a baby?

According to custom, the baby is baptized on the 8th or 40th day after birth. There are circumstances that can affect the term for baptism of an infant: if the baby is sick, the disease poses a threat to life, you can baptize him earlier. Orthodoxy says that after christening a person has a guardian angel, who is always behind his right shoulder. He will protect the baby and can save him. It is believed that the more prayers are addressed to the angel, the stronger he will be.

Some people prefer to wait until the little man grows up and becomes stronger. The other side of the coin is that while the child is nursing, he sleeps in the arms of the godmother and calmly endures the sacrament. The older he gets, the more difficult it is for him to stand quietly in the service. At 2 years old, the baby is spinning, wants to run, go out into the street. This creates difficulties for the priest and godparents, because the action can last more than an hour. To bathe in a font is also easier for a nursing baby.

The first thing that mom and dad do before the sacrament is to choose a spiritual name for the baby. In our country, a tradition has developed to call a baby in the world by the wrong name that is given to him when he is baptized in the church - this is a custom justified in Orthodoxy, since it is believed that only a mother and father, a priest and recipients can know the church name.

Then the little man will be more protected from the hardships of life. In the church, you can agree that the baby is named after the saint, on the day of which the baby's date of birth fell.

Recommendations for preparing for the baptism of a small child

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How to organize a christening of a child? It is necessary to visit the temple in which the procedure will take place. In the church shop, you can ask your questions. The church attendant in the shop will invite you to read the baptismal brochure, which describes all the rules. The date of birth of your baby will be written down, they will also ask the desired church name of the baby, the names of his godparents. For the ceremony, a voluntary payment is made in the form of a donation, which goes to the needs of the temple. How much should you pay? The amount of donation may vary from church to church.

Before the sacrament of baptism, the godparents must be sent for an interview with the priest. If the baby's mom and dad come with them and take part in the conversation, this will only be a plus. The priest will tell you how the baptism of a young child is performed, what you need to take with you. He will certainly ask during the conversation whether the mother and father and the child's recipients have been baptized. If not, then the unbaptized should be baptized before the sacrament of the infant is performed. During the conversation, the priest will give recommendations to the family of the baby, appoint a day and time when the child will be baptized. On this day, you should come in advance in order to have time to orient yourself in the situation, to prepare. Many parents invite a photographer to the christening of their child, take photos and videos. You need to know that in order to record videos and photographs, you need to ask permission and blessings from the priest.

The priest will be able to tell more about the sacrament and instruct the godparents, with whom a preliminary conversation is required. The parents of the baby can also come to it.

Who should be chosen as godparents?

Usually people of the same sex with the baby become godparents: for girls - a woman, for boys - a man. You can also invite two godparents of different genders. Then the baby will have a spiritual father and mother.

The question of who is worthy to become your baby's godfather is very important. The godparents become the second parents of the baby. Think about who treats the little man better, who is ready to bear responsibility for him, to give him a spiritual example, to pray for him? Most often, relatives and friends of the family become the recipients.

It is best if a person who is deeply religious, who knows and observes church traditions and laws, becomes a godfather. This person should often visit your home, since he is responsible for the upbringing of the little man, first of all - spiritual. He will be with your baby all his life.

You can choose as a godfather the sister or brother of mom and dad, a close friend or family friend, grandmother or grandfather of the baby.

The recipients must be baptized themselves - this must be done in advance. Parents need to understand that the issue of choosing godparents must be taken very seriously.

Who Can't Become a Godfather?

The laws of baptism in the Orthodox Church are such that they cannot become godparents:

  1. atheists or gentiles;
  2. monks and nuns;
  3. mentally ill people;
  4. children under 15 years old;
  5. drug addicts and alcoholics;
  6. promiscuous women and men;
  7. spouses or sexually close people;
  8. the parents of the baby.

Brother and sister cannot be godparents to each other. If you are baptizing twins, you must not do so on the same day. The twins' godparents may well be the same.

If twins are growing up in the family, then they need to be baptized on different days, but one more pair of godparents is not needed for this - it is enough to find two reliable and pious people

Memo for godparents

  • Appearance. Receivers of the baby should come to church with their pectoral crosses around their necks. If it is a woman, she puts on a skirt below the knee and a jacket with sleeves at the temple. A headdress is required for the godmother. The rules of being in church also apply to the clothes of a man: you cannot bare your knees and shoulders, that is, even in hot weather you will have to give up shorts with a T-shirt. The man is in the temple with his head uncovered.
  • Shopping and payment. It is often asked who should buy a cross for the baptism of a child? Who pays for the procedure? There is a specific procedure for the baptism of a newborn child and preparation for it.
    1. He assumes that the godfather buys a cross for the godson, and also pays for the baptism. The godmother buys a cross for her goddaughter. It is best to choose a cross made of regular metal or silver. It is not customary to use a golden cross at the ceremony. When choosing a cross, pay attention to the fact that he cannot injure the baby, let the cross have oval edges.
    2. In addition to the cross of the godmother, you must buy a towel, a baptismal shirt and a sheet in advance. She buys a kryzhma - the fabric in which the baby is baptized. Caring mothers preserve materia for many years, as it helps to heal the child from illness. The sick little man is wrapped in a kryzhma, and he will begin to recover. It should be stored in a place hidden from prying eyes, since it is believed that through it it is possible to damage the baby.
  • Preparation. People appointed by spiritual parents are obliged to prepare themselves for the baptism of a small child. The preparation includes a strict fast, starting a few days before the event, refusal of entertainment and pleasures. On the eve, it is not bad to take the sacrament in church, before which to go through confession. You must take your baby's birth certificate with you to church. You can watch the video from the baptism in advance in order to roughly understand the sequence of events.
  • Prayer. Recipients are required to learn the Creed prayer. This prayer is read three times by the priest during the sacrament of the baptism of the child; she may be asked to recite the godfather by heart.

The nuances of christening

  • The little man can be christened on any day of the week - on holidays and weekdays, on fasting and on a regular day, but most often christenings take place on Saturday.
  • The receivers are supposed to pick up the child from their parents in advance and go with him to church on the appointed day and time. The parents follow them. There is a sign that the godfather should chew a clove of garlic and breathe in the baby's face. In this way, evil forces are driven away from the baby.
  • Only the closest people are present at the ceremony in the temple - the parents of a boy or girl who receive the sacrament, maybe grandparents. The rest can come to the house of the baptized person after the ceremony and celebrate this event at the festive table.
  • Infant baptism does not always take place in the church itself. Sometimes the priest conducts the ceremony in a specially designated room.
  • If necessary, parents can arrange a ceremony at home or in the hospital. To do this, you need to agree with the priest and pay all his expenses for organizing the sacrament.
  • The priest reads prayers and anoints the newborn. Then he cuts off a lock of hair from his head, as if making a sacrifice to God. Then the baby is lowered into the baptismal font three times, the priest says: "Here is the cross, my daughter (my son), carry it." Together with the priest, the godfather (s) says: "Amen."
  • The child's parents also come to church, observing Orthodox customs. They dress as is customary in the temple. During the ceremony, the mother can pray for her child. Such prayers will surely be answered.
  • In the evening for the holiday, relatives and friends come with gifts. Their choice depends on wealth and imagination: toys or clothes, baby care items or an icon of the saint - the patron saint of the baby.

Traditionally, baptism takes place on the premises of the temple, however, in some circumstances, parents may ask for an exit ceremony - for example, at home or in the delivery room

Features of christening boys and girls

The christening of a girl and a boy differs little. During the ceremony, the godmother carries a male toddler at the altar, but the godmother does not carry a female child there. The christening of a newborn girl presupposes the presence of a headdress, that is, a headscarf is put on her. When a little boy is christened, he is in the temple without a headdress.

If both godparents participate in the ceremony, then first the godmother holds the boy's child, and after bathing in the font, the godfather takes him in his arms and carries him behind the altar. Only the godmother holds the girl in her arms. This is the main difference in the ritual for children of the opposite sex.

If the order of the baptism of a small child is observed, the blood and spiritual parents of the child will prepare for the christening, the child will grow up healthy and cheerful. When he grows up, he will become a highly spiritual person, striving for a righteous life.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

After the birth of a child, parents think about christening. It is clear that it is necessary to prepare for this ceremony in advance, since there are many nuances. You can find out about everything from friends who have already baptized their child or from a priest in church. And we will try to be useful to you and provide you with the necessary information on how to baptize a child correctly, when it is best to do it and what needs to be prepared for this ritual.

Why baptize a child?

Baptism is one of the important events in the life of an Orthodox person. The fact is that thanks to this sacrament, there is an adherence to the faith of Christ, a connection is established between man and God. In addition, baptism means cleansing from original sin. During the ceremony, the child is given the Christian name of one of the saints. So the baptized one has a guardian angel who will protect from invisible dark forces and guide him to the true path.

What time is the child baptized?

"Can a child be baptized immediately after birth?" - this question is very often worried about young parents. According to church canons, baptism can be performed on the 8th day from birth, if the child is weak and very sick. But the mother will not be able to be present because she is considered "unclean." After 40 days from the mother's birthday, a special cleansing prayer is read - the Fortieth Day Prayer. Only then can mom attend an important ceremony. But if the newborn is weak or sickly, baptism is carried out in the first days after birth.

What days are they baptized? Can a child be baptized while fasting?

Baptism can be performed on any day - regular, fast, or festive.

Sometimes it is necessary to decide where to baptize a child. Your choice can fall on any church, but if you are a parishioner of a particular temple, baptize your baby in it. Occasionally, baptisms take place at home - if the child is seriously ill.

How to choose godparents?

These should not be random and unfamiliar people, because the godparents will become the spiritual mentors of your child and will take an active part in his life, since they will give the godson a promise to lead a Christian lifestyle. Please note that future godparents must be baptized themselves, not engaged to each other or not married.

Sometimes parents do not find worthy "candidates" for godparents and are interested in whether it is possible to baptize without godparents. Unfortunately, this is impossible, since the baby does not have his own faith, and it is the godparents who are his recipient. One godfather will be enough: a godmother for a girl and a godfather for a boy.

What to prepare for christening?

Candles and a towel can be purchased in advance or in a church shop. It is important to consider in what clothes the godparents will baptize the child. It should be a new bonnet and white shirt. It can be decorated with lace or embroidery. A pectoral cross, a chain and an icon are traditionally given by godparents.


At the beginning of the ceremony, the godparents renounce three times for the child from Satan and all his deeds, then three times confirm the desire to unite with Christ. Then the godfathers recite the Symbol of Faith prayer. After lighting the water in the font, the priest will anoint the baby with oil (ears, forehead, chest, hands, feet). The child is undressed and brought to the font. The priest will dip the child in the font three times or sprinkle it with holy water. After this, the child is given to the receiver, who accepts him with a towel in his hands (the girl is the godmother, the boy is the godfather). A baptismal shirt and a cross are put on the baby, and chrismation is performed. Then the baptized child and his godparents walk around the baptismal font three times. Next, the priest washes myrrh and cuts off the hair of the baptized child and gives him communion. The boy is carried into the altar. Children of both sexes are put on the icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. The clothes in which the child was baptized are preserved, since they can serve as protection during illness.

Today, the rite of baptism occupies a very important place in the life of almost every Orthodox person. How is the sacrament of baptism held, what is required of godparents, and what should the child's parents know?

At what age should a child be baptized?

There are no clear limits on this. But it is still recommended to baptize the baby at an early age. In this way, the child's original sin will be removed and he becomes a member of the church. It is recommended to baptize the baby after forty days from the moment the baby is born. This is due to the fact that it is during this period of time that the mother of the child is in physiological impurity, and she cannot be present in the temple, but her presence is so necessary for the baby. After forty days from the moment of birth, a prayer is read over the mother, and from that moment she can be admitted to the temple, she can also participate in the sacrament of the baptism of her baby.

The church also recommends baptizing children at the age of eight days. It was at this age that Jesus was dedicated to his Heavenly Father. An adult can also be baptized. To do this, he must undergo catechesis, after which the original sin and all other sins will be removed from the adult. For children, the baptism rite is best done in infancy, since the child is almost always asleep at this time, and he will not have to experience very strong stress from an unfamiliar environment and from the gathering of many strangers.

What is needed for baptism?

To baptize a child, it is necessary to have a pectoral cross, usually the baby's godfather traditionally buys it, a christening gown, outfit or dress - this is bought by the godmother. When choosing an outfit, you should pay attention to the fact that it is comfortable and pleasant, so that the fabric is soft. The cross is best purchased from silver. Crosses are sold in churches or in stores. But it is worth remembering that in the church the crosses have already been consecrated, and the cross that was purchased in the store must be dedicated. It is also necessary to have a canopy.

Kryzhma is a white openwork diaper, in which the baby is taken from the font. Kryzhma must be present in the baptismal ceremony. It is a relic and has been kept for years. Very often, the date of the baptism of the child and his name are embroidered on the corner of the kryzhma. After the baptism, the kryzhma becomes endowed with great powers of healing the baby, in the event that he becomes ill in the future. Kryzhma should also be purchased by the godmother. Some parents purchase a special bag for the baptism ceremony, in which the cut off hairs of the baby will be stored in the future. Sometimes they buy a bible with a satin cover.

Are there days when it is forbidden to baptize a child?

There are no such days. A child can be baptized on absolutely any day, even on Easter. The most important thing is to discuss the date and time of baptism with the clergyman in advance. Of course, it is not recommended to set the christening day on the date of the church holiday, as this can cause some difficulties regarding the technical organization.

What is included in the sacrament of baptism?

Baptism is often carried out in the temple, but it is allowed to carry out this ordinance outside the temple. Baptism lasts about half an hour (sometimes an hour). The priest first reads the prohibition prayers. Thus, in the name of the Lord, he drives out Satan from the child. After that, the baby's godparents renounce Satan three times and three times proclaim the spiritual union with Christ as with God and as with the King (if the child is baptized at an age when he can speak independently, then it is not the godparents who say this, but he himself) ... Further, the Priest reads the Creed three times and blessed oil (oil) and water. The child is smeared with oil as a symbol of the fact that he has now joined the ranks of Christ's Church.

The baptized person is given a name, which should be only Christian, after which he is dipped three times into sacred water. From the water, the baby is taken into the kryzhma. Then the priest conducts the Sacrament of Anointing. The Apostle is also reading the Gospel, during these prayers a small bun of hair is cut off to the baby, and a cross is put on the neck. This symbolizes that the child is now a Christian.

Is it allowed to baptize a child at home?

The rite of baptism symbolizes the fact that a person joins the ranks of the church. After he passes the sacrament of baptism, he becomes a full member of the church. After that, the person is called the daughter or son of God. For this reason, boys are brought into the altar, because only priests can enter there, and girls in the church kiss icons, which are usually not applied to. All of this emphasizes the importance of human full rights in the temple. This explains the fact that a child can be baptized at home, but it is best to do this in a church, since it is there that it has the most meaningful meaning.

Who can be godparents?

Only Christians should be the godparents of a child. Godfathers cannot be: non-believers, unbelievers and unbaptized. Also, members of various religious organizations, sects, and also sinners cannot become godparents for a child. The norms of Church Law state that monks and nuns, mentally ill people, minors (for the reason that their religious development has not yet been fully formed), parents for their own children, people who are among themselves cannot become godparents. in marriage, the groom and the bride (since married life between people who are spiritually related is unacceptable). Usually two godparents are chosen, but in some cases there may be one godfather, for a boy - a godfather, for a girl - a godmother. This absolutely does not contradict the canons. When choosing godparents for your baby, you need to pay attention to how good advisors and spiritual mentors they will be for the child.

Before baptizing a child, godparents must confess so that they can begin the sacrament with a clear conscience. The godparents have a very big responsibility, responsibility for the spiritual education of the child, they must teach the baby the basics of faith, take care of him in difficult times, support, suggest something. With regard to material support, this is the concern of the parents. Godmothers can give gifts to a child, but it is best if these gifts have a religious content.

Are there any requirements for the dress of those present at the time of baptism?

There are no special requirements, but nevertheless, everyone present, choosing their outfit, should understand what the essence of baptism is. You need to dress in a Christian way. After all, in the temple you should not draw attention to yourself, it is better, of course, to focus on the purpose of your coming here, on prayer. As for women, they need to remember about headscarves or headscarves, the best clothing option would be a long skirt.

What are the requirements for the naming process?

Before baptism, the child is always given a name. The name must be Christian. The name of the child is given by the parents, after which the name is registered in the birth certificate. The Church has no right to influence the change of name. The baby can also be given a second name - the church name, it may differ from the name that is registered in the birth certificate. Church names are used in church rites, and registered names are used in everyday life. The church name of the child corresponds to the name of the saint who has the closest name given at birth.

Why is the mother forbidden to attend the ceremony?

This requirement is not observed in all churches. Traditionally, both parents are allowed to be present at the baptism, especially if the child is still small, because the baptismal ceremony is their responsibility. Before the sacrament is performed, the priest reads cleansing prayers.

How is christening celebrated?

After the end of the baptism, they celebrate. A festive table is laid, which symbolizes a significant event in the family. The most important guests at christenings are godparents. At the holiday, everyone wishes the child to grow up healthy, successful, happy, guests present gifts. It is better to give gifts that have spiritual content. At the end of the celebration, the godfathers are the last to leave. This is how the celebration ends.

In many families, at some point, the question arises about the need to baptize the child. These are not always deeply religious families, often people follow the established tradition, sometimes they prefer to give in to the persistent requests of older relatives. Whatever the desire is to perform the sacrament of baptism on a child, the adoption of this decision bears a certain responsibility. This ceremony can be performed only once, so parents want to prepare for it properly, take into account all the nuances and peculiarities so that a good memory remains of it.

When to baptize?

A person can be baptized at any time; there are no restrictions for carrying out a ceremony over him. However, there are long-term traditions when it is customary to baptize children.

Christianity means by baptism the spiritual birth of a person, his introduction to the highest grace, the naming of a spiritual name and the provision of the baby with another pair of people responsible for his life and upbringing - godparents.

The concept of Christian doctrine is such that the path to God is never closed to anyone, but the person who serves as a mediator, helps to join grace and conducts the ritual - this is an ordinary person, albeit ordained.

A priest in terms of accessibility is not much different from any other servant, he has his own responsibilities, he can get sick and the like.

So, it is reasonable to baptize a child starting from the eighth day of his life, but it is better to do this not earlier than the fortieth day, when his mother has passed the phase of physiological cleansing and can be returned to the bosom of the church by reading a special prayer over her.

This will allow the mother to be present at the baptismal ritual, which may be appropriate for the child.
The kid, in turn, having lived in this world for more than a month, adapts to it, the work of his systems will improve, and he himself will become somewhat stronger to visit such a crowded place like a temple.

Such a small child is still asleep almost all the time, and the stress of what is happening will not affect him much, but the swimming reflex has not yet faded away, and the baptized person will not cost anything to hold his breath while immersed in the font and not drown in water.

Important! Sometimes circumstances force the baby to be christened as soon as possible, for example, in the hospital ward or even in intensive care. Doctors usually respect this and allow the ceremony to be performed by inviting a priest.

After six months of age, the activity of the baby increases, and the periods of wakefulness are lengthened, he recognizes his own and is afraid of strangers, which can somewhat complicate the sacrament and make it less comfortable and solemn.

Holidays, memorial days and fasting are not at all an obstacle to the baptism of a child, it is another matter that the schedule of a particular temple and its rules provide for a ceremony on certain days, while other activities may be planned on others.
But if there is such a need or a strong desire of the parents, then you can always invite the priest to your house on an individual basis.

The season and unfavorable weather conditions should not bother parents: churches have a centuries-old practice of baptizing children - today they are heated, and the water in the font is heated.

What do you need?

In order to baptize a child, the consent of at least one of his parents is required. Further, it is up to the choice of the church where the sacrament will be held, the selection of godparents for the baby and the acquisition of the things necessary for the ceremony.

Choosing a church

The only thing that should be absolutely observed when choosing a place where you will baptize your child is to choose a church of your confession. All other factors are subjective:

  • for someone it is important that the temple is located not far from home;
  • someone wants his offspring to be baptized by a specific priest, for example, who is the spiritual father of the parents;
  • for someone it is important that the priest makes a pleasant impression in the conversation;
  • for someone it matters how he feels in the temple.
There can be many considerations, and parents, based on them, opt for the church where they intend to introduce their child to grace.

Choosing Godparents

Being the chosen godparent is a huge responsibility. The people that parents choose for this role must be truly close and responsible.

In fact, they have the right and even are obliged to participate in the upbringing of their godson, to instruct him in life, they are also charged with the obligation to introduce him into the bosom of the church. Often, parents choose close friends and relatives for this honorable role.

Not every person can become a godparent, there are restrictions:
  • age - a boy under 15 years old and a girl under 13 years old cannot take on this honorable role, since they themselves are still children who need mentors;
  • it is forbidden to be godparents to nuns and monks;
  • mentally ill people cannot fulfill the most important duties of godparents;
  • biological parents under no circumstances can baptize their own child;
  • Godfather and mother should not be in a marriage and / or sexual relationship either in the past, or in the present, or in the future - they are only related by a spiritual connection in relation to the godson.

Important! Signs that limit the right of an unmarried girl to become a godmother for a girl, women to baptize a baby do not have any grounds and refer to superstitions - the church does not confirm them.

Future godparents, in turn, must themselves be baptized.
It is advisable for them to confess before the ceremony, and on the day for which it is appointed, tune in to a spiritual harmony with the help of prayer, if possible, rejecting everything earthly from themselves.

This is manifested in fasting and abstinence for maximum communion with God's grace.

Traditionally, a couple is chosen as godparents: a man and a woman, but according to the canons, a child needs a godparent of the same sex as himself.

Did you know? When a grown up toddler begins to learn to walk, frequent falls are inevitable. There is a custom, according to which one of the godparents must personally choose and buy (or make with his own hand) something that the child could wear on his legs: tights, sliders, socks, and put a new thing on his godson with his own hands. It is believed that after that it will become less frequent.fallor stop altogether.

The tradition has gone further and allows you to choose several pairs of godparents for one baby, this is also not bad - the more close people he has, the better.

List of necessary things

The baptized person needs several things for the ceremony:

  1. The baptismal shirt, it symbolizes the soul, joined to grace, therefore, it is desirable that the shirt be white; it can be inherited, but is used only in the rite of baptism.
  2. A kryzhma, a piece of fabric, a new diaper or a towel - the child is taken into it after the font. Kryzhma symbolizes purity, the sinless beginning of life, during the subsequent life it serves a person and, unlike the baptismal shirt, belongs only to him.
  3. A pectoral cross, which the priest will put on the baby during the ceremony and which will be able to serve him for many years. If the cross was purchased not in a church shop, the priest consecrates it before the beginning of the ceremony, and at the same time checks whether it corresponds to the confession.
  4. The image of the saint, after whom the baby is named.
  5. Candles for the ceremony.
  6. In some temples, it is customary to sacrifice: wine and bread.
  7. At your own request, you can purchase a bag designed to store the strands cut during the ceremony.
The baptismal shirt can be inherited, acquired specifically for this child, but it will be best if the godmother sews it herself. It is customary to wear a cap in a set for a shirt.

Did you know? Popular rumor says that “godfather with rags, godfather with grandmothers” comes to baptism, that is, the godmother is supposed to ensure the availability of baptismal clothes and kryzhma, and the godfather is charged with the obligation to buy a cross, candles, make voluntary donations and the like. Currently, this popular "rule" is not very carefully observed, and all costs are negotiated and allocated in advance.

The set of things necessary for the baptism of a child is the same for boys and girls, with the only difference that the latter must wear a cap without fail.

How much and to whom to pay?

Canonically, money is not supposed to be taken for baptism, but in fact donations for the temple are accepted, which must be made before the ceremony.

From the earliest pagan times, religious buildings and priests working in them existed on donations, unable to receive other material income, since they provided spiritual services.

In the modern world, little has changed, with the only difference that the modern church is the same communal facility as a house, where it is necessary to pay utility bills, maintenance and major repairs, the maintenance of the facility itself and the priest's family, according to custom - large.

Did you know? There is a belief that hair cut off at baptism should be put through flowing water for a happy, rich and interesting life of its owner. Flowing water, that is, a river or a spring, is a necessary condition for the foundation of a settlement, a source of life in the most direct sense, since it provides both water and food, if it is a river. It is not surprising that he was deified, worshiped and appreciated in every possible way.

But the priest has no right to refuse an indigent family in the sacrament of baptism, because they do not trade in God's grace. If the refusal, due to the impossibility of making donations, nevertheless happened, you should contact the clergyman who oversees the order in the entire parish - the dean.

How is the ceremony

Many parents are alarmed by the fact that they are not allowed to be present at the baptism of their own child, but not all churches have this strict rule, and if they want to witness the performance of the sacrament, you can easily find a temple in which this is possible.

Therefore, both secular and godparents should study the general rules according to which the rite of baptism of a child takes place in Orthodoxy, as well as the rules that should be observed in this particular church.

All those present at the ceremony must be baptized, their pectoral crosses must be with them.

It is advisable to arrive at the temple in advance in order to tune in the right mood, familiarize yourself with the situation, pray and feel the peace that is decent for the planned event. In addition, it is simply indecent to be late - the priest has a busy schedule and many responsibilities.

When the time comes to begin the ceremony, the godparents bring the child into the temple, and the parent of the opposite sex is holding him in his arms.
The baby is wrapped in a light cloth, the baptismal shirt is put on him only after the font, just like a soul puts on clean clothes.

Father asks the godparents to turn their faces to the west, where the abode of Satan is symbolically located, after which he invites them to renounce the devil and serve him three times. You need to answer: "I renounce."

Important! As for the presence or absence of a diaper, this question should be clarified directly with the priest. On the one hand, a person should be naked, but on the other, without a diaper, everyone will somehow feel uneasy.

After renunciation, the godparents are supposed to read the "Symbol of Faith", a prayer that they, among others, must know by heart. It is a summary of the foundations and principles of the Christian religion.

After the act of renunciation, the priest blesses the water in the font and plunges the child into it three times, pronouncing the sacred formula of baptism, after which chrismation is performed.

The godparent of the same sex takes the baby out of the font, wrapping him in a canopy, and the priest places a pectoral cross on him.
The godfather, who does not have a baby in his arms, puts on him a baptismal gown prepared in advance, symbolizing cleansing from all sin.

Now you need to make a sacrifice to the Lord for the acquired spiritual life, cutting off strands of hair in a cross-like fashion.

At the end of baptism and chrismation, a new member of the church community is carried three times around the font, after which a commemorative certificate of baptism is issued.

Did you know? Three-fold circumvention of something since ancient times means that from now on a person is his own. For example, among the Slavs, marriage was considered concluded, and the new daughter-in-law was adopted into the family, when the mother-in-law circled the young people three times around the hearth. For the spirits of the ancestors living under his stones, this was enough to consider the new woman from now on a member of a kind.

The baptism of the boy ends by bringing him into the altar, the girl - by adoring the image of the Mother of God.

In addition to the "Symbol of Faith", for the successful baptism of a child, godparents need to know in memory the "Our Father" and "The Virgin Mary" - the prayers that are basic for every believer.

How christening is celebrated

After the baptism has taken place, this event should be celebrated. The parents of the child invite guests to the festive feast. Modern conditions do not always allow you to do this at home, but it does not matter where the holiday is held.

Celebration rules

Regardless of whether christenings will be celebrated at home, in nature or in a cafe, you need to take care of a quiet place where the baby, loaded with an exorbitant amount of emotions, can retire with his mother, who will put him to his chest, sing a song, get seasick, and he can sleep peacefully and gain strength.

Did you know? It is interesting that in European languages ​​the name of the baptism rite is not associated with the cross - a symbol of the Christian faith. The name of the ceremony of communion with God's grace on them sounds like "baptizo", in Greek it is "immersion in water", and not only ritual, but in general anything. The Slavic language that emerged in Christian times gave the name of the rite a Christian meaning, and this is its philological feature.

This celebration is special, it should not be filled with noisy fun, loud music, abundant libation. This holiday is quiet, blissful. It will be good if it will be attended, with which you can conduct contests, various games and at the end give them memorable gifts.
The celebration is full of joy and even exultation, but not unbridled and inadequate, but light and good. While instructing all those present at the baptism, the priest gives advice to pray for the baby.

The interior design should use white and gold colors, which symbolize purity and renewal, warmth and light. The table is covered with a white tablecloth and served with gilded cutlery. If there is a desire to use flowers in the decoration, they are also selected in accordance with the event, for example, white lilies or tulips.

Important! Without fail, among the treats there should be dough products, as well as cereals. Pies and pies, all kinds of buns and pretzels, pancakes and the like are indispensable attributes of a baptismal feast. Since ordinary porridge is now not included in the list of holiday dishes, it can be cooked in a special way, using nuts and dried fruits, or you can make a cereal casserole or pudding.

In addition to sweets, it is customary to serve poultry baked in ceramic dishes. There should be a lot of vegetables and herbs on the table, evoking thoughts of spring, the beginning of a new life and joy. But alcohol should be at a minimum. Better if it is a church or light wine.
And of course, one should not forget to record the ceremony itself and the subsequent celebration in photos and videos in order to preserve the memory of such an important event.

Did you know? During the christening celebration for the young father, our ancestors prepared a special porridge, very salty and spicy, with pepper, horseradish, mustard and similar seasonings. He should have eaten at least a spoonful of this terrible treat, because it symbolized the birth pangs, some of which the father was asked to experience in this way on that very day.

What to give a newborn

According to the established traditions, the godparents give the child a silver cross with a chain, a silver spoon, a kryzhma, a baptismal shirt. New time dictates new conditions, and now for the godson you can open a bank account or give a gold jewelry, in a word, a valuable, useful and preferably practical gift.

The rest of the guests also try to please with good gifts: clothes, high-quality toys, jewelry, books, special children's furniture and accessories, bed linen.

Silver jewelry is traditional for christenings, but no one forbids choosing gold jewelry if there is such a desire and opportunity. It would be appropriate to make an engraving on it.


Periodically, people have questions that are not directly related to the ritual, but related to it.

How to dress?

Just as the thoughts of people who are to be present at the most important church rite in a person's life should be pure, their attire should be just as modest and splendid. It is not welcome, and in many churches it is forbidden for women to wear trousers, transparent and open clothes, and make-up.

A scarf or shawl is required to visit the temple: a woman is obliged to cover her head, while a man, on the contrary, bares her.

The attire of men should also look modest and dignified: a shirt should be preferred to a T-shirt or a T-shirt; if, nevertheless, the choice stops on a T-shirt, it should be without a pattern or inscriptions that distract attention.

If a man decided to wear jeans as trousers, they should not look provocative, be with holes and bright inscriptions, hang low on the hips.

Should I be called saints?

Before baptism, the child is named. This can be a name already given to the child at birth and documented, or another name that the baby is named in honor of an Orthodox saint.

It happens that the parents called the child a non-Orthodox name, and then at baptism the priest names him close in sound or a completely different name, chosen by the parents on their own or on his advice.

Did you know? Angel Day or Name Day is a day on which the memory of the saint is celebrated, in whose honor the baby is named.

The name can be found in church calendars, special literature, and the Internet. Once it was customary to call a child by the name of a saint whose memory is celebrated on the day of baptism or birthday, but following this custom is not at all necessary.

A priest will never name a child according to his own understanding, without taking into account the will of the parents.

Whom to invite?

Traditionally, relatives and closest friends with their families and children are invited to such an event. The presence of godparents is required.

Did you know? The words "godfather" and "godfather" are not at all terms referring exclusively to Christianity, although the godparents are called so in relation to the actual parents, as well as to each other. At the moment, it is no longer possible to determine what is the origin of these words, they are so ancient. There is a version that they are the same root with the word "idol", deity, that is, people who call each other godfathers, are spiritual relatives.

What if mom is "unclean"?

Until the age of forty, the mother is considered "unclean" and is prohibited from attending church. After this time, she is allowed to take part in baptism after reading a special cleansing prayer over her.

If it is required to baptize the baby earlier, the mother is not present at the ceremony. If the baby is already several months old, the monthly cycle after childbirth has recovered, and the baby's christening just falls on one of these moments, you should consult with the priest.

On the one hand, the shedding of blood within the temple is prohibited, on the other hand, modern hygiene products make it possible to completely neutralize this effect. Therefore, in each temple, this issue is looked at individually.

Everything that has been said about critical days also applies to the godmother.

Can you baptize without a priest?

In exceptional cases, a child can be baptized at any time, even immediately after birth, and any baptized layman can do this. The ceremony requires one parent, a little water and the knowledge of a short special prayer.

However, it should be understood that this rite is incomplete, in the future it requires mandatory completion in the temple. The priest should be warned of the action taken so that he can properly complete what he started.

Can the baby be washed immediately?

The church does not put any prohibitions on bathing after the ceremony, however, many prefer not to wash the baptized child for several days, so that the sacred oil applied during the sacrament remains on his body for a longer time.

Baptizing a child in infancy or waiting for him to decide on his own in life has long become a personal matter for a single family. For believing families, this is not a question, and the rest make their choice in accordance with personal considerations.
And when it has already been done in favor of baptism, one should study the issue, pay attention to the choice of a temple and a priest, godparents, carefully plan and hold a holiday so that a good memory will remain of it.

The desire to christen your child the Orthodox Church is welcome in any case. But today we all often lack knowledge about church rites in general and about the rite of baptism in particular.

Rather, having decided to baptize the newborn, we adhere to family traditions, not fully realizing the importance of this rite, that it is the second birth of a baby, spiritual: his rapprochement with God Himself, who from now on will direct the fate of our son or daughter ... Hence, there are many questions to the clergy that arise from almost all parents. And one of them is not unimportant - is it possible to baptize a child not in a church, but at home?

Can a child be baptized at home?

In the Orthodox Church, there are no special canons prohibiting baptism at home. And in past centuries, especially in rural areas, much more often than now, the ceremony took place at home. And there were reasons for this. We know that peasant families were almost everywhere with many children, and babies were often born one after another. The mother's body did not have time to recover after childbirth and younger children were born much weaker than their older brothers and sisters. Some of them were simply not viable or were born prematurely. In such cases, when the road to the temple could turn into a deterioration or death for the baby, the priest was called to the house.

Baptism in a hospital or maternity hospital

It is since then that the condition for baptism outside the church has remained in our church, under which priests baptize at home or in a hospital premature babies born with pathology or sick and significantly weakened babies. In this case, the rite is performed without immersion in water, which is replaced by sprinkling the crumbs with holy water.

The second moment when baptism at home is permissible is the absence of conditions for baptism in a temple or a temple located very far from the place where the family lives. Of course, the organization of both the arrival and the departure of the priest in such a situation is undertaken by the parents or godparents. Of course, in this case too, due to the absence of a baptismal font, immersion is replaced by sprinkling.

Baptism of boys outside the temple

It should be noted that although baptism at home is permissible, the clergy strongly recommend that everything be done to ensure that it is carried out in the temple. Especially when it comes to a boy: boys, unlike girls, are also carried around the altar three times during the ceremony, and only in this case we can talk about full compliance with all the conditions for the baptism of an infant.

Baptism, where there are no Orthodox churches

The question of baptizing an infant at home is very closely related to the question of what to do if the family of a newborn lives in a place where there are no Orthodox churches at all? For example, abroad? And is it possible in this case to baptize the crumb ourselves?

It is good if there is a grandmother in the family who knows the main prayers and is able to read them over some water, which she will then sprinkle on the baby's head, again reading at least the main Orthodox prayers: "Symbol of Faith", "Our Father" and "Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice" ... If this is not possible, this function should be assumed by an older member of the family or a believing Orthodox person from the outside. The necessary prayers can always be found on the Internet and be sure to memorize them. But in any case, if the family ends up in a place where there are no Orthodox churches (there are such cities, for example, in the USA, Mexico, North Africa, etc.), later, even after years, the baptism rite must be supplemented by a clergyman in accordance with with church canons.

We are talking about its addition, and not about a second baptism, which cannot be carried out. And for this, parents, future godfathers, or, if the person is already an adult, the person being baptized himself needs to meet with the priest first and describe the situation to him in detail. If the family still lives in the far abroad, it is necessary to find out exactly where in this country there are Orthodox churches. In particular, in the same America, they are and are most often located in the suburbs of large cities - for example, in the suburbs of Chicago, where you can go as soon as the baby grows up enough to be able to endure a long journey.

Baptism for the second time is prohibited

And we emphasize again: the second baptism of a person by the church is prohibited. It is possible to be born spiritually - as well as physically - only once! Our Creed clearly and clearly says: "I confess one (one) baptism for the remission of sins ...". If you were baptized in infancy and, becoming an adult, you want to become a Christian consciously, you just need to remember that you are a baptized person and try to live as the Orthodox Church expects of us.

Svetlana Kostitsyna.